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University of Exeter Medical School

Associate Professor Sarah Richardson

Associate Professor Sarah Richardson

Associate Professor in Cellular Biomedicine

 +44 (0)1392 408225

 RILD Building Room 4.04


University of Exeter Medical School, RILD Building, RD&E Hospital Wonford, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW, UK


Sarah Richardson is an Associate Professor of Cellular Biomedicine in the Islet Biology Exeter (IBEx) team, is a Co-Director of Postgraduate Research (PGR) for the Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, and is a Steve Morgan Foundation Grand Challenge Senior Research Fellow. She is passionate about Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and Team Science. She has held prestigious Fellowships from the Wellcome Trust, the Diabetes Research Wellness Foundation, and the JDRF 5-year Career Development Award. Her research utilises cohorts of T1D pancreas samples and is centred around developing a clearer understanding of the processes by which beta cells are targeted and destroyed. She curates the Exeter Archival Diabetes Biobank which contains the rarest collection of recent-onset T1D pancreata. She was the first recipient of the network of Pancreatic Organ Donors (nPOD) Junior Investigator Award, awarded for being a champion of collaborative spirit and data sharing, and was a Diabetes UK Innovators in Diabetes participant. She is the Chair of the JDRF-UK Scientific Advisory Council, a Diabetes UK Research Studies Group member, and she sits on the UK T1D Research Consortium (UK T1D-RC) management board.


1999 - 2002          University of Sheffield. British Heart Foundation PhD Studentship

’The role of death receptors in endothelial cell apoptosis" Division of Genomic Medicine, Awarded January 2003.

1995 - 1999          University of Sheffield  BSc(Hons) Molecular Biology 1st Class

Work experience year in industry and academia between Yr 2 and Yr 3.


2023 to date      Steve Morgan Foundation Grand Challenge Senior Research Fellow (0.9 FTE)

09/22 to date    Director of PGR for Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (0.1 FTE)

2019 to date      Associate Professor in Cellular Biomedicine

University of Exeter Medical School (1.0 FTE)

Research – The immunopathology of human type 1 and type 2 diabetes

08/20 - 09/22     Associate Director of PGR for CMH (0.1 FTE)

2017 to 2019     University of Exeter Medical School

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences (Education & Research)

Research – The immunopathology of human type 1 and type 2 diabetes

2013 to 2017      University of Exeter Medical School

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences (Education & Research)

Research – The immunopathology of human type 1 and type 2 diabetes

2007 - 2012          Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth UK

Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Research – The immunopathology of human type 1 and type 2 diabetes

2005 - 2006          Department of Haematology, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth UK

Post-doctoral Research Scientist

Studied the role of ZAP-70 in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL) and the mechanism of action of immunomodulatory drugs in Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)

2004                       Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, Australia

Post-doctoral Research Scientist

Wellcome Trust International Travelling Fellowship

Regulation of apoptosis by Bcl2 family members

2003                       Department of Haematology, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth UK

Post-doctoral Research Scientist

1998                       University College London

Summer Placement Student (self-initiated)

1997 - 1998          Pfizer Global Research and Development, Sandwich, UK

Industrial trainee (1year; self-initiated)


Research group links

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Research interests

Dr Richardson gives an overview of her research into the role enteroviruses may have in causing Type 1 diabetes in the video below, filmed at the Living Systems Symposium 2016.

Research projects

Main Research Areas:

Leveraging rare pancreas biobanks to better understand Type 1 diabetes (and other pancreatic diseases)

Key objectives:

  • Pancreas restructuring during life in health and disease
  • Identification of strategies that can protect (or sensitise) beta cells to immune attack in Type 1 diabetes
  • Tissue target validation for current and emerging immunotherapies
  • Beta-cell enteroviral infection and the progression of type 1 diabetes in humans

External Research Awards (Last 10y)

2023-2028    Steve Morgan Foundation/ DUK/ JDRF Grand Challenge. Senior Research Fellowship. Leveraging new knowledge from the human pancreas to advance and improve understanding and treatment of Type 1 diabetes. £1,483,138 (5 years) Role: PI

2022-2025    JDRF Project Grant. Exploring an islet-protective role for native pancreatic mesenchymal stromal cells in health and in type 1 diabetes. US$375,000 (3 years) Role: Co-I

2022-2025    The Leona M and Harry B Helmsley Charitable Trust Renewal funding for EXE-T1D US$1,632,721.00 (36 months). Role: Co-I with Richard Oram/ Tim Tree (Kings College)/ Noel Morgan        

2021-2023    UCL – Professor Lucy Walker Wellcome Trust Investigator Award

                        The role of Tfh cells in Type 1 diabetes. , £10,000 consumables costs to Exeter. Role Collaborator

2021-2023    University of Oxford/ UCB Collaboration The role of Tau in beta cells. £67,781. Role: PI

2020-2023    IMI2 – EU initiative INNODIA-HARVEST Partner. €35,000/ annum for 3y. Role: Co-I

2019-2023    Research England: Expanding Excellence in England Diabetes Centre of Excellence. £5.8m over 3 years (extended) - Infrastructure grant. Role Co-applicant

2018-2023    IMI2 – EU initiative INNODIA Partner. €35,000/ annum for 5y. Role: Co-I

2018-2020    Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Strategic Research Agreement.  Phenotype and specificity of the islet inflammation in Type 1 diabetes. US$349,628 Role: Co-I, PI Mike Christie University of Lincoln, Co-I Prof Morgan. 

2019-2020    EFSD/ JDRF/Lilly European Programme in Type 1 Diabetes Research Project Grant - SIRP-alpha, a novel regulator of beta-cell viability. €99,500 Role: Co-I

2019               GW4 Initiator Grant.  GW4-IF11-001 Stratify and Treat – a new horizon for type 1 diabetes after 100 years. £8,791 Role: PI, Co-I Kathleen Gillespie (Bristol), Co-I Danijela Tatovic (Cardiff).

2018-2021    Animal Free Research Dysregulated alternative splicing and cell fate decisions in type 2 diabetes. £174,860. Role: Co-I

2017-2020    Norman Family Trust PhD studentship. Enteroviral infection in human beta cells: a possible causative factor in type 1 diabetes. £90000. Role Primary Supervisor

2017-2019    JDRF nPOD-V Strategic Research Award. Towards Vaccine Development in Type 1 diabetes. US$144,000. Role: Co-I                                 

2017-2020    Diabetes UK Project Grant. Characterisation of immune cell interactions in the insulitic infiltrate of patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. £164,015. Role: Co-I

2017-2020    MRC Project Grant. Type 1 diabetes genetic risk and persistent beta cell enteroviral infection – a lethal combination? £398,212. Role: PI

2016-2019    Diabetes UK Arthur and Sadie Pethybridge PhD Studentship. Depletion of the phosphatase inhibitor, PPP1R1A, may contribute to beta-cell loss in type 1 diabetes. £93,071.  Role:Co-I                                 

2015-2018    Diabetes UK Project Grant. STAT6 as a regulator of beta cell health; a previously unrecognized role in human diabetes. £158,747. Role: Co-I                                 

2015-2018    Dr Hadwen Trust PhD Studentship. Determinants of beta cell differentiation status in type 2 diabetes. £78,000. Role: Co-I                                 

2014-2019    JDRF Career Development Award (5yr). Pancreatic enteroviral persistence - a molecular trigger for islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes in humans? US$747,746 Role: PI

2010-2015    EU Framework 7. Persistent virus infection as a cause of pathogenic inflammation in type 1 diabetes – an innovative research program of biobanks and expertise. 6 million Euro (€350,000 to University of Exeter). Role: Co-I

2012-2015    JDRF Strategic Research Agreement The role of viruses in type 1 diabetes (nPOD virus workgroup). $3.5 million ($250,000 to University of Exeter). Role: Co-I

2010-2013    Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation Non-Clinical Research Fellowship. Enteroviral Infection as a causative factor in human type 1 diabetes.  £164,527. Role: PI

Research networks

UK Type 1 diabetes Research Consortium (UK T1D RC)

SMF Grand Challenge 

nPOD Virus


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Journal articles

Wakeling M, Owens NDL, Hopkinson JR, Johnson MB, Houghton JAL, Dastamani A, Flaxman CS, Wyatt RC, Hewat TI, Hopkins JJ, et al (In Press). A novel disease mechanism leading to the expression of a disallowed gene in the pancreatic beta-cell identified by non-coding, regulatory mutations controlling HK1. Nature Genetics Abstract.
Richardson SJ, Morgan N (In Press). Enteroviral infections in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes: new insights for therapeutic intervention. Current Opinion in Pharmacology
Morgan NG, Richardson SJ (In Press). Fifty years of pancreatic islet pathology in human type 1 diabetes – insights gained and progress made. Diabetologia
Richardson S (In Press). Milder loss of insulin-containing islets in individuals with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes-associated TCF7L2 genetic variants. Diabetologia Abstract.
Kronenberg-Versteeg D, Eichmann M, Russell MA, de Ru A, Hehn B, Yusuf N, van Veelen PA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Lemburg MK, et al (In Press). Molecular pathways for immune recognition of preproinsulin signal peptide in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes
Leete P, Oram R, McDonald T, Ziller C, Hattersley A, Richardson S, Morgan N (In Press). Studies of insulin and proinsulin in pancreas and serum support the existence of aetiopathological endotypes of type 1 diabetes associated with age at diagnosis. Diabetologia
Ifie E, Russell M, Dhayal S, Leete P, Sebastiani G, Nigi L, Dotta F, Marjomäki V, Eizirik D, Morgan N, et al (In Press). Unexpected subcellular distribution of a specific isoform of the Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor, CAR-SIV, in human pancreatic beta cells. Diabetologia
Richardson S, Russell M, Wyatt R (In Press). What the HLA-I! – Classical and Non-classical HLA Class I and Their Potential Roles in Type 1 Diabetes. Current Diabetes Reports
Vecchio F, Carré A, Korenkov D, Zhou Z, Apaolaza P, Tuomela S, Burgos-Morales O, Snowhite I, Perez-Hernandez J, Brandao B, et al (2024). Coxsackievirus infection induces direct pancreatic β cell killing but poor antiviral CD8+ T cell responses. Sci Adv, 10(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
MacCalman A, De Franco E, Franklin A, Flaxman CS, Richardson SJ, Murrall K, Burrage J, Barts Pancreas Tissue Bank (BPTB), Walker EM, Morgan NG, et al (2024). Developmentally dynamic changes in DNA methylation in the human pancreas. BMC Genomics, 25(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Ellis MJ, Lekka C, Holden KL, Tulmin H, Seedat F, O'Brien DP, Dhayal S, Zeissler M-L, Knudsen JG, Kessler BM, et al (2024). Identification of high-performing antibodies for the reliable detection of Tau proteoforms by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Acta Neuropathol, 147(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Coomans de Brachène A, Alvelos MI, Szymczak F, Zimath PL, Castela A, Marmontel de Souza B, Roca Rivada A, Marín-Cañas S, Yi X, Op de Beeck A, et al (2024). Interferons are key cytokines acting on pancreatic islets in type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 67(5), 908-927. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vecchio F, Carré A, Korenkov D, Zhou Z, Apaolaza P, Tuomela S, Burgos-Morales O, Snowhite I, Perez-Hernandez J, Brandao B, et al (2023). Coxsackievirus infection induces direct pancreatic β-cell killing but poor anti-viral CD8+ T-cell responses. bioRxiv Abstract.  Author URL.
Torabi F, Vadakekolathu J, Wyatt R, Leete P, Tombs MA, Richardson CC, Boocock DJ, Turner MD, Morgan NG, Richardson SJ, et al (2023). Differential expression of genes controlling lymphocyte differentiation and migration in two distinct endotypes of type 1 diabetes. Diabet Med, 40(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Boldison J, Hopkinson JR, Davies J, Pearson JA, Leete P, Richardson S, Morgan NG, Wong FS (2023). Gene expression profiling in NOD mice reveals that B cells are highly educated by the pancreatic environment during autoimmune diabetes. Diabetologia, 66(3), 551-566. Abstract.
Suomi T, Starskaia I, Kalim UU, Rasool O, Jaakkola MK, Grönroos T, Välikangas T, Brorsson C, Mazzoni G, Bruggraber S, et al (2023). Gene expression signature predicts rate of type 1 diabetes progression. eBioMedicine, 92 Abstract.
Carré A, Zhou Z, Perez-Hernandez J, Samassa F, Lekka C, Manganaro A, Oshima M, Liao H, Parker R, Nicastri A, et al (2023). Interferon-α promotes neo-antigen formation and preferential HLA-B-restricted antigen presentation in pancreatic β-cells. bioRxiv Abstract.  Author URL.
Russell MA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2023). The role of the interferon/JAK-STAT axis in driving islet HLA-I hyperexpression in type 1 diabetes. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 14 Abstract.  Author URL.
Scherm MG, Wyatt RC, Serr I, Anz D, Richardson SJ, Daniel C (2022). Beta cell and immune cell interactions in autoimmune type 1 diabetes: How they meet and talk to each other. Mol Metab, 64 Abstract.  Author URL.
Carr ALJ, Inshaw JRJ, Flaxman CS, Leete P, Wyatt RC, Russell LA, Palmer M, Prasolov D, Worthington T, Hull B, et al (2022). Circulating C-Peptide Levels in Living Children and Young People and Pancreatic β-Cell Loss in Pancreas Donors Across Type 1 Diabetes Disease Duration. Diabetes, 71(7), 1591-1596. Abstract.
Krogvold L, Leete P, Mynarek IM, Russell MA, Gerling IC, Lenchik NI, Mathews C, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Dahl-Jørgensen K, et al (2022). Detection of Antiviral Tissue Responses and Increased Cell Stress in the Pancreatic Islets of Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Patients: Results from the DiViD Study. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13 Abstract.
Sioofy-Khojine A-B, Richardson SJ, Locke JM, Oikarinen S, Nurminen N, Laine A-P, Downes K, Lempainen J, Todd JA, Veijola R, et al (2022). Detection of enterovirus RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells correlates with the presence of the predisposing allele of the type 1 diabetes risk gene IFIH1 and with disease stage. Diabetologia, 65(10), 1701-1709. Abstract.
Green EA, Cooke AC, Piganelli JD, Richardson SJ, Wen L, Wong FS (2022). Editorial: Immunopathology of Type 1 Diabetes. Frontiers in Immunology, 13
Dunger DB, Bruggraber SFA, Mander AP, Marcovecchio ML, Tree T, Chmura PJ, Knip M, Schulte AM, Mathieu C, Gillard P, et al (2022). INNODIA Master Protocol for the evaluation of investigational medicinal products in children, adolescents and adults with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Trials, 23(1). Abstract.
Morgan NG, Richardson SJ, Powers AC, Saunders DC, Brissova M (2022). Images from the Exeter Archival Diabetes Biobank Now Accessible via Pancreatlas. Diabetes Care, 45(12), e174-e175.
Krogvold L, Genoni A, Puggioni A, Campani D, Richardson SJ, Flaxman CS, Edwin B, Buanes T, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Toniolo A, et al (2022). Live enteroviruses, but not other viruses, detected in human pancreas at the onset of type 1 diabetes in the DiViD study. Diabetologia, 65(12), 2108-2120. Abstract.
Dhayal S, Leslie KA, Baity M, Akhbari P, Richardson SJ, Russell MA, Morgan NG (2022). Temporal regulation of interferon signalling in human EndoC-βH1 cells. J Mol Endocrinol, 69(2), 299-313. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Pugliese A (2021). 100 YEARS OF INSULIN: Pancreas pathology in type 1 diabetes: an evolving story. J Endocrinol, 252(2), R41-R57. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rodriguez-Calvo T, Chen Y-C, Verchere CB, Haataja L, Arvan P, Leete P, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Qian W-J, Pugliese A, et al (2021). Altered β-Cell Prohormone Processing and Secretion in Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes, 70(5), 1038-1050. Abstract.  Author URL.
Leslie KA, Richardson SJ, Russell MA, Morgan NG (2021). Expression of CD47 in the pancreatic β-cells of people with recent-onset type 1 diabetes varies according to disease endotype. Diabet Med, 38(12). Abstract.  Author URL.
Weider T, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Paulsen TH, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Hammerstad SS (2021). HLA Class I Upregulation and Antiviral Immune Responses in Graves Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 106(4), e1763-e1774. Abstract.  Author URL.
Korpos É, Kadri N, Loismann S, Findeisen CR, Arfuso F, Burke GW, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Bogdani M, Pugliese A, et al (2021). Identification and characterisation of tertiary lymphoid organs in human type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 64(7), 1626-1641. Abstract.  Author URL.
Battaglia M, Buckner JH, Levings MK, Richardson SJ, Wong FS, Tree TI (2021). Identifying the 'Achilles heel' of type 1 diabetes. Clin Exp Immunol, 204(2), 167-178. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chaffey JR, Young J, Leslie KA, Partridge K, Akhbari P, Dhayal S, Hill JL, Wedgwood KCA, Burnett E, Russell MA, et al (2021). Investigation of the utility of the 1.1B4 cell as a model human beta cell line for study of persistent enteroviral infection. Sci Rep, 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Apaolaza PS, Balcacean D, Zapardiel-Gonzalo J, Nelson G, Lenchik N, Akhbari P, Gerling I, Richardson SJ, Rodriguez-Calvo T (2021). Islet expression of type I interferon response sensors is associated with immune infiltration and viral infection in type 1 diabetes. Science Advances, 7(9). Abstract.
Geravandi S, Richardson S, Pugliese A, Maedler K (2021). Localization of enteroviral RNA within the pancreas in donors with T1D and T1D-associated autoantibodies. Cell Reports Medicine, 2(8), 100371-100371.
Colli ML, Ramos-Rodríguez M, Nakayasu ES, Alvelos MI, Lopes M, Hill JLE, Turatsinze J-V, Coomans de Brachène A, Russell MA, Raurell-Vila H, et al (2020). An integrated multi-omics approach identifies the landscape of interferon-α-mediated responses of human pancreatic beta cells. Nat Commun, 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Carr ALJ, Perry DJ, Lynam AL, Chamala S, Flaxman CS, Sharp SA, Ferrat LA, Jones AG, Beery ML, Jacobsen LM, et al (2020). Histological validation of a type 1 diabetes clinical diagnostic model for classification of diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, 37(12), 2160-2168. Abstract.
White MG, Maheshwari RR, Anderson SJ, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Jones C, Richardson SJ, Rotti PG, Armour SL, Ding Y, Krasnogor N, et al (2020). In Situ Analysis Reveals That CFTR is Expressed in Only a Small Minority of β-Cells in Normal Adult Human Pancreas. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 105(5), 1366-1374. Abstract.  Author URL.
Carré A, Richardson SJ, Larger E, Mallone R (2020). Presumption of guilt for T cells in type 1 diabetes: lead culprits or partners in crime depending on age of onset?. Diabetologia, 64(1), 15-25. Abstract.
Armour SL, Anderson SJ, Richardson SJ, Ding Y, Carey C, Lyon J, Maheshwari RR, Al-Jahdami N, Krasnogor N, Morgan NG, et al (2020). Reduced Expression of the Co-regulator TLE1 in Type 2 Diabetes is Associated with Increased Islet α-Cell Number. Endocrinology, 161(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Khilji MS, Bresson SE, Verstappen D, Pihl C, Andersen PAK, Agergaard JB, Dahlby T, Bryde TH, Klindt K, Nielsen CK, et al (2020). The inducible β5i proteasome subunit contributes to proinsulin degradation in GRP94-deficient β-cells and is overexpressed in type 2 diabetes pancreatic islets. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 318(6), E892-E900. Abstract.  Author URL.
Akhbari P, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2020). Type 1 Diabetes: Interferons and the Aftermath of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Enteroviral Infection. Microorganisms, 8(9), 1419-1419. Abstract.
Weider T, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Paulsen TH, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Hammerstad SS (2020). Upregulation of HLA Class I and Antiviral Tissue Responses in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Thyroid, 30(3), 432-442. Abstract.  Author URL.
Weider T, Richardson S, Morgan NG, Paulsen TH, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Hammerstad SS (2020). Upregulation of HLA class I and antiviral immune responses in graves’ disease. Endocrine Abstracts
Viloria K, Nasteska D, Briant LJB, Heising S, Larner DP, Fine NHF, Ashford FB, da Silva Xavier G, Ramos MJ, Hasib A, et al (2020). Vitamin-D-Binding Protein Contributes to the Maintenance of α Cell Function and Glucagon Secretion. Cell Rep, 31(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Caro T, Argueta Y, Briolat ES, Bruggink J, Kasprowsky M, Lake J, Mitchell MJ, Richardson S, How M (2019). Benefits of zebra stripes: Behaviour of tabanid flies around zebras and horses. PLoS ONE, 14(2). Abstract.
Jeffery N, Richardson S, Chambers D, Morgan NG, Harries LW (2019). Cellular stressors may alter islet hormone cell proportions by moderation of alternative splicing patterns. Hum Mol Genet, 28(16), 2763-2774. Abstract.  Author URL.
Russell MA, Redick SD, Blodgett DM, Richardson SJ, Leete P, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Bottino R, Brissova M, Spaeth JM, et al (2019). HLA Class II Antigen Processing and Presentation Pathway Components Demonstrated by Transcriptome and Protein Analyses of Islet β-Cells from Donors with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes, 68(5), 988-1001. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dunne JL, Richardson SJ, Atkinson MA, Craig ME, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Flodström-Tullberg M, Hyöty H, Lloyd RE, Morgan NG, Pugliese A, et al (2019). Large enteroviral vaccination studies to prevent type 1 diabetes should be well founded and rely on scientific evidence. Reply to Skog O, Klingel K, Roivainen M et al [letter]. Diabetologia, 62(6), 1100-1103.  Author URL.
King R, Hill JL, Saha B, Tong Y, Strutt BJ, Russell MA, Morgan NG, Richardson SJ, Hill DJ (2019). Offspring of Mice Exposed to a Low-Protein Diet in Utero Demonstrate Changes in mTOR Signaling in Pancreatic Islets of Langerhans, Associated with Altered Glucagon and Insulin Expression and a Lower β-Cell Mass. Nutrients, 11(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dunne JL, Richardson SJ, Atkinson MA, Craig ME, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Flodström-Tullberg M, Hyöty H, Insel RA, Lernmark Å, Lloyd RE, et al (2019). Rationale for enteroviral vaccination and antiviral therapies in human type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 62(5), 744-753. Abstract.  Author URL.
Akhbari P, Morgan N, Richardson S (2019). Studies of cell surface and soluble HLA class I expression in pancreatic beta cells exposed to interferons or Poly I:C. Access Microbiology, 1(1A).
Leslie KA, Russell MA, Taniguchi K, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2019). The transcription factor STAT6 plays a critical role in promoting beta cell viability and is depleted in islets of individuals with type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 62(1), 87-98. Abstract.  Author URL.
Viloria K, Nasteska D, Larner D, Fine N, Ashford F, Heising S, Xavier GDS, Briant L, Flaxman C, Morgan N, et al (2019). Vitamin D-binding protein is required for the maintenance of [alpha]-cell identity and function. Endocrine Abstracts
Viloria K, Nasteska D, Briant LJB, Heising S, Larner D, Fine NHF, Ashford FB, Silva Xavier GD, Ramos MJ, Manning Fox JE, et al (2019). Vitamin D-binding protein is required for the maintenance of α-cell function and glucagon secretion. Abstract.
Saarinen NV, Laiho JE, Richardson SJ, Zeissler M, Stone VM, Marjomaki V, Kantoluoto T, Horwitz MS, Sioofy-Khojine A, Honkimaa A, et al (2018). A novel rat CVB1-VP1 monoclonal antibody 3A6 detects a broad range of enteroviruses. Scientific Reports, 8
Vecchio F, Lo Buono N, Stabilini A, Nigi L, Dufort MJ, Geyer S, Rancoita PM, Cugnata F, Mandelli A, Valle A, et al (2018). Abnormal neutrophil signature in the blood and pancreas of presymptomatic and symptomatic type 1 diabetes. JCI Insight, 3(18). Abstract.  Author URL.
Shields B, McDonald T, Oram R, Hill A, Hudson M, Leete P, Pearson E, Richardson S, Morgan N, Hattersley A, et al (2018). C-peptide decline in type 1 diabetes has two phases: an initial exponential fall and a subsequent stable phase. Diabetes Care
Oikarinen M, Laiho JE, Oikarinen S, Richardson SJ, Kusmartseva I, Campbell-Thompson M, Morgan NG, Pugliese A, Tauriainen S, Toniolo A, et al (2018). Detection of enterovirus protein and RNA in multiple tissues from nPOD organ donors with type 1 diabetes. Abstract.
Colli ML, Hill JLE, Marroquí L, Chaffey J, Dos Santos RS, Leete P, Coomans de Brachène A, Paula FMM, Op de Beeck A, Castela A, et al (2018). PDL1 is expressed in the islets of people with type 1 diabetes and is up-regulated by interferons-α and-γ via IRF1 induction. EBioMedicine, 36, 367-375. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rodriguez-Calvo T, Richardson SJ, Pugliese A (2018). Pancreas Pathology During the Natural History of Type 1 Diabetes. CURRENT DIABETES REPORTS, 18(11).  Author URL.
Leete P, Mallone R, Richardson SJ, Sosenko JM, Redondo MJ, Evans-Molina C (2018). The Effect of Age on the Progression and Severity of Type 1 Diabetes: Potential Effects on Disease Mechanisms. Current Diabetes Reports, 18(11). Abstract.
Busse N, Paroni F, Richardson SJ, Laiho JE, Oikarinen M, Frisk G, Hyöty H, de Koning E, Morgan NG, Maedler K, et al (2017). Detection and localization of viral infection in the pancreas of patients with type 1 diabetes using short fluorescently-labelled oligonucleotide probes. Oncotarget, 8(8), 12620-12636. Abstract.  Author URL.
Willcox A, Richardson SJ, Walker LSK, Kent SC, Morgan NG, Gillespie KM (2017). Germinal centre frequency is decreased in pancreatic lymph nodes from individuals with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 60(7), 1294-1303. Abstract.
Campbell-Thompson ML, Atkinson MA, Butler AE, Giepmans BN, von Herrath MG, Hyöty H, Kay TW, Morgan NG, Powers AC, Pugliese A, et al (2017). Re-addressing the 2013 consensus guidelines for the diagnosis of insulitis in human type 1 diabetes: is change necessary?. Diabetologia, 60(4), 753-755.
Ifie E, Russell MA, Sebastiani G, Dotta F, Marjomaki V, Morgan NG, Richardson SJ (2017). Selective expresssion of one specific isoform of the coxsackie adenovirus receptor (CAR) in the human pancreatic beta cells. Endocrine Abstracts
Jeffery N, Richardson S, Beall C, Harries LW (2017). The species origin of the cellular microenvironment influences markers of beta cell fate and function in EndoC-βH1 cells. Experimental Cell Research, 361(2), 284-291.
Wagner FF, Lundh M, Kaya T, McCarren P, Zhang Y-L, Chattopadhyay S, Gale JP, Galbo T, Fisher SL, Meier BC, et al (2016). An Isochemogenic Set of Inhibitors to Define the Therapeutic Potential of Histone Deacetylases in β-Cell Protection. ACS Chem Biol, 11(2), 363-374. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jmii H, Halouani A, Elmastour F, Ifie E, Richardson SJ, Sane F, Mokni M, Aouni M, Hober D, Jaïdane H, et al (2016). Central nervous system infection following vertical transmission of Coxsackievirus B4 in mice. Pathog Dis, 74(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Morgan N, Richardson S (2016). Changing perspectives on the progression of type 1 diabetes. Practical Diabetes, 33(4), 118-120.
Hodik M, Anagandula M, Fuxe J, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Hyöty H, Sarmiento L, Frisk G, Atkinson M, Pugliese A, et al (2016). Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor expression is enhanced in pancreas from patients with type 1 diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 4(1). Abstract.
Leete P, Willcox A, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Foulis AK, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2016). Differential Insulitic Profiles Determine the Extent of β-Cell Destruction and the Age at Onset of Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes, 65(5), 1362-1369. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hodik M, Skog O, Lukinius A, Isaza-Correa JM, Kuipers J, Giepmans BNG, Frisk G (2016). Enterovirus infection of human islets of Langerhans affects β-cell function resulting in disintegrated islets, decreased glucose stimulated insulin secretion and loss of Golgi structure. BMJ OPEN DIABETES RESEARCH & CARE, 4(1).  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Rodriguez-Calvo T, Gerling IC, Mathews CE, Kaddis JS, Russell MA, Zeissler M, Leete P, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jørgensen K, et al (2016). Islet cell hyperexpression of HLA class I antigens: a defining feature in type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 59(11), 2448-2458. Abstract.  Author URL.
Laiho JE, Oikarinen M, Richardson SJ, Frisk G, Nyalwidhe J, Burch TC, Morris MA, Oikarinen S, Pugliese A, Dotta F, et al (2016). Relative sensitivity of immunohistochemistry, multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry, in situ hybridization and PCR to detect Coxsackievirus B1 in A549 cells. Journal of Clinical Virology, 77, 21-28.
Wedgwood KCA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, tsaneva-atanasova K (2016). Spatiotemporal dynamics of insulitis in human type 1 diabetes. Frontiers in Physiology Abstract.
Welters HJ, Bowen A, Whatmore J, Kos K, Richardson S (2016). Wnt4 antagonises Wnt3a mediated increases in growth and glucose stimulated insulin secretion in the pancreatic beta-cell line, INS-1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Richardson SJ, Horwitz MS (2016). miR, miR in the Cell, Does the Virus Control Them All?. Diabetes, 65(4), 823-825.
Russell MA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2015). Both components of MHC class 1 are hyper-expressed in pancreatic islets during human Type 1 diabetes but the transcriptional regulator, NLRC5, is not. DIABETIC MEDICINE, 32, 9-9.  Author URL.
Krogvold L, Edwin B, Buanes T, Frisk G, Skog O, Anagandula M, Korsgren O, Undlien D, Eike MC, Richardson SJ, et al (2015). Detection of a low-grade enteroviral infection in the islets of langerhans of living patients newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes, 64(5), 1682-1687. Abstract.  Author URL.
Marroqui L, Lopes M, dos Santos RS, Grieco FA, Roivainen M, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Op de Beeck A, Eizirik DL (2015). Differential cell autonomous responses determine the outcome of coxsackievirus infections in murine pancreatic α and β cells. Elife, 4 Abstract.  Author URL.
Arif S, Leete P, Nguyen V, Marks K, Nor NM, Estorninho M, Kronenberg-Versteeg D, Bingley PJ, Todd JA, Guy C, et al (2015). Erratum. Blood and Islet Phenotypes Indicate Immunological Heterogeneity in Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes 2014;63:3835-3845. Diabetes, 64(9).  Author URL.
Leete P, Richardson SJ, Krogvold L, Willcox A, Dahl-Jorgensen K, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2015). Low B-lymphocyte numbers within the insulitic lesion correlates with an elevated proportion of persisting beta cells and later onset of disease in patients with Type 1 diabetes. DIABETIC MEDICINE, 32, 63-63.  Author URL.
Taniguchi K, Russell MA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2015). The subcellular distribution of cyclin-D1 and cyclin-D3 within human islet cells varies according to the status of the pancreas donor. Diabetologia Abstract.
Taniguchi K, Russell MA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2015). The subcellular distribution of cyclin-D1 and cyclin-D3 within human islet cells varies according to the status of the pancreas donor. Diabetologia, 58(9), 2056-2063. Abstract.
Arif S, Leete P, Nguyen V, Marks K, Nor NM, Estorninho M, Kronenberg-Versteeg D, Bingley PJ, Todd JA, Guy C, et al (2014). Blood and islet phenotypes indicate immunological heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes, 63(11), 3835-3845. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Leete P, Dhayal S, Russell MA, Oikarinen M, Laiho JE, Svedin E, Lind K, Rosenling T, Chapman N, et al (2014). Detection of enterovirus in the islet cells of patients with type 1 diabetes: what do we learn from immunohistochemistry? Reply to Hansson SF, Korsgren S, Pontén F et al [letter]. Diabetologia, 57(3), 647-649.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Rodriguez-Calvo T, Oikarinen M, Laiho JE, Kusmartseva I, Campbell-Hompson M, Baj A, Toniolo A, von Herrath M, Hyoty H, et al (2014). Enteroviral infection in human type 1 diabetes: correlative evidence from multiple tissue sources in nPOD samples. DIABETOLOGIA, 57, S125-S126.  Author URL.
Morgan NG, Richardson SJ (2014). Enteroviruses as causative agents in type 1 diabetes: loose ends or lost cause?. Trends Endocrinol Metab, 25(12), 611-619. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Leete P, Dhayal S, Russell MA, Oikarinen M, Laiho JE, Svedin E, Lind K, Rosenling T, Chapman N, et al (2014). Evaluation of the fidelity of immunolabelling obtained with clone 5D8/1, a monoclonal antibody directed against the enteroviral capsid protein, VP1, in human pancreas. Diabetologia, 57(2), 392-401. Abstract.
Richardson SJ, Horwitz MS (2014). Is type 1 diabetes "going viral"?. Diabetes, 63(7), 2203-2205.  Author URL.
Morgan NG, Leete P, Foulis AK, Richardson SJ (2014). Islet inflammation in human type 1 diabetes mellitus. IUBMB Life, 66(11), 723-734. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Foulis AK (2014). Pancreatic pathology in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Endocrine Pathology, 25(1), 80-92. Abstract.
Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Foulis AK (2014). Pancreatic pathology in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Endocr Pathol, 25(1), 80-92. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Willcox A, Bone AJ, Morgan NG, Foulis AK (2013). 17. Viruses in the Human Pancreas.
Richardson SJ, Leete P, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2013). Expression of the enteroviral capsid protein VP1 in the islet cells of patients with type 1 diabetes is associated with induction of protein kinase R and downregulation of Mcl-1. Diabetologia, 56(1), 185-193. Abstract.
Lind K, Richardson SJ, Leete P, Morgan NG, Korsgren O, Flodström-Tullberg M (2013). Induction of an Antiviral State and Attenuated Coxsackievirus Replication in Type III Interferon Treated Primary Human Pancreatic Islets. Journal of virology
Anagandula M, Richardson SJ, Oberste MS, Sioofy-Khojine A-B, Hyöty H, Morgan NG, Korsgren O, Frisk G (2013). Infection of human islets of langerhans with two strains of coxsackie B virus serotype 1: Assessment of virus replication, degree of cell death and induction of genes involved in the innate immunity pathway. Journal of Medical Virology
Caton PW, Richardson SJ, Kieswich J, Bugliani M, Holland ML, Marchetti P, Morgan NG, Yaqoob MM, Holness MJ, Sugden MC, et al (2013). Sirtuin 3 regulates mouse pancreatic beta cell function and is suppressed in pancreatic islets isolated from human type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1-10.
Campbell-Thompson ML, Atkinson MA, Butler AE, Chapman NM, Frisk G, Gianani R, Giepmans BN, Von Herrath MG, Hyöty H, Kay TW, et al (2013). The diagnosis of insulitis in human type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 56(11), 2541-2543.
Marhfour I, Lopez XM, Lefkaditis D, Salmon I, Allagnat F, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Eizirik DL (2012). Expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress markers in the islets of patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 55(9), 2417-2420. Abstract.
Lundh M, Christensen DP, Damgaard Nielsen M, Richardson SJ, Dahllöf MS, Skovgaard T, Berthelsen J, Dinarello CA, Stevenazzi A, Mascagni P, et al (2012). Histone deacetylases 1 and 3 but not 2 mediate cytokine-induced beta cell apoptosis in INS-1 cells and dispersed primary islets from rats and are differentially regulated in the islets of type 1 diabetic children. Diabetologia, 1-11.
Eve HE, Carey S, Richardson SJ, Heise CC, Mamidipudi V, Shi T, Radford JA, Auer RL, Bullard SH, Rule SAJ, et al (2012). Single-agent lenalidomide in relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma: results from a UK phase II study suggest activity and possible gender differences. British Journal of Haematology
Willcox A, Richardson SJ, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2011). Immunohistochemical analysis of the relationship between islet cell proliferation and the production of the enteroviral capsid protein, VP1, in the islets of patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 1-4.
Willcox A, Richardson SJ, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2011). Immunohistochemical analysis of the relationship between islet cell proliferation and the production of the enteroviral capsid protein, VP1, in the islets of patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 54(9), 2417-2420. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Willcox A, Bone AJ, Morgan NG, Foulis AK (2011). Immunopathology of the human pancreas in type-I diabetes. Semin Immunopathol, 33(1), 9-21. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Eve HE, Copplestone JA, Dyer MJ, Rule SAJ (2010). Activity of thalidomide and lenalidomide in mantle cell lymphoma. Acta haematologica, 123, 21-29.
Willcox A, Richardson SJ, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2010). Evidence of increased islet cell proliferation in patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 53, 2020-2028.
Richardson SJ, Willcox A, Hilton DA, Tauriainen S, Hyoty H, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2010). Use of antisera directed against dsRNA to detect viral infections in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. J Clin Virol, 49(3), 180-185. Abstract.  Author URL.
Willcox A, Richardson SJ, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2009). Analysis of islet inflammation in human type 1 diabetes. Clin Exp Immunol, 155(2), 173-181. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Willcox A, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2009). Causal interpretation requires appropriate study design. Reply to Priest PC [letter]. Diabetologia
Richardson SJ, Willcox A, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2009). Islet-associated macrophages in type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia, 52(8), 1686-1688.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Willcox A, Bone AJ, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2009). The prevalence of enteroviral capsid protein vp1 immunostaining in pancreatic islets in human type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia, 52(6), 1143-1151. Abstract.  Author URL.
Richardson SJ, Widmer M, Zajicek J, Rule SA (2007). Physiological doses of cannabinoids do not adversely affect MCL viability. Leukemia & lymphoma, 48, 1855-1855.
Richardson SJ, Matthews C, Catherwood MA, Alexander HD, Carey BS, Farrugia J, Gardiner A, Mould S, Oscier D, Copplestone JA, et al (2006). ZAP-70 expression is associated with enhanced ability to respond to migratory and survival signals in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). Blood, 107, 3584-3584.
Vachon E, Bourbonnais Y, Bingle CD, Rowe SJ, Janelle MF, Tremblay GM (2005). Anti-inflammatory effect of pre-elafin in lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung inflammation. Biological chemistry, 383, 1249-1256.
Day CL, Chen L, Richardson SJ, Harrison PJ, Huang DCS, Hinds MG (2005). Solution structure of prosurvival Mcl-1 and characterization of its binding by proapoptotic BH3-only ligands. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280, 4738-4744.
Renshaw SA, Parmar JS, Singleton V, Rowe SJ, Dockrell DH, Dower SK, Bingle CD, Chilvers ER, Whyte MKB (2003). Acceleration of human neutrophil apoptosis by TRAIL. The Journal of Immunology, 170, 1027-1027.
Rowe SJ, Allen L, Ridger VC, Hellewell PG, Whyte MKB (2002). Caspase-1-deficient mice have delayed neutrophil apoptosis and a prolonged inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury. The Journal of Immunology, 169, 6401-6401.
Haycock JW, Rowe SJ, Cartledge S, Wyatt A, Ghanem G, Morandini R, Rennie IG, MacNeil S (2000). Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone reduces impact of proinflammatory cytokine and peroxide-generated oxidative stress on keratinocyte and melanoma cell lines. J Biol Chem, 275(21), 15629-15636. Abstract.  Author URL.
Haycock JW, Rowe SJ, Cartledge S, Wyatt A, Ghanem G, Morandini R, Rennie IG, MacNeil S (2000). α-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone reduces impact of proinflammatory cytokine and peroxide-generated oxidative stress on keratinocyte and melanoma cell lines. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275, 15629-15636.


Richardson SJ, Willcox A, Bone AJ, Morgan NG, Foulis AK (2013). Viruses in the human pancreas. In  (Ed) Diabetes and Viruses, 167-175. Abstract.
Richardson SJ, Willcox A, Bone AJ, Morgan NG, Foulis AK (2012). Viruses in the human pancreas. In  (Ed) Diabetes and Viruses, Springer New York, 167-175. Abstract.


Leslie KA, Russell MA, Richardson S, Morgan NG (2022). Reduced Signal Regulatory Protein alpha (SIRPa) expression may contribute to beta cell loss in type 1 diabetes by promoting enhanced STAT1 signalling.  Author URL.
Leslie KA, Russell M, Richardson S, Morgan NG (2021). Changes in the expression of CD47, a marker of 'self', in healthy islets and those of people with type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Leslie KA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Russell MA (2021). Specific alterations in the STAT1/STAT6 axis may contribute to beta cell loss in type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Wyatt RC, Leete P, Padilla M, Yang M, Bogdani M, Deutsch G, Flaxman C, Atkinson M, Kusmartseva I, Morgan NG, et al (2021). Using the HALO image analysis platform to study pancreas pathology and insulitis in young people with recent-onset type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Carr ALJ, Inshaw JRJ, Flaxman CS, Leete P, Morgan NG, Todd JA, Oram RA, Richardson SJ, Besser REJ (2020). Circulating C-peptide levels mirror patterns of residual beta cell mass in the pancreas of children and young people with type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Leslie KA, Russell MA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2020). Clinical care and other categories posters: Type 2 diabetes.  Author URL.
Leete P, Russell MA, Ziller C, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2020). Defects in proinsulin processing vary during disease progression in type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Torabi F, Leete P, Wyatt R, Vadakekolathu J, Boocock D, Turner MD, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Christie MR (2020). Differential expression of inflammation-related genes in the pancreases of patients with two distinct endotypes of type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Gallegos PA, Balcacean D, Zapardiel-Gonzalo J, Richardson S, Akhbari P, Morgan N, Nelson G, Gerling I, Kusmartseva I, Pugliese A, et al (2020). Presence of markers associated with viral infections in the pancreas before and after onset of type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Gallegos PA, Balcacean D, Zapardiel-Gonzalo J, Richardson S, Morgan N, Akhbari P, von Herrath M, Kusmartseva I, Pugliese A, Rodriguez-Calvo T, et al (2019). Enterovirus as triggers of disease? New insights from autoantibody positive and type 1 diabetic nPOD donors.  Author URL.
Torabi F, Leete P, Tombs M, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Christie MR (2019). PCR based immune phenotyping of inflamed islets isolated from formalin fixed sections from patients with type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Chaffey JR, Russell MA, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2019). The protein phosphatase inhibitor, PPP1R1A, is differentially expressed in the islets of individuals with Type 1 diabetes, dependent on duration of disease and age at diagnosis.  Author URL.
Russell MA, Redick SD, Vendrame F, Krogvold L, Blodgett DM, Dahl-Jorgensen K, Pugliese A, Richardson SJ, Harlan DM, Morgan NG, et al (2018). Aberrant expression of HLA-II in the islets of patients with Type 1 diabetes revealed by RNA and protein analysis.  Author URL.
Leete P, Ziller C, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2018). Aberrant processing of proinsulin in recent-onset Type 1 diabetes correlates with age at diagnosis.  Author URL.
Ifie E, Russell MA, Sebastiani G, Dotta F, Marjomaki V, Eizirik DL, Morgan NG, Richardson SJ (2018). The SIV isoform of coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CXADR) has an unexpected subcellular distribution in human pancreatic beta cells.  Author URL.
Chaffey JR, Russell M, Richardson S, Morgan N (2018). Virally-induced interferon-response proteins are upregulated dramatically in the islets of individuals with recent-onset Type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Oram RA, Leete P, Shields B, Richardson S, Hill A, McDonald T, Morgan N, Hattersley A (2017). C-peptide measurements support the existence of two distinct subtypes of Type 1 diabetes as defined by pancreatic immunopathology.  Author URL.
Shields B, Richardson S, Oram R, Leete P, Hill A, McDonald T, Morgan N, Hattersley A (2017). Cross-sectional c-peptide data and histological analysis of pancreas samples suggest two phases of beta cell decline in Type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Leete P, Richardson S, Morgan NG (2017). Efficient exploitation of rare resources to understand the aetiology of Type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Krogvold L, Genoni A, Puggioni A, Campani D, Richardson S, Edwin B, Buanes T, Dahl-Jorgensen K, Toniolo A (2017). Enteroviruses in the pancreas of live adult patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Results from the DiViD study.  Author URL.
Russell MA, Foulis AK, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jorgensen K, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2017). Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) and its transcriptional regulator, CIITA, are aberrantly expressed in discrete beta cells in individuals with Type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Ifie E, Russell MA, Sebastiani G, Dotta F, Marjomaki V, Morgan NG, Richardson SJ (2017). Selective expression of one specific isoform of the Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CAR) in human pancreatic beta cells.  Author URL.
Busse N, Paroni F, Richardson SJ, Frisk G, Laiho JE, Oikarinen M, Hyoty H, Morgan NG, Maedler K (2016). Detection of beta cell virus infection in type 1 diabetes by short fluorescently labelled oligonucleotide probes.  Author URL.
Russell MA, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jorgensen K, Foulis AK, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2016). Expression of the transcriptional activator, CIITA, correlates with aberrant expression of MHC class H in in the beta cells of individuals with type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Russell MA, Taniguchi K, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2016). STAT6, a novel regulator of beta cell viability, is reduced in islets of patients with recent-onset Type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Leete P, Richardson SJ, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jorgensen K, Foulis AK, Morgan NG (2016). Understanding differential rates of progression to Type 1 diabetes in humans: study of the relationship between age at diagnosis and the underlying pancreatic pathology.  Author URL.
Willcox A, Richardson SJ, Walker LSK, Wong FS, Morgan NG, Gillespie KM (2015). Differential architecture and germinal centre formation in pancreatic lymph nodes from donors with recent onset and long-standing Type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Russell MA, Taniguchi K, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG (2015). Reduced expression of the transcription factor, STAT6, in beta cells may contribute to their loss in human type 1 diabetes.  Author URL.
Shah NK, Richardson S, Rule S (2015). Significant gender differences in the number and distribution of T cells in patients with mantle cell lymphoma.  Author URL.
Willcox A, Richardson SJ, Walker LSK, Morgan NG, Gillespie KM (2014). Proliferating germinal centres are decreased in recent-onset Type 1 diabetes pancreatic lymph nodes.  Author URL.
Foulis AK, Richardson SJ (2013). Viral Infection in the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes.  Author URL.

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External Engagement and Impact


  • RD Lawrence Named Lecture at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference April 2021
  • JDRF nPOD Award: Team Science  – Dec 2018 onwards. (5% of salary)
  • Selected participant in Aurora – Developing Women Leaders in Higher Education training course (Spring 2019)
  • Successful participant in the Diabetes UK Innovators in Diabetes (IDia) Programme (2011-2013)
  • JDRF nPOD Junior Investigator Award – A Champion of Collaborative Spirit (January 2012)
  • European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Young Scientist Training Barcelona (October 2007)
  • Divisional Prize for Best Final Year Presentation 2002 (Division of Genomic Medicine, University of Sheffield)
  • The Alan Roper (Glaxo) Prize in Genetics (July 1999) for final year laboratory research project 

Competitively won research fellowships

Steve Morgan Foundation Grand Challenge Senior Research Fellowship (2023-2028)

JDRF Career Development Award (2014 - 2019)

Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation Non-Clinical Research Fellowship (2010-2013)

Wellcome Trust International Travelling Fellowship (2004)

External positions

  • Management Board member of the UK Type 1 Diabetes Research Consortium (UK T1D RC) – 2021 onwards.
  • Invited member of the Diabetes UK Research Steering Group (DRSG1 – Causes of diabetes) – Sept 2018 onwards
  • Invited member of the JDRF (UK) Scientific Advisory Committee – May 2018 - May 2024, Appointed as Chair in November 2021.
  • Invited member of the nPOD Tissue Prioritisation Committee (TPC) - Sept 2017 onwards. I am the only UK member of this panel.
  • Invited member of the JDRF Viral Vaccine Group Member, which encourages communication with industry – 2016 onwards
  • Advisor to the UK MRC-QUOD initiative (Pancreas Collection – headed by Professor James Shaw, Newcastle) - 2018 onwards.
  • Invited advisor to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust CFRD Strategic Research Award meeting in Newcastle (2017 onwards)

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  • FHEA 
  • Module Lead for the BMedSci Placement Training Year (PTY) 2019-2023.
  • Facilitator on the Immunopathology Module for Yr 2 BMedSci (2019-2023)
  • BMBS Year 3 Research SSU (2019 – 2023)
  • BMBS LSRC Year 1 and 2 Teaching Sessions (2018-2019)
  • BMBS Year 1 SSU Provider  (2019 – 2023)
  • Final Year project Supervisor for BMBS (2015 to date; 2-3 students/ year)
  • Natural Sciences Yr 1: ‘Frontiers in Science’ Invited Lecturer
  • BMBS Personal Tutor (UEMS/ PCMD) for 7y
  • Problem Based Learning (PBL) facilitator for 4y (PCMD)



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Christiana Lekka
  • Katy Murrall Post-doctoral Research Scientist

Postgraduate researchers

  • Stephanie Hunter

Research Technicians

  • Christine Flaxman


  • Kaiyven Afi Leslie
  • Pouria Akhbari
  • Shalinee Dhayal
  • Eseoghene Ifie
  • Nicola Jeffery
  • Pia Leete
  • Mark Russell
  • Gareth Walker
  • Rebecca Wyatt

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