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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Kashyap Patel

Dr Kashyap Patel

Associate Professor
Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

University of Exeter
RILD Building - University of Exeter Medical School
RD&E Hospital Wonford - Barrack Road
Exeter EX2 5DW

About me:

Prof Kash Patel is an Associate Professor and Consultant Physician in Diabetes and Endocrinology. He is a Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow and his main area of research includes understanding the genetics of diabetes with a focus on Monogenic and Type 1 diabetes. His research uses next-generation sequencing technology and large data sets to improve diagnosis and understanding of monogenic diabetes in humans. He was a Wellcome Trust PhD Research Fellow in the prestigious MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit in Dundee where he was awarded his PhD studying the glucose metabolism in the liver. After his PhD, he obtained a Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Fellowship to study monogenic diabetes in Exeter with Professor Andrew Hattersley and Professor Sian Ellard. He is the recipient of prestigious Young Investigator awards from Diabetes UK and EASD-SGGD for his work in monogenic diabetes.




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