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Public Health and Sport Sciences

 Nick Knowles MRes, MSc, BSc(Hons)

Nick Knowles MRes, MSc, BSc(Hons)

PhD student

 Haighton Library 


University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Nick completed his BSc Exercise and Sports Sciences at the University of Exeter in June 2021, achieving several first class classifications, a first class dissertation and a Dean's commendation for outstanding academic achivement. This insipred him to pursue academia, continuing on for postgraduate study; MSc in Sport and Health Science. During this MSc, he applied for a studentship provided by the Economoic and Social Resaerch Council (ESRC) South-West Doctoral Training Program (SWDTP). 

After a competetive application process, he was awared a 1+3 (MRes + PhD) fully-funded studentship by the SWDTP, to investigate the impact of surf thearpy on mental health and wellbeing. This project is a collaborative project with Surfwell CIC and Devon and Cornwall Police Force. He is part of the Physical Activity and Health Across Lifespan (PAHAL) research team. The project is supervised by Dr Lisa Price (Exeter), Professor Kim Wright (Exeter), Professor Rob Anderson (Exeter) & Professor Fiona Gillison (Bath).

Alongside post-graduate study, he has taken on the role of post-graduate represetnative for his department (Public Health and Sports Science). This role affords opportunities to organise extra-curricular activities and confrences for post-graduate students. 

Outside of academia he is the founder and head coach of 'healthy heads coaching'  a health and fitness coaching service which aims to improve clients physical and mental health, using the knowlegde he accquired thorougout his studies, regarding the realtionship between physical activity and mental and physical health. 


University of Exeter PhD Health and wellbeing, Ongoing

  • Investigating the impact of surf thearpy on mental health and wellbeing in emergency services workers

University of Exeter MRes Health and wellbeing, Distinction

University of Exeter MSc Sport and Health Science, Distinction

University of Exeter BSc (Hons), Exercise and Sports Science, Class 1: 

  • Dean's commendation for outstanding academic acheivement


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