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University of Exeter Medical School

Emerita Professor Lora Fleming

Emerita Professor Lora Fleming

Emerita Professor, Chair of Oceans, Epidemiology and Human Health

 Peter Lanyon 


Peter Lanyon Building, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


Emerita Professor Fleming is a board certified occupational and environmental health physician and epidemiologist with over three decades of experience and expertise in environment and occupational exposures and human health. After over two decades of working at the University of Miami, she is an Emerita Professor (both the Miller School of Medicine and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences). She was the Director of the European Centre from 2011-2021, and she an Emerita Professor and Chair of Oceans, Epidemiology and Human Health at the University of Exeter School of Medicine.

Broad research specialisms

Environmental and occupational health and epidemiology including large dataset analyses and interdisciplinary research and Oceans and Human Health


  • MD (Harvard 1984)
  • PhD (Yale 1997)
  • MPH (Harvard 1984)
  • MSc (Imperial College 1979)
  • BA (Harvard 1978)
  • Licensed Physician (Florida)
    • Board certified in Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine (Occupational Medicine)
    • Fellow of the American Family Physician Association
  • ASPIRE/HEA Principal Fellow
  • UK Public Health Consultant Academic Mentor
  • Honorary Professor Public Health England (PHE)
  • Fellow Alan Turing Institute
  • Member of Academia Europaea


I am a physician and epidemiologist with expertise in environmental and occupational health in epidemiology and public health particularly in interdisciplinary research and training around the risks and benefits from interacting with the natural environment, and through my experience leading complex interdisciplinary research projects nationally and internationally with diverse partners.  

I have led interdisciplinary environment and human health research and training (including MPH) on both sides of the Atlantic for 40+ years, including the risks and benefits of human interactions with natural and occupational environments. From 2011 - 2021, as Centre Director with my colleagues and collaborators, I led the European Centre for Environment and Human Health ( in the University of Exeter CMH to be internationally recognised in research and training around health and wellbeing from interactions wtih the natural environment, including designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre in Natural Environments and Human Health.

The European Centre has >100 students and staff, with funding from all UK Research Councils, EU and Wellcome, Masters in Environment and Human Health, and an international reputation in public health and natural environment. We have created an inclusive, flexible and creative culture which encourages truly interdisciplinary research and training which involves co-creation with business and communities, and the support of early career researchers.

I am an international leader in the metadiscipline of Ocean(s) and Human Health (OHH).  I co-Directed one of 4 NIEHS NSF OHH Centres for over 10 years, and then brought OHH to Europe. Since then I have led the H2020 Seas Oceans and Public Health in Europe (SOPHIE) Project which created a Strategic Research Agenda for Europe and Beyond.  I have led OHH Webinars sponsored by the EU Parliament and the IOC. I have published numerous papers on the risks (e.g. harmful algal blooms, microbial pollution) and the benefits (e.g. health and wellbeing from coastal interactions) and contributions to WHO reports.  I have received the Ocean and Human Awards from the Edouard Delcroix Foundation and from the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Bruun Award. I am particularly interested in exploring OHH in LMIC, particularly among poor and vulnerable coastal communities, and the ways to promote environmental sustainability as well as equitable human health and wellbeing.

I have also been involved in efforts to make big data in environment and human health more available to researchers and other users. This has included collaborations with the Met Office and PHE. I am particularly interested in interdisciplinary collaborations with social scientists and more traditional big data researchers towards shared training and analyses, and new ways to approach the global challenges of environment and human health through big data. I am also interested in ways to overcome the new digital divide to provide more equitable access and use of big data in environment and human health.


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Research interests

As Director at the European Centre, Professor Fleming works in the areas of Oceans and Human Health and Healthy Workplaces. Working with various Centre colleagues and others, she has performed research in:

  • Human health exposures and effects of harmful algal bloom toxins
  • Effects to human health of microbial pollution
  • Oceans and Human Health
  • big data in environment and human health
  • Health disparities in the workplace
  • Healthcare Ocean

Professor Fleming has also created outreach and educational materials and worked with diverse partners and communities concerning the human health effects of interactions with the marine environment and occupational health issues.


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Fleming LE, Alcantara Creencia LB, Gerwick WH, Goh HC, Gribble MO, Maycock B, Solo-Gabriele H (2023). Oceans and Human Health: Opportunities and Impacts. Abstract.
Bell S, Fleming LE, Grellier J (2021). Introduction. Abstract.
Bell S, Fleming LE, Grellier J, Kuhlmann F, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, White MP (2021). Urban blue spaces: Planning and design for water, health and well-Being. Abstract.

Journal articles

Morris G, Martuzzi M, Fleming L, Racioppi F, Matic S (In Press). Environmental Health Research: Identifying the Context and the Needs, and Choosing Priorities. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Sciences: Environment and Human Health, 1-1.
Morrissey KM, Taylor T, Sharpe R, Fleming L, Morris G, Wigglesworth R (In Press). Making the Case for “Whole System” Approaches Integrating Public Health and Housing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 2345-2345.
White M, Pahl S, Wheeler BW, Depledge MH, Fleming LE (In Press). Natural environments and subjective well-being: Different types of nature exposure are associated with different aspects of wellbeing. Health & PLace, In press
Phoenix C, Wheeler B, Osbourne N, Redshaw C, Moran R, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge M, Fleming L (In Press). Paradigmatic Approaches to Studying Environment and Human Health: (Forgotten) Implications for Interdisciplinary Research. Environmental Science and Policy Abstract.
Iacono GL, Cook AJC, Derks G, Fleming LE, French N, Gillingham EL, Villeta LCG, Heaviside C, La Ragione RM, Leonardi G, et al (2024). A mathematical, classical stratification modeling approach to disentangling the impact of weather on infectious diseases: a case study using spatio-temporally disaggregated Campylobacter surveillance data for England and Wales. PLOS Computational Biology, 20(1).
Haque SS, Bennett BJ, Brewer TD, Morrissey K, Fleming LE, Gribble MO (2024). Correction: Marine Protected Area Expansion and Country-Level Age-Standardized Adult Mortality. EcoHealth, 21(1), 123-124.
Martin L, White MP, Elliott LR, Grellier J, Astell-Burt T, Bratman GN, Lima ML, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Ojala A, Roiko A, et al (2024). Mechanisms underlying the associations between different types of nature exposure and sleep duration: an 18-country analysis. Environmental Research, 250, 118522-118522.
Mazumder H, Mondol MH, Rahman M, Khan R, Doza S, Unicomb L, Jahan F, Mukhopadhyay A, Makris K, Caban-Martinez A, et al (2024). Sex-specific association of ambient temperature with urine biomarkers in Southwest Coastal Bangladesh. Kidney International Reports
Xeni C, Gribble MO, Oude Essink GHP, Fleming LE, Makris KC (2024). Temporal dynamics of drinking water sodium levels in coastal areas, Cyprus 2009-2020. Sci Total Environ, 937 Abstract.  Author URL.
Grellier J, White MP, de Bell S, Brousse O, Elliott LR, Fleming LE, Heaviside C, Simpson C, Taylor T, Wheeler BW, et al (2024). Valuing the health benefits of nature-based recreational physical activity in England. Environment International, 187, 108667-108667.
Garrett JK, White MP, Elliott LR, Grellier J, Bell S, Bratman GN, Economou T, Gascon M, Lõhmus M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, et al (2023). Applying an ecosystem services framework on nature and mental health to recreational blue space visits across 18 countries. Sci Rep, 13(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Geiger SJ, White MP, Davison SMC, Zhang L, McMeel O, Kellett P, Fleming LE (2023). Coastal proximity and visits are associated with better health but may not buffer health inequalities. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1). Abstract.
Davison SMC, White MP, Pahl S, Taylor T, Borja A, McMeel O, Kellett P, Roberts BR, Fleming LE (2023). Concern about the human health implications of marine biodiversity loss is higher among less educated and poorer citizens: Results from a 14-country study in Europe. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10
Landrigan PJ, Raps H, Cropper M, Bald C, Brunner M, Canonizado EM, Charles D, Chiles TC, Donohue MJ, Enck J, et al (2023). Correction: the Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health. Ann Glob Health, 89(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Xeni C, Oliva R, Jahan F, Romaina I, Naser AM, Rahman M, Fleming LE, O Gribble M, Makris KC (2023). Epidemiological evidence on drinking water salinity and blood pressure: a scoping review. Environmental Research Health, 1(3).
Jenkins AP, Lancaster AMSN, Capon A, Soapi K, Fleming LE, Jupiter SD (2023). Human health depends on thriving oceans. Lancet, 402(10395), 9-11.  Author URL.
Pellens N, Boelee E, Veiga JM, Fleming LE, Blauw A (2023). Innovative actions in oceans and human health for Europe. Health Promot Int, 38(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Derbyshire DW, Barnett-Naghshineh O, Roberts BR, Ghemmour R, Reza MM, Rogers M, Fleming LE (2023). Keywords are missing: Insights from the publication keywords, abstracts and titles of an environment and human health research group. Equity in Education & Society, 2(3), 303-316. Abstract.
Haque SS, Bennett BJ, Brewer TD, Morrissey K, Fleming LE, Gribble MO (2023). Marine Protected Area Expansion and Country-Level Age-Standardized Adult Mortality. Ecohealth, 20(3), 236-248. Abstract.  Author URL.
Elliott LR, Pasanen T, White MP, Wheeler BW, Grellier J, Cirach M, Bratman GN, van den Bosch M, Roiko A, Ojala A, et al (2023). Nature contact and general health: Testing multiple serial mediation pathways with data from adults in 18 countries. Environment International, 178, 108077-108077.
Maharja C, Praptiwi RA, Roberts BR, Morrissey K, White MP, Sari NM, Cholifatullah F, Sugardjito J, Fleming LE (2023). Sea swimming and snorkeling in tropical coastal blue spaces and mental well-being: Findings from Indonesian island communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 41, 100584-100584.
Smalley AJ, White MP, Sandiford R, Desai N, Watson C, Smalley N, Tuppen J, Sakka L, Fleming LE (2023). Soundscapes, music, and memories: Exploring the factors that influence emotional responses to virtual nature content. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 89, 102060-102060.
Landrigan PJ, Raps H, Cropper M, Bald C, Brunner M, Canonizado EM, Charles D, Chiles TC, Donohue MJ, Enck J, et al (2023). The Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health. Ann Glob Health, 89(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Morrissey K, Fleming LE, Ha NT, Roberts B, Le Ngoc Thao, White M, Zandberg K (2023). The role of economic and ecosystem change on mental wellbeing: a case study of the Tân Hiêp island commune within Vietnam's Cù Lao Chàm UNESCO biosphere reserve. Ocean & Coastal Management, 244
Pasanen TP, White MP, Elliott LR, van den Bosch M, Bratman GN, Ojala A, Korpela K, Fleming LE (2023). Urban green space and mental health among people living alone: the mediating roles of relational and collective restoration in an 18-country sample. Environ Res, 232 Abstract.  Author URL.
Thornber K, Adshead F, Balayannis A, Brazier R, Brown R, Comber S, Court C, Davidson I, Depledge M, Farmer C, et al (2022). First, do no harm: time for a systems approach to address the problem of health-care-derived pharmaceutical pollution. The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(12), e935-e937.
Smalley AJ, White MP, Ripley R, Atack TX, Lomas E, Sharples M, Coates PA, Groom N, Grand A, Heneberry A, et al (2022). Forest 404: Using a BBC drama series to explore the impact of nature’s changing soundscapes on human wellbeing and behavior. Global Environmental Change, 74
Roland HB, Whitehead C, Fleming LE, Berdalet E, Enevoldsen HO, Gribble MO (2022). Knowledge Sharing to Reduce Toxin Exposure Risks from Harmful Algal Blooms: Global Networks and Political Barriers. Ethnicity & Disease, 32(4), 285-292.
Vitale V, Martin L, White MP, Elliott LR, Wyles KJ, Browning MHEM, Pahl S, Stehl P, Bell S, Bratman GN, et al (2022). Mechanisms underlying childhood exposure to blue spaces and adult subjective well-being: an 18-country analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 84
Hu X, Davies R, Morrissey K, Smith R, Fleming LE, Sharmina M, Clair R, Hopkinson P (2022). Single-use Plastic and COVID-19 in the NHS: Barriers and Opportunities. Journal of Public Health Research, 11(1), jphr.2021.2483-jphr.2021.2483. Abstract.
Cervera M, Bell S, Muñoz F, Mishra HS, Fleming LE, Grellier J, Carrasco-Turigas G, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Vert C, Gascon M, et al (2021). A Transdisciplinary Approach to Recovering Natural and Cultural Landscape and Place Identification: a Case Study of can Moritz Spring (Rubí, Spain). Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
White MP, Elliott LR, Grellier J, Economou T, Bell S, Bratman GN, Cirach M, Gascon M, Lima ML, Lõhmus M, et al (2021). Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries. Sci Rep, 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pouso S, Borja Á, Fleming LE, Gómez-Baggethun E, White MP, Uyarra MC (2021). Contact with blue-green spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown beneficial for mental health. Sci Total Environ, 756 Abstract.  Author URL.
Lloret J, Carreño A, Carić H, San J, Fleming LE (2021). Environmental and human health impacts of cruise tourism: a review. Mar Pollut Bull, 173(Pt A). Abstract.  Author URL.
Leonelli S, Lovell R, Wheeler B, Fleming L, Williams H (2021). From FAIR Data to Fair Data Use: Methodological Data Fairness in Health-Related Social Media Research. Big Data and Society
Adade EA, R Elliott L, Fleming LE, Wuijts S (2021). GOVERNANCE STRATEGIES TO PROMOTE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING: URBAN BLUE SPACE INFRASTRUCTURE INITIATIVES IN PLYMOUTH (UK). International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 13(2), 279-296. Abstract.
Davison SMC, White MP, Pahl S, Taylor T, Fielding K, Roberts BR, Economou T, McMeel O, Kellett P, Fleming LE, et al (2021). Public concern about, and desire for research into, the human health effects of marine plastic pollution: Results from a 15-country survey across Europe and Australia. Global Environmental Change, 69, 102309-102309.
Roberts BR, White MP, Davison SMC, McMeel O, Eatock C, Kellett P, Calewaert J-B, Fleming LE (2021). Public preferences for policy intervention to protect public health from maritime activities: a 14 European country study. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS, 71  Author URL.
Elliott LR, White MP, Fleming LE, Abraham C, Taylor AH (2021). Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory: implications for walking intentions in natural environments. Health Promot Int, 36(4), 1126-1139. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Depledge M, Bouley T, Britton E, Dupont S, Eatock C, Garside R, Heymans JJ, Kellett P, Lloret J, et al (2021). The Ocean Decade-Opportunities for Oceans and Human Health Programs to Contribute to Public Health. Am J Public Health, 111(5), 808-811.  Author URL.
Börger T, Campbell D, White MP, Elliott LR, Fleming LE, Garrett JK, Hattam C, Hynes S, Lankia T, Taylor T, et al (2021). The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: a contingent behaviour study. Sci Total Environ, 771 Abstract.  Author URL.
Madarcos JRV, Creencia LA, Roberts BR, White MP, Nayoan J, Morrissey K, Fleming LE (2021). Understanding Local Perceptions of the Drivers/Pressures on the Coastal Marine Environment in Palawan, Philippines. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 8  Author URL.
van den Bogerd N, Elliott LR, White MP, Mishra HS, Bell S, Porter M, Sydenham Z, Garrett JK, Fleming LE (2021). Urban blue space renovation and local resident and visitor well-being: a case study from Plymouth, UK. Landscape and Urban Planning, 215 Abstract.
van den Bogerd N, Elliott LR, White MP, Mishra HS, Bell S, Porter M, Sydenham Z, Garrett JK, Fleming LE (2021). Urban blue space renovation and local resident and visitor well-being: a case study from Plymouth, UK. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, 215  Author URL.
Alcock I, White MP, Pahl S, Duarte-Davidson R, Fleming LE (2020). Associations between pro-environmental behaviour and neighbourhood nature, nature visit frequency and nature appreciation: Evidence from a nationally representative survey in England. Environ Int, 136 Abstract.  Author URL.
White MP, Elliott LR, Gascon M, Roberts B, Fleming LE (2020). Blue space, health and well-being: a narrative overview and synthesis of potential benefits. Environmental Research, 191, 110169-110169.
Odebeatu CC, Taylor T, Fleming LE, Osborne NJ (2020). Correction to: Phthalates and asthma in children and adults: US NHANES 2007–2012 (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2019), 26, 27, (28256-28269), 10.1007/s11356-019-06003-2). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(10). Abstract.
Dahlui M, Azzeri A, Zain MA, Mohd Noor MI, Jaafar H, Then AYH, Suhaimi J, Kari F, Creencia LA, Madarcos JR, et al (2020). Health status, healthcare utilisation, and quality of life among the coastal communities in Sabah: Protocol of a population-based survey. Medicine (Baltimore), 99(37). Abstract.  Author URL.
Landrigan PJ, Stegeman JJ, Fleming LE, Allemand D, Anderson DM, Backer LC, Brucker-Davis F, Chevalier N, Corra L, Czerucka D, et al (2020). Human Health and Ocean Pollution. ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH, 86(1).  Author URL.
Hoagland P, Kirkpatrick B, Jin D, Kirkpatrick G, Fleming LE, Ullmann SG, Beet A, Hitchcock G, Harrison KK, Li ZC, et al (2020). Lessening the Hazards of Florida Red Tides: a Common Sense Approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 Abstract.
Young N, Sharpe RA, Barciela R, Nichols G, Davidson K, Berdalet E, Fleming LE (2020). Marine harmful algal blooms and human health: a systematic scoping review. Harmful Algae, 98 Abstract.
Borja A, White MP, Berdalet E, Bock N, Eatock C, Kristensen P, Leonard A, Lloret J, Pahl S, Parga M, et al (2020). Moving Toward an Agenda on Ocean Health and Human Health in Europe. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 7  Author URL.
Falkenberg LJ, Bellerby RGJ, Connell SD, Fleming LE, Maycock B, Russell BD, Sullivan FJ, Dupont S (2020). Ocean acidification and human health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 1-20. Abstract.
Franke A, Blenckner T, Duarte CM, Ott K, Fleming LE, Antia A, Reusch TBH, Bertram C, Hein J, Kronfeld-Goharani U, et al (2020). Operationalizing Ocean Health: Toward Integrated Research on Ocean Health and Recovery to Achieve Ocean Sustainability. One Earth, 2(6), 557-565. Abstract.
Elliott LR, White MP, Grellier J, Garrett JK, Cirach M, Wheeler BW, Bratman GN, van den Bosch MA, Ojala A, Roiko A, et al (2020). Research Note: Residential distance and recreational visits to coastal and inland blue spaces in eighteen countries. Landscape and Urban Planning, 198, 103800-103800.
Tester-Jones M, White MP, Elliott LR, Weinstein N, Grellier J, Economou T, Bratman GN, Cleary A, Gascon M, Korpela KM, et al (2020). Results from an 18 country cross-sectional study examining experiences of nature for people with common mental health disorders. Scientific Reports, 10(1). Abstract.
Lloret J, Abós-Herràndiz R, Alemany S, Allué R, Bartra J, Basagaña M, Berdalet E, Campàs M, Carreño A, Demestre M, et al (2020). The roses ocean and human health chair: a new way to engage the public in oceans and human health challenges. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(14), 1-19. Abstract.
Garrett JK, White MP, Elliott LR, Wheeler BW, Fleming LE (2020). Urban nature and physical activity: Investigating associations using self-reported and accelerometer data and the role of household income. Environmental Research, 190, 109899-109899.
L E, M W, J G, B W, J G, M C, M G, G B, M VDB, a O, et al (2019). Associations between access to green and blue spaces and physical activity attainment – an 18-country study. Environmental Epidemiology, 3(Supplement 1), 111-111.
Garrett JK, Clitherow TJ, White MP, Wheeler BW, Fleming LE (2019). Coastal proximity and mental health among urban adults in England: the moderating effect of household income. Health Place, 59 Abstract.  Author URL.
N O, S H, C S, C S, R M, D H, S V, L F, B W (2019). Different levels of hospitalisation due to asthma across the grass pollen season. Environmental Epidemiology, 3(Supplement 1), 296-297.
Fleming LE, Maycock B, White MP, Depledge MH (2019). Fostering human health through ocean sustainability in the 21st century. People and Nature, 1(3), 276-283. Abstract.
Vert C, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Gascon M, Grellier J, Fleming LE, White MP, Rojas-Rueda D (2019). Health Benefits of Physical Activity Related to an Urban Riverside Regeneration. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sharpe RA, Machray KE, Fleming LE, Taylor T, Henley W, Chenore T, Hutchcroft I, Taylor J, Heaviside C, Wheeler BW, et al (2019). Household energy efficiency and health: Area-level analysis of hospital admissions in England. Environment International, 133 Abstract.
Diaz RE, Friedman MA, Jin D, Beet A, Kirkpatrick B, Reich A, Kirkpatrick G, Ullmann SG, Fleming LE, Hoagland P, et al (2019). Neurological illnesses associated with Florida red tide (Karenia brevis) blooms. Harmful Algae, 82, 73-81. Abstract.
Odebeatu CC, Taylor T, Fleming LE, J. Osborne N (2019). Phthalates and asthma in children and adults: US NHANES 2007–2012. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(27), 28256-28269. Abstract.
Maguire K, Garside R, Poland J, Fleming LE, Alcock I, Taylor T, Macintyre H, Lo Iacono G, Green A, Wheeler BW, et al (2019). Public involvement in research about environmental change and health: a case study. Health, 23(2), 215-233. Abstract.
Djennad A, Lo Iacono G, Sarran C, Lane C, Elson R, Höser C, Lake IR, Colón-González FJ, Kovats S, Semenza JC, et al (2019). Seasonality and the effects of weather on Campylobacter infections. BMC Infect Dis, 19(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
White MP, Alcock I, Grellier J, Wheeler BW, Hartig T, Warber SL, Bone A, Depledge MH, Fleming LE (2019). Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing. Sci Rep, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Elliott LR, White MP, Sarran C, Grellier J, Garrett JK, Scoccimarro E, Smalley AJ, Fleming LE (2019). The effects of meteorological conditions and daylight on nature-based recreational physical activity in England. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 42, 39-39.
Depledge MH, White MP, Maycock B, Fleming LE (2019). Time and tide: Our future health and well-being depends on the Oceans. BMJ, 366
Djennad A, Lo Iacono G, Sarran C, Fleming LE, Kessel A, Haines A, Nichols GL (2018). A comparison of weather variables linked to infectious disease patterns using laboratory addresses and patient residence addresses. BMC Infect Dis, 18(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Abo-Zaid G, Sharpe RA, Fleming LE, Depledge M, Osborne NJ (2018). Association of Infant Eczema with Childhood and Adult Asthma: Analysis of Data from the 1958 Birth Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Leonardi GS, White MP, Medlock J, Alcock I, Macintyre HL, Maguire K, Nichols G, Wheeler BW, Morris G, et al (2018). Beyond climate change and health: Integrating broader environmental change and natural environments for public health protection and promotion in the UK. Atmosphere, 9(7). Abstract.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Moore KJ, Clarke TC, Davila EP, Clark JD, Lee DJ, Fleming LE (2018). Health Promotion at the Construction Work Site: the Lunch Truck Pilot Study. Workplace Health Saf, 66(12), 571-576. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vert Roca C, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Gascon M, Greiller J, Fleming LE, White M, Rojas-Rueda D (2018). Health Risk Assessment of Community Riverside Regeneration in Barcelona. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2018(1).
Hinchliffe S, Jackson M, Wyatt K, Barlow A, Barreto M, Clare L, Deplege M, Durie R, Fleming L, Groom N, et al (2018). Healthy publics: Enabling cultures and environments for health. Palgrave Communications, 4, n/a-n/a.
Osborne N, Sarran C, Fleming L, Cherrie M (2018). Lifetime UVB and Risk of Osteoporosis in a British Population. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2017(1).
White MP, Elliott LR, Wheeler BW, Fleming LE (2018). Neighbourhood greenspace is related to physical activity in England, but only for dog owners. Landscape and Urban Planning, 174, 18-23. Abstract.
Cherrie MPC, Nichols G, Iacono GL, Sarran C, Hajat S, Fleming LE (2018). Pathogen seasonality and links with weather in England and Wales: a big data time series analysis. BMC Public Health, 18(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Elliott LR, White M, Grellier J, Rees S, Waters R, Fleming L (2018). Recreational visits to marine and coastal environments in England: Where, what, who, why, and when?. Marine Policy
Chisnell J, Marshall T, Hyde C, Zhelev Z, Fleming LE (2017). A content analysis of the representation of statins in the British newsprint media. BMJ Open, 7(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Huntley SR, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, McClure LA, Fleming LE, Caban-Martinez AJ (2017). Acute joint pain in the emerging green collar workforce: Evidence from the linked National Health Interview Survey and Occupational Information Network (O*NET). Am J Ind Med, 60(6), 518-528. Abstract.  Author URL.
Friedman M, Fernandez M, Backer L, Dickey R, Bernstein J, Schrank K, Kibler S, Stephan W, Gribble M, Bienfang P, et al (2017). An Updated Review of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning: Clinical, Epidemiological, Environmental, and Public Health Management. Marine Drugs, 15(3), 72-72.
Grellier J, White MP, Albin M, Bell S, Elliott LR, Gascón M, Gualdi S, Mancini L, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Sarigiannis DA, et al (2017). BlueHealth: a study programme protocol for mapping and quantifying the potential benefits to public health and well-being from Europe's blue spaces. BMJ Open, 7(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Lo Iacono G, Armstrong B, Fleming LE, Elson R, Kovats S, Vardoulakis S, Nichols GL (2017). Challenges in developing methods for quantifying the effects of weather and climate on water-associated diseases: a systematic review. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 11(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Chen CJ, Moore KJ, Fernandez CA, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Cifuentes M, McClure LA, Christ SL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, et al (2017). Chemical and Physical Exposures in the Emerging US Green-Collar Workforce. J Occup Environ Med, 59(5), e91-e96. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hajat S, Whitmore C, Sarran C, Haines A, Golding B, Gordon-Brown H, Kessel A, Fleming LE (2017). Development of a browser application to foster research on linking climate and health datasets: Challenges and opportunities. Sci Total Environ, 575, 79-86. Abstract.  Author URL.
McClure LA, LeBlanc WG, Fernandez CA, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Moore KJ, Caban-Martinez AJ (2017). Green Collar Workers: an Emerging Workforce in the Environmental Sector. J Occup Environ Med, 59(5), 440-445. Abstract.  Author URL.
Alcock I, White M, Cherrie M, Wheeler B, Taylor J, McInnes R, Otte im Kampe E, Vardoulakis S, Sarran C, Soyiri I, et al (2017). Land cover and air pollution are associated with asthma hospitalisations: a cross-sectional study. Environment International, 109, 29-41. Abstract.
Fernandez CA, Moore K, McClure LA, Caban-Martinez AJ, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Cifuentes M, Lee DJ (2017). Occupational Psychosocial Hazards Among the Emerging US Green Collar Workforce. J Occup Environ Med, 59(1), 1-5. Abstract.  Author URL.
Osborne NJ, Alcock I, Wheeler BW, Hajat S, Sarran C, Clewlow Y, McInnes RN, Hemming D, White M, Vardoulakis S, et al (2017). Pollen exposure and hospitalization due to asthma exacerbations: daily time series in a European city. International Journal of Biometeorology, 61(10), 1837-1848. Abstract.
White CJ, Carlsen H, Robertson AW, Klein RJT, Lazo JK, Kumar A, Vitart F, Coughlan de Perez E, Ray AJ, Murray V, et al (2017). Potential applications of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions. Meteorological Applications, 24(3), 315-325. Abstract.
Kachan D, Olano H, Tannenbaum SL, Annane DW, Mehta A, Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Yang X, McClure LA, Lee DJ, et al (2017). Prevalence of Mindfulness Practices in the US Workforce: National Health Interview Survey. Prev Chronic Dis, 14 Abstract.  Author URL.
Morris GP, Reis S, Beck SA, Fleming LE, Adger WN, Benton TG, Depledge MH (2017). Scoping the proximal and distal dimensions of climate change on health and wellbeing. Environ Health, 16(Suppl 1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Schmidt W, Sarran C, Ronan N, Barrett G, Whinney DJ, Fleming LE, Osborne NJ, Tyrrell J (2017). The Weather and Ménière's Disease: a Longitudinal Analysis in the UK. Otol Neurotol, 38(2), 225-233. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hajat S, Haines A, Sarran C, Sharma A, Bates C, Fleming LE (2017). The effect of ambient temperature on type-2-diabetes: case-crossover analysis of 4+ million GP consultations across England. Environ Health, 16(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Djennad A, Nichols G, Loiacono G, Fleming L, Kessel A, Kovats S, Lake I, Sarran C, Elson R, Lane C, et al (2017). The seasonality and effects of temperature and rainfall on Campylobacter infections. International Journal of Population Data Science, 1(1). Abstract.
Brand SL, Thompson Coon J, Fleming LE, Carroll L, Bethel A, Wyatt K (2017). Whole-system approaches to improving the health and wellbeing of healthcare workers: a systematic review. PLoS One, 12(12). Abstract.  Author URL.
Alcock I, White M, Coldwell D, Taylor T, Evans K, Vardoulakis S, Corner A, Fleming L (2017). ‘Green’ on the ground but not in the air: Pro-environmental attitudes are related to household behaviours but not discretionary air travel. Global Environmental Change, In press
Alcock. I, Cherrie M, White M, Wheeler B, Vardoulakis S, Kampe EOI, Fleming L (2016). Asthma hospitalisation is associated with natural environments and their interaction with long-term pollutant exposure. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2016(1).
Iacono. GL, Nichols G, Vardoulakis S, Kovats S, Fleming L (2016). Challenges with methods for quantifying the effects on weather and climate on water-associated diseases. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2016(1).
Asfar T, Arheart KL, Dietz NA, Caban-Martinez AJ, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2016). Changes in Cigarette Smoking Behavior Among US Young Workers from 2005 to 2010: the Role of Occupation. Nicotine Tob Res, 18(6), 1414-1423. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming. LE, Nichols G, Sarran C, Golding B, Haines A, Djennad M, Hajat S, Whitmore C, Kessel A, Brown HG, et al (2016). Linking Human Health and Wellbeing with Weather, Climate and the Environment. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2016(1).
Gribble. MO, Fleming LE (2016). Marine Protected Areas and Human Adult Mortality: Longitudinal Ecological Comparisons with United Nations Data. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2016(1).
Berdalet E, Fleming LE, Gowen R, Davidson K, Hess P, Backer LC, Moore SK, Hoagland P, Enevoldsen H (2016). Marine harmful algal blooms, human health and wellbeing: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st century. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(1), 61-91. Abstract.
Oliver DM, Hanley ND, van Niekerk M, Kay D, Heathwaite AL, Rabinovici SJM, Kinzelman JL, Fleming LE, Porter J, Shaikh S, et al (2016). Molecular tools for bathing water assessment in Europe: Balancing social science research with a rapidly developing environmental science evidence-base. Ambio, 45(1), 52-62. Abstract.
Oliver DM, Hanley ND, van Niekerk M, Kay D, Heathwaite AL, Rabinovici SJM, Kinzelman JL, Fleming LE, Porter J, Shaikh S, et al (2016). Molecular tools for bathing water assessment in Europe: Balancing social science research with a rapidly developing environmental science evidence-base. Ambio, 45(1), 52-62. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore KJ, Chen C, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Caban-Martinez AJ (2016). Occupational Skin Conditions in the Emerging US Green Collar Workforce. Dermatitis, 27(3), 155-157.  Author URL.
An H, Englehardt J, Fleming L, Bean J (2016). Occupational health and safety amongst municipal solid waste workers in Florida. Waste Management & Research the Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 17(5), 369-377.
McGowan F, Thorndyke M, Solo-Gabriele H, Fleming LE (2016). Oceans and human health. JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, 96(1), 1-2.  Author URL.
Osborne. N, Alcock I, Wheeler B, White M, Eggen B, Vardoulakis S, Hajat S, Hemming D, Clewlow Y, McInnes R, et al (2016). Pollen exposure and hospital admissions for asthma in London, UK 2005-11. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2016(1).
White MP, Elliott LR, Taylor TJ, Wheeler BW, Spencer AE, Bone A, Depledge MH, Fleming LE (2016). Recreational physical activity in natural environments and implications for health: a population based cross-sectional study in England. Preventative Medicine
Asfar T, Dietz NA, Arheart KL, Tannenbaum SL, McClure LA, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2016). Smoking behavior among adult childhood cancer survivors: what are we missing?. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 10(1), 131-141. Abstract.
Asfar T, Dietz NA, Arheart KL, Tannenbaum SL, McClure LA, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2016). Smoking behavior among adult childhood cancer survivors: what are we missing?. J Cancer Surviv, 10(1), 131-141. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nichols G, Fleming. L, Iacono GL, Sarran C, Kessel A, Elson R, Lake I, Bailey T, Kovats S, Colon-Gonzalez FJ, et al (2016). The seasonality and effects of temperature and rainfall on Campylobacter infections. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2016(1).
White MP, Pahl S, Wheeler BW, Fleming LEF, Depledge MH (2016). The ‘Blue Gym’: What can blue space do for you and what can you do for blue space?. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(1), 5-12. Abstract.
Clarke TC, Christ SL, Soler-Vila H, Lee DJ, Arheart KL, Prado G, Caban-Martinez A, Fleming LE (2016). Working with cancer: health and employment among cancer survivors (vol 25, pg 832, 2015). ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 26(7), 520-520.  Author URL.
Feng Z, Reniers A, Haus BK, Solo-Gabriele HM, Wang JD, Fleming LE (2015). A predictive model for microbial counts on beaches where intertidal sand is the primary source. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 94(1-2), 37-47. Abstract.
Feng Z, Reniers A, Haus BK, Solo-Gabriele HM, Wang JD, Fleming LE (2015). A predictive model for microbial counts on beaches where intertidal sand is the primary source. Mar Pollut Bull, 94(1-2), 37-47. Abstract.  Author URL.
Reich A, Lazensky R, Faris J, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Watkins S, Ullmann S, Kohler K, Hoagland P (2015). Assessing the impact of shellfish harvesting area closures on neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP) incidence during red tide (Karenia brevis) blooms. Harmful Algae, 43, 13-19. Abstract.
Lewis JE, Cutrono SE, Hodgson N, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2015). Association between cardiovascular fitness and metabolic syndrome among American workers. J Occup Environ Med, 57(2), 129-133. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fernandez CA, Christ SL, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Dietz NA, McCollister KE, Fleming LE, Muntaner C, Muennig P, Lee DJ, et al (2015). Effect of childhood victimization on occupational prestige and income trajectories. PLoS One, 10(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Kachan D, Fleming LE, Christ S, Muennig P, Prado G, Tannenbaum SL, Yang X, Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ (2015). Health Status of Older US Workers and Nonworkers, National Health Interview Survey, 1997-2011. Prev Chronic Dis, 12 Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearce N, Blair A, Vineis P, Ahrens W, Andersen A, Anto JM, Armstrong BK, Baccarelli AA, Beland FA, Berrington A, et al (2015). IARC monographs: 40 years of evaluating carcinogenic hazards to humans. Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(6), 507-514. Abstract.
Reis S, Steinle S, Morris G, Fleming LE, Cowie H, Hurley F, Dick J, Smith R, Austen M, White M, et al (2015). Integrating Health & Environmental Impact Analysis. Public Health, 2015, 1383-1389.
Li Z, Garrison B, Ullmann SG, Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE, Hoagland P (2015). Risk in Daily Newspaper Coverage of Red Tide Blooms in Southwest Florida. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 14(3), 167-177. Abstract.
brand S, Wyatt K, Fleming LE (2015). Tailoring Healthy Workplace Interventions to Local Healthcare Settings: a Complexity Theory-Informed Workplace of Well-Being Framework. e Scientific World Journal(2015). Abstract.
Clarke TC, Christ SL, Soler-Vila H, Lee DJ, Arheart KL, Prado G, Martinez AC, Fleming LE (2015). Working with cancer: Health and employment among cancer survivors. Annals of Epidemiology, 25(11), 832-838. Abstract.
Clarke TC, Christ SL, Soler-Vila H, Lee DJ, Arheart KL, Prado G, Caban-Martinez A, Fleming LE (2015). Working with cancer: health and employment among cancer survivors. Ann Epidemiol, 25(11), 832-838. Abstract.  Author URL.
Davidson K, Gowen RJ, Harrison PJ, Fleming LE, Hoagland P, Moschonas G (2014). Anthropogenic nutrients and harmful algae in coastal waters. J Environ Manage, 146, 206-216. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Haines A, Golding B, Kessel A, Cichowska A, Sabel CE, Depledge MH, Sarran C, Osborne NJ, Whitmore C, et al (2014). Data mashups: potential contribution to decision support on climate change and health. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 11(2), 1725-1746. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirkpatrick B, Kohler K, Byrne M, Fleming LE, Scheller K, Reich A, Hitchcock G, Kirkpatrick G, Ullmann S, Hoagland P, et al (2014). Human responses to Florida red tides: policy awareness and adherence to local fertilizer ordinances. Sci Total Environ, 493, 898-909. Abstract.  Author URL.
Alcock I, White MP, Wheeler BW, Fleming L, Depledge MH (2014). Longitudinal Effects on Mental Health of Moving to Greener and Less Green Urban Areas. Environmental Science and Technology (Washington), 48(2), 1247-1255.
Alcock I, White MP, Wheeer BW, Fleming LE, Depledge MH (2014). Mental health and moving to greener areas. Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine, 26(2).
Fleming LE, McDonough N, Austen M, Mee L, Moore M, Hess P, Depledge MH, White M, Philippart K, Bradbrook P, et al (2014). Oceans and Human Health: a rising tide of challenges and opportunities for Europe. Mar Environ Res, 99, 16-19. Abstract.  Author URL.
Oliver DM, van Niekerk M, Kay D, Heathwaite AL, Porter J, Fleming LE, Kinzelman JL, Connolly E, Cummins A, McPhail C, et al (2014). Opportunities and limitations of molecular methods for quantifying microbial compliance parameters in EU bathing waters. Environ Int, 64, 124-128. Abstract.  Author URL.
Tyrrell JS, Whinney DJD, Ukoumunne OC, Fleming LE, Osborne NJ (2014). Prevalence, associated factors, and comorbid conditions for Ménière's disease. Ear Hear, 35(4), e162-e169. Abstract.  Author URL.
Tolbert DV, McCollister KE, LeBlanc WG, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Muennig P (2014). The economic burden of disease by industry: Differences in quality-adjusted life years and associated costs. Am J Ind Med, 57(7), 757-763. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kovats S, Depledge M, Haines A, Fleming LE, Wilkinson P, Shonkoff SB, Scovronick N (2014). The health implications of fracking. The Lancet, 383(9919), 757-758.
Kovats S, Depledge M, Haines A, Fleming LE, Wilkinson P, Shonkoff SB, Scovronick N (2014). The health implications of fracking. Lancet, 383(9919), 757-758.  Author URL.
Ocasio MA, Fleming LE, Hollenbeck J, Fernandez CA, LeBlanc WG, Lin J, Caban Martinez AJ, Kachan D, Christ SL, Sestito JP, et al (2014). The health of young US workers. J Occup Environ Med, 56(10), 1011-1018. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hoagland P, Jin D, Beet A, Kirkpatrick B, Reich A, Ullmann S, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick G (2014). The human health effects of Florida red tide (FRT) blooms: an expanded analysis. Environ Int, 68, 144-153. Abstract.  Author URL.
Abdelzaher AM, Solo-Gabriele HM, Phillips MC, Elmir SM, Fleming LE (2013). An alternative approach to water regulations for public health protection at bathing beaches. J Environ Public Health, 2013 Abstract.  Author URL.
Depledge MH, Tyrrell J, Fleming LE, Holgate ST (2013). Are marine environmental pollutants influencing global patterns of human disease?. Mar Environ Res, 83, 93-95. Abstract.  Author URL.
Depledge MH, Tyrrell J, Fleming LE, Holgate ST (2013). Are marine environmental pollutants influencing global patterns of human disease?. Marine Environmental Research, 83, 93-95. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Harvey AJ, Brownlee C, Frost M, Moore MN, Fleming LE (2013). Changing Views of the Interconnections Between the Oceans and Human Health in Europe. Microbial Ecology, 65(4), 852-859. Abstract.
Depledge MH, Harvey AJ, Brownlee C, Frost M, Moore MN, Fleming LE (2013). Changing views of the interconnections between the oceans and human health in Europe. Microb Ecol, 65(4), 852-859. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kachan D, Fleming LE, Christ S, Muennig P, Prado G, Tannenbaum S, Lee DJ (2013). HEALTH STATUS OF US OLDER ADULTS. GERONTOLOGIST, 53, 364-365.  Author URL.
Plano LRW, Shibata T, Garza AC, Kish J, Fleisher JM, Sinigalliano CD, Gidley ML, Withum K, Elmir SM, Hower S, et al (2013). Human-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from a Subtropical Recreational Marine Beach. Microbial Ecology, 65(4), 1039-1051. Abstract.
Plano LRW, Shibata T, Garza AC, Kish J, Fleisher JM, Sinigalliano CD, Gidley ML, Withum K, Elmir SM, Hower S, et al (2013). Human-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from a subtropical recreational marine beach. Microb Ecol, 65(4), 1039-1051. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Golding B, Kessel A, Haines A, Depledge MH, Bloomfield D, Cichowska A, Hajat S, Sarran C, Osborne N, et al (2013). MED-MI: Linking Human Health and Wellbeing with Weather, Climate, and the Environment. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2013(1).
Pollard AS, Taylor TJ, Fleming LE, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH, Osborne NJ (2013). Mainstreaming carbon management in healthcare systems: a bottom-up modeling approach. Environ Sci Technol, 47(2), 678-686. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore MN, Depledge MH, Fleming L, Hess P, Lees D, Leonard P, Madsen L, Owen R, Pirlet H, Seys J, et al (2013). Oceans and Human Health (OHH): a European Perspective from the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation (Marine Board-ESF). Microbial Ecology, 65(4), 889-900. Abstract.
Moore MN, Depledge MH, Fleming L, Hess P, Lees D, Leonard P, Madsen L, Owen R, Pirlet H, Seys J, et al (2013). Oceans and Human Health (OHH): a European perspective from the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation (Marine Board-ESF). Microb Ecol, 65(4), 889-900. Abstract.  Author URL.
Liu-Mares W, Mackinnon JA, Sherman R, Fleming LE, Rocha-Lima C, Hu JJ, Lee DJ (2013). Pancreatic cancer clusters and arsenic-contaminated drinking water wells in Florida. BMC Cancer, 13 Abstract.  Author URL.
Phoenix C, Osborne NJ, Redshaw C, Moran R, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH, Fleming LE, Wheeler BW (2013). Paradigmatic approaches to studying environment and human health: (Forgotten) implications for interdisciplinary research. Environmental Science and Policy, 25, 218-228. Abstract.
Phoenix C, Osborne NJ, Redshaw C, Moran R, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH, Fleming LE, Wheeler BW (2013). Paradigmatic approaches to studying environment and human health: (Forgotten) implications for interdisciplinary research. Environmental Science and Policy, 25, 218-228. Abstract.
Redshaw CH, Stahl-Timmins WM, Fleming LE, Davidson I, Depledge MH (2013). Potential changes in disease patterns and pharmaceutical use in response to climate change. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev, 16(5), 285-320. Abstract.  Author URL.
McClure LA, Fernandez CA, Clarke TC, Leblanc WG, Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2013). Risky drinking in the older population: a comparison of Florida to the rest of the US. Addict Behav, 38(4), 1894-1897. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stahl-Timmins W, White M, Depledge M, Fleming L, Redshaw C (2013). The Pharma Transport Town: Understanding the Routes to Sustainable Pharmaceutical Use. SCIENCE, 339(6119), 515-515.  Author URL.
Fernandez CA, McClure LA, Leblanc WG, Clarke TC, Kirsner RS, Fleming LE, Arheart KL, Lee DJ (2012). Comparison of Florida skin cancer screening rates with those in different US regions. South Med J, 105(10), 524-529. Abstract.  Author URL.
Clark JD, Serdar B, Lee DJ, Arheart K, Wilkinson JD, Fleming LE (2012). Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and serum inflammatory markers of cardiovascular disease. Environmental Research, 117, 132-137. Abstract.
Clark JD, Serdar B, Lee DJ, Arheart K, Wilkinson JD, Fleming LE (2012). Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and serum inflammatory markers of cardiovascular disease. Environ Res, 117, 132-137. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Halder GE, Tellechea L, Fajardo M, Kaltman J, Anand J, Prendes S, Penyak V, Koganti D, Chavoustie S, et al (2012). Health status and behaviors among adults residing in rural Dominican Republic. Rural Remote Health, 12 Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Ferraro KF, Pitt-Catsouphes M, Muntaner C, Fernandez CA, Caban-Martinez AJ, Davila EP, et al (2012). Health status and risk indicator trends of the aging US health care workforce. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 54(4), 497-503. Abstract.
Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Ferraro KF, Pitt-Catsouphes M, Muntaner C, Fernandez CA, Caban-Martinez AJ, Davila EP, et al (2012). Health status and risk indicator trends of the aging US health care workforce. J Occup Environ Med, 54(4), 497-503. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kachan D, Lewis JE, Davila EP, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Cabán-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ (2012). Nutrient intake and adherence to dietary recommendations among US workers. J Occup Environ Med, 54(1), 101-105. Abstract.  Author URL.
Phoenix C, Osborne NJ, Redshaw C, Moran R, Stahl-Timmins W, Depledge MH, Fleming LE, Wheeler BW (2012). Paradigmatic approaches to studying environment and human health: (Forgotten) implications for interdisciplinary research. Environmental Science and Policy
Shafazand S, Wallace DM, Vargas SS, Del Toro Y, Dib S, Abreu AR, Ramos A, Nolan B, Baldwin CM, Fleming L, et al (2012). Sleep Disordered Breathing, Insomnia Symptoms, and Sleep Quality in a Clinical Cohort of US Hispanics in South Florida. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE, 8(5), 507-514.  Author URL.
Enns AA, Vogel LJ, Abdelzaher AM, Solo-Gabriele HM, Plano LRW, Gidley ML, Phillips MC, Klaus JS, Piggot AM, Feng Z, et al (2012). Spatial and temporal variation in indicator microbe sampling is influential in beach management decisions. Water Research, 46(7), 2237-2246. Abstract.
Enns AA, Vogel LJ, Abdelzaher AM, Solo-Gabriele HM, Plano LRW, Gidley ML, Phillips MC, Klaus JS, Piggot AM, Feng Z, et al (2012). Spatial and temporal variation in indicator microbe sampling is influential in beach management decisions. Water Res, 46(7), 2237-2246. Abstract.  Author URL.
Christ SL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Muntaner C, Muennig PA, Caban-Martinez AJ (2012). The effects of a psychosocial dimension of socioeconomic position on survival: Occupational prestige and mortality among US working adults. Sociology of Health and Illness, 34(7), 1103-1117. Abstract.
Christ SL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Muntaner C, Muennig PA, Caban-Martinez AJ (2012). The effects of a psychosocial dimension of socioeconomic position on survival: occupational prestige and mortality among US working adults. Sociol Health Illn, 34(7), 1103-1117. Abstract.  Author URL.
Clarke TC, Soler-Vila H, Fleming LE, Christ SL, Lee DJ, Arheart KL (2012). Trends in Adherence to Recommended Cancer Screening: the US Population and Working Cancer Survivors. Front Oncol, 2 Abstract.  Author URL.
Hernandez MN, Sussman DA, Lee DJ, MacKinnon JA, Fleming LE (2012). Trends in colorectal cancer among hispanics by stage and subsite location: 1989-2006. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology, 3 Abstract.
Kachan D, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Goodman E, Arheart KL, Caban-Martinez AJ, Clarke TC, Ocasio MA, Christ S, Lee DJ, et al (2012). Worker populations at risk for work-related injuries across the life course. Am J Ind Med, 55(4), 361-366. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhu X, Wang JD, Solo-Gabriele HM, Fleming LE (2011). A water quality modeling study of non-point sources at recreational marine beaches. Water Res, 45(9), 2985-2995. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE, Bean JA, Nierenberg K, Backer LC, Cheng YS, Pierce R, Reich A, Naar J, Wanner A, et al (2011). Aerosolized red tide toxins (brevetoxins) and asthma: Continued health effects after 1h beach exposure. Harmful Algae, 10(2), 138-143. Abstract.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Davila EP, Lam BL, Dubovy SR, McCollister KE, Fleming LE, Zheng DD, Lee DJ (2011). Age-related macular degeneration and smoking cessation advice by eye care providers: a pilot study. Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(6). Abstract.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Davila EP, Lam BL, Dubovy SR, McCollister KE, Fleming LE, Zheng DD, Lee DJ (2011). Age-related macular degeneration and smoking cessation advice by eye care providers: a pilot study. Prev Chronic Dis, 8(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Clarke TC, Davila EP, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2011). Application of handheld devices to field research among underserved construction worker populations: a workplace health assessment pilot study. Environ Health, 10 Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Tancredi DJ, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Louie GH, Muennig PA, et al (2011). Arthritis, occupational class, and the aging US workforce. Am J Public Health, 101(9), 1729-1734. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hollenbeck J, Nierenberg K, Trujillo RJ, Newbill M, Kirkpatrick B, Fleming L (2011). COMMUNICATING SCIENCE: VIDEO AS a MEDIUM FOR HAB AWARENESS. JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH, 30(2), 516-516.  Author URL.
Lewis JE, Clark JD, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Cabán-Martinez AJ, Arheart KL, Tannenbaum SL, Ocasio MA, Davila EP, Kachan D, et al (2011). Cardiovascular fitness levels among American workers. J Occup Environ Med, 53(10), 1115-1121. Abstract.  Author URL.
Skinner MP, Brewer TD, Johnstone R, Fleming LE, Lewis RJ (2011). Ciguatera fish poisoning in the pacific islands (1998 to 2008). PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 5(12). Abstract.
Hernandez MN, Roy Chowdhury R, Fleming LE, Griffith DA (2011). Colorectal cancer and socioeconomic status in Miami-Dade County: Neighborhood-level associations before and after the Welfare Reform Act. Applied Geography, 31(3), 1019-1025. Abstract.
Alvarez JA, Orav EJ, Wilkinson JD, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Sleeper LA, Rusconi PG, Colan SD, Hsu DT, Canter CE, et al (2011). Competing risks for death and cardiac transplantation in children with dilated cardiomyopathy: results from the pediatric cardiomyopathy registry. Circulation, 124(7), 814-823. Abstract.  Author URL.
Abdelzaher AM, Wright ME, Ortega C, Hasan AR, Shibata T, Solo-Gabriele HM, Kish J, Withum K, He G, Elmir SM, et al (2011). Daily measures of microbes and human health at a non-point source marine beach. J Water Health, 9(3), 443-457. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bean JA, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Backer LC, Nierenberg K, Reich A, Cheng YS, Wanner A, Benson J, Naar J, et al (2011). Florida red tide toxins (brevetoxins) and longitudinal respiratory effects in asthmatics. Harmful Algae, 10(6), 744-748. Abstract.
Nierenberg K, Hollenbeck J, Fleming LE, Stephan W, Reich A, Backer LC, Currier R, Kirkpatrick B (2011). Frontiers in outreach and education: the Florida red tide experience. Harmful Algae, 10(4), 374-380. Abstract.
Clarke TC, Arheart KL, Muennig P, Fleming LE, Caban-Martinez AJ, Dietz N, Lee DJ (2011). Health care access and utilization among children of single working and nonworking mothers in the United States. Int J Health Serv, 41(1), 11-26. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Goodman E, Davila EP, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Zimmerman FJ, et al (2011). Health indicators among unemployed and employed young adults. J Occup Environ Med, 53(2), 196-203. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shah AH, Abdelzaher AM, Phillips M, Hernandez R, Solo-Gabriele HM, Kish J, Scorzetti G, Fell JW, Diaz MR, Scott TM, et al (2011). Indicator microbes correlate with pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and helminthes in sand at a subtropical recreational beach site. J Appl Microbiol, 110(6), 1571-1583. Abstract.  Author URL.
Davila EP, Florez H, Trepka MJ, Fleming LE, Niyonsenga T, Lee DJ, Parkash J (2011). Long work hours is associated with suboptimal glycemic control among US workers with diabetes. Am J Ind Med, 54(5), 375-383. Abstract.  Author URL.
Backer LC, Kish JK, Solo-Gabriele HM, Fleming LE (2011). Naturally Occurring Water Pollutants. , 271-287.
Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Leblanc WG, Caban-Martinez AJ, Ocasio MA, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Clarke T, Kachan D, et al (2011). Occupational vs. industry sector classification of the US workforce: which approach is more strongly associated with worker health outcomes?. Am J Ind Med, 54(10), 748-757. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zaias J, Fleming LE, Baden DG, Abraham WM (2011). Repeated exposure to aerosolized brevetoxin-3 induces prolonged airway hyperresponsiveness and lung inflammation in sheep. Inhal Toxicol, 23(4), 205-211. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Backer LC, Walsh CJ, Nierenberg K, Clark J, Reich A, Hollenbeck J, Benson J, Cheng YS, et al (2011). Review of Florida Red Tide and Human Health Effects. Harmful Algae, 10(2), 224-233. Abstract.  Author URL.
Plano LRW, Garza AC, Shibata T, Elmir SM, Kish J, Sinigalliano CD, Gidley ML, Miller G, Withum K, Fleming LE, et al (2011). Shedding of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from adult and pediatric bathers in marine waters. BMC Microbiol, 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Davila EP, Florez H, Trepka MJ, Fleming LE, Niyonsenga T, Lee DJ, Parkash J (2011). Strict glycemic control and mortality risk among US adults with type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Complications, 25(5), 289-291. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wright ME, Abdelzaher AM, Solo-Gabriele HM, Elmir S, Fleming LE (2011). The inter-tidal zone is the pathway of input of enterococci to a subtropical recreational marine beach. Water Science and Technology, 63(3), 542-549. Abstract.
Huang S, Trapido E, Fleming L, Arheart K, Crandall L, French M, Malcolm S, Prado G (2011). The long-term effects of childhood maltreatment experiences on subsequent illicit drug use and drug-related problems in young adulthood. ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 36(1-2), 95-102.  Author URL.
Koru-Sengul T, Clark JD, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2011). Toward improved statistical methods for analyzing Cotinine-Biomarker health association data. Tob Induc Dis, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dietz N, Sherman R, MacKinnon J, Fleming L, Arheart K, Wohler B, Lee D (2011). Toward the identification of communities with increased tobacco-associated cancer burden: Application of spatial modeling techniques. Journal of Carcinogenesis, 10 Abstract.
Dietz NA, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Leblanc WG, McCollister KE, Arheart KL, Davila EP, Caban-Martinez AJ (2011). Trends in smokeless tobacco use in the us workforce: 1987-2005. Tob Induc Dis, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Koru-Sengul T, Clark JD, Ocasio MA, Wanner A, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2011). Utilization of the National Health and Nutrition Examination (NHANES) Survey for Symptoms, Tests, and Diagnosis of Chronic Respiratory Diseases and Assessment of Second hand Smoke Exposure. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale), 1(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Clarke TC, Soler-Vila H, Lee DJ, Arheart KL, Ocasio MA, Leblanc WG, Fleming LE (2011). Working with cancer: health and disability disparities among employed cancer survivors in the U.S. Prev Med, 53(4-5), 331-334. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nierenberg K, Kirner K, Hoagland P, Ullmann S, LeBlanc WG, Kirkpatrick G, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B (2010). Changes in work habits of lifeguards in relation to Florida red tide. Harmful Algae, 9(4), 419-425. Abstract.
Nierenberg K, Kirner K, Hoagland P, Ullmann S, LeBlanc WG, Kirkpatrick G, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B (2010). Changes in work habits of lifeguards in relation to Florida red tide (vol 9, pg 419, 2010). HARMFUL ALGAE, 9(6), 647-647.  Author URL.
McCollister KE, Arheart KL, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Davila EP, LeBlanc WG, Christ SL, Caban-Martinez AJ, West JP, Clark JE, et al (2010). Declining health insurance access among US Hispanic workers: not all jobs are created equal. Am J Ind Med, 53(2), 163-170. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Davila EP, Zhao W, Arheart K, Hooper MW, Byrne M, Messiah A, Dietz N, Huang Y, Fleming LE, et al (2010). Disparities in hypertension control advice according to smoking status. Prev Med, 51(3-4), 302-306. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirsner RS, Ma F, Fleming LE, Federman DG, Trapido E, Duncan R, Rouhani P, Wilkinson JD (2010). Earlier stage at diagnosis and improved survival among Medicare HMO patients with breast cancer. J Womens Health (Larchmt), 19(9), 1619-1624. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nierenberg K, Kirner K, Hoagland P, Ullmann S, LeBlanc WG, Kirkpatrick G, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B (2010). Erratum to Changes in work habits of lifeguards in relation to Florida red tide [Harmful Algae, 9, (2010), 419-425]. Harmful Algae, 9(6).
Bandiera FC, Arheart KL, Caban-Martinez AJ, Fleming LE, McCollister K, Dietz NA, Leblanc WG, Davila EP, Lewis JE, Serdar B, et al (2010). Erratum: Secondhand smoke exposure and depressive symptoms (Psychosomatic Medicine 72 (68-72)). Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(3).
Wang JD, Solo-Gabriele HM, Abdelzaher AM, Fleming LE (2010). Estimation of enterococci input from bathers and animals on a recreational beach using camera images. Mar Pollut Bull, 60(8), 1270-1278. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shibata T, Solo-Gabriele HM, Sinigalliano CD, Gidley ML, Plano LRW, Fleisher JM, Wang JD, Elmir SM, He G, Wright ME, et al (2010). Evaluation of conventional and alternative monitoring methods for a recreational marine beach with nonpoint source of fecal contamination. Environ Sci Technol, 44(21), 8175-8181. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nierenberg K, Byrne MM, Fleming LE, Stephan W, Reich A, Backer LC, Tanga E, Dalpra DR, Kirkpatrick B (2010). Florida red tide perception: Residents versus tourists. Harmful Algae, 9(6), 600-606. Abstract.
Kirkpatrick B, Bean JA, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick G, Grief L, Nierenberg K, Reich A, Watkins S, Naar J (2010). Gastrointestinal emergency room admissions and Florida red tide blooms. Harmful Algae, 9(1), 82-86. Abstract.
Rouhani P, Pinheiro PS, Sherman R, Arheart K, Fleming LE, Mackinnon J, Kirsner RS (2010). Increasing rates of melanoma among nonwhites in Florida compared with the United States. Arch Dermatol, 146(7), 741-746. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirkpatrick B, Pierce R, Cheng YS, Henry MS, Blum P, Osborn S, Nierenberg K, Pederson BA, Fleming LE, Reich A, et al (2010). Inland transport of aerosolized Florida red tide toxins. Harmful Algae, 9(2), 186-189. Abstract.
Manassaram DM, Backer LC, Messing R, Fleming LE, Luke B, Monteilh CP (2010). Nitrates in drinking water and methemoglobin levels in pregnancy: a longitudinal study. Environmental Health: a Global Access Science Source, 9(1). Abstract.
Cheng YS, Zhou Y, Naar J, Irvin CM, Su WC, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Pierce RH, Backer LC, Baden DG, et al (2010). Personal exposure to aerosolized red tide toxins (brevetoxins). Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 7(6), 326-331. Abstract.
Abdelzaher AM, Wright ME, Ortega C, Solo-Gabriele HM, Miller G, Elmir S, Newman X, Shih P, Bonilla JA, Bonilla TD, et al (2010). Presence of pathogens and indicator microbes at a non-point source subtropical recreational marine beach. Appl Environ Microbiol, 76(3), 724-732. Abstract.  Author URL.
Davila EP, Florez H, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Goodman E, LeBlanc WG, Caban-Martinez AJ, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL, et al (2010). Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome among U.S. workers. Diabetes Care, 33(11), 2390-2395. Abstract.  Author URL.
Carvalho GA, Minnett PJ, Fleming LE, Banzon VF, Baringer W (2010). Satellite remote sensing of harmful algal blooms: a new multi-algorithm method for detecting the Florida Red Tide (Karenia brevis). Harmful Algae, 9(5), 440-448. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bandiera FC, Arheart KL, Caban-Martinez AJ, Fleming LE, McCollister K, Dietz NA, Leblanc WG, Davila EP, Lewis JE, Serdar B, et al (2010). Secondhand smoke exposure and depressive symptoms. Psychosom Med, 72(1), 68-72. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bandiera FC, Caban-Martinez AJ, Arheart KL, Davila EP, Fleming LE, Dietz NA, Lewis JE, Fabry D, Lee DJ (2010). Secondhand smoke policy and the risk of depression. Ann Behav Med, 39(2), 198-203. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Clarke TC, Davila EP, Clark JD, Ocasio MA, Fleming LE (2010). Self-reported joint and back pain among Hispanic construction workers: a pilot workplace musculoskeletal assessment. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research, 13(2), 49-55. Abstract.
Davila EP, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart K, Dietz N, Lewis JE, McCollister K, Caban-Martinez A, Bandiera F, et al (2010). Sleep disorders and secondhand smoke exposure in the U.S. population. Nicotine Tob Res, 12(3), 294-299. Abstract.  Author URL.
Davila EP, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart K, Dietz N, Lewis JE, McCollister K, Caban-Martinez A, Bandiera F, et al (2010). Sleep disorders and secondhand smoke exposure in the US population. NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH, 12(3), 294-299.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Davila EP, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Clarke T, Fleming LE (2010). Sustained low influenza vaccination rates in US healthcare workers. Prev Med, 50(4), 210-212. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleisher JM, Fleming LE, Solo-Gabriele HM, Kish JK, Sinigalliano CD, Plano L, Elmir SM, Wang JD, Withum K, Shibata T, et al (2010). The BEACHES study: Health effects and exposures from non-point source microbial contaminants in subtropical recreational marine waters. International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(5), 1291-1298. Abstract.
Sinigalliano CD, Fleisher JM, Gidley ML, Solo-Gabriele HM, Shibata T, Plano LRW, Elmir SM, Wanless D, Bartkowiak J, Boiteau R, et al (2010). Traditional and molecular analyses for fecal indicator bacteria in non-point source subtropical recreational marine waters. Water Res, 44(13), 3763-3772. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Muennig PA, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, McCollister KE, Christ SL (2010). Working with Arthritis: the Burden of Disease by Occupational Group. Annals of Epidemiology, 20(9).
Davila EP, Christ SL, Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, McCollister KE, Clarke T, Zimmerman F, Goodman E, et al (2010). Young adults, mortality, and employment. J Occup Environ Med, 52(5), 501-504. Abstract.  Author URL.
Boehm AB, Ashbolt NJ, Colford JMJ, Dunbar LE, Fleming LE, Gold MA, Hansel JA, Hunter PR, Ichida AM, Mcgee CD, et al (2009). A sea change ahead for recreational water quality criteria. JOURNAL OF WATER AND HEALTH, 7(1), 9-20.  Author URL.
Nierenberg K, Reich A, Currier R, Kirkpatrick B, Backer LC, Stumpf R, Fleming L, Kirkpatrick G (2009). Beaches and HABs: Successful Expansion of the Florida Red Tide Reporting System for Protection of Public Health through Community Education and Outreach. Florida journal of environmental health(203), 18-24.
Nieder AM, MacKinnon JA, Fleming LE, Kearney G, Hu JJ, Sherman RL, Huang Y, Lee DJ (2009). Bladder cancer clusters in Florida: identifying populations at risk. J Urol, 182(1), 46-50. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pinheiro PS, Sherman RL, Trapido EJ, Fleming LE, Huang Y, Gomez-Marin O, Lee D (2009). Cancer incidence in first generation U.S. Hispanics: Cubans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and new Latinos. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 18(8), 2162-2169. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vidal L, LeBlanc WG, McCollister KE, Arheart KL, Chung-Bridges K, Christ S, Caban-Martinez AJ, Lewis JE, Lee DJ, Clark J, et al (2009). Cancer screening in US workers. Am J Public Health, 99(1), 59-65. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brookfield KF, Cheung MC, Lucci J, Fleming LE, Koniaris LG (2009). Disparities in survival among women with invasive cervical cancer: a problem of access to care. Cancer, 115(1), 166-178. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Bean JA, Kirkpatrick B, Cheng YS, Pierce R, Naar J, Nierenberg K, Backer LC, Wanner A, Reich A, et al (2009). Exposure and effect assessment of aerosolized red tide toxins (brevetoxins) and asthma. Environ Health Perspect, 117(7), 1095-1100. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lewis JE, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Davila EP, Cabán-Martinez AJ, Dietz NA, McCollister KE, Bandiera FC, et al (2009). Food label use and awareness of nutritional information and recommendations among persons with chronic disease. Am J Clin Nutr, 90(5), 1351-1357. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rouhani P, Kirsner RS, Amado A, Fleming LE, Nouri K, Jacob SE (2009). Knowledge of Surgery-Related Allergic Contact Dermatitis among Florida Dermatological Surgeons: a Pilot Study. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, 2(11), 33-36.
Rouhani P, Kirsner RS, Amado A, Fleming LE, Nouri K, Jacob SE (2009). Knowledge of surgery-related allergic contact dermatitis among Florida dermatological surgeons: a pilot study. Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 2(11), 34-36. Abstract.
Wright ME, Solo-Gabriele HM, Elmir S, Fleming LE (2009). Microbial load from animal feces at a recreational beach. Mar Pollut Bull, 58(11), 1649-1656. Abstract.  Author URL.
Elmir SM, Shibata T, Solo-Gabriele HM, Sinigalliano CD, Gidley ML, Miller G, Plano LRW, Kish J, Withum K, Fleming LE, et al (2009). Quantitative evaluation of enterococci and Bacteroidales released by adults and toddlers in marine water. Water Res, 43(18), 4610-4616. Abstract.  Author URL.
Davila EP, Caban-Martinez AJ, Muennig P, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Ferraro KF, LeBlanc WG, Lam BL, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, et al (2009). Sensory impairment among older US workers. Am J Public Health, 99(8), 1378-1385. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hoagland P, Jin D, Polansky LY, Kirkpatrick B, Kirkpatrick G, Fleming LE, Reich A, Watkins SM, Ullmann SG, Backer LC, et al (2009). The costs of respiratory illnesses arising from Florida gulf coast Karenia brevis blooms. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(8), 1239-1243. Abstract.
Pinheiro PS, Sherman R, Fleming LE, Gomez-Marin O, Huang Y, Lee DJ, Penedo FJ (2009). Validation of ethnicity in cancer data: which Hispanics are we misclassifying?. J Registry Manag, 36(2), 42-46. Abstract.  Author URL.
Arheart KL, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Dietz NA, McCollister KE, Wilkinson JD, Lewis JE, Clark JD, Davila EP, et al (2008). Accuracy of self-reported smoking and secondhand smoke exposure in the US workforce: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. J Occup Environ Med, 50(12), 1414-1420. Abstract.  Author URL.
Laws EA, Fleming LE, Stegeman JJ (2008). Centers for Oceans and Human Health: Contributions to an emerging discipline. Environmental Health: a Global Access Science Source, 7(SUPPL. 2).
Friedman MA, Fleming LE, Fernandez M, Bienfang P, Schrank K, Dickey R, Bottein M-Y, Backer L, Ayyar R, Weisman R, et al (2008). Ciguatera fish poisoning: treatment, prevention and management. Mar Drugs, 6(3), 456-479. Abstract.  Author URL.
Arheart KL, Lee DJ, Dietz NA, Wilkinson JD, Clark JD, LeBlanc WG, Serdar B, Fleming LE (2008). Declining trends in serum cotinine levels in US worker groups: the power of policy. J Occup Environ Med, 50(1), 57-63. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Levis S, LeBlanc WG, Dietz NA, Arheart KL, Wilkinson JD, Clark J, Serdar B, Davila EP, Lee DJ, et al (2008). Earlier age at menopause, work, and tobacco smoke exposure. Menopause, 15(6), 1103-1108. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nieder AM, MacKinnon JA, Huang Y, Fleming LE, Koniaris LG, Lee DJ (2008). FLORIDA STATE BLADDER CANCER CLUSTERS: IDENTIFICATION OF POPULATIONS AT RISK. Journal of Urology, 179(4), 321-322.
Nieder AM, Mackinnon JA, Huang Y, Fleming LE, Koniaris LG, Lee DJ (2008). Florida bladder cancer trends 1981 to 2004: minimal progress in decreasing advanced disease. J Urol, 179(2), 491-495. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirkpatrick B, Currier R, Nierenberg K, Reich A, Backer LC, Stumpf R, Fleming L, Kirkpatrick G (2008). Florida red tide and human health: a pilot beach conditions reporting system to minimize human exposure. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 402(1), 1-8.  Author URL.
Lee DJ, Voti L, MacKinnon J, Koniaris LG, Fleming LE, Huang Y, Wohler B, Franceschi D, Dietz NA, Sherman R, et al (2008). Gender- and race-specific comparison of tobacco-associated cancer incidence trends in Florida with SEER regional cancer incidence data. Cancer Causes Control, 19(7), 711-723. Abstract.  Author URL.
Clark JD, Wilkinson JD, LeBlanc WG, Dietz NA, Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2008). Inflammatory markers and secondhand tobacco smoke exposure among U.S. workers. Am J Ind Med, 51(8), 626-632. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watkins SM, Reich A, Fleming LE, Hammond R (2008). Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning. Marine Drugs, 6(3), 431-455. Abstract.
Chung-Bridges K, Muntaner C, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Christ SL, McCollister KE, Caban AJ, Davila EP, et al (2008). Occupational segregation as a determinant of US worker health. Am J Ind Med, 51(8), 555-567. Abstract.  Author URL.
LeBlanc WG, Vidal L, Kirsner RS, Lee DJ, Caban-Martinez AJ, McCollister KE, Arheart KL, Chung-Bridges K, Christ S, Clark J, et al (2008). Reported skin cancer screening of US adult workers. J Am Acad Dermatol, 59(1), 55-63. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shibata T, Solo-Gabriele HM, Fleming LE, Cai Y, Townsend TG (2007). A mass balance approach for evaluating leachable arsenic and chromium from an in-service CCA-treated wood structure. Sci Total Environ, 372(2-3), 624-635. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Backer LC, Bean JA, Wanner A, Reich A, Zaias J, Cheng YS, Pierce R, Naar J, et al (2007). Aerosolized red-tide toxins (brevetoxins) and asthma. Chest, 131(1), 187-194. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Arheart KL, Leblanc WG, Chung-Bridges K, Christ S, Pitman T (2007). Dental care access and unmet dental care needs among U.S. workers: the National Health Interview Survey, 1997 to 2003. J Am Dent Assoc, 138(2), 227-230. Abstract.  Author URL.
MacKinnon JA, Duncan RC, Huang Y, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Voti L, Rudolph M, Wilkinson JD (2007). Detecting an association between socioeconomic status and late stage breast cancer using spatial analysis and area-based measures. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, 16(4), 756-762.  Author URL.
MacKinnon JA, Duncan RC, Huang Y, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Voti L, Rudolph M, Wilkinson JD (2007). Detecting an association between socioeconomic status and late stage breast cancer using spatial analysis and area-based measures. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 16(4), 756-762. Abstract.  Author URL.
Christ SL, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Chung-Bridges K, Caban AJ, McCollister KE (2007). Employment and occupation effects on depressive symptoms in older Americans: Does working past age 65 protect against depression?. Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 62(6). Abstract.
Fleming LE, Jerez E, Stephan WB, Cassedy A, Bean JA, Reich A, Kirkpatrick B, Backer L, Nierenberg K, Watkins S, et al (2007). Evaluation of harmful algal bloom outreach activities. Mar Drugs, 5(4), 208-219. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee DJ, Fleming LE, McCollister KE, Caban AJ, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Chung-Bridges K, Christ SL, Dietz N, Clark JD, et al (2007). Healthcare provider smoking cessation advice among US worker groups. Tob Control, 16(5), 325-328. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sinigalliano CD, Gidley ML, Shibata T, Whitman D, Dixon TH, Laws E, Hou A, Bachoon D, Brand L, Amaral-Zettler L, et al (2007). Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the microbial landscape of the New Orleans area. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104(21), 9029-9034. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Chung-Bridges K, Christ SL, McCollister KE, Pitman T (2007). Leisure-time physical activity levels of the US workforce. Prev Med, 44(5), 432-436. Abstract.  Author URL.
Friedman MA, Arena P, Levin B, Fleming L, Fernandez M, Weisman R, Bernstein J, Schrank K, Blythe D, Backer L, et al (2007). Neuropsychological study of ciguatera fish poisoning: a longitudinal case-control study. ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 22(4), 545-553.  Author URL.
Rouhani P, Fleming LE, Frías J, Martínez-Frías ML, Bermejo E, Mendioroz J (2007). Pilot study of socioeconomic class, nutrition and birth defects in Spain. Matern Child Health J, 11(4), 403-405. Abstract.  Author URL.
Elmir SM, Wright ME, Abdelzaher A, Solo-Gabriele HM, Fleming LE, Miller G, Rybolowik M, Peter Shih M-T, Pillai SP, Cooper JA, et al (2007). Quantitative evaluation of bacteria released by bathers in a marine water. Water Res, 41(1), 3-10. Abstract.  Author URL.
Milian A, Nierenberg K, Fleming LE, Bean JA, Wanner A, Reich A, Backer LC, Jayroe D, Kirkpatrick B (2007). Reported respiratory symptom intensity in asthmatics during exposure to aerosolized Florida red tide toxins. Journal of Asthma, 44(7), 583-587. Abstract.
Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Caban AJ, Chung-Bridges K, Christ SL, McCollister KE, Pitman T (2007). Smoking rate trends in U.S. occupational groups: the 1987 to 2004 National Health Interview Survey. J Occup Environ Med, 49(1), 75-81. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Martinez AJC, Leblanc WG, McCollister KE, Bridges KC, Christ SL, Arheart KL, Pitman T (2007). The health behaviors of the older US worker. Am J Ind Med, 50(6), 427-437. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shalat SL, Solo-Gabriele HM, Fleming LE, Buckley BT, Black K, Jimenez M, Shibata T, Durbin M, Graygo J, Stephan W, et al (2006). A pilot study of children's exposure to CCA-treated wood from playground equipment. Science of the Total Environment, 367(1), 80-88. Abstract.
Maitland TE, Gómez-Marìn O, Weddle DO, Fleming LE (2006). Associations of nationality and race with nutritional status during perimenopause: implications for public health practice. Ethn Dis, 16(1), 201-206. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ma F, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Trapido E, Gerace TA (2006). Cancer incidence in Florida professional firefighters, 1981 to 1999. JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 48(9), 883-888.  Author URL.
Ma F, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Trapido E, Gerace TA (2006). Cancer incidence in Florida professional firefighters, 1981 to 1999. J Occup Environ Med, 48(9), 883-888. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE, Backer LC, Bean JA, Tamer R, Kirkpatrick G, Kane T, Wanner A, Dalpra D, Reich A, et al (2006). Environmental exposures to Florida red tides: Effects on emergency room respiratory diagnoses admissions. Harmful Algae, 5(5), 526-533. Abstract.
Stewart I, Webb PM, Schluter PJ, Fleming LE, Burns JW, Gantar M, Backer LC, Shaw GR (2006). Epidemiology of recreational exposure to freshwater cyanobacteria - an international prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health, 6 Abstract.
Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Gómez-Marín O, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Caban AJ, Christ SL, Chung-Bridges K, Pitman T (2006). Morbidity ranking of U.S. workers employed in 206 occupations: the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1986-1994. J Occup Environ Med, 48(2), 117-134. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Leblanc WG, Arheart KL, Chung-Bridges K, Christ SL, Caban AJ, Pitman T (2006). Occupation and lung cancer mortality in a nationally representative U.S. Cohort: the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). J Occup Environ Med, 48(8), 823-832. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Broad K, Clement A, Dewailly E, Elmir S, Knap A, Pomponi SA, Smith S, Solo Gabriele H, Walsh P, et al (2006). Oceans and human health: Emerging public health risks in the marine environment. Mar Pollut Bull, 53(10-12), 545-560. Abstract.  Author URL.
Begier EM, Backer LC, Weisman RS, Hammond RM, Fleming LE, Blythe D (2006). Outbreak bias in illness reporting and case confirmation in ciguatera fish poisoning surveillance in South Florida. Public Health Reports, 121(6), 658-665. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Laws E (2006). Overview of the oceans and human health special issue. Oceanography, 19(SPL.ISS. 2), 18-23.
Benson JM, Gomez AP, Statom GL, Tibbetts BM, Fleming LE, Backer LC, Reich A, Baden DG (2006). Placental transport of brevetoxin-3 in CD-1 mice. Toxicon, 48(8), 1018-1026. Abstract.
Kirsner RS, Ma F, Fleming L, Federman DG, Trapido E, Duncan R, Wilkinson JD (2006). The effect of medicare health care delivery systems on survival for patients with breast and colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 15(4), 769-773. Abstract.
Voti L, Richardson LC, Reis I, Fleming LE, Mackinnon J, Coebergh JWW (2006). The effect of race/ethnicity and insurance in the administration of standard therapy for local breast cancer in Florida. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 95(1), 89-95. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bowen RE, Halvorson H, Depledge MH (2006). The oceans and human health. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 53(10-12), 541-544.
Richardson LC, Tian L, Voti L, Hartzema AG, Reis I, Fleming LE, MacKinnon J (2006). The roles of teaching hospitals, insurance status, and race/ethnicity in receipt of adjuvant therapy for regional-stage breast cancer in Florida. American Journal of Public Health, 96(1), 160-166. Abstract.
Voti L, Richardson LC, Reis IM, Fleming LE, Mackinnon J, Coebergh JWW (2006). Treatment of local breast carcinoma in Florida: the role of the distance to radiation therapy facilities. Cancer, 106(1), 201-207. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pierce RH, Henry MS, Blum PC, Hamel SL, Kirkpatrick B, Cheng YS, Zhou Y, Irvin CM, Naar J, Weidner A, et al (2005). Brevetoxin composition in water and marine aerosol along a Florida beach: Assessing potential human exposure to marine biotoxins. Harmful Algae, 4(6), 965-972. Abstract.
Wilkinson JD, Gonzalez A, Wohler-Torres B, Fleming LE, MacKinnon J, Trapido E, Button J, Peace S (2005). Cancer incidence among Hispanic children in the United States. Rev Panam Salud Publica, 18(1), 5-13. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cheng YS, Zhou Y, Irvin CM, Pierce RH, Naar J, Backer LC, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Baden DG (2005). Characterization of marine aerosol for assessment of human exposure to brevetoxins. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(5), 638-643. Abstract.
Benson JM, Stagner BB, Martin GK, Friedman M, Durr SE, Gomez A, McDonald J, Fleming LE, Backer LC, Baden DG, et al (2005). Cochlear function in mice following inhalation of brevetoxin-3. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 191(7), 619-626. Abstract.
Brodkin CA, Lee S, Redlich CA, Fleming LE (2005). Gastrointestinal Disorders. , 587-608.
Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Backer LC, Bean JA, Wanner A, Dalpra D, Tamer R, Zaias J, Cheng YS, Pierce R, et al (2005). Initial evaluation of the effects of aerosolized Florida red tide toxins (brevetoxins) in persons with asthma. Environ Health Perspect, 113(5), 650-657. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gómez-Marín O, Fleming LE, Caban A, Leblanc WG, Lee DJ, Pitman T (2005). Longest held job in U.S. occupational groups: the National Health Interview Survey. J Occup Environ Med, 47(1), 79-90. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ma F, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Trapido E, Gerace TA, Lai H, Lai S (2005). Mortality in Florida professional firefighters, 1972 to 1999. Am J Ind Med, 47(6), 509-517. Abstract.  Author URL.
Caban AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Gómez-Marín O, LeBlanc W, Pitman T (2005). Obesity in US workers: the National Health Interview Survey, 1986 to 2002. Am J Public Health, 95(9), 1614-1622. Abstract.  Author URL.
Backer LC, Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE, Cheng YS, Pierce R, Bean JA, Clark R, Johnson D, Wanner A, Tamer R, et al (2005). Occupational exposure to aerosolized brevetoxins during Florida red tide events: Effects on a healthy worker population. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(5), 644-649. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Backer LC, Baden DG (2005). Overview of aerosolized Florida red tide toxins: exposures and effects. Environ Health Perspect, 113(5), 618-620. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirsner RS, Ma F, Fleming L, Trapido E, Duncan R, Federman DG, Wilkinson JD (2005). The effect of medicare health care systems on women with breast and cervical cancer. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 105(6), 1381-1388. Abstract.
Kirsner RS, Ma FC, Fleming L, Trapido E, Duncan R, Federman DG, Wilkinson JD (2005). The effect of medicare health care systems on women with breast and cervical cancer. OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, 105(6), 1381-1388.  Author URL.
Benson JM, Hutt JA, Rein K, Boggs SE, Barr EB, Fleming LE (2005). The toxicity of microcystin LR in mice following 7 days of inhalation exposure. Toxicon, 45(6), 691-698. Abstract.
Dalpra D, Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE (2004). 29 Pin the part on the dinoflagellate: a hands on learning activity. Journal of Phycology, 39(s1), 11-11.
Fleming LE, Solo GH, Elmir S, Shibata T, Squicciarini D, Quirino W, Arguello M, Van de Bogart G (2004). A Pilot Study of Microbial Contamination of Subtropical Recreational Waters. Florida journal of environmental health, 184
Arena P, Levin B, Fleming LE, Friedman MA, Blythe D (2004). A pilot study of the cognitive and psychological correlates of chronic ciguatera poisoning. Harmful Algae, 3(1), 51-60. Abstract.
Gómez-Marín O, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, LeBlanc W, Zheng D, Ma F, Jané D, Pitman T, Caban A (2004). Acute and chronic disability among U.S. farmers and pesticide applicators: the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). J Agric Saf Health, 10(4), 275-285. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Backer LC, Kirkpatrick B, Clark R, Dalpra D, Johnson DR, Bean JA, Cheng YS, Benson J, Squicciarrini D, et al (2004). An Epidemiologic Approach to the Study of Aerosolized Florida Red Tides. Harmful Algae 2002 (2002), 10, 508-510. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE, Squicciarini D, Backer LC, Clark R, Abraham W, Benson J, Cheng YS, Johnson D, Pierce R, et al (2004). Literature review of Florida red tide: Implications for human health effects. Harmful Algae, 3(2), 99-115. Abstract.
Shibata T, Solo-Gabriele HM, Fleming LE, Elmir S (2004). Monitoring marine recreational water quality using multiple microbial indicators in an urban tropical environment. Water Res, 38(13), 3119-3131. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Gomez-Marín O, Leblanc W (2004). Risk of hospitalization among firefighters: the National Health Interview Survey, 1986-1994. Am J Public Health, 94(11), 1938-1939. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee DJ, LeBlanc W, Fleming LE, Gómez-Marín O, Pitman T (2004). Trends in US smoking rates in occupational groups: the National Health Interview Survey 1987-1994. J Occup Environ Med, 46(6), 538-548. Abstract.  Author URL.
Tamer R, Voti L, Fleming LE, MacKinnon J, Thompson D, Blake M, Bean JA, Richardson LC (2003). A feasibility study of the evaluation of the Florida breast cancer early detection program using the statewide cancer registry. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 81(3), 187-194. Abstract.  Author URL.
Englehardt JD, an H, Fleming LE, Bean JA (2003). Analytical predictive Bayesian assessment of occupational injury risk: municipal solid waste collectors. Risk Anal, 23(5), 917-927. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Gómez-Marín O, Zheng D, Ma F, Lee D (2003). National Health Interview Survey mortality among US farmers and pesticide applicators. Am J Ind Med, 43(2), 227-233. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fiore RN, Fleming LE (2003). Occupational and environmental health: towards an environmentally inclusive bioethics. Professional ethics (Gainesville, Fla.), 11(3), 65-82.
Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE, Stephan WB, Backer L, Clark R, Squicciarini D, Weisman R, Van De Bogart G (2003). Public Outreach Materials Regarding Harmful Algal Blooms and Their Possible Effects on Human Health. Journal of Phycology, 38(s1), 18-19.
Oberstein EM, Fleming LE, Gómez-Marin O, Glassberg MK (2003). Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM): examining oral contraceptive pills and the onset of disease. J Womens Health (Larchmt), 12(1), 81-85. Abstract.  Author URL.
Backer LC, Fleming LE, Rowan A, Cheng YS, Benson J, Pierce RH, Zaias J, Bean J, Bossart GD, Johnson D, et al (2003). Recreational exposure to aerosolized brevetoxins during Florida red tide events. Harmful Algae, 2(1), 19-28. Abstract.
Entzel PP, Fleming LE, Trepka MJ, Squicciarini D (2003). The health status of newly arrived refugee children in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Am J Public Health, 93(2), 286-288.  Author URL.
Varela JE, Gomez-Marin O, Fleming LE, Cohn SM (2003). The risk of death for Jehovah's Witnesses after major trauma. J Trauma, 54(5), 967-972. Abstract.  Author URL.
Varela JE, Gomez-Marin O, Fleming LE, Cohn SM (2003). The risk of death for jehovah’s witnesses after major trauma. Journal of Trauma, 52(5), 967-972. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Rivero C, Burns J, Williams C, Bean JA, Shea KA, Stinn J (2002). Blue green algal (cyanobacterial) toxins, surface drinking water, and liver cancer in Florida. Harmful Algae, 1(2), 157-168. Abstract.
Englehardt JD, Amy VP, Bloetscher F, Chin DA, Fleming LE, Gokgoz S, Rose JB, Solo-Gabriele H, Tchobanoglous G (2002). COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF MICROBIAL AND NDMA RISKS AMONG WASTEWATER DISPOSAL METHODS IN SOUTHEAST FLORIDA. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2002(1), 10-38.
Wilkinson JD, Wohler-Torres B, Trapido E, Fleming LE, MacKinnon J, Peace S (2002). Cancer among Hispanic women in South Florida: an 18-year assessment: a report from the Florida Cancer Data System. Cancer, 95(8), 1752-1758. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ma F, Fleming LE, Lee D, Schlesselman J (2002). Cancer mortality among Florida firefighters. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 155(11), s78-s78.  Author URL.
Wilkinson JD, Wohler-Torres B, Trapido E, Fleming LE, MacKinnon J, Voti L, Peace S (2002). Cancer trends among Hispanic men in South Florida, 1981-1998. Cancer, 94(4), 1183-1190. Abstract.  Author URL.
Maitland TE, Huffman FG, Weddle DO, Gomez O, Fleming LE, Weekes DP (2002). Diets of female Caribbean immigrants to the United States compared with those of their US-born peers: the level of adherence to US dietary guidelines. FASEB JOURNAL, 16(4), A251-A251.  Author URL.
Knap A, Dewailly E, Furgal C, Galvin J, Baden D, Bowen RE, Depledge M, Duguay L, Fleming LE, Ford T, et al (2002). Indicators of ocean health and human health: developing a research and monitoring framework. Environ Health Perspect, 110(9), 839-845. Abstract.  Author URL.
GRANT P, SKINNER HG, FLEMING LE, BEAN JA (2002). Influence of Structured Encounter Forms on Documentation by Community Pediatricians. Southern Medical Journal, 95(9), 1026-1031.
Grant P, Skinner HG, Fleming LE, Bean JA (2002). Influence of structured encounter forms on documentation by community pediatricians. South Med J, 95(9), 1026-1031. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rogers J, Englehardt J, an H, Fleming L (2002). Solid waste collection health and safety risks - Survey of municipal solid waste collectors. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 28(3), 154-160. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Bean JA, Englehardt J, an J, Danits M, John N, Rogers J (2002). Solid waste workers: Occupational exposures and health. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 28(2), 79-96. Abstract.
Dwiggins GA, Bonanno LJ, Freeman NCG, Greenberg M, Lioy PJ, Spirtas R, Fleming LE, Demers PA, Weisburger EK, Melville R, et al (2001). Continuing education - "The action level"<sup>sm</sup>. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 16(9), 857-858.
Schafer IA, Robin NH, Posch JJ, Clark BA, Izumo S, Schwartz S (2001). Distal 5q deletion syndrome: Phenotypic correlations. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 103(1), 63-68. Abstract.
Shea KA, Fleming LE, Wilkinson JD, Wohler-Torres B, McKinnon JA (2001). Hepatocellular carcinoma incidence in Florida. Ethnic and racial distribution. Cancer, 91(5), 1046-1051. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dunphy FR, Dunleavy TL, Harrison BR, Trinkaus KM, Kim HJ, Stack BC, Needles B, Boyd JH (2001). Induction paclitaxel and carboplatin for patients with head and neck carcinoma: Analysis of 62 patients treated between 1994 and 1999. Cancer, 91(5), 940-948. Abstract.
Wilkinson JD, Fleming LE, MacKinnon J, Voti L, Wohler-Torres B, Peace S, Trapido E (2001). Lymphoma and lymphoid leukemia incidence in Florida children: ethnic and racial distribution. Cancer, 91(7), 1402-1408. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee DJ, Ma FC, Fleming LE, Gomez-Marin O (2001). NHIS evaluation of mortality among us farmers and pesticide applicators. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 153(11), S126-S126.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Oquendo S, Bean JA, Tamer R, Finn S, Wanner A (2001). Pilot detection study of alpha(1) antitrypsin deficiency in a targeted population. Am J Med Genet, 103(1), 69-74. Abstract.  Author URL.
Spirtas R, Fleming LE, Demers PA, Weisburger EK (2001). TLV carcinogenicity categories: Recent modifications. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 16(9), 875-883. Abstract.
Stoller JK, Brantly M, Fleming LE, Bean JA, Walsh J (2000). Formation and current results of a patient-organized registry for α<sub>1</sub>-antitrypsin deficiency. CHEST, 118(3), 843-848.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Bean JA, Rudolph M, Hamilton K (1999). Cancer incidence in a cohort of licensed pesticide applicators in Florida. J Occup Environ Med, 41(4), 279-288. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Easom J, Baden D, Rowan A, Levin B (1999). Emerging harmful algal blooms and human health: Pfiesteria and related organisms. Toxicol Pathol, 27(5), 573-581.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Bean JA, Rudolph M, Hamilton K (1999). Mortality in a cohort of licensed pesticide applicators in Florida. Occup Environ Med, 56(1), 14-21. Abstract.  Author URL.
An H, Englehardt J, Fleming L, Bean J (1999). Occupational health and safety amongst municipal solid waste workers in Florida. Waste Management and Research, 17(5), 369-377. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Bunn WB (1998). AUTHORS' REPLY. Occupational Medicine, 48(3), 207-208.
Calvert GM, Talaska G, Mueller CA, Ammenheuser MM, Au WW, Fajen JM, Fleming LE, Briggle T, Ward E (1998). Genotoxicity in workers exposed to methyl bromide. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 417(2-3), 115-128. Abstract.
Calvert GM, Mueller CA, Fajen JM, Chrislip DW, Russo J, Briggle T, Fleming LE, Suruda AJ, Steenland K (1998). Health effects associated with sulfuryl fluoride and methyl bromide exposure among structural fumigation workers. American Journal of Public Health, 88(12), 1774-1780. Abstract.
Elghany NA, Stopford W, Bunn WB, Fleming LE (1998). Occupational Exposure to Inorganic Mercury Vapour and Reproductive Outcomes. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 53(3), 137-139.
Sheikh K, Fleming LE, Bunn WB (1998). Occupational exposure to inorganic mercury vapour and reproductive outcomes (multiple letters) [1]. Occupational Medicine, 48(3), 207-208.
Ma F, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Dosemeci M (1998). Race-specific cancer mortality in US firefighters: 1984-1993. J Occup Environ Med, 40(12), 1134-1138. Abstract.  Author URL.
Calvert GM, Mueller CA, O'Neill VL, Fajen JM, Briggle T, Fleming LE (1997). Agreement between company-recorded and self-reported estimates of duration and frequency of occupational fumigant exposure. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 32(4), 364-368. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Herzstein JA (1997). Emerging issues in pesticide health studies. Occupational Medicine - State of the Art Reviews, 12(2), 387-397.
Fleming LE, Herzstein JA (1997). Emerging issues in pesticide health studies. Occup Med, 12(2), 387-397.  Author URL.
Lee DJ, Carrillo L, Fleming L (1997). Epidemiology of hepatitis B vaccine acceptance among urban paramedics and emergency medical technicians. American Journal of Infection Control, 25(5), 421-423. Abstract.
Elghany NA, Stopford W, Bunn WB, Fleming LE (1997). Occupational exposure to inorganic mercury vapour and reproductive outcomes. Occupational Medicine, 47(6), 333-336. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Bean JA, Rudolph M, Hamilton K, Kasl S, Stolwijk J (1997). Retrospective cohort study of cancer incidence in Florida pesticide applicators. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 145(11), 249-249.  Author URL.
Carrillo L, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (1996). Bloodborne pathogens risk and precautions among urban fire-rescue workers. J Occup Environ Med, 38(9), 920-924. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee D, Dosemeci M, Fleming LE (1996). Cancer mortality in US firefighters: 1984-1991. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 143(11), 72-72.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Bean JA, Rudolph M, Hamilton K (1996). Mortality among licensed pesticide applicators in Florida. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 143(11), 264-264.  Author URL.
Abrams H, Anderson H, Anderson J, Ashford N, Baker D, Beaumont P, Bergeisen G, Bingham E, Castleman B, Catlin M, et al (1996). Untitled. ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 51(4), 338-340.  Author URL.
Fleming L, Mann JB, Bean J, Briggle T, Sanchez‐Ramos JR (1994). Parkinson's disease and brain levels of organochlorine pesticides. Annals of Neurology, 36(1), 100-103. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Timmeny W (1994). Re: Aplastic anemia and pesticides. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 36(6).
Fleming LE, Timmeny W (1993). Aplastic anemia and pesticides. An etiologic association?. J Occup Med, 35(11), 1106-1116. Abstract.  Author URL.
Welch E, Fleming LE, Peyser I, Greenfield W, Steele BW, Bandstra ES (1993). Rapid cocaine screening of urine in a newborn nursery. J Pediatr, 123(3), 468-470. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Baden DG, Ayyar RA, Bean JA, Blythe DG, Shrank K, De Sylva DP (1992). A pilot study of a new ELISA test for ciguatoxin in humans. Bull Soc Pathol Exot, 85(5 Pt 2), 508-509. Abstract.  Author URL.
Blythe DG, De Sylva DP, Fleming LE, Ayyar RA, Baden DG, Shrank K (1992). Clinical experience with i.v. Mannitol in the treatment of ciguatera. Bull Soc Pathol Exot, 85(5 Pt 2), 425-426. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Ducatman AM, Shalat SL (1992). Disease clusters in occupational medicine: a protocol for their investigation in the workplace. Am J Ind Med, 22(1), 33-47. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE (1992). Unusual occupational gastrointestinal and hepatic disorders. Occup Med, 7(3), 433-448. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Ducatman AM, Shalat SL (1991). Disease clusters: a central and ongoing role in occupational health. J Occup Med, 33(7), 818-825. Abstract.  Author URL.
Redlich CA, West AB, Fleming L, True LD, Cullen MR, Riely CA (1990). Clinical and pathological characteristics of hepatotoxicity associated with occupational exposure to dimethylformamide. Gastroenterology, 99(3), 748-757. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Shalat SL, Redlich CA (1990). Liver injury in workers exposed to dimethylformamide. Scand J Work Environ Health, 16(4), 289-292. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shalat SL, True LD, Fleming LE, Pace PE (1989). Kidney cancer in utility workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). British Journal of Industrial Medicine, 46(11), 823-824.


Bennett B, Jahateh B, Pratt DO, Davies AD, Fleming LE, Rabbottini L, Depledge MH, Alcantara-Creencia L, Gerwick WH, Goh HC, et al (2023). Chapter 1 Overview of Oceans and Human Health. In  (Ed) Oceans and Human Health, Elsevier, 1-20.
Newton JN, Fleming LE, Depledge MH, Bennett B, Morris G, Keast J, Gribble MO (2023). Chapter 16 Estimating the impact of oceans on human health: the value of taking a burden of disease approach. In  (Ed) Oceans and Human Health, Elsevier, 473-495.
Lloret J, Izquierdo A, Fontdecaba E, Lloveras M, Minuto S, Carreño A, San J, Gómez S, Enciso O, Vendrell C, et al (2023). Chapter 22 Community engagement for ocean and human health. In  (Ed) Oceans and Human Health, Elsevier, 687-726.
Fleming LE, Depledge MH, Maycock B, Alcantara-Creencia L, Gerwick WH, Goh HC, Gribble MO, Keast J, Raps H, Solo-Gabriele H, et al (2023). Chapter 23 Horizon scan of oceans and human health. In  (Ed) Oceans and Human Health, Elsevier, 729-742.
O’Halloran C, Patil B, Buchan PM, Bridge NL, Cunningham EG, Buchan PM, Bridge NL, Fleming LE, Patil B, Maycock B, et al (2023). Chapter 24 Oceans and human health stewardship, literacy, and citizenship. In  (Ed) Oceans and Human Health, Elsevier, 745-774.
Keast J, Teicher S, Bouley TA, Machalaba C, Gerwick WH, Fleming LE (2023). Marine biotechnology: a One Health approach to linking life on land to life underwater. In  (Ed) Oceans and Human Health: Opportunities and Impacts, 149-180. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Praptiwi RA, Goh HC, Raps H (2022). Ocean(s) and Human Health: Risks and Opportunities. In  (Ed) Life Below Water, Springer Nature, 756-769.
Morris GP, Mishra HS, Fleming LE (2021). Blue space as an essential factor in environment and health. In  (Ed) Urban Blue Spaces: Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being, 15-37. Abstract.
Bell S, Fleming LE, Grellier J (2021). Introduction. In  (Ed) Urban Blue Spaces, Taylor & Francis, 1-11.
Fleming LE, Praptiwi RA, Goh HC, Raps H (2021). Ocean(s) and Human Health: Risks and Opportunities. In  (Ed) Life Below Water, Springer Nature, 1-14.
White MP, Elliott LR, Gascon M, Roberts B, Fleming LE (2021). Potential benefits of blue space for human health and well-being. In  (Ed) Urban Blue Spaces: Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being, 38-58. Abstract.
Sharpe R, Osborne N, Paterson C, Taylor T, Fleming L, Morris G (2020). Housing, Indoor Air Pollution, and Health in High-Income Countries. In  (Ed) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, Oxford University Press (OUP).
Stewart I, Carmichael WW, Backer LC, Fleming LE, Shaw GR (2019). Recreational exposure to cyanobacteria. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 476-487. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Katz D, Bean JA, Hammond R (2018). Epidemiology of seafood poisoning. In  (Ed) Foodborne Disease Handbook, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded: Volume 4: Seafood and Environmental Toxins, 287-310. Abstract.
Fleming L, Tempini N, Gordon-Brown H, Nichols GL, Sarran C, Vineis P, Leonardi G, Golding B, Haines A, Kessel A, et al (2017). Big Data in Environment and Human Health. In  (Ed) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, Oxford University Press (OUP).
Wheeler B, White M, Fleming LE, Taylor T, Harvey A, Depledge MH (2014). Influences of the Oceans on human health and wellbeing. In Bowen R, Depledge MH, Carlarne CP, Fleming LE (Eds.) Oceans and Human Health: Implications for Society and Well-Being, London: Wiley.
Stewart JR, Fleming LE, Fleisher JM, Abdelzaher AM, Lyons MM (2011). Chapter 2. In  (Ed) Marine Pollution and Human Health, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 25-67.
Stewart I, Carmichael WW, Backer LC, Fleming LE, Shaw GR (2011). Recreational Exposure to Cyanobacteria. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 776-788. Abstract.
Stewart I, Carmichael WW, Backer LC, Fleming LE, Shaw GR (2011). Recreational Exposure to Cyanobacteria. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Volume 1-5. Abstract.
Rabinowitz PM, Conti LA, Zaias J, Backer LC, Fleming LE (2010). 8 Toxic Exposures. In  (Ed) Human-Animal Medicine, Elsevier, 50-104.
Okamoto K, Fleming LE (2005). Algae. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 68-76.
Brodkin CA, Lee S, Redlich CA, Lee S, Fleming LE, Brodkin CA (2005). Chapter 26 Gastrointestinal Disorders. In  (Ed) Textbook of Clinical Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Elsevier, 587-608.
Russi MB, Kipen HM, Wartenberg D, Ruder AM, Carreón T, Ward EM, Schulte PA, Halperin W, Shalat SL, Mohr SN, et al (2005). Chapter 30 Cancer. In  (Ed) Textbook of Clinical Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Elsevier, 727-824.
Backer LC, Schurz-Rogers H, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Benson J (2004). Marine phycotoxins in seafood. In  (Ed) Toxins in Food, 155-189. Abstract.
Fleming LE, Bean JA (2003). Epidemiologic Issues in Occupational and Environmental Health. In  (Ed) Principles of Toxicology, Wiley, 511-521.
Fleming LE, Backer L, Rowan A (2001). The Epidemiology of Human Illnesses Associated with Harmful Algal Blooms. In  (Ed) Handbook of Neurotoxicology, Springer Nature, 363-381.


Pangborn JZ, Moore KJ, Santiago KM, Trapido EJ, Subra WA, Fleming LE, Caban-Martinez AJ (2018). 613 Occupational health and safety perspectives of louisiana first responders involved in the 2010 deepwater horizon oil spill. History of Prevention of Occupational Diseases.
Clarke TC, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Arheart KL, Caban-Martinez AJ, Ocasio M, Antoni MH (2014). Abstract A86: Sociodemographic correlates of cancer survivors in the United States.
Clarke TC, Soler-Vila H, Caban-Martinez AJ, Ocasio MA, Arheart KL, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Muntaner C (2012). Reducing the Global Cancer Burden - Surveillance and Control one Country at a Time.  Author URL.
Clarke TC, Hernandez M, Arheart K, Dietz N, Lee DJ, Fleming LE (2011). Abstract 1883: Smoking and lung cancer in the United States: Geographic variations by state over time.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Davila EP, Lam BL, Dubovy SR, Arheart KL, Zheng DD, McCollister KE, Fleming LE, Lee DJ (2010). Provision of Eye Care Provider Smoking Cessation Advice to Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration.  Author URL.
Caban-Martinez A, Davila EP, Lee DJ, Zhao W, Webb M, Byrne M, Arheart K, Messiah A, Dietz N, Huang Y, et al (2009). Hypertension Control Advice and Smoking Status: Does Your Smoking Status Matter?.  Author URL.
Davila EP, Lee DJ, Niyonsenga T, Parkash J, Florez H, Fleming LE (2009). Novel Risk Factors Associated with Suboptimal and Poor Glucemic Control among US Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: NHANES 1999:2004.  Author URL.
Moore SK, Trainer VL, Mantua NJ, Parker MS, Laws EA, Backer LC, Fleming LE (2008). Impacts of climate variability and future climate change on harmful algal blooms and human health. Abstract.
Kite-Powell HL, Fleming LE, Backer LC, Faustman EM, Hoagland P, Tsuchiya A, Younglove LR, Wilcox BA, Gast RJ (2008). Linking the oceans to public health: Current efforts and future directions. Abstract.
Caban-Martinez AJ, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, Zheng D, Arheart KL, Lam B, McCollister KE, Chung-Bridges K, Christ S, et al (2007). Surveillance of concurrent hearing and visual impairment in us workers: the national health interview survey, 1997-2004.  Author URL.
Ma FC, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Trapido E, Gerace TA, Lai H, Lai SH (2005). Mortality in Florida professional firefighters, 1972 to 1999.  Author URL.
Gomez-Marin O, Caban A, Fleming L, Lee D, LeBlanc W, Pitman T (2005). Obesity rates and their trends in 41 US occupational groups.  Author URL.
Shibata T, Solo-Gabriele HM, Fleming LE, Shalat SL, Cai Y, Townsend T (2005). Potential arsenic exposures to children associated with in-service and recycled CCA-treated wood in tropical environments.  Author URL.
Ma F, Fleming LE, Lee D, Trapido E (2003). A retrospective cohort study of general mortality in Florida firefighters.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Backer LC (2003). An epidemiologic approach to the study of aerosolized brevetoxins during red tide events.  Author URL.
Ma F, Fleming LE, Lee D, Trapido E, Rudolph M, Voti L, Cobian S (2003). Cancer incidence in a cohort of Florida firefighters.  Author URL.
Solo-Gabriele H, Fleming L, Townsend T, Cai Y (2003). Disposal strategies for CCA-Treated wood. Abstract.
Maitland TE, Weddle DO, Fleming LE, Gomez-Marin O (2003). Epidemiologic investigation of health and nutrition during perimenopause: the use of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in culturally heterogeneous groups in South Florida.  Author URL.
Dewailly E, Furgal C, Knap A, Galvin J, Baden D, Bowen B, Depledge M, Duguay L, Fleming L, Ford T, et al (2002). Indicators of ocean and human health. Abstract.  Author URL.
An HR, Englehardt J, Bean J, Fleming L, Dantis M (1999). Bayesian risk analysis of municipal solid waste workers' occupational health and safety problems.  Author URL.
Fleming LE, Walking S, Kaderman R, Levin B, Ayyar DR, Bizzio M, Stephens D, Bean JA (1995). Mercury exposure in humans through food consumption from the Everglades of Florida. Abstract.


Depledge MH, Lovell R, Wheeler BW, Morrissey KM, White M, Fleming LE (2017). Future of the Sea: Health and Wellbeing of Coastal Communities. Governtment Office for Science, Abstract.

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