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University of Exeter Medical School

Professor Stuart Logan

Professor Stuart Logan

Professor (Clinical)
Health and Community Sciences

University of Exeter
South Cloisters
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

I trained initially in paediatrics and then in epidemiology. I continue to practise as a paediatrician but my major role is as a researcher and as Director of NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South West Peninsula (PenARC). My central concerns are the generation of research of direct relevance to policy and practice and facilitating the use of evidence to improve health and services. 


PenARC is an NIHR-funded partnership between the Medical School, local universities and organisations which commision and provide health and social care services. The partnership aims to improve health outcomes through the conduct of patient focussed research. PenARC brings together researchers and decision makers in the health service, including service users, clinicians and health service organisations, to try to ensure that the best use is made of existing evidence and that where key gaps in evidence are identified these can be addressed by rigorous research. Patient and public involvement forms a particularly strong strand with public collaborators involved at all stages including prioritisation of topics and research design and conduct and implementation.


My personal research interests include the evaluation of interventions for children, development of methods for use of routine data to estimate effectiveness and evaluation of approaches to implementation of research evidence in practice.

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