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University of Exeter Medical School

Miss Clara Martin Pintado

Miss Clara Martin Pintado

Graduate Research Assistant in the NIHR Policy Research Programme (PRP)
Health and Community Sciences

University of Exeter
South Cloisters
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:


Clara is a research assistant working as a Systematic Reviewer within the Exeter PRP Evidence Review Facility. Through her role, she is involved in carrying out systematic reviews and other forms of evidence synthesis to inform health and social care policy development and evaluation.



After completing her BSc in Human Sciences at the University of Exeter, Clara undertook an MA in Cultures and Environments of Health.


Clara gained initial experience in systematic reviews through an academic internship within the Global Diet and Physical Activity Research Group at the MRC Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge in collaboration with the European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH). She was involved in conducting the grey literature review of a systematic scoping review that mapped types and characteristics of food sources in Small Island Developing States.


Clara’s interests revolve around:

  • Understanding how natural, built and socio-cultural environments intersect to shape health inequalities, particularly around food systems, physical activity and urban health.


Methodological interests:

  • The use of transdisciplinary and participatory methodologies to mobilise diverse sources of knowledge and research approaches.
  • Qualitative and mixed-methods research.
  • Complex systems thinking in public health.


  • MA Cultures and Environments of Health (2023) University of Exeter
  • BSc Human Sciences (2022) University of Exeter

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