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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Shelley Rhodes

Office hours

09:30-15:00 Monday - Thursday

Dr Shelley Rhodes

Health and Community Sciences

2.27 College House, St Luke's Campus
University of Exeter
College House
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

I currently work as a Lecturer in Clinical Trials Methodology on several modules and lead the postgraduate Clinical Trials Module.


My 10 years experience as Exeter Clinical Trials Unit Senior Trial Manager involved all aspects of running clinical trials including trial design, regulatory submission, safety reporting, co-ordination and management, patient recruitment and consent, financial control, analysis and production of clinical reports. I was also responsible for trial costing, supervision and training of staff, and maintaining records in line with Good Clinical Practice (GCP), University and NHS Trust governance and all other applicable regulatory requirements (HRA, MHRA).


My research interests include the following trial types:

• Surgical

• Medical device (including digital tools)

• Complex interventions (specifically mental health and rehabilitation)


I am also interested in research methodology around how we conduct clinical trials.


As part of my current role I manage the Exeter Clinical Trials Support Network and organise a termly meeting forum for clinical trial/study personnel to network and collaborate and share best practice for the effective management and delivery of clinical trials.


I was part of the coordinating team that manages the UK Trial Managers Network that has worked to support Trial Managers nationally for over 20years and on the editorial board of UKTMN members that produced the 2023/ 7th edition of the The Guide to Efficient Trial Management | UK Trial Managers' Network (


I’ve trained as a mentor through the UEMS Mentoring Scheme, supported by the UEMS Equality & Diversity Group, and would be available to provide PhD, peer and other mentoring opportunities. Please feel free to contact me, in confidence, so we can discuss this further.


ORCID ID 0000-0001-7195-8759



My research interests include the following trial types:

• Surgical

• Medical device (including digital tools)

• Complex interventions (specifically mental health and rehabilitation)

I am also interested in research methodology around how we conduct clinical trials.


PhD Neuroscience

MPhil Neuroscience

BSc Chemistry


March 2016 - present

Exeter Clinical Trials Unit Senior Trial Manager

April 2012 - Present
Exeter Clinical Trials Support Network Manager

April 2012 - March 2016

COBRA Trial Manager, The University of Exeter COBRA (Cost and Outcome of Behavioural Activation), a NIHR-HTA funded research project

June 2009 –April 2012
Research Fellow & Study Manager, The University of Aberdeen Human Biomarkers of Zinc Status (HuBZS) £1million Department of Health funded study

Oct 2003- June 2009
Research Associate & PhD student, Newcastle University Researcher and lab administrator. PhD in Anaesthetic regimes used in laboratory rats, implications for animal welfare and experimental data

Oct 2000 – Oct 2003

Senior Technician , Research Assistant & MPhil student, Cambridge University Neuroscience MPhil in Inter-hemispheric synchronisation during bimanual motor performance. Researched bimanual arm movements using human volunteers, computer simulations and animal models Responsibility for maintaining records, administration of drugs, surgical assistance, ECG, EEG, EMG , capnography, pulse ox , in-vivo electrophysiology recording and TMS Home Office Personal Licence holder (module 4)

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