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Public Health and Sport Sciences

Clearing confusion from concussion using biomechanics and motor control

Concussion in football is currently a very ‘hot topic’ with some retired players suffering from early on set dementia and implying that previous concussions throughout their careers could be the cause.

Currently the FIFA-recommended diagnostic tool at pitch side for concussion is the SCAT-5 test. This assessment tool relies on the doctor observing symptoms or having the player self-report concussive symptoms (such as a headache or nausea) and this entire assessment must be completed within a 3-minute window.

VIVE VR eye tracker

Nine circles arranged in three rows of three. The first circle in the second row is green.

Image of reaction time test

Since players often underreport their symptoms to remain on the field, or the signs are too subtle to detect by eye; the aim of this project is to develop a quantifiable battery test to identify when a player is no longer safe to remain on the field of play and further concussion assessments are required.

Research team

Researchers: Ryan Baker

Supervisors: Dr Genevieve Williams, Prof Huw Williams


Funded by the University of Exeter and Football Association Wales