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University of Exeter Medical School

Professor Jonathan Wyatt

Professor Jonathan Wyatt

Lead for Applied Medical Knowledge theme

 01872 252452

 Knowledge Spa 


University of Exeter Medical School, Knowledge Spa, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, TR1 3HD


Prof Jonathan Wyatt is lead for the AMK theme and works as consultant in Emergency Medicine in Cornwall.

Jonathan completed undergraduate studies in Sheffield.  He worked in Leeds, Plymouth and Penzance, then trained as a surgeon in Edinburgh.  He has an MD in Forensic Medicine and trained in Emergency Medicine in Glasgow, Michigan and Edinburgh before joining the Royal Cornwall Hospital.

He has over 100 publications, including being first author on leading textbooks on Emergency Medicine and Forensic Medicine.


  • B Med Sci (Sheffield)
  • MB ChB (Sheffield)
  • FRCS (Edinburgh)
  • MD (Edinburgh)
  • PGCE

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Research interests

Jonathan has a research interest in the forensic aspects of trauma.

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