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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Neil Vaughan

Dr Neil Vaughan

Associate Professor
Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Office L03.04, Level 3, RILD Building, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW, UK.
University of Exeter
Office L03.04, Level 3, RILD Building - University of Exeter Medical School
RD&E Hospital Wonford - Barrack Road
Exeter EX2 5DW

About me:

Professor Neil Vaughan is Associate Professor of Data Science and AI at University of Exeter. He recently completed Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship. His research track record is in medical technology and AI for medicine, over 130 publications. Prof Vaughan held many tenured professorial and senior academic computer science positions within many international universities, completing over 33 research supervisions and many module leaderships as Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellow. His research collaborations between HEI, NHS and companies produced commercialisable patented medical devices and medical training simulators, combining AI, virtual reality (VR), computer graphics and physical haptic feedback. His patented diabetes research includes smartphone neuropathy diagnosis and Point of care testing (POCT). Professor Neil Vaughan developed extensive track record of innovation spin-outs from grants as PI and industry collaborations as medical research software engineer (RSE), also with industry in LogicaCMG.


Professor Neil Vaughan's research received over 30 international research innovation awards, including Finalist for 2024 IET Innovation awards, 2019 NHS 1st prize Health Education and Training (HEAT) Award, the prestigous IET scholarship 1st prize winner, 2019 Universities UK top 100 lifesaving projects, 2018 Welsh Health Hack 1st prize, 3 IET Innovation awards, EPSRC ICT Pioneer award 2014 with BCS transforming society, NHS Acorn award 1st prize 2014, Final 8 for Times Higher Education (THE) Awards Best Research Project, Finalist in UK Patient Safety Awards, Finalist in American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Innovation Show (iShow), several conference best poster awards, 2006 Brunel University medal, 2005 Blackwell publishing prize, 1999 Rotary international council research award. Before returning to academia he was involved with founding computing software R&D Ltd company based in Exeter in 1980s-1990s and studying computing at Exeter.


Postgraduate Research opportunities: Professor Neil Vaughan is available to supervise more PhD or post-doc research projects.


Current PhD funding opportunities: EPSRC DTP, MRC, China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Self-funded students with their own funding interested in pursing post-doc, PhD or MSc by Research in health data science and AI.


Current Post-doc funding opportunities: EPSRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Research Fellowship, NIHR advanced fellowship, Royal Society University Research Fellowship.


Professor Neil Vaughan’s research track record includes AI, data science and health technology. His publications and awards track record include Virtual Reality (VR), medical training simulators, haptic feedback and artificial life. He is principal investigator and recipient of many research grants and awards in areas of innovation and AI, founding chair of AI and health technology workshops and Editor for Journal of Behavioral Robotics. He actively develops international collaborations in robotics, AI and health technology consortiums.


  • Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Research Fellow.
  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA) since 2017.
  • Senior member of IEEE (No. 94875568) since 2016.
  • Senior member of AISB and ISAL since 2011.
  • Scholarship and Innovation Awards from IET since 2010.
  • ICT Pioneer of EPSRC (RCUK).
  • PhD, Artificial Intelligence in Health (Best thesis awards).
  • MSc, Artificial Intelligence in Health (Best thesis awards).
  • BSc (Hons) Computer Science (1st Blackwell publishing prize).

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