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University of Exeter Medical School

Professor Willie Hamilton CBE

Professor Willie Hamilton CBE

Professor of Primary Care Diagnostics


 +44 (0) 1392 726097

 College House 1.18


College House, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Willie Hamilton is a third generation doctor from Belfast. He specialises in primary care diagnostics, with particular expertise in cancer.

Willie’s research has had a major impact on improving earlier diagnosis of cancer in the UK, which saves lives. He was clinical lead on the main NICE guidance, ‘Referral for Suspected Cancer’ NG12, published in 2015; this governs approximately £1 billion of annual NHS spending. Of the 210 NICE recommendations in NG12, 100 can be traced back in part or wholly to his publications. These new guidelines have contributed to meeting the target of reducing the number of avoidable cancer deaths in the UK by 10,000. The battle is not yet won, but patients are being diagnosed earlier, cancer survival is improving, and year on year hundreds fewer cancer patients are being diagnosed with an emergency complication of their cancer.

Willie and his team have also produced Risk Assessment Tools for all major adult cancers. These provide the GP and patient with an accurate estimate of the risk of cancer when a patient reports symptoms to their GP. These have been converted to electronic form with support from Macmillan the cancer charity. A major randomised control trial of these begins in 2019, supported by a £2 million philanthropic donation from the Dennis and Mireille Gillings Foundation. This illustrates that Willie’s research work remains deeply focussed in general practice, aiming to further improve cancer survival in the UK and internationally.

This work has been supported by grants totalling over £30 million, including an NIHR programme grant (2010-6) and another in 2020, the Department of Health-supported Policy Research unit (2010-18, renewed in 2019), the flagship Cancer Research UK Catalyst award with Cambridge, (2015-2020) and philanthropic funding from the Gillings Foundation.  He received a CBE for services in improving early cancer diagnosis in the 2019 New Years Honours. 


Willie trained in Bristol before moving to Exeter to do hospital medicine.

After a stint in Malawi as a government physician, he returned to Exeter to train in general practice. Ten years of clinical practice followed, before he moved into academia. In 2000, he joined Bristol with two supporting fellowships: from the Royal College of GPs, and from the NCC (now NIHR). These supported his initial work into the symptoms of cancer. After obtaining his MD, he was awarded a NIHR-doctoral fellowship, allowing expansion of the cancer symptoms work. In 2010 he joined the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry as Professor of primary care Diagnostics, a post he now holds in the University of Exeter Medical School. His team forms the DISCOVERY unit (DIagnosing Symptomatic Cancer Optimally - with the VERY acting to emphasise the optimally).

Willie is profoundly deaf, but is driven by the mantra, ‘Deaf people can do anything except hear’. With lip reading, hearing aids and two cochlear implants (one working) he retained a successful career in clinical general practice though ceased at the end of 2016 to concentrate on his research work.

Willie follows two further mantras: his school motto, Quaerere Verum (‘to seek the truth’) and the Royal College of GPs, Cum Scientia Caritas (‘caring with science’). No Latin motto has been printed that does justice to Willie’s choice of shirts, however.

From 2017 to 2021, he leads the university’s contribution to a CRUK £4.83m flagship Catalyst Award. He is co-principal investigator with Dr Fiona Walter in Cambridge, on this award, called CanTest. The main research question within this award is the study of tests for cancer in primary care; sub–questions include; what tests can be moved safely and acceptably to primary care? What new tests work? Will GPs and patients accept the transfer of testing out of hospitals? What are the economic and safety aspects of transfer of responsibility for testing? The CanTest collaboration also has a major educational theme aimed at fostering the next generation of researchers in this key subject. 

Willie is also the lead on a large randomised trial – the ERICA trial – which examines the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of electronic clinical decision support for cancer which is integrated into GP clinical software. Supported by a £2m philanthropic donation from the Dennis and Mireille Gillings Foundation, this trial recruits practices from 2021, reporting in 2025.

Willie manages and provides leadership to the fifteen current research staff PhD students. He was also the clinical lead in the 2012-5 update of the NICE referral guidelines for suspected cancer, which influences over £1bn of NHS spending on cancer diagnosis. He has over 320 peer-reviewed publications, including winning the RCGP overall paper of the year twice.  


2005 MD (Bristol) Thesis title: “Earlier diagnosis of colorectal, lung and prostate cancer”

2003 FRCP

2002 FRCGP

1989   MRCGP

1986   MRCP (UK)

1982    MB, ChB (Bristol)

1979    BSc (2,1) in Medical Microbiology (Bristol)



Current and previous posts

2010 – present                        Professor of Primary Care Diagnostics, University of Exeter

2007 - 2010                             Consultant Senior Lecturer, Department of Community Based Medicine, University of Bristol

1990-2001                               Principal in General Practice, Barnfield Hill, Exeter

2006 - 2016                             General practitioner, Mount Pleasant Health Centre, Exeter

Selected publications

Neal RD, Barham A, Bongard E, Edwards RT, Fitzgibbon J, Griffiths G, et al. Immediate chest X-ray for patients at risk of lung cancer presenting in primary care: randomised controlled feasibility trial. Br J Cancer. 2017;116:293-302.

Bailey SE, Ukoumunne OC, Shephard EA, Hamilton W. Clinical relevance of thrombocytosis in primary care: a prospective cohort study of cancer incidence using English electronic medical records and cancer registry data. Br J Gen Pract. 2017;67:405-13.

Mounce LTA, Price S, Valderas JM, Hamilton W. Comorbid conditions delay diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a cohort study using electronic primary care records. Br J Cancer. 2017;116:1530-43.

Stapley SA, Rubin GP, Alsina D, Shephard EA, Rutter MD, Hamilton WT. Clinical features of bowel disease in patients aged >=50 years in primary care: A large case-control study. British Journal of General Practice. 2017;67(658):e336-e44.

Torring ML, Murchie P, Hamilton W, Vedsted P, Esteva M, Lautrup M, et al. Evidence of advanced stage colorectal cancer with longer diagnostic intervals: a pooled analysis of seven primary care cohorts comprising 11720 patients in five countries. Br J Cancer. 2017;117(6):888-97.

Atkin W, Wooldrage K, Shah U, Skinner K, Brown J, Hamilton W, et al. Is whole-colon investigation by colonoscopy, computerised tomography colonography or barium enema necessary for all patients with colorectal cancer symptoms, and for which patients would flexible sigmoidoscopy suffice? A retrospective cohort study. Health Technology Assessment. 2017;21(66).

Lim AWW, Hamilton W, Hollingworth A, Stapley S, Sasieni P. Performance characteristics of visualising the cervix in symptomatic young females: a review of primary care records in females with and without cervical cancer. British Journal of General Practice. 2016;66(644):e189-e92.

Hamilton W, Walter FM, Rubin G, Neal RD. Improving early diagnosis of symptomatic cancer. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2016;13:740-9.

Neal RD, Tharmanathan P, France B, Din NU, Cotton S, Fallon-Ferguson J, et al. Is increased time to diagnosis and treatment in symptomatic cancer associated with poorer outcomes? Systematic review. Br J Cancer. 2015;112:S92–S107.

Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose P, Walter FM, Litt EJ, Hamilton WT. Quantifying the risk of multiple myeloma from symptoms reported in primary care patients: a large case–control study using electronic records. BJGP. 2015;65(631):e106-e13.

Rose PW, Rubin G, Perera-Salazar R, Almberg SS, Barisic A, Dawes M, et al. Explaining variation in cancer survival between 11 jurisdictions in the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership: a primary care vignette survey. BMJ Open. 2015;5(5).

Hamilton W, Stapley S, Campbell C, Lyratzopoulos G, Rubin G, Neal R. For which cancers might patients benefit most from expedited symptomatic diagnosis? Construction of a ranking order by a modified Delphi technique. BMC Cancer. 2015;15:820.

Banks J, Hollinghurst S, Bigwood L, Peters TJ, Walter FM, Hamilton W. Preferences for cancer investigation: a vignette-based study of primary-care attendees. The Lancet Oncology. 2014;15:232-40.

Hamilton F, Carroll R, Salisbury C, Hamilton W. The risk of cancer in primary care patients with hypercalcaemia: a cohort study using electronic records. Br J Cancer. 2014;111:1410-12.

Ades AE, Biswas M, Welton NJ, Hamilton W. Symptom lead time distribution in lung cancer: natural history and prospects for early diagnosis. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2014;43:1865-73.

Ridd M, Santos Ferreira D, Montgomery A, Salisbury C, Hamilton W. Patient-doctor continuity and diagnosis of cancer: electronic medical records study. British Journal of General Practice. 2014;65:e305-12.

Price SJ, Shephard EA, Stapley SA, Barraclough K, Hamilton WT. Non-visible versus visible haematuria and bladder cancer risk: a study of electronic records in primary care. BJGP. 2014;64(626):e584-e9.

Dommett RM, Redaniel T, Martin RM, Stevens MCG, Hamilton W. Risk of childhood cancer with symptoms in primary care: a population-based case-control study. British Journal of General Practice. 2013;63(606):e22-e9.

Weller D, Vedsted P, Rubin G, Walter FM, Emery J, Scott S, et al. The Aarhus statement: improving design and reporting of studies on early cancer diagnosis. Br J Cancer. 2012;106(7):1262-7.

Hamilton W, Peters TJ, Bankhead C, Sharp D. Risk of ovarian cancer in women with symptoms in primary care: population based case-control study. BMJ 2009. 2009:339:b2998.

Current research grants

Duffy, SW, Sasieni, P, Offman J, Rachet B, Raine R, Waller J, Von Wagner C, Sheringham, J, Pashayan, N, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter F, Neal R, Hamilton W, Mitchell, E, Lewins D. Policy Research Unit in Cancer Awareness, Screening and Early Diagnosis, Department of Health. 2018-2023. £4,997,576.00

What is the clinical-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of embedded risk-of-cancer assessment of patients in primary care; the ERICA trial. W Hamilton, M Pitt, Anne Spencer, John Campbell, Rod Taylor, G Abel & F Warren, and S Dean. £2.75m Philanthropic donation to University of Exeter, D and M Gillings, 2018-2020

Selection of Eligible People for Lung Cancer Screening using Electronic Primary Care DaTa: Development of new risk prediction models. Baldwin, D, O’Dowd, E, Hubbard, R, de Koning, H, Field, J, Hamilton, W, Callister, M, ten Haaf, K, Janes, S. CRUK. 2018-2021, £352,945.

Enhancing the diagnostic pathway for dementia: The DECODE Project. Llewellyn D,Ballard, C, Campbell, J, Hamilton W, Dean D, Kuzma, E, Moore, S, Warren, F, Lang I. The Halpin Trust. £123,558. 2018-2020.

Guideline discordant diagnostic care: when do primary care referrals not reflect guidelines for suspected cancer. Abel G, Lyratzopoulos, G, Campbell, J, Hamilton W. CRUK, £117.089. 2018-9.

CanTest- Cancer diagnostic testing in primary care: a paradigm shift for cancer diagnosis. Hamilton W, Walter F (co-PIs), Johnson, M, Singh, H, Lyratzopoulos, G, Abel, G, Spencer, A, Thompson, M, Sutton, S, Rubin, G, Neal R, Vedsted, P, Emery J. CRUK Catalyst Award, £4,834,829. 2017-22.

Understanding the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and current use of cancer diagnostic tools to aid decision-making in primary care. Peters, J, Lewis, R, Neal, R, Spencer A, Price S, Hamilton, W, Cooper, C. HTA £240,800. 2017-8

‘WICKED’ (Wales Interventions and Cancer Knowledge about Early Diagnosis): The development and evaluation of primary care interventions to expedite the diagnosis of symptomatic cancer in Wales. Neal RD, Hamilton W et al, Welsh Govt £800,000, 2016-8.

Clinical and cost effectiveness of progressive exercise compared to best practice advice, with or without corticosteroid injection, for the treatment of rotator cuff disorders: a 2x2 factorial randomized controlled trial (GRASP). Lamb, Hopewell, Barker, Carr, Keene, Jaggi, Hamilton, Dutton, Simera, Gray, Hansen, Littlewood, Dritsaki. HTA £1,228,000 2016-9.

Evaluating the impact of NICE guidelines for suspected cancers in respect of diagnostic interval and other outcomes. Spencer A, Hamilton W [co-PIs], et al. CRUK. £148,000, 2016-8.

Research group links

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Research interests

Willie's main research field is early diagnosis of cancer in primary care. He has produced dozens of cancer diagnostic peer-reviewed publications, plus an award winning textbook. Willie lead the Early Diagnosis Subgroup within the NCRI’s primary care clinical studies group until recently. He also holds a £2m NIHR programme grant as PI entitled ‘optimising diagnosis of symptomatic cancer’ (2010-2015) and is a founder co-applicant to the DH’s Policy Research Unit on Cancer screening, awareness and early diagnosis, funded by a £5m grant from the DH. 21 of Willie's 31 project grants are based on aspects of cancer diagnosis.

Willie has led the UK cancer diagnosis agenda for several years, and has produced charts on cancer risk that are now being used for 13 cancers in UK GP surgeries to assess risk.  This work was presented in a symposium at the 2013 NCRI annual conference, which Willie chaired, and has attracted considerable media interest. The system is now being tested as software for GPs clinical computers which prompts when the risk of cancer is above 2%. The study is being funded by DH, CRUK and Macmillan.

Research grants

I have been awarded a total of 43 programme/project grants (total over £22m) as either principal or co-investigator, in addition to the NCCRCD researcher development award, the NIHR postdoctoral award and the RCGP/BUPA fellowship (fellowships total £850k as PI), plus my research practice core funding (£150k as PI).

  1. Understanding the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and current use of cancer diagnostic tools to aid decision-making in primary care. Peters, J, Lewis, R, Neal, R, Spencer A, Price S, Hamilton, W, Cooper, C. HTA £240,800. 2017-8
  2. Opportunities for earlier colorectal cancer diagnosis along the diagnostic pathways: Importance of healthcare and patient-related factors. Renzi, C, Lyratzopoulos, G, Rachet, B. Hamilton, W, Coleman, M, Waller, J. BMA Gunton award. £49,978. 2016-8.
  3. ‘WICKED’ (Wales Interventions and Cancer Knowledge about Early Diagnosis): The development and evaluation of primary care interventions to expedite the diagnosis of symptomatic cancer in Wales. Neal RD, Hamilton W et al, Welsh Govt £800,000, 2016-8.
  4. Clinical and cost effectiveness of progressive exercise compared to best practice advice, with or without corticosteroid injection, for the treatment of rotator cuff disorders: a 2x2 factorial randomized controlled trial (GRASP). Lamb, Hopewell, Barker, Carr, Keene, Jaggi, Hamilton, Dutton, Simera, Gray, Hansen, Littlewood, Dritsaki. HTA £1,228,000 2016-9.
  5. Evaluating the impact of NICE guidelines for suspected cancers in respect of diagnostic interval and other outcomes. Spencer A, Hamilton W (co-PIs), et al. CRUK. £148,000, 2016-8.
  6. GW4-IF5-003 GW4 Cancer Research Consortium: Murell AM, Hamilton W, et al. GW4 Initiator Fund, 2016. £15,000
  7. Enhancing the diagnostic pathway for dementia: The DECODE Project. Llewellyn, D Hamilton W, Dickins, C. Halpin Trust 2016-9. £100,000
  8. Proton-Pump Inhibitor therapy: quasi-experimental evaluation of longer-term use in older patients. Ble, A, Melzer, D, Henley, W, Hamilton, W, Strain D. NIHR RfPB 2015-7. £236,891.
  9. Understanding the diagnostic pathway for brain tumours in adults and its potential impact on clinical care and outcomes. Brennan, P, Grant, R, Ben Schlomo, Y, Hamilton, W, Hollingworth, W, Kurian, K, Weller D. The Brain Tumour Charity. £299,619. 2015-7.
  10. Phase II exploratory randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing use of electronic clinical decision support (eCDS) for suspected oesophago-gastric cancer in primary care with usual care. The oesophago-gastric risk evaluation (OGRE) trial. Rubin, GP, Neal, RD, Walter, FW, Emery, J, Whyte, S, Whitaker, Hamilton, W and Ukoumunne, O. CRUK 2014-6 £307,000
  11. Bowel Disease In Younger Adults: Selection For Investigation In Primary Care (BODYSHOP). Hamilton, W. Shephard, E, Alsina, D, Rubin G. Policy Research Programme 2014-16. £120,000
  12. Building the evidence base for the early symptomatic diagnosis of cancer (ABC-DEEP Consortium). Neal, RD, Torring ML, Stapley SA, Campbell C, Vedsted P, Wilkinson C, Hamilton W, Emery J, Rubin G, Weller, D. CRUK 2013-4 £126,337.
  13. MRC APBI STratification and Extreme Response Mechanism IN Diabetes (MASTERMIND). Pearson, E, Gray A, Hamilton W, Hattersley A, Henley, W, Hyde, C, Janmohammed, S, Jennison, C, Shields, B, Weedon, M. MRC £718,070. 2013-5.
  14. Development and testing of a new tool to measure the diagnostic interval in cancer research. Weller D, Walter, F, Hamilton W, Rubin, G, Neal, R, CR-UK £100,000, 2012-13.
  15. Continuity And Detection Of Cancer in Primary Care (CADOC-PC). Ridd M, Salisbury C, Montgomery A, Hamilton W. CRUK. £37,308 2011-2012
  16. Diagnostic intervals in cancer; baseline study and comparison before implementation of NICE guidance– database analysis. Neal RD, Rubin G, Hamilton W. Department of Health £85K. 2009-2011.
  17. Long term outcome in giant cell arteritis.  Luqmani R, Hutchings A, Dasgupta B, Arden N, Smeeth L, Hamilton W, Culliford D. RfPB £96,226. 2011-3.
  18. El CiD: Improved lung cancer identification by targeted chest X-ray (CXR) – a clinical trial looking at the effect on lung cancer diagnosis of giving a CXR to smokers aged over 60 with chest symptoms. Neal R, Hurt C, Tod A, Rogers T, Hamilton W. CRUK, £380,000. 2011-3
  19. A systematic review of the risk of cancer posed by symptoms reported to primary care, for oesophagus, stomach, uterine and cervical cancers. Hamilton W. Sharp, D, Rose P, Neal RD. CRUK, £49,323 2011-2 [principal applicant].
  20.  ColoRectal Early Diagnosis: Information Based Local Evaluation (CREDIBLE).  Marshall T, Wilson S, Dowswell G, Morton D, Hamilton W, Greenfield S. CRUK, £323,000, 2011-3. [co-applicant]
  21. Policy Research Unit in Cancer awareness, screening and early diagnosis. Duffy SW, Coleman MP, Bernard R, Sasieni P, Cusick J, Parkin M, Ramirez AJ, Wardle J, Nazareth I, Forbes L, Raine R, Macleod U, Rubin G, Hamilton W. Department of Health. £7,500,000. 2011-8. [co-applicant]
  22. Optimising diagnosis of symptomatic cancer. NIHR Programme Grant. Hamilton W, Walter F, Raffle A, Emery J, Rubin G, Ades T, Bankhead C, Peters T, Knowles J, Hollinghurst S, Rose P, Brindle P, Turner K, Neal R. £1,945,945. 2010 – 2015. [principal applicant].
  23. Using a participant-completed questionnaire to identify symptoms that predict lung cancer: a feasibility study. Wilson S, Brindle L, Corner J, George S, Hamilton W. NIHR School for Primary Care Research (NSPCR). £126,043 2009-11 [Primary care input to design and conduct]
  24. Evaluation of symptom presentation and onward referral of young women later diagnosed with cervical cancer in England: a four part study. Hamilton W, Rubin G, Sasieni P, Ramirez A, Patnick J, Thackeray A, Poole J, Kitchener H. £42,586, 2009-10 NHS Cancer screening programme [principal applicant; design and conduct of parts 1 and 2 – the grant figure only relating to the Bristol component]
  25. The role of ultrasound compared to biopsy of temporal arteries in the diagnosis and treatment of giant cell arteritis, Luqmani R, Bradburn M, Hutchings A, Wailoo A, Dasgupta B, Salmon J, Wakefield R, McNally E, Hamilton W, McDonald B, Wolfe K, NIHR HTA, £1,569,250 2009-13. [Primary care input to design and conduct]
  26. Bristol homeopathic hospital costs study. Wye L, Fordham R, Thompson R, Hamilton W. Co-funded; Blackie Foundation (£22.9k) British Homeopathic Association (£10k), SW GP Trust (£10.5k), and UBHT (£12k) – total £55,000.  2009-10. [co-applicant; design lead]
  27. A systematic review of risks of cancer posed by symptoms reported to primary care, Hamilton W, Rose P, Neal RD. NSPCR £46,000, 2008-9 [principal applicant; this includes some unspent monies from grant 12]
  28. Determining the diagnostic accuracy of Colonix testing in patients at moderate risk of colorectal cancer. Hamilton W, Daniels I. Funded by Colonix Ltd. £172,114 2008-9. [principal applicant, on commercial grant]
  29. Time to diagnosis in symptomatic cancer: does it have an effect on clinical and psychological outcomes? Systematic review, and scoping work for future research. Neal R, Lewis R, Hendry M, Wilkinson C, Russell I, Macleod U, Hamilton W, Mitchell E, Stuart N, Williams N, Belcher J, Peters T. Cancer Research UK (CRUK) £115,453 2008-9 [co-applicant; design and interpretation]
  30. Iron deficiency anaemia and delayed diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a feasibility study. CRUK £33,722 2007-8. Wilson S, Ryan, R, Hamilton W, Iqbal TH, Ismael, T, Rubin G, Gratus C, Murray J, Lawrence G, Hobbs R. [co-applicant; design and interpretation]
  31. Earlier diagnosis of ovarian cancer in primary care; a case-control study of symptoms, signs and investigations preceding the cancer. NSPCR. £200,000 2007-8. Hamilton W, Bankhead C Sharp D, and Peters T.[principal applicant]
  32. Earlier diagnosis of metastatic cancer in primary care; a case-control study of symptoms, signs and investigations preceding the cancer. NSPCR. £100,000 2007-9. Hamilton W and Rose P. [principal applicant]
  33. Caper-C; seedcorn funding to develop the CAPER score for clinical use. NSPCR £50,000. 2007. Hamilton W. [principal applicant]
  34. Assessing the potential for earlier detection of colorectal cancer in primary care using the GP research database. CRUK. £56,687 2006-8. Hamilton W, Marshall T, Cheng KK, Peters TJ, Sharp D. [principal applicant]
  35. Achieving earlier diagnosis of symptomatic colorectal cancer in general practice – a pilot study in 5 UK regions. Department of Health. £24,933 2005-6. Mant D, Rubin G, Hamilton W, Jiwa M, Weller D. [co-applicant; design and interpretation]
  36. A randomized controlled trial of patient self-completion agenda forms on prescribing in general practice. Co-funded Medicines Partnership, East Devon and Exeter PCTs £32,500; 2004-5 Hamilton W, Russell D, Seamark D, Britten N. [principal applicant]
  37. Towards earlier diagnosis of cancer in primary care; a case-control study of symptoms, signs and investigations preceding cancer. Department of Health. £222,257; 2001-3. Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D, Peters T and Hattersley A. [principal applicant]
  38. The prevalence, incidence, predictions and associations of general practitioners’ records of fatigue symptoms and syndromes in the year following infectious mononucleosis. Linbury Trust. £58,992; 2002-3. White P, Thomas J and Hamilton W. [co-applicant; design and interpretation]
  39. One year incidence of GP records of fatigue related symptoms and diagnoses with a case-control study of premorbid risk factors in patients diagnosed with CFS-like diagnoses, compared with patients with IBS and patients attending for other reasons. Dept of Work and Pensions. £65,068; 2002-4. White P, Thomas J and Hamilton W. [co-applicant; design and interpretation]
  40. Do community-based self-reading sphygmomanometers improve detection of hypertension? SW Region. £15,661;2001-2. Hamilton W and Round A. [principal applicant]
  41. Prediction of ill-health from simple data. Assurance Medical Society. £11,525; 2001-2. Hamilton W and Hall GH. [principal applicant]

Can non-attendance at hospital outpatients be reduced by giving patients a copy of their referral letter? National R&D programme Primary/Secondary care interface. £19,432; 1996-8. Hamilton W, Round A and Sharp D. [principal applicant]

Research projects

Selected publications

Neal RD, Barham A, Bongard E, Edwards RT, Fitzgibbon J, Griffiths G, et al. Immediate chest X-ray for patients at risk of lung cancer presenting in primary care: randomised controlled feasibility trial. Br J Cancer. 2017;116:293-302.

Bailey SE, Ukoumunne OC, Shephard EA, Hamilton W. Clinical relevance of thrombocytosis in primary care: a prospective cohort study of cancer incidence using English electronic medical records and cancer registry data. Br J Gen Pract. 2017;67:405-13.

Mounce LTA, Price S, Valderas JM, Hamilton W. Comorbid conditions delay diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a cohort study using electronic primary care records. Br J Cancer. 2017;116:1530-43.

Stapley SA, Rubin GP, Alsina D, Shephard EA, Rutter MD, Hamilton WT. Clinical features of bowel disease in patients aged >=50 years in primary care: A large case-control study. British Journal of General Practice. 2017;67(658):e336-e44.

Torring ML, Murchie P, Hamilton W, Vedsted P, Esteva M, Lautrup M, et al. Evidence of advanced stage colorectal cancer with longer diagnostic intervals: a pooled analysis of seven primary care cohorts comprising 11720 patients in five countries. Br J Cancer. 2017;117(6):888-97.

Atkin W, Wooldrage K, Shah U, Skinner K, Brown J, Hamilton W, et al. Is whole-colon investigation by colonoscopy, computerised tomography colonography or barium enema necessary for all patients with colorectal cancer symptoms, and for which patients would flexible sigmoidoscopy suffice? A retrospective cohort study. Health Technology Assessment. 2017;21(66).

Lim AWW, Hamilton W, Hollingworth A, Stapley S, Sasieni P. Performance characteristics of visualising the cervix in symptomatic young females: a review of primary care records in females with and without cervical cancer. British Journal of General Practice. 2016;66(644):e189-e92.

Hamilton W, Walter FM, Rubin G, Neal RD. Improving early diagnosis of symptomatic cancer. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2016;13:740-9.

Neal RD, Tharmanathan P, France B, Din NU, Cotton S, Fallon-Ferguson J, et al. Is increased time to diagnosis and treatment in symptomatic cancer associated with poorer outcomes? Systematic review. Br J Cancer. 2015;112:S92–S107.

Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose P, Walter FM, Litt EJ, Hamilton WT. Quantifying the risk of multiple myeloma from symptoms reported in primary care patients: a large case–control study using electronic records. BJGP. 2015;65(631):e106-e13.

Rose PW, Rubin G, Perera-Salazar R, Almberg SS, Barisic A, Dawes M, et al. Explaining variation in cancer survival between 11 jurisdictions in the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership: a primary care vignette survey. BMJ Open. 2015;5(5).

Hamilton W, Stapley S, Campbell C, Lyratzopoulos G, Rubin G, Neal R. For which cancers might patients benefit most from expedited symptomatic diagnosis? Construction of a ranking order by a modified Delphi technique. BMC Cancer. 2015;15:820.

Banks J, Hollinghurst S, Bigwood L, Peters TJ, Walter FM, Hamilton W. Preferences for cancer investigation: a vignette-based study of primary-care attendees. The Lancet Oncology. 2014;15:232-40.

Hamilton F, Carroll R, Salisbury C, Hamilton W. The risk of cancer in primary care patients with hypercalcaemia: a cohort study using electronic records. Br J Cancer. 2014;111:1410-12.

Ades AE, Biswas M, Welton NJ, Hamilton W. Symptom lead time distribution in lung cancer: natural history and prospects for early diagnosis. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2014;43:1865-73.

Ridd M, Santos Ferreira D, Montgomery A, Salisbury C, Hamilton W. Patient-doctor continuity and diagnosis of cancer: electronic medical records study. British Journal of General Practice. 2014;65:e305-12.

Price SJ, Shephard EA, Stapley SA, Barraclough K, Hamilton WT. Non-visible versus visible haematuria and bladder cancer risk: a study of electronic records in primary care. BJGP. 2014;64(626):e584-e9.

Dommett RM, Redaniel T, Martin RM, Stevens MCG, Hamilton W. Risk of childhood cancer with symptoms in primary care: a population-based case-control study. British Journal of General Practice. 2013;63(606):e22-e9.

Weller D, Vedsted P, Rubin G, Walter FM, Emery J, Scott S, et al. The Aarhus statement: improving design and reporting of studies on early cancer diagnosis. Br J Cancer. 2012;106(7):1262-7.

Hamilton W, Peters TJ, Bankhead C, Sharp D. Risk of ovarian cancer in women with symptoms in primary care: population based case-control study. BMJ 2009. 2009:339:b2998.

Current research grants

Duffy, SW, Sasieni, P, Offman J, Rachet B, Raine R, Waller J, Von Wagner C, Sheringham, J, Pashayan, N, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter F, Neal R, Hamilton W, Mitchell, E, Lewins D. Policy Research Unit in Cancer Awareness, Screening and Early Diagnosis, Department of Health. 2018-2023. £4,997,576.00

What is the clinical-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of embedded risk-of-cancer assessment of patients in primary care; the ERICA trial. W Hamilton, M Pitt, Anne Spencer, John Campbell, Rod Taylor, G Abel & F Warren, and S Dean. £2.75m Philanthropic donation to University of Exeter, D and M Gillings, 2018-2020

Selection of Eligible People for Lung Cancer Screening using Electronic Primary Care DaTa: Development of new risk prediction models. Baldwin, D, O’Dowd, E, Hubbard, R, de Koning, H, Field, J, Hamilton, W, Callister, M, ten Haaf, K, Janes, S. CRUK. 2018-2021, £352,945.

Enhancing the diagnostic pathway for dementia: The DECODE Project. Llewellyn D,Ballard, C, Campbell, J, Hamilton W, Dean D, Kuzma, E, Moore, S, Warren, F, Lang I. The Halpin Trust. £123,558. 2018-2020.

Guideline discordant diagnostic care: when do primary care referrals not reflect guidelines for suspected cancer. Abel G, Lyratzopoulos, G, Campbell, J, Hamilton W. CRUK, £117.089. 2018-9.

CanTest- Cancer diagnostic testing in primary care: a paradigm shift for cancer diagnosis. Hamilton W, Walter F (co-PIs), Johnson, M, Singh, H, Lyratzopoulos, G, Abel, G, Spencer, A, Thompson, M, Sutton, S, Rubin, G, Neal R, Vedsted, P, Emery J. CRUK Catalyst Award, £4,834,829. 2017-22.

Understanding the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and current use of cancer diagnostic tools to aid decision-making in primary care. Peters, J, Lewis, R, Neal, R, Spencer A, Price S, Hamilton, W, Cooper, C. HTA £240,800. 2017-8

‘WICKED’ (Wales Interventions and Cancer Knowledge about Early Diagnosis): The development and evaluation of primary care interventions to expedite the diagnosis of symptomatic cancer in Wales. Neal RD, Hamilton W et al, Welsh Govt £800,000, 2016-8.

Clinical and cost effectiveness of progressive exercise compared to best practice advice, with or without corticosteroid injection, for the treatment of rotator cuff disorders: a 2x2 factorial randomized controlled trial (GRASP). Lamb, Hopewell, Barker, Carr, Keene, Jaggi, Hamilton, Dutton, Simera, Gray, Hansen, Littlewood, Dritsaki. HTA £1,228,000 2016-9.

Evaluating the impact of NICE guidelines for suspected cancers in respect of diagnostic interval and other outcomes. Spencer A, Hamilton W [co-PIs], et al. CRUK. £148,000, 2016-8.


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Journal articles

Merriel S, Hamilton W, Ball S, Hyde C (In Press). A prospective evaluation of the fourth be Clear on Cancer ‘Blood in Pee’ campaign in England. European Journal of Cancer Care
Ball S, Hyde C, Hamilton W, Bright C, Gildea C, Wong K, Paley L, Hill H, Mak V, Moffat J, et al (In Press). An evaluation of a national mass media campaign to raise public awareness of possible lung cancer symptoms in England in 2016 and 2017. British Journal of Cancer
Hall R, Medina-Lara A, Hamilton W, Spencer A (In Press). Attributes used for cancer screening discrete choice experiments: a systematic review. The Patient: Patient Centered Outcomes Research
Price SJ, Spencer A, Medina-Lara A, Hamilton W (In Press). Availability of cancer decision-support tools: a cross-sectional survey of UK primary care. British Journal of General Practice
Bailey S, Mounce L, Hamilton W (In Press). Cancer incidence following a high-normal platelet count: cohort study using electronic healthcare records from English primary care. British Journal of General Practice
Chowienczyk S, Price S, Hamilton W (In Press). Changes in the presenting symptoms of lung cancer between 2000 and 2017. British Journal of General Practice, 1-22.
Price S, Mounce L, Shephard E, Hamilton W (In Press). Effect of pre-existing conditions on stage of bladder cancer at diagnosis: a cohort study using electronic primary care records. British Journal of General Practice, 1-22.
Ukoumunne OC, Moore H, Nixon C, Tariq A, Hamilton W, Hoare Z, Kershenbaum A, Neal RD, Usher-Smith J, Walter FM, et al (In Press). Evaluating a computer aid for assessing stomach symptoms (ECASS): study protocol for a multi-site phase II exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials Abstract.
Walter F, Thompson MJ, Wellwood I, Abel G, Hamilton W, Johnson M, Lyratzopoulos G, Messenger M, Neal R, Greg R, et al (In Press). Evaluating diagnostic strategies for early detection of cancer: the CanTest Framework. BMC Cancer
Merriel S, Hamilton W (In Press). Experiences of ‘traditional’ and ‘one-stop’ MRI-based prostate cancer diagnostic pathways in England: a qualitative study with patients and GPs. BMJ Open
Hardwick RJL, Heaton J, Griffiths G, Vaidya B, Child S, Fleming S, Hamilton WT, Tomlinson J, Zhelev Z, Patterson A, et al (In Press). Exploring reasons for variation in ordering thyroid function tests in primary care: a qualitative study. Quality in Primary Care, 22, 256-261. Abstract.
Bailey S, Hamilton W (In Press). Faecal immunochemical test (FIT) to triage patients with abdominal symptoms for suspected colorectal cancer in primary care: review of international use and guidelines. Family Practice
Merriel S, Hamilton W (In Press). Improving early cancer diagnosis in primary care. Prescriber
Hopkins R, Bailey SER, Hamilton W, Shephard E (In Press). Microcytosis as a risk marker of cancer in primary care: a cohort study using electronic patient records. British Journal of General Practice
Newlove-Delgado TV, Hamilton W, Ford T, Stein K, Ukoumunne O (In Press). Prescribing for young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in UK primary care: analysis of data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders
Zirk-Sadowski J, Masoli J, Strain WD, Delgado J, Henley W, Hamilton W, Melzer D, Ble A (In Press). Proton-Pump Inhibitors and Fragility Fractures in Vulnerable Older Patients. The American Journal of Gastroenterology (Elsevier)
Streeter A, Rodgers LR, Hamilton F, Masoli JAH, Ble A, Hamilton WT, Henley W (In Press). Real-world effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in older adults: cohort study using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. PLoS ONE
Newlove-Delgado TV, Ukoumunne O, Stein K, Ford T, Hamilton W, Janssens A (In Press). Resumption of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder medication in early adulthood: findings from a UK primary care prescribing study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Dennis J, Henley W, Weedon M, Lonergan M, Rodgers L, Jones A, Hamilton W, Sattar N, Janmohamed S, Holman R, et al (In Press). Sex and BMI alter the benefits and risks of sulfonylureas and thiazolidinediones in type 2 diabetes: a framework for evaluating stratification using routine clinical and individual trial data. Diabetes Care
walter F, Emery JD, Mendonce S, Hall N, Morris HC, Mills K, Dobson C, Bankhead C, Johnson M, Abel GA, et al (In Press). Symptoms and patient factors associated with longer time to diagnosis for colorectal cancer: results from a prospective cohort study. British Journal of Cancer
Merriel S, Hamilton W (In Press). Systemic anticancer therapies and the role of primary care. Prescriber
Hamilton WT, Hollinghurst S, Banks J, Bigwood L, Walter F, Peters TJ (In Press). Using willingness-to-pay to establish patient preferences for cancer testing in primary care. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
McGovern A, Shields B, Hattersley A, Pearson E, Jones AG (In Press). What to do with diabetes therapies when HbA1c lowering is inadequate: add, switch, or continue? a MASTERMIND study. BMC Medicine
Bradley SH, Jones D, Wood S, Rafiq M, Bradley C, Hamilton WT (2024). Diagnosing cancer in English community pharmacies. BMJ, 385  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2024). Leukaemia diagnosis and primary care. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 74(739), 54-55.
Barlow M, Hamilton W, Bailey SER (2024). The Clinical Value of Pre-Diagnostic Thrombocytosis for the Detection of Lung Cancer in Primary Care. Cancers, 16(6).
Merriel SWD, Archer S, Forster AS, Eldred-Evans D, McGrath JS, Ahmed HU, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2023). Acceptability of magnetic resonance imaging for prostate cancer diagnosis with patients and GPs: a qualitative interview study. British Journal of General Practice, BJGP.2023.0083-BJGP.2023.0083. Abstract.
White P, Abbey S, Angus B, Ball HA, Buchwald DS, Burness C, Carson AJ, Chalder T, Clauw DJ, Coebergh J, et al (2023). Anomalies in the review process and interpretation of the evidence in the NICE guideline for chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 94(12), 1056-1063. Abstract.  Author URL.
Martins T, Ukoumunne OC, Lyratzopoulos G, Hamilton W, Abel G (2023). Are There Ethnic Differences in Recorded Features among Patients Subsequently Diagnosed with Cancer? an English Longitudinal Data-Linked Study. Cancers, 15(12), 3100-3100. Abstract.
Nankervis H, Huntley A, Whiting P, Hamilton W, Singh H, Dawson S, Sprackman J, Ferguson Montague A, Watson J (2023). Blood test result communication in primary care: mixed-methods systematic review protocol. BJGP Open, 7(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Snudden CM, Calanzani N, Archer S, Honey S, Pannebakker MM, Faher A, Chang A, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2023). Can we do better? a qualitative study in the East of England investigating patient experience and acceptability of using the faecal immunochemical test in primary care. BMJ Open, 13(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Turabi N, Harrison S (2023). Cancer care has not caused waiting lists to mushroom. BMJ, 382  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Bailey SER (2023). Colorectal cancer in symptomatic patients: How to improve the diagnostic pathway. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology, 66, 101842-101842.
Richards MA, Hiom S, Hamilton W (2023). Diagnosing cancer earlier: what progress is being made?. Br J Cancer, 128(3), 441-442.  Author URL.
Logan RPH, Hamilton W (2023). Editorial: Less is more for colorectal cancer diagnosis - FIT leads the way. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 58(7), 725-726.  Author URL.
Hamilton FW, Abeysekera K, Hamilton W, Timpson NJ (2023). Effect of bilirubin and Gilbert syndrome on health: cohort analysis of observational, genetic, and Mendelian randomisation associations. BMJ Med, 2(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Price S, Wiering B, Mounce LTA, Hamilton W, Abel G (2023). Examining methodology to identify patterns of consulting in primary care for different groups of patients before a diagnosis of cancer: an exemplar applied to oesophagogastric cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, 82, 102310-102310.
Zhou Y, Singh H, Hamilton W, Archer S, Tan S, Brimicombe J, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter FM (2023). Improving the diagnostic process for patients with possible bladder and kidney cancer: a mixed-methods study to identify potential missed diagnostic opportunities. Br J Gen Pract, 73(733), e575-e585. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore SF, Price SJ, Bostock J, Neal RD, Hamilton W (2023). Incidence of ‘Low-Risk but Not No-Risk’ Features of Cancer Prior to High-Risk Feature Occurrence: an Observational Cohort Study in Primary Care. Cancers, 15(15), 3936-3936. Abstract.
Shaw B, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Martins T (2023). Symptom appraisal and help seeking in males with symptoms of possible prostate cancer: a qualitative study with an ethnically diverse sample in London. British Journal of General Practice, 73(732), e502-e510. Abstract.
Shaw B, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Martins T (2023). Symptom appraisal and help-seeking in men with symptoms of possible prostate cancer: a qualitative study with an ethnically diverse sample in London. British Journal of General Practice Abstract.
Shaw B, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Martins T (2023). Symptom appraisal and help-seeking in men with symptoms of possible prostate cancer: a qualitative study with an ethnically diverse sample in London. British Journal of General Practice, 73(732).
Merriel SWD, Hall R, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Spencer AE (2023). Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of Economic Evaluations of Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Pathways Incorporating Prebiopsy Magnetic Resonance Imaging. European Urology Open Science, 52, 123-134. Abstract.
Hamilton W, Price S (2023). Targeting diagnostic interventions for oesophageal cancer. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 32, 100716-100716.
Hampton JS, Kenny RPW, Rees CJ, Hamilton W, Eastaugh C, Richmond C, Sharp L, COLOFIT Research Team (2023). The performance of FIT-based and other risk prediction models for colorectal neoplasia in symptomatic patients: a systematic review. EClinicalMedicine, 64 Abstract.  Author URL.
Fletcher E, Burns A, Wiering B, Lavu D, Shephard E, Hamilton W, Campbell JL, Abel G (2023). Workload and workflow implications associated with the use of electronic clinical decision support tools used by health professionals in general practice: a scoping review. BMC Primary Care, 24(1). Abstract.
Watson J, Salisbury C, Whiting PF, Hamilton WT, Banks J (2022). 'I guess I'll wait to hear'- communication of blood test results in primary care a qualitative study. Br J Gen Pract, 72(723), e747-e754. Abstract.  Author URL.
Martins T, Abel G, Ukoumunne OC, Price S, Lyratzopoulos G, Chinegwundoh F, Hamilton W (2022). Assessing Ethnic Inequalities in Diagnostic Interval of Common Cancers: a Population-Based UK Cohort Study. Cancers, 14(13), 3085-3085. Abstract.
Rees CJ, Hamilton W (2022). BSG guidelines on faecal immunochemical testing: are they 'FIT' for purpose?. Gut, 72(10), 1805-1806.
Watson J, Whiting PF, Salisbury C, Hamilton WT, Banks J (2022). Blood tests in primary care: a qualitative study of communication and decision-making between doctors and patients. Health Expect, 25(5), 2453-2461. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hall R, Medina-Lara A, Hamilton W, Spencer AE (2022). Correction to: Attributes Used for Cancer Screening Discrete Choice Experiments: a Systematic Review. Patient, 15(3), 379-381.  Author URL.
Black GB, van Os S, Renzi C, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Whitaker KL (2022). Correction: How does safety netting for lung cancer symptoms help patients to reconsult appropriately? a qualitative study. BMC Primary Care, 23(1).
Hopewell S, Keene DJ, Heine P, Marian IR, Dritsaki M, Cureton L, Dutton SJ, Dakin H, Carr A, Hamilton W, et al (2022). Corrigendum: Progressive exercise compared with best-practice advice, with or without corticosteroid injection, for rotator cuff disorders: the GRASP factorial RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 25(48), 159-160. Abstract.
Funston G, Crosbie EJ, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2022). Detecting ovarian cancer in primary care: can we do better?. Br J Gen Pract, 72(720), 312-313.  Author URL.
Sullivan SA, Kounali D, Morris R, Kessler D, Hamilton W, Lewis G, Lilford P, Nazareth I (2022). Developing and internally validating a prognostic model (P Risk) to improve the prediction of psychosis in a primary care population using electronic health records: the MAPPED study. Schizophr Res, 246, 241-249. Abstract.  Author URL.
Price SJ, Gibson N, Hamilton WT, Bostock J, Shephard EA (2022). Diagnoses after newly-recorded abdominal pain in primary care: observational cohort study. British Journal of General Practice, 72(721).
Watson J, Hamilton W, Salisbury C, Banks J (2022). Doctor-patient communication about blood tests: Qualitative interview study in general practice. Annals of family medicine, 20 Abstract.
Martins T, Abel G, Ukoumunne OC, Mounce LTA, Price S, Lyratzopoulos G, Chinegwundoh F, Hamilton W (2022). Ethnic inequalities in routes to diagnosis of cancer: a population-based UK cohort study. Br J Cancer, 127(5), 863-871. Abstract.  Author URL.
Black GB, van Os S, Renzi C, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Whitaker KL (2022). How does safety netting for lung cancer symptoms help patients to reconsult appropriately? a qualitative study. BMC Prim Care, 23(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Offman J, Pesola F, Fitzgerald RC, Hamilton W, Sasieni P (2022). Impact of Barrett oesophagus diagnoses and endoscopies on oesophageal cancer survival in the UK: a cohort study. Cancer Med, 11(4), 1160-1171. Abstract.  Author URL.
Streeter AJ, Rodgers LR, Hamilton F, Masoli JAH, Blé A, Hamilton WT, Henley WE (2022). Influenza vaccination reduced myocardial infarctions in United Kingdom older adults: a prior event rate ratio study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 151, 122-131.
Price SJ, Gibson N, Hamilton WT, King A, Shephard EA (2022). Intra-abdominal cancer risk with abdominal pain: a prospective cohort primary care study. British Journal of General Practice, 72(718), e361-e368. Abstract.
Briggs E, de Kamps M, Hamilton W, Johnson O, McInerney CD, Neal RD (2022). Machine Learning for Risk Prediction of Oesophago-Gastric Cancer in Primary Care: Comparison with Existing Risk-Assessment Tools. Cancers, 14(20), 5023-5023. Abstract.
Dave RV, Bromley H, Taxiarchi VP, Camacho E, Chatterjee S, Barnes N, Hutchison G, Bishop P, Hamilton W, Kirwan CC, et al (2022). No association between breast pain and breast cancer: a prospective cohort study of 10 830 symptomatic women presenting to a breast cancer diagnostic clinic. Br J Gen Pract, 72(717), e234-e243. Abstract.  Author URL.
Khan T, El-Sockary Y, Hamilton WT, Shephard EA (2022). Recognizing sinonasal cancer in primary care: a matched case-control study using electronic records. Fam Pract, 39(3), 354-359. Abstract.  Author URL.
Price S, Spencer A, Hamilton W (2022). Revising the Suspected-Cancer Guidelines: Impacts on Patients’ Primary Care Contacts and Costs. Value in Health
White B, Rafiq M, Gonzalez-Izquierdo A, Hamilton W, Price S, Lyratzopoulos G (2022). Risk of cancer following primary care presentation with fatigue: a population-based cohort study of a quarter of a million patients. British Journal of Cancer, 126(11), 1627-1636. Abstract.
O'Dowd EL, Ten Haaf K, Kaur J, Duffy SW, Hamilton W, Hubbard RB, Field JK, Callister ME, Janes SM, de Koning HJ, et al (2022). Selection of eligible participants for screening for lung cancer using primary care data. Thorax, 77(9), 882-890. Abstract.  Author URL.
Merriel SWD, Pocock L, Gilbert E, Creavin S, Walter FM, Spencer A, Hamilton W (2022). Systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) for the detection of prostate cancer in symptomatic patients. BMC Medicine, 20(1). Abstract.
Smith L, Sansom N, Hemphill S, Bradley SH, Shinkins B, Wheatstone P, Hamilton W, Neal RD (2022). Trends and variation in urgent referrals for suspected cancer 2009/2010-2019/2020. Br J Gen Pract, 72(714), 34-37.  Author URL.
Zienius K, Ozawa M, Hamilton W, Hollingworth W, Weller D, Porteous L, Ben-Shlomo Y, Grant R, Brennan PM (2022). Verbal fluency as a quick and simple tool to help in deciding when to refer patients with a possible brain tumour. BMC NEUROLOGY, 22(1).  Author URL.
Calanzani N, Pannebakker MM, Tagg MJ, Walford H, Holloway P, de Wit N, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2022). Who are the patients being offered the faecal immunochemical test in routine English general practice, and for what symptoms? a prospective descriptive study. BMJ open, 12(9). Abstract.
Hall R, Medina-Lara A, Hamilton W, Spencer A (2022). Women’s priorities towards ovarian cancer testing: a best–worst scaling study. BMJ Open, 12(9), e061625-e061625. Abstract.
Bhartia BSK, Hatton NLF, Aslam R, Bradley SH, Darby M, Hamilton WT, Hurst E, Kennedy MPT, Mounce LTA, Neal RD, et al (2021). A prospective cohort evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of the chest X-ray for the detection of lung cancer in symptomatic adults. European Journal of Radiology, 144 Abstract.
Jones OT, Calanzani N, Saji S, Duffy SW, Emery J, Hamilton W, Singh H, de Wit NJ, Walter FM (2021). Artificial Intelligence Techniques That May be Applied to Primary Care Data to Facilitate Earlier Diagnosis of Cancer: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(3), e23483-e23483. Abstract.
Funston G, Mounce LTA, Price S, Rous B, Crosbie EJ, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2021). CA125 test result, test-to-diagnosis interval, and stage in ovarian cancer at diagnosis: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health records. British Journal of General Practice, 71(707), e465-e472. Abstract.
Bradley SH, Bhartia BS, Callister ME, Hamilton WT, Hatton NLF, Kennedy MP, Mounce LT, Shinkins B, Wheatstone P, Neal RD, et al (2021). Chest X-ray sensitivity and lung cancer outcomes: a retrospective observational study. Br J Gen Pract, 71(712), e862-e868. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nicholson BD, Aveyard P, Koshiaris C, Perera R, Hamilton W, Oke J, Hobbs FDR (2021). Combining simple blood tests to identify primary care patients with unexpected weight loss for cancer investigation: Clinical risk score development, internal validation, and net benefit analysis. PLOS Medicine, 18(8), e1003728-e1003728. Abstract.
Wiering B, Lyratzopoulos G, Hamilton W, Campbell J, Abel G (2021). Concordance with urgent referral guidelines in patients presenting with any of six ‘alarm’ features of possible cancer: a retrospective cohort study using linked primary care records. BMJ Quality & Safety, 31(8), 579-589. Abstract.
Funston G, Abel G, Crosbie EJ, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2021). Could ovarian cancer prediction models improve the triage of symptomatic women in primary care? a modelling study using routinely collected data. Cancers, 13(12). Abstract.
Hamilton W, Pascoe J, John J, Coats T, Davies S (2021). Diagnosing groin lumps. BMJ, 372  Author URL.
Bailey SER, Abel GA, Atkins A, Byford R, Davies S-J, Mays J, McDonald TJ, Miller J, Neck C, Renninson J, et al (2021). Diagnostic performance of a faecal immunochemical test for patients with low-risk symptoms of colorectal cancer in primary care: an evaluation in the South West of England. Br J Cancer, 124(7), 1231-1236. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ladegaard Baun M-L, Dueholm M, Heje HN, Hamilton W, Petersen LK, Vedsted P (2021). Direct access from general practice to transvaginal ultrasound for early detection of ovarian cancer: a feasibility study. Scand J Prim Health Care, 39(2), 230-239. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rubin G, Walter FM, Emery J, Hamilton W, Hoare Z, Howse J, Nixon C, Srivastava T, Thomas C, Ukoumunne OC, et al (2021). Electronic clinical decision support tool for assessing stomach symptoms in primary care (ECASS): a feasibility study. BMJ Open, 11(3), e041795-e041795. Abstract.
Bradley SH, Hatton NLF, Aslam R, Bhartia B, Callister ME, Kennedy MP, Mounce LT, Shinkins B, Hamilton WT, Neal RD, et al (2021). Estimating lung cancer risk from chest X-ray and symptoms: a prospective cohort study. Br J Gen Pract, 71(705), e280-e286. Abstract.  Author URL.
Price S, Abel GA, Hamilton W (2021). Guideline interval: a new time interval in the diagnostic pathway for symptomatic cancer. Cancer Epidemiol, 73 Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhou Y, Walter FM, Mounce L, Abel GA, Singh H, Hamilton W, Stewart GD, Lyratzopoulos G (2021). Identifying opportunities for timely diagnosis through patterns of primary care tests in patients with bladder and renal cancer: a longitudinal linked data study. British Journal of General Practice, 72(714).
Rodgers LR, Streeter AJ, Lin N, Hamilton W, Henley WE (2021). Impact of influenza vaccination on amoxicillin prescriptions in older adults: a retrospective cohort study using primary care data. PLOS ONE, 16(1), e0246156-e0246156. Abstract.
Nicholson BD, Oke JL, Aveyard P, Hamilton WT, Hobbs FDR (2021). Individual inflammatory marker abnormalities or inflammatory marker scores to identify primary care patients with unexpected weight loss for cancer investigation?. Br J Cancer, 124(9), 1540-1542. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chapman D, Poirier V, Fitzgerald K, Nicholson BD, Hamilton W, Accelerate Coordinate Evaluate Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Centre projects (2021). Non-specific symptoms-based pathways for diagnosing less common cancers in primary care: a service evaluation. Br J Gen Pract, 71(712), e846-e853. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hatton N, Bhartia B, Aslam R, Bradley S, Darby M, Hamilton W, Hurst E, Kennedy M, Mounce L, Neil R, et al (2021). P62.09 a Prospective Cohort Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of the Chest X-Ray for the Detection of Lung Cancer in Symptomatic Adults. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 16(10), s1180-s1181.
Herbert A, Rafiq M, Pham TM, Renzi C, Abel GA, Price S, Hamilton W, Petersen I, Lyratzopoulos G (2021). Predictive values for different cancers and inflammatory bowel disease of 6 common abdominal symptoms among more than 1.9 million primary care patients in the UK: a cohort study. PLOS Medicine, 18(8), e1003708-e1003708. Abstract.
Martins T, Walter FM, Penfold C, Abel G, Hamilton W (2021). Primary care use by men with symptoms of possible prostate cancer: a multi-method study with an ethnically diverse sample in London. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 30(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hopewell S, Keene DJ, Marian IR, Dritsaki M, Heine P, Cureton L, Dutton SJ, Dakin H, Carr A, Hamilton W, et al (2021). Progressive exercise compared with best practice advice, with or without corticosteroid injection, for the treatment of patients with rotator cuff disorders (GRASP): a multicentre, pragmatic, 2 × 2 factorial, randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 398(10298), 416-428. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hopewell S, Keene DJ, Heine P, Marian IR, Dritsaki M, Cureton L, Dutton SJ, Dakin H, Carr A, Hamilton W, et al (2021). Progressive exercise compared with best-practice advice, with or without corticosteroid injection, for rotator cuff disorders: the GRASP factorial RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 25(48), 1-158. Abstract.
Zhou Y, Walter FM, Singh H, Hamilton W, Abel GA, Lyratzopoulos G (2021). Prolonged Diagnostic Intervals as Marker of Missed Diagnostic Opportunities in Bladder and Kidney Cancer Patients with Alarm Features: a Longitudinal Linked Data Study. Cancers, 13(1), 156-156. Abstract.
Merriel SWD, Pocock L, Gilbert E, Creavin S, Walter FM, Spencer A, Hamilton W (2021). Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for the Detection of Prostate Cancer in Symptomatic Patients. Abstract.
Laake J-P, Vulkan D, Quaife SL, Hamilton WT, Martins T, Waller J, Parmar D, Sasieni P, Duffy SW (2021). Targeted encouragement of GP consultations for possible cancer symptoms: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Gen Pract, 71(706), e339-e346. Abstract.  Author URL.
Barlow M, Hamilton W, Ukoumunne OC, Bailey SER (2021). The association between thrombocytosis and subtype of lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Translational Cancer Research, 10(3), 1249-1260. Abstract.
Moore SF, Price SJ, Chowienczyk S, Bostock J, Hamilton W (2021). The impact of changing risk thresholds on the number of people in England eligible for urgent investigation for possible cancer: an observational cross-sectional study. British Journal of Cancer, 125(11), 1593-1597. Abstract.
Nakagawa S, Dunn AG, Lagisz M, Bannach-Brown A, Grames EM, Sánchez-Tójar A, O’Dea RE, Noble DWA, Westgate MJ, Arnold PA, et al (2020). A new ecosystem for evidence synthesis. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4(4), 498-501.
Jones OT, Calanzani N, Saji S, Duffy SW, Emery J, Hamilton W, Singh H, de Wit NJ, Walter FM (2020). Artificial Intelligence Techniques That May be Applied to Primary Care Data to Facilitate Earlier Diagnosis of Cancer: Systematic Review (Preprint). Abstract.
Clarke C, Hamilton W, Price S, Bailey SE (2020). Association of non-malignant diseases with thrombocytosis: a prospective cohort study in general practice. Br J Gen Pract, 70(701), e852-e857. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2020). Cancer diagnostic delay in the COVID-19 era: what happens next?. Lancet Oncol, 21(8), 1000-1002.  Author URL.
Medina-Lara A, Grigore B, Lewis R, Peters J, Price S, Landa P, Robinson S, Neal R, Hamilton W, Spencer AE, et al (2020). Cancer diagnostic tools to aid decision-making in primary care: mixed-methods systematic reviews and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technology Assessment, 24(66), 1-332. Abstract.
Chowienczyk S, Price S, Hamilton W (2020). Changes in the presenting symptoms of lung cancer from 2000-2017: a serial cross-sectional study of observational records in UK primary care. Br J Gen Pract, 70(692), e193-e199. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson C, Poirier V, Fitzgerald K, Rubin G, Hamilton W (2020). Cross-sectional study using primary care and cancer registration data to investigate patients with cancer presenting with non-specific symptoms. BMJ Open, 10(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Logan RPH, Hamilton W (2020). Delivering better value colonoscopy: bridging the gap with FIT. Gut, 70(6), 1006-1007.
Keene DJ, Soutakbar H, Hopewell S, Heine P, Jaggi A, Littlewood C, Hansen Z, Barker K, Hamilton W, Carr AJ, et al (2020). Development and implementation of the physiotherapy-led exercise interventions for the treatment of rotator cuff disorders for the ‘Getting it Right: Addressing Shoulder Pain’ (GRASP) trial. Physiotherapy (United Kingdom), 107, 252-266. Abstract.
Bailey SER, Abel GA, Atkins A, Byford R, Davies S-J, Mays J, McDonald TJ, Miller J, Neck C, Renninson J, et al (2020). Diagnostic performance of the faecal immunochemical test for patients with low-risk symptoms of colorectal cancer in primary care: a service evaluation in the South West of England. Abstract.
Keeney E, Mohiuddin S, Zienius K, Ben‐Shlomo Y, Ozawa M, Grant R, Hamilton W, Weller D, Brennan PM, Hollingworth W, et al (2020). Economic evaluation of GPs’ direct access to computed tomography for identification of brain tumours. European Journal of Cancer Care, 30(1).
Chapman D, Poirier V, Vulkan D, Fitzgerald K, Rubin G, Hamilton W, Duffy SW, Thomas AH, Gulliford D, Rolfe H, et al (2020). First results from five multidisciplinary diagnostic centre (MDC) projects for non-specific but concerning symptoms, possibly indicative of cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 123(5), 722-729. Abstract.
Funston G, Hardy V, Abel G, Crosbie EJ, Emery J, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2020). Identifying Ovarian Cancer in Symptomatic Women: a Systematic Review of Clinical Tools. Cancers, 12(12), 3686-3686. Abstract.
Zhou Y, Abel GA, Hamilton W, Singh H, Walter FM, Lyratzopoulos G (2020). Imaging activity possibly signalling missed diagnostic opportunities in bladder and kidney cancer: a longitudinal data-linkage study using primary care electronic health records. Cancer Epidemiology, 66, 101703-101703.
Plackett R, Kassianos AP, Kambouri M, Kay N, Mylan S, Hopwood J, Schartau P, Gray S, Timmis J, Bennett S, et al (2020). Online patient simulation training to improve clinical reasoning: a feasibility randomised controlled trial. BMC Med Educ, 20(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
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Din NU, Ukoumunne OC, Rubin G, Hamilton W, Carter B, Stapley S, Neal RD (2015). Age and Gender Variations in Cancer Diagnostic Intervals in 15 Cancers: Analysis of Data from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. PLoS One, 10(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
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Robson J, Kiran A, Hutchings A, Maskell J, Arden NK, Hamilton W, Dasgupta B, Luqmani R (2015). Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease and Social Deprivation in Patients with Giant Cell Arteritis. ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY, 67  Author URL.
Landy R, Castanon A, Dudding N, Lim AWW, Hollingworth A, Hamilton W, Sasieni PD (2015). Cervical cytology and the diagnosis of cervical cancer in older women. J Med Screen, 22(4), 207-212. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Barrett J, Stapley S, Sharp D, Rose P (2015). Clinical features of metastatic cancer in primary care: a case-control study using medical records. Br J Gen Pract, 65(637), e516-e522. Abstract.  Author URL.
Barrett J, Rose P, Stapley S, Sharp D, Hamilton W (2015). Clinical features of metastatic cancer in primary care; a case-control study using medical records. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 25-26.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Huang H, Seiber E, Lo W (2015). Cost and outcome in pediatric ischemic stroke. Journal of Child Neurology, 30(11), 1483-1488. Abstract.
Coxon D, Campbell C, Walter F, Scott S, Neal R, Vedsted P, Emery J, Rubin G, Hamilton W, Weller D, et al (2015). Development of the 'Aarhus Statement Tool for Researching Intervals in Diagnosis' (ASTRID): results from a pilot study with cancer patients and their GPs. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 16-16.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2015). Diagnosing symptomatic cancer in the NHS Fast track referral is one part of an improving picture. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 351  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2015). Diagnosing symptomatic cancer in the NHS. BMJ, 351  Author URL.
Astin MP, Martins T, Welton N, Neal RD, Rose PW, Hamilton W (2015). Diagnostic value of symptoms of oesophagogastric cancers in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Gen Pract, 65(639), e677-e691. Abstract.  Author URL.
Price SJ, Shephard EA, Stapley SA, Barraclough K, Hamilton WT (2015). Does the GP method of recording possible cancer symptoms reflect the probability that cancer is present?. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 30-30.  Author URL.
Martins T, Price S, Hjertholm P, Hamilton W (2015). Doing PhD in primary care diagnosis and treatment of cancer. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 58-58.  Author URL.
Martins T, Ukoumunne OC, Banks J, Raine R, Hamilton W (2015). Ethnic differences in patients' preferences for prostate cancer investigation: a vignette-based survey in primary care. Br J Gen Pract, 65(632), e161-e170. Abstract.  Author URL.
Martins T, Hamilton W (2015). Ethnic variations in the interval between diagnostic ultrasound test request and performance of the test (in patients with suspected ovarian cancers). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 31-32.  Author URL.
Rose PW, Rubin G, Perera-Salazar R, Almberg SS, Barisic A, Dawes M, Grunfeld E, Hart N, Neal RD, Pirotta M, et al (2015). Explaining variation in cancer survival between 11 jurisdictions in the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership: a primary care vignette survey. BMJ Open, 5(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Green T, Martins T, Hamilton W, Rubin G, Elliott K, Macleod U (2015). Exploring GPs' experiences of using diagnostic tools for cancer: a qualitative study in primary care. Fam Pract, 32(1), 101-105. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Stapley S, Campbell C, Lyratzopoulos G, Rubin G, Neal RD (2015). For which cancers might patients benefit most from expedited symptomatic diagnosis? Construction of a ranking order by a modified Delphi technique. BMC Cancer, 15 Abstract.  Author URL.
Luqmani R, Lee E, Singh S, Gillett M, Schmidt WA, Bradburn M, Dasgupta B, Diamantopoulos AP, Forrester-Barker W, Hamilton W, et al (2015). Inter-Rater Analysis of Ultrasound and Histological Findings in Patients with Suspected Giant Cell Arteritis. ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY, 67  Author URL.
Neal RD, Tharmanathan P, France B, Din NU, Cotton S, Fallon-Ferguson J, Hamilton W, Hendry A, Hendry M, Lewis R, et al (2015). Is increased time to diagnosis and treatment in symptomatic cancer associated with poorer outcomes? Systematic review. Br J Cancer, 112 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), S92-107. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ridd MJ, Ferreira DLS, Montgomery AA, Salisbury C, Hamilton W (2015). Patient-doctor continuity and diagnosis of cancer: electronic medical records study in general practice. Br J Gen Pract, 65(634), e305-e311. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kidney E, Berkman L, Macherianakis A, Morton D, Dowswell G, Hamilton W, Ryan R, Awbery H, Greenfield S, Marshall T, et al (2015). Preliminary results of a feasibility study of the use of information technology for identification of suspected colorectal cancer in primary care: the CREDIBLE study. Br J Cancer, 112 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), S70-S76. Abstract.  Author URL.
Delgado TN, Hamilton W, Ford T, Stein K, Ukoumunne O (2015). Psychotropic prescribing in young people with ADHD in the UK clinical practice research datalink: 2005-2014. EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY, 24, S162-S162.  Author URL.
Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton WT (2015). Quantifying the risk of Hodgkin lymphoma in symptomatic primary care patients aged ≥40 years: a case-control study using electronic records. Br J Gen Pract, 65(634), e289-e294. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose P, Walter FM, Litt EJ, Hamilton WT (2015). Quantifying the risk of multiple myeloma from symptoms reported in primary care patients: a large case-control study using electronic records. Br J Gen Pract, 65(631), e106-e113. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton WT (2015). Quantifying the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in symptomatic primary care patients aged ≥40 years: a large case-control study using electronic records. Br J Gen Pract, 65(634), e281-e288. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rogers TK, Hamilton W, Tod A, Neal R (2015). Response to: What characteristics of primary care and patients are associated with early death in patients with lung cancer in the UK?. Thorax, 70(2).  Author URL.
Usher-Smith J, Emery J, Hamilton W, Griffin SJ, Walter FM (2015). Risk prediction tools for cancer in primary care. Br J Cancer, 113(12), 1645-1650. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Hajioff S, Graham J, Schmidt-Hansen M (2015). SUSPECTED CANCER IN ADULTS Use of faecal occult blood tests in symptomatic patients Reply. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 351  Author URL.
Trilling L, Howe I, Farber L, Hamilton W, Orrill R, Boyers R (2015). Sincerity & Authenticity: a Symposium. SALMAGUNDI-A QUARTERLY OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES(187), 607-633.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Hajioff S, Graham J, Schmidt-Hansen M (2015). Suspected cancer (part 1--children and young adults): visual overview of updated NICE guidance. BMJ, 350  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Hajioff S, Graham J, Schmidt-Hansen M (2015). Suspected cancer (part 1-children and young adults): visual overview of updated NICE guidance. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 350  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Hajioff S, Graham J, Schmidt-Hansen M (2015). Suspected cancer (part 2--adults): reference tables from updated NICE guidance. BMJ, 350  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2015). Suspected cancer (part 2-adults): reference tables from updated NICE guidance (vol 350, h3044, 2015). BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 351  Author URL.
Hall N, Birt L, Banks J, Emery J, Mills K, Johnson M, Rubin GP, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2015). Symptom appraisal and healthcare-seeking for symptoms suggestive of colorectal cancer: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 5(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Biswas M, Ades AE, Hamilton W (2015). Symptom lead times in lung and colorectal cancers: What are the benefits of symptom-based approaches to early diagnosis?. British Journal of Cancer, 112(2), 271-277. Abstract.
Schmidt-Hansen M, Berendse S, Hamilton W (2015). Symptomatic diagnosis of cancer of the brain and central nervous system in primary care: a systematic review. Fam Pract, 32(6), 618-623. Abstract.  Author URL.
Walter FM, Emery J, Mendonca S, Hall N, Mills K, Dobson C, Morris H, Bankhead C, Hamilton W, Rubin G, et al (2015). Symptoms and co-morbidities associated with diagnostic intervals for colorectal cancer: a prospective cohort study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 49-49.  Author URL.
Walter FM, Rubin G, Bankhead C, Morris HC, Hall N, Mills K, Dobson C, Rintoul RC, Hamilton W, Emery J, et al (2015). Symptoms and other factors associated with time to diagnosis and stage of lung cancer: a prospective cohort study. Br J Cancer, 112 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), S6-13. Abstract.  Author URL.
Banks J, Hamilton W, Walter F (2015). The Discovery Programme and its impact on cancer diagnostics. Br J Hosp Med (Lond), 76(10), 558-559.  Author URL.
Luqmani R, Lee E, Singh S, Gillett M, Schmidt WA, Bradburn M, Dasgupta B, Diamantopoulos AP, Forrester-Barker W, Hamilton W, et al (2015). The Role of Ultrasound Compared to Biopsy of Temporal Arteries in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Giant Cell Arteritis: a Diagnostic Accuracy and Cost-Effectiveness Study. ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY, 67  Author URL.
Schmidt-Hansen M, Berendse S, Hamilton W (2015). The association between symptoms and bladder or renal tract cancer in primary care: a systematic review. Br J Gen Pract, 65(640), e769-e775. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rubin G, Berendsen A, Crawford SM, Dommett R, Earle C, Emery J, Fahey T, Grassi L, Grunfeld E, Gupta S, et al (2015). The expanding role of primary care in cancer control. Lancet Oncol, 16(12), 1231-1272. Abstract.  Author URL.
Robson JC, Kiran A, Maskell J, Hutchings A, Arden N, Dasgupta B, Hamilton W, Emin A, Culliford D, Luqmani RA, et al (2015). The relative risk of aortic aneurysm in patients with giant cell arteritis compared with the general population of the UK. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(1), 129-135. Abstract.
Torring ML, Murchie P, Esteva M, Hamilton W, Lautrup M, Terhaar J, Vedsted P, Winget M, Rubin G (2015). The signal and the noise in colorectal cancer diagnosis: exploring and explaining the relationship between diagnostic delays and stage at diagnosis using the Ca-PRI Colorectal Cancer Collaboration dataset. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 22-22.  Author URL.
Bailey S, Ukoumunne O, Shephard E, Hamilton W (2015). Thrombocytosis: an underused risk marker of cancer in primary care?. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 11-11.  Author URL.
Werhun A, Hamilton W (2015). Thyroid function testing in primary care: overused and under-evidenced? a study examining which clinical features correspond to an abnormal thyroid function result. Fam Pract, 32(2), 187-191. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mills K, Hall N, Birt L, Banks J, Emery J, Hamilton W, Rubin G, Walter FM (2015). Understanding symptom appraisal and help-seeking in people with symptoms suspicious of pancreatic cancer: a qualitative interview study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 52-52.  Author URL.
Stapley S, Hamilton W (2015). What is the relationship between staging and diagnostic interval in patients aged 40 years and over diagnosed with common cancers between 2000 and 2009?. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 24, 51-51.  Author URL.
Jones R, Van den Bruel A, Gerada C, Hamilton W, Kendrick T, Watt G (2015). What should integrated care look like. ?. Br J Gen Pract, 65(632), 149-151.  Author URL.
Neal RD, Hurt C, Roberts K, Rogers T, Hamilton W, Edwards RT, Tod AM, Parker D, Jones ET, Nelson A, et al (2014). A feasibility randomised controlled trial looking at the effect on lung cancer diagnosis of giving a chest X-ray to smokers aged over 60 with new chest symptoms - the ELCID trial. LUNG CANCER, 83, S81-S82.  Author URL.
Nicholson BD, McGrath JS, Hamilton W (2014). Bladder cancer in women. Praxis, 103(19), 304-308.
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Nicholson BD, McGrath JS, Hamilton W (2014). Blasenkarzinom bei Frauen. Praxis, 103(19), 1149-1152.
Hamilton W, Neal RD, Stapley S (2014). Building the evidence base for the early symptomatic diagnosis of cancer (the ABC-DEEP Consortium - Workstream 3). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 7-7.  Author URL.
Neal RD, Campbell C, Hamilton W, Stapley S, Weller D, Lyratzopoulos G, Emery J, Torring ML, Vedsted P, Rubin G, et al (2014). Building the evidence base for the early symptomatic diagnosis of cancer (the ABC-DEEP consortium) - what are the policy and research implications for the international community?. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 34-34.  Author URL.
Neal RD, Din NU, Hamilton W, GBRoumunne OC, Carter B, Stapley S, Rubin G (2014). Comparison of cancer diagnostic intervals before and after implementation of NICE guidelines: Analysis of data from the GBR General Practice Research Database. British Journal of Cancer, 110(3), 584-592. Abstract.
Neal RD, Din NU, Hamilton W, Ukoumunne OC, Carter B, Stapley S, Rubin G (2014). Comparison of cancer diagnostic intervals before and after implementation of NICE guidelines: analysis of data from the UK General Practice Research Database. Br J Cancer, 110(3), 584-592. Abstract.  Author URL.
Banks J, Walter FM, Hall N, Mills K, Hamilton W, Turner KM (2014). Decision making and referral from primary care for possible lung and colorectal cancer: a qualitative study of patients' experiences. Br J Gen Pract, 64(629), e775-e782. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lim AW, Ramirez AJ, Hamilton W, Sasieni P, Patnick J, Forbes LJ (2014). Delays in diagnosis of young females with symptomatic cervical cancer in England: an interview-based study. Br J Gen Pract, 64(627), e602-e610. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rose PW, Hamilton W, Aldersey K, Barisic A, Dawes M, Foot C, Grunfeld E, Hart N, Neal RD, Pirotta M, et al (2014). Development of a survey instrument to investigate the primary care factors related to differences in cancer diagnosis between international jurisdictions. BMC Family Practice, 15(1). Abstract.
Coxon D, Campbell C, Walter F, Scott S, Neal R, Vedsted P, Emery J, Rubin G, Hamilton W, Weller D, et al (2014). Development of the 'Aarhus Statement Tool for Researching Intervals in Diagnosis' (ASTRID): focus groups and interviews with patients, researchers and healthcare professionals. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 22-22.  Author URL.
Nicholson BD, McGrath JS, Hamilton W (2014). EASILY MISSED? Bladder cancer in women. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 348  Author URL.
Thompson E, Griffin T, Hamilton W, Sharp D, Wye L (2014). Economic evaluation of the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital: final results of the BISCUIT feasibility study. Homeopathy, 103(1).
Rose P, Vedsted P, Rubin G, Harrison S, Bomb M, Groves B, Hamilton W (2014). Explaining variation in cancer outcomes between eleven jurisdictions in the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership: a primary care survey. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 30-31.  Author URL.
Walter FM, Emery J, Morris H, Hall N, Mills K, Dobson C, Mendonca S, Bankhead C, Perera R, Hamilton W, et al (2014). Factors associated time to diagnosis and stage at diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a prospective cohort study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 6-6.  Author URL.
Walter FM, Rubin G, Morris HC, Bankhead C, Hall N, Mills K, Dobson C, Perera R, Rintoul R, Hamilton W, et al (2014). Factors associated with time to diagnosis and stage at diagnosis of lung cancer: a prospective cohort study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 3-3.  Author URL.
Taylor PN, Iqbal A, Minassian C, Sayers A, Draman MS, Greenwood R, Hamilton W, Okosieme O, Panicker V, Thomas SL, et al (2014). Falling threshold for treatment of borderline elevated thyrotropin levels-balancing benefits and risks: evidence from a large community-based study. JAMA Intern Med, 174(1), 32-39. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor T, Evangelou N, Porter H, Hamilton W, Kernick D (2014). Headache: two views on the right approach in general practice. Br J Gen Pract, 64(626), 475-476.  Author URL.
Neal RD, Hamilton W, Rogers TK (2014). Lung cancer. BMJ, 349  Author URL.
Price SJ, Shephard EA, Stapley SA, Barraclough K, Hamilton WT (2014). Non-visible versus visible haematuria and bladder cancer risk: a study of electronic records in primary care. Br J Gen Pract, 64(626), e584-e589. Abstract.  Author URL.
Martins T, Hamilton W, Ukoumunne O, Banks J, Raine R (2014). Patients' views on testing for prostate cancer: a vignette-based study of primary care attendees. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 25-25.  Author URL.
Banks J, Hollinghurst S, Bigwood L, Peters TJ, Walter FM, Hamilton W (2014). Preferences for cancer investigation: a vignette-based study of primary-care attendees. The Lancet Oncology, 15(2), 232-240. Abstract.
Banks J, Hollinghurst S, Bigwood L, Peters TJ, Walter FM, Hamilton W (2014). Preferences for cancer investigation: a vignette-based study of primary-care attendees. Lancet Oncol, 15(2), 232-240. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rubin G, Walter F, Emery J, Neal R, Hamilton W, Wardle J (2014). Research into practice: prompt diagnosis of cancer in primary care. Br J Gen Pract, 64(625), 428-430.  Author URL.
Birt L, Hall N, Emery J, Banks J, Mills K, Johnson M, Hamilton W, Walter FM (2014). Responding to symptoms suggestive of lung cancer: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open Respir Res, 1(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Walker S, Hyde C, Hamilton W (2014). Risk of breast cancer in symptomatic women in primary care: a case-control study using electronic records. Br J Gen Pract, 64(629), e788-e793. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ades AE, Biswas M, Welton NJ, Hamilton W (2014). Symptom lead time distribution in lung cancer: natural history and prospects for early diagnosis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 43(6), 1865-1873.  Author URL.
Ades AE, Biswas M, Welton NJ, Hamilton W (2014). Symptom lead time distribution in lung cancer: natural history and prospects for early diagnosis. Int J Epidemiol, 43(6), 1865-1873. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brindle LA, Hamilton W, Banerjee A, Dowswell G (2014). Symptoms that predict chest X-ray results suspicious for lung cancer in UK primary care: results from a prospective study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 3-4.  Author URL.
Taylor PN, Minassian C, Rehman A, Iqbal A, Draman MS, Hamilton W, Dunlop D, Robinson A, Vaidya B, Lazarus JH, et al (2014). TSH levels and risk of miscarriage in women on long-term levothyroxine: a community-based study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 99(10), 3895-3902. Abstract.  Author URL.
Astin MP, Martins T, Neal RD, Rose PW, Hamilton W (2014). The diagnostic value of symptoms of possible oesophagogastric cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 27-28.  Author URL.
Price SJ, Shephard EA, Stapley SA, Barraclough K, Hamilton WT (2014). The risk of bladder cancer with non-visible haematuria: a primary care study using electronic records. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 32-32.  Author URL.
Hamilton F, Carroll R, Hamilton W, Salisbury C (2014). The risk of cancer in primary care patients with hypercalcaemia: a cohort study using electronic records. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, 111(7), 1410-1420.  Author URL.
Hamilton F, Carroll R, Hamilton W, Salisbury C (2014). The risk of cancer in primary care patients with hypercalcaemia: a cohort study using electronic records. Br J Cancer, 111(7), 1410-1412. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bailey S, Ukoumunne O, Shephard E, Hamilton W (2014). Thrombocytosis: an underused risk marker of cancer in primary care?. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 5-5.  Author URL.
Sutton J, Melia J, Weller D, Campbell C, Hamilton W, Moss S (2014). Time intervals in the patient diagnostic pathway: comparison of definitions reported in the literature with the Aarhus statement. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, 23, 24-24.  Author URL.
Nicholson BD, McGrath JS, Hamilton W (2014). [In Process Citation]. Praxis (Bern 1994), 103(19), 1149-1152.  Author URL.
Hurt CN, Roberts K, Rogers TK, Griffiths GO, Hood K, Prout H, Nelson A, Fitzgibbon J, Barham A, Thomas-Jones E, et al (2013). A feasibility study examining the effect on lung cancer diagnosis of offering a chest X-ray to higher-risk patients with chest symptoms: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 14(1). Abstract.
Werhun A, Hamilton W (2013). Are we overusing thyroid function tests?. Br J Gen Pract, 63(613).  Author URL.
Shephard E, Neal R, Rose P, Walter F, Hamilton WT (2013). Clinical features of kidney cancer in primary care: a case-control study using primary care records. Br J Gen Pract, 63(609), e250-e255. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Coleman MG, Rubin G (2013). Colorectal cancer. BMJ (Online), 347(7924).
Hamilton W, Coleman MG, Rubin G (2013). Colorectal cancer. BMJ, 346  Author URL.
Prout H, Neal R, Roberts K, Hurt C, Rogers T, Hamilton W, Edwards RT, Todd A, Parker D, Jones ET, et al (2013). ELCID: early lung cancer identification and diagnosis - an embedded interview study to explore patient participation and recruitment. Trials, 14(Suppl 1).
Martins T, Hamilton W, Ukoumunne OC (2013). Ethnic inequalities in time to diagnosis of cancer: a systematic review. BMC Fam Pract, 14 Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Green T, Martins T, Elliott K, Rubin G, Macleod U (2013). Evaluation of risk assessment tools for suspected cancer in general practice: a cohort study. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 63(606).  Author URL.
Dommett RM, Redaniel MT, Stevens MCG, Hamilton W, Martin RM (2013). Features of cancer in teenagers and young adults in primary care: a population-based nested case-control study. British Journal of Cancer, 108(11), 2329-2333. Abstract.
Dommett RM, Redaniel MT, Stevens MCG, Hamilton W, Martin RM (2013). Features of cancer in teenagers and young adults in primary care: a population-based nested case-control study. Br J Cancer, 108(11), 2329-2333. Abstract.  Author URL.
Grewal K, Hamilton W, Sharp D (2013). Ovarian cancer prediction: Development of a scoring system for primary care. BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 120(8), 1016-1019. Abstract.
Dommett RM, Redaniel T, Stevens MCG, Martin RM, Hamilton W (2013). Risk of childhood cancer with symptoms in primary care: a population-based case-control study. Br J Gen Pract, 63(606), e22-e29. Abstract.  Author URL.
Walker S, Hyde C, Hamilton W (2013). Risk of uterine cancer in symptomatic women in primary care: case-control study using electronic records. Br J Gen Pract, 63(614), e643-e648. Abstract.  Author URL.
Walker D, Hamilton W, Walter FM, Watts C (2013). Strategies to accelerate diagnosis of primary brain tumors at the primary-secondary care interface in children and adults. CNS oncology, 2(5), 447-462. Abstract.
Robson J, Kiran A, Maskell J, Hutchings A, Arden N, Dasgupta B, Hamilton W, Culliford D, Emin A, Luqmani R, et al (2013). The relative risk of aortic aneurysm in patients with giant cell arteritis compared with the general population of the UK. PRESSE MEDICALE, 42(4), 672-673.  Author URL.
Robson JC, Kiran A, Maskell J, Hutchings A, Arden N, Dasgupta B, Hamilton W, Emin A, Culliford D, Luqmani RA, et al (2013). The relative risk of aortic aneurysm in patients with giant cell arteritis compared with the general population of the UK. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Abstract.
Hamilton W (2012). A new approach to patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 62(601), 408-408.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Watson J, Round A (2012). Authors' reply to Nestel, Choudhary and Choudhary, Al Wakeel, and Helliwell and colleagues. BMJ, 344
Rubin G, Lyratzopoulos G, Abel G, Neal R, Walter F, Hamilton W (2012). Cancer detection in primary care. LANCET ONCOLOGY, 13(8), E325-E326.  Author URL.
Shephard EA, Stapley S, Neal RD, Rose P, Walter FM, Hamilton WT (2012). Clinical features of bladder cancer in primary care. Br J Gen Pract, 62(602), e598-e604. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2012). Computer assisted diagnosis of ovarian cancer in primary care. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 344  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2012). DIAGNOSIS Cancer diagnosis in UK primary care. NATURE REVIEWS CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 9(5), 251-252.  Author URL.
Torring ML, Frydenberg M, Hamilton W, Hansen RP, Lautrup MD, Vedsted P (2012). Diagnostic interval and mortality in colorectal cancer: U-shaped association demonstrated for three different datasets. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, 65(6), 669-678.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Roobottom C (2012). Early diagnosis of cancer by imaging: the primary care perspective. Radiography, 18(1), 5-8. Abstract.
Hamilton W (2012). Emergency admissions of cancer as a marker of diagnostic delay. Br J Cancer, 107(8), 1205-1206.  Author URL.
Mahadavan L, Loktionov A, Daniels IR, Shore A, Cotter D, Llewelyn AH, Hamilton W (2012). Exfoliated colonocyte DNA levels and clinical features in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a cohort study in patients referred for investigation. Colorectal Dis, 14(3), 306-313. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dommett R, Redaniel T, Stevens M, Hamilton W, Martin R (2012). Features of childhood cancer in primary care: a population-based nested case-control study. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(Suppl 1).
Dommett RM, Redaniel MT, Stevens MCG, Hamilton W, Martin RM (2012). Features of childhood cancer in primary care: a population-based nested case-control study. Br J Cancer, 106(5), 982-987. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor A, Stapley S, Hamilton W (2012). Jaundice in primary care: a cohort study of adults aged >45 years using electronic medical records. FAMILY PRACTICE, 29(4), 416-420.  Author URL.
Grewal K, Hamilton W, Sharp D (2012). Ovarian cancer: a scoring system for primary care. BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, 119, 158-158.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Watson J, Round A (2012). RAISED INFLAMMATORY MARKERS Authors' reply to Nestel, Choudhary and Choudhary, Al Wakeel, and Helliwell and colleagues. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 344  Author URL.
Watson J, Round A, Hamilton W (2012). RATIONAL TESTING Raised inflammatory markers. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 344  Author URL.
Watson J, Round A, Hamilton W (2012). Raised inflammatory markers. Praxis, 101(11), 729-733.
Weller D, Vedsted P, Rubin G, Walter FM, Emery J, Scott S, Campbell C, Andersen RS, Hamilton W, Olesen F, et al (2012). The Aarhus statement: improving design and reporting of studies on early cancer diagnosis. British Journal of Cancer
Stapley S, Peters TJ, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton W (2012). The risk of oesophago-gastric cancer in symptomatic patients in primary care: a large case-control study using electronic records. British Journal of Cancer
Stapley S, Peters TJ, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton W (2012). The risk of pancreatic cancer in symptomatic patients in primary care: a large case-control study using electronic records. British Journal of Cancer, 106(12), 1940-1944. Abstract.
Stapley S, Peters TJ, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton W (2012). The risk of pancreatic cancer in symptomatic patients in primary care: a large case-control study using electronic records. Br J Cancer, 106(12), 1940-1944. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watson J, Round A, Hamilton W (2012). [Increased inflammatory markers]. Praxis (Bern 1994), 101(11), 729-733.  Author URL.
Wye L, Thompson E, Hamilton W, Sharp D, Park A-L, McDaid D (2011). A half eaten biscuit: Mid study reflections on the feasibility of economically evaluating the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital using a matched controlled cohort approach (the BISCUIT study). European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 3(2).
Astin MP, Neal RD, Rose PW, Hamilton W (2011). Authors' response. British Journal of General Practice, 61(588).
Hamilton W, Vedsted P (2011). Cancer and primary care: the clinical and research agenda. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 61(592), 653-654.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Roobottom C (2011). Chronic daily headache. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 61(583), 143-144.  Author URL.
Tørring ML, Frydenberg M, Hansen RP, Olesen F, Hamilton W, Vedsted P (2011). Erratum: Time to diagnosis and mortality in colorectal cancer: a cohort study in primary care (British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104 (934-940) DOI: 10.1038/bjc.2011.60). British Journal of Cancer, 104(12).
Hamilton W, Watson J, Round A (2011). Fatigue: Clarifications in primary care. Praxis, 100(2), 99-103.
Stapley S, Hamilton W (2011). Gynaecological symptoms reported by young women: examining the potential for earlier diagnosis of cervical cancer. Fam Pract, 28(6), 592-598. Abstract.  Author URL.
Damery S, Ryan R, Wilson S, Ismail T, Hobbs R (2011). Iron deficiency anaemia and delayed diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a retrospective cohort study. COLORECTAL DISEASE, 13(4), E53-E60.  Author URL.
Watson J, Humphrey A, Peters-Klimm F, Hamilton W (2011). Motivation and satisfaction in GP training: a UK cross-sectional survey. Br J Gen Pract, 61(591), e645-e649. Abstract.  Author URL.
Coleman MP, Rachet B, Woods L, Berrino F, Butler J, Capocaccia R, Dickman P, Gavin A, Giorgi R, Hamilton W, et al (2011). Rebuttal to editorial saying cancer survival statistics are misleading. BMJ, 343(7814).
Marshall T, Lancashire R, Sharp D, Peters TJ, Cheng KK, Hamilton W (2011). The diagnostic performance of scoring systems to identify symptomatic colorectal cancer compared to current referral guidance. Gut, 60(9), 1242-1248.
Astin MP, Neal RD, Rose PW, Hamilton W (2011). The diagnostic value of symptoms for colorectal cancer in primary care response. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 61(588), 441-441.  Author URL.
Astin M, Griffin T, Neal RD, Rose P, Hamilton W (2011). The diagnostic value of symptoms for colorectal cancer in primary care: a systematic review. Br J Gen Pract, 61(586), e231-e243. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shephard E, Stapley S, Hamilton W (2011). The use of electronic databases in primary care research. Family Practice, 28(4), 352-354.
Tørring ML, Frydenberg M, Hansen RP, Olesen F, Hamilton W, Vedsted P (2011). Time to diagnosis and mortality in colorectal cancer: a cohort study in primary care. British Journal of Cancer, 104(6), 934-940. Abstract.
Hamilton W, Watson J, Round A (2011). [Not Available]. Praxis (Bern 1994), 100(2), 99-103.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Astin MP, Griffin T, Neal RD, Rose PW (2010). <i>Colorectal cancer</i> Secondary care data may mislead. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 340  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2010). Cancer diagnosis in primary care. Br J Gen Pract, 60(571), 121-128. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Watson J, Round A (2010). Investigating fatigue in primary care. BMJ, 341  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Menon U (2010). Ovarian cancer. BMJ (Online), 340(7737).
Barrett J, Sharp DJ, Stapley S, Stabb C, Hamilton W (2010). Pathways to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer in the UK: a cohort study in primary care. BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, 117(8), 1033-1034.  Author URL.
Barrett J, Sharp DJ, Stapley S, Stabb C, Hamilton W (2010). Pathways to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer in the UK: a cohort study in primary care. BJOG, 117(5), 610-614. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moss-Morris R, Hamilton W (2010). Pragmatic rehabilitation for chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ (Online), 340(7753).
Hamilton W, Watson J, Round A (2010). Rational testing: Investigating fatigue in primary care. BMJ (Online), 341(7771), 502-504.
Hamilton WT, Astin MP, Griffin T, Neal RD, Rose PW (2010). Secondary care data may mislead. BMJ (Online), 340(7755).
Hamilton W, Menon U (2009). <i>Easily missed</i>? Ovarian cancer. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 339  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Peters TJ, Sharp D (2009). <i>Ovarian cancer</i> Reply. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 339  Author URL.
Rubin G, Hamilton W (2009). Alarm features of colorectal cancer. GUT, 58(7), 1026-1026.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2009). Five misconceptions in cancer diagnosis. Br J Gen Pract, 59(563), 441-447. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Menon U (2009). Ovarian cancer. BMJ, 339  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Peters TJ, Sharp D (2009). Ovarian cancer: Authors' reply. BMJ (Online), 339(7728).
Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D (2009). Ovarian cancer: Not a silent killer. BMJ (Online), 339(7713).
Hamilton WT, Gallagher AM, Thomas JM, White PD (2009). Risk markers for both chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndromes: a prospective case-control study in primary care. Psychol Med, 39(11), 1913-1921. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Peters TJ, Bankhead C, Sharp D (2009). Risk of ovarian cancer in women with symptoms in primary care: Population based case-control study. BMJ (Online), 339(7721). Abstract.
Hamilton W, Peters TJ, Bankhead C, Sharp D (2009). Risk of ovarian cancer in women with symptoms in primary care: population based case-control study. BMJ, 339 Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2009). The CAPER studies: five case-control studies aimed at identifying and quantifying the risk of cancer in symptomatic primary care patients. Br J Cancer, 101 Suppl 2(Suppl 2), S80-S86. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Lancashire R, Sharp D, Peters TJ, Cheng K, Marshall T (2009). The risk of colorectal cancer with symptoms at different ages and between the sexes: a case-control study. BMC Med, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Kernick D, Stapley S, Campbell J, Hamilton W (2009). What happens to new-onset headache in children that present to primary care? a case-cohort study using electronic primary care records. Cephalalgia, 29(12), 1311-1316. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watson J, Hamilton W (2008). Clinical features of type 2 diabetes before diagnosis and pathways to the diagnosis: a case–control study. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 9(1), 41-48. Abstract.
Kernick D, Stapley S, Hamilton W (2008). GP's classification of headache: is primary headache underdiagnosed?. British Journal of General Practice, 58(547), 102-104. Abstract.
Knowles J, Hamilton W (2008). Knowledge of risk factors in cancer. British Journal of General Practice, 58(554), 650-651.
Barrett J, Hamilton W (2008). Pathways to the diagnosis of lung cancer in the UK: a cohort study. BMC Fam Pract, 9 Abstract.  Author URL.
Barraclough K, Liddell WG, du Toit J, Foy C, Dasgupta B, Thomas M, Hamilton W (2008). Polymyalgia rheumatica in primary care: a cohort study of the diagnostic criteria and outcome. Family Practice, 25(5), 328-333. Abstract.
Hamilton W, Lancashire R, Sharp D, Peters TJ, Cheng KK, Marshall T (2008). The importance of anaemia in diagnosing colorectal cancer: a case-control study using electronic primary care records. Br J Cancer, 98(2), 323-327. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2008). The price of diagnosis. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 58(557), 837-838.  Author URL.
Kernick D, Stapley S, Goadsby PJ, Hamilton W (2008). What happens to new-onset headache presented to primary care? a case-cohort study using electronic primary care records. Cephalalgia, 28(11), 1188-1195. Abstract.  Author URL.
Best J, Gent T, Ramsey CB, Brunning R, Cook G, Friendship-Taylor D, Hamilton WD, Jones J, Marshall PD, van der Plicht H, et al (2007). Bronze Age Burnt Mounds and Early Medieval Timber Structures at Town Farm Quarry, Burlescombe, Devon. Archaeological journal, 164(1), 1-79. Abstract.
Cleary J, Peters TJ, Sharp D, Hamilton W (2007). Clinical features of colorectal cancer before emergency presentation: a population-based case-control study. Fam Pract, 24(1), 3-6. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Kernick D (2007). Clinical features of primary brain tumours: a case-control study using electronic primary care records. Br J Gen Pract, 57(542), 695-699. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Russell D, Stabb C, Seamark D, Campion-Smith C, Britten N (2007). The effect of patient self-completion agenda forms on prescribing and adherence in general practice: a randomized controlled trial. Fam Pract, 24(1), 77-83. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stanley S, Round A, Hollinghurst S, Hamilton W, Crabb T (2007). Use of medication and investigations in community hospitals and a district general hospital: a cohort study of emergency admissions in the elderly. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 8(2), 105-111. Abstract.
Hamilton W, Sharp DJ, Peters TJ, Round AP (2006). Clinical features of prostate cancer before diagnosis: a population-based, case-control study. Br J Gen Pract, 56(531), 756-762. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2006). Malignancy and deep vein thrombosis [7]. British Journal of General Practice, 56(532).
Stapley S, Sharp D, Hamilton W (2006). Negative chest X-rays in primary care patients with lung cancer. Br J Gen Pract, 56(529), 570-573. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Luthra M, Smith T, Evans P (2006). Non-attendance in general practice: a questionnaire survey. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 3(4), 226-230.
Knight B, Shields BM, Hill A, Powell RJ, Round A, Hamilton W, Hattersley AT (2006). Offspring birthweight is not associated with paternal insulin resistance. Diabetologia, 49(11), 2675-2678. Abstract.  Author URL.
Barrett J, Jiwa M, Rose P, Hamilton W (2006). Pathways to the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: an observational study in three UK cities. Family Practice, 23(1), 15-19. Abstract.
Barrett J, Jiwa M, Rose P, Hamilton W (2006). Pathways to the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: an observational study in three UK cities. Fam Pract, 23(1), 15-19. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Britten N (2006). Patient agendas in primary care. BMJ, 332(7552), 1225-1226.  Author URL.
Petersen I, Thomas JM, Hamilton WT, White PD (2006). Risk and predictors of fatigue after infectious mononucleosis in a large primary-care cohort. QJM: an International Journal of Medicine, 99(1), 49-55. Abstract.
Du Toit J, Hamilton W, Barraclough K (2006). Risk in primary care of colorectal cancer from new onset rectal bleeding: 10 Year prospective study. British Medical Journal, 333(7558), 69-70. Abstract.
Stapley S, Peters TJ, Sharp D, Hamilton W (2006). The mortality of colorectal cancer in relation to the initial symptom at presentation to primary care and to the duration of symptoms: a cohort study using medical records. Br J Cancer, 95(10), 1321-1325. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D, Peters TJ (2005). Clinical features of colorectal cancer before diagnosis: a population-based case-control study. Br J Cancer, 93(4), 399-405. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gallagher AM, Thomas JM, Hamilton WT, White PD (2005). Erratum: Incidence of fatigue symptoms and diagnoses presenting in UK primary care from 1990 to 2001 (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (December 2004) 97 (571-575)). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 98(2).
Barrett J, Hamilton W (2005). Pathways to the diagnosis of prostate cancer in a British city. A population-based study. Scand J Urol Nephrol, 39(4), 267-270. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Gallagher AM, Thomas JM, White PD (2005). The prognosis of different fatigue diagnostic labels: a longitudinal survey. Fam Pract, 22(4), 383-388. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2005). Untitled. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 189(4), 504-504.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Peters TJ, Round A, Sharp D (2005). What are the clinical features of lung cancer before the diagnosis is made? a population based case-control study. Thorax, 60(12), 1059-1065. Abstract.  Author URL.
Logsdon MC (2005). Why carve up your continuous. RESEARCH IN NURSING & HEALTH, 28(6), 504-504.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Kessler D (2004). BMJ papers could include honesty box for research warts. BMJ, 328(7451).
Hamilton W, Sharp D (2004). Diagnosis of colorectal cancer in primary care: the evidence base for guidelines. Fam Pract, 21(1), 99-106. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Sharp D (2004). Diagnosis of lung cancer in primary care: a structured review. Fam Pract, 21(6), 605-611. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Round AP, Sharp DJ, Peters TJ (2004). High incidence of mesothelioma in an English city without heavy industrial use of asbestos. J Public Health (Oxf), 26(1), 77-78. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gallagher AM, Thomas JM, Hamilton WT, White PD (2004). Incidence of fatigue symptoms and diagnoses presenting in UK primary care from 1990 to 2001. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 97(12), 571-575. Abstract.
Kessler D, Hamilton W (2004). Normalisation: Horrible word, useful idea. British Journal of General Practice, 54(500), 163-164.
Jiwa M, Hamilton W (2004). Referral of suspected colorectal cancer: Have guidelines made a difference?. British Journal of General Practice, 54(505), 608-610. Abstract.
Round A, Crabb T, Buckingham K, Mejzner R, Pearce V, Ayres R, Weeks C, Hamilton W (2004). Six month outcomes after emergency admission of elderly patients to a community or a district general hospital. Family Practice, 21(2), 173-179. Abstract.
Hamilton W, Sharp D (2004). Symptomatic diagnosis of prostate cancer in primary care: a structured review. Br J Gen Pract, 54(505), 617-621. Abstract.  Author URL.
Russell D, Hamilton W, Lindbaek M, Sandvik E, Liodden K, Mjell J, Ravnsborg-Gjertsen K, Donnelly R, Manning G (2003). Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (multiple letters). British Journal of General Practice, 53(497), 972-974.
Hamilton W, Round A, Goodchild R, Baker C (2003). Do community based self-reading sphygmomanometers improve detection of hypertension? a feasibility study. J Public Health Med, 25(2), 125-130. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Round AP, Sharp D, Peters T (2003). GPs can separate oncological wheat from chaff. BMJ, 326(7385).  Author URL.
Hay AD, Hamilton W, Sharp D, Barrass B, Persad R (2003). Macroscopic haematuria and urological cancer. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 53(488), 241-242.  Author URL.
Hay AD, Hamilton W, Sharp D, Barrass B, Persad R, Anderson P, Bruyninckx R, Buntinx F, Aertgeerts B, Van Casteren V, et al (2003). Macroscopic haematuria and urological cancer (multiple letters). British Journal of General Practice, 53(488), 241-243.
Hamilton W, Sharp D, Palatini P (2003). Rapid Responses from BMJ, 327(7418).
Hamilton WT, Hall GH (2003). Risk factors for ill health insurance claims. J Insur Med, 35(1), 17-25. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Round AP, Sharp D, Peters TJ (2003). The quality of record keeping in primary care: a comparison of computerised, paper and hybrid systems. Br J Gen Pract, 53(497), 929-933. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Sharp D, Marshall T, Palatini P, Brueren M, Bissery A (2002). Comparison of different measures of blood pressure. BMJ, 325(7376).
Hamilton WT, Sharp D (2002). Comparison of different measures of blood pressure - Use sphygmomanometers more, not less. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 325(7376), 1360-1360.  Author URL.
Kernick D, Hamilton W (2002). Headache. British Journal of General Practice, 52(483).
Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D (2002). Patient, hospital, and general practitioner characteristics associated with non-attendance: a cohort study. Br J Gen Pract, 52(477), 317-319. Abstract.  Author URL.
Esen UI (2002). RAPID RESPONSES FROM BMJ.COM: Non-attendance at surgery. The BMJ, 327(7418).
Russell D, Hamilton W, Luthra M (2002). Research and consumer representation. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 52(474), 58-58.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (2001). Chronic fatigue syndrome. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 51(473), 1015-1015.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Hall GH, Round AP (2001). Frequency of attendance in general practice and symptoms before development of chronic fatigue syndrome: a case-control study. Br J Gen Pract, 51(468), 553-558. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sharp DJ, Hamilton W (2001). Non-attendance at general practices and outpatient clinics: Local systems are needed to address local problems. British Medical Journal, 323(7321), 1081-1082.
Hamilton W (2001). The deaf GP's view. British Journal of General Practice, 51(468).
Goulding C, Hamilton W (2000). GP use of anti-D. BRITISH JOURNAL OF FAMILY PLANNING, 26(2), 116-116.  Author URL.
Bryant G, Scott I, Worrall A, Hamilton W, Lloyd D (2000). Is norethisterone a lifestyle drug? (multiple letters). British Medical Journal, 320(7249).
Hamilton W (2000). Is norethisterone a lifestyle drug? the term lifestyle is not as clear as it may seem. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 320(7249), 1605-1605.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D (2000). Non-attendance at psychiatric outpatient clinics. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 50(451), 151-151.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D (1999). Effect on hospital attendance rates of giving patients a copy of their referral letter: randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 318(7195), 1392-1395. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton W (1999). General practice non-attendance. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 49(445), 664-664.  Author URL.
Castan-Cameo S, Johnston J, Mcghee S, Lawlor D, Hanratty B, Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D (1999). Non-attendance at outpatients departments. BMJ, 319(7217).
Castan-Cameo S, Johnston J, McGhee S, Lawlor D, Hanratty B, Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D (1999). Non-attendance at outpatients departments (multiple letters) [5]. British Medical Journal, 319(7217), 1134-1135.
Hamilton W, Round A, Sharp D (1999). Non-attendance at outpatients departments - Reply. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 319(7217), 1135-1135.  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Bradley N (1999). Self regulation at work: a case study. BMJ, 319(7209).  Author URL.
Hall GH, Hamilton WT, Round AP (1998). Increased illness experience preceding chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 32(4).
Hall GH, Hamilton WT, Round AP (1998). Increased illness experience preceding chronic fatigue syndrome: a case control study. J R Coll Physicians Lond, 32(1), 44-48. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hall GH, Hamilton WT, Lahuerta J, Ferran JR (1998). Use of medical information by UK insurers (multiple letters) [11]. Lancet, 352(9144).
Hall GH, Hamilton WT (1998). Use of medical information by UK insurers. Lancet, 352(9144).  Author URL.
Hamilton W, Round A, Taylor P, Waterston T, Humfress H, Schmidt U (1997). Dictating clinic letters in front of the patient (multiple letters) [10]. British Medical Journal, 314(7091), 1416-1417.
Hamilton W, Round A, Taylor P (1997). Dictating clinic letters in front of the patient - Letting patients see copy of consultant's letter is being studied in trial. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 314(7091), 1416-1416.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT (1997). Efficacy of counselling. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 47(414), 54-54.  Author URL.
Price J, Hamilton W (1997). Pragmatic eradication of H-pylori. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 47(423), 660-660.  Author URL.
Price J, Hamilton W, Hawthorne AB, Hawthorne K (1997). Pragmatic eradication of H. pylori (multiple letters) [1]. British Journal of General Practice, 47(423).
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Hall GH, Hamilton WT (1996). Genetic testing. Lancet, 347(9002).  Author URL.
Hamilton WT, Round AP, Hall GH (1995). Obtaining insurance should not depend on mechanism of diagnosis tests. BMJ, 311(7013).
Smyth E, Anderson E, Steel M, Hall GH, Hamilton WT (1994). Genetic testing and insurance. BMJ, 308(6926).
Hall GH, Hamilton WT (1994). Genetic testing and insurance. Withholding test results sidesteps ethical problems. BMJ, 308(6926), 472-473.  Author URL.
Round A, Hamilton W, Spencer K, Carpenter P (1993). Prenatal screening for Down's syndrome [10]. British Medical Journal, 307(6913), 1211-1212.
Hall GH, Hamilton WT (1991). Coronary risk-disk [6]. British Medical Journal, 303(6809).
Round A, Hamilton W (1990). Clinical diagnosis of tamponade in Malawi. QJM, 76(1), 763-766. Abstract.
Round A, Hamilton W (1988). Penicillin and meningococci. Lancet, 1(8587).


Price S, Price R, Hamilton W (2018). Clinical and other diagnostic tests. In  (Ed) How to Do Primary Care Research, Taylor & Francis, 183-194.
Price SJ, Price R, Hamilton W (2018). Clinical and other diagnostic tests: understanding their predictive value. In  (Ed) How to Do Primary Care Research, Boca Raton: CRC Press. Abstract.


Bailey S, Hamilton W (In Press). Establishing the optimum threshold value for haemoglobin in faecal immunochemical tests (FITs) for use in the primary care symptomatic population: South West Cancer Alliance FIT programme evaluation.
Zirk-Sadowski J, Masoli JAH, delgado J, Strain W, Hamilton W, Henley W, Melzer D, Ble A (In Press). Risks of Longer Term Proton Pump Inhibitor Exposure in 228,752 Older Adults. International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Society. Abstract.
Streeter AJ, Walker SJ, Rodgers L, Shelley A, Wellaway I, Hamilton F, Hamilton W, Henley W (2022). Assessing the effect of statin use on influenza vaccine effectiveness: a prior event rate ratio analysis in primary care data.  Author URL.
Hatton N, Bhartia B, Aslam R, Bradley S, Darby M, Hamilton W, Hurst E, Kennedy M, Mounce L, Neil R, et al (2021). A Prospective Cohort Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of the Chest X-Ray for the Detection of Lung Cancer in Symptomatic Adults.  Author URL.
Carney MH, Price S, Shephard E, Mounce L, Quiroga M, Hamilton W (2020). Abstract A25: Effect of pre-existing conditions on bladder cancer diagnosis: a cohort study using electronic primary care records.
Carney MH, Price S, Shephard E, Mounce L, Quiroga M, Hamilton W (2020). Effect of pre-existing conditions on bladder cancer diagnosis: a cohort study using electronic primary care records.  Author URL.
Calitri R, Mounce L, Abel G, Campbell J, Spencer A, Medina-Lara A, Pitt M, Shepard E, Warren F, Dean S, et al (2019). Protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial assessing the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of electronic risk-assessment tools for cancer for patients in general practice (ERICA).  Author URL.
Masoli JAH, Zirk-Sadowski J, Strain WD, Hamilton W, Delgado J, Henley W, Melzer D, Ble A (2018). QUESTIONING THE SAFETY OF WIDESPREAD PPI PRESCRIBING IN OLDER ADULTS.  Author URL.
Bailey SER, Ankus E, Price S, Pula G, Hamilton W (2018). The diagnostic potential of 'high normal' platelet counts for identifying cancer in primary care.  Author URL.
Luqmani RA, Lee E, Singh S, Gillett M, Schmidt WA, Bradburn M, Dasgupta B, Diamantopoulos AP, Forrester-Barker W, Hamilton W, et al (2016). INTERRATER AND INTRARATER ANALYSIS OF ULTRASOUND AND HISTOLOGICAL FINDINGS IN PATIENTS WITH SUSPECTED GIANT CELL ARTERITIS.  Author URL.
Luqmani RA, Lee E, Singh S, Gillett M, Schmidt W, Bradburn M, Dasgupta B, Diamantopoulos AP, Forrester-Barker W, Hamilton W, et al (2016). ULTRASOUND COMPARED WITH BIOPSY IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF SUSPECTED GIANT CELL ARTERITIS.  Author URL.
Walker S, Hamilton W, Hyde C (2015). Quantification of the risk of cervical cancer in symptomatic primary care patients.  Author URL.
Walker S, Hamilton W, Hyde C (2014). Quantification of the risk of breast cancer in symptomatic primary care patients.  Author URL.
Robson J, Kiran A, Maskell J, Arden N, Hutchings A, Emin A, Culliford D, Dasgupta B, Hamilton W, Luqmani R, et al (2013). PREDICTORS OF AORTIC ANEURYSMS FOR GIANT CELL ARTERITIS SUBJECTS.  Author URL.
Hamilton WT (2007). Derivation of a score for identifying colorectal cancer in primary care.  Author URL.


Fox J, Tebbs J, Avery R, Mayor S, Richards M, Harrison S, Turabi N, Maughn S, Randle A, Hickman K, et al (2023). A framework for achieving earlier diagnosis in symptomatic lung cancer. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.
Bailey SER, Ukoumunne OC, Shephard EA, Hamilton W (2014). How useful is thrombocytosis in predicting an underlying cancer in primary care?: systematic review protocol.
Bailey SER (2014). PROTOCOL: How useful is thrombocytosis in predicting underlying cancer? a systematic review.

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External Engagement and Impact


  • Shortlisted for the 2012 NHS innovation prize for work on cancer diagnostics
  • Research paper of year award, RCGP, 2010 and 2014 (overall winner on both occasions). Cancer category winner 2013 and 2015. 

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Willie generally works Tuesday to Thursday

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