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Get Started with Genomics CPD Course

The implementation of next-generation sequencing technologies has enabled genomics to become a mainstream subject in medicine. The UK has now adopted Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) in clinical practice, and the use of genomic sequencing technologies in healthcare has become widespread across many countries. Healthcare professionals across the world need the skills to understand genomics and what it means for their patients. 

This course will provide participants with the basic principles of genomic medicine. The content will include the distinction between genetics and genomics and a focus on understanding the different modes of inheritance. With a focus on practical case studies and a workshop-style of delivery, the course will offer the opportunity to engage with academics and fellow participants and build collaborative networks.  

Scientist with petri dish

Three students looking at book infront of 3d DNA model

Course Leads

Professor Anna Murray - Associate Professor in Human Genetics
Professor Caroline Wright - Professor in Genomic Medicine

Delivery format

This course will be delivered face to face and virtually. The course will involve workshops on two consecutive days (24th and 25th November 2022).  

The sessions will use a combination of participatory methodologies including presentations, case studies, group discussions and problem-based learning with opportunities for discussion and debate. 

The course will include approximately 14 taught hours plus self-directed study. We advise you to make every effort to join all sessions to gain the most out of the course. But if you are unable to attend any of the sessions the sessions will be recorded and made available. 

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the learner will be expected to be able to:   

  • Define the key concepts of genetics and genomics
  • Understand the main approaches to genomic testing and principles of variant classification
  • Understand the main modes of inheritance in humans (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked, and mitochondrial) and recognise their characteristic features and patterns
  • Understand that genetic disorders might be inherited from an affected parent, an unaffected parent, both unaffected parents or arise spontaneously  
  • Apply the knowledge of mode of inheritance in the context of a clinical report and the given family scenario
  • Become familiar with the basics of genome browsers to view gene information and interpret genomic information in clinical reports

Delegate Rates*

In-person - £600 

In-person Early Bird rate - £550 until 30th September 2022

Online only - £500

*For two contact days including access to resources and teaching materials. 

Certificate and Accreditation

Standard course fee - £500

(inclusive of fully interactive pre-course reading and resources, 2 online contact days, and access to resources developed by the faculty)

Limited number of fully-funded scholarships for international health care practitioners from selected countries.

Who is it for?

The course is aimed at clinicians and other healthcare professionals who need an introductory course in genomics. This course would be an ideal access course for those wishing to pursue further studies, in particular the MSc in Genomic Medicine. 

Programme at a Glance

Day 1

On day 1, we will introduce the core terminology of genomics and provide an overview of the methodologies available in the field. There will be a focus on analysis of clinical reports. We will then have practical sessions to discuss two different scenarios in clinical practice.







Introductory concepts in genomics: terminology, modes of inheritance, genomic testing methodologies, introduction to variant nomenclature 




Workshop 1




Case 1: Autosomal dominant disorder 

Key concepts: rationale for targeted sequencing vs exome vs panel test. Interpretation of clinical reports.






Genetic variation, genome browsers and online databases

Workshop 2



Case 2: Autosomal recessive disorder

Key concepts: consanguinity, recurrence risk, family pedigree, wider family testing 

Guest lecture 




To be confirmed 

Day 2 

On day 2, we will have the opportunity to reflect on the concepts introduced on day 1 and will continue applying key genomics concepts to the analysis and interpretation of two further clinical case studies.  






Reflection on learning from day one 



Variant interpretation guidelines 

Workshop 3 





Case 3: Cancer predisposition disorder 

Key concepts: recurrence risks, inherited vs acquired mutation, incomplete penetrance, variant classification





Workshop 4



Case 4: X-linked disorder 

Key concepts: benefits of rapid genome-wide parent-offspring sequencing and gene-agnostic analysis

Q&A session  






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