Dr Jaime Peters
Senior Research Fellow
Health and Community Sciences
University of Exeter
College House
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU
Jaime's background is in medical statistics and evidence synthesis. Her interests have expanded to decision modelling and health economics, especially in the area of test evaluation. Jaime is a member of the Exeter Test Group http://medicine.exeter.ac.uk/testgroup/. She has developed and critiqued economic analyses to inform decision-making nationally (for the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence, and the National Screening Committee), and previously for the South West Peninsula Health Technology Commissioning Group.
Broad research specialisms:
- Health economic modelling, particularly for the evaluation of tests
- Systematic review and meta-analysis methods for the evaluation of tests
- Methods for expert elicitation and its incorporation in health economic models
- Issues of bias in the publication and reporting of studies in health
- General methods for evidence synthesis