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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Kate Ruth

Dr Kate Ruth

Senior Lecturer in Clinical and Biomedical Sciences
Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

About me:

I am a Lecturer in Clinical and Biomedical Sciences in the Reproductive Genomics team, which is part of the wider Genetics of Complex Traits Group at Exeter Medical School. My research involves applying methods in statistical genetics and genetic epidemiology to large-scale population-based study data to investigate the genetic basis of reproductive ageing, fertility, hormones and their links to health. Prior to joining the group as a PhD student in 2012, I worked on analysis of NHS cancer and health data for six years at the South West Public Health Observatory. I have been a lead analyst in the international reproductive genetics consortium ReproGen, resulting in insights into the genetic basis of reproductive ageing published in Nature and Nature Genetics. My current research interests include using genetics to investigate the biological mechanisms of menopause timing and to test relationships between hormone exposures and population health.


PhD. “Identification of Genetic and Non-Genetic Factors Contributing to Female Reproductive Ageing”. University of Exeter. Supervised by Dr Anna Murray, Dr John Perry (Cambridge) and Prof. Tim Frayling. January 2016.

Diploma in Statistics. Open University, 2009.

Certificate of Continuing Education in Statistics. Birkbeck College, University of London, 2003.

MBiochem. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. Oxford University, 2000.

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