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Health and Community Sciences

Professor Siobhan Creanor

Professor Siobhan Creanor

Director of Exeter CTU; Professor of Medical Statistics & Clinical Trials

 College House 2.28


College House, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Siobhan joined the University of Exeter in March 2020 as the Director of the UKCRC-registered Exeter Clinical Trials Unit (ExeCTU) and Professor of Medical Statistics & Clinical Trials.  She is an experienced senior statistician and clinical trial methodologist, working across a wide range of clinical and healthcare areas.  Siobhan is a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and has retained Chartered Statistician status for over 15 years.

She was previously the Director of the Peninsula Clinical Trials Unit (PenCTU) and lead of the Medical Statistics Group at the University of Plymouth.  Prior to moving to the South West Peninsula, Siobhan was a research statistician for over eight years at the University of Glasgow Dental School.

Siobhan recently completed four years as Chair of the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit South West Regional Advisory Committee, having previously served four years as an expert member, as well as sitting on various funding and oversight committees as an independent expert member or committee chair.  She is also an expert reviewer of funding applications and final reports for a number of NIHR programmes, NICE and charity organisations and an active member of Directors’ Group in the UKCRC CTU Network.

Siobhan has a strong commitment to improving healthcare interventions that will impact on individuals and wider communities through high-quality evidence, including that gained through well-designed, and transparently reported, clinical trials.  She is a strong advocate of multi-disciplinary, collaborative working, seeking to bring the best out of all team members.  Siobhan is also passionate about mentoring and supporting early career researchers, with a strong track record in nurturing early career statisticians.


  • PG Certificate in Clinical Education, Peninsula College of Medicine & Dentistry (2009)
  • FHEA, Higher Education Academy (2009)
  • Chartered Scientist, Science Council (2009-2019)
  • Chartered Statistician, Royal Statistical Society (2004)
  • Graduate Statistician, Royal Statistical Society (1998-2004)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) (1st Class) in Statistics, University of Glasgow (1998)

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Research interests

Siobhan’s broad research interests are in the design, analysis and reporting of studies within healthcare settings, with substantial expertise and experience in trial methodology and conduct. She has a sustained portfolio of research studies and outputs, underpinned by substantial external funding.

Siobhan has worked across a wide spectrum of clinical and healthcare areas including:

  • COVID-19
  • Clinical neurology (dementia, Parkinson’s Disease and multiple sclerosis)
  • Mental health and addictions
  • Obesity
  • Emergency medicine/care
  • Pain and anaesthetics
  • Surgery (bowel cancer, breast cancer and cardiac)
  • Oral and dental health

Across the varied healthcare areas, Siobhan has been involved in a broad range of types of trials and trial design:

  • clinical trials of an investigational medicinal product (CTIMPs)
  • trials of complex interventions
  • feasibility trials
  • phase II trials, including randomised futility trial
  • phase III/definitive trials
  • cluster and partially clustered trials

As an experienced methodologist and triallist, she also serves as an independent expert or Chair on a number of Trial Steering Committees and Data Monitoring Committees.

Research degrees awarded to supervised students

PhD Director of Studies - Ongoing

Benjamin Jones: Bayesian approach to the design and analysis of cluster randomised trials (commenced October 2017, part-time, University of Plymouth)

PhD Supervisor – Ongoing

Jade Chynoweth: Improving the efficiency of modelling complex physical activity data using novel statistical methods (commenced October 2019, part-time, University of Plymouth)

PhD Co-supervision - Completed
Ailsa Nicol: Longitudinal studies into the effect of fluoridated milk on artificial caries lesion mineral change using an in-situ model dentine (graduated 2006, University of Glasgow)

Taher O Elgalaid: In vitro studies into the permeability of human dentine (graduated 2006, University of Glasgow)

Nutayla Alharthy: In vitro investigation of dental erosion in dental enamel (graduated 2005, University of Glasgow)

Vivian Binnie: A randomised controlled trial of “brief” smoking cessation advice and NRT, delivered by dental hygienists, to patients in a dental setting enamel (graduated 2005, University of Glasgow)

MSc Co-supervision
Siobhan supervised the statistical aspects of a number of healthcare-related Masters and PhD students at the University of Plymouth.  Previously, over the course of 8 years at the University of Glasgow Dental School, Siobhan supervised the statistical aspects of approximately 80 postgraduate students’ projects, with, on average, approximately 10 students per year. 

Research projects

Siobhan’s current project portfolio includes clinical trials of an investigational medicinal product (CTIMPs) and trials of complex interventions.

  • COVID Nurse (UKRI/DHSC CV19 Rapid Call, £430k) is a rapidly funded project to develop and evaluate a system of nursing care designed specifically for hospitalised CV19 patients in the UK. The first phases of the project are now completed, including a national survey of nurses, and the current phase is a rapid-cycle, cluster randomised controlled trial in 18 hospitals with a target of recruiting over 1000 participants.  The trial will be conducted in three waves, with the first wave due to start late autumn 2020, and will report in 2021.
  • COVID E-WHELD (UKRI/DHSC CV19, £1.2M) is a rapidly funded programme of studies building on a successfully developed and tested intervention for improving wellbeing and health of people living in care homes.  As part of the current project, the intervention will be refined to fit the context of the current CV19 pandemic and following a short feasibility phase, a large implementation study will be undertaken, with a total recruitment target of over 5000 participants in over 1000 care homes in the UK.
  • PROGROUP (NIHR PGfAR, £2.5M) is a programme of studies to refine and evaluate a group-based behavioural intervention for improving outcomes in people with severe obesity.  Following a short-phase of intervention refinement, the programme will move to a feasibility randomised controlled trial, recruiting ~60 participants from three sites in England.  If the feasibility trial shows the intervention and trial methods are acceptable and feasible, a definitive, partially-clustered, randomised controlled trial of an estimated 1100 participants across 10 sites is planned.
  • MIRAGE (JP Moulton, £300k) is a pilot randomised controlled trial of an intervention called functional imagery training, with the aim of the intervention to reduced alcohol-related harm in patients with alcohol-related liver disease.  The pilot trial is due to commence recruiting ~90 participants from three hospitals in 2021.
  • PARTNERS2 (NIHR PGfAR, £940k extension funding for definitive trial) includes a cluster randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention of primary case based collaborative care with standard care for adults with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar or other types of psychosis.  Final participant follow-ups are scheduled for the end of 2020, with analyses and reporting commencing in 2021.
  • D-PACT (NIHR PGfAR, £2.7M) is a programme of studies which aims to develop and evaluate a system for dementia support based in general practice for people with dementia and their carers.  The programme is currently testing the feasibility of delivering the intervention, with a planned cluster trial design based on the emerging data and early phase results.  It is currently envisaged that this trial will recruit around 600 people with dementia and their carers from approximately 40 GP practices in two or more geographical regions of England.
  • TARS (NIHR HTA, £1.8M) is a large multi-centre complex intervention trial to assess the effectiveness of health trainers to assist in both reducing and stopping smoking.  This randomised controlled trial aimed to recruit 900 participants from four recruitment areas, with recruitment via GP practices and the community.  The final participant follow-ups are due for completion in autumn 2020, with the trial due to report in 2021.
  • PD STAT (Cure Parkinson’s Trust/ JP Moulton Charitable Foundation, £808k) is a CTIMP using a relatively novel futility trial design.  This is the first study in The Cure Parkinson’s Trust international Linked Clinical Trials initiative and is designed to assess whether Simvastatin has potential as a neuroprotective therapy in Parkinson’s Disease.  Recruitment was completed in summer 2018 (over 235 participants recruited from over 20 hospitals) and the participants completed follow-up in summer 2020, with the results of the trial now being analysed. 
  • Vermis (MS Society, £300k) involves the assessment of a complex intervention to improve vertigo, mobility and quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis.  This is a complex project with two studies under one study protocol and started recruitment in early 2019. 
  • FREE-IA study (NIHR RfPB, £238k) is a feasibility study of a complex intervention for reducing fatigue in people with inflammatory arthritis.  This is a single arm, multi-centre trial which opened to recruitment in late 2018.  Final participant follow-ups are scheduled for autumn 2020, with the findings due to reported in 2021.
  • STRENGTHEN (NIHR PHR, £890k) is a recently completed pilot randomised controlled study of health trainers to support the improvement of health and wellbeing in individuals under community supervision.


  • PROGROUP - How are treatment outcomes for people with severe obesity ImPROved by GROUP-based behavioural intervention?  NIHR PGfAR, £2,531,257, 2021-2026. CI J Pinkney.
  • MIRAGE - Functional imagery training to reduce alcohol-related harm in patients with alcohol-related liver disease: a pilot randomised trial.  JP Moulton, £312,000, 2020-2022. CI A Dhanda.
  • CV E-WHELD - Evidence-based supported digital intervention for improving wellbeing and health of people living in care homes (WHELD) during COVID-19.  UKRI/DHSC CV19 Rapid Call, £1,219,509, 2020-2021. CI C Ballard.
  • COVID-NURSE - The development, testing and evaluation of a COVID-19 fundamental nursing care protocol: a randomised controlled trial.  UKRI/DHSC CV19 Rapid Call, £430,470, 2020-2021.  CI D Richards.
  • DQASS - Down’s syndrome screening Quality Assurance Support Service.  Public Health England, £548,000, 2020-2022.  Creanor (PI), Baker.
  • PARTNERS 2 - Trial of Primary Care Based Collaborative Care for People with a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Bipolar or other types of Psychosis, NIHR PGfAR, £940,744, 2019-2021.  CIs R Byng and M Birchwood
  • DPACT - Dementia - Person Aligned Care Team.  NIHR PGfAR, £2,744,820, 2018-2023.  CI R Byng.
  • PenCTU - NIHR CTU Support Funding, £153,000 (£51k/year), 2018-2021.  PI S Creanor.
  • DQASS - Down’s syndrome screening Quality Assurance Support Service.  Public Health England, £537,900, 2018-2020.  Creanor (PI), Baker.
  • VERMIS - Vestibular Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis: improving vertigo, mobility and quality of life of people with MS.  MS Society, £299,931, 2018-2021.  CI J Marsden.
  • ACCEPT - A novel interactive training device to improve walking ability and quality of life for children with cerebral palsy trial: a multi-centred feasibility RCT with an embedded qualitative study.  NIHR Career Doctoral Research Fellowship, £354,245, 2018-2023.  CI R Rapson.
  • FREE-IA - Fatigue - reducing its effects through individualised support episodes in inflammatory arthritis: a feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial.  NIHR RfPB, £248,039, 2018-2020.  CI E Dures.
  • Statistics Clinics - Contract for Statistics Clinics for UHPNT.  Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, £4870, 2017-2018.  PI S Creanor.
  • NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowship.  NIHR Trainee Coordinating Centre, £52,708, 2017-2018.  PI J Paton (S Creanor CTU Supervisor).
  • TARS - A multi-centred trial of physical activity assisted reduction of smoking (TARS).  NIHR HTA, £1,821,614, 2017-2021.  CI A Taylor.
  • HAPPI - Developing, implementing and testing a new intervention to improve healthy living in older people with frailty. NIHR Career Doctoral Research Fellowship, £293,305, 2017-2021.  CI H Lyndon.
  • PHASED - A systematic review of physical activity for alcohol and substance use disorders: evidence synthesis with stakeholder engagement to formulate practical recommendations.  NIHR RfPB, £149,946, 2016-2018.  CI T Thompson.
  • Statistics Clinics - Contract for Statistics Clinics for UHPNT.  Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, £5916, 2016-2017.  PI S Creanor.
  • BRiMS - Balance right in Multiple Sclerosis: a guided self-management programme to reduce falls and improve quality of life, balance and mobility in people with Multiple Sclerosis.  NIHR HTA, £367,110, 2016-2018.  CI J Freeman.
  • DQASS - Down’s syndrome screening Quality Assurance Support Service.  Public Health England, £489,000, 2016-2018.  Creanor (PI), Baker.
  • SPIRES - A feasibility study to investigate the effects of a functional standing frame programme in people with severe sub-acute stroke on function, quality of life and neuromuscular impairment.  NIHR Career Doctoral Research Fellowship, £267,066, 2016-2019.  CI A Logan.
  • STRENGTHEN - Improving health, under community supervision, with the support of a Health Trainer.  NIHR PHR, £887,442, 2016-2018.  CI A Taylor.
  • MClinRes Studentships – Funding for 10 Masters in Research studentships per annum.  HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme, £1,020,000, 2015-2018.  CI J Marsden.
  • Statistics Clinics - Contract for Statistics Clinics for PHNT.  Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, £12,930, 2015-2016.  PI S Creanor.
  • SUMS - A multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a home-based self-management standing frame programme in people with progressive MS.  NIHR RfPB, £343,761, 2015-2018.  CI J Freeman.
  • FRESH-AIR - Development study to examine feasibility and acceptability of pulmonary rehabilitation in Uganda for adults with chronic asthma. MRC/DfID/Wellcome Global Health Trials, £136,086.  CI R Jones.
  • PDSTAT - Simvastatin as a neuroprotective treatment for Parkinson’s disease: a double-blind, randomised, placebo controlled futility study in patients of moderate severity.  Cure Parkinson’s Trust and the JP Moulton Charitable Foundation, £808,502, 2014-2020.  CI C Carroll.

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Journal articles

Creanor E (In Press). A double-blind, randomised, parallel group, placebo-controlled futility trial of simvastatin as a neuroprotective treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD STAT). JAMA Neurology
Taylor AH, Thompson TP, Ussher M, Aveyard P, Murray RL, Harris T, Creanor E, Green C, Streeter A, Chynoweth J, et al (In Press). A randomised controlled trial of tailored support to increase physical activity and reduce smoking in smokers not immediately ready to quit: Protocol for the Trial of physical Activity assisted Reduction of Smoking (TARS) study. BMJ Open
Eldabe SE, Taylor RS, Goossens S, Bouche B, Gultuna I, Green C, Tinsley J, Luyet PP, Buchser E (In Press). A self-management programme to reduce falls and improve safe mobility in people with secondary progressive MS: the BRiMS feasibility RCT. Health Technol Assess, 23, 1-166.
Price LRS, Wyatt K, Lloyd J, Abraham C, Creanor S, Dean S, Hillsdon M (In Press). Are we overestimating Physical Activity prevalence in children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health
Creanor E, Green C (In Press). Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a falls prevention programme. Pilot and Feasibility Studies
Creanor E (In Press). Brief intervention to reduce fatigue impact in patients with inflammatory arthritis: design and outcomes of a single-arm feasibility study. BMJ Open
Price LRS, Wyatt K, Lloyd J, Dean S, Creanor S, Abraham C, Hillsdon M (In Press). Children’s compliance with wrist worn accelerometry within a cluster randomised controlled trial: Findings from the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP). Pediatric Exercise Science
Wyatt KM, Lloyd JJ, Green C, Hurst A, McHugh C, Logan S, Taylor R, Hillsdon M, Price L, Abraham C, et al (In Press). Cluster randomised controlled trial, economic and process evaluation to determine the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a novel intervention (Healthy Lifestyles Programme, HeLP) to prevent obesity in school children. NIHR Public Health Research
Creanor S, Green C, Price L, Snowsill T, Creanor E (In Press). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of behavioural support for prolonged abstinence for smokers wishing to reduce but not quit: Randomised controlled Trial of physical Activity assisted Reduction of Smoking (TARS). Addiction
Richards DA, Bollen J, Jones B, Melendez-Torres GJ, Hulme C, Cockcroft E, Cook H, Cooper J, Creanor S, Cruickshank S, et al (In Press). Evaluation of a COVID-19 Fundamental Nursing Care Guideline (COVID-NURSE) Versus Usual Care: a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial.
Hawton AJ (In Press). Evaluation of a home-based standing frame programme in people with progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SUMS): a pragmatic, multi-centre, randomised, controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis. Lancet Neurology
Creanor E, Jones B, Britten N, Frost J (In Press). The effectiveness of a primary care based collaborative care model to improve quality of life in people with severe mental illness: the PARTNERS2 cluster randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry
Creanor E, Hawton A (In Press). “I’m in a very good frame of mind”: a qualitative exploration of the experience of standing frame use in people with progressive multiple sclerosis. BMJ Open
Richards DA, Bollen J, Jones B, Melendez-Torres GJ, Hulme C, Cockcroft E, Cook H, Cooper J, Creanor S, Cruickshank S, et al (2024). Evaluation of a COVID-19 fundamental nursing care guideline versus usual care: the COVID-NURSE cluster randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs, 80(5), 2137-2152. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mahmoud A, Goodwin V, Morley N, Lamb S, Creanor E, Frost J (2024). How can we improve Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for older people living with frailty in primary care and community settings? a Qualitative Study. BMJ Open, 14 Abstract.
Hansford L, Wyatt K, Creanor S, McCready S, Harding R, South West Peninsula Palliative Care Research Partnership (2024). Lessons from a research partnership in southwest England to understand community palliative care needs in rural, coastal and low-income communities. Public Health Res (Southampt), 1-40. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dhanda A, Andrade J, Allende H, Allgar V, Bailey M, Callaghan L, Cocking L, Goodwin E, Hawton A, Hayward C, et al (2024). Mental Imagery to Reduce Alcohol-related harm in patients with alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related liver damaGE: the MIRAGE randomised pilot trial results. BMJ Open Gastroenterol, 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hansford L, Wyatt K, Creanor S, Davies J, Horne G, Lynn A, McCready S, Pearce S, Peeler A, Rhys A, et al (2023). Engaging with communities in rural, coastal and low-income areas to understand barriers to palliative care and bereavement support: reflections on a community engagement programme in South-west England. Palliative Care and Social Practice, 17 Abstract.
Appelboam A, Osborne R, Ukoumunne O, Black S, Boot S, Richards N, Scotney N, Rhodes S, Cranston T, Hawker R, et al (2023). Evaluation of the prehospital use of a Valsalva assist device in the emergency treatment of supraventricular tachycardia (EVADE SVT): study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 13(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dhanda A, Allgar V, Andrade J, Callaghan L, Hudson B, Ingram W, King A, Lavers V, Lomax J, McCune A, et al (2023). FRI-418 Strategies are needed to support people with alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related liver disease to take part in randomised clinical trials: results from the MIRAGE pilot trial of functional imagery training. Journal of Hepatology, 78, s153-s154.
Wheat H, Weston L, Oh TM, Morgan-Trimmer S, Ingram W, Griffiths S, Sheaff R, Clarkson P, Medina-Lara A, Musicha C, et al (2023). Longitudinal realist evaluation of the Dementia PersonAlised Care Team (D-PACT) intervention: protocol. BJGP Open, 7(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor AH, Thompson TP, Streeter A, Chynoweth J, Snowsill T, Ingram W, Ussher M, Aveyard P, Murray RL, Harris T, et al (2023). Motivational support intervention to reduce smoking and increase physical activity in smokers not ready to quit: the TARS RCT. Health Technol Assess, 27(4), 1-277. Abstract.  Author URL.
Swancutt D, Tarrant M, Ingram W, Baldrey S, Burns L, Byng R, Calitri R, Creanor S, Dean S, Evans L, et al (2022). A group-based behavioural intervention for weight management (PROGROUP) versus usual care in adults with severe obesity: a feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1). Abstract.
Logan A, Freeman J, Kent B, Pooler J, Creanor S, Enki D, Vickery J, Barton A, Marsden J (2022). Functional standing frame programme early after severe sub-acute stroke (SPIRES): a randomised controlled feasibility trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 8(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dhanda AD, Allende H, Allgar V, Andrade J, Bailey MP, Callaghan L, Cocking L, Goodwin E, Hawton A, Hayward C, et al (2022). Mental Imagery to Reduce Alcohol-related harm in patients with alcohol dependence and alcohol-related liver damaGE: the MIRAGE pilot trial protocol. BMJ Open, 12(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Phillips R, Cro S, Wheeler G, Bond S, Morris TP, Creanor S, Hewitt C, Love S, Lopes A, Schlackow I, et al (2022). Visualising harms in publications of randomised controlled trials: consensus and recommendations. BMJ, 377 Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones BG, Streeter AJ, Baker A, Moyeed R, Creanor S (2021). Bayesian statistics in the design and analysis of cluster randomised controlled trials and their reporting quality: a methodological systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 10(1). Abstract.
Richards DA, Sugg HVR, Cockcroft E, Cooper J, Cruickshank S, Doris F, Hulme C, Logan P, Iles-Smith H, Melendez-Torres GJ, et al (2021). COVID-NURSE: evaluation of a fundamental nursing care protocol compared with care as usual on experience of care for noninvasively ventilated patients in hospital with the SARS-CoV-2 virus—protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 11(5), e046436-e046436. Abstract.
Plappert H, Hobson-Merrett C, Gibbons B, Baker E, Bevan S, Clark M, Creanor S, Davies L, Denyer R, Frost J, et al (2021). Evaluation of a primary care-based collaborative care model (PARTNERS2) for people with diagnoses of schizophrenia, bipolar, or other psychoses: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BJGP Open, 5(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Horrell J, Thompson TP, Taylor AH, Neale J, Husk K, Wanner A, Creanor S, Wei Y, Kandiyali R, Sinclair J, et al (2021). Qualitative systematic review of the acceptability, feasibility, barriers, facilitators and perceived utility of using physical activity in the reduction of and abstinence from alcohol and other drug use (vol 19, 100355, 2020). MENTAL HEALTH AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, 20  Author URL.
Logan A, Freeman J, Pooler J, Kent B, Barton A, Vickery J, Creanor S, Enki D, Marsden J (2020). Is practising standing-up and moving between sitting and standing early after a severe stroke feasible? a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Physiotherapy, 107, e18-e19.
Carlton EW, Ingram J, Taylor H, Glynn J, Kandiyali R, Campbell S, Beasant L, Aziz S, Beresford P, Kendall J, et al (2020). Limit of detection of troponin discharge strategy versus usual care: randomised controlled trial. Heart, 106(20), 1586-1594. Abstract.
Thompson TP, Horrell J, Taylor AH, Wanner A, Husk K, Wei Y, Creanor S, Kandiyali R, Neale J, Sinclair J, et al (2020). Physical activity and the prevention, reduction, and treatment of alcohol and other drug use across the lifespan (The PHASE review): a systematic review. Ment Health Phys Act, 19 Abstract.  Author URL.
Horrell J, Thompson TP, Taylor AH, Neale J, Husk K, Wanner A, Creanor S, Wei Y, Kandiyali R, Sinclair J, et al (2020). Qualitative systematic review of the acceptability, feasibility, barriers, facilitators and perceived utility of using physical activity in the reduction of and abstinence from alcohol and other drug use. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 19 Abstract.
Marsden J, Pavlou M, Dennett R, Gibbon A, Knight-Lozano R, Jeu L, Flavell C, Freeman J, Bamiou DE, Harris C, et al (2020). Vestibular rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis comparing customised with booklet based vestibular rehabilitation for vestibulopathy and a 12 month observational cohort study of the symptom reduction and recurrence rate following treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. BMC Neurology, 20(1). Abstract.
Freeman J, Hendrie W, Jarrett L, Hawton A, Barton A, Dennett R, Jones B, Zajicek J, Creanor S (2019). Assessment of a home-based standing frame programme in people with progressive multiple sclerosis (SUMS): a pragmatic, multi-centre, randomised, controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis. The Lancet Neurology, 18(8), 736-747. Abstract.
Gunn H, Andrade J, Paul L, Miller L, Stevens K, Creanor S, Green C, Ewings P, Barton A, Berrow M, et al (2019). Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): Preliminary results of a randomised controlled feasibility trial. Physiotherapy, 105, e36-e37.
Burke FJT, Wilson NHF, Brunton PA, Creanor S (2019). Contemporary dental practice in the UK. Part 1: Demography and practising arrangements in 2015. British Dental Journal, 226(1), 55-61. Abstract.
Wilson NHF, Burke FJT, Brunton PA, Creanor S, Hosey MT, Mannocci F (2019). Dental practice in the UK in 2015/2016. Part 2: Aspects of direct restorations, bleaching, endodontics and paediatric dentistry. British Dental Journal, 226(2), 110-114. Abstract.
Jum’ah AA, Creanor S, Wilson NHF, Burke FJT, Brunton PA (2019). Dental practice in the UK in 2015/2016. Part 3: Aspects of indirect restorations and fixed prosthodontics. British Dental Journal, 226(3), 192-196. Abstract.
Burke FJT, Wilson NHF, Brunton PA, Creanor S (2019). Dental practice in the UK in 2015/2016. Part 4: changes since 2002?. British Dental Journal, 226(4), 279-285. Abstract.
Smith JE, Creanor S, Rockett M, Ewings P (2019). How do you solve a problem like… missing data? Lessons from the PAin SoluTions in the Emergency Setting (PASTIES) trials. Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service, 105(1), 23-28.
Callaghan L, Thompson TP, Creanor SC, Quinn C, Senior J, Green C, Hawton AJ, Byng R, Wallace G, Sinclair J, et al (2019). Individual health trainers to support health and well-being for people under community supervision in the criminal justice system: the STRENGTHEN pilot RCT. Public Health Research, 7(20).
Logan A, Freeman J, Pooler J, Kent B, Vickery J, Creanor S, Enki D, Barton A, Marsden J (2019). Is practising standing-up and moving between sitting and standing early after a severe stroke feasible? a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Physiotherapy, 105
Carroll CB, Webb D, Stevens KN, Vickery J, Eyre V, Ball S, Wyse R, Webber M, Foggo A, Zajicek J, et al (2019). Simvastatin as a neuroprotective treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD STAT): protocol for a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled futility study. BMJ Open, 9(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Freeman J, Hendrie W, Jarrett L, Hawton A-M, Barton A, Dennett R, Jones B, Marsden J, Zajicek J, Creanor S, et al (2019). Standing up in people with progressive multiple sclerosis (SUMS): a multi-centre randomised controlled trial evaluating a home-based standing frame programme. Physiotherapy, 105, e24-e25.
Rockett M, Creanor S, Squire R, Barton A, Benger J, Cocking L, Ewings P, Eyre V, Smith JE (2019). The impact of emergency department patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) on the incidence of chronic pain following trauma and non-traumatic abdominal pain. ANAESTHESIA, 74(1), 69-73.  Author URL.
Lloyd J, Creanor S, Logan S, Green C, Dean SG, Hillsdon M, Abraham C, Tomlinson R, Pearson V, Taylor RS, et al (2018). Effectiveness of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP) to prevent obesity in UK primary-school children: a cluster randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 2(1), 35-45. Abstract.
Thompson TP, Callaghan L, Hazeldine E, Quinn C, Walker S, Byng R, Wallace G, Creanor S, Green C, Hawton A, et al (2018). Health trainer-led motivational intervention plus usual care for people under community supervision compared with usual care alone: a study protocol for a parallel-group pilot randomised controlled trial (STRENGTHEN). BMJ Open, 8(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Thompson TP, Taylor AH, Wanner A, Husk K, Wei Y, Creanor S, Kandiyali R, Neale J, Sinclair J, Nasser M, et al (2018). Physical activity and the prevention, reduction, and treatment of alcohol and/or substance use across the lifespan (The PHASE review): Protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 7(1). Abstract.
Logan A, Freeman J, Kent B, Pooler J, Creanor S, Vickery J, Enki D, Barton A, Marsden J (2018). Standing Practice in Rehabilitation Early after Stroke (SPIRES): a functional standing frame programme (prolonged standing and repeated sit to stand) to improve function and quality of life and reduce neuromuscular impairment in people with severe sub-acute stroke-a protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 4 Abstract.  Author URL.
Allison R, Kilbride C, Chynoweth J, Creanor S, Frampton I, Marsden J (2018). What is the Longitudinal Profile of Impairments and can We Predict Difficulty Caring for the Profoundly Affected Arm in the First Year Poststroke?. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 99(3), 433-442. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones R, Kirenga BJ, Katagira W, Singh SJ, Pooler J, Okwera A, Kasiita R, Enki DG, Creanor S, Barton A, et al (2017). A pre-post intervention study of pulmonary rehabilitation for adults with post-tuberculosis lung disease in Uganda. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 12, 3533-3539. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gunn H, Andrade J, Paul L, Miller L, Creanor S, Green C, Marsden J, Ewings P, Berrow M, Vickery J, et al (2017). Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): a guided self-management programme to reduce falls and improve quality of life, balance and mobility in people with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: a protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4, 26-26.
Lloyd J, Dean S, Creanor S, Abraham C, Hillsdon M, Ryan E, Wyatt KM (2017). Intervention fidelity in the definitive cluster randomised controlled trial of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP) trial: findings from the process evaluation. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 14(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pritchard C, Smith JE, Creanor S, Squire R, Barton A, Benger J, Cocking L, Ewings P, Rockett M, Eyre V, et al (2017). The cost-effectiveness of patient-controlled analgesia vs. standard care in patients presenting to the Emergency Department in pain, who are subsequently admitted to hospital. Anaesthesia, 72(8), 953-960. Abstract.
Lloyd J, Creanor S, Price LRS, Abraham C, Dean S, Green C, Hillsdon M, Pearson V, Taylor R, Tomlinson R, et al (2017). Trial baseline characteristics of a cluster randomised controlled trial of a school-located obesity prevention programme; the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP) trial. BMC Public Health
Creanor S, Lloyd J, Hillsdon M, Dean S, Green C, Taylor RS, Ryan E, Wyatt K, HeLP Trial Management Group (2016). Detailed statistical analysis plan for a cluster randomised controlled trial of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP), a novel school-based intervention to prevent obesity in school children. Trials, 17(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Fox EE, Hough AD, Creanor S, Gear M, Freeman JA (2016). Effects of Pilates-based core stability training in ambulant people with multiple sclerosis: Multicenter, assessor-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Physical Therapy, 96(8), 1170-1178. Abstract.
Freeman JA, Hendrie W, Creanor S, Jarrett L, Barton A, Green C, Marsden J, Rogers E, Zajicek J (2016). Standing up in Multiple Sclerosis (SUMS): Protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial evaluating the clinical and cost effectiveness of a home-based self-management standing frame programme in people with progressive multiple sclerosis. BMC Neurol, 16, 62-62.
Smith JE, Rockett M, Creanor S, Squire R, Hayward C, Ewings P, Barton A, Pritchard C, Eyre V, Cocking L, et al (2015). PAin SoluTions in the Emergency Setting (PASTIES)--patient controlled analgesia versus routine care in emergency department patients with non-traumatic abdominal pain: randomised trial. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 350 Abstract.
Smith JE, Rockett M, Creanor SS, Squire R, Hayward C, Ewings P, Barton A, Pritchard C, Eyre V, Cocking L, et al (2015). PAin SoluTions in the Emergency Setting (PASTIES)-patient controlled analgesia versus routine care in emergency department patients with pain from traumatic injuries: randomised trial. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 350  Author URL.
Lai CW, Starkie T, Creanor S, Struthers RA, Portch D, Erasmus PD, Mellor N, Hosie KB, Sneyd JR, Minto G, et al (2015). Randomized controlled trial of stroke volume optimization during elective major abdominal surgery in patients stratified by aerobic fitness. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 115(4), 578-589. Abstract.
Gunn H, Creanor S, Haas B, Marsden J, Freeman J (2014). Frequency, characteristics, and consequences of falls in multiple sclerosis: Findings from a cohort study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95(3), 538-545. Abstract.
Creanor S, Millward BA, Demaine A, Price L, Smith W, Brown N (2014). Patients' attitudes towards screening for diabetes and other medical conditions in the dental setting. British Dental Journal, 216(1). Abstract.
Langford R, Brown I, Vickery J, Mitchell K, Pritchard C, Creanor S (2014). Study protocol for a double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of continuous subpectoral local anaesthetic infusion for pain and shoulder function following mastectomy: SUB-pectoral Local anaesthetic Infusion following MastEctomy (SUBLIME) study. BMJ Open, 4(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith JE, Rockett M, Squire R, Hayward CJ, Creanor S, Ewings P, Barton A, Pritchard C, Benger JR (2013). PAin SoluTions in the Emergency Setting (PASTIES); a protocol for two open-label randomised trials of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) versus routine care in the emergency department. BMJ Open, 3(2). Abstract.
Lai CW, Minto G, Challand CP, Hosie KB, Sneyd JR, Creanor S, Struthers RA (2013). Patients' inability to perform a preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise test or demonstrate an anaerobic threshold is associated with inferior outcomes after major colorectal surgery. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 111(4), 607-611. Abstract.
Gunn H, Creanor S, Haas B, Marsden J, Freeman J (2013). Risk factors for falls in multiple sclerosis: an observational study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 19(14), 1913-1922. Abstract.
Wyatt KM, Lloyd JJ, Abraham C, Creanor S, Dean S, Densham E, Daurge W, Green C, Hillsdon M, Pearson V, et al (2013). The Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP), a novel school-based intervention to prevent obesity in school children: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 14 Abstract.  Author URL.
Creanor S, Millward A, Coelho A (2013). Worrying attitudes. British Dental Journal, 215(5).
Lloyd JJ, Wyatt KM, Creanor S (2012). Behavioural and weight status outcomes from an exploratory trial of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP): a novel school-based obesity prevention programme. BMJ Open, 2(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Brunton PA, Burke FJT, Sharif MO, Creanor S, Hosey MT, Mannocci F, Wilson NHF (2012). Contemporary dental practice in the UK in 2008: Aspects of direct restorations, endodontics and bleaching. British Dental Journal, 212(2), 63-67. Abstract.
Brunton PA, Sharif MO, Creanor S, Burke FJT, Wilson NHF (2012). Contemporary dental practice in the UK in 2008: Indirect restorations and fixed prosthodontics. British Dental Journal, 212(3), 115-119. Abstract.
Brunton PA, Burke T, Sharif MO, Muirhead EK, Creanor S, Wilson NHF (2012). Contemporary dental practice in the UK: Demographic details and practising arrangements in 2008. British Dental Journal, 212(1), 11-15. Abstract.
Creanor S, Barton A, Marchbank A (2012). Effectiveness of a gentamicin impregnated collagen sponge on reducing sternal wound infections following cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 94(4), 227-231. Abstract.
Hodge PJ, Robertson D, Paterson K, Smith GLF, Creanor S, Sherriff A (2012). Periodontitis in non-smoking type 1 diabetic adults: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 39(1), 20-29. Abstract.
Creanor S, Creanor S, Alharthy N (2011). A comparison of in vitro erosion-like mineral loss between continuous and intermittent acidic exposure with and without human saliva. Archives of Oral Biology, 56(7), 703-708. Abstract.
Blacker SM, Creanor SL, Creanor S (2011). An in vitro investigation of the initial pH and titratable acidity of a selection of fruit smoothies. Dental update, 38(9). Abstract.
Wyatt K, Edwards V, Franck L, Britten N, Creanor S, Maddick A, Logan S (2011). Cranial osteopathy for children with cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial. Arch Dis Child, 96(6), 505-512. Abstract.  Author URL.
Creanor S, Cooper N, Creanor SL (2011). Statistics: a learning needs assessment. Med Teach, 33(9), 775-776.  Author URL.
Wyatt KM, Lloyd, Creanor S, Logan GS (2011). The development, feasibility and acceptability of a school-based obesity prevention programme: results from three phases of piloting. British Medical Journal
Stewardson DA, Thornley P, Bigg T, Bromage C, Browne A, Cottam D, Dalby D, Gilmour J, Horton J, Roberts E, et al (2011). The survival of Class V restorations in general dental practice. Part 2, early failure. Br Dent J, 210(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Joshi S, Lewis SJ, Creanor S, Ayling RM (2010). Age-related faecal calprotectin, lactoferrin and tumour M2-PK concentrations in healthy volunteers. Ann Clin Biochem, 47(Pt 3), 259-263. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith AJ, Lockhart DEA, McDonald E, Creanor S, Hurrell D, Bagg J (2010). Design of dental surgeries in relation to instrument decontamination. Journal of Hospital Infection, 76(4), 340-344. Abstract.
Thiagarajah R, Creanor S, Gormally J, Gutteridge C, Dubbins P (2010). Infection control in the ultrasound department. Ultrasound, 18(1), 31-35. Abstract.
Zajicek JP, Ingram WM, Vickery J, Creanor S, Wright DE, Hobart JC (2010). Patient-orientated longitudinal study of multiple sclerosis in south west England (The South West Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Project, SWIMS) 1: protocol and baseline characteristics of cohort. BMC NEUROLOGY, 10  Author URL.
Hill KB, Morris AJ, White DA, McHugh S, Atwal R, Burke FJT (2009). A comparison of Personal Dental Service (PDS) and General Dental Service (GDS) patients in terms of reported interventions, oral health and dentists' perceptions. Community Dent Health, 26(3), 170-176. Abstract.  Author URL.
Saleem S, Mani V, Chadwick MA, Creanor S, Ayling RM (2009). A prospective study of causes of haemolysis during venepuncture: tourniquet time should be kept to a minimum. Ann Clin Biochem, 46(Pt 3), 244-246. Abstract.  Author URL.
Edwards G, Johnstone L, Paterson G, McIntyre J, McHugh S, Smith AJ (2009). Hand hygiene undertaken by students and staff in a dental teaching hospital. J Hosp Infect, 71(2), 188-189.  Author URL.
Smith A, Smith G, Creanor S, Hurrell D, Bagg J, Lappin D (2009). Handpiece decontamination survey. British Dental Journal, 6(4), 37-38.
Smith A, Creanor S, Hurrell D, Bagg J, McCowan M (2009). Management of infection control in dental practice. Journal of Hospital Infection, 71(4), 353-358. Abstract.
Smith AJ, Creanor S, Hurrell DJ (2009). Survey of instrument decontamination in dental surgeries located in Scottish prisons. American Journal of Infection Control, 37(8), 689-690. Abstract.
Smith GWG, Smith AJ, Creanor S, Hurrell D, Bagg J, Lappin DF (2009). Survey of the decontamination and maintenance of dental handpieces in general dental practice © 2009 British Dental Journal. British Dental Journal, 207(4). Abstract.
Nicol AJ, Creanor S, Hall AF, Macpherson LMD (2008). A randomised, observer-blind, clinical study investigating the effect of fluoridated milk on artificially created early enamel caries using transverse microradiography. CARIES RESEARCH, 42(4), 305-311.  Author URL.
Sharifi A, Jones R, Ayoub A, Moos K, Walker F, Khambay B, McHugh S (2008). How accurate is model planning for orthognathic surgery?. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 37(12), 1089-1093. Abstract.  Author URL.
Elgalaid TO, Creanor SL, Creanor S, Hall AF (2008). The permeability of artificial dentine carious lesions. ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, 53(8), 744-750.  Author URL.
Elgalaid TO, Creanor SL, Creanor S, Hall AF (2008). The repeatability of human dentine permeability measurement in vitro. Journal of Dentistry, 36(1), 42-48. Abstract.
Nunu YH, Bell A, McHugh S, Moos KF, Ayoub AF (2007). 3D assessment of morbidity associated with lower eyelid incisions in orbital trauma. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 36(8), 680-686. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith AJ, Hurrell D, Bagg J, McHugh S, Mathewson H, Henry M (2007). A method for surveying instrument decontamination procedures in general dental practice. Br Dent J, 202(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Binnie VI, McHugh S, Jenkins W, Borland W, Macpherson LM (2007). A randomised controlled trial of a smoking cessation intervention delivered by dental hygienists: a feasibility study. BMC Oral Health, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Alexopoulos E, Hope A, Clark SL, McHugh S, Hosey MT (2007). A report on dental anxiety levels in children undergoing nitrous oxide inhalation sedation and propofol target controlled infusion intravenous sedation. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent, 8(2), 82-86. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bagg J, Smith AJ, Hurrell D, McHugh S, Irvine G (2007). Cleaning re-usable instruments in general practice. British Dental Journal, 202(9), 550-551. Abstract.
Bagg J, Smith AJ, Hurrell D, McHugh S, Irvine G (2007). Pre-sterilisation cleaning of re-usable instruments in general dental practice. Br Dent J, 202(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith AJ, Bagg J, Hurrell D, McHugh S (2007). Sterilization of re-usable instruments in general dental practice. Br Dent J, 203(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith AJ, Hurrell D, Bagg J, McHugh S, Mathewson H, Henry M (2007). Surveying instrument decontamination procedures. British Dental Journal, 202(8), 472-473. Abstract.
Elalaid TO, Creanor SL, Creanor S, Hall AF (2007). The permeability of natural dentine caries before and after restoration:: an <i>in vitro</i> study. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY, 35(8), 656-663.  Author URL.
Delargy S, Busby M, McHugh S, Matthews R, Burke FJT (2007). The reproducibility of the Denplan Oral Health Score (OHS) in general dental practitioners. Community Dent Health, 24(2), 105-110. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones RM, Khambay BS, McHugh S, Ayoub AF (2007). The validity of a computer-assisted simulation system for orthognathic surgery (CASSOS) for planning the surgical correction of class III skeletal deformities: single-jaw versus bimaxillary surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 36(10), 900-908. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith AJ, Bagg J, Hurrell D, McHugh S (2007). Use of benchtop steam sterilisers. British Dental Journal, 203(8), 468-469. Abstract.
Aladangady N, McHugh S, Aitchison TC, Wardrop CAJ, Holland BM (2006). Infants' blood volume in a controlled trial of placental transfusion at preterm delivery. Pediatrics, 117(1), 93-98. Abstract.  Author URL.
Khambay BS, McHugh S, Millett DT, Ireland T (2006). Magnitude and reproducibility of forces generated by clinicians during laceback placement. Journal of Orthodontics, 33(4).
Khambay BS, McHugh S, Millett DT (2006). Magnitude and reproducibility of forces generated by clinicians during laceback placement. J Orthod, 33(4), 270-275. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith A, Bagg J, McHugh S (2006). No to chlorhexidine. Br Dent J, 200(1).  Author URL.
Hosey MT, Bryce J, Harris P, McHugh S, Campbell C (2006). The behaviour, social status and number of teeth extracted in children under general anaesthesia: a referral centre revisited. Br Dent J, 200(6), 331-327. Abstract.  Author URL.
Letters S, Smith AJ, McHugh S, Bagg J (2005). A study of visual and blood contamination on reprocessed endodontic files from general dental practice. Br Dent J, 199(8), 522-525. Abstract.  Author URL.
Khambay B, Millett D, McHugh S (2005). Archwire seating forces produced by different ligation methods and their effect on frictional resistance. Eur J Orthod, 27(3), 302-308. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones RM, Faqir A, Millett DT, Moos KF, McHugh S (2005). Bridging and dimensions of sella turcica in subjects treated by surgical-orthodontic means or orthodontics only. Angle Orthod, 75(5), 714-718. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nicol R, Petrina Sweeney M, McHugh S, Bagg J (2005). Effectiveness of health care worker training on the oral health of elderly residents of nursing homes. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 33(2), 115-124. Abstract.  Author URL.
Campbell C, Hosey M-T, McHugh S (2005). Facilitating coping behavior in children prior to dental general anesthesia: a randomized controlled trial. Paediatr Anaesth, 15(10), 831-838. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith A, Letters S, Lange A, Perrett D, McHugh S, Bagg J (2005). Residual protein levels on reprocessed dental instruments. J Hosp Infect, 61(3), 237-241. Abstract.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, McHugh S, Shaw L, Hosey M-T, Macpherson L, Delargy S, Dopheide B (2005). UK dentists' attitudes and behaviour towards Atraumatic Restorative Treatment for primary teeth. Br Dent J, 199(6), 365-369. Abstract.  Author URL.
Leitch JA, Anderson K, Gambhir S, Millar K, Robb ND, McHugh S, Kenny GNC (2004). A partially blinded randomised controlled trial of patient-maintained propofol sedation and operator controlled midazolam sedation in third molar extractions. Anaesthesia, 59(9), 853-860. Abstract.  Author URL.
Burke FJ, Busby M, McHugh S, Mullins A, Matthews R (2004). A pilot study of patients' views of an oral health scoring system. Prim Dent Care, 11(2), 37-39. Abstract.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, McHugh S, Randall RC, Meyers IA, Pitt J, Hall AC (2004). Direct restorative materials use in Australia in 2002. Aust Dent J, 49(4), 185-191. Abstract.  Author URL.
Khambay B, Millett D, McHugh S (2004). Evaluation of methods of archwire ligation on frictional resistance. Eur J Orthod, 26(3), 327-332. Abstract.  Author URL.
Elgalaid TO, Youngson CC, McHugh S, Hall AF, Creanor SL, Foye RH (2004). In vitro dentine permeability: the relative effect of a dentine bonding agent on crown preparations. Journal of Dentistry, 32(5), 413-421. Abstract.
Stewardson DA, Crisp RJ, McHugh S, Lendenmann U, Burke FJT (2004). The Effectiveness of Systemp.desensitizer in the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. Prim Dent Care, 11(3), 71-76. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stewardson DA, Burke FJT, Elkhazindar MM, McHugh ES, Mellor AC, Coulter WA, Palenik CJ (2004). The incidence of occupational exposures among students in four UK dental schools. Int Dent J, 54(1), 26-32. Abstract.  Author URL.
Binnie V, McHugh S, Macpherson L, Borland B, Moir K, Malik K (2004). The validation of self-reported smoking status by analysing cotinine levels in stimulated and unstimulated saliva, serum and urine. Oral Dis, 10(5), 287-293. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sharland MR, Burke FJT, McHugh S, Walmsley AD (2004). Use of dental photography by general dental practitioners in Great Britain. Dent Update, 31(4), 199-202. Abstract.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, McHugh S, Hall AC, Randall RC, Widstrom E, Forss H (2003). Amalgam and composite use in UK general dental practice in 2001. Br Dent J, 194(11), 613-618. Abstract.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, Busby M, McHugh S, Delargy S, Mullins A, Matthews R (2003). Evaluation of an oral health scoring system by dentists in general dental practice. Br Dent J, 194(4), 215-218. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bagg J, Sweeney MP, Lewis MAO, Jackson MS, Coleman D, Al MA, Baxter W, McEndrick S, McHugh S (2003). High prevalence of non-albicans yeasts and detection of anti-fungal resistance in the oral flora of patients with advanced cancer. Palliat Med, 17(6), 477-481. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lang M, McHugh S, Burke FJT (2003). In vitro fracture resistance of teeth with dentin-bonded ceramic crowns and core build-ups. Am J Dent, 16 Spec No, 88A-96A. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stewardson DA, McHugh S, Palenik CJ, Burke FJT (2003). Occupational exposures occurring among dental assistants in a UK dental school. Prim Dent Care, 10(1), 23-26. Abstract.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, Busby M, Matthews R, McHugh S, Mullins A (2003). Restorations omitted from oral health scoring system - the authors respond. BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL, 194(10), 531-531.  Author URL.
Reekie D, Burke FJT, Busby M, Matthews R, McHugh S, Mullins A (2003). Restorations omitted from oral health scoring system [2] (multiple letters). British Dental Journal, 194(10), 530-531.
Bissell V, McKerlie RA, Kinane DF, McHugh S (2003). Teaching periodontal pocket charting to dental students: a comparison of computer assisted learning and traditional tutorials. Br Dent J, 195(6), 333-336. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith AJ, McHugh S, McCormick L, Stansfield R, McMillan A, Hood J (2002). A cross sectional study of water quality from dental unit water lines in dental practices in the West of Scotland. Br Dent J, 193(11), 645-648. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lowe AH, Bagg J, Burke FJT, MacKenzie D, McHugh S (2002). A study of blood contamination of Siqveland matrix bands. Br Dent J, 192(1), 43-45. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lowe AH, Burke FJT, McHugh S, Bagg J (2002). A survey of the use of matrix bands and their decontamination in general dental practice. Br Dent J, 192(1), 40-42. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith AJ, McHugh S, Aitken I, Hood J (2002). Evaluation of the efficacy of Alpron disinfectant for dental unit water lines. Br Dent J, 193(10), 593-596. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stewardson DA, Palenik CJ, McHugh ES, Burke FJT (2002). Occupational exposures occurring in students in a UK dental school. Eur J Dent Educ, 6(3), 104-113. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stewardson DA, McHugh ES (2002). Patients' attitudes to rubber dam. Int Endod J, 35(10), 812-819. Abstract.  Author URL.
Coldero LG, McHugh S, MacKenzie D, Saunders WP (2002). Reduction in intracanal bacteria during root canal preparation with and without apical enlargement. Int Endod J, 35(5), 437-446. Abstract.  Author URL.
Almyroudi A, Mackenzie D, McHugh S, Saunders WP (2002). The effectiveness of various disinfectants used as endodontic intracanal medications: an in vitro study. J Endod, 28(3), 163-167. Abstract.  Author URL.
Murray CA, Burke FJ, McHugh S (2001). An assessment of the incidence of punctures in latex and non-latex dental examination gloves in routine clinical practice. Br Dent J, 190(7), 377-380. Abstract.  Author URL.
Murray CA, Burke FJT, McHugh S (2001). For those of you allergic to latex, nitrile could be the glove material for you - an assessment of the incidence of punctures in latex ann non-latex dental examination gloves in routine clinical practice. BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL, 190(7), 371-371.  Author URL.
Gordon BL, Burke FJ, Bagg J, Marlborough HS, McHugh ES (2001). Systematic review of adherence to infection control guidelines in dentistry. J Dent, 29(8), 509-516. Abstract.  Author URL.
McCaul LK, McHugh S, Saunders WP (2001). The influence of specialty training and experience on decision making in endodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. Int Endod J, 34(8), 594-606. Abstract.  Author URL.
McHugh ES, Shinn AP, Kay JW (2000). Discrimination of the notifiable pathogen Gyrodactylus salaris from G. thymalli (Monogenea) using statistical classifiers applied to morphometric data. Parasitology, 121 ( Pt 3), 315-323. Abstract.  Author URL.
Burke FJ, Malik R, McHugh S, Crisp RJ, Lamb JJ (2000). Treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity using a dentine bonding system. Int Dent J, 50(5), 283-288. Abstract.  Author URL.


Taylor A, Streeter A, Thompson T, Creanor S, Ingram W, Aveyard P, Ussher M, Harris T, Murray R, Greaves C, et al (2021). A multi-centre Trial of physical Activity assisted Reduction of Smoking (TARS): Baseline characteristics, and health trainer led intervention engagement.  Author URL.
Freeman J, Marsden J, Pavlou M, Dennett R, Gibbon A, Bamiou D, Harris C, Hawton A, Jones B, Creanor S, et al (2020). Vestibular Rehabilitation in People with Multiple Sclerosis.  Author URL.
Jones BG, Streeter A, Baker A, Moyeed R, Creanor S (2019). Bayesian Statistics in the design and analysis of cluster randomised controlled trials and their reporting quality: a methodological systematic review.  Author URL.
Logan A, Freeman J, Kent B, Marsden J, Pooler J, Barton A, Enki D, Creanor S, Vickery J (2019). Functional frame programme (standing-up and sit-to-stand repetitions) is feasible for people with severe sub-acute stroke: a feasibility RCT.  Author URL.
Chapman R, Griffiths S, Manger L, Sherriff I, Creanor S, Quinn C, Mann V, Byng R (2019). How do we optimise approach and recruitment strategies for inclusion of people with dementia in primary care clinical trials?.  Author URL.
Hancocks H, King J, Gude A, Callaghan L, Treweek S, Ingram W, Thompson T, Taylor A, Creanor S (2019). The effect of the method of invitation on recruitment of participants from GP practices to a trial of a smoking reduction intervention: a study within a trial.  Author URL.
Hendrie W, Dennett R, Jarrett L, Creanor S, Barton A, Hawton A, Marsden J, Freeman J (2019). “I’m in a very good frame of mind”: the experience of standing frame use in people with progressive multiple sclerosis.
Jarrett L, Hendrie W, Dennett R, Creanor S, Barton A, Hawton AM, Marsden J, Freeman J (2018). "I'm in a very good frame of mind": the experience of standing frame use in people with progressive multiple sclerosis.  Author URL.
Hendrie W, Dennett R, Jarrett L, Creanor S, Barton A, Green C, Marsden J, Freeman JA (2018). "I'm in a very good frame of mind": the experience of standing frame use in people with progressive multiple sclerosis.  Author URL.
Gunn H, Andrade J, Paul L, Miller L, Creanor S, Stevens K, Green C, Ewings P, Barton A, Berrow M, et al (2018). Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): Preliminary results of a randomised controlled feasibility trial.  Author URL.
Freeman J, Gunn H, Andrade J, Paul L, Miller L, Stevens K, Green C, Ewings P, Barton A, Berrow M, et al (2018). Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): preliminary results of a randomised controlled feasibility trial.  Author URL.
Freeman J, Hendrie W, Jarrett L, Hawton A, Barton A, Dennett R, Jones B, Marsden J, Zajicek J, Creanor S, et al (2018). Standing up in multiple sclerosis (SUMS): a multi-centre randomised controlled trial evaluating the clinical and cost effectiveness of a home-based self-management standing frame programme in people with progressive multiple sclerosis.  Author URL.
Freeman J, Hendrie W, Jarrett L, Marie HA, Barton A, Rachel D, Jones B, Marsden J, Zajicek J, Creanor S, et al (2018). Standing up in people with progressive multiple sclerosis (SUMS): a multi-centre randomised controlled trial evaluating a home-based standing frame programme.  Author URL.
Gunn H, Andrade J, Paul L, Miller L, Creanor S, Green C, Marsden J, Ewings P, Berrow M, Vickery J, et al (2017). Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): a guided self-management programme to reduce falls and improve quality of life, balance and mobility in people with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: a protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial.  Author URL.
Freeman JA, Hendrie W, Creanor S, Jarrett L, Barton A, Hawton A, Morby D, Hooley S, Marsden J, Zajicek J, et al (2017). Standing up in Multiple Sclerosis (SUMS): Protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial evaluating the clinical and cost effectiveness of a home-based self-management standing frame programme in people with progressive multiple sclerosis.  Author URL.
Jones R, Kirenga B, Pooler J, Katagira W, Kasiita R, Enki DG, Creanor S, Barton A, Okwera A, Worodria W, et al (2016). A development study of pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with chronic lung disease in Uganda.  Author URL.
Creanor S, Vickery J, Eyre V, Zajicek J, Ball S, Elm J, Carroll C (2015). Two-arm randomised futility trials: PD-stat - a futility trial of a potential neuroprotective treatment in people with Parkinson's disease.  Author URL.
Brown F, O'Mahoney C, Creanor S, Shaw N, Millward BA (2014). Screening for diabetes in the SW peninsula: assessing the use of different risk scores and HbA1c.  Author URL.
Starkie T, Struthers R, Creanor S, Sneyd JR, Wrigley S, Minto G (2013). Comparison of three advanced haemodynamic monitors to measure circulating volume status during major rectal surgery.  Author URL.
Millward BA, Creanor S, Demaine AG, Brown N, Smith W, Creanor ES (2013). General dental practice patients' attitudes towards screening for diabetes and other medical conditions in the dental setting.  Author URL.
Fox EE, Hough AD, Creanor S, Gear M, Freeman JA (2013). The effects of Pilates-based core stability training in ambulant people with multiple sclerosis: a multicentre, block randomised, double blinded placebo controlled trial.  Author URL.
Gunn H, Freeman J, Marsden J, Haas B, Creanor S, Zajicek J (2012). Risk factors associated with falls in people with multiple sclerosis.  Author URL.
Stewardson D, Creanor S, Thornley P, Bigg T, Bromage C, Browne A, Cottam D, Dalby D, Gilmour J, Horton J, et al (2012). The survival of Class v restorations in general dental practice: Part 3, five-year survival. Abstract.
Girkin JM, Rousseau C, Hall AF, Strang R, Whitters CJ, Creanor SL, Ribeiro AC (2004). Blue laser diode excited fluorescence spectroscopy of natural carious lesions. Abstract.
Randall RC, Meyers IA, Pitt J, Hall AC, McHugh S, Burke FJT (2003). Amalgam and composite use in 2002 in general dental practice in Australia.  Author URL.
Jones RM, Faqir A, Millett DT, McHugh S (2003). Bridging and dimensions of sella turcica - orthognathic versus orthodontic patients.  Author URL.
Binnie V, Mchugh S, Macpherson LM, Jenkins W, Borland W (2003). Dental hygienists' delivery of smoking cessation: 3-month outcomes.  Author URL.
Sharland MR, McHugh S, Walmsley AD, Burke FJT (2003). General dental practitioners' use of clinical photography in Great Britain.  Author URL.
Binnie VI, McHugh S, Macpherson LM, Jenkins W, Borland W (2003). Nicotine dependence and cotinine & carbon monoxide levels in smokers.  Author URL.
Mchugh S, Binnie V, Macpherson LM, Jenkins W, Borland W (2003). Prediction of primary and secondary outcomes in a smoking cessation trial.  Author URL.
Delargy S, McHugh S, Hall AC, Burke FJT (2003). Reproducibility of an index of oral health among general dental practitioners.  Author URL.
Busby M, Delargy S, McHugh S, Matthews R, Burke FJT (2003). Reproducibility of an oral health score in general dental practitioners.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, Mchugh S, Macpherson L, Hosey MT, Shaw L, Delargy S, Dopheide B (2003). Uk dental practitioners' understanding of art.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, Hall AC, McHugh S, Randall RC, Widstrom H, Forss H (2002). Algann and composite use in 2001 in Great Britain.  Author URL.
Crisp RJ, Burke FJT, McHugh S, Lendenmann U (2002). Effectiveness of Systemp.desensitizer in controlling dentinal hypersensitivity.  Author URL.
Sweeney MP, Manton S, MacPherson LM, McHugh S (2002). Provision of domiciliary dental care in Scotland: a pilot study.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, Lang M, McHugh S (2001). Fracture strength of dentine-bonded crowns with different care materials.  Author URL.
McCaul LK, McHugh S, Saunders WP (2001). Influence of training and experience on clinical decision making in endodontics.  Author URL.
Stevenson B, Forsyth DO, Millett DT, Logan G, Brocklebank LM, Andrews F, McHugh S, Atchison T (2000). <i>In vitro</i> comparative evaluation of digital and conventional panoramic radiographs.  Author URL.
Moir K, Malik K, Binnie V, Macpherson L, Borland W, McHugh S (2000). Cotinine estimation in biological fluids - Patient acceptability.  Author URL.
Burke FJT, Gordon B, Bagg J, McHugh S (2000). Dental healthcare-workers' adherence to infection control guidelines: a Cochrane-Style review.  Author URL.
Lang M, Burke FJT, McHugh S (2000). Fracture resistance of teeth with amalgam cores and dentine-bonded crowns.  Author URL.
Murray CA, Burke FJT, McHugh S (2000). Incidence of punctures in latex and non-latex dental examination gloves.  Author URL.
Gordon BL, Burke FJT, Bagg J, Marlborough HS, McHugh ES (2000). Systematic review of dental team's adherence to infection control guidelines.  Author URL.
Malik K, Moir K, Binnie V, MacPherson L, Borland W, McHugh S (2000). The effect of nicotine exposure on cotinine levels in smokers.  Author URL.
Binnie V, McHugh S, Malik K, Moir K, Macpherson L, Borland W (2000). The effect of passive smoking on cotinine levels.  Author URL.

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External Engagement and Impact


  • Continuing Professional Development Commendation Award, The Science Council, 2016

Committee/panel activities

  • Chair of the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit South West Regional Advisory Panel
  • Member of the DHSC/UKRI COVID-19 College of Experts
  • Member of UKCRC Registered CTUs Directors’ Group
  • Independent Statistician and Chair for trial steering committees and data monitoring committees
  • Expert reviewer for NIHR Health Technology Assessment and Public Health Research programmes
  • Expert reviewer of NICE clinical guidelines
  • Expert reviewer for various charities, including Breast Cancer Now and the Carnegie Trust
  • Referee for various medical and dental journals

Editorial responsibilities

  • Previously Statistical Editor of the Journal of Dentistry

Media Coverage

  • BBC Radio Devon – live interview on ‘The Chocolate Trial’, part of the University of Plymouth’s 2020 Research Festival, discussing the importance of clinical trials, including a live demonstration!

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Over the course of her academic career, Siobhan has developed, redesigned and taught courses on practical and applied statistics for medical and dental students and other health professionals, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.  Teaching commitments have included BMBS programmes, BDS programmes, postgraduate medical programmes and Masters of Clinical Research programme.  Siobhan has undertaken needs assessments for statistical training for postgraduate students and is an advocate of ensuring that statistics courses are fit-for-purpose, using relevant, up-to-date – and memorable – examples to drive students’ learning.

At the University of Plymouth, Siobhan was the Lead for Statistics and Numeracy for the BMBS Programme at Peninsula School of Medicine (2013/14-2016/17), and member of the BMBS Programme Committee, co-ordinating and teaching the statistical elements of the Clinical Decision Making (CDM) module (2013/14-2016/17) as well as Acting Academic CDM lead (2014/15-2016/17). 

Siobhan has set-up and run statistics clinics for undergraduates, postgraduates and clinical staff, to provide ad hoc advice and support.

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