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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Mark Russell

Dr Mark Russell

Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

RILD Level 4 Office 04.07 (this is behind a card access door so please ring/email when you arrive)
University of Exeter
RILD Building - University of Exeter Medical School
RD&E Hospital Wonford - Barrack Road
Exeter EX2 5DW


My BSc and MRes were conducted at the University of Plymouth, the latter in conjuction with the Marine Biological Association of the UK where I studied plankton during my research project. Although this was facinating, I moved from Marine Biology to Human Health in 2005 when I joined Prof. Noel Morgan's Islet Biology Team as a lab technician at the then Peninsula Medical School. Since that time I have completed my PhD under the guidance of Prof. Morgan, was then funded as a post-doc in the team thereafter. I was appointed to a tenured E & R Lecturer position at the University of Exeter Medical School in 2019, and am one of 7 Prinicpal Invesigators who form the Islet Biology Exeter (IBEx) team.


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