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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Emily Haynes

Dr Emily Haynes

Research Fellow
Public Health and Sport Sciences

University of Exeter
Knowledge Spa - University of Exeter Medical School
Royal Cornwall Hospital
Truro TR1 3HD

About me:

Emily is a Research Fellow at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH). She has a background in nutrition and is a Registered Dietitian and Anthropometrist. Emily has an interest in sustainable food systems, the health, social and environmental impacts of global shifts in dietary patterns, and in particular the practice of food sourcing and how the consumption of locally produced food affects diet and health.


At ECEHH, Emily has contributed to the Community Food and Heath (CFaH), and ICoFaN projects and applies her nutritional knowledge to explore the impacts of community food production in Small Island Developing States, specifically Fiji and the Caribbean. In her current work on the Global CFaH project, Emily is primarily involved in developing and applying methods to assess the diet-related impacts of transitioning to sustainable food production and promoting the consumption of locally produced food; work that applies principles of agroecology.


Emily's PhD project explored perceived ‘intrusiveness’ of food-related, government-led policy to prevent obesity in Australia and compared stakeholder perspectives to existing ethical frameworks.


Emily is also involved in the Active Travel Synthesis (AcTS) Study which aimed to develop innovative methods to synthesise large qualitative data sets.


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