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University of Exeter Medical School

 Cheryl Paterson

Cheryl Paterson

Research Associate/PhD Student

 01872 25 8167



I worked within mental health services for a number of years prior to returning to education and completing my undergraduate degree in Human behavioral studies.  Following this I completed my MSc with UEMS in Environment and Human Health where I completed a secondary data analysis examining the accumulation and dissipation of Protoporphyrin IX   (PpIX) in photodynamic therapy (MAL-PDT), a treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer.

Currently I am working as a Research Associate/ PhD student within the ECEHH on the Smartline project which is a research project looking at how technology can be used to help individual’s live healthier and happier lives. It is a partnership project led by the University of Exeter with Coastline Housing Ltd, Cornwall Council and Volunteer Cornwall.






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Research interests

I have a wide range of research interests including; human behavior and behavior change, mental health, and respiratory health.

Research projects

  • Smartline Project
  • PhD: Examining the impact of cold homes, inactivity and the individuals’ microenvironment on respiratory health among adults in social housing in Cornwall

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Journal articles

Menneer T, Qi Z, Taylor T, Paterson C, Tu G, Elliott LR, Morrissey K, Mueller M (2021). Changes in Domestic Energy and Water Usage during the UK COVID-19 Lockdown Using High-Resolution Temporal Data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6818-6818. Abstract.
Williams AJ, Menneer T, Sidana M, Walker T, Maguire K, Mueller M, Paterson C, Leyshon M, Leyshon C, Seymour E, et al (2021). Fostering Engagement with Health and Housing Innovation: Development of Participant Personas in a Social Housing Cohort. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 7(2), e25037-e25037. Abstract.
Williams AJ, Menneer T, Sidana M, Walker T, Maguire K, Mueller M, Paterson C, Leyshon M, Leyshon C, Seymour E, et al (2020). Fostering Engagement with Health and Housing Innovation: Development of Participant Personas in a Social Housing Cohort (Preprint). Abstract.
Tyrrell J, Paterson C, Curnow A (2019). Regression Analysis of Protoporphyrin IX Measurements Obtained During Dermatological Photodynamic Therapy. Cancers (Basel), 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.


Tyrrell J, Paterson C, Curnow A (2019). Insights gained from regression analysis of PpIX fluorescence imaging undertaken during routine dermatological photodynamic therapy. Abstract.

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