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University of Exeter Medical School

Professor Felicity Thomas

Professor Felicity Thomas

Associate Professor in Culture and Health Inequalities


 +44 (0) 1392 724249

 South Cloisters 


South Cloisters, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


I am an Associate Professor in Culture and Health Inequalties and a Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Culture and Health based at the University of Exeter.

My work is focused on understanding how cultures - encompassing societal values and norms, working practice, and regulatory and research cultures – intersect to impact on health and social care delivery, particularly for marginalised population groups. I have a particular interest in the intersections between poverty, mental health, and medicalisation, and in improving social care practice to support families with complex needs. I work in collaboration with service users, patients and health and social care providers to understand the cultural contexts that shape their experiences, and to design and lead impactful studies that shift working practice to create more ethical and sustainable health and social care.

I am an applied social scientist with an interdisciplinary background. I draw mainly on narrative, ethnographic and engaged research methods. 

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Research interests

My work is focused on understanding and addressing health and social care inequalities. I am especially interested in understanding how cultures - encompassing societal values and norms, working practice, and regulatory and research cultures – intersect to impact on health and social care delivery, particularly for marginalised population groups. I have a particular interest in the intersections between poverty, mental health, and medicalisation, and in improving social care practice to support families with complex needs. I work in collaboration with service users, patients and health and social care providers to understand the cultural contexts that shape their experiences, and to design and lead impactful studies that shift working practice to create more ethical and sustainable health and social care.

Research projects

Current and recent research grants:

  • Transforming care and outcomes in Borderline Personality Disorder (2024-2029, UKRI Mental Health Platform Hub). Team lead Scott Weich (PI, Sheffield). Work Package lead (with Richard Byng, Plymouth) on Understanding care contexts and cultural influences. 
  • Understanding kinship carer support networks (2024-2026, NIHR Research for Social Care). Research team: Felicity Thomas (PI), Thomas El-Hoss (Exeter), Lorien Jasny (Exeter), Katrina Wyatt (Exeter), Susanne Hughes (Exeter), Felix Gradinger (Plymouth), Kinship (national charity)
  • Implementing effective primary care responses to poverty-related mental distress (2021-2025, NIHR ARC Health Inqualities Consortium). Research team: Felicity Thomas (PI), Katrina Wyatt (Exeter), Richard Byng (Plymouth), Susanne Hughes (Exeter), Jane Horrell (Exeter), Ilse Lee (UCL Partners), Kathryn Berzins (UcLan). Project webpage
  • Supporting parents at risk of repeat child removal (2023-2024, Torbay Medical Research Fund). Research team: Felicity Thomas (PI), Thomas El-Hoss, Susanne Hughes
  • Neonatal palliative care for ethnically diverse families (2023-2024), Wellcome Centre Transformative Research Award. Research team: Marie Clancy (PI), Felicity Thomas
  • Nurture-U: Student Wellbeing (2021-2025) UKRI. Compassionate Campus workstream research team: Ed Watkins (PI); Louise Lawrence, Felicity Thomas, Jemima Dooley, Polly Card
  • Health and wellbeing in the Belarusian diaspora (2022-2024, WCCEH). Research team: Felicity Thomas (PI), Aliaksandr Kazakou (Exeter)
  • Understanding the high number of children in statutory care in Torbay: an engaged approach to supporting families (2021-2023, Torbay Medical Research Fund). Research team: Felicity Thomas (PI), Felix Gradinger (Plymouth), Susanne Hughes (Exeter), Tom El-Hoss (Exeter), Torbay Council Public Health and Children's Services teams
  • Poverty, pathology and pills: moral narratives and the medicalisation of distress (2016 - 2019, ESRC ref: ES/N018281/1). The provision of effective treatment and support for mental distress is a stated aim of the British Government and many civil society organisations. Within low-income communities, use of antidepressant medications is relatively high. However, current strategies frame mental distress as a psychological problem that lies within the individual concerned. This not only suggests that such distress can be 'corrected' through medical treatment, but also masks the factors that often underlie the root causes of suffering e.g. poor living conditions, unemployment. At the same time, policies in place to restrict welfare support, and popular media e.g. Benefits Street, draw on moralising narratives that promote the idea that people should take responsibility for their actions and circumstances. This research is exploring how people in low-income communities perceive and respond to mental distress caused by material deprivation and social disadvantage. Addressing key knowledge gaps, attention will be given to understanding: i) the role of moral narratives in influencing decisions to seek medical support for mental distress; ii) how these narratives manifest within GP consultations and influence treatment decisions and patient wellbeing. Research team: Felicity Thomas (PI), Katrina Wyatt (Exeter), Rose McCabe (Exeter) and Richard Byng (Plymouth).
  • Cultural contexts of health (on-going collaboration with WHO Regional Office for Europe). Our experiences of health, and our interactions with those who care for us, are strongly influenced by the cultural contexts we inhabit. Yet whilst there has been a recent drive to understand the social determinants of health, the ways in which societal norms, value systems, working practice, traditions and beliefs impact on health pathways and outcomes are often ignored, as is the frequently positive, protective impact that culture can have in the face of certain health challenges. We are working with WHO to systematically investigate the cultural contexts of health and well-being across the European Region, and to embed humanities and social sciences research and methodological approaches into the public health sector. Current work here includes on-going collaborations relating to the culture and reform of mental health care in Central and Eastern Europe; reporting on the cultural aspects of antibiotic resistance; the development of a model for reporting on wellbeing across the WHO Europe Region; development of a toolkit on intercultural competence and diversity sensitivity within healthcare.
  • Mental health outcomes of early life trauma in Belarus and Ukraine (MRC TrACES fund 2018 - 2019). Early life trauma (ELT) is known to be a key determinant of later life health and wellbeing. Within Belarus and Ukraine, high levels of ELT have been associated with some of the highest levels of suicide and substance abuse amongst young people and adults in the world. Whilst this situation has been widely linked to the significant social, political and economic upheavals experienced in the Central and Eastern European Region over the past three decades, there is a dearth of detailed analysis of the causes of early life trauma in Belarus or Ukraine, or the socio-cultural context in which it is experienced, understood and responded to. This is due in large part to the continuing dominance of psychiatric and biomedical models of understanding, which pay little attention to the socio-cultural factors underpinning people’s lives, and to the lack of funding that has been available for non-clinical research. This project involves running a series of workshops with partner organisations (Ukrainian Catholic University and Minsk Regional Centre for Psychiatry and Addiction) to bring together key stakeholders from diverse disciplinary and service provider backgrounds in Belarus and Ukraine in order to i) support key stakeholders and service providers working with those affected by early life trauma to better understand its causes and the ways that multiple traumas interact to establish risk for negative mental health, substance abuse and suicide; ii) identify the factors and mechanisms which promote resilience amongst those affected by ELT and protect against negative mental health, substance abuse and suicide. Research team: Felicity Thomas (PI), Mark Jackson, Dzmitry Krupchenka, Olga Kazakova, Orest Suvalo
  • Reducing inequalities in psychological support for people affected by cancer (Engaged Reearch Exploratory Award, 2018). High levels of cancer exist within low-income communities in the UK. Since the publication of best practice guidance (National Cancer Equality Initiative 2010), efforts have been made to increase parity of cancer healthcare and treatment. Yet whilst people’s medical needs are increasingly well met, little attention has focused on supporting their mental health and emotional wellbeing, crucial when over half now live for ten years or more following diagnosis (Macmillan 2014). People diagnosed with cancer often report feeling overwhelmed with despair, grief and depression, factors that can be vastly exacerbated when they and their families are living concurrently with material hardship and deprivation. The NHS Cancer Strategy (2016) calls for accelerated commissioning of support services, such as those provided through specialist counselling and psychological support. However, this is not provided routinely within NHS care, and little is known about the factors that influence referral to, or awareness of, this kind of service, or the long-term impact counselling has on service users. Working with partner organisations We Hear You (WHY); Wessex Cancer Trust and The Harbour, this project sekes to: identify lived experiences and gaps in current service provision for low-income groups; ii) provide a forum for low-income communities to feed in to the development and implementation of local Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs); iii) identify research priorities to help reduce inequalities in the provision of psychological support for people affected by cancer. Research team: Felicity Thomas (PI), Lorraine Hansford

Research networks

Children and Young People's Wellbeing Network


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Thomas F (2016). Handbook of Migration and Health., Edward Elgar Publishing. Abstract.
Aggleton P, Parker R, Thomas F (eds)(2015). Culture, health and sexuality: an introduction. Abingdon, Routledge.
Thomas F, Gideon J (eds)(2013). Migration, Health and Inequality. London, Zed Books. Abstract.
Thomas F, Haour-Knipe M, Aggleton P (eds)(2010). Mobility, Sexuality and AIDS. Abingdon, Routledge. Abstract.  Author URL.

Journal articles

Redman H, Clancy M, Thomas F (In Press). Culturally Sensitive Neonatal Palliative Care: a Critical Review. Palliative Care and Social Practice
El-Hoss T, Thomas F, Gradinger F, Hughes MS (2024). Child protection and family support: Experiences in a seaside resort. Geoforum, 148, 103943-103943.
Thomas F, Wyatt K, Berzins K, Lee I, Horrell J, McLoughlin A, Hamer O, Hughes S (2024). Supporting patients experiencing poverty-related mental distress: Development and evaluation of a training resource in general practices in eleven regions of England. SSM - Mental Health, 5, 100320-100320.
Thomas F (2024). Supporting patients experiencing poverty-related mental distress: development and evaluation of a training resource in General Practices in eleven regions of England. Social Science and Medicine - Mental Health, 5
Montenegro C, Irarrázaval Dominguez M, González Moller J, Thomas F, Urrutia Ortiz J (2023). Moving psychiatric deinstitutionalization forward: a scoping review of barriers and facilitators. Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, 10 Abstract.
Montenegro C, Irarrázaval Dominguez M, González Moller J, Thomas F, Urrutia Ortiz J (2023). Moving psychiatric deinstitutionalization forward: a scoping review of barriers and facilitators – CORRIGENDUM. Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, 10
El‐Hoss T, Thomas F, Gradinger F, Hughes S (2023). The role of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Early Help: Critical reflections from embedded social care research. Child & Family Social Work, 28(4), 1150-1162. Abstract.
Hansford L, Thomas F, Wyatt K (2022). How does housing affect end-of-life care and bereavement in low-income communities? a qualitative study of the experiences of bereaved individuals and service providers in the United Kingdom. Palliative Care and Social Practice, 16 Abstract.
Hansford L, Thomas F, Wyatt K (2022). Poverty, choice and dying in the UK: a call to examine whether public health approaches to palliative care address the needs of low-income communities. Mortality, 28(4), 610-626.
Green J, Fischer EF, Fitzgerald D, Harvey TS, Thomas F (2022). The publics of public health: learning from COVID-19. Critical Public Health, 32(5), 592-599.
Ford J, Thomas F, Byng R, McCabe R (2021). Asking about self-harm and suicide in primary care: Moral and practical dimensions. Patient Education and Counseling, 104, 826-835.
Thomas F, Hansford L, Wyatt K, Byng R, Coombes K, Finch J, Finnerty K, Ford J, Guppy K, Guppy R, et al (2020). An engaged approach to exploring issues around poverty and mental health: a reflective evaluation of the research process from researchers and community partners involved in the DeStress study. Health Expectations, 24(S1), 113-121. Abstract.
Thomas F, Wyatt K, Hansford L (2020). The violence of narrative: embodying responsibility for poverty-related distress. Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology
Ford J, Thomas F, Byng R, McCabe R (2020). Use of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) in practice? Interactions between patients and physicians. Qualitative Health Research
Ford J, Thomas F, Byng R, McCabe R (2019). Exploring how patients respond to GP recommendations for mental health treatment: an analysis of communication in primary care consultations. BJGP Open Abstract.
Thomas F, Hansford L, Ford J, Wyatt K, McCabe R, Byng R (2019). How accessible and acceptable are current GP referral mechanisms for IAPT for low-income patients? Lay and primary care perspectives. Journal of Mental Health, 29(6), 706-711.
Hansford L, Thomas F, Wyatt K (2019). The impact of the Work Capability Assessment on mental health: Claimants’ lived experiences and GP perspectives in low-income communities. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 27(3), 351-368. Abstract.
Higgins S, Thomas F (2019). Urban freshwaters, biodiversity and human health and wellbeing: setting an interdisciplinary research agenda. WIREs Water, 6
Thomas F (2018). Health education and migration. Health Education Journal
Hinchliffe S, Jackson M, Wyatt K, Barlow A, Barreto M, Clare L, Deplege M, Durie R, Fleming L, Groom N, et al (2018). Healthy publics: Enabling cultures and environments for health. Palgrave Communications, 4, n/a-n/a.
Thomas F, Hansford L, Ford J, Wyatt K, McCabe R, Byng R (2018). Moral narratives and mental health: rethinking understandings of distress and healthcare support in contexts of austerity and welfare reform. Palgrave Communications, 4 Abstract.
Thomas F (2017). Pharmaceutical waste in the environment: a cultural perspective. Public Health Panorama
Thomas F, Aggleton P (2016). A confluence of evidence: What lies behind a whole-school approach to health education in schools?. Health Education, 116(2).
Thomas F (2016). Climate change and health. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Science
Thomas F (2016). Young people's use of medicines: pharmaceuticalised governance and illness management within household and school settings. Social Science and Medicine, 165, 150-158.
Thomas F, Depledge M (2015). Medicine ‘misuse’: Implications for health and environmental sustainability. Social Science & Medicine, 143, 81-87.
Thomas F (2015). The role of natural environments within women's everyday health and wellbeing in Copenhagen, Denmark. Health Place, 35, 187-195. Abstract.  Author URL.
Thomas F, Sabel CE, Morton K, Hiscock R, Depledge MH (2014). Extended impacts of climate change on health and wellbeing. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, 44, 271-278.  Author URL.
Bennett C, Thomas F (2013). Seeking asylum in the UK: lesbian perspectives. Forced Migration Review, 42, 25-28.
Drew R, Aggleton P, Boyce P, Chalmers H, Maxwell C, Pachauri S, Thomas F, Warwick I, Wood K (2011). Social Network Analysis to evaluate organisational networks on sexual health and rights. Development in Practice, 21(8), 1062-1079. Abstract.
Thomas F, Aggleton P, Anderson J (2010). 'Experts', 'partners' and 'fools': exploring agency in HIV treatment seeking among African migrants in London. Social Science and Medicine, 70, 736-743. Abstract.  Author URL.
Thomas F, Aggleton P, Anderson J (2010). If I cannot access services then there is no need for me to test." the impacts of health service charges on HIV testing and treatment amongst migrants in England. , 22(4), 526-531. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chase E, Chalmers H, Thomas F, Hollingworth K, Aggleton P (2010). Shifting Policies and Enduring Themes in. School Nursing. British Journal of School Nursing, 5, 492-500.
Thomas F (2010). Transnational health and treatment networks: meaning, value and place in health seeking amongst southern African migrants in London. Health and Place, 16(3), 606-612. Abstract.  Author URL.
Evans R, Thomas F (2009). Emotional interactions and an ethic of care: caring relations in families affected by HIV and AIDS'. Emotions, Space and Society, 2(2), 111-119. Abstract.  Author URL.
Thomas F (2008). Indigenous narratives of HIV/AIDS: morality and blame in a time of change. Medical Anthropology, 27(3), 227-256. Abstract.
Thomas F (2008). Remarriage after spousal death: options facing widows and implications for livelihood security. Gender & Development, 16(1), 73-83.
Thomas F (2008). Remarriage after spousal death: options facing widows and implications for livelihood security. Gender and Development, 16(1), 75-85. Abstract.
Thomas F (2008). ‘Our Families are Killing Us’: HIV/AIDS, Witchcraft and Social Tensions in the Caprivi Region, Namibia. Anthropology and Medicine, 14(3), 279-291.
Thomas F (2007). Eliciting emotions in HIV/AIDS research: a diary‐based approach. Area, 39(1), 74-82.
Thomas F (2007). Eliciting emotions: using solicited text and photo diary methods in HIV/AIDS research. Area, 39(1), 74-82. Abstract.  Author URL.
Thomas F (2007). Global rights, local realities: negotiating gender equality and sexual rights in the Caprivi Region, Namibia. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 9(6), 599-614. Abstract.  Author URL.
Thomas F (2007). Our families are killing us": witchcraft narratives and social tensions in the Caprivi Region, Namibia. Anthropology and Medicine, 14(3), 279-291. Abstract.  Author URL.
Thomas F (2006). Stigma, fatigue and social breakdown: exploring the impacts of HIV/AIDS on patient and carer well-being in the Caprivi Region, Namibia. Social Science and Medicine, 63, 3174-3187. Abstract.  Author URL.


Thomas F (2021). Medicalisation. In  (Ed) Routledge International Handbook of Critical Issues in Health and Illness, 23-33.
Thomas F, Fietje N (2020). Capturing the cultural narratives of well-being. In  (Ed) Well-Being: Expanding the Definition of Progress Insights from Practitioners, Researchers, and Innovators from Around the Globe, 67-82. Abstract.
Thomas F, Hansford L (2019). Supporting mental health in low-income communities: Implications for justice and equity. In  (Ed) Practical Justice: Principles, Practice and Social Change, 54-68.
Wyatt K, Durie R, Thomas F (2016). Asset Based Approaches for Community Engagement. In  (Ed) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, Oxford University Press (OUP).
Thomas F (2016). Climate change and health. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, UK: Elsevier.
Thomas F (2016). Cultural competence in migrant healthcare. In Thomas F (Ed) Handbook of Migration and Health, Edward Elgar, 459-476.
Thomas F (2016). Migration and health: an introduction. In Thomas F (Ed) Handbook of Migration and Health, Edward Elgar Publishing, 3-18. Abstract.
Thomas F, Aggleton P (2016). School-Based Sex and Relationships Education: Current Knowledge and Emerging Themes. In  (Ed) Global Perspectives and Key Debates in Sex and Relationships Education: Addressing Issues of Gender, Sexuality, Plurality and Power, 13-29.
Thomas F, Hoyez A (2016). Socio-spatial dimensions of healthcare for newly arrived migrants. In Thomas F (Ed) Handbook of Migration and Health, Edward Elgar, 158-172.
Aggleton P, Parker R, Thomas F (2015). From Sex to Sexuality: Sexual Cultures and Sexual Selves. In Aggleton P, Parker R, Thomas F (Eds.) Culture, Health and Sexuality: an introduction, Abingdon: Routledge.
Aggleton P, Parker R, Thomas F (2015). From sex to sexuality. In  (Ed) Culture, Health and Sexuality, Taylor & Francis, 1-6.
Thomas F, Aggleton P (2015). School-based sex and relationships education: current knowledge and emerging themes. In Sundaram V, Saunston H (Eds.) Global Perspectives and Key Debates in SRE: Addressing Issues of Gender, Sexuality, Plurality and Power, Palgrave.
Thomas F (2013). Multiple medicaments: looking beyond structural inequalities in migrant healthcare. In Thomas F, Gideon J (Eds.) Migration, Health and Inequality, London: Zed Books, 137-149.
Schifter J, Thomas F (2010). Fantasies, dependency and denial: HIV and the sex industry in Costa Rica. In Thomas F, Haour-Knipe M, Aggleton P (Eds.) Mobility, Sexuality and AIDS, London: Routledge.


Kazakova O, Thomas F, Suvalo O (2021). Building resilience to early life trauma in belarus and Ukraine.  Author URL.
Kazakova O, Thomas F, Zrazikova V (2021). Impact of relative mental illness on caregivers.  Author URL.
Kazakova O, Thomas F, Zrazikova V, Gvazdzeuskaya M (2020). Factors influencing family decisions to institutionalize or care for a relative with mental illness at home.  Author URL.
Thomas F (2020). Mental health disorders: an anthropological perspective.  Author URL.
Kazakova O, Thomas F, Suvalo O, Krupchanka D, Fietje N (2020). Understanding and building resilience to early life trauma in belarus and ukraine.  Author URL.


Thomas F (2020). Migration and Health: Enhancing Intercultural Competence and Diversity Sensitivity. WHO Europe,  Copenhagen, WHO Europe. 73 pages. Abstract.
Marais JM, Kazakova O, Krupchanka D, Suvalo O, Thomas F (2020). Understanding and building resilience to early life trauma in Belarus and Ukraine. WHO Regional Office for Europe,  Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe. 53 pages.
Napier D, Depledge MH, Knipper M, Lovell R, Ponarin E, Sanabria E, Thomas F (2017). Culture matters: using a cultural contexts of health approach to enhance policy-making. World Health Organisation,  Copenhagen, World Health Organisation. Abstract.
Aggleton P, Thomas F (2012). Diversity in School. Brazil, Latin American Center in Sexuality and Human Rights.
Wood K, Aggleton P, Thomas F (2010). Developing sexual health programmes: a framework for action. World Health Organisation,  Geneva, WHO.  Author URL.

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

I am a member of WHO Europe's Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural and Cultural Insights for Health. I have also served as a member of WHO Europe's Cultural Contexts of Health Expert Advisory Group, and their Monitoring and Indicators Expert Advisory Group. 

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I am Progamme Lead for the interdisciplinary MA Cultures and Environments of Health



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