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University of Exeter Medical School

Professor Sarah Richardson

Professor Sarah Richardson

Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

About me:

Sarah Richardson is a Professor of Cellular Biomedicine in the Islet Biology Exeter (IBEx) team, is a Co-Director of Postgraduate Research (PGR) for the Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences. She is passionate about Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and Team Science. She has held prestigious Fellowships from the Wellcome Trust, the Diabetes Research Wellness Foundation, a the JDRF 5-year Career Development Award, and most recently a Steve Morgan Foundation Grand Challenge Senior Research Fellowship. Her research utilises cohorts of T1D pancreas samples and is centred around developing a clearer understanding of the processes by which beta cells are targeted and destroyed. She curates the Exeter Archival Diabetes Biobank which contains the rarest collection of recent-onset T1D pancreata. She was the first recipient of the network of Pancreatic Organ Donors (nPOD) Junior Investigator Award, awarded for being a champion of collaborative spirit and data sharing, and was a Diabetes UK Innovators in Diabetes participant. She is the Chair of the Immunology of Diabetes Society and has Chaired the JDRF-UK Scientific Advisory Council, and been a Diabetes UK Research Studies Group member. She sits on the UK T1D Research Consortium (UK T1D-RC) management board and the network of Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes Tissue Prioritisation Committee. 


Dr Richardson gives an overview of her research into the role enteroviruses may have in causing Type 1 diabetes in the video below, filmed at the Living Systems Symposium 2016.



1999 - 2002 University of Sheffield. British Heart Foundation PhD Studentship

’The role of death receptors in endothelial cell apoptosis" Division of Genomic Medicine, Awarded January 2003.

1995 - 1999 University of Sheffield BSc(Hons) Molecular Biology 1st Class

Work experience year in industry and academia between Yr 2 and Yr 3.


2024 to date Professor in Cellular Biomedicine

2023 to date Steve Morgan Foundation Grand Challenge Senior Research Fellow (0.9 FTE)

09/22 to date Director of PGR for Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (0.1 FTE)

2019 -2024 Associate Professor in Cellular Biomedicine

University of Exeter Medical School (1.0 FTE)

Research – The immunopathology of human type 1 and type 2 diabetes

08/20 - 09/22 Associate Director of PGR for CMH (0.1 FTE)

2017 to 2019 University of Exeter Medical School

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences (Education & Research)

Research – The immunopathology of human type 1 and type 2 diabetes

2013 to 2017 University of Exeter Medical School

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences (Education & Research)

Research – The immunopathology of human type 1 and type 2 diabetes


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