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University of Exeter Medical School

Ms Laura Gill

Ms Laura Gill

Graduate Research Assistant
Health and Community Sciences

University of Exeter
College House
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

Laura is a Graduate Research Assistant working with Dr Sarah Price and Dr Elizabeth Shephard in the DISCO team. She is working on the qualitative stream of the OSCA study, investigating attendance at suspected-cancer investigations in people with anxiety and/or depression.


Laura graduated from the University of Manchester in 2011 with a BSc honours degree in Sociology, after which she spent several years in London exploring roles in creative industries including a short-film producer, where she loved listening to and sharing people’s stories. Laura’s passion to work more directly with people who were often at the forefront of these stories led her into the third sector, where she worked in different organisations including with young people who have been permanently excluded from education and cancer information & support. Mental health became a focus for Laura, and she later moved to Bristol to study MSc Psychology of Education part-time while working in the DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) & mental health team at South Gloucestershire council within adult social care.


Before joining the University of Exeter, Laura was at Macmillan Cancer Care, working closely with people who wanted to share their experiences of cancer. It was here, listening to the stories, struggles, challenges and hopes of people sharing their experiences that led Laura to research, and an environment where these can be addressed.


Mental health

Women’s health – particularly women’s reproductive health & women’s reproductive mental health


BSc (Hons) Sociology (University of Manchester, 2011)

MSc Psychology of Education (University of Bristol, 2021)

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