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Public Health and Sport Sciences

Dr Yuri Russo

Dr Yuri Russo (He/Him)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Sport and Health Sciences

F.04 Med School Building, St. Luke's Campus
University of Exeter
Medical School Building
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

He graduated in sport sciences at the University of Catania in 2015. In 2017, he earned the MSc in health and physical activity (joint degree) defending a thesis on electrophysiological mechanisms underpinning step initiation. He earned his PhD at the University of Rome “Foro Italico” in 2021 with the thesis “From static to dynamic stability: neuromechanical insights of the postural preparation toward step initiation". During his doctorate, he was visiting scholar at the Oregon health and Science University (Portland, OR, USA) where he received further training on transient phases of gait, with particular emphasis on the biomechanical effects of parkinsonism. His latest research is focussing on the development of an intervention to support people’s with Parkinson’s disease to overcome freezing of gait.


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