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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Matthew Johnson

Office hours

Mon - Fri 8.00-16.30

Dr Matthew Johnson

Senior Research Fellow
Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

University of Exeter
RILD Building - University of Exeter Medical School
RD&E Hospital Wonford - Barrack Road
Exeter EX2 5DW

About me:

I have a background in biology and completed my PhD in molecular genetics 2017, where I primarily studied patients with autoimmune forms of neonatal diabetes (diagnosed in the first 6 months of life). Before starting my PhD I worked in a diagnostic genetics laboratory and was involved in the development and implementation of Next Generation Sequencing tests (targeted and whole exome) for NHS patients.


My current research focusses on early-onset autoimmune diabetes. This includes identifying novel monogenic causes and characterising known monogenic forms, as well as understanding the mechansisms and genetics underpinning extreme-ly early onset type 1 diabetes (diagnosed in the first 12 months of life).


I continues to study patients with extreme forms of diabetes including rare genetic forms and type 1 diabetes diagnosed in the first year of life. The long-term goal of this is to identify the genetic and physiological pathways that lead to the development of type 1 diabetes, opening up new targets for prevention and treatment. I am also passionate about the translation of research into clinical practice and work closely with the diagnostic molecular genetics lab in Exeter to achieve this.


During my current fellowship, I am using whole genome sequencing and new and emerging genetics technologies to study patients with autoimmune diabetes, including DNA based immune phenotyping and transcriptomic studies to understand the consequences of mutations and the phenotype of type 1 diabetes diagnosed in the first year of life.


  • BSc (hons) (University of Birmingham, 2011)
  • PhD (University of Exeter, 2017)


2013-2014 - NHS Genetic Technologist

2014-2017 - PhD student

2017-2019 - Postdoctoral researcher

2019-2023 - Independent research fellow (personal fellowship)

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