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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Jaime Peters

Dr Jaime Peters

Senior Research Fellow


 +44 (0) 1392 726068

 College House 1.25


College House, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Jaime's background is in medical statistics and evidence synthesis. Her interests have expanded to decision modelling and health economics, especially in the area of test evaluation. Jaime is a member of the Exeter Test Group She has developed and critiqued  economic analyses to inform decision-making nationally (for the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence, and the National Screening Committee), and previously for the South West Peninsula Health Technology Commissioning Group.

Broad research specialisms:

  • Health economic modelling, particularly for the evaluation of tests
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis methods for the evaluation of tests
  • Methods for expert elicitation and its incorporation in health economic models
  • Issues of bias in the publication and reporting of studies in health
  • General methods for evidence synthesis


  • PhD (University of Leicester, 2007)
  • MSc (University of Leicester, 2000)
  • BSc (University of Keele, 1998)

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Research interests

Jaime is mainly involved in the application of evidence synthesis and decision modelling to the evaluation of tests. This has included

  • work commissioned by the UK National Screening Committee on targetted screening for lung cancer, screening for autism spectrum disorders in pre-school children, the accuracy of automated grading in the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme, HPV screening in vaccinated populations, and the accuracy and validity of HbA1c point of care testing;
  • Technology Assessment Reviews for NICE (including for their Diagnostic Advisory Committee)
  • evaluation of tools, imaging and biomarkers for cancer detection in primary care
  • evaluation of strategies to improve the diagnosis of different types of diabetes.

Jaime has continued to contribute to methodological work in the area of test evaluation, please see publications.

Research projects

  • Using pharmacogenetics to improve treatment in young-onset diabetes
  • Identifying clinical criteria to predict Type 1 diabetes, as defined by absolute insulin deficiency
  • Assessing the current state of decision models evaluating:
    • diagnostic and prognostic prediction models (with colleagues in the Netherlands) and,
    • pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic tests.
  • Exploring the value of CTCA to predict cardiovascular risk (PhD student Chun Pang)
  • An evaluation of methods for eliciting expert opinion in health technology assessment (completed PhD project by Bogdan Grigore)
  • Evaluating the impact and use of Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomised Designs (TREND) reporting guidelines
  • Developing a network and increasing knowledge for researchers involved in decision modelling


  • Tender to undertake Technology Assessment Reviews (TARs). National Institute for Health Research. April 2016 – March 2021.
  • Brazil-UK collaboration in Health Technology Assessment of diagnostic strategies for infectious diseases. Research Councils UK-Conselho Nacional das Fundacoes Estaduais de Amparo a Pesquisa Jan 2015 - Dec 2015.
  • Developing a network and increasing knowledge for researchers involved in decision modelling. University of Exeter Researcher-Led Initiative. Feb 2013 - July 2013.
  • Deriving evidence-based clinical criteria to aid classification of diabetes. Research for Patient Benefit. Sept 2012 - August 2014.
  • Are interventions to reduce the impact of arsenic contamination of groundwater on human health and crop productivity in developing countries effective? 3ie, DFID and AusAID joint call. May 2011 - May 2012.
  • Using pharmacogenetics to improve treatment in young-onset diabetes. Health Innovation Challenge Fund: Dept Health and Wellcome Trust. Oct 2010 - Oct 2013.
  • Methods for generalised synthesis of evidence in setting standards for safe human exposure to environmental chemicals. Dept Health National Coordinating Centre Research Capacity and Development Research Scientist in Evidence Synthesis (Personal Fellowship). Oct 2003 - Oct 2006.

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Journal articles

Zhelev Z, Ohtake H, Iwata M, Terasawa T, Rogers M, Peters J, Hyde C (In Press). Diagnostic accuracy of contemporary and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays used in serial testing, versus single-sample testing as a comparator, to triage patients suspected of acute non- ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open Abstract.
Peters J, Fuller T, Pearson M (In Press). Improving the reporting of health and psychological research. Australian Psychologist
Peters J, Anderson R, Shields B, Hudson M, Shepherd M, McDonald T, Hattersley A, Hyde C (In Press). Strategies to Identify Individuals with Monogenic Diabetes: Results of an Economic Evaluation. BMJ Open
Duer E, Yang H, Robinson S, Grigore B, Sandercock J, Snowsill T, Griffin E, Peters J, Hyde C (2023). Do we know enough about the effect of low-dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer on mortality to act? an updated systematic review, meta-analysis and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials 2017 to 2021. Diagn Progn Res, 7(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Ferrante di Ruffano L, Harris IM, Zhelev Z, Davenport C, Mallett S, Peters J, Takwoingi Y, Deeks J, Hyde C (2023). Health technology assessment of diagnostic tests: a state of the art review of methods guidance from international organizations. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 39(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhelev Z, Peters J, Rogers M, Allen M, Kijauskaite G, Seedat F, Wilkinson E, Hyde C (2023). Test accuracy of artificial intelligence-based grading of fundus images in diabetic retinopathy screening: a systematic review. J Med Screen, 30(3), 97-112. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ohtake H, Terasawa T, Zhelev Z, Iwata M, Rogers M, Peters JL, Hyde C (2022). Serial high-sensitivity cardiac troponin testing for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 12(11), e066429-e066429. Abstract.
Thompson G, Zhelev Z, Peters J, Khalid S, Briscoe S, Shaw L, Nunns M, Ludman S, Hyde C (2021). Symptom scores in the diagnosis of pediatric cow's milk protein allergy: a systematic review. Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 32(7), 1497-1507. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Snowsill TM, Griffin E, Robinson S, Hyde CJ (2021). Variation in Model-Based Economic Evaluations of Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) Screening for Lung Cancer: a Methodological Review. Value in Health Abstract.
Mallett S, Allen AJ, Graziadio S, Taylor SA, Sakai NS, Green K, Suklan J, Hyde C, Shinkins B, Zhelev Z, et al (2020). At what times during infection is SARS-CoV-2 detectable and no longer detectable using RT-PCR-based tests? a systematic review of individual participant data. BMC Medicine, 18(1). Abstract.
Medina-Lara A, Grigore B, Lewis R, Peters J, Price S, Landa P, Robinson S, Neal R, Hamilton W, Spencer AE, et al (2020). Cancer diagnostic tools to aid decision-making in primary care: mixed-methods systematic reviews and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technology Assessment, 24(66), 1-332. Abstract.
Grigore B, Lewis R, Peters J, Robinson S, Hyde CJ (2020). Development, validation and effectiveness of diagnostic prediction tools for colorectal cancer in primary care: a systematic review. BMC Cancer, 20(1). Abstract.
Yang H, Varley-Campbell J, Coelho H, Long L, Robinson S, Snowsill T, Griffin E, Peters J, Hyde C (2019). Do we know enough about the effect of low-dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer on survival to act? a systematic review, meta-analysis and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research, 3(1). Abstract.
Olsen M, Zhelev Z, Hunt H, Peters JL, Bossuyt P, Hyde C (2019). Use of test accuracy study design labels in NICE's diagnostic guidance. Diagn Progn Res, 3 Abstract.  Author URL.
Pang CL, Pilkington N, Wei Y, Peters J, Roobottom C, Hyde C (2018). A methodology review on the incremental prognostic value of computed tomography biomarkers in addition to Framingham risk score in predicting cardiovascular disease: the use of association, discrimination and reclassification. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 18
Mujica Mota R, Varley-Campbell J, Tikhonova I, Cooper C, Griffin E, Haasova M, Peters J, Lucherini S, Talens-Bou S, Long L, et al (2018). Everolimus, lutetium-177 DOTATATE and sunitinib for advanced, unresectable or metastatic neuroendocrine tumours with disease progression: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technology Assessment
Cooper C, Dawson S, Peters J, Varley-Campbell J, Cockcroft E, Hendon J, Churchill R (2018). Revisiting the need for a literature search narrative: a brief methodological note. Res Synth Methods, 9(3), 361-365. Abstract.  Author URL.
Schnell-Inderst P, Iglesias CP, Arvandi M, Ciani O, Matteucci Gothe R, Peters J, Blom AW, Taylor RS, Siebert U (2017). A bias-adjusted evidence synthesis of RCT and observational data: the case of total hip replacement. Health Econ, 26 Suppl 1, 46-69. Abstract.  Author URL.
Grigore B, Peters J, Hyde C, Stein K (2017). EXPLICIT: a feasibility study of remote expert elicitation in health technology assessment. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 17(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Snowsill TM, Moore J, Mujica Mota R, Peters JL, Jones-Hughes T, Huxley NJ, Coelho H, Haasova M, Cooper C, Lowe JA, et al (2017). Immunosuppressive agents in adult kidney transplantation in the NHS: a model-based economic evaluation. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Bojke L, Grigore B, Jankovic D, Peters J, Soares M, Stein K (2017). Informing Reimbursement Decisions Using Cost-Effectiveness Modelling: a Guide to the Process of Generating Elicited Priors to Capture Model Uncertainties. Pharmacoeconomics, 35(9), 867-877. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shields B, Shepherd M, Hudson M, McDonald T, Colclough K, Peters J, Knight B, Hyde C, Ellard S, Pearson E, et al (2017). Population-based assessment of a biomarker-based screening pathway to aid diagnosis of monogenic diabetes in young-onset patients. Diabetes Care
van Giessen A, Peters J, Wilcher B, Hyde C, Moons C, de Wit A, Koffijberg E (2017). Systematic Review of Health Economic Impact Evaluations of Risk Prediction Models: Stop Developing, Start Evaluating. Value in Health, 20(4), 718-726. Abstract.
Huxley N, Crathorne L, Varley-Campbell J, Tikhonova I, Snowsill T, Briscoe S, Peters J, Bond M, Napier M, Hoyle M, et al (2017). The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cetuximab (review of technology appraisal no. 176) and panitumumab (partial review of technology appraisal no. 240) for previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess, 21(38), 1-294. Abstract.  Author URL.
Grigore B, Peters J, Hyde C, Stein K (2016). A comparison of two methods for expert elicitation in health technology assessments. BMC Med Res Methodol, 16 Abstract.  Author URL.
Bond M, Crathorne L, Peters J, Coelho H, Haasova M, Cooper C, Milner Q, Shawyer V, Hyde C, Powell R, et al (2016). First do no harm: pain relief for the peripheral venous cannulation of adults, a systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMC Anesthesiol, 16(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones-Hughes T, Snowsill T, Haasova M, Coelho H, Crathorne L, Cooper C, Mujica-Mota R, Peters J, Varley-Campbell J, Huxley N, et al (2016). Immunosuppressive therapy for kidney transplantation in adults: a systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess, 20(62), 1-594. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shields BM, Peters JL, Cooper C, Lowe J, Knight BA, Powell RJ, Jones A, Hyde CJ, Hattersley AT (2015). Can clinical features be used to differentiate type 1 from type 2 diabetes? a systematic review of the literature. BMJ Open, 5(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Cooper C, Buchanan J (2015). Evidence used in model-based economic evaluations for evaluating pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic tests: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 5(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Ciani O, Buyse M, Garside R, Peters J, Saad ED, Stein K, Taylor RS (2015). Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials show suboptimal validity of surrogate outcomes for overall survival in advanced colorectal cancer. J Clin Epidemiol, 68(7), 833-842. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fuller T, Pearson M, Peters J, Anderson R (2015). What affects authors' and editors' use of reporting guidelines? Findings from an online survey and qualitative interviews. PLoS One, 10(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Fuller T, Peters J, Pearson M, Anderson R (2014). Impact of the transparent reporting of evaluations with nonrandomized designs reporting guideline: ten years on. Am J Public Health, 104(11), e110-e117. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hoyle M, Peters J, Crathorne L, Jones-Hughes T, Cooper C, Napier M, Hyde C (2013). Cost-effectiveness of cetuximab, cetuximab plus irinotecan, and panitumumab for third and further lines of treatment for KRAS wild-type patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Value Health, 16(2), 288-296. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Anderson R, Hyde C (2013). Development of an economic evaluation of diagnostic strategies: the case of monogenic diabetes. BMJ Open, 3(5). Abstract.
Peters JL, Anderson R, Hoyle M, Hyde C (2013). Evolution of a cost-utility model of donepezil for Alzheimer's disease. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 29(2), 147-154. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hyde C, Peters J, Bond M, Rogers G, Hoyle M, Anderson R, Jeffreys M, Davis S, Thokala P, Moxham T, et al (2013). Evolution of the evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and memantine for Alzheimer's disease: systematic review and economic model. Age Ageing, 42(1), 14-20. Abstract.  Author URL.
Grigore B, Peters J, Hyde C, Stein K (2013). Methods to elicit probability distributions from experts: a systematic review of reported practice in health technology assessment. Pharmacoeconomics, 31(11), 991-1003. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fuller T, Pearson M, Peters J, Anderson R (2013). Reporting guidelines - improving the evidence base of public health research. European Journal of Public Health, 23(suppl_1).
Hoyle M, Crathorne L, Peters J, Jones-Hughes T, Cooper C, Napier M, Tappenden P, Hyde C (2013). The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cetuximab (mono- or combination chemotherapy), bevacizumab (combination with non-oxaliplatin chemotherapy) and panitumumab (monotherapy) for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer after first-line chemotherapy (review of technology appraisal No.150 and part review of technology appraisal No. 118): a systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess, 17(14), 1-237. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Anderson R (2013). The cost-effectiveness of mandatory 20 mph zones for the prevention of injuries. J Public Health (Oxf), 35(1), 40-48. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Moreno SG, Phillips B, Sutton AJ (2012). Are we sure about the evidence for zinc in prophylaxis of the common cold?. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, 6(1), 15-16.
Lu L, Peters J, Roome C, Stein K (2012). Cost-effectiveness analysis of degarelix for advanced hormone-dependent prostate cancer. BJU International, 109(8), 1183-1192. Abstract.
Lu L, Peters J, Roome C, Stein K (2012). Cost-effectiveness analysis of degarelix for advanced hormone-dependent prostate cancer. BJU Int, 109(8), 1183-1192. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lu L, Peters J, Roome C, Stein K (2012). Cost-effectiveness of alemtuzumab for T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 28(3), 241-248. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fuller T, Pearson M, Peters JL, Anderson R (2012). Evaluating the impact and use of Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomised Designs (TREND) reporting guidelines. BMJ Open, 2(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Shields BM, Peters JL, Cooper C, Powell RJ, Knight BA, Hyde C, Hattersley AT (2012). Identifying clinical criteria to predict Type 1 diabetes, as defined by absolute insulin deficiency: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 2(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson M, Peters J (2012). Outcome reporting bias in evaluations of public health interventions: evidence of impact and the potential role of a study register. J Epidemiol Community Health, 66(4), 286-289. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson M, Hunt H, Garside R, Moxham T, Peters J, Anderson R (2012). Preventing unintentional injuries to children under 15 years in the outdoors: a systematic review of the effectiveness of educational programs. Injury Prevention, 18(2), 113-123. Abstract.
Bond M, Rogers G, Peters J, Anderson R, Hoyle M, Miners A, Moxham T, Davis S, Thokala P, Wailoo A, et al (2012). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (review of Technology Appraisal No. 111): a systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess, 16(21), 1-470. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson M, Jones-Hughes T, Whear R, Cooper C, Peters J, Evans EH, Depledge M (2011). Are interventions to reduce the impact of arsenic contamination of groundwater on human health in developing countries effective?: a systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence  Author URL.
Pearson M, Jones-Hughes T, Whear R, Cooper C, Peters J, Evans EH, Depledge M (2011). Are interventions to reduce the impact of arsenic contamination of groundwater on human health in developing countries effective?: a systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence, 1, 1-7.  Author URL.
Cooper NJ, Peters J, Lai MCW, Juni P, Wandel S, Palmer S, Paulden M, Conti S, Welton NJ, Abrams KR, et al (2011). How valuable are multiple treatment comparison methods in evidence-based health-care evaluation. Value in Health, 14(2), 371-380. Abstract.
Peason MN, Hunt HA, Garside R, Moxham T, Peters J, Anderson R (2011). Preventing unintentional injuries to children under 15 years in the outdoors: a systematic review of the effectiveness of educational programs. Inj Prev, 2(18). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sterne JAC, Sutton AJ, Ioannidis JPA, Terrin N, Jones DR, Lau J, Carpenter J, Rücker G, Harbord RM, Schmid CH, et al (2011). Recommendations for examining and interpreting funnel plot asymmetry in meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. BMJ (Online), 343(7818).
Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR, Abrams KR, Rushton L, Moreno SG (2010). Assessing publication bias in meta-analyses in the presence of between-study heterogeneity. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 173(3), 575-591. Abstract.
Stahl-Timmins W, Pitt M, Peters J (2010). Graphical presentation of data for health policy decisions: an exploratory online decision task experiment to measure efectiveness. Information Design Journal, 18(3), 205-224. Abstract.
Moreno SG, Sutton AJ, Ades AE, Stanley TD, Abrams KR, Peters JL, Cooper NJ (2009). Assessment of regression-based methods to adjust for publication bias through a comprehensive simulation study. BMC Med Res Methodol, 9 Abstract.  Author URL.
Higgins M, Theobald KA, Peters J (2009). Can nurses do more for patients to reduce vascular access and cardiac complications following PCI?. AUSTRALIAN CRITICAL CARE, 22(1), 57-58.  Author URL.
Jones DR, Peters JL, Rushton L, Sutton AJ, Abrams KR (2009). Interspecies extrapolation in environmental exposure standard setting: a Bayesian synthesis approach. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 53(3), 217-225. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hind D, Tappenden P, Peters J, Kenjegalieva K (2009). Varenicline in the management of smoking cessation: a single technology appraisal. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 13 Suppl 2, 9-13. Abstract.
Palmer TM, Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Moreno SG (2008). Contour-enhanced funnel plots for meta-analysis. Stata Journal, 8(2), 242-254. Abstract.
Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR, Abrams KR, Rushton L (2008). Contour-enhanced meta-analysis funnel plots help distinguish publication bias from other causes of asymmetry. J Clin Epidemiol, 61(10), 991-996. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Mengersen KL (2008). Meta-analysis of repeated measures study designs. J Eval Clin Pract, 14(5), 941-950. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters J, Mengersen K (2008). Selective reporting of adjusted estimates in observational epidemiology studies: reasons and implications for meta-analyses. Eval Health Prof, 31(4), 370-389. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR, Abrams KR, Rushton L (2008). The Contribution of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Methods to Human Health Risk Assessment: Neurobehavioral Effects of Manganese. HUMAN AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT, 14(6), 1250-1272.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR, Abrams KR, Rushton L (2007). Performance of the trim and fill method in the presence of publication bias and between-study heterogeneity. Stat Med, 26(25), 4544-4562. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR, Rushton L, Abrams KR (2006). A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of animal experiments with guidelines for reporting. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 41(7), 1245-1258. Abstract.
Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR, Rushton L, Abrams KR (2006). A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of animal experiments with guidelines for reporting. J Environ Sci Health B, 41(7), 1245-1258. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR, Abrams KR, Rushton L (2006). Comparison of two methods to detect publication bias in meta-analysis. JAMA, 295(6), 676-680. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ali S, Stone MA, Peters JL, Davies MJ, Khunti K (2006). The prevalence of co-morbid depression in adults with Type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabet Med, 23(11), 1165-1173. Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Rushton L, Button AJ, Jones DR, Abrams KR, Mugglestone MA (2005). Bayesian methods for the cross-design synthesis of epidemiological and toxicological evidence. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics, 54(1), 159-172. Abstract.


Jones DR, Sutton A, Peters J (2014). Meta‐Analysis in Nonclinical Risk Assessment. In  (Ed) Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, Wiley.
Jones DR, Sutton A, Peters J (2008). Meta‐Analysis in Nonclinical Risk Assessment. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, Wiley.


Zhelev Z, Patel K, Youngman E, Peters J, Lowe J, Cooper C, Shields B, Hattersley A, Hyde C (2016). Autoantibody status as a predictor of future insulin deficiency in patients with diabetes: a systematic review.  Author URL.
Tikhonova IA, Hoyle M, Snowsill T, Crathorne L, Varley-Campbell J, Peters J, Briscoe S, Bond M, Huxley N (2016). Cost Effectiveness of Cetuximab and Panitumumab for First-Line RAS WT Metastatic Colorecal Cancer. ISPOR.
Haasova M, Jones-Hughes T, Peters J, Snowsill T, Coelho H, Crathorne L, Mujica Mota R, Varley-Campbell J, Huxley N, Moore J, et al (2016). Immunosuppressive therapy for renal transplantation in adults: a systematic review and network meta-analyses. Health Technology
Assessment international (HTAi). 10th - 14th May 2016. Abstract.
Peters JL, Anderson R, Shields BM, King S, Hudson M, Shepherd M, McDonald TJ, Pearson E, Hattersley AT, Hyde C, et al (2016). Strategies to identify individuals with MODY: results of a health economic model.  Author URL.
Shields BM, Peters JL, Cooper C, Lowe J, Knight B, Powell R, Hyde CJ, Hattersley AT (2014). Is there an evidence base for the clinical features used to differentiate type 1 from type 2 diabetes? a systematic review of the literature.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Jones DR, Rushton L, Sutton AJ, Abrams KR, Mugglestone MA (2003). Bayesian methods for the synthesis of epidemiological and toxicological evidence.  Author URL.
Peters J, Rushton L, Jones D, Sutton A, Mugglestone M, Abrams K (2003). Recommendations for systematic review and statistical synthesis in standard-setting: an evaluation of manganese review documents.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Rushton L, Jones DR, Sutton AJ, Abrams KR, Mugglestone MA (2002). Setting environmental exposure standards: Sensitivity analyses for the synthesis of epidemiological and toxicological evidence.  Author URL.


Varley-Campbell J, Mujica-Mota R, Tikhonova I, Cooper C, Griffin E, Haasova M, Peters J, Lucherini S, Talens-Bou J, Long L, et al (2016). Everolimus, lutetium-177 DOTATATE and sunitinib for treating unresectable or metastatic neuroendocrine tumours with disease progression.
Huxley N, Crathorne L, Varley-Campbell J, Tikhonova I, Snowsill T, Briscoe S, Peters J, Bond M, Napier M, Hoyle MW, et al (2015). Cetuximab (review of TA176) and panitumumab (partial review of TA240) for the first line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. MTA for NICE.  Author URL.
Jones-Hughes T, Snowsill T, Haasova M, Coelho H, Crathorne L, Cooper C, Mujica-Mota R, Peters J, Varley-Campbell J, Huxley N, et al (2015). Immunosuppressive therapy for kidney transplantation in adults (review of technology appraisal guidance 85). MTA for NICE.  Author URL.

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Undergraduate: Jaime contributes to the Making Sense of Evidence modules for 1st and 2nd year BMBS students, and is a supervisor for the Medical Sciences BSc final year research projects.

Postgraduate: Jaime contributes to the MSc in Genomic Medicine. She is lead for the Health Economic Evaluation in Genomics module, a supervisor for Literature Review projects and an Academic Tutor.



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Supervision / Group

Postgraduate researchers

  • Bogdan Grigore Methods of Eliciting Expert Opinion in Health Technology Assessment
  • Chun Pang Feasibility and predictive accuracy of cardiac CT using prospective axial scanning pre-operatively

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