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University of Exeter Medical School

Emeritus Professor Michael Depledge CBE FRS FRCP

Emeritus Professor Michael Depledge CBE FRS FRCP

Emeritus Professor of Environment and Human Health; and member of the Board of the European Centre for Environment and Human Health

 5585 (Secretary)



Michael was educated at Westfield College, University of London where he gained a First Class Honours degree in Biological Sciences, (1975) and a PhD in the ecotoxicology of marine organisms (1978). As a post-doctoral research fellow at the Brompton Hospital, London he moved on to study lung damage in the severely ill. Later, as a clinical scientist at the Royal Marsden Hospital he became a member of the team that conducted the first bone marrow transplants for the treatment of leukaemia. His pioneering research led to ways of reducing the severe lung toxicity associated with chemotherapy, whole body irradiation and the transplanted bone marrow graft. (1979-1982). In 1982, as a lecturer in Physiology at the Medical School of the University of Hong Kong, he developed research in environmental medicine, but in 1987 was invited to become the first Chair of Ecotoxicology in Europe at Odense University, Denmark aged 33 years. He went on to establish a highly productive, internationally-recognised research group. He returned to the UK in 1994 to take up the Chair of Marine Biology and Ecotoxicology at the University of Plymouth. He was a founding Director of the Plymouth Environmental Research Centre in 1996.

In September 2002, Michael was invited to take up the role of Chief Scientific Advisor of the UK Government’s Environment Agency. After a 4 year term in which he produced the Agency’s first ever Science Strategy and created a Europe-wide partnership among the science departments of EU member state environment agencies, he returned to academia to take up the Chair of Environment and Human Health at Peninsula Medical School. At the same time he became the Chief Science Advisor at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (the later until Sept, 2007). He was appointed as a board member of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC 2002 to 2006), and was a founding board member of Natural England (2006-2009). He is a former member of UK Government’s Chief Scientific Advisors Committee (CSAC) and worked as a member of the Royal Society’s task force on “Ground level ozone in the 21st Century” and as their representative to the European Academies Science Advisory Committee (EASAC). Professor Depledge is a former chair of the Science Advisory Group for Environment and Climate Change, in DG-Research, European Commission in Brussels and a former member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution.

Depledge has published more than 400 peer-reviewed scientific papers in leading international journals and books. In recognition of his major scientific contributions to the fields of comparative toxicology and medical toxicology he was awarded a Doctor of Science (DSc) degree by the University of London (1996). Since 1990 he has been an expert advisor to the United Nations, working in Brazil, Costa Rica, India, China, Vietnam and several other countries to develop the RAMP (Rapid Assessment of Marine Pollution) programme for UNEP’s Global Oceans Observing System (GOOS). He also serves as an expert advisor to the World Health Organisation (2001- ongoing).

In 2008 Depledge conceived and took the lead in developing and establishing the European Centre for Environment and Human Health on the University of Exeter Medical School campus in Truro.

Professor Depledge’s role in the University of Exeter Medical School has been to establish and pioneer the development of the Environment and Human Health research area and to serve as an ambassador both for the medical school and the University of Exeter as a whole. He has been involved in various fund raising activities and in the international work of the University. He has been very active in leading the development of new research themes across the university. He was formerly a member of the UK Government's  Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee (HSAC - DEFRA) and the Global Health Committee (Department of Health).

Michael moved to Emeritus Professor status in 2018, but continues as a Advisory Board member for the ECEHH as well as the boards of several research projects. 

Depledge is currently Chief Scientific Advisor of the Eden Project and chair of the Advisory Board of the Convex SEASCAPE programme. He holds Honorary Professorships at University College, London and Chiba University  Medical School, Tokyo, Japan. He was appointed as a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2016 New Years Honours list for his service to the environment and human health. In May 2023 he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Broad research specialisms

Prof. Depledge is interested in all aspects of biology, but especially the ways in which anthropogenic activities affect the environment and human health. The ecotoxicological research he conducted has focused on the effects of environmental pollutants on the physiology and behaviour of marine invertebrates and subsequent ecological and evolutionary consequences. He has a particular interest in biomarkers (that allow changes in the health and physiological status of organisms to be monitored over time.) and in chemical pollution effects in nature.

Another key aspect of his work has been to pioneer studeis how environmental change impacts the health and wellbeing of humans.

For many years he has been exploring how to use research findings in a constructive way to influence the development of new policies. This has now become his primary objective.


BSc(Hons) First Class, Biological Sciences

PhD (Lond.) Marine Ecotoxicology

DSc (Lond.)

DSc (Honorary – University of Westminster)

FRCP (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians)

CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire)

FRS (Fellow of the Royal Society)

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Research interests

Prof. Depledge's research addresses the interconnections between the environment and human health.

Research projects

He has ongoing research projects with his research teams looking at:

Impacts of climate change on human health and wellbeing

Emerging environmental chemicals and human health

Ecological Public health, biodiversity and ecosystem services

Pharmaceutical impacts on the environment and human health

Nanomaterials and human health.

Use of the natural environment to promote health and wellbeing.

Novel use of media to communicate science-policy issues.


EU Convergence Funding £12 million – for the establishment of the European Centre for Environment and Human Health.

Well World Project (BUPA)

MED-MI project (with Professor Lora Fleming et al). MRC.

Balance project (with Mark Jackson) Wellcome Trust.

ESRC Project – Beyond Greenspace Project (with Dr Ben Wheeler)

EU CLEANSEA project (with Professor Tamara Galloway).


EU Convergence Funding £12 million – for the establishment of the European Centre for Environment and Human Health.

Well World Project (BUPA)

MED-MI project (with Professor Lora Fleming et al). MRC.

Balance project (with Mark Jackson) Wellcome Trust.

ESRC Project – Beyond Greenspace Project (with Dr Ben Wheeler)

EU CLEANSEA project (with Professor Tamara Galloway).



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Depledge, M.H. Galloway, T.S. (2005). Toxicity of tributyltin in the marine mollusc <em>Mytilus edulis</em>.

Journal articles

Scarlett, A. Kero, M.H. Depledge, D. (In Press). Age-related impairments of mobility associated with cobalt and other heavy metals: data from NHANES 1999-2004. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Safety
Cracknell D, White MP, Pahl S, Depledge MH (In Press). Aquariums as restorative environments and the influence of species diversity. Landscape Research, In Press
Depledge MH (In Press). Arsenic uncouples cardiac and respiratory responses of Hemifusus tuba (Gmelin) to thermal stress. Asian Marine Biology
Depledge MH (In Press). Assessment of lung function in cancer patients. Asian Medical Journal
Depledge MH, Powles RL (In Press). Bone marrow transplantation as treatment for acute leukaemia using mismatched family donors. Lancet, The
Depledge MH (In Press). Cardiac activity in the intertidal crab. Asian Marine Biology
Depledge MH (In Press). Chemical forms of arsenic in marine organisms with emphasis on Hemifusus spp. Water Science and Technology
Depledge MH (In Press). Disruption of endogenous rhythms in Carcinus maenas following exposure to heavy metal pollution. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology
Depledge MH (In Press). Dose-independence of early, cyclophosphamide-induced lung damage in mice. Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine
Depledge MH, Barrett A (In Press). Dose-rate independence of lung damage after total body irradiation in mice. International Journal of Radiation Biology
Depledge MH, SLOANE JP, Powles RL, Morgenstern GR, Trickey BS, DADY PJ (In Press). Histopathology of the lung following bone marrow transplantation. Journal of Clinical Pathology
Depledge MH (In Press). Iron distribution and transport in Scylla serrata (Forskål). Asian Marine Biology
Depledge MH, Leigh M, Powles RL, Morgenstern G, Barrett A, Mackenzie J, Lumley H (In Press). Mismatched bone marrow transplantation from family members. Experimental Hematology
White M, Pahl S, Wheeler BW, Depledge MH, Fleming LE (In Press). Natural environments and subjective well-being: Different types of nature exposure are associated with different aspects of wellbeing. Health & PLace, In press
Phoenix C, Wheeler B, Osbourne N, Redshaw C, Moran R, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge M, Fleming L (In Press). Paradigmatic Approaches to Studying Environment and Human Health: (Forgotten) Implications for Interdisciplinary Research. Environmental Science and Policy Abstract.
Depledge MH (In Press). Perfusion requirements and oxygen demand in the green crab (Carcinus maenas L.) held in hypo-osmotic media. Comparative Physiology & Ecology
Depledge MH, Barrett A, Powles RL (In Press). Pulmonary oedema with leaky endothelia syndrome. Experimental Hematology
Wheeler BW, Allen J, Depledge MH, Curnow A (In Press). Radon and skin cancer in south-west England: an ecological study. Epidemiology, (In Press)
Cracknell D, White MP, Pahl S, Nicols WJ, Depledge MH (In Press). Sub-aquatic biodiversity and psychological well-being: a preliminary examination of dose-response effects in an aquarium setting. Environment & Behavior, In press
Depledge MH, Barrett A (In Press). Total Body Irradiation: some factors affecting outcome. Experimental Hematology
Bergstrom DM, Wienecke BC, van den Hoff J, Hughes L, Lindenmayer DB, Ainsworth TD, Baker CM, Bland L, Bowman DMJS, Brooks ST, et al (2021). Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic. Glob Chang Biol, 27(9), 1692-1703. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Depledge M, Bouley T, Britton E, Dupont S, Eatock C, Garside R, Heymans JJ, Kellett P, Lloret J, et al (2021). The Ocean Decade-Opportunities for Oceans and Human Health Programs to Contribute to Public Health. Am J Public Health, 111(5), 808-811.  Author URL.
Landrigan PJ, Stegeman JJ, Fleming LE, Allemand D, Anderson DM, Backer LC, Brucker-Davis F, Chevalier N, Corra L, Czerucka D, et al (2020). Human Health and Ocean Pollution. ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH, 86(1).  Author URL.
Collins C, Depledge M, Fraser R, Johnson A, Hutchison G, Matthiessen P, Murphy R, Owens S, Sumpter J (2020). Key actions for a sustainable chemicals policy. Environ Int, 137 Abstract.  Author URL.
Leslie HA, Depledge MH (2020). Where is the evidence that human exposure to microplastics is safe?. Environment International, 142
Bone A, White MP, Alcock I, Grellier J, Wheeler BW, Hartig T, Warber SL, Depledge MH, Fleming LE (2019). Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing. Sci Rep, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Depledge MH, White MP, Maycock B, Fleming LE (2019). Time and tide. The BMJ, 366
Garrett JK, White MP, Huang J, Ng S, Hui Z, Leung C, Tse LA, Fung F, Elliott LR, Depledge MH, et al (2019). Urban blue space and health and wellbeing in Hong Kong: Results from a survey of older adults. Health Place, 55, 100-110. Abstract.  Author URL.
Abo-Zaid G, Sharpe RA, Fleming LE, Depledge M, Osborne NJ (2018). Association of Infant Eczema with Childhood and Adult Asthma: Analysis of Data from the 1958 Birth Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Fossi MC, Panti C, Depledge MH (2018). Foreword. Marine Mammal Ecotoxicology: Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Population Health, xvii-xx.
Hinchliffe S, Jackson M, Wyatt K, Barlow A, Barreto M, Clare L, Deplege M, Durie R, Fleming L, Groom N, et al (2018). Healthy publics: Enabling cultures and environments for health. Palgrave Communications, 4, n/a-n/a.
Cracknell DL, Pahl S, White MP, Depledge MH (2018). Reviewing the role of aquaria as restorative settings: how subaquatic diversity in public aquaria can influence preferences, and human health and well-being. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 23(5), 446-460. Abstract.
Watts N, Amann M, Ayeb-Karlsson S, Belesova K, Bouley T, Boykoff M, Byass P, Cai W, Campbell-Lendrum D, Chambers J, et al (2018). The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: from 25 years of inaction to a global transformation for public health. Lancet, 391(10120), 581-630.  Author URL.
Cracknell D, White MP, Pahl S, Depledge MH (2017). A preliminary investigation into the restorative potential of public aquaria exhibits: a UK student-based study. Landscape Research, 42(1), 18-32. Abstract.
White CJ, Carlsen H, Robertson AW, Klein RJT, Lazo JK, Kumar A, Vitart F, Coughlan de Perez E, Ray AJ, Murray V, et al (2017). Potential applications of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions. Meteorological Applications, 24(3), 315-325. Abstract.
Morris GP, Reis S, Beck SA, Fleming LE, Adger WN, Benton TG, Depledge MH (2017). Scoping the proximal and distal dimensions of climate change on health and wellbeing. Environ Health, 16(Suppl 1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Watts N, Adger WN, Ayeb-Karlsson S, Bai Y, Byass P, Campbell-Lendrum D, Colbourn T, Cox P, Davies M, Depledge M, et al (2017). The Lancet Countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change. Lancet, 389(10074), 1151-1164. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cracknell D, White MP, Pahl S, Nichols WJ, Depledge MH (2016). Marine Biota and Psychological Well-Being: a Preliminary Examination of Dose-Response Effects in an Aquarium Setting. Environ Behav, 48(10), 1242-1269. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sabel CE, Hiscock R, Asikainen A, Bi J, Depledge M, van den Elshout S, Friedrich R, Huang G, Hurley F, Jantunen M, et al (2016). Public health impacts of city policies to reduce climate change: findings from the URGENCHE EU-China project. Environ Health, 15 Suppl 1(Suppl 1). Abstract.  Author URL.
White MP, Elliott LR, Taylor TJ, Wheeler BW, Spencer AE, Bone A, Depledge MH, Fleming LE (2016). Recreational physical activity in natural environments and implications for health: a population based cross-sectional study in England. Preventative Medicine
White MP, Pahl S, Wheeler BW, Fleming LEF, Depledge MH (2016). The ‘Blue Gym’: What can blue space do for you and what can you do for blue space?. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(1), 5-12. Abstract.
Sutherland WJ, Clout M, Depledge M, Dicks LV, Dinsdale J, Entwistle AC, Fleishman E, Gibbons DW, Keim B, Lickorish FA, et al (2015). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2015. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30(1), 17-24. Abstract.
Wheeler BW, Lovell R, Higgins SL, White MP, Alcock I, Osborne NJ, Husk K, Sabel CE, Depledge MH (2015). Beyond greenspace: an ecological study of population general health and indicators of natural environment type and quality. Int J Health Geogr, 14 Abstract.  Author URL.
Hays J, Finkel ML, Depledge M, Law A, Shonkoff SBC (2015). Considerations for the development of shale gas in the United Kingdom. Sci Total Environ, 512-513, 36-42. Abstract.  Author URL.
Staddon PL, Depledge MH (2015). Fracking Cannot be Reconciled with Climate Change Mitigation Policies. Environ Sci Technol, 49(14), 8269-8270.  Author URL.
Annerstedt van den Bosch M, Depledge MH (2015). Healthy people with nature in mind. BMC Public Health, 15 Abstract.  Author URL.
Pretty J, Barton J, Pervez Bharucha Z, Bragg R, Pencheon D, Wood C, Depledge MH (2015). Improving health and well-being independently of GDP: dividends of greener and prosocial economies. International Journal of Environmental Health Research Abstract.
Reis S, Steinle S, Morris G, Fleming LE, Cowie H, Hurley F, Dick J, Smith R, Austen M, White M, et al (2015). Integrating Health & Environmental Impact Analysis. Public Health, 2015, 1383-1389.
Thomas F, Depledge M (2015). Medicine ‘misuse’: Implications for health and environmental sustainability. Social Science & Medicine, 143, 81-87.
White MP, Pahl S, Ashbullby KJ, Burton F, Depledge MH (2015). The Effects of Exercising in Different Natural Environments on Psycho-Physiological Outcomes in Post-Menopausal Women: a Simulation Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 12(9), 11929-11953. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lovell R, Wheeler BW, Higgins SL, Irvine KN, Depledge MH (2014). A systematic review of the health and well-being benefits of biodiverse environments. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev, 17(1), 1-20. Abstract.  Author URL.
Clark NE, Lovell R, Wheeler BW, Higgins SL, Depledge MH, Norris K (2014). Biodiversity, cultural pathways, and human health: a framework. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 29(4), 198-204. Abstract.
Staddon PL, Montgomery HE, Depledge MH (2014). Climate warming will not decrease winter mortality. NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 4(3), 190-194.  Author URL.
White MP, Wheeler BW, Herbert S, Alcock I, Depledge MH (2014). Coastal proximity and physical activity. Is the coast an underappreciated public health resource?. Preventive Medicine, 69, 135-140.
Fleming LE, Haines A, Golding B, Kessel A, Cichowska A, Sabel CE, Depledge MH, Sarran C, Osborne NJ, Whitmore C, et al (2014). Data mashups: potential contribution to decision support on climate change and health. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 11(2), 1725-1746. Abstract.  Author URL.
White M, Cracknell D, Corcoran A, Jenkinson G, Depledge MH (2014). Do preferences for waterscapes persist in inclement weather conditions and extend to sub-aquatic scenes?. Landscape Research(39), 339-358.
Fossi MC, Depledge MH (2014). Exploring the potential of large vertebrates as early warning sentinels of threats to marine ecosystems, human health and wellbeing. Marine Environmental Research, 100, 1-2.
Fossi MC, Depledge MH (2014). Exploring the potential of large vertebrates as early warning sentinels of threats to marine ecosystems, human health and wellbeing. Mar Environ Res, 100, 1-2.  Author URL.
Thomas F, Sabel CE, Morton K, Hiscock R, Depledge MH (2014). Extended impacts of climate change on health and wellbeing. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, 44, 271-278.  Author URL.
Alcock I, White MP, Wheeler BW, Fleming L, Depledge MH (2014). Longitudinal Effects on Mental Health of Moving to Greener and Less Green Urban Areas. Environmental Science and Technology (Washington), 48(2), 1247-1255.
Alcock I, White MP, Wheeer BW, Fleming LE, Depledge MH (2014). Mental health and moving to greener areas. Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine, 26(2).
Galgani F, Claro F, Depledge M, Fossi C (2014). Monitoring the impact of litter in large vertebrates in the Mediterranean Sea within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD): Constraints, specificities and recommendations. Marine Environmental Research, 100, 3-9. Abstract.
Galgani F, Claro F, Depledge M, Fossi C (2014). Monitoring the impact of litter in large vertebrates in the Mediterranean Sea within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD): Constraints, specificities and recommendations. Marine Environmental Research
Fleming LE, McDonough N, Austen M, Mee L, Moore M, Hess P, Depledge MH, White M, Philippart K, Bradbrook P, et al (2014). Oceans and Human Health: a rising tide of challenges and opportunities for Europe. Mar Environ Res, 99, 16-19. Abstract.  Author URL.
Staddon P, Montgomery H, Depledge M (2014). Reply to 'A note of caution about the excess winter deaths measure'. Nature Climate Change, 4(8).
Kovats S, Depledge M, Haines A, Fleming LE, Wilkinson P, Shonkoff SB, Scovronick N (2014). The health implications of fracking. The Lancet, 383(9919), 757-758.
Kovats S, Depledge M, Haines A, Fleming LE, Wilkinson P, Shonkoff SB, Scovronick N (2014). The health implications of fracking. Lancet, 383(9919), 757-758.  Author URL.
Sutherland WJ, Bardsley S, Clout M, Depledge MH, Dicks LV, Fellman L, Fleishman E, Gibbons DW, Keim B, Lickorish F, et al (2013). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2013. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28(1), 16-22. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Tyrrell J, Fleming LE, Holgate ST (2013). Are marine environmental pollutants influencing global patterns of human disease?. Mar Environ Res, 83, 93-95. Abstract.  Author URL.
Depledge MH, Harvey AJ, Brownlee C, Frost M, Moore MN, Fleming LE (2013). Changing views of the interconnections between the oceans and human health in Europe. Microb Ecol, 65(4), 852-859. Abstract.  Author URL.
White MP, Alcock I, Wheeler BW, Depledge MH (2013). Coastal proximity, health and well-being: Results from a longitudinal panel survey. Health & Place, 23, 97-103. Abstract.  Author URL.
White MP, Pahl S, Ashbullby K, Herbert S, Depledge MH (2013). Feelings of restoration from recent nature visits. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 35, 40-51. Abstract.
Tyrrell J, Galloway TS, Abo-Zaid G, Melzer D, Depledge MH, Osborne NJ (2013). High urinary tungsten concentration is associated with stroke in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2010. PLoS One, 8(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pollard AS, Taylor TJ, Fleming LE, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH, Osborne NJ (2013). Mainstreaming carbon management in healthcare systems: a bottom-up modeling approach. Environ Sci Technol, 47(2), 678-686. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore MN, Depledge MH, Fleming L, Hess P, Lees D, Leonard P, Madsen L, Owen R, Pirlet H, Seys J, et al (2013). Oceans and Human Health (OHH): a European perspective from the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation (Marine Board-ESF). Microb Ecol, 65(4), 889-900. Abstract.  Author URL.
Palomino M, Taylor T, McBride G, Mortimer H, Owen R, Depledge M (2013). Optimising Web-Based Information Retrieval Methods for Horizon Scanning Using Relevance Feedback. Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2013), 1139-1146.
Phoenix C, Osborne NJ, Redshaw C, Moran R, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH, Fleming LE, Wheeler BW (2013). Paradigmatic approaches to studying environment and human health: (Forgotten) implications for interdisciplinary research. Environmental Science and Policy, 25, 218-228. Abstract.
Phoenix C, Osborne NJ, Redshaw C, Moran R, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH, Fleming LE, Wheeler BW (2013). Paradigmatic approaches to studying environment and human health: (Forgotten) implications for interdisciplinary research. Environmental Science and Policy, 25, 218-228. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Galgani F, Panti C, Caliani I, Casini S, Fossi MC (2013). Plastic litter in the sea. Marine Environmental Research, 92, 279-281. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Galgani F, Panti C, Caliani I, Casini S, Fossi MC (2013). Plastic litter in the sea. Mar Environ Res, 92, 279-281. Abstract.  Author URL.
Redshaw CH, Stahl-Timmins WM, Fleming LE, Davidson I, Depledge MH (2013). Potential changes in disease patterns and pharmaceutical use in response to climate change. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev, 16(5), 285-320. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stahl-Timmins W, White M, Depledge M, Fleming L, Redshaw C (2013). The Pharma Transport Town: Understanding the Routes to Sustainable Pharmaceutical Use. SCIENCE, 339(6119), 515-515.  Author URL.
White MP, Alcock I, Wheeler BW, Depledge MH (2013). Would you be happier living in a greener urban area? a fixed-effects analysis of panel data. Psychol Sci, 24(6), 920-928. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sutherland WJ, Aveling R, Bennun L, Chapman E, Clout M, Côté IM, Depledge MH, Dicks LV, Dobson AP, Fellman L, et al (2012). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2012. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27(1), 12-18. Abstract.
Wheeler BW, White M, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH (2012). Does living by the coast improve health and wellbeing?. Health and Place
Phoenix C, Osborne NJ, Redshaw C, Moran R, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH, Fleming LE, Wheeler BW (2012). Paradigmatic approaches to studying environment and human health: (Forgotten) implications for interdisciplinary research. Environmental Science and Policy
van den Hove S, McGlade J, Mottet P, Depledge MH (2012). The Innovation Union: a perfect means to confused ends?. Environmental Science and Policy, 16, 73-80. Abstract.
Fossi MC, Casini S, Caliani I, Panti C, Marsili L, Viarengo A, Giangreco R, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Serena F, Ouerghi A, et al (2012). The role of large marine vertebrates in the assessment of the quality of pelagic marine ecosystems. Marine Environmental Research, 77, 156-158. Abstract.
Fossi MC, Casini S, Caliani I, Panti C, Marsili L, Viarengo A, Giangreco R, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Serena F, Ouerghi A, et al (2012). The role of large marine vertebrates in the assessment of the quality of pelagic marine ecosystems. Marine Environmental Research
Pearson M, Jones-Hughes T, Whear R, Cooper C, Peters J, Evans EH, Depledge M (2011). Are interventions to reduce the impact of arsenic contamination of groundwater on human health in developing countries effective?: a systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence  Author URL.
Pearson M, Jones-Hughes T, Whear R, Cooper C, Peters J, Evans EH, Depledge M (2011). Are interventions to reduce the impact of arsenic contamination of groundwater on human health in developing countries effective?: a systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence, 1, 1-7.  Author URL.
Depledge MH, Stone RJ, Bird WJ (2011). Can natural and virtual environments be used to promote improved human health and wellbeing?. Environ Sci Technol, 45(11), 4660-4665. Abstract.  Author URL.
DePledge M, Thompson-Coon J, Boddy K, Stein K, Whear R, Barton J (2011). Does participating in physical activity in outdoor natural environments have a greater effect on physical and mental wellbeing than physical activity ? a systematic review. Environmental Science and Technology
Thompson Coon J, Boddy K, Stein K, Whear R, Barton J, Depledge MH (2011). Does participating in physical activity in outdoor natural environments have a greater effect on physical and mental wellbeing than physical activity indoors? a systematic review. Environ Sci Technol, 45(5), 1761-1772. Abstract.  Author URL.
Van Den Hove Median S, McGlade J, Depledge MH (2011). EU innovation must benefit society. Nature, 474(7350).
Sutherland WJ, Bardsley S, Bennun L, Clout M, Côté IM, Depledge MH, Dicks LV, Dobson AP, Fellman L, Fleishman E, et al (2011). Horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2011. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 26(1), 10-16. Abstract.
Depledge M (2011). Pharmaceuticals: Reduce drug waste in the environment. Nature, 478(7367).
Depledge M (2011). Reduce drug waste in the environment. NATURE, 478(7367), 36-36.  Author URL.
Sutherland WJ, Clout M, Côté IM, Daszak P, Depledge MH, Fellman L, Fleishman E, Garthwaite R, Gibbons DW, De Lurio J, et al (2010). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2010. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25(1), 1-7. Abstract.
Melzer D, Rice N, Depledge MH, Henley WE, Galloway TS (2010). Association between serum perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and thyroid disease in the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Environ Health Perspect, 118(5), 686-692. Abstract.  Author URL.
White M, Smith A, Humphryes K, Pahl S, Snelling D, Depledge M (2010). Blue space: the importance of water for preference, affect, and restorativeness ratings of natural and built scenes. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(4), 482-493. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Pleasants LJ, Lawton JH (2010). Editorial: Nanomaterials and the environment: the views of the royal commission on environmental pollution (UK). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(1), 1-4.
Depledge MH, Godard-Codding CAJ, Bowen RE (2010). Light pollution in the sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(9), 1383-1385.
Sutherland WJ, Clout M, Côté IM, Daszak P, Depledge MH, Fellman L, Fleishman E, Garthwaite R, Gibbons DW, De Lurio J, et al (2009). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2010. Trends in ecology & evolution, 25(1), 1-7. Abstract.
Owen R, Baxter D, Maynard T, Depledge M (2009). Beyond regulation: Risk pricing and responsible innovation. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(18), 6902-6906.
Depledge MH (2009). Novel approaches and technologies in pollution assessment and monitoring: a UK. perspective. Ocean & Coastal Management 52, 52, 336-341.
Depledge MH, Bird WJ (2009). The Blue Gym: Health and wellbeing from our coasts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58(7), 947-948. Abstract.
Depledge MH (2009). The Influence of Nutritional State on the Circulatory and Respiratory Physiology of the Shore Crab,<i>Carcinus Maenas</i>. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 65(1), 69-78. Abstract.
Galloway, T.S. Scarlett, A. Henley, W. (2008). Association of urinary bisphenol a concentration with medical disorders and laboratory abnormalities in adults (accompanying editorial JAMA. 2008;300(11):1353-1355.pp). Journal of the American Medical Association, 300, 1303-1310.  Author URL.
Owen RJ, Depledge MH, Hagger JA, Jones MB, Galloway TS (2008). Biomarkers and environmental risk assessment: Guiding principles from the human health field. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56(4), 613-619.
Owen R, Galloway TS, Hagger JA, Jones MB, Depledge MH (2008). Biomarkers and environmental risk assessment: guiding principles from the human health field. Mar Pollut Bull, 56(4), 613-619. Abstract.  Author URL.
Depledge MH, Carlarne CP (2008). Environmental rights and wrongs. Environmental Science and Technology, 42(4), 990-994.
Depledge M, Carlarne C (2008). Sick of the weather?. Water and Environment Magazine, 13(7), 20-26. Abstract.
Francioni E, Wagener AD, Scofield AL, Depledge MH, Cavalier B (2007). Evaluation of the mussel Perna perna as a biomonitor of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure and effects. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(3), 329-338.
Francioni E, de A, Scofield AL, Depledge MH, Cavalier B (2007). Evaluation of the mussel Perna perna as a biomonitor of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure and effects. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(3), 329-338. Abstract.
Francioni E, Wagener ADLR, Scofield ADL, Depledge MH, Cavalier B, Sette CB, Carvalhosa L, Lozinsky C, Mariath R (2007). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in inter-tidal mussel Perna perna: Space-time observations, source investigation and genotoxicity. Science of the Total Environment, 372(2-3), 515-531. Abstract.
Francioni E, Wagener AD, Scofield AD, Depledge MH, Cavalier B, Sette CB, Carvalhosa L, Lozinsky C, Mariath R (2007). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in inter-tidal mussel Perna perna: Space-time observations, source investigation and genotoxicity. Science of the Total Environment, 372(2-3), 515-531.
Carlarne C, Depledge MH (2007). Sick of the weather: climate change, biodiversity and human health. Environmental Law Review, 9, 231-240.
Fillmann G, Bicego MC, Zamboni A, Fileman TW, Depledge MH, Readman JW (2007). Validation of immunoassay methods to determine hydrocarbon contamination a in estuarine Sediments. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 18(4), 774-781.
Fillmann G, Bicego MC, Zamboni A, Fileman TW, Depledge MH, Readman JW (2007). Validation of immunoassay methods to determine hydrocarbon contamination in estuarine sediments. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 18(4), 774-781. Abstract.
Cheung VV, Simpson P, Knight AW, Cahill PA, Charles AK, Depledge MH, Owen R, Galloway TS (2006). A comparison of prokaryotic, eukaryotic, cytogenetic and direct toxicity assays to evaluate the toxicity of industrial effluents. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 62, S307-S308.  Author URL.
Cheung VV, Depledge MH, Jha AN (2006). An evaluation of the relative sensitivity of two marine bivalve mollusc species using the Comet assay. Mar Environ Res, 62 Suppl, S301-S305. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jha, A. Owen, R. Depledge, M.H. (2006). Development of the in vivo chromosome aberration assay in oyster (<em>Crassostrea gigas</em>) embryo-larvae for genotoxicity assessment. Marine Environmental Research, 62, S278-282.
Cheung VV, Jha A, Owen R, Depledge MH, Galloway TS (2006). Development of the in vivo chromosome aberration assay in oyster (Crassostrea gigas) embryo-larvae for genotoxicity assessment. Marine Environmental Research, 62, S278-S282.
Dietrich DR, O'Brien E, Hoffmann S, Balaguer P, Nicolas JC, Seinen W, Depledge M (2006). Effects of BPA in snails. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(6), A340-A341.
Dietrich DR, O'Brien E, Hoffmann S, Balaguer P, Nicolas JC, Seinen W, Depledge M (2006). Effects of BPA in snails [5]. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(6).
Liney KE, Hagger JA, Tyler CR, Depledge MH, Galloway TS, Jobling S (2006). Health effects in fish of long-term exposure to effluents from wastewater treatment works. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114, 81-89.
tsgallo1, Hagger JA, Liney KE, Tyler CR (2006). Health effects in fish of long-term exposure to effluents from wastewater treatment works. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(S1), 81-89.
Liney K, Hagger JA, Tyler C, Depledge M, Galloway TS, Jobling S (2006). Health implications of developmental exposure of roach (Rutilus rutilus) to treated sewage effluents. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114, S1, 81-89.
Hagger JA, Depledge MH, Oehlmann J, Jobling S, Galloway TS (2006). Is there a causal association between genotoxicity and the imposex effect?. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114, 20-26.
DePledge M, Hagger J, Jobling S, Oehlmann J (2006). Is there a causal association between genotoxicity and the imposex effect?. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114, 20-26.
Galloway TS, Brown RJ, Browne MA, Dissanayake A, Lowe D, Depledge MH, Jones MB (2006). The ECOMAN project: a novel approach to defining sustainable ecosystem function. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 53(1-4), 186-194.
Brown, R.J. Dissanayake, A. Browne, M.A. (2006). The ECOMAN project: a novel approach to sustainable ecosystem function. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 53, 186-194.
Bowen RE, Halvorson H, Depledge MH (2006). The oceans and human health. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 53(10-12), 541-544.
Bowen RE, Halvorson H, Depledge MH (2006). The oceans and human health. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 53(10-12), 541-544.
Owen R, Mitchelmore C, Woodley C, Trapido-Rosenthal H, Galloway T, Depledge M, Readman J, Buxton L, Sarkiss S, Jones R, et al (2005). A common sense approach for confronting coral reef decline associated with human activitites. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51, 481-485.
Depledge MH, Galloway TS (2005). Healthy animals, healthy ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3(5), 251-258.
Depledge MH, Galloway TS (2005). Healthy animals, healthy ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3(5), 251-258. Abstract.
Sanders MB, Billinghurst Z, Depledge MH, Clare AS (2005). Larval development and vitellin-like protein expression in Palaemon elegans larvae following xeno-oestrogen exposure. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 45(1), 51-60.
Martins LKP, Nascimento IA, Fillmann G, King R, Evangelista AJA, Readman JW, Depledge MH (2005). Lysosomal responses as a diagnostic tool for the detection of chronic petroleum pollution at Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil. Environmental Research, 99(3), 387-396.
Martins LKP, Nascimento IA, Fillmann G, King R, Evangelista AJA, Readman JW, Depledge MH (2005). Lysosomal responses as a diagnostic tool for the detection of chronic petroleum pollution at Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil. Environmental Research, 99(3), 387-396. Abstract.
Owen R, Depledge MH (2005). Nanotechnology and the Environment: Risks and rewards. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50, 609-612.
Owen R, Depledge M (2005). Nanotechnology and the environment: Risks and rewards. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50(6), 609-612.
De Souza Abessa DM, Zaroni LP, De Sousa ECPM, Gasparro MR, Pereira CDS, De Figueredo Rachid BR, Depledge M, King RS (2005). Physiological and cellular responses in two populations of the mussel Perna perna collected at different sites from the Coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 48(2), 217-225. Abstract.
Abessa DMD, Zaroni LP, de Sousa ECPM, Gasparro MR, Pereira CDS, Rachid BRD, Depledge M, King RS (2005). Physiological and cellular responses in two populations of the mussel Perna perna collected at different sites from the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 48(2), 217-225.
Camus L, Gulliksen B, Depledge MH, Jones MB (2005). Polar bivalves are characterized by high antioxidant defences. Polar Research, 24(1-2), 111-118. Abstract.
Camus L, Gulliksen B, Depledge MH, Jones MB (2005). Polar bivalves are characterized by high antioxidant defences. Polar Research, 24(1-2), 111-118.
Naylor J, Depledge M (2005). Science, strategy and the agency. Tce(764), 17-17.
Hagger JA, Depledge MH, Galloway TS (2005). Toxicity of tributyltin in the marine mollusc Mytilus edulis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51(8-12), 811-816.
Hagger JA, Depledge MH, Galloway TS (2005). Toxicity of tributyltin in the marine mollusc Mytilus edulis. Mar Pollut Bull, 51(8-12), 811-816. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ford T, Jay J, Patel A, Kile M, Prommasith P, Galloway T, Sanger R, Smith K, Depledge M (2005). Use of ecotoxicological tools to evaluate the health of New Bedford Harbor sediments: a microbial biomarker approach. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(2), 186-191.
DePledge M, Ford T, Jay J, Patel A (2005). Use of ecotoxicological tools to evaluate the health of New Bedford Harbour sediments: a microbial biomarker approach. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, 186-191.
Galloway TS, Brown RJ, Browne MA, Dissanayake A, Lowe D, Jones MB, Depledge MH (2004). A multibiomarker approach to environmental assessment. Environ Sci Technol, 38(6), 1723-1731. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore MN, Depledge MH, Readman JW, Paul Leonard DR (2004). An integrated biomarker-based strategy for ecotoxicological evaluation of risk in environmental management. Mutat Res, 552(1-2), 247-268. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watson GM, Andersen OK, Depledge MH, Galloway TS (2004). Detecting a field gradient of PAH exposure in decapod crustacea using a novel urinary biomarker. Marine Environmental Research, 58(2-5), 257-261.
Anderson, O.K. Depledge, M.H. Galloway, T.S. (2004). Detecting a field gradient of PAH exposure in decapod crustacea using a novel urinary biomarker. , 58, 257-261.
Brown RJ, Galloway TS, Lowe D, Browne MA, Dissanayake A, Jones MB, Depledge MH (2004). Differential sensitivity of three marine invertebrates to copper assessed using multiple biomarkers. Aquat Toxicol, 66(3), 267-278. Abstract.  Author URL.
Galloway TS, Brown RJ, Browne MA, Dissanayake A, Lowe D, Jones MB, Depledge MH (2004). Ecosystem management bioindicators: the ECOMAN project - a multi-biomarker approach to ecosystem management. Marine Environmental Research, 58(2-5), 233-237.
Aguzzi J, Abelló P, Depledge MH (2004). Endogenous cardiac acitivity rhythms of continental slope Nephrops norvegicus (Decapoda: Nephropidae). Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 37(1), 55-64. Abstract.
Aguzzi J, Abello P, Depledge MH (2004). Endogenous cardiac activity rhythms of continental slope Nephrops norvegicus (Decapoda : Nephropidae). Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 37(1), 55-64.
Galloway, T.S. Browne, M.A. Dissanayake, A. (2004). Evaluation of toxicity in tribuitaries of the Mersey estuary using the isopod <em>Asellus aquaticus</em>. Marine Environmental Research, 58, 327-331.
O'Neill AJ, Galloway TS, Browne MA, Dissanayake A, Depledge MH (2004). Evaluation of toxicity in tributaries of the Mersey estuary using the isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.). Marine Environmental Research, 58(2-5), 327-331.
Mankasingh U, Worsfold P, Galloway TS, Depledge M (2004). Integrating ecotoxicology and analytical chemistry for the assessment of water quality. Comp. Biochem. Physiol
Watson GM, Andersen OK, Galloway TS, Depledge MH (2004). Rapid assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure in decapod crustaceans by fluorimetric analysis of urine and haemolymph. Aquatic Toxicology, 67(2), 127-142.
Watson GM, Andersen O-K, Galloway TS, Depledge MH (2004). Rapid assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure in decapod crustaceans by fluorimetric analysis of urine and haemolymph. Aquat Toxicol, 67(2), 127-142. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rewitz K, Styrishave B, Depledge MH, Andersen O (2004). Spatial and temporal distribution of shore crabs Carcinus maenas in a small tidal estuary (Looe Estuary, Cornwall, England). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 24(1), 178-187.
Rewitz K, Styrishave B, Depledge MH, Andersen O (2004). Spatial and temporal distribution of shore crabs Carcinus maenas in a small tidal estuary (Looe Estuary, Cornwall, England). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 24(1), 178-187. Abstract.
Galloway, T.S. Lowe, D. Dissanayake, A. (2004). The differential sensitivity of three invertebrates to copper assessed using biomarkers. Aquatic Toxicology, 66, 267-278.
Fillmann G, Watson GM, Howsam M, Francioni E, Depledge MH, Readman JW (2004). Urinary PAH Metabolites as Biomarkers of Exposure in Aquatic Environments. Environmental Science and Technology, 38(9), 2649-2656. Abstract.
Fillmann G, Watson GM, Howsam M, Francioni E, Depledge MH, Readman JW (2004). Urinary PAH metabolites as biomarkers of exposure in aquatic environments. Environmental Science & Technology, 38(9), 2649-2656.
Handy RD, Galloway TS, Depledge MH (2003). A proposal for the use of biomarkers for the assessment of chronic pollution and in regulatory toxicology. Ecotoxicology, 12(1-4), 331-343. Abstract.  Author URL.
Camus L, Birkely SR, Jones MB, Børseth JF, Grøsvik BE, Gulliksen B, Lønne OJ, Regoli F, Depledge MH (2003). Biomarker responses and PAH uptake in Mya truncata following exposure to oil-contaminated sediment in an Arctic fjord (Svalbard). Science of the Total Environment, 308(1-3), 221-234. Abstract.
Francioni E, Fillmann G, Hamacher C, Wagener ADR, Depledge MH, Readman JW, Meniconi MDG (2003). Evaluation of a commercially available ELISA kit as a tool to determine BTEX in groundwater. Environmental Technology, 24(6), 665-670.
Francioni E, Hamacher C, de Luca, Fillmann G, Depledge MH, Readman JW, de Fátima Guadalupe Meniconi M (2003). Evaluation of a commercially available elisa kit as a tool to determine btex in groundwater. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 24(6), 665-670. Abstract.
Styrishave B, Andersen O, Depledge MH (2003). In situ monitoring of heart rates in shore crabs Carcinus maenas in two tidal estuaries: Effects of physico-chemical parameters on tidal and diel rhythms. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 36(3), 161-175.
Styrishave B, Andersen O, Depledge MH (2003). In situ monitoring of heart rates in shore crabs Carcinus maenas in two tidal estuaries: Effects of physico-chemical parameters on tidal and diel rhythms. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 36(3), 161-175. Abstract.
Sanders MB, Billinghurst Z, Depledge MH, Clare AS (2003). Vitellin-like proteins in larval crustacea: Potential biomarkers of xeno-oestrogen exposure. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 43(6), 896-896.
Atienzar FA, Billinghurst Z, Depledge MH (2002). 4-n-Nonylphenol and 17-beta estradiol may induce common DNA effects in developing barnacle larvae. Environ Pollut, 120(3), 735-738. Abstract.  Author URL.
Owen R, Buxton L, Sarkis S, Toaspern M, Knap A, Depledge M (2002). An evaluation of hemolymph cholinesterase activities in the tropical scallop, Euvola (Pecten) ziczac, for the rapid assessment of pesticide exposure. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44(10), 1010-1017. Abstract.
Hagger JA, Fischer AF, Hill SJ, Depledge MH, Jha AN (2002). Cytotoxic, genotoxic and ontogenic effects of tri-n-butyltin (TBT) on the marine worm, Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta: Nereidae). Aquatic Toxicology, 57, 243-255.
Moore M, Depledge M, Jha A, Jones M, Livingstone D, Lowe D, Mantoura F, Moore A, Peters L, Readman J, et al (2002). Eleventh International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO 11): Plymouth, UK, 10-13 July 2001. Marine Environmental Research, 54(3-5).
Browne RA, Moller V, Forbes VE, Depledge MH (2002). Estimating genetic and environmental components of variance using sexual and clonal Artemia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 267(1), 107-119. Abstract.
Browne RA, Moller V, Forbes VE, Depledge MH (2002). Estimating genetic and environmental components of variance using sexual and clonal Artemia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 267(1), 107-119.
Atienzar FA, Venier P, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2002). Evaluation of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay for the detection of DNA damage and mutations. Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 521(1-2), 151-163.
Atienzar FA, Venier P, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2002). Evaluation of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay for the detection of DNA damage and mutations. Mutat Res, 521(1-2), 151-163. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hagger JA, Fisher AS, Hill SJ, Depledge MH, Jha AN (2002). Genotoxic, cytotoxic and ontogenetic effects of tri-n-butyltin on the marine worm, Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta : Nereidae). Aquatic Toxicology, 57(4), 243-255.
Hagger JA, Fisher AS, Hill SJ, Depledge MH, Jha AN (2002). Genotoxic, cytotoxic and ontogenetic effects of tri-n-butyltin on the marine worm, Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta: Nereidae). Aquat Toxicol, 57(4), 243-255. Abstract.  Author URL.
Camus L, Jones MB, Borseth JF, Regoli F, Depledge MH (2002). Heart rate, respiration and total oxyradical scavenging capacity of the Arctic spider crab, Hyas araneus, following exposure to polycyclic aromatic compounds via sediment and injection. Aquatic Toxicology, 61(1-2), 1-13. Abstract.
Camus L, Jones MB, Borseth JF, Regoli F, Depledge MH (2002). Heart rate, respiration and total oxyradical scavenging capacity of the Arctic spider crab, Hyas araneus, following exposure to polycyclic aromatic compounds via sediment and injection. Aquatic Toxicology, 61(1-2), 1-13.
Dewailly E, Furgal C, Knap A, Galvin J, Baden D, Bowen B, Depledge M, Duguay L, Fleming L, Ford T, et al (2002). Indicators of ocean and human health. Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique, 93, S34-S38.
Knap A, Dewailly E, Furgal C, Galvin J, Baden D, Bowen RE, Depledge M, Duguay L, Fleming LE, Ford T, et al (2002). Indicators of ocean health and human health: Developing a research and monitoring framework. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110(9), 839-845.
Knap A, Dewailly E, Furgal C, Galvin J, Baden D, Bowen RE, Depledge M, Duguay L, Fleming LE, Ford T, et al (2002). Indicators of ocean health and human health: developing a research and monitoring framework. Environ Health Perspect, 110(9), 839-845. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore M, Depledge M (2002). Marine environmental research - Pollutant responses in marine organisms (PRIMO 11) - Editorial. Marine Environmental Research, 54(3-5), III-IIV.
Moore M, Depledge M (2002). Marine environmental research - Pollutant responses in marine organisms (PRIMO 11) - Editorial. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 54(3-5), III-IV.  Author URL.
DePledge M, Galloway T, Sanger R, Smith R (2002). Rapid assessment of marine pollution using multiple biomarkers and chemical immunoassays. Environmental Science & Technology, 36(10), 2219-2226.
Galloway TS, Sanger RC, Smith KL, Fillmann G, Readman JW, Ford TE, Depledge MH (2002). Rapid assessment of marine pollution using multiple biomarkers and chemical immunoassays. Environmental Science & Technology, 36(10), 2219-2226.
Galloway TS, Millward N, Browne MA, Depledge MH (2002). Rapid assessment of organophosphorous/carbamate exposure in the bivalve mollusc Mytilus edulis using combined esterase activities as biomarkers. Aquatic Toxicology, 61(3-4), 169-180.
Galloway TS, Millward N, Browne MA, Depledge MH (2002). Rapid assessment of organophosphorous/carbamate exposure in the bivalve mollusc Mytilus edulis using combined esterase activities as biomarkers. Aquat Toxicol, 61(3-4), 169-180. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fillmann G, Galloway TS, Sanger RC, Depledge MH, Readman JW (2002). Relative performance of immunochemical (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and gas chromatography-electron-capture detection techniques to quantify polychlorinated biphenyls in mussel tissues. Analytica Chimica Acta, 461(1), 75-84.
Fillmann G, Galloway TS, Sanger RC, Depledge MH, Readman JW (2002). Relative performance of immunochemical (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and gas chromatography-electron-capture detection techniques to quantify polychlorinated biphenyls in mussel tissues. Analytica Chimica Acta, 461(1), 75-84. Abstract.
Fillmann G, Galloway TS, Sanger RC, Depledge MH, Readman JW (2002). The relative performance of immmunochemical (ELISA) and GC-EDC techniques to quantify PCBs in mussel tissues. Analytica Chimica Acta, 461, 75-84.
Atienzar FA, Evenden AJ, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2002). The use of random amplified polymorphic DNA assay as a biomaker for the detection of diverese genetic alterations: possible implication of confounding factors. Biomarkers, 7, 94-101.
Camus L, Jones MB, Borseth JF, Grosvik BE, Regoli F, Depledge MH (2002). Total oxyradical scavenging capacity and cell membrane stability of haemocytes of the Arctic scallop, Chlamys islandicus, following benzo(a)pyrene exposure. Marine Environmental Research, 54(3-5), 425-430.
Camus L, Jones MB, Børseth JF, Grøsvik BE, Regoli F, Depledge MH (2002). Total oxyradical scavenging capacity and cell membrane stability of haemocytes of the Arctic scallop, Chlamys islandicus, following benzo(a)pyrene exposure. Mar Environ Res, 54(3-5), 425-430. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bjerregaard P, Depledge MH (2002). Trace metal concentrations and contents in the tissues of the shore crab Carcinus maenas: Effects of size and tissue hydration. Marine Biology, 141(4), 741-752. Abstract.
Bjerregaard P, Depledge MH (2002). Trace metal concentrations and contents in the tissues of the shore crab Carcinus maenas: effects of size and tissue hydration. Marine Biology, 141(4), 741-752.
Atienzar FA, Evenden AJ, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2002). Use of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay for the detection of DNA damage and mutations: possible implications of confounding factors. Biomarkers, 7(1), 94-101.
Atienzar FA, Evenden AJ, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2002). Use of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay for the detection of DNA damage and mutations: possible implications of confounding factors. Biomarkers, 7(1), 94-101. Abstract.  Author URL.
Billinghurst Z, Clare AS, Depledge MH (2001). Effects of 4-n-nonylphenol and 17 beta-oestradiol on early development of the barnacle Elminius modestus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 257(2), 255-268.
Billinghurst Z, Clare AS, Depledge MH (2001). Effects of 4-n-nonylphenol and 17beta-oestradiol on early development of the barnacle Elminius modestus. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol, 257(2), 255-268. Abstract.  Author URL.
Atienzar FA, Cheung VV, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2001). Fitness parameters and DNA effects are sensitive indicators of copper-induced toxicity in Daphnia magna. Toxicological Sciences, 59(2), 241-250.
Atienzar FA, Cheung VV, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2001). Fitness parameters and DNA effects are sensitive indicators of copper-induced toxicity in Daphnia magna. Toxicol Sci, 59(2), 241-250. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lewis S, Donkin ME, Depledge MH (2001). Hsp70 expression in Enteromorpha intestinalis (Chlorophyta) exposed to environmental stressors. Aquatic Toxicology, 51(3), 277-291.
Lewis S, Donkin ME, Depledge MH (2001). Hsp70 expression in Enteromorpha intestinalis (Chlorophyta) exposed to environmental stressors. Aquat Toxicol, 51(3), 277-291. Abstract.  Author URL.
Galloway TS, Depledge MH (2001). Immunotoxicity in invertebrates: Measurement and ecotoxicological relevance. Ecotoxicology, 10(1), 5-23.
Galloway TS, Depledge MH (2001). Immunotoxicity in invertebrates: measurement and ecotoxicological relevance. Ecotoxicology, 10(1), 5-23. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wells PG, Depledge MH, Butler JN, Manock JJ, Knap AH (2001). Rapid toxicity assessment and biomonitoring of marine contaminants - Exploiting the potential of rapid biomarker assays and microscale toxicity tests. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(10), 799-804. Abstract.
Wells PG, Depledge MH, Butler JN, Manock JJ, Knap AH (2001). Rapid toxicity assessment and biomonitoring of marine contaminants - Exploiting the potential of rapid biomarker assays and microscale toxicity tests. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(10), 799-804.
Cordi B, Donkin ME, Peloquin J, Price DN, Depledge MH (2001). The influence of UV-B radiation on the reproductive cells of the intertidal macroalga, Enteromorpha intestinalis. Aquatic Toxicology, 56(1), 1-11.
Cordi B, Donkin ME, Peloquin J, Price DN, Depledge MH (2001). The influence of UV-B radiation on the reproductive cells of the intertidal macroalga, Enteromorpha intestinalis. Aquat Toxicol, 56(1), 1-11. Abstract.  Author URL.
Curtis TM, Williamson R, Depledge MH (2001). The initial mode of action of copper on the cardiac physiology of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. Aquatic Toxicology, 52(1), 29-38.
Curtis TM, Williamson R, Depledge MH (2001). The initial mode of action of copper on the cardiac physiology of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. Aquat Toxicol, 52(1), 29-38. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fossi MC, Casini S, Savelli C, Corbelli C, Franchi E, Mattei N, Sanchez-Hernandez JC, Corsi I, Bamber S, Depledge MH, et al (2000). Biomarker responses at different levels of biological organization in crabs (Carcinus aestuarii) experimentally exposed to benzo(α)pyrene. Chemosphere, 40(8), 861-874. Abstract.
Morrall CE, Galloway TS, Trapido-Rosenthal HG, Depledge MH (2000). Characterisation of nitric oxide synthase activity in the tropical sea anemone Aiptasia pallida. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol, 125(4), 483-491. Abstract.  Author URL.
Atienzar FA, Cordi B, Donkin ME, Evenden AJ, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2000). Comparison of ultraviolet-induced genotoxicity detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA with chlorophyll fluorescence and growth in a marine macroalgae, Palmaria palmata. Aquat Toxicol, 50(1-2), 1-12. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jha AN, Cheung VV, Foulkes ME, Hill SJ, Depledge MH (2000). Detection of genotoxins in the marine environment: adoption and evaluation of an integrated approach using the embryo-larval stages of the marine mussel, Mytilus edulis. Mutat Res, 464(2), 213-228. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jha AN, Hagger JA, Hill SJ, Depledge MH (2000). Genotoxic, cytotoxic and developmental effects of tributyltin oxide (TBTO): an integrated approach to the evaluation of the relative sensitivities of two marine species. Mar Environ Res, 50(1-5), 565-573. Abstract.  Author URL.
Billinghurst Z, Clare AS, Matsumura K, Depledge MH (2000). Induction of cypris major protein in barnacle larvae by exposure to 4-n-nonylphenol and 17β-oestradiol. Aquatic Toxicology, 47(3-4), 203-212. Abstract.
Atienzar F, Evenden A, Jha A, Savva D, Depledge M (2000). Optimized RAPD analysis generates high-quality genomic DNA profiles at high annealing temperature. Biotechniques, 28(1), 52-54.  Author URL.
Curtis TM, Williamson R, Depledge MH (2000). Simultaneous, long-term monitoring of valve and cardiac activity in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis exposed to copper. Marine Biology, 136(5), 837-846. Abstract.
Aagaard A, Styrishave B, Warman CG, Depledge MH (2000). The use of cardiac monitoring in the assessment of mercury toxicity in the subtropical pebble crab <i>Gaetice depressus</i> (Brachyura: Grapsidae: Varuninae). SCIENTIA MARINA, 64(4), 381-386.  Author URL.
Ringwood AH, Hameedi MJ, Lee RF, Brouwer M, Peters EC, Scott GI, Luoma SN, DiGiulio RT, Depledge M, Steinert S, et al (1999). Bivalve Biomarker Workshop: overview and discussion group summaries. BIOMARKERS, 4(6), 391-399.  Author URL.
Hebel DK, Jones MB, Moate RM, Depledge MH (1999). Differing sensitivities of respiratory and osmoregulatory gill tissue of Carcinus maenas (Crustacea: Decapoda) to water-borne copper. Marine Biology, 133(4), 675-681. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Billinghurst Z (1999). Ecological significance of endocrine disruption in marine invertebrates. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 39(1-12), 335-345.
Conradi M, Depledge MH (1999). Effects of zinc on the life-cycle, growth and reproduction of the marine amphipod Corophium volutator. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 176, 131-138. Abstract.
Cordi B, Hyde P, Donkin ME, Price DN, Depledge MH (1999). Evaluation of in vivo thallus absorptance and chlorophyll fluorescence as biomarkers of UV-B exposure and effects in marine macroalgae from different tidal levels. Marine Environmental Research, 48(3), 193-212. Abstract.
Sparagano O, Sage T, Fossi MC, Lari L, Child P, Savva D, Depledge M, Bamber S, Walker C (1999). Induction of a putative monooxygenase of crabs (Carcinus spp.) by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Biomarkers, 4(3), 203-213. Abstract.
Bloxham MJ, Worsfold PJ, Depledge MH (1999). Integrated biological and chemical monitoring: in situ physiological responses of freshwater crayfish to fluctuations in environmental ammonia concentrations. Ecotoxicology, 8(3), 225-237. Abstract.
Brown RJ, Conradi M, Depledge MH (1999). Long-term exposure to 4-nonylphenol affects sexual differentiation and growth of the amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas, 1766). Science of the Total Environment, 233(1-3), 77-88. Abstract.
Handy RD, Depledge MH (1999). Physiological responses: Their measurement and use as environmental biomarkers in ecotoxicology. Ecotoxicology, 8(5), 329-349. Abstract.
Atienzar FA, Conradi M, Evenden AJ, Jha AN, Depledge MH (1999). Qualitative assessment of genotoxicity using random-amplified polymorphic DNA: Comparison of genomic template stability with key fitness parameters in Daphnia magna exposed to benzo[a]pyrene. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18(10), 2275-2282. Abstract.
Lewis S, Handy RD, Cordi B, Billinghurst Z, Depledge MH (1999). Stress proteins (HSP's): Methods of detection and their use as an environmental biomarker. Ecotoxicology, 8(5), 351-368. Abstract.
Curtis TM, Depledge MH, Williamson R (1999). Voltage-activated currents in cardiac myocytes of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - a Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 124(2), 231-241. Abstract.
Lundebye AK, Depledge MH (1998). Automated interpulse duration assessment (AIDA) in the shore crab <i>Carcinus maenas</i> in response to copper exposure. MARINE BIOLOGY, 130(4), 613-620.  Author URL.
Pedersen SN, Pedersen KL, Højrup P, Knudsen J, Depledge MH (1998). Induction and identification of cadmium-, zinc- and copper-metallothioneins in the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.). Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol, 120(2), 251-259. Abstract.  Author URL.
Billinghurst Z, Clare AS, Fileman T, Mcevoy J, Readman J, Depledge MH (1998). Inhibition of barnacle settlement by the environmental oestrogen 4-nonylphenol and the natural oestrogen 17β oestradiol. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 36(10), 833-839. Abstract.
Conradi M, Depledge MH (1998). Population responses of the marine amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas, 1766) to copper. Aquatic Toxicology, 44(1-2), 31-45. Abstract.
Depledge MH (1998). Recovery of ecosystems and their components following exposure to pollution. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery, 6(3), 199-206. Abstract.
Depledge MH (1998). The ecotoxicological significance of genotoxicity in marine invertebrates. Mutat Res, 399(1), 109-122. Abstract.  Author URL.
Andersen JL, Depledge MH (1997). A survey of total mercury and methylmercury in edible fish and invertebrates from Azorean waters. Marine Environmental Research, 44(3), 331-350. Abstract.
Scott-Fordsmand JJ, Depledge MH (1997). Changes in the tissue concentrations and contents of calcium copper and zinc in the shore crab carcinus maenas (L.) (Crustacea: Decapoda) during the moult cycle and following copper exposure during ecdysis. Marine Environmental Research, 44(4), 397-414. Abstract.
Attrill MJ, Depledge MH (1997). Community and population indicators of ecosystem health: Targeting links between levels of biological organisation. Aquatic Toxicology, 38(1-3), 183-197. Abstract.
Lundebye AK, Curtis TM, Braven J, Depledge MH (1997). Effects of the organophosphorous pesticide, dimethoate, on cardiac and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Aquatic Toxicology, 40(1), 23-36. Abstract.
Bamber SD, Depledge MH (1997). Evaluation of changes in the adaptive physiology of shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) as an indicator of pollution in estuarine environments. Marine Biology, 129(4), 667-672. Abstract.
Cordi B, Depledge MH, Price DN, Salter LF, Donkin ME (1997). Evaluation of chlorophyll fluorescence, in vivo spectrophotometric pigment absorption and ion leakage as biomarkers of UV-B exposure in marine macroalgae. Marine Biology, 130(1), 41-49. Abstract.
Pedersen SN, Lundebye AK, Depledge MH (1997). Field application of metallothionein and stress protein biomarkers in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas) exposed to trace metals. Aquatic Toxicology, 37(2-3), 183-200. Abstract.
Evenden AJ, Depledge MH (1997). Genetic susceptibility in ecosystems: the challenge for ecotoxicology. Environ Health Perspect, 105 Suppl 4(Suppl 4), 849-854. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bloxham MJ, Depledge MH, Worsfold PJ (1997). In situ flow-Injection monitoring of ammonia in landfill leachate. Laboratory Robotics and Automation, 9(4), 175-183. Abstract.
Casini S, Depledge MH (1997). Influence of copper, zinc, and iron on cadmium accumulation in the Talitrid amphipod, Platorchestia platensis. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 59(3), 500-506.
Curtis TM, Williamson R, Depledge MH (1997). Ionic currents in ventricular myocytes of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 504P, P12-P12.  Author URL.
Cobb CS, Curtis TM, Williamson R, Depledge MH (1997). Non-invasive recording of embryo activity in the egg of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 504P, P3-P3.  Author URL.
Bamber SD, Depledge MH (1997). Responses of shore crabs to physiological challenges following exposure to selected environmental contaminants. Aquatic Toxicology, 40(1), 79-92. Abstract.
Abelló P, Aagaard A, Warman CG, Depledge MH (1997). Spatial variability in the population structure of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (Crustacea: Brachyura) in a shallow-water, weakly tidal fjord. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 147(1-3), 97-103. Abstract.
Lundebye AK, Langston WJ, Depledge MH (1997). Stress proteins and condition index as biomarkers of tributyltin exposure and effect in mussels. Ecotoxicology, 6(3), 127-136. Abstract.
Cordi B, Fossi C, Depledge M (1997). Temporal biomarker responses in wild passerine birds exposed to pesticide spray drift. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 16(10), 2118-2124. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Lundebye AK, Curtis T, Aagaard A, Andersen BB (1996). Automated Interpulse-Duration Assessment (AIDA): a new technique for detecting disturbances in cardiac activity in selected macroinvertebrates. Marine Biology, 126(2), 313-319. Abstract.
Styrishave B, Depledge MR (1996). Evaluation of mercury-induced changes in circadian heart rate rhythms in the freshwater crab, Potamon potamios and the crayfish, Astacus astacus as an early predictor of mortality. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - a Physiology, 115(4), 349-356. Abstract.
Depledge MH (1996). Genetic ecotoxicology: an overview. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 200(1-2), 57-66. Abstract.
Gray JS, Depledge M, Knap A (1996). Global climate controversy. JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 276(5), 372-373.  Author URL.
Fossi MC, Casini S, Savelli C, Lari L, Corsi I, Sanchez-Hernandez JC, Mattei N, Franchi E, Depledge M, Bamber S, et al (1996). Multi-trial biomarker approach using Carcinus aestuarii to evaluate toxicological risk due to Mediterranean contaminants: Field and experimental studies. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 5(11-12), 706-711. Abstract.
Møller V, Forbes VE, Depledge MH (1996). Population responses to acute and chronic cadmium exposure in sexual and asexual estuarine gastropods. Ecotoxicology, 5(5), 313-326. Abstract.
Pedersen SN, Pedersen KL, Højrup P, Depledge MH, Knudsen J (1996). Primary structures of decapod crustacean metallothioneins with special emphasis on freshwater and semi-terrestrial species. Biochem J, 319 ( Pt 3)(Pt 3), 999-1003. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lowe DM, Fossato VU, Depledge MH (1995). Contaminant-induced lysosomal membrane damage in blood cells of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Venice Lagoon: an in vitro study. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 129(1-3), 189-196. Abstract.
Aagaard A, Warman CG, Depledge MH, Naylor E (1995). Dissociation of Heart Rate and Locomotor Activity During the Expression of Rhythmic Behaviour in the Shore Crab Carcinus Maenas. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 26(1), 1-10. Abstract.
Lundebye AK, Vedel GR, Krogsdam Christensen AM, Kristiansen K, Hunter D, Depledge MH (1995). Improved quantification of stress proteins by western blotting. Analytica Chimica Acta, 311(1), 109-114. Abstract.
Aagaard A, Warman CG, Depledge MH (1995). Tidal and seasonal changes in the temporal and spatial distribution of foraging Carcinus maenas in the weakly tidal littoral zone of Kerteminde Fjord, Denmark. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 122(1-3), 165-172.
Kure LK, Depledge MH (1994). Accumulation of organotin in Littorina littorea and Mya arenaria from Danish coastal waters. Environ Pollut, 84(2), 149-157. Abstract.  Author URL.
Andersen JL, Depledge MH (1994). Arsenic accumulation in the shore crab Carcinus maenas: the influence of nutritional state, sex and exposure concentration. Marine Biology, 118(2), 285-292. Abstract.
Bjerregaard P, Depledge MH (1994). Cadmium accumulation in Littorina littorea, Mytilus edulis and Carcinus maenas: the influence of salinity and calcium ion concentrations. Marine Biology, 119(3), 385-395. Abstract.
Anderson S, Sadinski W, Shugart L, Brussard P, Depledge M, Ford T, Hose J, Stegeman J, Suk W, Wirgin I, et al (1994). Genetic and molecular ecotoxicology: a research framework. Environ Health Perspect, 102 Suppl 12(Suppl 12), 3-8. Abstract.  Author URL.
Depledge MH (1994). Genotypic toxicity: implications for individuals and populations. Environ Health Perspect, 102 Suppl 12(Suppl 12), 101-104. Abstract.  Author URL.
Møller V, Forbes VE, Depledg MH (1994). Influence of acclimation and exposure temperature on the acute toxicity of cadmium to the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (hydrobiidae). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 13(9), 1519-1524. Abstract.
Pedersen KL, Pedersen SN, Højrup P, Andersen JS, Roepstorff P, Knudsen J, Depledge MH (1994). Purification and characterization of a cadmium-induced metallothionein from the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.). Biochem J, 297 ( Pt 3)(Pt 3), 609-614. Abstract.  Author URL.
Depledge MH, Fossi MC (1994). The role of biomarkers in environmental assessment (2). Invertebrates. Ecotoxicology, 3(3), 161-172. Abstract.
Weeks JM, Jensen FB, Depledge MH (1993). Acid-base status, haemolymph composition and tissue copper accumulation in the shore crab Carcinus maenas exposed to combined copper and salinity stress. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 97(1), 91-98.
Depledge MH, Forbes TL, Forbes VE (1993). Evaluation of cadmium, copper, zinc, and iron concentrations and tissue distributions in the benthic crab, Dorippe granulata (De Haan, 1841) from Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. Environ Pollut, 81(1), 15-19. Abstract.  Author URL.
Clausen PS, Bjerregaard P, Depledge MH (1993). Passive and active cadmium uptake in the isolated gills of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.). Chemosphere, 26(12), 2209-2219. Abstract.
Scott-Fordsmand JJ, Depledge MH (1993). The influence of starvation and copper exposure on the composition of the dorsal carapace and distribution of trace metals in the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C: Comparative, 106(2), 537-543. Abstract.
Forbes VE, Depledge MH (1992). Cadmium effects on the carbon and energy balance of mudsnails. Marine Biology, 113(2), 263-269. Abstract.
Depledge PMH (1992). Danish environmental research. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 24(7), 339-342.
Hansen JI, Mustafa T, Depledge M (1992). Mechanisms of copper toxicity in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas - I. Effects on Na,K-ATPase activity, haemolymph electrolyte concentrations and tissue water contents. Marine Biology, 114(2), 253-257. Abstract.
Hansen JI, Mustafa T, Depledge M (1992). Mechanisms of copper toxicity in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas - II. Effects on key metabolic enzymes, metabolites and energy charge potential. Marine Biology, 114(2), 259-264. Abstract.
Forbes VE, Depledge MH (1992). Predicting population response to pollutants: the significance of sex. Functional Ecology, 6(4), 376-381. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Weeks JM, Frias Martins A, Tristao Da Cunha R, Costa A (1992). The Azores Exploitation and pollution of the coastal ecosystem. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 24(9), 433-435.
Aagaard A, Andersen BB, Depledge MH (1991). Simultaneous monitoring of physiological and behavioural activity in marine organisms using non-invasive, computer-aided techniques. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 73(2-3), 277-282. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Andersen BB (1990). A computer-aided physiological monitoring system for continuous, long-term recording of cardiac activity in selected invertebrates. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part A: Physiology, 96(4), 473-477. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Rainbow PS (1990). Models of regulation and accumulation of trace metals in marine invertebrates. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C, Comparative, 97(1), 1-7. Abstract.
Depledge MH (1990). New approaches in ecotoxicology: can inter-individual physiological variability be used as a tool to investigate pollution effects?. AMBIO, 19(5), 251-252.
Depledge MH, Bjerregaard P (1989). Haemolymph protein composition and copper levels in decapod crustaceans. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, 43(2), 207-223. Abstract.
Depledge MH (1989). Observations on the feeding behaviour of Gaetice depressus (Grapsidae: Varuninae) with special reference to suspension feeding. Marine Biology, 100(2), 253-259. Abstract.
Depledge MH (1989). Re-evaluation of metabolic requirements for copper and zinc in decapod crustaceans. Marine Environmental Research, 27(2), 115-126. Abstract.
Depledge M (1989). The rational basis for detection of the early effects of marine pollutants using physiological indicators. AMBIO, 18(5), 301-302.
Depledge MH (1987). Enhanced copper toxicity resulting from environmental stress factor synergies. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology, 87(1), 15-19.
Depledge MH, Phillips DJH (1986). Circulation, respiration and fluid dynamics in the gastropod mollusc, Hemifusus tuba (Gmelin). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 95(1), 1-13.
Phillips DJH, Depledge MH (1986). Distribution of inorganic and total arsenic in tissues of the marine gastropod Hemifusus ternatanus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 34, 261-266.
Depledge MH (1986). Global implications of Chernobyl. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 17(7), 281-282.
Phillips DJH, Depledge MH (1985). Metabolic pathways involving arsenic in marine organisms: a unifying hypothesis. Marine Environmental Research, 17(1), 1-12.
Depledge MH (1985). Peak inspiratory flow: measurement using a modified mini Wright peak flow meter. Thorax, 40(3), 205-206.
Depledge MH (1985). Respiration and lung function in the mouse, Mus musculus (with a note on mass exponents and respiratory variables). Respiration Physiology, 60(1), 83-94.
Depledge MH (1984). Changes in cardiac activity, oxygen uptake and perfusion indices in Carcinus maenas (L.) exposed to crude oil and dispersant. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology, 78(2), 461-466.
Depledge MH (1984). Disruption of circulatory and respiratory activity in shore crabs (Carcinus maenas (L.)) exposed to heavy metal pollution. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology, 78(2), 445-459.
Depledge MH (1984). Photoplethysmography—a non-invasive technique for monitoring heart beat and ventilation rate in decapod crustaceans. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 77(2), 369-371.
Depledge MH (1984). The influence of aerial exposure on gas exchange and cardiac activity in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 79(3), 339-344.
Barrett A, Depledge MH, Powles RL (1983). Interstitial pneumonitis following bone marrow transplantation after low dose rate total body irradiation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 9(7), 1029-1033.
Depledge MH, Barrett A, Powles RL (1983). Lung function after bone marrow grafting. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 9(2), 145-151.
Paradinas FJ, Sloane JP, Depledge MH, Morgenstern GR, Monaghan P, Roberts JDB, Corrin B (1983). PULMONARY FAT EMBOLISATION AFTER BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION. The Lancet, 321(8326), 715-716.
Depledge MH, Collis CH, Barrett A (1981). A technique for measuring carbon monoxide uptake in mice. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 7(4), 485-489.
DEPLEDGE M, BARRETT A (1981). Aseptic techniques for lung function testing. Journal of Hospital Infection, 2, 369-372.
Depledge MH (1978). Cardiac activity of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 60(1), 65-67.


Carlarne C, Depledge MH (2019). Climate change, environmental health, and human rights. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 653-660. Abstract.
White M, Lovell R, Wheeler B, Pahl S, Voelker S, Depledge M (2017). Blue Landscapes and Public Health. In van den Bosch M, Bird W (Eds.) Landscape and Public Health, Oxford OU.
Smith PN, Afzal M, Al-Hasan R, Bouwman H, Castillo LE, Depledge MH, Subramanian M, Dhananjayan V, Fossi C, Kitulagodage M, et al (2016). Global perspectives on wildlife toxicology emerging issues. In  (Ed) Wildlife Toxicology: Emerging Contaminant and Biodiversity Issues, 197-255.
White MP, Bell S, Jenkin R, Wheeler B, Depledge M (2016). The benefits of blue exercise. In Barton J, Bragg R, Wood C, Pretty J (Eds.) Green Exercise: Linking Nature, Health and Well-Being, Routledge.
Wheeler B, White M, Fleming LE, Taylor T, Harvey A, Depledge MH (2014). Influences of the Oceans on human health and wellbeing. In Bowen R, Depledge MH, Carlarne CP, Fleming LE (Eds.) Oceans and Human Health: Implications for Society and Well-Being, London: Wiley.
Carlarne C, Depledge MH (2011). Climate Change, Environmental Health, and Human Rights. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 699-707. Abstract.
Schlenk D, Handy R, Steinert S, Depledge MH, Benson W (2008). Biomarkers. In Di Giulio RT, Hinton DE (Eds.) The Toxicology of Fishes, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 683-731.
Metcalfe C, Bennett E, Chappell M, Steevens J, Depledge M (2008). SMARTEN: Management and Assessment of Risks and Toxicity of Engineered Nanomaterials. In Linkov I (Ed) Nanotechnologies: Risks and Benefits, Springer, 95-110.
Owen R, Crane M, Greiger K, Handy RD, Linkov I, Depledge M (2008). Strategic Approaches for the Management of Environmental Risk Uncertainties Posed by Nanomaterials. In Linkov I (Ed) Nanotechnologies: Risks and Benefits, Springer, 369-384.
Handy RD, Jha AN, Depledge MH (2002). Biomarker approaches for ecotoxicological biomonitoring at different levels of biological organisation. In Burden F, Forstner U, Guenther A, McKelvie I (Eds.) Environmental Monitoring Handbook, McGraw Hill, 9.1-9.31.


Depledge MH (In Press). Adult respiratory distress syndrome following bone marrow transplantation. 6th European Bone Marrow Transplant Conference. Abstract.
Depledge MH (In Press). Aspects of the ecophysiology of Asaphis dichotoma. Second International Workshop on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Sloane JP, Morganstern G, Barrett A, Powles RL (In Press). Classification of post-bone marrow transplant lung complications. 9th European Bone Marrow Transplant Conference. p 84.
Depledge MH, HUGHES RG, Mackenzie J, Lumley H, Morgenstern GF (In Press). Haemolytic uraemic syndrome following bone marrow transplantation. 9th European Bone Marrow Transplant Conference. Abstract.
Depledge MH (In Press). Physiological responses of the Indo-Pacific mangrove bivalve Geloina erosa. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China.
Depledge MH, Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Muindi J, Powles RL (In Press). Prostaglandin administration to patients with cancer. Prostaglandins and Cancer: First International Conference.
Depledge MH (2009). Novel approaches and technologies in pollution assessment and monitoring: a UK perspective. Abstract.
Cheung VV, Jha A, Owen R, Depledge MH, Galloway TS (2006). Development of the in vivo chromosome aberration assay in oyster (Crassostrea gigas) embryo-larvae for genotoxicity assessment. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bowen RE, Depledge MH (2006). Rapid Assessment of Marine Pollution (RAMP). Abstract.
Sanders MB, Billinghurst Z, Depledge MH, Clare AS (2005). Larval Development and Vitellin-like Protein Expression in Palaemon elegans Larvae Following Xeno-oestrogen Exposure. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ford T, Jay J, Patel A, Kile M, Prommasith P, Galloway T, Sanger R, Smith K, Depledge M (2005). Use of ecotoxicological tools to evaluate the health of New Bedford Harbor sediments: a microbial biomarker approach. Abstract.  Author URL.
Galloway TS, Brown RJ, Browne MA, Dissanayake A, Lowe D, Jones MB, Depledge MH (2004). Ecosystem management bioindicators: the ECOMAN project--a multi-biomarker approach to ecosystem management. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sanders MB, Billinghurst Z, Depledge MH, Clare AS (2003). Vitellin-like proteins in larval crustacea: Potential biomarkers of xeno-oestrogen exposure.  Author URL.
Fillmann G, Watson GM, Francioni E, Readman JW, Depledge MH (2002). A non-destructive assessment of the exposure of crabs to PAH using ELISA analyses of their urine and haemolymph. Abstract.
Dewailly E, Furgal C, Knap A, Galvin J, Baden D, Bowen B, Depledge M, Duguay L, Fleming L, Ford T, et al (2002). Indicators of ocean and human health. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith KL, Galloway TS, Depledge MH (2000). Neuro-endocrine biomarkers of pollution-induced stress in marine invertebrates. Abstract.  Author URL.
Camus L, Grøsvik BE, Børseth JF, Jones MB, Depledge MH (2000). Stability of lysosomal and cell membranes in haemocytes of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis): Effect of low temperatures. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Billinghurst Z (1999). Ecological significance of endocrine disruption in marine invertebrates. Abstract.
Astley KN, Meigh HC, Glegg GA, Braven J, Depledge MH (1999). Multi-variate analysis of biomarker responses in Mytilus edulis and Carcinus maenas from the Tees Estuary (UK). Abstract.
Atienzar F, Child P, Evenden A, Jha A, Savva D, Walker C, Depledge M (1998). Application of the arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction for the detection of DNA damage. Abstract.
Wedderburn J, Cheung V, Bamber S, Bloxham M, Depledge MH (1998). Biomarkers of biochemical and cellular stress in Carcinus maenas: an in situ field study. Abstract.
Morrall CE, Trapido-Rosenthal HG, Knap AH, Depledge MH (1998). Development of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase as ecotoxicological biomarkers in the tropical marine environment.  Author URL.
Lundebye AK, Depledge MH (1998). Molecular and physiological responses in shore crabs Carcinus maenas following exposure to copper. Abstract.
Cheung VV, Wedderburn RJ, Depledge MH (1998). Molluscan lysosomal responses as a diagnostic tool for the detection of a pollution gradient in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. Abstract.
Lewis S, May S, Donkin ME, Depledge MH (1998). The influence of copper and heatshock on the physiology and cellular stress response of Enteromorpha intestinalis. Abstract.
Hebel DK, Jones MB, Depledge MH (1997). Responses of crustaceans to contaminant exposure: a holistic approach. Abstract.
Fossi MC, Lari L, Casini S, Mattei N, Savelli C, Sanchez-Hernandez JC, Castellani S, Depledge M, Bamber S, Walker C, et al (1996). Biochemical and genotoxic biomarkers in the Mediterranean crab Carcinus aestuarii experimentally exposed to polychlorobiphenyls, benzopyrene and methyl-mercury. Abstract.
Moore MN, Wedderburn RJ, Lowe DM, Depledge MH (1996). Lysosomal reaction to xenobiotics in mussel hemocytes using BODIPY-FL-verapamil. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Lundebye AK (1996). Physiological monitoring of contaminant effects in individual rock crabs, Hemigrapsus edwardsi: the ecotoxicological significance of variability in response. Abstract.
Hansen IV, Weeks JM, Depledge MH (1995). Accumulation of copper, zinc, cadmium and chromium by the marine sponge Halichondria panicea Pallas and the implications for biomonitoring. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Aagaard A, Györkös P (1995). Assessment of trace metal toxicity using molecular, physiological and behavioural biomarkers. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Hopkin SP (1995). Methods to assess effects on brackish, estuarine, and near-coastal water organisms.  Author URL.
Vedel GR, Depledge MH (1995). Stress-70 levels in the gills of Carcinus maenas exposed to copper. Abstract.
Rasmussen AD, Krag A, Bjerregaard P, Weeks JM, Depledge MH (1995). The effects of trace metals on the apparent water permeability of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) and the brown shrimp Crangon crangon (L.). Abstract.
Styrishave B, Rasmussen AD, Depledge MH (1995). The influence of bulk and trace metals on the circadian rhythm of heart rates in freshwater crayfish, Astacus astacus. Abstract.


Wheeler BW, Depledge MH (2016). Section 3: Indicators of urban green space availability, accessibility and usage, and assessment of their health relevance. World Health Organisation,  Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Depledge MH, Fosse-Hansen S, Howard V, Martuzzi M (2013). Nanotechnology and human health: Scientific evidence and risk governance. WHO. Abstract.
Camus L, Depledge MH, Lønne OJ (2002). Biomarkers in the soft shell Arctic clam Mya truncata: Seasonal variability and impact of PAH. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Barrett A, Morgenstern G, Powles RL, Sloane JP, Waterson G (1981). Late effects of total body irradiation in Man. Commission of the European Communities. Abstract.

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Former Visiting Professorships at the School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA (1998 to 2004), Imperial College, London (2003-2009) and Keeley Visiting Fellow at Wadham College, Oxford University (2006).

Honorary Professor, Department of Zoology, Oxford University (ongoing)

Honorary Professor, University College, London (ongoing).

Poulsson Medal of Honour, Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (2009).

Doctor of Science (honoris causa), University of Westminster (2011).

Committee/panel activities

Advisor to UNEP, IMO and IOC.

Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee (UK Government)

Chair of the Science Advisory Group (Environment and Climate Change) European Union DG-Research and Innovation.

Royal Society Representative (Environment) on the European Academies Science Advisory Council.

Chair of the Advisory Group on Nanomaterials and Human Health (World Health Organisation).

Member of the committee of Global Environmental Change and Human Health (United Nations).

Chair of the Advisory Board, ECEHH- UEMS.

Member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (2007-2012)

Honorary Visiting Professorship at UCL.

Editorial responsibilities


Marine Environmental Research (Special Issue)

Invited lectures

Invited Distinguished Keynote lecture:”Environment and Human Health in Africa in the 21st Century”, February 2010, Eckherd College, Florida, USA

Awarded the “Poulsson Medal for Distinguished Work in Pharmacology and Toxicology”, and gave invited keynote lecture “Nanotechnology: implications for the environment and human health”. Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology, December 2010

Invited lecture: “Nanomaterials and Health”, Franco-British Workshop on the Potential Human Health and Environmental Issues associated with Nanotechnologies, British Embassy, Paris, March 2010

Invited Seminar “The future of ecotoxicology” National Agricultural Research Institute of France (INRA), Rennes, France, May 2010

Invited Keynote: “How do pollutants affect evolutionary processes?” Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Seville, Spain, May 2010

Invited keynote lecture: “Ecotoxicological Implications of Global Environmental Change” 27th Congress of the European Society of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (ESCBP), Alessandria, Italy, September 2010.

Invited lecture; “Water and the Environment” at the Potent Substances on the Boundaries of Food & Medicine conference, Wellcome Trust Centre, London, September 2010.

Invited keynote and Session Chair “Health and Ecosystems” Natural Capital Initiative (NERC/CEH), British Library Conference Centre, London, September 2010.

Invited Distinguished ARA Lecture,”The Value of Nature”, Technical University of Vienna, December 2010 (note previous lecturer was Robert F. Kennedy Jr: next lecturer is Gro Harland Bruntland).

Invited Distinguished Lecture: “How does Biodiversity Influence Human Health, Well-being and Prosperity”, Faculty of Law, University of South Carolina, USA. March 2011 .

Distinguished keynote lecture: “Nature, Health and Wellbeing”, National Conference on the Environment, University College Cork, Ireland, April 2011

Invited keynote lecture: “Health and wellbeing from the Environment”, First Conference of College of Medicine, Mansion House, London, May 2011

Invited Plenary lecture: “Citizen Science for the environment and human health”, Citizen Science Workshop, European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, June 2011

Invited to give the “Chiltern Lecture” at Health Protection Agency, Chilton, Didcot (Title: Re-evaluating interconnections between the environment and human health). April 2012

Invited by the Prime Minister of Bhutan, to participate at the High-Level Meeting on “Happiness and Wellbeing: Defining A New Economic Paradigm”, held at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York, April 2012.

HRH Prince of Wales Pharma Project, Business, Health and prosperity, leadership for the future of Human Health. Invited keynote lecture – “The future of human health – the implications of social and environmental change”, held at the Royal Society, London. June 2012

Invited lecture: “Innovation: How do we value health? “ given to the National Health Service – Sustainable Development Unit Routemap event, held at Buro Happold, London, July 2012

Invited keynote: “Coastal environments, health and wellbeing.” Given at the International Workshop Climate change adaption strategies for coastal cities, Venice, Italy. September 2012

Invited lecture at 3rd SETAC Central Eastern Europe Conference, Poland - Ecotoxicology Revisited Mike’s talk to be titled “Ecotoxicological Enlightenment” September 2012

Natural Childhood Summit (National Trust event), London, September 2012. Mike’s talk: the benefits of nature

Rhodes Conference (William Morris organising), 10th Anniversary Session, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilisations"., October 2012. Mike’s talk: A Nanomaterial World: Threats and Opportunities

Sustainable Health and Social Care: Research & Development Summit at the King’s Fund, London. November 2012

Science and Policy for Change: Children, place and health in Scotland, Title of talk: The methodological challenges of complex science-policy questions” November 2012

Forum of Innovation event, Rome. December 2012

Bridging the Gap: How can horizon scanning and strategic futures be used to inform policy. Defence Capability Centre Conference Hall, Defence Academy, Shrivenham. January 2013

Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, 31 January-3 February 2013

Media Coverage

Sunday Times, Guardian, ITN.

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He led the creation of the Masters in Environment and Human Health at ECEHH and gives lectures on the course.

Supervision of PhD students.

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Office Hours:

Professor Depledge is now retired from the University but may be reached via his University email address: He remains active in research and in several advisory roles.

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