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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Lettie Rawlins

Dr Lettie Rawlins

NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer
Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Level 4
University of Exeter
RILD Building - University of Exeter Medical School
RD&E Hospital Wonford - Barrack Road
Exeter EX2 5DW

About me:

An NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Clinical Genetics working with the Exeter Rare Disease Genomics Research Group led by Professors Emma Baple and Andrew Crosby. Lettie's research interests include identifying the genomic and molecular causes of rare genetic conditions, with a particular focus on neurodevelopmental disorders and the translation of research findings into benefits for patients through improved clinical diagnosis, testing and treatment strategies. Lettie's research also aims to identify potential therapeutic targets for these conditions and development of clinical trials of novel treatments, including drug repurposing.

  • BSc Hons Neuroscience (University of Bristol)
  • MBChB (University of Birmingham)
  • MSc Healthcare Ethics and Law (University of Bristol)
  • MRCP (Royal College of Physicians)
  • PhD Medical Studies (University of Exeter)

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