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Exeter Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx)

APEx Events

Older man speaking within a seated group


Find out more about our next APEx Seminar. 

On behalf of APEx Seminar Series Team, we are delighted to announce our seminars:

























2024 – Hybrid events

  • Wednesday 25th September 2024

    Professor Helen Atherton

    When it is digital and when it isn’t: online services in primary care.

    Wednesday 28th June 2024

    Prof. Sarah Bailey, Associate Professor of Primary Care Diagnostics,  University of Exeter

    Improving the clinical utility of the platelet count for early cancer diagnosis

  • Wednesday 19th June 2024

    Professor Ian Maidment, University of Aston

    The challenge of non-adherence

  • Wednesday 22nd May 2024

         Dr Anna Price and Becky Coniam-Gudka

         Managing ADHD in Primary Care (MAP): Co-producing evidence-informed resources to support the delivery of ADHD healthcare

         Dr Emma Cockcroft

         Improving physical activity support for young people with type 1 diabetes ( ISPA-T1D)

  • Wednesday 28th February 2024    Dr Sarah Bell

         Living dis/artfully: Disability, 'nature' and environmental change.

         Wednesday 24th April 2024

         Dr Deepthi Lavu

         Gender inequalities across ethnic groups in primary care cancer referrals.

        Dr Taha Khan

        Modelling the relationship between UCAT scores and post-qualification clinical competency and specialty choice: a doctoral   

        programme of psychometric epidemiology


2023 – Hybrid events

  • Wednesday 6th December 2023

         Professor John Campbell, Professor Gary Abel, Professor Helen Atherton (Warwick), Jon Sussex (RAND Europe, 

         Cambridge) and other colleagues from the Di-Facto team

        Supporting people in accessing and using NHS online services – digital facilitation in primary care.

  • Wednesday 29th November 2023

         Dr Ian Porter & Dr Kelly Thornber

         The Pharma Pollution Hub: finding solutions to reduce the environmental impact of medicines used in UK healthcare

         – Dr Kelly Thornber

         The OECD International Survey of People Living with Chronic Conditions (PaRIS Survey): development and evaluation of

         the patient questionnaire - Dr Ian Porter

  • Wednesday 25th October 2023
    Professor Barney Dunn, Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Exeter
    Innovating Psychological Therapies and Services in the mental health gap between primary and secondary care
  • Wednesday 5th July 2023
    COVID-19 and recorded cancer incidence in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: an interrupted time series analysis
    Dr Sarah Price, Senior Research Fellow, University of Exeter

    Can we determine risk of cancer more accurately in symptomatic patients?
    Dr Sarah Moore, GP and Wellcome funded doctoral fellow, University of Exeter

  • Wednesday 14 June 2023
    BRACE BRACE! Randomised trial of BCG vaccine to protect against Covid-19 in health workers
    Professor John Campbell - Professor of General Practice and Primary Care

  • Friday 12th May
    What are we really measuring with well-validated, responsive and reproducible self-report quality-of-life measures in interventional studies?
    Professor Sheree Smith, PhD Director, Lung, Sleep and Heart Health Research Network, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University, Australia

  • Wednesday 17th May 2023
    Too many medicines? Musings on prescribing in primary care.
    Professor Rupert Payne

  • Wed 15th March 2023
    Initial findings from the SPOtting Cancer among Comorbidities (SPOCC) programme: mapping the disadvantages of multimorbidity in the cancer diagnostic process
    Professor Gary Abel, Dr Luke Mounce, Dr Bianca Wiering

  • Wed 22nd Feb 2023
    Development of a new shared decision-making intervention 'VOLITION' for older people living with multiple long-term conditions and GPs
    Dr Jo Butterworth

  • Thurs 2nd Feb 2023
    Going Back to the Future: Evolving holism of multiplicity
    Professor Umesh Kadam

2022 - Hybrid events

  • Wed 9th Nov 2022
    Personalised modelling for Precision Healthcare
    Professor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova

  • Wed 12th Oct 2022
    Innovations and interventions for detecting cancer earlier
    Professor Richard Neal

  • Wed 28th Sept 2022
    Precision rehabilitation in primary care research: past, present, future
    Professor Helen Dawes

  • June 2022
    APEx SPCR Launch Event - Sandy Park

  • Wed 30th March 2022
    Using patient/reported indicators of health system performance: development of the OECD PaRIS Survey for people with chronic conditions
    Professor Chema Valderas

  • 10–11th March 2022

  • Wed 16th February 2022
    Exploring ethnic differences in primary care diagnosis of cancer
    Dr Tani Martins

    Delivery fidelity of the REACT (REtirement in ACTion) physical activity and behaviour maintenance intervention for community-dwelling older people with mobility limitations
    Dr Rosina Cross

  • Wed 26th January 2022
    Preventing falls – what works?
    Professor Sallie Lamb

2021 - Online events 

  • Wed 17th November 2021
    Parents and carers’ views and experiences of eczema in the online world: a mixed-methods exploration (PhD)
    Dr Bethan Treadgold

    Blood pressure in older people and evidence for a post-hypertension syndrome
    Dr Jane Masoli

  • Wed 20th October 2021
    Research capability and capacity: update on the NIHR 70@70 programme & Supported self-management in Interstitial Lung Disease
    Dr Anne-Marie Russell

  • Wed 22nd September 2021
    Whistle-stop tour of the SPCR
    Dr Georgina Fletcher & Prof John Campbell

  • Wed 23rd June 2021
    Promoting Adherence to Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises for the prevention and treatment of incontinence – what could be done in primary care to support pelvic floor health for women across their life-course 
    Professor Sarah Dean 

  • Wed 12th May 2021
    D:REACH-HF - Digitally adapting effective home-based cardiac rehabilitation for people living with heart failure
    Dr Sam van Beurden 

    REACT: Retirement in ACTion: A randomised controlled trial of a community-based physical activity intervention to prevent mobility-related disability for retired older people
    Dr Jess Bollen

  • Wed 24th March 2021
    Magnetic resonance imaging for prostate cancer diagnosis in primary care
    Dr Sam Merriel

    The impact of reducing referral thresholds for urgent cancer investigation in England
    Dr Sarah Moore

  • Wed 17th Feb 2021
    Inter-arm blood pressure difference: what have we learnt over 25 years?
    Dr Chris Clark

2020 - Online events 

  • Wed 18th Nov 2020
    Reflections on 40 years in Research: From mice to NICE and beyond
    Prof David Halpin, Consultant Physician & Honorary Professor of Respiratory Medicine at The University of Exeter

  • Wed 8th July 2020
    The SPOtting Cancer among Comorbidities (SPOCC) programme: Supporting clinical decision making in patients with symptoms of cancer and pre-existing conditions.
    Dr Gary Abel, Senior Lecturer & Statistician, Primary Care, UEMS

  • Wednesday 11 March 2020
    Primary care as the foundation for sustainable health systems: Making choices matter for health and wellbeing
    Professor Albert Mulley, MD, MPP & Margaret Mulley, Dartmouth Institute, New Hampshire, USA

  • Wednesday 15 January 2020
    A primary care response to frailty: mind the (evidence) gap
    Professor Sue Richards, Professor of Primary Care Research, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences


  • Wednesday 11 December 2019
    A new initiative: three journal articles up for discussion
    1. Zeraatkar et al led by Dr Chris Clark
    2. Minchin et al led by Professor John Campbell
    3. Bohren et al led by Dr Emma Pitchforth 

  • Wednesday 27 November 2019
    Interventions for involving older patients with multimorbidity in decision-making during primary care consultations: A Cochrane systematic review
    Dr Jo Butterworth, NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow, UEMS

    Cardiac rehabilitation and physical activity levels in heart failure
    Grace Dibben, PhD student, UEMS

  • Wednesday 16 October 2019
    Challenges for economic evaluation when doing research with people with learning disabilities: The OK Diabetes Study
    Professor Claire Hulme, Professor of Health Economics, University of Exeter Medical School

  • Wednesday 18 Sept 2019
    Physical activity and serious mental health conditions: evidence, mechanisms and implementation
    Dr Brendon Stubbs, Head of Physiotherapy, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation trust and a clinical lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN), King's College London

  • Monday 3 June 2019
    Women’s health in Ethiopia: doing more for women with pelvic floor disorders
    Dr Zelalem Mengistu, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Urogynaecologist, University of Gondar, Ethiopia AND
    Dr Emma Pitchforth, Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow in Primary Care

  • Wednesday 15 May 2019
    The Low Back Pain in General Practice randomised trial and implementation study
    Dr Ben Darlow, Department of Primary Health Care and General Practice, University of Otago, Wellington New Zealand

    Identifying persons with multimorbidity who are most in need of proactive person-centred care in general practice
    Dr Mieke Rijken, Senior Researcher, Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL)

  • Tuesday 2 April 2019
    Early detection research at Cancer Research UK
    Dr Elizabeth Smethurst, Research Funding Manager, Early Detection Research, Cancer Research UK

  • Wednesday 20 March 2019
    Completing a systematic review summarising screening tools used to predict physical frailty in adults aged 65 years and over. A dissertation project 
    Dr Sarah Walker, Research Fellow, UEMS Exercise Training for Chronic Heart Failure (ExTraMATCH II): Our experience of performing an Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis AND Ellie Williams, BCLinSci student, UEMS

  • Friday 8 February 2019
    Should clinicians measure blood pressure in 2019
    Professor Richard McManus, Professor of Primary Care Research, University of Oxford 

  • Tuesday 22 January 2019
    A future vision for general practice Recording
    Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners


  • Wednesday 28 November 2018
    Joint seminar: Exploring the role of peer-led group-based interventions in the care of adult sexual abuse survivors
    Judit Konya, Academic Clinical Fellow UEMS

    To beet or not to beet? That is the question - a brief review of dietary nitrate as a potential ergogenic and therapeutic aid
    Sinead McDonagh, Research Fellow UEMS

  • Wednesday 31 October 2018
    Cancer diagnostic trials in primary care - ECASS and ERICA
    Professor Willie Hamilton, Professor of Primary Care Diagnostics (DISCO), and Dr Raff Calitri, Trial Manager, UEMS 

  • Wednesday 26 September 2018
    Building Workshop: Measuring patient safety in general practice: the NIHR Patient Safety Toolkit Project and related initiatives
    Co-organised by APEx, SW AHSN and RCGP Tamar Faculty

  • Wednesday 26 September 2018
    Making a difference with your research: towards improving patient safety in primary care
    Professor Tony Avery, Dean and Head of School of Medicine, University of Nottingham

  • Thursday 5 July 2018
    Continuity of care and the new normal of multimorbidity in primary care: appreciating and extending Barbara Starfield’s notion of longitudinal person-focused care – Watch the video
    Barbara Starfield Lecture, Professor Jeannie Haggerty

    Professor Haggerty’s domain of research is the measure of patient experience of patient-centred healthcare and measurement of access and continuity, and how these measures relate to changes in organisational and professional practices.

    Professor Haggerty recalls that Barbara Starfield proposed that while continuity of care is an attribute of good healthcare, it is uniquely expressed and valued in primary care as person-focused care over time, or longitudinality. So continuity in primary care has become virtually synonymous with establishing a therapeutic relationship with the patient and is often indicated by the extent to which a patient concentrates care in their GP. However, as it has become the norm for older adults to have two or more chronic conditions, so being seen by multiple clinicians and having multiple treatment plans has also become the norm. Her talk will summarise research on what patients say about the challenge of managing multiple conditions and seeing multiple providers and present why and how we need to expand the notion of continuity of care to include other clinicians, while underlying the value of person-focused care over time.

  • Wednesday 27 June 2018
    Psychosocial interventions in cardiovascular disease
    Professor David Thompson, Professor of Nursing, Queen's University Belfast

  • Wednesday 20 June 2018
    The At-Risk Registers Intergrated into primary care to Stop Asthma crises in the UK (ARRISA-UK) trial: progress and plans for future workDr Jane Smith, Senior Lecturer in Primary Care, UEMS
    Dr Leon Poltawski and Rachel Winder, Research Fellows for ARRISA-UK study, UEMS

  • Wednesday 9 May 2018
    Why do people with long-term conditions get depression: unpicking the neurocognitive mechanisms
    Professor Chris Dickens, Professor of Psychological Medicine, UEMS

  • Wednesday 4 April 2018
    A randomised trial of the addition of mirtazipine for patients with depression in primary care who have not responded to antidepressant treatment
    Dr David Kessler, Reader in Primary Care, Bristol Medical School

  • Wednesday 21 March  2018
    SPOtting Cancer among comorbidities (SPOC): do pre-existing conditions delay diagnosis of cancer?
    Dr Luke Mounce, UEMS Research Fellow (DISCO)

    Time-dependent variation for PRO measurements in patients with chronic health conditions: a systematic scoping review
    Antoinette Davey, Researcher and PhD student (HSPRG)

  • Wednesday 21 February 2018
    Community-based social innovations for healthy ageing: evidence from middle-income countries
    Dr Emma Pitchforth, Senior Research Fellow in Primary Care, UEMS

  • Wednesday 10 January 2018
    It's the sustainability, stupid!" - why health and social care need a new snowclone to survive 
    Tim Malone (1), Niall Macleod (2), Andrew Gunther (3)
    1. NHS Research Fellow, RD&E; 2. GP, Exeter; 3. Senior Planning & Public Health Officer, Torbay Council. All NHS England/Public Health England Sustainability and Health Ambassadors for Devon


  • Wednesday 6 December 2017
    Mental health in GP/patient consultations
    Dr Joe Ford, Postdoctoral Research Associate, UEMS with Professor Rose McCabe and Professor Katrina Wyatt, UEMS

  • Wednesday 15 November 2017
    Overcoming barriers to anticoagulant uptake in atrial fibrillation: lessons from the AURAS-AF trial
    Dr Tim Holt PhD MRCP FRCGP, Senior Clinical Research Fellow, University of Oxford

  • Wednesday 18 October 2017
    The ImpulsePal: An app a day keeps the cravings at bay
    Sam van Beurden, UEMS Researcher

    The pilot evaluation of a web-based intervention for physical activity and depression
    Jeff Lambert, UEMS Researcher

  • Friday 29 September 2017
    Sharing Medicine
    Dr Richard Lehman, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Birmingham

  • Friday 15 September 2017
    Alison Marsh, Research Programme Manager, Clinical Innovation and Research, Royal College of General Practitioners

  • Wednesday 14 June 2017
    Exploring the safety of an electronic prescribing system in an Intensive Care Unit: A mixed methods approach
    Jaheeda Gangannagaripalli, Researcher, Health Services & Policy Research, UEMS

    Optimising Interventional Treatment of Tennis Elbow
    Jonathan Evans MRCS, MD Student, Health Services & Policy Research, UEMS & Orthopaedic Registrar

  • Wednesday 24 May 2017
    Calling time on the consultation
    Professor John Campbell, Professor of General Practice and Primary Care, UEMS & Director of APEx

  • Wednesday 26 April 2017
    Dementia: Prevention, Treatment and Care
    Professor Clive Ballard, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean

  • Wednesday 15 March 2017
    Continuity - is it the key to care?
    Assoc Prof Philip Evans, Dr Kate Sidaway-Lee and Sir Denis Pereira Gray, St Leonard's Research Practice, Exeter

  • Wednesday 22 February 2017
    The Community-based Prevention of Diabetes (ComPoD) randomised, waiting list controlled trial of a voluntary sector-led diabetes prevention programme 
    Assoc Prof Colin Greaves and Dr Jane Smith, UEMS researchers

  • Wednesday 18 January 2017
    Polypharmacy - a necessary evil?
    Dr Rupert Payne, Consultant Senior Lecturer in Primary Care, University of Bristol

    Evidence, advocacy and resourcing – can global general practice meet the challenge of universal health coverage?" 
    Professor Amanda Howe OBE
    Professor Amanda Howe delivered her Starfield Lecture. She used her global experience as President of WONCA to reflect on the need both for updated evidence on the impacts of investment in primary care,  and the need to use smart arguments to persuade governments to invest in the modern medical workforce for effective health care. The lecture was video recorded.

    Professor Howe trained in Cambridge, London and then Sheffield (1973-1980). Following vocational training, she developed both her GP and academic careers in Sheffield before moving to become the inaugural Chair in Primary Care in the foundation team for the new Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia in 2001. She was Course Director during the GMC accreditation process for the new course from 2004-2008, then was also an RCGP Officer 2009-2015. In 2013 she was elected to the Executive of the World Organization of Family Doctors , where she is now President (2016-2018, see ), while retaining academic and clinical general practice. The last role has brought her into strategic involvement with many major policy units worldwide, including the Robert Graham Center where she has been a keynote speaker for two ‘Starfield Summits’. In April 2018 she was appointed Chair of the International Advisory Group on Primary Health Care for Universal Health Coverage.


  • The Future of Primary Care
    Starfield Lecture, Professor Martin Roland CBE
    Professor Roland trained in Medicine at the University of Oxford. Following vocational training, he worked in London and Cambridge before moving to the Chair in General Practice in the University of Manchester in 1992. He moved to the inaugural Chair of Health Services Research in the University of Cambridge in 2009. Professor Roland was a practising GP from 1979 to 2014.
    In 2015, Professor Martin Roland chaired a government commission to identify models of primary care that would meet the future needs of the NHS. In this lecture, he described how British general practice could once again become the envy of the world.

  • Wednesday 14 Dec 2016
    Identifying patients with dementia: from clinical judgement and simple tests to precision medicine 
    Dr David Llewellyn, UEMS

  • Wednesday 30 November 2016
    Handling patient survey data in healthcare - massaging the data or sound practice?"
    Professor Marc N Elliott PhD, Senior Principal Researcher, RAND & Dr Gary Abel PhD, Senior Lecturer, UEMS

  • Wednesday 16 November 2016
    Getting to grips with the psychology of weight management: lessons learned from developing and delivering the SkiM (Skills for weight loss and Maintenance) intervention
    Dr Leon Poltawski and Associate Professor Colin Greaves, UEMS

  • Wednesday 9 November 2016
    Diagnostic activity indicators for cancer in primary care
    Dr Gary Abel, UEMS
  • Wednesday 2 November 2016
    Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) in clinical trials - an introduction
     Dr Tove A Hanssen, Honorary Research Fellow, Complex Interventions Research Group, UEMS

  • Wednesday 12 October 2016
    Providing psychological care in cardiac rehabilitation settings: a tale of two halves. Findings from an updated Cochrane review, and NIHR HTA funded pilot study ‘CADENCE’ 
    Dr Sue Richards, UEMS

  • Wednesday 14 September 2016
    Nepal, Ivan Illich, and flesh-eating killer bugs: the journey of a clinical researcher
    Professor Paul Little, Professor of Primary Care Research, University of Southampton

  • Wednesday 22 June 2016
    Using Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for the routine management of multimorbidity in primary care: results of a feasibility study
    Dr Ian Porter

    Dr Charlotte Bramwell

  • Thursday 2 June 2016
    Multimorbidity  - models of care
    "Primary Care Databases: challenges with analysing electronic health records" ‌
    Dr Evan Kontopantelis

  • Friday 29 April 2016
    How do medical students learn technical proficiency on hospital placements? The role of learning networks"
    Dr Alex Harding

  • Wednesday 20 April 2016
    OPTIcare - applying a science of generalism to tackling problematic polypharmacy"
    Dr Joanne Reeve

  • Wednesday 6 April 2016
    Transforming patient-reported outcome assessment: the role of adaptive tests and tailored feedback"
    Dr Chris Gibbons

  • Wednesday 23 March 2016
    Key components in models of community-based interventions coordinating care in dementia: a mixed studies systematic review"

    The Clinical Practice Research Datalink: how much symptom information is lost in the free text

    Amy Backhouse

  • 24 February 2016
    Patient feedback: useful in transforming primary care?
    Professor John Campbell

  • Wednesday 20 January 2016
    Integrating service design, evaluation and research: a strategy to improve person-centred coordinated care
    Dr Helen Lloyd


  • Wednesday 2 December 2015
    Nursing research in hypertension: a Canadian perspective
    Professor Lyne Cloutier

  • Wednesday 25 November 2015
    Using Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for the routine management of multimorbidity in primary care: Results of a feasibility study
    Dr Ian PorterDr Caroline Jenkinson & Mary CarterThe MIR Trial:  lessons learned from conducting a CTIMP in general practices

  • Tuesday 17 November 2015
    Blood pressure measurement in the GP's office: Is it a complete waste of time?
    Dr James Sheppard

  • Wednesday 21 October
    Professor Rod Taylor, Professor of Health Services Research, UEMS

  • 29 September 2015
    General Practice: An Independent Discipline
    Starfield Lecture, Professor Sir Denis Pereira Gray OBE

    The inaugural lecture was given by Sir Denis Pereira Gray OBE HonDSc FRCP FRCGP FMedSci with the title "General Practice: An Independent Discipline".

    Sir Denis Pereira Gray worked as a general practitioner for 38 years in the St Leonard’s Medical Practice Exeter, following his father and grandfather. He was President of the Cambridge University Chess Club and has been awarded the gold medal of the Hunterian Society, London, the gold medal of the Royal Institute of Public Health, and honorary doctorates by three British universities. The lecture was published in the British Journal of General Practice Open: "Towards research-based learning outcomes for general practice in medical schools: Inaugural Barbara Starfield Memorial Lecture" 

  • Thursday 17 September 2015
    Multimorbidity: Re-designing health care for the people who use it"
    Professor Chris Salisbury, Professor of Primary Health Care, University of Bristol

  • Wed 24 June 2015Thrombocytosis: an important marker of cancer in primary care?
    Sarah Bailey

    Cochrane cardiac rehabilitation reviews - working with Cochrane: lessons learned"
    Dr Lindsey Anderson

  • Wed 20 May 2015
    The challenges of integrating primary care for people with physical and psychological health problems
    Professor Chris Dickens

  • Wed 15 April
    Ordering of thyroid function tests in primary care - is six-fold variation too much and should we do anything about it?
    Professor Chris Hyde, Dr Bijay Vaidya (Consultant Physician, RD&E) UNTEST team

  • Wed 25 March 2015
    Complex interventions for complex problems: from offenders to multimorbidity, developing and evaluating innovative models of care
    Professor Richard Byng

  • Wed 25 February 2015
     'You've got Alzheimer's Disease' - delivering a diagnosis of dementia
    Jemima Dooley

    Including caregivers in designing a home-based intervention for heart failure management: what do they need?
    Jenny Wingham

  • Wed 28 January 2015
    Ankle-Brachial Index, the most ubiquitary marker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk: 45 years of research
    Professor Victor Aboyans


  • Tue 24 June 2014
    Presentations to SAPC, Edinburgh Primary Care SAPC Presentations Edinburgh 2014

  • Fri 23 May 2014
    Using patient-reported outcome measures in Primary Care: evidence and challenges
    Professor Jose Valderas

  • Fri 18 July 2014
    Ethnic differences in clinical quality of care in the US
    Marc Elliott

  • Mon 22 Sep 2014
    Producing evidence that helps
    Professor David Mant

  • Wed 22 October 2014
     "(How) can GPs improve cancer outcomes?
    Professor Willie Hamilton 

  • Wed 3 December 2014
    Impact of multi-morbidity and clinical complexity on the quality and safety of Primary Care in England: Development of a protocol
    Dr Leon Poltawski

    Weight loss maintenance: a qualitative synthesis and implications for interventions
    Dr Luke Mounce

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Patient and Public Involvement events

PPI Advice Clinics and Ideas Cafes

Patient and Public Training Workshops

We run Patient and Public Training Workshops throughout the year, for both researchers and public contributors. 

What to expect from a workshop

The training workshop answers questions that patients and the public may have when thinking about getting involved in research:

  • Why patient and public involvement in research is important.
  • How patient and public involvement in research can make a big difference.
  • How patients and the public can draw on lived experiences to help researchers.

Who runs the workshops?

Dr. Kristina Staley, director of TwoCan Associates, who has been working in the field of patient and public involvement in research for over 20 years. She has written more than 100 case studies of impact, helped research organisations and individuals develop their policy and practice, and worked extensively with patients and public herself. 

Upcoming workshops

We don't have any upcoming workshops. If you would like to be kept informed of future workshops please email and ask to be added to the mailing list. 

PPI Clinics

PLEASE NOTE: These Clinics are aimed specifically at APEx researchers

About the Clinics

The Exeter Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) is a multidisciplinary team within the College of Medicine and Health.

Whatever your query, from finding out more about Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) to creating a PPIE strategy for a research bid, primary care researchers can speak to one of our PPIE researchers for advice. These online Advice Clinics have been set up specifically to support primary care researchers intending to submit applications in the SPCR funding rounds.

How to book

Please register and choose the time slot you wish to book on Eventbrite.  A member of the PPIE team will then confirm your booking with you and send you a Teams link.

Upcoming APEx PPI Advice Clinics - Eventbrite link:

- Tuesday 17th September 10:00 -10:30 and 10:30 – 11:00

- Monday 7th October 10:00 – 10:30 and 10:30 – 11:00

- Thursday 31st October 10:00 – 10:30 and 10:30 – 11:00

- Friday 22nd November 10:00 – 10:30 and 10:30 – 11:00

- Wednesday 11th December 9:30 – 10:00 and 10:00 – 10:30

PPI Ideas Cafes

About the Cafes

These cafes provide the opportunity for researchers to have an informal virtual chat with Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Groups about early-stage research ideas and project outlines. They provide the opportunity to share ideas with patients and the public as well as practice in presenting to a lay audience.

What to expect:

These cafés are split into 40-minute sessions. During this time, a researcher can present their research idea in a short 5-minute presentation, support slides optional, followed by questions and discussion of the idea with the Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Group. This will include the group asking questions but also provide the researcher with the opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback on areas of the research. Members are keen to be more involved in early research development, so researchers don’t need to worry if an idea is only half-formed.

How to book

Register and choose your preferred time on Eventbrite.  A member of the team will then contact you with further details and a Zoom link.  

Here is the Eventbrite links to the APEx Ideas Cafes:

10th Sept

24th Sept

1st Oct

24th Oct

12th Nov

21st Nov

10th Dec

17th Dec


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Early Career Researcher Events & Training

Events and training aimed at ECR/MCR


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PROMs applications in clinical settings

Thursday 20th June 2024,
09:00-17:00, University of Exeter

Call for Abstracts by 5.00pm on 15th March 2024

Registration now open

All researchers, health care practitioners/clinicians and PhD students involved in Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) research are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘PROMs applications in clinical settings’. We are particularly interested in submissions related to developing and implementing patient outcome measures in clinical settings across conditions. We are particularly interested in different methods of implementation, overcoming barriers and lessons learned during these processes. We welcome submissions that describe clinical utility of PROMs and presentation of PROMs to clinicians and patients. Beyond our core theme, we welcome submissions on any topic that comes under the breadth of PROMs Research, including studies demonstrating patient and public involvement and methodological case studies or examples of when things don’t go to plan.

If you would like to make a submission to be considered for an oral or poster presentation, please visit our online submission platform Oxford Abstracts. 

Abstract Submission Guidance
Abstracts reporting research should use the following headings:

Background, Aim(s), Method(s), Results, and Conclusions.

Word limit: 300 words maximum, not including the headings. Note - please do not include
tables/graphics/diagrams/symbols in your abstract. Please submit abstracts online by:  5.00pm on 15th March 2024

Selection criteria
The scientific panel will select papers on the following basis:

  • Only abstracts submitted before the deadline will be considered
  • Work in progress and papers at an early stage of development will be welcom
  • Reproduced papers and reports (especially those written for other audiences) and reproduced book chapters are likely to be rejected 

Assessment process
We will operate a blind peer-review process for all abstracts in which reviewers will judge abstracts on the quality of the content.

  • Scientific significance and importance to the PROMs research field and clinical The importance of the study in moving the science/field forward or having impact. Implications for the field in terms of practice/policy/methodology are clearly stated. Value to existing literature/evidence base. Likelihood of generating extensive delegate interest
  • Creativity/originality/innovation: Represents a creative or innovative approach. Novel, and likely to provoke discussion. The submission has not been presented at a previous ARC conference.

Allocation of oral and poster presentations
Allocation will be based on the quality of the abstract submitted. Very good abstracts are often recommended as posters simply due to the overall high quality of abstracts and the inherently limited spaces for oral presentation.


  • Accepted PhD student posters will be considered for a best PhD poster prize.
  • A prize will be awarded for best oral presentation that best communicates their research to the public as judged by patient and public involvement collaborators.
  • An award for best oral presentation will be presented during the closing remarks.

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday 15th March 2024 at 5.00pm. Abstracts submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

We expect to notify individuals of the outcome of the abstract decision process by the 5th of April. Please note that presenters of abstracts are not automatically registered for the conference. You will need to register by the 19th of April.

We have held a number of rooms on the university premises and if you require this accommodation you will need to book this by 22nd of April through the conference registration portal. Room rates (B&B) typically start from £85 per night. If you have any problems booking accommodation please contact Antoinette Davey at

Thank you for considering submission to 8th Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Research Conference 2024.


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