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University of Exeter Medical School

 Coralie Bingham

Coralie Bingham

Honorary Clinical Associate Professor - Consultant in Renal Medicine Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

 +44 (0) 1392 406366

 Exeter Kidney Unit 


Prof. Bingham joined Professor Hattersley’s team in 1999 as a research registrar. She was supervised by Professor Hattersley and was awarded a Kidney Research UK research fellowship in 2000. She was awarded her PhD from the University of Exeter in 2003. She was appointed to the NHS post of consultant in renal medicine on the Exeter Kidney Unit in 2004. She is the academic lead on the Kidney Unit together with Professor Richard Oram. She is currently jointly supervising 1 NIHR academic clinical fellow and 1 NIHR academic clinical lecturer. She is the renal lead for a multi-disciplinary HNF-1B clinic which takes national and international referrals.


  • BM BCh
  • FRCP
  • PhD

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Research interests

Prof. Bingham defined the HNF-1B renal phenotype including the description of the renal cysts and diabetes (RCAD) syndrome during her KRUK fellowship. Since the initial description she has been involved with a wide range of studies related to HNF-1B including a number of collaborations. The team in Exeter is regarded as a world leader in HNF-1B research. She is also involved with research related to the 100,000 genomes project and the National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR) with a particular focus on genetic renal cystic diseases.

She has an interest in atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome in collaborative projects with Newcastle. She was involved with the clinical trials of eculizumab.

Research projects

  • The HNF-1B phenotype and the RCAD syndrome
  • The genetics of renal cystic disease
  • Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome 
  • Grants/Funding
  • DUK training fellowship (3 years) awarded to Dr R Oram 2011 (supervisor to this project)
  • HNF1B group co-ordinator for RaDaR 2011 (£15,000 Kidney Research UK/British Kidney Patient Association)
  • MRC training fellowship (3 years) awarded to Dr R Clissold 2012 (supervisor to this project)

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

HNF-1B group lead for the National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR)

Member of cystic kidney disease research group for the UK Renal Association

Medical advisor for the Northcott Devon Medical Foundation

Invited lectures

Renal SPR Club: HNF1B associated renal and extra-renal disease, Birmingham, 2017

UK Kidney Week: HNF1B,  Harrogate 2018

Continuing education programme in nephrology week: HNF1B – much more than renal cysts and diabetes. UCL/GOSH 2019

6th Annual renal conditions: moving on up together! Living with HNF-1B and its management across the ages, Southampton 2022

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  • Small group teaching on fluids and electrolytes to year 3 students
  • Teaching on clinical pathway weeks for year 4 students on the Kidney Unit
  • Year 2 Global and Planetary Health SSU provider


  • Teaching of inherited kidney disease to core medical trainees
  • Teaching on rare renal genetic disorders to renal specialist trainees
  • Monogenic Diabetes Symposium

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