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Health and Community Sciences

Ms Camilla Forbes (McHugh)

Ms Camilla Forbes (McHugh)

Research Fellow


 01392 727419

 South Cloisters 2.01


South Cloisters, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


I am a Research Fellow for the NIHR South West Peninsula Applied Research Collaboration (PenARC) specialising Child and Maternity Health. This three-year programme of research seeks to find effective ways to implement evidence-based interventions to improve children’s and maternity services widely across England by supporting 3-4 implementation studies. The research will engage with a wide range of voices from communities, children and young people and their families, and women using maternity services, reflecting the needs and priorities of the public, professionals and healthcare organisations to identify key areas where evidence can help to improve public health and services in health and social care.

My research has focused on school-based initiatives to improve lifestyle choices for children and young people. I recently completed the ASET Saxton Fellowship which took a qualitative, exploratory approach to understand health promotion in secondary schools in deprived areas. I also helped deliver the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP), a PenCLAHRC supported project which was a novel school based obesity prevention intervention. Prior to this I was the Family Involvement Coordinator for PenCRU and I have experience of supporting children, young people and their families to get involved in research. 


BA, Indiana University

MSc, Bristol University

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Journal articles

Forbes C, Alderson H, Domoney J, Papamichail A, Berry V, McGovern R, Sevdalis N, Rankin J, Newburn M, Healey A, et al (2023). A survey and stakeholder consultation of Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) programmes in English maternity services. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 23(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
McHugh C, Lloyd J, Logan S, Wyatt K (2022). Enablers and barriers English secondary schools face in promoting healthy diet and physical activity behaviours. Health Promot Int, 37(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Forbes C, Morley N, Liabo K, Bjornstad G, Boult H, Ahmed S, Ciesla K, Vafai Y, Bridges S, Logan S, et al (2022). Prioritising child health and maternity evidence-based interventions or service models: a stakeholder-driven process. BMC Health Serv Res, 22(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
McHugh CA, Lloyd J, Logan S, Wyatt K (2021). Implementing a set of health promoting processes in English secondary schools: a comparative case study. Public Health Pract (Oxf), 2 Abstract.  Author URL.
McHugh C, Hurst A, Bethel A, Lloyd J, Logan S, Wyatt K (2020). The impact of the World Health Organization Health Promoting Schools framework approach on diet and physical activity behaviours of adolescents in secondary schools: a systematic review. Public Health, 182, 116-124. Abstract.  Author URL.
McHugh CA, Anderson L, Lloyd J, Logan S, Wyatt K (2019). Influences on diet and physical activity choices of 11-13-year-olds in a school setting. HEALTH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 78(5), 545-556.  Author URL.
Wyatt K, Lloyd J, Creanor S, Green C, Dean SG, Hillsdon M, Abraham C, Tomlinson R, Pearson V, Taylor RS, et al (2018). Cluster randomised controlled trial and economic and process evaluation to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a novel intervention [Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP)] to prevent obesity in school children. Public Health Research, 6(1), 1-204. Abstract.
Lloyd J, McHugh C, Minton J, Eke H, Wyatt K (2017). The impact of active stakeholder involvement on recruitment, retention and engagement of schools, children and their families in the cluster randomised controlled trial of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP): a school-based intervention to prevent obesity. Trials, 18(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
McHugh C, Bailey S, Shilling V, Morris C (2013). Meeting the information needs of families of children with chronic health conditions. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr, 33(3), 265-270.  Author URL.
Lloyd C, Logan S, McHugh C, Humphreys G, Parker S, Beswick D, Beswick M, Rogers M, Thompson-Coon J, Morris C, et al (2011). Sleep positioning for children with cerebral palsy.
Morris C, Shilling V, McHugh C, Wyatt K (2011). Why it is crucial to involve families in all stages of childhood disability research. Dev Med Child Neurol, 53(8), 769-771.  Author URL.


McHugh C, Anderson L, Lloyd J, Wyatt K (2018). The barriers to and facilitators of healthy lifestyle choices of adolescents transitioning to secondary school. South West Public Health Scientific Conference 2018. 13th - 13th Mar 2018. Abstract.


Moore D, Proctor R, Benham-Clarke S, Gains H, Melendez-Torres G, Axford N, Rogers M, Anderson R, Hall D, Hawkins J, et al (2022). Protocol: Review of evidence on implementation in education (Work Package 4).
Moore D, Proctor R, Benham-Clarke S, Gains H, Melendez-Torres G, Axford N, Rogers M, Anderson R, Hall D, Hawkins J, et al (2021). Protocol: Review of evidence on implementation in education (overarching).

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