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University of Exeter Medical School

 Tom Ward

Tom Ward

PhD Student


 01392 725565

 South Cloisters 


South Cloisters, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Tom graduated from the University of Sheffield with a BSc and MSc in Mathematics, before beginning a career as a modeller and analyst for a health economics consultancy affiliated to Swansea University. Over the next seven years much of Toms work was directed towards the health technology assessment of oncology, diabetes and haematology interventions, with a focus on trial-based analysis and its subsequent economic modeling and evaluation. Over this period, he developed an interest in modelling methods and analysis techniques and is pursuing his interests further with postgraduate study at the University of Exeter.


  • BSc Mathematics
  • MSc Mathematics


Phd funding: Dennis and Mireille Gillings Foundation

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Research interests

Tom has a significant interest in health economic modelling methods and analysis techniques, with a particular interest in the application of survival modelling methods in the field of oncology.

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Journal articles

Ward T, Medina-Lara A, Mujica-Mota RE, Spencer AE (In Press). Accounting for heterogeneity in resource allocation decisions: methods and practice in UK cancer technology appraisals. Value in Health
Medina-Lara A, Ward T, Mujica-Mota RE, Spencer AE (In Press). Incorporating equity concerns in cost-effectiveness analyses: a systematic literature review. PharmacoEconomics

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