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University of Exeter Medical School

Professor Neil Vaughan

Professor Neil Vaughan

Associate Professor in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence


 RILD Building 3rd Floor


University of Exeter Medical School, RILD Building, RD&E Hospital Wonford, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW, UK


Professor Neil Vaughan is a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow and Associate Professor of Data Science and AI in Health at University of Exeter. His research track record is in medical technology and AI for medicine, over 130 publications. Prof Vaughan held many tenured professorial and senior academic computer science positions within many international universities, completing over 33 research supervisions and many module leaderships as Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellow. His research collaborations between HEI, NHS and companies produced commercialisable patented medical devices and medical training simulators, combining AI, virtual reality (VR), computer graphics and physical haptic feedback. His patented diabetes research includes smartphone neuropathy diagnosis and Point of care testing (POCT). Professor Neil Vaughan developed extensive track record of innovation spin-outs from grants as PI and industry collaborations as medical research software engineer (RSE), also with industry in LogicaCMG. 

Professor Neil Vaughan's research received over 30 international research innovation awards, including NHS and technology, 2019 NHS Health Education and Training (HEAT) Award 1st prize, the IET scholarship, 2019 Universities UK top 100 lifesaving projects, 2018 Welsh Health Hack 1st prize, 3 IET Innovation awards, EPSRC ICT Pioneer award 2014 with BCS transforming society, NHS Acorn award 1st prize 2014, Final 8 for Times Higher Education (THE) Awards Best Research Project, Finalist in UK Patient Safety Awards, Finalist in American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Innovation Show (iShow), several conference best poster awards, 2006 Brunel University medal, 2005 Blackwell publishing prize, 1999 Rotary international council research award. Before returning to academia he was involved with founding one of the first leading dot-com bubble computing R&D Ltd companies based in Exeter in 1980s-1990s whilst studying computing at Exeter.

Postgraduate Research opportunities: Professor Neil Vaughan is available to supervise PhD or post-doc research projects, with current funding opportunities including: EPSRC DTP, MRC, China Scholarship Council (CSC), EPSRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Research Fellowship, NIHR advanced fellowship, Royal Society University Research Fellowship, and Self-funded students with their own funding interested in pursing post-doc, PhD or MSc by Research in health data science and AI.


  • Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Research Fellow.
  • Senior member of IEEE (No. 94875568) since 2016.
  • Senior member of AISB and ISAL since 2011.
  • Scholarship and Innovation Awards from IET.
  • ICT Pioneer of EPSRC (RCUK).
  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
  • PhD, Artificial Intelligence in Health.
  • MSc, Artificial Intelligence in Health.
  • BSc (Hons) Computer Science.


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Research interests

Professor Neil Vaughan’s research track record includes AI, data science and health technology. His publications and awards track record include Virtual Reality (VR), medical training simulators, haptic feedback and artificial life. He is principal investigator and recipient of many research grants and awards in areas of innovation and AI, founding chair of AI and health technology workshops and Editor for Journal of Behavioral Robotics. He actively develops international collaborations in robotics, AI and health technology consortiums.

Research projects

  • Analysis of MRI, Ultrasound and CT scans, including analysis of Pancreas in Diabetic patients.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy Image Analysis.
  • Patented Diabetic Neuropathy Assessment Smartphone App and Medical 3D Printed Devices.
  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) for DIY Looping and real-time data analysis with AI Trace Analyser for Diabetes Patients.
  • Blood Glucose Monitoring for Diabetes in Sub Saharan Africa.
  • Genetics Machine Learning and AI for monogenic diabetes.


  • Royal Academy of Engineering, Research Fellowship - Frameworks for Virtual Reality Medical Training Simulators: Skill Assessment and Tissue Modelling.
  • Health and Care Research Wales: Pathway to Portfolio Funding. ParaVR CPR Training Simulator for Schools.
  • Bevan Commission, Welsh Health Hack Winner, ParaVR – VR training simulator for paramedics.
  • Santander Universities International Research Excellence Award Funding (IREA), Evolving Neural Networks.
  • Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy, British Council NSF-China Newton Researcher Links Workshop.
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) of China , Workshop on Health and Well-being Through VR and AR.
  • Newton Fund – British Council, Edutainment 2019 Conference, Xi’an China.
  • Collaboration Fund, IEEE Conference on Evolving & Adaptive Intelligent Systems, Greece.
  • Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) - SMART Technology research group – REF impact & outreach.
  • Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKEO) Research Fellowship Award.
  • Research Excellence Framework (REF) Impact Accelerator Fund -Epidural Simulator Virtual Reality.
  • AAGBI Large Research Grant - Epidural Simulator Virtual Reality.
  • Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Early Career Grant.
  • NHS Acorn Innovation Challenge: 1st place - Neuropathy Smartphone Health Device (Patented).
  • European Union (EU) IRIS Collaboration UK-China, RABOT Project with Shanghai Xiaotong University (#1 in China).
  • Newton Fund: Institutional Links Research Workshop.
  • Wessex Academic Health Science Network, Innovation Award Fund, Development of virtual reality NHS training.
  • Royal Bournemouth & Christchurch Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Research Funding,  Development of Smartphone apps for Health (Patented).
  • Scholarship of Institution of Engineering & Technology (SIET) (Only 2 in the UK).
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Innovation Showcase Grant, Collaboration with Harvard, Yale, MIT.
  • OAA (Obstetric Anaesthetists Association), Large Project Grant, Clinical Trial and Device Development.

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Journal articles

Vaughan N (In Press). Mismatch between HbA1c and fasting glucose in ethnic and gender groups. Diabetic Medicine, Supplement Abstract.
Vaughan N (2024). Simulating worm feeding patterns with computational models. Sci Rep, 14(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Vaughan N (2024). Smartphone funduscopy for diabetic retinopathy screening. Diabetic Medicine, 41 Abstract.
Vaughan N (2024). Virtual Reality Meets Diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology Abstract.
Vaughan N (2023). Review of smartphone funduscopy for diabetic retinopathy screening. Survey of Ophthalmology Abstract.
Russon CL, Vaughan N, Carr ALJ, Pulsford RM, Allen M, Andrews RC (2022). An increase in recording interval in continuous glucose monitors results in the identification of fewer hypoglycaemic episodes but interpolation can help to identify some of these missed episodes. Diabetic Medicine, 39
Lv Z, Song HH, Shen J, Vaughan N (2022). Digital Twins of Plant and Forest. Frontiers in Plant Science Abstract.
Russon CL, Vaughan N, Pulsford RM, Andrews RD, Allen M (2022). Glycaemic events during exercise can be effectively predicted with machine learning using only start glucose and duration. Diabetologia, 65 (Suppl 1), S324-S324. Abstract.
Lv Z, Marfia G, Poiesi F, Vaughan N, Shen J (2022). Virtual-reality and intelligent hardware in Digital Twins. Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware, 4(6), ii-iii.
Lv Z, Marfia G, Poiesi F, Vaughan N, Shen J (2022). Virtual-reality and intelligent hardware in digital twins. Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware, 4(4), ii-iv.
Russon C, Vaughan N, Andrews R (2021). Accuracy Analysis of Interpolation Methods. on Flash Glucose Monitoring Data. Diabetic Medicine, Volume 38(Issue S1). Abstract.
Rees N, Beever L, Vaughan N, Powell C, Fletcher A, John N (2021). Virtual reality training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation in schools. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 13 (9)
Vaughan N, Vargiu E, Mariani S, Montagna S, Schumacher M (2020). Healthcare Intelligent Multi Agent Systems. Journal of Medical Systems, 44, 138-138.
Vaughan N, Rees N, John N, Day T, Dorrington K (2020). ParaVR: a Virtual Reality Training Simulator for Paramedic Skills maintenance. Journal of Paramedic Practice: the clinical monthly for emergency care professionals, 12(12).
Vaughan N, Gabrys B (2020). Scoring and assessment in medical VR training simulators with dynamic time series classification. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 94
Lee W, Vaughan N, Kim D (2020). Task Allocation into a Foraging Task with a Series of Subtasks in Swarm Robotic System. IEEE Access, 8, 107549-107561.
Mediouni M, Madiouni R, Gardner M, Vaughan N (2020). Translational medicine: Challenges and new orthopaedic vision (Mediouni-Model). Current Orthopaedic Practice, 31(2), 196-200. Abstract.
Mediouni M, Kucklick T, Poncet S, Madiouni R, Abouaomar A, Madry H, Cucchiarini M, Chopko B, Vaughan N, Arora M, et al (2019). An overview of thermal necrosis: present and future. Curr Med Res Opin, 35(9), 1555-1562. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Dubey V (2017). Interpreting Ultrasound Images for Accurate Epidural Needle Insertion. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, 11(3) Abstract.
Mediouni M, Schlatterer DR, Khoury A, Von Bergen T, Shetty SH, Arora M, Dhond A, Vaughan N, Volosnikov A (2017). Optimal parameters to avoid thermal necrosis during bone drilling: a finite element analysis. J Orthop Res, 35(11), 2386-2391. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wee MYK, Isaacs R, Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Parker B (2017). Quantification of the pressures generated during insertion of an epidural needle in labouring women of varying body mass indices. International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Research, 024-027. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey V (2017). Virtual Hip Replacement Simulator for 3D Printed Implants. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, 11(3)
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wainwright TW, Middleton RG (2016). A review of virtual reality based training simulators for orthopaedic surgery. Med Eng Phys, 38(2), 59-71. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Gabrys B, Dubey VN (2016). An overview of self-adaptive technologies within virtual reality training. Computer Science Review, 22, 65-87. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Gabrys B (2016). Comparing and combining time series trajectories using Dynamic Time Warping. KNOWLEDGE-BASED AND INTELLIGENT INFORMATION & ENGINEERING SYSTEMS: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE KES-2016, 96, 474-483.  Author URL.
Mediouni M, Vaughan N, Shetty SH, Arora M, Volosnikov A, Khoury A (2016). How Challenging is the “Scaling Up” of Orthopaedic Simulation?. Open Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology, 1(1), 012-014.
R I, MYK W, Dubey VN, N V (2015). A survey of trainees’ perspectives on epidural training in the United Kingdom. Global Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, 1(4).
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Devices for accurate placement of epidural Tuohy needle for Anaesthesia administration. MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 5(1), 1-6.  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Epidural Pressure Measurements from Various BMI Obstetric Patients. Journal of Medical Devices, 8(2), 020946-020946.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Parametric model of human body shape and ligaments for patient-specific epidural simulation. Artif Intell Med, 62(2), 129-140. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Synthetic Methods for Ultrasound-Guided Epidural Insertion Simulation. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 8(2).  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Virtual Reality Simulation Based Assessment Objectives for Epidural Training. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 8(2).  Author URL.
Isaacs R, Wee MYK, Dubey VN, Vaughan N (2013). A pilot study to measure the insertion force of a Tuohy needle in a porcine spine. International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia (IJOA), 22, S7-S8.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2013). A review of epidural simulators: where are we today?. Med Eng Phys, 35(9), 1235-1250. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2013). Epidural Simulation for Patients of Various BMI and Body Shapes. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 7(3).  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2013). Real-time length measurement of epidural Tuohy needle during insertion. IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY, 7(4), 215-222.  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2013). Towards a realistic in vitro experience of epidural Tuohy needle insertion. Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 227(7), 767-777. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2012). Advanced epidural simulator with 3d flexible spine and haptic interface. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, 6(1), 1-1.


Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Development of Epidural Simulators: Towards Hybrid Virtual Reality Training. In  (Ed) Virtual Reality: Technologies, Medical Applications and Challenges, 83-124. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey V, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Hybrid Epidural Simulator: Augmented Physical Simulation with Virtual Reality Underlays. In  (Ed) . Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey V, Wee M, Isaacs R (2013). Biomedical Engineering in Epidural Anaesthesia Research. In Andrade A, Pereira AA, Naves ELM, Soares AB (Eds.) Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering, BoD – Books on Demand. Abstract.


Russon CL, Vaughan N, Carr ALJ, Pulsford RM, Allen M, Andrews R (2022). An increase in recording interval in continuous glucose monitors results in the identification of fewer hypoglycaemic episodes but interpolation can help to identify some of these missed episodes. Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2022. 28th Mar - 1st Apr 2022.
Russon C, Vaughan N, Pulsford R, Andrews R, Allen M (2022). Glycaemic events during exercise can be effectively predicted with machine learning using only start glucose and duration. European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). 19th - 23rd Sep 2022. Abstract.
Russon C, Vaughan N, Andrews R (2021). Accuracy Analysis of Interpolation Methods on Flash Glucose Monitoring Data. Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 1st - 1st Apr 2021.
Vaughan N (2021). Chair’s introduction. Visualisation of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (VizGEC), GECCO 2021. 10th - 14th Jul 2021.
Russon C, Vaughan N, Andrews R (2021). Interpolation of Fgm Data for the Improved Identification of Hypoglycaemic Episodes. Insulin100 Scientific Symposium. 15th Apr - 16th Mar 2021.
Vaughan N (2020). Chair’s introduction. Visualisation of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (VizGEC) at GECCO 2020. 8th - 12th Jul 2020.
Vaughan N (2020). Evolving a model of the retina for eyesight loss. Medical applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (MedGEC), GECCO 2020. 8th - 12th Jul 2020.
Vaughan N (2020). Keynote Talk: Evolving Eye Model for Medical Applications. the Evolutionary Computation in Healthcare (TECH2020), World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2020). 19th - 24th Jul 2020.
Vaughan N, John N, Rees N (2019). CPR Virtual Reality Training Simulator for Schools. 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW). 2nd - 4th Oct 2019.
Vaughan N (2019). Evolution of Biological Eye in Computer Simulation. 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 10th - 13th Jun 2019. Abstract.
Vaughan N, John N, Rees N (2019). ParaVR: Paramedic virtual reality training simulator. International Conference on Cyberworlds. 10th - 12th May 2019. Abstract.
Harvey R, Muncey A, Vaughan N (2018). Associating colours with emotions detected in social media tweets. Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) Convention 2018. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Mulvenna M, Bond RB (2018). Colour Coded Emotion Classification in Mental Health Social Media. 32nd Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Conference. 2nd - 6th Jul 2018. Abstract.
Vaughan N (2018). Evolution of Neural Networks for Physically Simulated Evolved Virtual Quadruped Creatures. International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (Living Machines). 17th - 20th Jul 2018. Abstract.
Vaughan N (2018). Evolutionary robot swarm cooperative retrieval. Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (Living Machines). 17th - 20th Jul 2018. Abstract.
Wolfenden A, Vaughan N (2018). How effective is ant colony optimisation at robot path planning. Symposium on Social Interactions in Complex Intelligent Systems (SICIS), Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB2018). 4th - 6th Apr 2018. Abstract.
Vaughan N (2018). Morphogenetic engineering for evolving ant colony pheromone communication. Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB2018). 4th - 6th Apr 2018. Abstract.
Vaughan N (2018). Multi-agent reinforcement learning for swarm retrieval with evolving neural network. Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Abstract.
Vaughan N (2018). Swarm Communication by Evolutionary Algorithms. 2018 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS). 25th - 27th May 2018. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Hickish T, Cole J (2017). A Smart Device to Substitute the Neurothesiometer. Volume 3: 19th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies; 14th International Conference on Design Education; 10th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices. 6th - 9th Aug 2017. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN (2017). Interpreting Ultrasound Images for Accurate Epidural Needle Insertion. 2017 Design of Medical Devices Conference. 10th - 13th Apr 2017. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN (2017). Monitoring Rehabilitation Parameters in Stroke Patients. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2017). 6th - 9th Aug 2017.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN (2017). Virtual Hip Replacement Simulator for 3D Printed Implants. 2017 Design of Medical Devices Conference. 10th - 13th Apr 2017. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN (2016). Hip Replacement Simulator for Predicting Dislocation Risk. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and 36th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE). 21st - 24th Aug 2016.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2016). Mechanism for Adaptive Virtual Reality Feedback. Design of Medical Devices (DMD). 11th - 14th Apr 2016. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Hickish T, Cole J (2016). Peripheral Neuropathy Point-Of-Care Testing (POCT) with Smartphone App. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and 9th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices Conference (BIOMED). 21st - 24th Aug 2016. Abstract.
Vaughan N (2016). Visual navigation in simulated pigeons. Artificial Life 2016. 4th - 6th Jul 2016. Abstract.
Vaughan N (2016). Visual navigation in simulated pigeons. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2015). Body Shape and Size Modelling Using Regression Analysis and Neural Network Prediction. ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 17th - 20th Aug 2014. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wainwright TW, Middleton RG (2015). Can virtual-reality simulators assess experience and skill level of orthopaedic surgeons?. 2015 IEEE Science and Information Conference (SAI). 28th - 30th Jul 2015.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wainwright TW, Middleton RG (2015). Does virtual-reality training on orthopaedic simulators improve performance in the operating room?. 2015 IEEE Science and Information Conference (SAI). 28th - 30th Jul 2015.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2015). In-Vivo Obstetric Pressure Measurements for Patient-Specific Epidural Simulator. Volume 1A: 34th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2015). Spine Flexion and Extension Model for Epidural Simulator. ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 17th - 20th Aug 2014. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN (2015). Surface Mesh Density Extraction of Orthopedic Magnetic Resonance Image with Hue Saturation Value Filtering. Design of Medical Devices. 1st - 1st Apr 2015.
Vaughan N (2015). Swapping algorithm and meta-heuristic solutions for combinatorial optimization n-queens problem. 2015 IEEE Science and Information Conference (SAI). 28th - 30th Jul 2015.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Artificial Neural Network to Predict Patient Body Circumferences and Ligament Thicknesses. ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 4th - 7th Aug 2013. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Epidural Pressure Measurements from Various BMI Obstetric Patients. Design of Medical Devices. 1st - 1st Apr 2014.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Heterogeneous Tissue Layer Deformation with Haptic Feedback. ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 4th - 7th Aug 2013. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). In-vivo obstetric pressure measurements for patient-specific epidural simulator. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 17th - 20th Aug 2014. Abstract.
Isaacs R, Wee M, Parker B, Dubey V, Vaughan N (2014). Measurement of epidural insertion pressures in labouring women of varying body mass indices and imaging of the lumbar spine to develop a high-fidelity epidural simulator for training. Obstetric Anaesthesia 2013. 23rd - 24th May 2014.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Synthetic Methods for Ultrasound-Guided Epidural Insertion Simulation. Design of Medical Devices.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2014). Video Tracking of Tuohy Needle for an Enhanced Epidural Simulator User Interface. ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 4th - 7th Aug 2013. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2013). Haptic Interface on Measured Data for Epidural Simulation. ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 12th - 15th Aug 2012. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2013). Virtual Reality Based Enhanced Visualization of Epidural Insertion. ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 12th - 15th Aug 2012. Abstract.
Vaughan N, Dubey VN, Wee MYK, Isaacs R (2012). Epidural needle length measurement by video processing. IET Conference on Image Processing (IPR 2012).

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External Engagement and Impact


  • Recipient of the NHS England, Health Education and Technology (HEAT) award 2019 for NHS Digital and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Innovator.
  • 2019 Best Dissertation Project, to supervised student (Lindenmayer Systems).
  • Winner of Welsh Health Gadget Hack 2018.
  • 1st Prize Winner of IET Innovation Awards 2016.
  • Shortlisted for IET Innovation Awards 2016.
  • 1st Prize at Acorn Funding Award 2016.
  • Winner of NIAA/AAGBI Research Grant 2016.
  • Winner of Acorn Funding Award at Headquarters of the UK Department of Health, London.
  • Prestigious Academic Grant from Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).
  • 2015 - Three Highly Commended Innovation Awards from IET.
  • Shortlisted for three IET awards 2015.
  • The University Executive Team (UET) including Vice Chancellor’s Postgraduate Research Prize 2014.
  • Finalist for National Patient Safety Awards 2013, in the Technology and IT to Improve Patient Safety category.
  • Final 8 for Design of Medical Devices International Student Design Showcase 2013.
  • Final 10 for American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Innovation Showcase in USA, with MIT and Harvard.
  • Winner of Innovation Award from Institution of Engineering & Technology 2013.
  • Winner of Scholarship in Ambition Awards from Institution of Engineering & Technology 2013.
  • Winner of EPSRC ICT Pioneers 2014, Impact of novel and emerging ICT on society.
  • Final 6 for the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards 2014 for outstanding ICT initiative.
  • Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) - UK ICT Pioneer Award awarded to Neil Vaughan for Impact of novel and emerging ICT on society.
  • Neil Vaughan’s Presentation at the House of Commons 2010, for SETforBritain, awarded by Andrew Miller MP, Past Chair of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee.
  • Brunel University London Medal 2006.
  • Brunel University Best Research Award, 2005.
  • Blackwell Publishing Prize 2005.
  • International Rotary Council, Exeter, Research Award, 1999.

Committee/panel activities

  • Program Committee - ASME International Design Engineering & Technical Conference (IDETC) USA            2012-present.
  • Nominated for EPSRC Strategic Advisory Team Committee, Programme Advisory Board for ICT Fundamentals 2014.
  • Chair - Informatics Track, Design of Medical Devices (DMD) International Conference, Minneapolis, USA.
  • International Committee - VES (Virtual Environments & Systems) conference meetings, ASME IDETC Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
  • Technical Program Committee (TPC) member   Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD) International conference. Nanyang Technological University, China 2015-16.
  • Technical Program Committee (TPC) member   International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC) 2015-16.

Editorial responsibilities

  • Founding Editor for Springer, Journal of Medical Systems (JMS), Impact Factor 2.2, Special Issue For Healthcare Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems (HIMAS) 2020, May.
  • Editor for Paladyn Journal of Behavioural Robotics
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue, Topical Issue on Deep Learning and Neural Systems in Robotics, PJBR.
  • Editor of Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology.
  • Editorial Board – Jacobs Journal of Computer Science.
  • Editor of Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation.
  • Reviewer of Elsevier Medical Engineering & Physics (Impact 2.4).
  • Reviewer for Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (JCMSE) of IOS Press.
  • Reviewer for Journal Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB), 2015.
  • Reviewer for MDPI Applied Sciences.
  • Reviewer for MDPI Math. Comput. Appl.
  • Reviewer for MDPI Sensors.
  • Reviewer for MDPI Mathematics.
  • Reviewer for MDPI Robotics.

Invited lectures

  • Loughborough University 2019 research seminar.
  • Seminar at 2019 Digital Industry Roadshow, Durham.
  • Invited talk at UK Parliament, Westminster, 2019 Voice of the Future (VOTF) organised by the Royal Society of Biology, London.
  • Invited talk at House of Lords, 2018 All Party Parliamentary Engineering Group (APPEG), London.
  • Invited talk at Fellow’s Day 2018, Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng).
  • Invited talk at 2018 International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Learning (SCML), Wuhan, China.
  • Invited Workshop delivered at createChester conference 2018-2019.
  • Invited talk at Edutainment 2019, Xi’an, China.
  • Invited Keynote talk at 5th International Conference on Biometrics & Biostatistics. October 20-21, 2016 Houston, TX.
  • Invited talk at Chinese Academy of Science Institute of Automation (CASIA), Beijing, China, Aug 25th 2015.
  • Invited Keynote talk at 2015 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, China, Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications, Aug 22nd 2015.
  • Invited speaker and Track Chair for Informatics – Design of Medical Device Conference, USA 2014.

Media Coverage

  • NHS HEAT Award Video, 1st Prize 2019.
  • Royal Academy of Engineering Research Forum 2018 & 2019.
  • BU Annual Review 2014 – Page 4.
  • Bournemouth Research Chronicle, Jan 2014, Edition 3, p12.
  • ASME Mechanical Engineering Magazine, June 2013, p30-31 – Semi-finalist Innovation Showcase. – Seen by 130,000 ASME members in 158 countries worldwide, est.1880.
  • NHS Grapevine magazine 2013, May/June 2011 – Issue 31, Page 11.
  • The Engineer magazine – April 2013 Edition
  • Politics First magazine – March 2014 Edition, advertorial feature.
  • Conservative MP website, July 2014.
  • Shown in the House of Commons, April 2011.

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At University of Exeter, Neil Vaughan’s teaching is involved with Health Data Science MSc.

Professor Neil Vaughan’s previous teaching at many international universities has focused mainly on Health Informatics, Machine learning, computational intelligence, data science, database management (CO6002), web management (CO6027), Electronics and Design engineering at levels 4-7.

At University of Chester, for many academic years he was Associate Professor SL-B, leader and founder of the Bio-inspired Computing MSc module. He was module leader for level 6, CO6002 – Modern Database Management Systems and CO6027 – Managing a Web-based Environment for BSc Computer Science and BSc Cyber Security.

At Chandigarh University he is Visiting Full Professor in CSE Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning since 2016.

He previously taught or was module leader with tenured academic professorial / senior lecturer positions at University College Isle of Man, Laksamana College of Business Brunei, Kensington College of Business London, University of Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne USA, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) China, Teesside University, University of West London (UWL), University of Granada Spain and Brunel University, London.

Prior to those, he was involved in teaching Level 5 Design Engineering BSc at Bournemouth University for 7 academic years 2010.



Information not currently available

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