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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Tim Harrower

Dr Tim Harrower

Associate Professor (RO)
Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

University of Exeter
College House
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

Dr Timothy Harrower gained his medical degree at the University of Cape Town having graduated gained an intercalated B.Sc. in Medical Biochemistry and Human Physiology (cum laude). During training on the medical rotation in Cambridge membership of the Royal of College of Physicians was acquired and specialist neurology training completed. Having being awarded a Welcome Trust Clinical Research Grant he undertook research into neural stem cell biology and the mechanisms of neural transplant rejection at the Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair (University of Cambridge) where he read for a PhD in neuroscience. In addition, he was involved in managing all the patients with Huntington's Disease who had received neural transplants on the NEST neural transplant program.


In 2007 he was appointed Consultant Neurologist at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and as a visiting neurologist at North Devon District Hospital. He continues to run a very active clinical program of clinics in general neurology but this is complemented running the Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s Disease, Motor Neuron Disease and Botulinum Toxin service.


Teaching at all levels from patients, scholars, students, nurses, trainees and peers is embedded in daily activities and has been recognised by being awarded a teaching excellence award by the University of Exeter Medical where he holds a Senior Clinical Lectureship post and is the Clinical Lead for Physiology.


Outside interests include trying to keep up with his teenage sons on the tennis court, training to maintain a reasonable bowling average for the Hospital cricket team, and ensuring he gets arthritis by running all manner running race or challenge.


But the new found skill of gardening in Devon provides balm for his soul and distracts from the more challenging aspects of modern NHS clinical service provision. Ultimately he still holds the dream of having a sublime and silky smooth tennis backhand….


Secretary: 01392 402455

NHS Email:

Also based at: Department of Neurology, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Hospital, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW



As Chief Investigator and Principle Investigator an extensive and balanced portfolio of research with both academic and commercial clinical trials has been developed by Tim. Clinical Trials have included Phase 1 through to Phase 5 and post licensing trials. Local, National and International Collaborations have allowed contributions to very large observational studies including Genome Wide Association Studies in Multiple Sclerosis and Comprehensive global longitudinal observational studies such as Enroll HD project. The main focus of current research is best described in the project list below.


B.Sc. (Medical Science) (University of Witwatersrand)

B.Sc. Honours (Medical Biochemistry) (University of Cape Town)

MBCHB (University of Cape Town)

MRCP (Royal College of Physicians London)

P.hD (Cambridge University)

FRCP (Royal College of Physicians London)

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