Information for inbound exchange students
Welcome to Medical Sciences exchange students
This page is intended to provide advice and guidance for exchange students joining modules in Medical Sciences. To join us, your university must have a Medical Sciences exchange agreement in place with University of Exeter.
Please also read the information provided on the Study Abroad at Exeter webpages.
Choosing your modules (courses)
Course load
A full course load for one term/semester is 60 Exeter credits. This is equivalent to 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer), or 12 US units.
A full course load for a full year student is 120 Exeter credits (60 credits per semester). This is equivalent to 60 ECTS for the academic year. One Exeter credit is worth 0.5 ECTS.
Most of our modules are either 15 Exeter credits (if they run for one term/semester) or 30 Exeter credits (if they run for a full year). A semester student cannot take TRM1&2 modules as these spread over the full year. If you are a Term 1 student, check in your module descriptor that your examination falls in January (and not in May).
Please note that you are not permitted to take more than the full time course load.
How do I check which term the module runs in?
Click onto the module descriptor and view 'Duration'. A figure of 11 (weeks) will usually be shown under Term 1 or 2. Term 1 modules are run from September-December with examinations in January. This is your Semester 1 period. If 11 (weeks) appears under Term 2 this means that the module runs in Term 2 (note that the examinations take place in Term 3). Term 2 and 3 is Exeter's 'Semester 2'. If 11 (weeks) appears under both Term 1 and 2, this means it is a full year module run over both terms. A semester student cannot therefore choose a full year module.
Available Modules
If your home university has an agreement with University of Exeter for Medical Sciences, then you would typically choose 75% of your modules in:
- Medical Sciences
- Students would typically be able to choose 25% of your modules in other subjects (for example Biosciences, Sports and Health Sciences etc) subject to availability.
The full module listings for Medical Sciences are available on the Undergraduate Modules Page. See 'Restricted Modules' information below.
The full module listings across the university are listed on the Inbound Module Selection page.
Restricted Modules
- All modules listed in Medical Imaging, Medicine, Neuroscience, Nursing and Psychology
Which campus is my module based on?
Medical Sciences and Sport and Exercise Sciences are usually taught on the St Luke's Campus in Exeter. Other subjects (including Biosciences) are usually taught on the Streatham Campus in Exeter.
Students wishing to combine subject areas may need to travel between the two campuses, which will increase the likeliness of timetable clashes.
The UNI bus service and H bus service connects both of the Exeter Campuses via the city centre, bus station and Exeter Central railway station.
It is important when planning your modules that you understand the significance of the module numbers so that you can choose a level you are prepared for.
The first three letters of the module code indicate the subject. Medical Sciences subjects are indicated by a 'CSC' at the start of the module code e.g. CSC2004, and Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences subjects may also be indicated by a 'CSC' OR 'ESS' e.g. ESS3805.
An undergraduate degree in the UK typically lasts three years and the 1, 2 and 3 numbers indicate progressively more demanding content and increasing competence on the part of the student enrolled on the module.
Eligibility and Pre-requisites
- Modules listed as stage 1 are for first year students and therefore the most introductory level e.g. ESS1204. Students MUST have a sound understanding of cell biology.
- Modules taught in stage 2 will build on the principles taught in stage 1. To join modules in stage 2, students must have a sound understanding of the normal functioning of the human body, from enzymes through to whole biological systems. For example, students should have studied modules in human physiology, biochemistry and genetics, microbiology and cells at your home university.
- Modules listed as stage 3 e.g. ESS3805 would be taken by a third-year (final year) undergraduate student at Exeter. Incoming exchange students joining stage 3 Exeter modules should have a sound understanding of the scientific basis of important diseases and fundamental insights into the ways that human biology goes awry in disease.
Even if no pre-requisites are listed, you should check that you have the relevant knowledge.
Teaching methods at Exeter may differ from those at your home university. Visit the Your Studies page for a helpful guide to studying at Exeter and the terminology we use.
When choosing modules, it's important you check how you are assessed, for example by written essays or by exams. This information can usually be found on the module description under 'Assessment'.
Exam Dates
Please familiarise yourself with the start and end dates of your semester/year at University of Exeter.
Semester - if you are on exchange at University of Exeter for the first semester (September-January) you will see that examinations take place in January. If these are held online, then you will be expected to participate in the scheduled session online at the designated time. It is advisable to book flexible travel tickets to ensure you are able to attend in person or online examinations according to your module.
Year and semester two - students are not offered alternative assessment, you must undertake the exams (in person or online). This is non-negotiable.
Medical Sciences
St Luke's Campus
How to contact us
Medical Sciences (and Sport Sciences) are based on the St Luke's Campus in Exeter and are supported by the 'Info at St Luke's' team. The central Global Opportunities Team are based on the Streatham Campus:
St Luke's Campus
Info at St Luke’s
Based in the South Cloisters building, St Luke’s campus
Building 11 on the campus map
Streatham campus
Global Opportunities Team
Based in the Innovation Centre, Streatham Campus
Building 25 on the Campus Map
Please note
The information on this page is intended to give you some guidance on how to request modules. However, please be aware that the availability and specifications of modules may be subject to change between now and the start of teaching. The timetable is not finalised until near the start of your semester, so it is not possible to confirm the exact timings of classes until then.
We do our very best to give you the modules you request, but we cannot guarantee them. If a module which you are planning to take is no longer available, or you have clashes on your timetable, you have two weeks after the start of term to change your modules. If you need to do this, you can come and speak to the Info at Luke's hub team who will try to help you.