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University of Exeter Medical School

Ms Sophie Robinson

Ms Sophie Robinson

Research Fellow (Information Science)
Public Health and Sport Sciences

University of Exeter
South Cloisters
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

Sophie Robinson has been working as an Information Specialist for PenTAG since 2016, where she carries out and evaluates clinical and cost effectiveness literature searches for NICE HTAs. She also works for the Public Health Reviews team conducting systematic reviews for NIHR and has worked on a number of systematic reviews at the University of Exeter. She previously worked in a variety of roles including as a Senior Information Manager for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and as an Information Specialist in the NHS at the Homerton Hospital and in Primary Care in East London. She has also worked in the voluntary sector.



Sophie is interested in methods for designing and conducting literature searches and in systematic review methods. She is one of the editors of the ISSG search filters website, which is a collaborative venture to identify, assess and test search filters designed to retrieve research by study design or focus. 



  • MA Library and Information Studies
  • BA English Literature

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