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Public Health and Sport Sciences

Inclusion representatives

Prior to the creation of the department of Public Health and Sports Science in 2022, the Sport and Health Sciences Inclusion Committee was established in 2012 and pre-June 2018 was referred to as the Athena SWAN Working Group. Its title and terms of reference were updated in June 2018 in response to the Athena SWAN Charter’s updated and expanded principles, as well as the wider equality, diversity and inclusivity remit of the committee.

The Athena SWAN Charter provided an initial focus and structure for our work, ensuring we routinely use evidence regarding our current student and staff populations, and the environment and culture of our discipline, to inform the development of clear actions, measures and targets. Whilst Athena SWAN continues to be a strong focus for our work, we have established a mission and objectives to widen our remit, working towards creating a better working environment for all staff and students.

Who we are

Staff member Job family
Luciana Torquati (Director of EDI) Education & Research
Mae Mansoubi (Deputy Director of EDI) Education & Research

Students of different ages talking together around a table by the library

Our objectives

To achieve our mission the Public Health and Sport Sciences Inclusivity Representatives will:

1. Promote a culture within PHSS that values the contribution of all its members.

2. Receive and encourage feedback from staff and students.

The committee will be a focus point to bring equality, diversity and inclusivity-related issues for discussion.

3. Assess and analyse the basis of and best route for equality, diversity and inclusivity-related actions to be created and embedded within PHSS.

For example, through the undertaking of qualitative and quantitative analysis and by consultation with staff and students on issues identified.

4. Respond to the identified barriers to wellbeing, equality, diversity and inclusivity within the department 

In particular those related to the 2010 Equality Act’s protected characteristics1 by creating and undertaking actions to support and empower staff and students in their working environment.

1. Sex, sexual orientation, age, race, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership

5. Measure the impact of our actions 

Through overseeing the planning and submission process for future equality-focused Departmental accreditations e.g. Athena SWAN2, and supporting University-level equality accreditations where possible i.e. Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, Disability Confident, Race Equality Charter, Mindful Employer and Time to Change.

2. The committee should recognise that while everything within a written Athena SWAN application should be considered through the primary lens of gender, other factors that shape people’s identity and therefore their experience within the institution should not be ignored.

6. Implement, monitor and update the Departmental Athena SWAN Action Plan, assigning actions to individual leads on the team.

On leaving their roles, inclusivity representatives are responsible for officially handing over their actions to alternative members of the group.

About Athena SWAN

7. Share best practice in wellbeing, equality, diversity and inclusivity activity and policies with other universities and departments.

8. Disseminate information about wellbeing, equality, diversity and inclusivity throughout PHSS

The committee will also liaise with other STEM/M disciplines and the wider university on the actions the discipline is taking.

9. Champion wellbeing resources and relevant training opportunities available to staff and students

e.g. leadership training programmes such as Sprint, Aurora, Springboard and Navigator.

10. Promote relevant formal networks and schemes within the University

Such as the Dignity and Respect Advisors, Speak Out Guardians, Early Career Researcher Networks, LGBTQ+ Network, BME Network, Disabled and Chronically Ill Network, mentoring opportunities and Parent and Carer Network.