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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Paul Weightman Potter

Dr Paul Weightman Potter (He/Him/His)

Lecturer Pharmacologist
Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

University of Exeter
Medical School Building
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

Dr. Paul Weightman Potter is an emerging independent researcher specialising in brain energetics and immunometabolism, with a particular focus on traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and sport-related head injuries. As of July 2023, Paul began a fixed-term Lecturer position (Education & Research), where his research explores the immunometabolic state of the brain following injury. He is a co-lead of the Exeter Head Impacts, Brain Injury, and Trauma (ExHIBIT) group, integrating his expertise in brain metabolism to better understand how traumatic injuries affect brain function and health.

Currently, Paul is conducting several human studies that investigate the effects of sport-related head injuries on brain function and immunometabolism, alongside in vitro investigations into immunometabolic responses to blast injury and hypometabolism. His work aims to uncover the underlying metabolic and inflammatory processes altered by head trauma, with the goal of improving outcomes for individuals affected by these injuries.


Before Paul's journey to independce began, he worked as postdoctoral research associate in Dr Craig Beall’s lab, where he was awarded a prestigious JDRF Research Fellowship. During this time, he developed a range of advanced skills for investigating brain cell metabolism and inflammatory functions, contributing significantly to our understanding of the alternative fuel hypothesis in glial cells.

Paul began his career at the University of Exeter as a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Craig Beall. His doctoral research focused on how human astrocytes adapt their metabolism to repeated low glucose exposure, mimicking the repeated hypoglycaemia experienced by people with Type 1 Diabetes.


Paul completed his degree in Biology with a Professional Placement year (BSc Hons) at the University of Bath in 2015, where he discovered his passion for research during a placement year at the University of Plymouth.


  • PhD in Neuroscience, University of Exeter, 2015-2019
  • BSc(Hons) First Class, Biology with Professional Placement year, University of Bath

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