Our publications
- Hollands L, McCulloch E, Scott J, Hancock J, Mattick K. 2025. Medical Students’ Attitudes Towards a Career in Psychiatry: A Realist Evaluation. In press, Academic Psychiatry.
- McCulloch E, Proctor DW, Mattick K. Medical Student Intentions to Move Abroad: A UK-Based Realist Evaluation. Perspect Med Educ. 2024 Feb 21;13(1):141-150. doi: 10.5334/pme.1170. PMID: 38406651; PMCID: PMC10885844.
- Rees, CE, Davis, C, Nguyen, VNB, Proctor, D, Mattick, KL. A roadmap to realist interviews in health professions education research: Recommendations based on a critical analysis. Med Educ. 2023; 1-16. doi:10.1111/medu.15270
- McCormack J, Noble C, Mattick K. Health workforce under pressure—How do we sustain our future? Med Educ. 2024; 58(1): 5-7. doi:10.1111/medu.15267
- Lawday S, Mattick K, Bethune R. Does Randomised Evidence Alter Clinical Practise? The REACT Qualitative Study. In press, BMC Health Services Research.
- Rees CE, Proctor DW, Nguyen VNB, Ottrey E, Mattick K. Realist analysis of qualitative data in health professions education research. In press, Medical Education.
- Dyar R, Mattick K, Griffiths A. Kindness in healthcare leadership and management: an evaluation and analysis of the concept. BMJ Leader Published Online First. doi: 10.1136/leader-2023-000742
- Kajamaa A, Lahtinen P, Mattick K, Bethune R. 2024. Repairing disrupted care processes as sources of stability, learning and change in a Finnish hospital: An activity-theoretical study. Med Educ. 2024; 1-13. doi:10.1111/medu.15407
- Brennan N, Burns L, Mattick K, Henderson T, Walker K, Mitchell A Gale T. How prepared are newly qualified allied health professionals for practice in the UK? A systematic review. BMJ Open 2024;14:e081518. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081518
- Hancock et al. 2024. "The Tolerance of Ambiguity of Medical Students And Doctors (TAMSAD) scale: factor structure in a national sample of interim Foundation doctors". MedEdPublish: https://mededpublish.org/articles/14-16
- Pearson A, Carrieri D, Melvin A, Bramwell C, Scott J, Hancock J, Papoutsi C, Pearson M, Wong G, Mattick K. 2024. Developing a typology of interventions to support doctors’ mental health and wellbeing. BMC Health Serv Res 24, 573 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-10884-6
- Taylor C, Maben J, Jagosh J, Carrieri D, Briscoe S, Klepacz N, Mattick K. 2024. Care Under Pressure 2: a realist synthesis of causes and interventions to mitigate psychological ill health in nurses, midwives and paramedics. BMJ Quality & Safety Published Online First: 04 April 2024. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2023-016468
- Mattick K, Noble C. 2024. Education and educational interventions: moving beyond information provision. BMJ Quality & Safety 2024;33:10-12. https://qualitysafety.bmj.com/content/33/1/10.full?ijkey=WgkUjY4ezTIozUz&keytype=ref
- Bull S, Terry R, Rice N, Carrieri D, Tarrant M, Curnow G. 2024. Social connections and social identity as a basis for learning and support: Experiences of medical students with minoritised and non-minoritised ethnic identities. Medical Education. 1-10 10.1111/MEDU.15367
- Bull, S., Cooper, A., Laidlaw, A., Milne, L., Parr, S. 2024. ‘You certainly don’t get promoted for just teaching’: experiences of education-focused academics in research-intensive universities. Studies in Higher Education, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2024.2333946
- Bull S, Coster S, Scott K, Forrest D, Parekh R, Horsburgh J. 2024. GP trainees as teachers: a rapid review of the barriers, facilitators and outcomes. EDUCATION FOR PRIMARY CARE 2024, VOL. 35, NOS. 1–2, 30–45 https://doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2023.2278369
- Bull S, Evans E, Nzanzu J, Ramadhina F, Thompson J, Cooper T, Moniz T, O'Grady A, Parekh R, Rozier-Hope T, Ubhi S, Kumar S. Inspiring sustainability: insights from a global creative competition on health planet, healthy people. Perspectives in Public Health Feature article in September 2024 issue. Article Number: 1249676
- 2023. Al-Azzawi A. The case of clinical training for International Pharmacists in Canada: A comparative educational and policy analysis. Pharmacy Education, 23(1), p. 594–602.
- 2023. Moretti C, De Luca E, D'Apice C, Artioli G, Sarli L, Bonacaro A. Gender and sex bias in prevention and clinical treatment of women's chronic pain: hypotheses of a curriculum development. Front Med (Lausanne), 10. Author URL.
- 2023. Cosentino C, De Luca E, Sulla F, Uccelli S, Sarli L, Artioli G. Leadership styles' influence on ICU nurses' quality of professional life: a cross-sectional study. Nursing in Critical Care, 28(2), 193-201. Article has an altmetric score of 5.
- 2023. De Luca E, Sena B, Cataldi S. Supporting ethical end-of-life care during pandemic: Palliative care team perspectives. Nursing Ethics, 096973302311536-096973302311536. Article has an altmetric score of 2.
- 2023. Barisone M, Busca E, Bassi E, De Luca E, Profenna E, Suardi B, Dal Molin A. The Family and Community Nurses Cultural Model in the Times of the COVID Outbreak: a Focused Ethnographic Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 1948-1948. Abstract.
- 2023. Davis A, Repar P, Wilson M, De Luca E, Doutrich D, Thanasilp S. Transforming Nurse Self-Care Through Integration of Spirituality: Lessons from an International Collaboration in Palliative Care. J Transcult Nurs, 34(1), 91-99. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 3.
- 2023. Jenkins, HE, Boddy, K, Bull, SA. 2023. The patient voice: More than a tick box exercise? Clin Teach. e13595.
- 2023. Hancock A, Bleiker J. But what does it mean to us, Radiographic patients and carer perceptions of compassion. Radiography. 29(1); S74-S80
- 2023. Hayre CM, Makanjee C, Hancock A, Harvey-Lloyd JM. Letter to Editor in Chief: Valuing patient voice beyond interpretivism: Introducing postmodernism. Radiography. 29(1); S144-S145
- 2023. Meertens R, Hancock A, Hyde E. (2023) Editorial: Patient voice and the patient experience. Radiography. 29(1); S1-S2
- 2023. Hancock A, Hutton D, Roberts D, Whiteside L, Golby C, Eccles CL, Turtle L, McGinn S, Hooton R, Fillingham E, Hudson J, Maguire M, Mackay R. Barriers and facilitators to conducting radiotherapy clinical trials: findings from a UK survey. Radiography. 29(2); 369-378.
- 2023. Gangata H, Porter S, Artz N, Major K. A proposed anatomy syllabus for entry‐level physiotherapists in the United Kingdom: A modified Delphi methodology by physiotherapists who teach anatomy. Clinical Anatomy, 36(3), pp.503-526.
- 2023. Gangata H, Vigurs, K. Pedagogical principles used by anatomy teachers to facilitate the teaching and learning of anatomy to physiotherapy undergraduates in the United Kingdom. Clinical Anatomy. 36(5), 795–808. https://doi.org/10.1002/ca.24035.
- 2023. Burford B, Mattick K, Carrieri D, et al. How is transition to medical practice shaped by a novel transitional role? A mixed-methods study. BMJ Open 2023;13:e074387. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074387
- 2023. Mattick K, Noble C. Education and educational interventions: moving beyond information provision. BMJ Quality & Safety Published Online First: 17 August 2023. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2023-016273
- 2023. Mattick K, Goulding A, Carrieri D, Brennan N, Burford B, Vance G, Dornan T. 2023. Constraints and affordances for UK doctors-in-training to exercise agency: A dialogical analysis. Med Educ. 2023; 57(12): 1198-1209. doi:10.1111/medu.15150
- 2023. Uys, C, Carrieri, D, Mattick, K. The impact of shared social spaces on the wellness and learning of junior doctors: A scoping review. Med Educ. 2023; 57(4): 315- 330.
- 2023. Patel, P, Hancock, J. Uncertainty tolerance scales: Weighing up the research. Med Educ. 2023; 57(9): 787-789.
- 2023. Baumfield, V. Presidential Address: BERA, who are we, how did we get here, where are we going? British Journal of Educational Research. doi.org/10.1002/berj.3864.
- 2023. Baumfield V. Re-imagining the Place of Professional Education in Higher Education. In E. Lybeck and C. O’Connell (Eds.) Academics, Professionals and the University: Pathologies and Possibilities. Bloomsbury, London
- 2023. Baumfield, V. Presidential Address: BERA, who are we, how did we get here, where are we going? British Journal of Educational Research. doi.org/10.1002/berj.3864.
- 2023. Baumfield V. Re-imagining the Place of Professional Education in Higher Education. In E. Lybeck and C. O’Connell (Eds.) Academics, Professionals and the University: Pathologies and Possibilities. Bloomsbury, London
- 2023. Foster-Collins, H., Mattick, K. & Baumfield, V. 2023. Workplace support for newly qualified doctors and secondary school teachers: A comparative analysis. British Educational Research Journal, 49, 1005–1043. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3879
- 2023. Hancock J, Mattick K. 2023. Context Matters: The Impact of Context on Uncertainty Tolerance Scales in Academic Medicine. Acad Med. 98(8):870.
- 2023. Baumfield, V., Bethel, A., Dowek, A., Walshe, K., & Mattick, K. 2023. Characteristics of research into professional learning across professions: A mapping review. Review of Education, 11, e3395.
- 2023. Noble, C, Mattick, K. 2023. From health advocacy to collective action. Med Educ 57( 7): 603- 605. doi:10.1111/medu.15029.
- 2023. Brennan, N, Langdon, N, Keates, N, Mattick, K, Gale, T. Graduates' preparedness for the changing doctor-patient relationship: A qualitative study. Med Educ. 2023; 1- 11.
- 2023. Kyle RG, Bastow F, Harper-McDonald B, Jeram T, Zahid Z, Nizamuddin M, Mahoney C. Effects of student-led drama on nursing students' attitudes to interprofessional working and nursing advocacy: a pre-test post-test educational intervention study. Nurse Education Today, 123, 105743-105743.
- 2023. Bramwell C, Carrieri D, Melvin A, et al. How can NHS trusts in England optimise strategies to improve the mental health and well-being of hospital doctors? The Care Under Pressure 3 (CUP3) realist evaluation study protocol. BMJ Open 2023;13:e073615. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073615
- 2023. Francis SA, Yardley S, Franklin B, Ogden M, Kajamaa A, Mattick K, A model of intended and ideal prescribing and medication use in symptom control in palliative care: an international scoping review, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Volume 31, Issue Supplement_2, December 2023, Page ii20, https://doi.org/10.1093/ijpp/riad074.024
2022. Gallagher A, Whittaker M, Cox G, Coxon G, Frankland C, Coniam P, De Luca E. Care leaders safeguarding the rights of care home residents during COVID-19: Moral failures offering moral lessons. Nurs Ethics, 29(5), 1093-1095.
2022. Sarli L, Artioli G, Bogotto S, Labelli E, Pittella F, Guasconi M, De Simone R, De Luca E, Rossi S, D'Apice C, et al. From classroom training to e-learning: a journey through the quality of learning life of nurse students in post-graduate education - a longitudinal qualitative study. Acta Biomed, 93(S2).
2022. Sena B, De Luca E. Managing the end of life in COVID patients. The role of palliative care in emergency departments during the pandemic. Front Sociol, 7.
2022. De Luca E, Cosentino C, Cedretto S, Maviglia AL, Bucci J, Dotto J, Artioli G, Bonacaro A. Multidisciplinary team perceptions of the Case/Care Managers’ role implementation: a qualitative study. Acta Biomedica, 93(3).
2022. Cataldi S, Sena B, De Luca E, Fusillo F. The Delphi technique: limits and potential from a sociological research experience. Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, 2022(127), 5-24.
2022. De Luca E. The Transformational Power of an Intercultural Research Team. In (Ed) .
2022. De Luca E, Wilson M, Shaw MR, Landis TT. “Permission to Touch”: Nurses’ Perspectives of Interpersonal Contact during Patient Care. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(5), 456-465.
2022. Harris M, Taylor A. Embedding a research culture in clinical radiography. Imaging and Oncology.
2022. Ireson J, Taylor A, Richardson E, Greenfield B, Jones G. Exploring invisibility and epistemic injustice in Long Covid-A citizen science qualitative analysis of patient stories from an online Covid community. Health Expectations. 25(4);1753–1765
2022. Lock FK, Carrieri D. Factors affecting the UK junior doctor workforce retention crisis: an integrative review. BMJ Open, 12(3), e059397-e059397
2022. McCulloch L, Mattick K, Scott J, Hancock J. Exploring the Attitudes of UK Medical students in Choosing a Career in Psychiatry: A Realist Evaluation. ASME Small Grant.
2022. Carrieri D, Mattick K, Pearson M, Papoutsi C, Wong G. Care Under Pressure 3: Optimising the delivery and impacts of interventions to reduce hospital doctors’ mental ill-health in the NHS, NIHR HS&DR Project 13/29/31.
2022. Nyamapfene T, Butterworth J, Merchant H, Eaton M. GPs’ perceptions of teaching methods in shared decision-making training: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice, 73(729), e310-e317.
2022. Brown E L, Poltawski L, Pitchforth E, Richards S H, Campbell J L, Butterworth J E. Shared decision-making between older people with multimorbidity and GPs: focus group study. British Journal of General Practice, 72(721).
2022. Baumfield V and Higgins S. Child and the Curriculum in the 21st Century: The Relationship between Enquiry and Inquiry in the Classroom in J. Avila and A.G. Rud (Eds.) The Contemporary Relevance of John Dewey’s Theories on Teaching and Learning: Deweyan Perspectives on Standardisation, Accountability and Assessment in Education. Routledge: London.
2022. Patel P, Hancock J, Rogers M, Pollard S. Improving uncertainty tolerance in medical students: A scoping review. Medical Education 56(12):1163-1173.
2022. Uys, C, Carrieri, D, Mattick, K. The impact of shared social spaces on the wellness and learning of junior doctors: A scoping review. Medical Education (early view); 1- 16.
2022. Rees E, Mattick K, Harrison D, Rich A, Woolf K. “I’d have to fight for my life there”: a multicentre qualitative interview study of how socioeconomic background influences medical school choice. Medical Education Online.
2022. Parker H, Frost J, Day J, Bethune R, Kajamaa A, Hand K, Robinson S, Mattick K. Tipping the balance: a systematic review and meta-ethnography to unfold the complexity of surgical antimicrobial prescribing behavior in hospital settings. PLOS One 20;17(7):e0271454.
2022. Yardley S, Francis SA, Dean Franklin B, Odgen M, Kajamaa A, Mattick, K. Getting palliative medications right across the contexts of homes, hospitals, and hospices: protocol to synthesise scoping review and ethnographic methods in an Activity Theory analysis. BMJ Open12:e061754.
2022. Taylor C, Mattick K, Carrieri D, Cox A, Maben J. ‘The WOW factors’: comparing workforce organization and well-being for doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics in England. British Medical Bulletin 141(1): 60–79.
2022. Ajjawi R, Crampton PES, Ginsburg S, Mubuuke GA Hauer KE, Illing J, Mattick K, Monrouxe L, Devi Nadarajah V, Viet Vu N, Wilkinson T, Wolvaardt L, Cleland J. 2022. Promoting inclusivity in health professions education publishing. Medical Education 56(3): 252- 256.
2022. Melvin, A., & Patel, R. S. Applying educational theory to medical education research. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, ced.15287. https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.15287
2022. Patel P, Hancock J, Rogers M, Pollard S. Improving Uncertainty Tolerance in Medical Students: a scoping review. Medical Education. 56(12):1163-1173.
2021. De Luca E, Sena B, Cataldi S, Fusillo F. A Delphi survey of health education system and interprofessional nurse' role. Nurse Education Today, 99.
2021. Wilson M, De Luca E. Equitable Integrative Pain Care: Are We There Yet? Pain Management Nursing, 22(6), 681-683.
2021. Sena B, De Luca E. Searching for a professional identity: a qualitative study of the oncology nurses role in a multidisciplinary breast-unit team. Acta Biomedica, 92.
2021. De Luca E, Fatigante M, Zucchermaglio C, Alby F. “Awareness to touch”: a qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions of interpersonal professional contact after an experiential training. Nurse Education in Practice, 56.
2021. Taylor A, Shuttleworth P. Supporting the development of the Research and Clinical Trials Therapeutic Radiographers workforce: the RaCTTR survey. Radiography, 27(1); S20-S27
2021. Taylor A, Bleiker J, Hodgson D. Compassionate communication: keeping patients at the heart of practice in an advancing radiographic workforce. Radiography. 27(1); S43-S49.
2021. Baumfield V. Practitioner Inquiry: Putting Research at the Heart of Learning in the Classroom. Professional Development Today 21(3/4) on-line publication
2021. Baumfield V. Making a Difference: Enquiry and Inquiry in the Classroom. RE Today Autumn 2021, 38(4).
2021. Hoang J, Mattick K and Baumfield V. Typologies of Education and Training Pathways for General Practitioners: a Scoping Review. Education for Primary Care 32(2): pp78-84.
2021. Khan T, Mosgrove F and Wass V. Unknown unknowns: can bringing patients’ lived experience of long term conditions into curriculum design help our future doctors offer more holistic, socially accountable care? Pages 322-325 | Received 14 Jul 2021, Accepted 11 Aug 2021, Published online: 13 Oct 2021.
2021. Dyar N, Mattick K, Bethune R. Exploring two distinct gentamicin prescribing protocols in UK hospitals: a mixed-methods realist evaluation. BMJ Open 11:e052697.
2021. Foster-Collins H, Conn R, Dornan T, Lloyd M, Mattick K. The problem with feedback. MedEdPublish.
2021. Murray C, Mountford Zimdars A, Mattick K. "Which disadvantaged students study medicine? Analysis of an English outreach scheme". Health Science Reports 4 (2):e264.
2021. Hancock J, Mattick K. A wider use for the uncertainty communication checklist. Letter, Academic Medicine 96(3), 319-320.
2021. Hoang J, Mattick K, Baumfield V. Typologies of education and training pathways for general practitioners: a scoping review, Education for Primary Care, 32:2, 78-84.
2021. Chumbley S, Devaraj V, Mattick K. An approach to economic evaluation in undergraduate anatomy education. Anatomical Sciences Education 14:171–183.
2021. Al-Azzawi A. The Relationship Between Pharmacy Licensing Policies on Clinical Training (CT) and Success Rates for International Pharmacists (IPs) Within Canada, United Kingdom, and United States; A Comparative Policy Analysis. Pharmacy Education, 21, 420-431.
2021. Kyle RG, Atherton IM, Lasater K. Context, complexity and cross-pollination: Nursing leaders' views of the role of the voluntary and community sector in nurse education. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY, 99.
2020. De Luca E. In caregivers' hands: Interpersonal touch and contact within caring. In (Ed) Caregiving: Perspectives, Experiences and Challenges, 137-173.
2020. De Luca E, Galizio M, Resta D, Papaleo L. Integrating Massage within Oncology Nursing Care: an Italian Pilot Study. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 13, 194-206.
2020. Taylor A, Hodgson D. The behavioural display of compassion in radiation therapy: purpose, meaning and interpretation. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 51(4S); S59-S71.
2020. Maben J, Carrieri D, Briscoe S, Taylor C, Mattick K. Care Under Pressure 2: Caring for the Carers – a realist review of interventions to minimise the incidence of mental ill-health in nurses, midwives and paramedics, NIHR HS&DR Project 12/95/28.
2020. Gale T, Brennan N, Read J, Mattick K. Preparedness of recent medical graduates to meet anticipated healthcare needs. General Medical Council. GMC1203.
2020. Burford B, Vance G, Mattick K, Dornan T, Gale T, Brennan N. An evaluation of Interim Foundation Programme (FiY1) posts: new doctors’ adaptation to practice during the COVID-19 crisis. General Medical Council.
2020. Mattick K, Lloyd M, Conn R, Dornan T. Optimising prescribing feedback conversations: enabling and empowering prescribers to enhance prescribing development and patient care. ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Co-Creation Project.
2020. Butterworth J E, Hays R, McDonagh S T J, Bower P, Pitchforth E, Richards S H, Campbell J L. Involving older people with multimorbidity in decision-making about their primary healthcare: a Cochrane systematic review of interventions (abridged). Patient Educ Couns, 103(10), 2078-94.
2020. Butterworth J, Richards S, Warren F, Pitchforth E, Campbell J. Randomised feasibility trial and embedded qualitative process evaluation of a new intervention to facilitate the involvement of older patients with multimorbidity in decision-making about their healthcare during general practice consultations: the VOLITION study protocol. Pilot Feasibility Study, 6.
2020. Baumfield, V. Understanding What Worked: learning through practitioner inquiry. In Flood, J., Brown, C. and Handscomb, G. The Research-informed Teaching Revolution: a handbook for the 21st century teacher. Suffolk, John Catt.
2020. Proctor D, Leeder D, Mattick K. The Case for Faculty Development: A Realist Evaluation. Medical Education 54 (9), 832-842.
2020. Hancock J, Mattick K. Mindfulness, complex interventions and conceptual clarity. Medical Education, 54 (9):774-776.
2020. Carrieri D, Pearson M, Mattick K, Papoutsi C, Briscoe S, Wong G, Jackson M. Interventions to minimise doctors’ mental ill-health and its impacts on the workforce and patient care: the Care Under Pressure realist review. Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 8.19.
2020. Hancock, J, Mattick K. Ambiguity tolerance and psychological wellbeing in medical training: a systematic review. Medical Education 54(2):125-137.
2020. Parker H, Frost J, Britten N, Robinson S, Mattick K. Understanding surgical antimicrobial prescribing behaviour in the hospital setting: a systematic review and meta-ethnography protocol. Systematic Reviews 9:236.
2020. Dieppe, P, Warber, S, Fussell I. British Medical Association publication on the power of caring in clinical encounters (The Power of Caring). BMJ 2020;371:m4100).
2020. Carrieri D, Mattick K, Pearson M, Papoutsi C, Briscoe S, Wong G, Jackson M. Optimising strategies to address mental ill-health in doctors and medical students: 'Care Under Pressure' realist review and implementation guidance. BMC Med, 18(1).
2020. Hancock, J. and Mattick, K. Tolerance of ambiguity and psychological wellbeing in medical training: A systematic review, Medical Education, 54:125–137.
2020. Lasater K, Atherton IM, Kyle RG. Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: a qualitative study of nursing leaders. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY, 86.
2020. Kyle RG, Beattie M, Smith A. Transition into remote and rural nurse education and careers: a qualitative study of student nurses. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(6-7), 509-520.