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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Morteza Kouhsar

Dr Morteza Kouhsar

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

 RILD Building 


University of Exeter Medical School, RILD Building, RD&E Hospital Wonford, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW, UK


Dr. Morteza Kouhsar is a researcher specialising in the field of Bioinformatics. He obtained his MSc in Computer Science from Tarbiat Modares University in Iran, where his passion for computational biology was ignited. Driven by enthusiasm, he joined the Laboratory of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics at the University of Tehran, where he completed his PhD in Bioinformatics in 2019.

After completing his doctorate, Dr. Kouhsar served as a lecturer and researcher at the Amirkabir University of Technology and Sharif University for a year, contributing his expertise to these institutions. Seeking new horizons and opportunities, he then relocated to the United Kingdom and became a member of the Complex Disease Epigenetics Group at the University of Exeter. Currently, he holds the postdoctoral research fellow position in the Complex Disease Epigenetics Group at the Department of Clinical and Biological Science at the University of Exeter.

With a background in Biological Network Analysis and Omics Data Analysis, Dr. Kouhsar possesses proficiency in Graph Theory and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and their practical application in Bioinformatics.

Dr. Morteza Kouhsar's unwavering passion for Bioinformatics, coupled with his expertise, continues to drive him towards making significant strides in understanding and utilizing computational approaches to address key challenges in the life sciences.


  • PhD (2013 – 2019) Bioinformatics.
  • MSc (2011 – 2013) Computer Science.
  • BSc (2006 – 2010) Computer Science.

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