Publications archive
Please email Dr Anthony Martyr for article requests.
Alexander, C.M., Martyr, A., Savage, S.A., & Clare, L. (2019). Measuring Awareness in People with Dementia: Protocol for a scoping review. Systematic Reviews, 8, 160. doi: 10.1186/s13643-019-1078-5 (open access)
Bahar-Fuchs, A., Martyr, A., Goh, A.M.Y., Sabates, J., & Clare, L. (2019). Cognitive training for people with mild to moderate dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, Issue 6, Art. No.:CD013069. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013069.pub2
Clare, L., Kudlicka, A., Oyebode, J.R., Jones, R.W., Bayer, A., Leroi, I., Kopelman, M., James, I.A., Culverwell, A., Pool, J., Brand, A., Henderson, C., Hoare, Z., Knapp, M., Morgan-Trimmer, S., Burns, A., Corbett, A., Whitaker, R., & Woods, B. (2019). Goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation in early-stage Alzheimer’s and related dementias: the GREAT RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 23, 10. doi: 10.3310/hta23100 (free access)
Clare, L., Kudlicka, A., Oyebode, J.R., Jones, R.W., Bayer, A., Leroi, I., Kopelman, M., James, I.A., Culverwell, A., Pool, J., Brand, A., Henderson, C., Hoare, Z., Knapp, M., & Woods, B. (2019). Individual goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation to improve everyday functioning for people with early-stage dementia: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial (the GREAT trial). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34, 709-721. doi: 10.1002/gps.5076 (open access)
Clare, L., Wu, Y.-T., Jones, I.R., Victor, C.R., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Quinn, C., Litherland, R., Pickett, J.A., Hindle, J.V., Jones, R.W., Knapp, M., Kopelman, M.D., Morris, R.G., Rusted, J.M., Thom, J.M., Lamont, R.A., Henderson, C., Rippon, I., Hillman, A., & Matthews, F.E., On behalf of the IDEAL study team. (2019). A comprehensive model of factors associated with subjective perceptions of "living well" with dementia: findings from the IDEAL study. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 33, 36-41. doi: 10.1097/WAD.0000000000000286 (open access)
Clare, L., Wu, Y.-T., Quinn, C., Jones, I.R., Victor, C.R., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Litherland, R., Pickett, J.A., Hindle, J.V., Jones, R.W., Knapp, M., Kopelman, M.D., Morris, R.G., Rusted, J.M., Thom, J.M., Lamont, R.A., Henderson, C., Rippon, I., Hillman, A., & Matthews, F.E., On behalf of the IDEAL study team. (2019). A comprehensive model of factors associated with capability to "live well" for family caregivers of people living with mild to moderate dementia: findings from the IDEAL study. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 33, 29-35. doi: 10.1097/WAD.0000000000000285 (open access)
Collins, R., Silarova, B., & Clare, L. (2019). Dementia primary prevention policies and strategies and their local implementation: a scoping review using England as a case study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 70, S313-S318. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180608 (open access)
Evans, I.E.M., Llewellyn, D.J., Matthews, F.E., Woods, R.T., Brayne, C., & Clare, L. On behalf of the CFAS-Wales research team. (2019). Living alone and cognitive function in later life. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 81, 222-233. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2018.12.014 (open access)
Evans, I.E.M., Llewellyn, D.J., Matthews, F.E., Woods, R.T., Brayne, C., & Clare, L. on behalf of the CFAS-Wales research team. (2019). Social isolation, cognitive reserve and cognition in older people with depression and anxiety. Aging & Mental Health, 23, 1691-1700. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1506742 (open access)
Evans, I.E.M., Martyr, A., Collins, R., Brayne, C., & Clare, L. (2019). Social isolation and cognitive function in later life: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 70, S119-S144. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180501 (open access)
Henderson, C., Knapp, M., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., Martyr, A., Wu, Y.-T., Jones, I.R., Victor, C.R., Pickett, J.A., Hindle, J.V., Jones, R.W., Kopelman, M.D., Matthews, F.E., Morris, R.G., Rusted, J., Thom, J.M., & Clare, L., on behalf of the IDEAL programme team. (2019). Use and costs of services and unpaid care for people with mild-to-moderate dementia: baseline results from the IDEAL cohort study. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions. 5, 685-696. doi: 10.1016/j.trci.2019.09.012 (open access)
Jones, K., Birchley, G., Huxtable, R., Clare, L., Walter, T., & Dixon, J. (2019). End of life care: a scoping review of experiences of Advance Care Planning for people with dementia. Dementia, 18, 825-845. doi: 10.1177/1471301216676121
Kudlicka, A., Martyr, A., Bahar‐Fuchs, A., Woods, B., & Clare, L. (2019). Cognitive rehabilitation for people with mild to moderate dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD013388. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013388 (free access)
Lamont, R.A., Quinn, C., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Rusted, J.M., Hindle, J.V., Longdon, B., & Clare, L. on behalf of the IDEAL study team. (2019). Self-esteem, self-efficacy and optimism as psychological resources among family caregivers of people with dementia: findings from the IDEAL study. International Psychogeriatrics, 31, 1259-1266. doi: 10.1017/S1041610219001236
Martyr, A., Boycheva, E., & Kudlicka, A. (2019). Assessing inhibitory control in early-stage Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease using the Hayling Sentence Completion Test. Journal of Neuropsychology, 13, 67-81. doi: 10.1111/jnp.12129
Martyr, A., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., Rusted, J.M., Morris, R.G., & Clare, L. on behalf of the IDEAL study team. (2019). The relationship between perceived functional difficulties and the ability to live well with mild-to-moderate dementia: findings from the IDEAL study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34, 1251-1261. doi: 10.1002/gps.5128 (open access)
Nelis, S.M., Wu, Y.-T., Matthews, F.E., Martyr, A., Quinn, C., Rippon, I., Rusted, J., Thom, J.M., Kopelman, M.D., Hindle, J.V., Jones, R.W., & Clare, L. (2019). The impact of comorbidity on the quality of life of people with dementia: findings from the IDEAL study. Age and Ageing, 48, 361-367. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy155 (open access)
Opdebeeck, C., Yates, J.A., Kudlicka, A., & Martyr, A. (2019). What are subjective cognitive difficulties and do they matter? Age and Ageing, 48, 122-127. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy148
Oyebode, J.R., Pini, S., Ingleson, E., Megson, M., Horton, M., Clare, L., Al-Janabi, H., Brayne, C., & Wright, P. (2019). Development of an item pool for a needs-based measure of quality of life of carers of a family member with dementia. The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, 12, 125-136. doi: 10.1007/s40271-018-0334-4
Quinn, C., Jones, I.R., Martyr, A., Nelis, S.M., Morris, R.G., & Clare, L. on behalf of the IDEAL study team. (2019). Caregivers' beliefs about dementia: findings from the IDEAL study. Psychology and Health, 34, 1214-1230. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2019.1597098 (open access)
Quinn, C., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Victor, C., Morris, R.G., & Clare, L. on behalf of the IDEAL study team. (2019). Influence of positive and negative dimensions of dementia caregiving on caregiver well-being and satisfaction with life: Findings from the IDEAL study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27, 838-848. doi: 10.1016/j.jagp.2019.02.005 (open access)
Quinn, C., & Toms, G. (2019). Influence of positive aspects of dementia caregiving on caregivers' well-being: a systematic review. The Gerontologist, 59, e584-e596. doi: 10.1093/geront/gny168
Bahar-Fuchs, A., Martyr, A., Goh, A.M.Y., Sabates, J., & Clare, L. (2018). Cognitive training for people with mild to moderate dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 7, Art. No.: CD013069. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013069
Clare, L., Teale, J.C., Toms, G., Kudlicka, A., Evans, I., Abrahams, S., Goldstein, L.H., Hindle, J.V., Ho, A.K., Jahanshahi, M., Langdon, D., Morris, R.G., Davies, R., Marková, I.S., Busse, M., & Thompson-Coon, J. (2018). Cognitive rehabilitation, self-management, psychotherapeutic and caregiver support interventions in progressive neurodegenerative conditions: a scoping review. NeuroRehabilitation, 43, 443-471. doi: 10.3233/NRE-172353
Evans, I.E.M., Llewellyn, D.J., Matthews, F.E., Woods, R.T., Brayne, C., & Clare, L. on behalf of the CFAS-Wales research team. (2018). Social isolation, cognitive reserve, and cognition in healthy older people. PloS One, 13, e0201008. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201008
Hillman, A., Jones, I.R., Quinn, C., Nelis, S.M., & Clare, L. (2018). Dualities of dementia illness narratives and their role in a narrative economy. Sociology of Health & Illness, 40, 874-891. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.12729 (open access)
Hinchliffe, S., Jackson, M.A., Wyatt, K., Barlow, A.E., Barreto, M., Clare, L., Depledge, M.H., Durie, R., Fleming, L.E., Groom, N., Morrissey, K., Salisbury, L., & Thomas, F. (2018). Healthy publics: enabling cultures and environments for health. Palgrave Communications, 4, 57. doi: 10.1057/s41599-018-0113-9
Hindle, J.V., Watermeyer, T.J., Roberts, J., Brand, A., Hoare, Z., Martyr, A., & Clare, L. (2018). Goal-orientated cognitive rehabilitation for dementias associated with Parkinson’s disease- a pilot randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33, 718-728. doi: 10.1002/gps.4845
Kudlicka, A., Hindle, J.V., Spencer, L.E., & Clare, L. (2018). Everyday functioning of people with Parkinson’s disease and impairments in executive function: a qualitative investigation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40, 2351-2363. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1334240
Litherland, R., Burton, J., Cheeseman, M., Campbell, D., Hawkins, M., Hawkins, T., Oliver, K., Scott, D., Ward, J., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., Victor, C., & Clare, L. (2018). Reflections on PPI from the 'Action on Living Well: Asking You' advisory network of people with dementia and carers as part of the IDEAL study. Dementia, 17, 1035-1044. doi: 10.1177/1471301218789309
Martyr, A., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., Wu, Y.-T., Lamont, R.A., Henderson, C., Clarke, R., Hindle, J.V., Thom, J.M., Jones, I.R., Morris, R.G., Rusted, J.M., Victor, C.R., & Clare, L. (2018). Living well with dementia: a systematic review and correlational meta-analysis of factors associated with quality of life, well-being, and life satisfaction in people with dementia. Psychological Medicine, 48, 2130-2139. doi: 10.1017/S0033291718000405 (open access)
Martyr, A. & Clare, L. (2018). Awareness of functional ability in people with early-stage dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32, 31-38. doi: 10.1002/gps.4664
McMaster, M., Kim, S., Clare, L., Torres, S.J., D'Este, C., & Anstey, K.J. (2018). Body, Brain, Life for Cognitive Decline (BBL-CD): protocol for a multidomain dementia risk reduction randomized controlled trial for subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 13, 2397-2406. doi: 10.2147/cia.S182046
Nelis, S.M., Thom, J.M., Jones, I.R., Hindle, J.V., & Clare, L. (2018). Goal-setting to promote a healthier lifestyle in later life: qualitative evaluation of the AgeWell trial. Clinical Gerontologist, 41, 335-345. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2017.1416509 (open access)
Oltra-Cucarella, J., Ferrer-Cascales, R., Clare, L., Morris, S.B., Espert, R., Tirapu-Ustárroz, J., & Sánchez-SanSegundo, M. (2018). Differential effects of cognition-focused interventions for people with Alzheimer’s disease. A meta-analysis. Neuropsychology, 32, 664-679. doi: 10.1037/neu0000449
Opdebeeck, C., Matthews, F.E., Wu, Y.-T., Woods, R.T., Brayne, C., Clare, L. & Cognitive Function Ageing Study.(2018). Cognitive reserve as a moderator of the negative association between mood and cognition: evidence from a population-representative cohort. Psychological Medicine, 48, 61-71. doi: 10.1017/s003329171700126x
Pickett, J.A., Bird, C., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Brayne, C., Cowan, K., Clare, L., Comas-Herrera, A., Corner, L., Daley, S., Knapp, M., Lafortune, L., Livingston, G., Manthorpe, J., Marchant, N., Moriarty, J., Robinson, L., van Lynden, C., Windle, G., Woods, B., Gray, K., & Walton, C. (2018). A roadmap to advance dementia research in prevention, diagnosis, intervention, and care by 2025. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33, 900-906. doi: 10.1002/gps.4868 (open access)
Pike, K.E., Ong, B., Clare, L., & Kinsella, G.J. (2018). Face-name memory training in subjective memory decline: how does office-based training translate to everyday situations? Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 25, 724-752. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2017.1366971
Pini, S., Ingleson, E., Megson, M., Clare, L., Wright, P., & Oyebode, J.R. (2018). A needs-led framework for understanding the impact of caring for a family member with dementia. The Gerontologist, 58, e68-e77. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx148 (open access)
Quinn, C., Morris, R.G., & Clare, L. (2018). Beliefs about dementia: development and validation of the representations and adjustment to dementia index (RADIX). The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26, 680-689. doi: 10.1016/j.jagp.2018.02.004 (open access)
Roberts, J.L., Anderson, N.D., Guild, E., Cyr, A.-A., Jones, R.S.P., & Clare, L. (2018). The benefits of errorless learning for people with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 28, 984-996. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2016.1216000
Silarova, B., Nelis, S.M., Ashworth, R.M., Ballard, C., Bieńkiewicz, M., Henderson, C., Hillman, A., Hindle, J.V., Hughes, J.C., Lamont, R.A., Litherland, R., Jones, I.R., Jones, R.W., Knapp, M., Kotting, P., Martyr, A., Matthews, F.E., Morris, R.G., Quinn, C., Regan, J., Rusted, J.M., van den Heuvel, E.A., Victor, C.R., Wu, Y.-T., & Clare, L. (2018). Protocol for the IDEAL-2 longitudinal study: following the experiences of people with dementia and their primary carers to understand what contributes to living well with dementia and enhances active life. BMC Public Health, 18, 1214. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-6129-7 (open access)
Vatter, S., McDonald, K.R., Stanmore, E., Clare, L., & Leroi, I. (2018). Multidimensional care burden in parkinson-related dementia. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 31, 319-328. doi: 10.1177/0891988718802104 (open access)
Vatter, S., McDonald, K.R., Stanmore, E., Clare, L., McCormick, S.A., & Leroi, I. (2018). A qualitative study of female caregiving spouses’ experiences of intimate relationships as cognition declines in Parkinson’s disease. Age and Ageing, 47, 604-640. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy049 (open access)
Wu, Y.-T., Clare, L., Hindle, J.V., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., & Matthews, F.E. on behalf of the IDEAL study team. (2018). Dementia subtype and living well: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) study. BMC Medicine, 16, 140. doi: 10.1186/s12916-018-1135-2 (open access)
Wu, Y.-T., Clare, L., Jones, I.R., Martyr, A., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., Victor, C.R., Lamont, R.A., Rippon, I., & Matthews, F.E. on behalf of the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) study. (2018). Inequalities in living well with dementia – the impact of deprivation on wellbeing, quality of life and life satisfaction: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33, 1736-1742. doi: 10.1002/gps.4998
Anstey, K.J., Peters, R., Clare, L., Lautenschlager, N.T., Dodge, H.H., Barnes, D.E., Shahar, S., Brodaty, H., & Rees, G. (2017). Joining forces to prevent dementia: The International Research Network On Dementia Prevention (IRNDP). International Psychogeriatrics, 29, 1757-1760. doi: 10.1017/S1041610217001685
Bahar-Fuchs, A., Webb, S., Bartsch, L., Clare, L., Rebok, G., Cherbuin, N., & Anstey, K.J. (2017). Tailored and adaptive computerized cognitive training in older adults at risk for dementia: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 60, 889-911. doi: 10.3233/jad-170404
Clare, L. (2017). Rehabilitation for people living with dementia: a practical framework of positive support. PLoS Medicine, 14, e1002245. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002245 (open access)
Clare, L. (2017). 'Living well with dementia has become a key focus of policy'. The Psychologist, 30, 66-69. (free access)
Clare, L., Toms, G., Thomas, E., Hindle, J.V., & Woods, R.T. (2017). Gweld y Gair: Standardisation and clinical application of a Welsh language measure for estimation of premorbid intellectual functioning. Psychology of Older People: The FPOP Bulletin, 139, 17-26.
Clare, L., Wu, Y.-T., Teale, J.C., MacLeod, C., Matthews, F., Brayne, C., Woods, B., & CFAS-Wales study team. (2017). Potentially modifiable lifestyle factors, cognitive reserve, and cognitive function in later life: a cross-sectional study. PLoS Medicine, 14, e1002259. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002259 (open access)
Cox, K.L., Cyarto, E.V., Etherton-Beer, C., Ellis, K.A., Alfonso, H., Clare, L., Liew, D., Ames, D., Flicker, L., Almeida, O.P., LoGiudice, D., & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2017). A randomized controlled trial of physical activity with individual goal-setting and volunteer mentors to overcome sedentary lifestyle in older adults at risk of cognitive decline: the INDIGO trial protocol. BMC Geriatrics, 17, 215. doi: 10.1186/s12877-017-0617-y (open access)
Dröes, R.M, Chattat, R., Diaz, A., Gove, D., Graff, M., Murphy, K., Verbeek, H., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Clare, L., Johannessen, A., Roes, M., Verhey, F., Charras, K., & the INTERDEM Social Health Taskforce. (2017). Social health and Dementia: a European consensus on the operationalisation of the concept and directions for research and practice. Aging & Mental Health, 21, 4-17. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2016.1254596
Hindle, J.V., Martin-Forbes, P.A., Martyr, A., Bastable, A.J., Pye, K.L., Gathercole, V.C.M., Thomas, E.M., & Clare, L. (2017). The effects of lifelong cognitive lifestyle on executive function in older people with Parkinson’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32, e157-e165. doi: 10.1002/gps.4677
Lamont, R.A., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., & Clare, L. (2017). Social support and attitudes to aging in later life. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 84, 109-125. doi: 10.1177/0091415016668351
Massimo, L., Munoz, E., Hill, N., Mogle, J., Mulhall, P., McMillan, C.T., Clare, L., Vandenbergh, D., Fick, D., & Kolanowski, A. (2017). Genetic and environmental factors associated with delirium severity in older adults with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32, 574-581. doi: 10.1002/gps.4496
Poulos, C.J., Bayer, A., Beaupre, L., Clare, L., Poulos, R.G., Wang, R.H., Zuidema, S., McGilton, K.S. (2017). A comprehensive approach to reablement in dementia. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 3, 450-458. doi: 10.1016/j.trci.2017.06.005 (open access)
Quinn, C., Jones, I.R., & Clare, L. (2017). Illness representations in caregivers of people with dementia. Aging & Mental Health, 21, 553-561. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2015.1128882 (open access)
Webster, L., Groskreutz, D., Grinbergs-Saull, A., Howard, R., O’Brien, J.T., Mountain, G., Banerjee, S., Woods, B., Perneczky, R., Lafortune, L., Roberts, C., McCleery, J.M., Pickett, J.A., Bunn, F., Challis, D., Charlesworth, G., Featherstone, K., Fox, C., Goodman, C., Jones, R., Lamb, S., Moniz-Cook, E., Schneider, J., Shepperd, S., Surr, C., Thompson-Coon, J., Ballard, C., Brayne, C., Burke, O., Burns, A., Clare, L., Garrard, P., Kehoe, P., Passmore, P., Holmes, C., Maidment, I., Murtagh, F., Robinson, L., & Livingston, G. (2017). Development of a core outcome set for disease modification trials in mild to moderate dementia: a systematic review, patient and public consultation and consensus recommendations. Health Technology Assessment, 21. doi: 10.3310/hta21260 (free access)
Webster, L., Groskreutz, D., Grinbergs-Saull, A., Howard, R., O’Brien, J.T., Mountain, G., Banerjee, S., Woods, B., Perneczky, R., Lafortune, L., Roberts, C., McCleery, J.M., Pickett, J.A., Bunn, F., Challis, D., Charlesworth, G., Featherstone, K., Fox, C., Goodman, C., Jones, R., Lamb, S., Moniz-Cook, E., Schneider, J., Shepperd, S., Surr, C., Thompson-Coon, J., Ballard, C., Brayne, C., Burns, A., Clare, L., Garrard, P., Kehoe, P., Passmore, P., Holmes, C., Maidment, I., Robinson, L., & Livingston, G. (2017). Core outcome measures for interventions to prevent or slow the progress of dementia for people living with mild to moderate dementia: systematic review and consensus recommendations. PLoS One, 12, e0179521. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179521 (open access)
Yates, J.A., Clare, L., Woods, R.T., & Cognitive Function Ageing Study: Wales. (2017). "You’ve got a friend in me": can social networks mediate the relationship between mood and MCI? BMC Geriatrics, 17, 144. doi: 10.1186/s12877-017-0542-0 (open access)
Yates, J.A., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T., & MRC CFAS Wales. (2017). What is the relationship between health, mood, and mild cognitive impairment? Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 55, 1183-1193. doi: 10.3233/JAD-160611 (open access)
Yates, J.A., Clare, L., Woods, R.T., & MRC CFAS. (2017). Subjective memory complaints, mood and MCI: a follow-up study. Aging & Mental Health, 21, 313-321. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2015.1081150 (open access)
Birchley, G., Jones, K., Huxtable, R., Dixon, J., Kitzinger, J., & Clare, L. (2016). Dying well with reduced agency: a scoping review and thematic synthesis of the decision-making process in dementia, traumatic brain injury and frailty. BMC Medical Ethics, 17, 46. doi: 10.1186/s12910-016-0129-x (open access)
Ciblis, A.S., Butler, M.-L., Quinn, C., Clare, L., Bokde, A.L.W., Mullins, P.G., & McNulty, J.P. (2016). Current practice in the referral of individuals with suspected dementia for neuroimaging by general practitioners in Ireland and Wales. PLoS One, 11, e0151793. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151793 (open access)
Clare, L., Whitaker, C.J., Craik, F.I.M., Bialystok, E., Martyr, A., Martin-Forbes, P.A., Bastable, A.J.M., Pye, K.L., Quinn, C., Thomas, E.M., Gathercole, V.C.M., & Hindle, J.V. (2016). Bilingualism, executive control, and age at diagnosis among people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease in Wales. Journal of Neuropsychology, 10, 163-185. doi: 10.1111/jnp.12061
Clare, L., Quinn, C., Jones, I.R., & Woods, R.T. (2016). 'I don't think of it as an illness': illness representations in mild to moderate dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 51, 139-150. doi: 10.3233/JAD-150794
Clare, L., Whitaker, C.J., Martyr, A., Martin-Forbes, P.A., Bastable, A.J., Pye, K.L., Quinn, C., Thomas, E.M., Gathercole, V.C.M., & Hindle, J.V. (2016). Executive control in older Welsh monolinguals and bilinguals. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28, 412-426. doi: 10.1080/20445911.2016.1148041
Hindle, J.V., Hurt, C.S., Burn, D.J., Brown, R.G., Samuel, M., Wilson, K.C., & Clare, L. (2016). The effects of cognitive reserve and lifestyle on cognition and dementia in Parkinson's disease—a longitudinal cohort study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31, 13-23. doi: 10.1002/gps.4284
Hindle, J.V., Watermeyer, T.J., Roberts, J., Martyr, A., Lloyd-Williams, H., Brand, A., Gutting, P., Hoare, Z., Tudor-Edwards, R., & Clare, L. (2016). Cognitive rehabilitation for Parkinson's disease dementia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (CORD-PD). Trials, 17, 152: doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1253-0 (open access)
Kinsella, G.J., Ames, D., Storey, E., Ong, B., Pike, K.E., Saling, M.M., Clare, L., Mullaly, E., & Rand, E. (2016). Strategies for improving memory: a randomized trial of memory groups for older people, including those with mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 49, 31-43. doi: 10.3233/jad-150378
Kolanowski, A., Fick, D., Litaker, M., Mulhall, P., Clare, L., Hill, N., Mogle, J., Boustani, M., Gill, D., & Yevchak-Sillner, A. (2016). Effect of cognitively stimulating activities on symptom management of delirium superimposed on dementia: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64, 2424-2432. doi: 10.1111/jgs.14511
Lee, S., Ong, B., Pike, K.E., Mullaly, E., Rand, E., Storey, E., Ames, D., Saling, M., Clare, L., & Kinsella, G.J. (2016). The contribution of prospective memory performance to the neuropsychological assessment of mild cognitive impairment. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30, 131-149. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2015.1135983
Morris, R.G., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Marková, I., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., Whitaker, C.J., & Clare, L. (2016). Awareness of memory task impairment versus everyday memory difficulties in dementia. Journal of Neuropsychology, 10, 130-142. doi: 10.1111/jnp.12062
Opdebeeck, C., Martyr, A., & Clare, L. (2016). Cognitive reserve and cognitive function in healthy older people: a meta-analysis. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 23, 40-60. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2015.1041450
Opdebeeck, C., Quinn, C., Nelis, S., & Clare, L. (2016). Is cognitive lifestyle associated with depressive thoughts and self-reported depressive symptoms in later life? European Journal of Ageing, 13, 63-73. doi: 10.1007/s10433-015-0359-7 (open access)
Quinn, C., Toms, G., Anderson, D., & Clare, L. (2016). A review of self-management interventions for people with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 35, 1154-1188. doi: 10.1177/0733464814566852
Quinn, C., Toms, G., Davies, S., Davies, M., & Clare, L. (2016). A self-management group for people with dementia. Journal of Dementia Care, 24(5), 29-32.
Quinn, C., Toms, G., Jones, C., Brand, A., Tudor-Edwards, R., Sanders, F., & Clare, L. (2016). A pilot randomized controlled trial of a self-management group intervention for people with early-stage dementia (The SMART study). International Psychogeriatrics, 28, 787-800. doi: 10.1017/S1041610215002094
Watermeyer, T.J., Hindle, J.V., Roberts, J., Lawrence, C., Martyr, A., Lloyd-Williams, H., Brand, A., Gutting, P., Hoare, Z., Tudor-Edwards, R., & Clare, L. (2016). Goal setting for cognitive rehabilitation in mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies. Parkinson's Disease, 8285041. doi: 10.1155/2016/8285041 (open access)
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Hindle, J.V., Martin-Forbes, P.A., Bastable, A.J.M., Pye, K.L., Martyr, A., Whitaker, C.J., Craik, F.I.M., Bialystok, E., Thomas, E.M., Gathercole, V.C.M., & Clare, L., (2015). Cognitive reserve in Parkinson’s disease: the effects of Welsh-English bilingualism on executive function. Parkinson's Disease, 2015, 943572. doi: 10.1155/2015/943572 (open access)
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Kolanowski, A., Mogle, J., Fick, D.M., Campbell, N., Hill, N., Mulhall, P., Behrens, L., Colancecco, E., Boustani, M. & Clare, L. (2015). Anticholinergic exposure during rehabilitation: cognitive and physical function outcomes in patients with delirium superimposed on dementia. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23, 1250-1258. doi: 10.1016/j.jagp.2015.07.004
Olanrewaju, O., Clare, L., Barnes, L., & Brayne, C. (2015). A multimodal approach to dementia prevention: A report from the Cambridge Institute of Public Health. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 1, 151-156. doi: 10.1016/j.trci.2015.08.003 (open access)
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Opdebeeck, C., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., & Clare, L. (2015). How does cognitive reserve impact on the relationships between mood, rumination, and cognitive function in later life? Aging & Mental Health, 19, 705-712. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2014.962005
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Quinn, C., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2015). Balancing needs: the role of motivations, meanings and relationship dynamics in the experience of informal caregivers of people with dementia. Dementia, 14, 220-237. doi: 10.1177/1471301213495863
Roberts, J.L., Jones, R.S.P., & Clare, L. (2015). Errorless learning in the rehabilitation of mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a meta-analysis. Non-pharmacological Therapies in Dementia, 3, 2, 75-93.
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Vidovich, M., Lautenschlager, N.L., Flicker, L., Clare, L., McCaul, K., & Almeida, O.P. (2015). The PACE Study: a randomised clinical trial of cognitive activity strategy training for older people with mild cognitive impairment. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23, 360-372. doi: 10.1016/j.jagp.2014.04.002
Yates, J.A., Clare, L., Woods, R.T., & Matthews, F.E. (2015). Subjective memory complaints are involved in the relationship between mood and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 48 (Supplement 1), S115-123. doi: 10.3233/jad-150371
Clare, L., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., Martyr, A., Henderson, C., Hindle, J.V., Jones, I.R., Jones, R.W., Knapp, M., Kopelman, M.D., Morris, R.G., Pickett, J.A., Rusted, J.M., Savitch, N.M., Thom, J.M., & Victor, C.R. (2014). Improving the experience of dementia and enhancing active life - living well with dementia: study protocol for the IDEAL study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12, 164. doi: 10.1186/s12955-014-0164-6 (open access)
Clare, L., Quinn, C., Hoare, Z., Whitaker, R., & Woods, R.T. (2014). Care staff and family member perspectives on quality of life in people with very severe dementia in long-term care: a cross-sectional study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12, 175. doi: 10.1186/s12955-014-0175-3 (open access)
Clare, L., Woods, R.T., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Whitaker, C.J., & Morris, R.G. (2014). Trajectories of quality of life in early-stage dementia: individual variations and predictors of change. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 29, 616-623. doi: 10.1002/gps.4044
Hindle, J.V., Martyr, A., Clare, L. (2014). Cognitive reserve in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 20, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2013.08.010
Kolanowski, A.M., Hill, N.L., Kurum, E., Fick, D.M., Yevchak, A.M., Mulhall, P., Clare, L., & Valenzuela, M. (2014). Gender differences in factors associated with delirium severity in older adults with dementia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 28, 187-192. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2014.01.004
Kudlicka, A., Clare, L., & Hindle, J.V. (2014). Quality of life, health status and caregiver burden in Parkinson’s disease: relationship to executive functioning. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 29, 68-76. doi: 10.1002/gps.3970
Marková, I.S., Clare, L., Whitaker, C.J., Roth, I., Nelis S.M., Martyr A., Roberts, J.L., Woods, R.T., & Morris, R.G. (2014). Phenomena of awareness in dementia: heterogeneity and its implications. Consciousness and Cognition, 25, 17-26. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2014.01.008
Martyr, A., Nelis, S.M., & Clare, L. (2014). Predictors of perceived functional ability in early-stage dementia: self-ratings, informant ratings and discrepancy scores. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 29, 852-862. doi: 10.1002/gps.4071
Nelis, S.M., Clare, L., & Whitaker, C.J. (2014). Attachment in people with dementia and their caregivers: a systematic review. Dementia, 13, 747-767. doi: 10.1177/1471301213485232
Quinn, C., Anderson, D., Toms, G., Whitaker, R., Edwards, R.T., Jones, C., & Clare, L. (2014). Self-management in early-stage dementia: a pilot randomised controlled trial of the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a self-management group intervention (The SMART study). Trials, 15, 74. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-74 (open access)
Quinn, C., Clare, L., Jelley, H., Bruce, E., & Woods, R.T. (2014). 'It's in the eyes': how family members and care staff understand awareness in people with severe dementia. Aging & Mental Health, 18, 260-268. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2013.827627
Woods, R.T., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Roberts, J.L., Whitaker, C.J., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Morris, R.G., & Clare, L.(2014). What contributes to a good quality of life in early dementia? awareness and the QoL-AD: a cross-sectional study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12, 94. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-12-94 (open access)
Bahar-Fuchs, A., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2013). Cognitive training and cognitive rehabilitation for persons with mild dementia of the Alzheimer’s or vascular type: a review. Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy, 5, 35. doi: 10.1186/alzrt189 (open access)
Bahar-Fuchs, A., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2013). Cognitive training and cognitive rehabilitation for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 6, Art. No.: CD003260. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003260.pub2
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Caddell, L., & Clare, L. (2013). Studying the self in people with dementia: how might we proceed? Dementia, 12, 192-209. doi: 10.1177/1471301211418486.
Clare, L., Bayer, A., Burns, A., Corbett, A., Jones, R., Knapp, M., Kopelman, M., Kudlicka, A., Leroi, I., Oyebode, J., Pool, J., Woods, R.T., & Whitaker, R. (2013). Goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation in early-stage dementia: study protocol for a multi-centre single-blind randomised controlled trial (GREAT). Trials, 14, 152. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-14-152 (open access)
Clare, L., Whitaker, C.J., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., & Morris, R.G. (2013). Self-concept in early-stage dementia: profile, course, correlates, predictors, and implications for quality of life. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28, 494-503. doi: 10.1002/gps.3852
Clare, L., Whitaker, C.J., Roberts, J.L., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., & Morris R.G. (2013). Memory awareness profiles differentiate mild cognitive impairment from early-stage dementia: evidence from assessments of performance monitoring and evaluative judgement. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 35, 266-279. doi: 10.1159/000346735
Clare, L., Whitaker, R., Woods, R.T., Quinn, C., Jelley, H., Hoare, Z., Woods, J., Downs, M., & Wilson, B.A. (2013). AwareCare: a pilot randomized controlled trial of an awareness-based staff training intervention to improve quality of life for residents with severe dementia in long-term care settings. International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 128-139. doi: 10.1017/S1041610212001226
Hindle, J.V., Petrelli, A., Clare, L., & Kalbe, E. (2013). Non-pharmacological enhancement of cognitive function in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review. Movement Disorders, 28, 1034-1049. doi: 10.1002/mds.25377
Hutchens, R.L., Kinsella, G.J., Ong, B., Pike, K.E., Clare, L., Ames, D., Saling, M.M., Storey, E., Mullaly, E., Rand, E., & Parsons, S. (2013). Relationship between control beliefs, strategy use, and memory performance in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and healthy aging. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68, 862-871. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbt016
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Nelis, S.M., Clare, L., & Whitaker, C.J. (2013). Attachment styles and attachment needs in people with dementia and family carers. The Journal of Dementia Care, 21, 34-35.
Noel-Storr, A.H., Flicker, L., Ritchie, C.W., Nguyen, G.H., Gupta, T., Wood, P., Walton, J., Desai, M., Solomon, D.F., Molena, E., Worrall, R., Hayen, A., Choudhary, P., Ladds, E., Lanctôt, K.L., Verhey, F.R., McCleery, J.M., Mead, G.E., Clare, L., Fioravanti, M., Hyde, C., Marcus, S., & McShane, R. (2013). Systematic review of the body of evidence for the use of biomarkers in the diagnosis of dementia. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 9, e96-e105. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2012.01.014
Pike, K., Kinsella, G., Ong, B., Mullaly, E., Rand, E., Storey, E., Ames, D., Saling, M., Clare, L., & Parsons, S. (2013). Is the WMS-IV Verbal Paired Associates as effective as other memory tasks in discriminating amnestic mild cognitive impairment from normal aging? The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 27, 908-923. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2013.809149
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Roberts, J.L., & Clare, L. (2013). Meta-representational awareness in mild cognitive impairment: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Aging & Mental Health, 17, 300-309. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2012.732033
van Paasschen, J., Clare, L., Yuen, K., Woods, R.T, Evans, S., Parkinson, C., Rugg, M., & Linden, D. (2013). Cognitive rehabilitation changes memory-related brain activity in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 27, 448-459. doi: 10.1177/1545968312471902
Vidovich, M., Lautenschlager, N.T., Flicker, L., Clare, L., & Almeida, O.P. (2013). Treatment fidelity and acceptability of a cognition-focused intervention for older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 815-823. doi: 10.1017/S1041610212002402
Yates, J.A., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2013). Mild cognitive impairment and mood: a systematic review. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 23, 317-356. doi: 10.1017/S0959259813000129.
Anderson, N., Guild, E., Cyr, A-A., Roberts, J., & Clare, L. (2012). Contributions of frontal and medial temporal lobe functioning to the errorless learning advantage. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 22, 169-186. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2011.639609
Caddell, L., & Clare, L. (2012). Identity, mood and quality of life in people with early-stage dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 24, 1306-1315. doi: 10.1017/S104161021100278X
Clare, L., Hindle, J.V., Jones, I.R., Thom, J.M., Nelis, S.M., Hounsome, B., & Whitaker, C.J. (2012). The AgeWell study of behavior change to promote health and wellbeing in later life: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 13, 115. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-13-115 (open access)
Clare, L., Nelis S.M., Martyr A., Roberts, J., Whitaker, C.J., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., & Morris, R.G. (2012). The influence of psychological, social and contextual factors on the expression and measurement of awareness in early-stage dementia: testing a biopsychosocial model. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27, 161-177. doi: 10.1002/gps.2705
Clare, L., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Whitaker, C., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., & Morris, R.G. (2012). 'She might have what I have got': the potential utility of vignettes as an indirect measure of awareness in early-stage dementia. Aging & Mental Health, 16, 566-575. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2011.652594
Clare, L., Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Roberts, J., Whitaker, C.J., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., & Morris, R.G. (2012). Longitudinal trajectories of awareness in early-stage dementia. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 26, 140-147. doi: 10.1097/WAD.0b013e31822c55c4
Clare, L., Nelis, S.M., Whitaker, C.J., Martyr, A., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., & Morris, R. (2012). Marital relationship quality in early-stage dementia: perspectives from people with dementia and their spouses. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 26, 148-158. doi: 10.1097/WAD.0b013e318221ba23
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Delprado, J., Kinsella, G., Ong, B., Pike, K., Ames, D., Storey, E., Saling, M., Clare, L., Mullaly, E., & Rand, R. (2012). Clinical measures of prospective memory in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18, 295-304. doi: 10.1017/S135561771100172X
Hutchens, R.L., Kinsella, G.J., Ong, B., Pike, K.E., Parsons, S., Storey, E., Ames, D., Saling, M.M., Mullaly, E., Rand, E., & Clare, L. (2012). Knowledge and use of memory strategies in mild cognitive impairment. Psychology & Aging, 27, 768-777. doi: 10.1037/a0026256
Kolanowski, A.M., Hill, N.L., Clare, L., & Marx, P. (2012). Practical protocol for implementing cognitive stimulation in persons with delirium superimposed on dementia. Non-Pharmacological Therapies in Dementia, 2, 101-110.
Martyr, A., & Clare, L. (2012). Executive function and activities of daily living in Alzheimer’s disease: a correlational meta-analysis. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 33, 189-203. doi: 10.1159/000338233 (free access)
Martyr, A., Clare, L., Nelis, S.M., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., Whitaker, C.J., & Morris, R.G. (2012). Verbal fluency and awareness of functional deficits in people with early-stage dementia. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26, 501-519. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2012.665482
Nelis, S., Clare, L., & Whitaker, C.J. (2012). Attachment representations in people with dementia and their carers: implications for well-being within the dyad. Aging & Mental Health, 16, 845-854. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2012.667779
Pike, K.E., Kinsella, G.J., Ong, B., Mullally, E., Rand, E., Storey, E., Ames, D., Saling, M., Clare, L., & Parsons, S. (2012). Names and numberplates: quasi-everyday associative memory tasks for distinguishing amnestic mild cognitive impairment from healthy ageing. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34, 269-278. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2011.633498
Quinn, C., Clare, L., McGuiness, T., & Woods, R.T. (2012). The impact of relationships, motivations, and meanings on dementia caregiving outcomes. International Psychogeriatrics, 24, 1816-1826. doi: 10.1017/S1041610212000889
Quinn, C., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2012). What predicts whether caregivers of people with dementia find meaning in their role? International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27, 1195-1202. doi: 10.1002/gps.3773
Barnard, P., Murphy, F., Carthery-Goulart, M.T., Ramponi, C., & Clare, L. (2011). Exploring the basis and boundary conditions of SenseCam-facilitated recollection. Memory, 19, 758-767. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2010.533180 (open access)
Caddell, L.S., & Clare, L. (2011). Interventions supporting self and identity in people with dementia: a systematic review. Aging & Mental Health, 15, 797-810. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2011.575352
Caddell, L.S., & Clare, L. (2011). I'm still the same person: the impact of early-stage dementia on identity. Dementia, 10, 379-398. doi: 10.1177/1471301211408255
Clare, L., Evans, S., Parkinson, C., Woods, R.T., & Linden, D. (2011). Goal-setting in cognitive rehabilitation for people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical Gerontologist, 34, 220-236. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2011.555937
Clare, L., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., & Morris, R.G. (2011). Awareness in Alzheimer's disease and associated dementias: theoretical framework and clinical implications. Aging & Mental Health, 15, 936-944. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2011.583630
Clare, L., Whitaker, C.J., Nelis S.M., Martyr A., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., & Morris, R.G. (2011). Multi-dimensional assessment of awareness in early-stage dementia: a cluster analytic approach. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 31, 317-327. doi: 10.1159/000327356
Kolanowski, A.M., Fick, D.M., Clare, L., Steis, M., Boustani, M., & Litaker, M. (2011). Pilot study of a non-pharmacological intervention for delirium superimposed on dementia. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 4, 161-167. doi: 10.3928/19404921-20101001-98
Kolanowski, A.M., Fick, D.M., Litaker, M., Clare, L., Leslie, D., & Boustani, M. (2011). Study protocol for the recreational stimulation for elders as a vehicle to resolve delirium superimposed on dementia (Reserve For DSD) trial. Trials, 12, 119. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-12-119 (open access)
Kudlicka, A., Clare, L., & Hindle, J.V. (2011). Executive functions in Parkinson’s disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. Movement Disorders, 26, 2305-2315. doi: 10.1002/mds.23868
Martin, M., Clare, L., Altgassen, A.M., Cameron, M.H., & Zehnder, F. (2011). Cognition-based interventions for healthy older people and people with mild cognitive impairment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2011, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD006220. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006220.pub2
Martyr, A., Clare, L., Nelis, S.M., Roberts, J.L., Robinson, J.U., Roth, I., Morris, R.G., Marková, I.S., Woods, R.T., & Whitaker, C.J. (2011). Dissociation between implicit and explicit manifestations of awareness in early-stage dementia: evidence from the emotional Stroop effect for dementia-related words. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26, 92-99. doi: 10.1002/gps.2495
Nelis, S.M., Clare, L., Martyr, A., Marková, I.S., Roth, I., Woods, R.T., Whitaker, C.J., & Morris, R.G. (2011). Awareness of social and emotional functioning in people with early-stage dementia, and implications for carers. Aging & Mental Health, 15, 961-969. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2011.575350
Thom, J., & Clare, L. (2011). Rationale for combined exercise and cognition-focused interventions to improve functional independence in people with dementia. Gerontology, 57, 265-275. doi: 10.1159/000322198
Caddell, L.S., & Clare, L. (2010). The impact of dementia on self and identity: a systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 30, 113-126. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2009.10.003
Clare, L. (2010). Awareness in people with severe dementia: review and integration. Aging & Mental Health, 14, 20-32. doi: 10.1080/13607860903421029
Clare, L., Linden, D.E., Woods, R.T., Whitaker, R., Evans, S.J., Parkinson, C.H., van Paasschen, J., Nelis, S.M., Hoare, Z., Yuen, K.S., & Rugg, M.D. (2010). Goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation for people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: a single-blind randomized controlled trial of clinical efficacy. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18, 928-939. doi: 10.1097/JGP.0b013e3181d5792a
Clare, L., Whitaker, C.J., & Nelis, S.M. (2010). Appraisal of memory functioning and memory performance in healthy ageing and early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 17, 462-491. doi: 10.1080/13825580903581558
Clare, L., Woods, R.T., Whitaker, R., Wilson, B.A., & Downs, M. (2010). Development of an awareness-based intervention to enhance quality of life in severe dementia: trial platform. Trials, 11, 73. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-11-73 (open access)
Jones, R.S.P., Clare, L., McPartlin, C, & Murphy, O. (2010). The effectiveness of trial-and-error and errorless learning in promoting the transfer of training. European Journal of Behaviour Analysis, 11, 29-36.
Kolanowski, A.M., Fick, D.M., Clare, L., Therrien, B., & Gill, D. (2010). An intervention for delirium superimposed on dementia based on cognitive reserve theory. Aging & Mental Health, 14, 232-242. doi: 10.1080/13607860903167853
Olazarán, J., Reisberg, B., Clare, L., Cruz, I., Peña-Casanova, J., del Ser, T., Woods, R.T., Beck, C., Auer, S., Lai, C., Spector, A., Fazio, S., Bond, J., Kivilpelto, M., Brodaty, H., Rojo, J.M., Collins, H., Teri, L., Mittelman, M., Orrell, M., Feldman, H., & Muñiz, R. (2010). Non-pharmacological therapies in Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review of efficacy. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 30, 161-178. doi: 10.1159/000316119 (free access)
Quinn, C., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2010). The impact of motivations and meanings on the wellbeing of caregivers of people with dementia: a systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics, 22, 43-55. doi: 10.1017/S1041610209990810
Clare, L., van Paasschen, J., Evans, S.J., Parkinson, C., Woods, R.T., & Linden, D.E.J. (2009). Goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation for an individual with Mild Cognitive Impairment: behavioural and neuroimaging outcomes. Neurocase, 15, 318-331. doi: 10.1080/13554790902783116
Quin, R., Clare, L., Ryan, P., & Jackson, M. (2009). 'Not of this world': the subjective experience of late-onset psychosis. Aging & Mental Health, 13, 779-787. doi: 10.1080/13607860903046453
Quinn, C., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2009). The impact of the quality of relationship on the experiences and wellbeing of caregivers of people with dementia: a systematic review. Aging & Mental Health, 13, 143-154. doi: 10.1080/13607860802459799
Roberts, J.L., Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2009). Subjective memory complaints and awareness of memory functioning in mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 28, 95-109. doi: 10.1159/000234911 (free access)
van Paasschen, J., Clare, L., Woods, R.T., & Linden, D.E.J. (2009). Can we change brain functioning with cognition-focused interventions in Alzheimer’s disease? The role of functional neuroimaging. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 27, 473-491. doi: 10.3233/RNN-2009-0494
Vidovich, M., Lautenschlager, N.L., Flicker, L., Clare, L., & Almeida, O.P. (2009). The PACE Study: A randomised clinical trial of cognitive activity (CA) for older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Trials, 10, 114. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-10-114 (open access)
Zehnder, F., Martin, M., Altgassen, M., & Clare, L. (2009). Memory training effects in old age as markers of plasticity: a meta-analysis. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 27, 507-520. doi: 10.3233/RNN-2009-0491
Clare, L., & Jones, R.S.P. (2008). Errorless learning in the rehabilitation of memory impairment: a critical review. Neuropsychology Review, 18, 1-23. doi: 10.1007/s11065-008-9051-4
Clare, L., Rowlands, J., Bruce, E., Surr, C., & Downs, M. (2008). 'I don't do like I used to do': a grounded theory approach to conceptualising awareness in people with moderate to severe dementia living in long-term care. Social Science and Medicine, 66, 2366-2377. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.01.045
Clare, L., Rowlands, J., Bruce, E., Surr, C., & Downs, M. (2008). The experience of living with dementia in residential care: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. The Gerontologist, 41, 711-720. doi: 10.1093/geront/48.6.711
Clare, L., Rowlands, J., & Quin, R. (2008). Collective strength: the impact of developing a shared social identity in early-stage dementia. Dementia, 7, 9-30. doi: 10.1177/1471301207085365
Duggan, S., Blackman, T., Martyr, A., and Van Schaik, P. (2008). The impact of early dementia on outdoor life: a 'shrinking world'? Dementia, 7, 191-204. doi: 10.1177/1471301208091158
Naylor, E., & Clare, L. (2008). Awareness of memory functioning, autobiographical memory and identity in early-stage dementia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 18, 590-606. doi: 10.1080/09602010701608681. Reprinted 2009 in F. Gracey and T. Ownsworth (Eds), The Self and Identity in Rehabilitation. Hove: Psychology Press.
Quinn, C., Clare, L., Pearce, A., & van Dijkhuizen, M. (2008). The experience of providing care in the early stages of dementia: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Aging & Mental Health, 12, 769-778. doi: 10.1080/13607860802380623
Van Schaik, P., Martyr, A., Blackman, T., & Robinson, J. (2008). Involving persons with dementia in the evaluation of outdoor environments. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 11, 415-424. doi: 10.1089/cpb.2007.0105
Blackman, T., Van Schaik, P., & Martyr, A. (2007). Outdoor environments for people with dementia: an exploratory study using virtual reality. Ageing & Society, 27, 811-825. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X07006253
Clare, L., & Woods, R.T. (2003/2007). Cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive training in early- stage Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia (Cochrane Review). Update; Issue 2, 2007. In The Cochrane Library. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003260
Dunn, J., & Clare, L. (2007). Learning face-name associations in early-stage dementia: comparing the effects of errorless learning and effortful processing. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 17, 735-754. doi: 10.1080/09602010701218317
Masterson, J., Druks, J., Kopelman, M., Clare, L., Garley, C., & Hayes, M. (2007). Selective naming (and comprehension) deficits in Alzheimer’s disease? Cortex, 43, 921-934. doi: 10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70691-9
Nelis, S.M., Quinn, C., & Clare, L. (2007). Information and support interventions for informal carers of people with dementia (Cochrane Review Protocol). In The Cochrane Library, 2007, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD006440. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006440
Ownsworth, T., Fleming, J., Strong, J., Radel, M., Chan, W., & Clare, L. (2007). Awareness typologies and long-term emotional adjustment and psychosocial outcomes following acquired brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 17, 129-150. doi: 10.1080/09602010600615506
Werheid, K., & Clare, L. (2007). Are faces special in Alzheimer’s disease? Cognitive conceptualisation, neural correlates, and diagnostic relevance of impaired memory for faces and names. Cortex, 43, 898-906. doi: 10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70689-0
Champion, H., & Clare, L. (2006). Moving on from Young Offender Institutions: young offenders’ adjustment to release. Educational and Child Psychology, 23, 87-100.
Clare, L., Goater, T., & Woods, R.T. (2006). Illness representations in early-stage dementia: a preliminary investigation. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21, 761-767. doi: 10.1002/gps.1558
Clare, L., & Wilson, B.A. (2006). Longitudinal assessment of awareness in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease using comparable questionnaire-based and performance-based measures: a prospective one-year follow up study. Aging & Mental Health, 10, 156-165. doi: 10.1080/13607860500311888
Crocker, L., Clare, L., & Evans, K. (2006). Giving up or finding a solution? The experience of attempted suicide in later life. Aging & Mental Health, 10, 638-647. doi: 10.1080/13607860600640905
Druks, J., Masterson, J., Kopelman, M., Clare, L., Rose, A., & Ray, G. (2006). Is action naming better preserved (than object naming) in Alzheimer’s disease and why should we ask? Brain and Language, 98, 332-340. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2006.06.003
Hardy, R.M., Oyebode, J., & Clare, L. (2006). Measuring awareness in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: the development of the Memory Awareness Rating Scale - Adjusted. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 16, 178-193. doi: 10.1080/09602010500145646
Harman, G., & Clare, L. (2006). Illness representations and lived experience in early-stage dementia. Qualitative Health Research, 16, 484-502. doi: 10.1177/1049732306286851
Martin, M., Clare, L., Altgassen, A.M., & Cameron, M.H. (2006). Cognition-based interventions for older people and people with mild cognitive impairment. (Cochrane Review Protocol). In The Cochrane Library, 2006, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD006220. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006220
McCulloch, Y., Clare, L., Peters, E., & Howard, R. (2006). Psychological processes underlying delusional thinking in late-onset psychosis: a preliminary investigation. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21, 768-777. doi: 10.1002/gps.1561
Ownsworth, T., & Clare, L. (2006). The association between awareness deficits and rehabilitation outcome following acquired brain injury. Clinical Psychology Review, 26, 783-795. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2006.05.003
Ownsworth, T., Clare, L., & Morris, R. (2006). An integrated biopsychosocial approach to understanding awareness deficits in Alzheimer's disease and brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 16, 415-438. doi: 10.1080/09602010500505641
Pratt, R., Clare, L., & Kirchner, V. (2006). 'It's like a revolving door syndrome': professional perspectives on models of access to services for people with early-stage dementia. Aging & Mental Health, 10, 55-62. doi: 10.1080/13607860500307530
Van Dijkhuizen, M., Clare, L., & Pearce, A. (2006). Striving for connection: appraisal and coping among women with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia, 5, 73-94. doi: 10.1177/1471301206059756
Aalten, P., van Valen, E., Clare, L., Kenny, G., & Verhey, F. (2005). Awareness in dementia: a review of clinical correlates. Aging & Mental Health, 9, 414-422. doi: 10.1080/13607860500143075
Clare, L., Marková, I.S., Verhey, F., & Kenny, G. (2005). Awareness in dementia: a review of assessment methods and measures. Aging & Mental Health, 9, 394-413. doi: 10.1080/13607860500142903
Clare, L., Roth, I., & Pratt, R. (2005). Perceptions of change over time in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: implications for understanding awareness and coping style. Dementia, 4, 487-520. doi: 10.1177/1471301205058304
Clare, L., & Woods, B. (2005). Awareness in dementia: a subject for scrutiny. Aging & Mental Health, 9, 384-385. doi: 10.1080/13607860500142887
Fioravanti, M., Carlone, O., Vitale, B., Cinti, M.E., & Clare, L. (2005). A meta-analysis of cognitive deficits in adults with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Neuropsychology Review, 15, 73-95. doi: 10.1007/s11065-005-6254-9
Freeman, E., Clare, L., Savitch, N., Royan, L., Litherland, R., & Lindsay, M. (2005). Improving website accessibility for people with early-stage dementia: A preliminary investigation. Aging & Mental Health, 9, 442-448. doi: 10.1080/13607860500142838
Marková, I.S, Clare, L., Wang, M., Romero, B., & Kenny, G. (2005). Awareness in dementia: conceptual issues. Aging & Mental Health, 9, 386-393. doi: 10.1080/13607860500142945
Mason, E., Clare, L., & Pistrang, N. (2005). Processes and experiences of mutual support in professionally-led support groups for people with early-stage dementia. Dementia, 4, 87-112. doi: 10.1177/1471301205049192
Pariente, J., Cole, S., Henson, R., Clare, L., Kennedy, A., Rossor, M., Cipolotti, L., Puel, M., Demonet, J., Chollet, F., & Frackowiak, R.S. (2005). Alzheimer's patients engage an alternative network during a memory task. Annals of Neurology, 58, 870-879. doi: 10.1002/ana.20653
Pratt, R., Clare, L., & Aggarwal, N. (2005). The ‘Talking About Memory Coffee Group’: A new model of support for people with early-stage dementia and their families. Dementia, 4, 143-148. doi: 10.1177/147130120500400110
Robinson, L., Clare, L., & Evans, K. (2005). Making sense of dementia and adjusting to loss: psychological reactions to a diagnosis of dementia in couples. Aging & Mental Health, 9, 337-347. doi: 10.1080/13607860500114555
Seiffer, A., Clare, L., & Harvey, R. (2005). The role of personality and coping in relation to awareness of current functioning in early-stage dementia. Aging & Mental Health, 9, 535-541. doi: 10.1080/13607860500193245
Shakespeare, P., & Clare, L. (2005). Focusing on task oriented talk as a way of exploring the interaction between people with early onset dementia and their carers. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2, 327-340. doi: 10.1191/1478088705qp043oa
Alexander, N., & Clare, L. (2004). You still feel different: the experience and meaning of women’s self-injury in the context of a lesbian or bisexual identity. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 14, 70-84. doi: 10.1002/casp.764
Clare, L. (2004). The construction of awareness in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: a review of concepts and models. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, 155-175. doi: 10.1348/014466504323088033
Clare, L. (2004). Awareness in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: a review of methods and evidence. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, 177-196. doi: 10.1348/014466504323088042
Clare, L., Romero, B., & Wenz, M. (2004). Krankheitseinsicht bei Kranken mit beginnender Demenz: Bericht über ein europäisches Projekt/ Awareness in early-stage dementia: understanding, assessment and implications for early intervention: report on a European project. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie und –psychiatrie, 17, 135-138. doi: 10.1024/1011-6877.17.2.135
Clare, L., & Shakespeare, P. (2004). Negotiating the impact of forgetting: dimensions of resistance in task-oriented conversations between people with early-stage dementia and their partners. Dementia, 3, 211-232. doi: 10.1177/1471301204042338
Clare, L., & Wilson, B.A. (2004). Memory rehabilitation for people with early-stage dementia: a single case comparison of four errorless learning methods. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie und –psychiatrie, 17, 109-117. doi: 10.1024/1011-6877.17.2.109
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Roth, I., & Hodges, J.R. (2004). Awareness in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: relationship to outcome of cognitive rehabilitation. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 26, 215-226. doi: 10.1076/jcen.
Clare, L., & Woods., R.T. (2004). Cognitive training and cognitive rehabilitation for people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: a review. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 14, 385-401. doi: 10.1080/09602010443000074
Giblin, S., Clare, L., Livingston, G., & Howard, R. (2004). Psychosocial correlates of late-onset psychosis: life experiences, cognitive schemas, and attitudes to ageing. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19, 611-623. doi: 10.1002/gps.1129
Harborne, A., Wolpert, M., & Clare, L. (2004). Making sense of ADHD: a battle for understanding? Parents’ views of their children being diagnosed as having ADHD. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 9, 327-339. doi: 10.1177/1359104504043915
Thornhill, H., Clare, L., & May, R. (2004). Escape, enlightenment and endurance: narratives of recovery from psychosis. Anthropology and Medicine, 11, 181-199. doi: 10.1080/13648470410001678677
Clare, L. (2003). Managing threats to self: awareness in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Social Science and Medicine, 57, 1017-1029. doi: 10.1016/S0277-9536(02)00476-8
Clare, L. (2003). Cognitive training and cognitive rehabilitation for people with early-stage dementia. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 13, 75-83. doi: 10.1017/S0959259803013170
Clare, L., Baddeley, A., Moniz-Cook, E.D., & Woods, R.T. (2003). A quiet revolution: advances in the understanding of dementia. The Psychologist, 16, 250-254. (free access)
Clare, L., & Cox, S. (2003). Improving service approaches and outcomes for people with complex needs through consultation and involvement. Disability and Society, 18, 935-953. doi: 10.1080/0968759032000127344
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., & Hodges, J.R. (2003). Cognitive rehabilitation as a component of early intervention in dementia: a single case study. Aging & Mental Health, 7, 15-21. doi: 10.1080/1360786021000045854
Clare, L., Woods, R.T., Moniz-Cook, E.D., Orrell, M., & Spector, A. (2003). Cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive training for early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia (Cochrane Review). In The Cochrane Library, Issue 4, 2003. Art. No.: CD003260. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003260
Scott, J., & Clare, L. (2003). Do people with dementia benefit from psychological interventions offered on a group basis? Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 10, 186-196. doi: 10.1002/cpp.369
Clare, L. (2002). We’ll fight it as long as we can: coping with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Aging & Mental Health, 6, 139-148. doi: 10.1080/13607860220126826
Clare, L. (2002). Developing awareness about awareness in early-stage dementia. Dementia, 1, 295-312. doi: 10.1177/147130120200100303
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Breen, K., Berrios, G.E., & Hodges, J.R. (2002). Depression and anxiety in memory clinic attenders and their carers: implications for evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation interventions. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 962-967. doi: 10.1002/gps.735
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Roth, I., & Hodges, J.R. (2002). Assessing awareness in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: development and piloting of the Memory Awareness Rating Scale. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 12, 341-362. doi: 10.1080/09602010244000129
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Roth, I., & Hodges, J.R. (2002). Relearning of face-name associations in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychology, 16, 538-547. doi: 10.1037/0894-4105.16.4.538
Pearce, A., Clare, L., & Pistrang, N. (2002). Managing sense of self: coping in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia, 1, 173-192. doi: 10.1177/147130120200100205
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Hodges, J.R., & Adams, M. (2001). Long-term maintenance of treatment gains following a cognitive rehabilitation intervention in early dementia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 11, 477-494. doi: 10.1080/09602010042000213 Reprinted 2001 in L. Clare & R.T. Woods (Eds), Cognitive rehabilitation in dementia. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 477-494.
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Breen, K., Gosses, A., & Hodges, J.R. (2000). Intervening with everyday memory problems in dementia of Alzheimer type: an errorless learning approach. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 22, 132-146. doi: 10.1076/1380-3395(200002)22:1;1-8;FT132
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Emslie, H., Cockburn, J., & Tate, R. (2000). Adapting the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Extended Version (RBMT-E) for use with people who have restricted mobility. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39, 363-369. doi: 10.1348/014466500163365
Levine, B., Robertson, I.H., Clare, L., Carter, G., Hong, J., Wilson, B.A., Duncan, J., & Stuss, D.T. (2000). Rehabilitation of executive functioning: an experimental-clinical validation of Goal Management Training. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 6, 299-312. doi: 10.1017/S1355617700633052
Wills, P., Clare, L., Shiel, A., & Wilson, B.A. (2000). Assessing subtle memory impairments in the everyday memory performance of brain injured people: exploring the potential of the extended Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test. Brain Injury, 14, 693-704. doi: 10.1080/026990500413713
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Breen, K., & Hodges, J.R. (1999). Errorless learning of face-name associations in early Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychology, 5, 37-46. doi: 10.1080/13554799908404063
Pistrang, N., Clare, L., & Barker, C. (1999). The helping process in couples during recovery from heart attack: a single case study. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 72, 227-237. doi: 10.1348/000711299159970
Prior to 1999
Clare, L., & Cuthbertson, G. (1998). But is it behaviour therapy...? Ethical issues in the in-patient treatment of women with eating disorders. Mental Health Nursing, 18, 15-17.
Wilson, B.A., Clare, L., Young, A.W., & Hodges, J.R. (1997). Knowing where and knowing what: a double dissociation. Cortex, 33, 529-541. doi: 10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70234-X
Mortimer, A.M., Bentham, P., McKay, A.P., Quemada, I., Clare, L., Eastwood, N., & McKenna, P.J. (1996). Delusions in Schizophrenia: a phenomenological and psychological exploration. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 1, 289-303. doi: 10.1080/135468096396451
Gillam, S., Jankowski, R., Cuthbertson, G., Clare, L., & Spencer, J. (1996). Counselling provision. Journal of Community Nursing, 10, 4-7.
Clare, L., & Pistrang, N. (1995). Parents’ perceptions of Portage: towards a standard measure of parent satisfaction. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23, 110-117. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3156.1995.tb00177.x
Clare, L., & Singh, K. (1994). Preventing relapse in psychotic illness: a psychological approach to early intervention. Journal of Mental Health, 3, 541-550. doi: 10.3109/09638239409003828
Clare, L., McKenna, P.J., Mortimer, A.M., & Baddeley, A.D. (1993). Memory in schizophrenia: what is impaired and what is preserved? Neuropsychologia, 31, 1225-1241. doi: 10.1016/0028-3932(93)90070-G