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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Shruti Raghuraman

Dr Shruti Raghuraman

Research Fellow
Health and Community Sciences

University of Exeter
South Cloisters
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

Shruti is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter. Her research interests include psychological trauma, disability rights, women’s mental health, and ageing and cognitive health and she is keen to build a career in public engagement and policy innovation through research.


Shruti is a qualitative researcher on the RecoverED project at REACH. The RecoverED project was funded to design a new community-based service for people who have had delirium to facilitate long-term recovery.


Shruti has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Nottingham where she conducted a mixed methods project on the lived experiences of domestic violence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among south Indian women. She also investigated the utility of Narrative Exposure Therapy in alleviating symptoms of PTSD, depression & anxiety in domestic violence survivors in non-Western settings. Her research informs the development of culturally-sensitive support and rehabilitation services for survivors of gender-based violence.


Shruti has clinical experience in the diagnosis and management of dementia and mild cognitive impairment and has previously worked as part of a small, multi-disciplinary team that set up a first-of-its-kind dementia service for older people in Chennai, India. Presently, Shruti is interested in complex interventions research and is focused on making affordable, non-pharmacological care accessible in low-resource settings in the long run.


Shruti’s interests focus on making affordable, non-pharmacological care available and accessible in low-resource settings. She is also interested in researching complex interventions and is keen on public engagement and policy innovation through research. Her research interests include psychological trauma, disability rights, women’s mental health, and ageing and cognitive health.


Shruti also researches and writes about mental health law, policy, and disability rights to improve literacy and public engagement in mental health research and policy


PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Nottingham (2016-2021)

MSc, Developmental Psychopathology, Durham University (2011-2012)

B.A., Psychology, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore University (2008-2011)

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