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Health and Community Sciences

Professor Richard Holland

Professor Richard Holland

Deputy PVC and Dean of the University of Exeter Medical School

 Medical School Building G.04


Medical School Building, St Luke's Campus, Magdalen Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Richard qualified in 1991 from Cambridge (pre-clinical training) and Oxford (clinical training) and entered Public Health after a variety of junior doctor posts. Those jobs took him from Oxford to Bristol, Bath and Torbay before a year in Sydney and Rockhampton, Australia, where his roles included work with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. On his return to the UK in 1997, he entered Public Health working in Somerset before moving to Cambridge and subsequently UEA in 1999.

He was awarded an MRC Fellowship in 2001 and have gained £3.4 million as a principal investigator, over £12 million as a co-applicant, plus over £4.5 million in educational grant funding from NHS and charitable bodies.  He was promoted to a Chair at UEA in 2011 and his most recent major award was an NIHR programme grant with colleagues testing the effectiveness of a pharmacist independent prescribing intervention within care homes across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 
He has always had a passion for teaching and played an active role in the early days of UEA’s new innovative integrated medical course. He became its Course Director in 2008 and Deputy Head of School in 2012. He was subsequently appointed as Head of Leicester Medical School in 2017 and joined the University of Exeter in July 2023 as Deputy PVC and Dean of the Medical School.

PA Support: Wendie Burden - 01392 727420


PhD, University of East Anglia

DPH, distinction, Cambridge University 

BM BCh, Oxford University 

BA, Cambridge University 

Additional post-graduate qualifications/examinations 

Fellowship, Faculty of Public Health 

Membership, Institute of Learning and Teaching (by assessment) – now FHEA 

Membership, Faculty of Public Health 

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Research interests

I have wide-ranging research experience in Public Health and Health Services Research including clinical trials, systematic reviews, and economic evaluation.  My research interests focus on pharmacy practice and medication review, and substance misuse - both opioid/opiate dependence and smoking cessation. 

Research projects

Current studies include:

1) NIHR funded: FluCare; Sept 2021 – May 2024: Estimating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a complex intervention to increase care home staff influenza vaccination rates: PI Amrish Patel (UEA)

2) NIHR HTA funded: Cessation of Smoking Trial in the Emergency Department (CoSTED); Apr 2021 - Oct 2023;  PI: Ian Pope (UEA)

3) NIHR Public Health funded: BabyBreathe – an RCT of a complex intervention to prevent return to smoking post-partum; Oct 2020-Dec 2023;, PI: Notley C

Recent journal articles:

1. Pope I et al: Cessation of Smoking Trial in the Emergency Department (COSTED):  a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial.  Emergency Medical Journal: 2024;41:276–282.

2. Notley C et al.: The Babybreathe trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to prevent postpartum return to smoking.  BMJ Open 2023;13:e076458. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076458.

3. Ward E, Dawkins L, Pope I, Holland R, Notley C.: Medicalisation of Vaping in the UK? E-cigarette users’ perspectives on the merging of commercial and medical routes to vaping. Perspectives in Public Health 2023; DOI: 10.1177/17579139231185481

4. Holland R, Bond CM, Alldred DP, Arthur A et al: Evaluation of effectiveness and safety of pharmacist independent prescribers in care homes: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2023;380:e071883 bmj-2022-071883

5. Howick J et al: Why might medical student empathy change throughout medical school? A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. BMC Medical Education 2023 doi: 10.1186/s12909-023-04165-9

6. Alharthi M et al: Pharmacist Independent Prescriber (PIP) deprescribing in UK care homes: contextual factors associated with increased activity. BJCP (accepted in press) DOI: 10.1111/bcp.15643

7. Notley C et al: Cessation of Smoking Trial in the Emergency Department (CoSTED): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.  BMJ Open 2022 (in press)

8. Patel A et al: Cluster randomised control trial protocol for estimating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a complex intervention to increase care home staff infuenza vaccination rates compared to usual practice (FLUCARE). Patel et al. Trials (2022) 23:989

9. Howick J et al: Why might medical student empathy change throughout medical school? Protocol for a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. BMJ Open (in press)

10. Birt L, Wright D, Blacklock J, Bond C, Hughes C, Alldred D, Holland R, Scott S. Enhancing deprescribing: a qualitative understanding of the complexities of pharmacist-led deprescribing in care homes.  Health & Social Care in the Community 2022

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Journal articles

Pope I, Clark LV, Clark A, Ward E, Belderson P, Stirling S, Parrott S, Li J, Coats T, Bauld L, et al (2024). Cessation of Smoking Trial in the Emergency Department (COSTED): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Emerg Med J, 41(5), 276-282. Abstract.  Author URL.
Notley C, Brown TJ, Bauld L, Clark AB, Duneclift S, Gilroy V, Harris T, Hardeman W, Holland R, Howard G, et al (2023). BabyBreathe trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to prevent postpartum return to smoking. BMJ Open, 13(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Notley C, Clark L, Belderson P, Ward E, Clark AB, Parrott S, Agrawal S, Bloom BM, Boyle AA, Morris G, et al (2023). Cessation of smoking trial in the emergency department (CoSTED): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ OPEN, 13(1).  Author URL.
Holland R, Bond C, Alldred DP, Arthur A, Barton G, Birt L, Blacklock J, Blyth A, Cheilari S, Daffu-O'Reilly A, et al (2023). Evaluation of effectiveness and safety of pharmacist independent prescribers in care homes: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 380 Abstract.  Author URL.
Ward E, Dawkins L, Holland R, Pope I, Notley C (2023). Medicalisation of vaping in the UK? E-cigarette users' perspectives on the merging of commercial and medical routes to vaping. Perspect Public Health Abstract.  Author URL.
Alharthi M, Scott S, Alldred DP, Holland R, Hughes C, Birt L, Blacklock J, Bond C, Clark A, Wright D, et al (2023). Pharmacist-independent prescriber deprescribing in UK care homes: Contextual factors associated with increased activity. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 89(4), 1509-1513.  Author URL.
Wright D, Holland R, Bond C, CHIPPS team (2023). Pharmacists improve prescribing quality in care homes-so what?. BMJ, 380  Author URL.
Howick J, Dudko M, Feng SN, Ahmed AA, Alluri N, Nockels K, Winter R, Holland R (2023). Why might medical student empathy change throughout medical school? a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. BMC Med Educ, 23(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Notley C, Houghton B, Maskrey V, Holland R, Lingford-Hughes A, Punukollu B, Duka T, Kouimtsidis C (2022). An exploration of identity change in post-detoxification alcohol dependent individuals. DRUGS HABITS AND SOCIAL POLICY, 23(1), 48-61.  Author URL.
Patel A, Sims E, Blacklock J, Birt L, Bion V, Clark A, Griffiths A, Guillard C, Hammond A, Holland R, et al (2022). Cluster randomised control trial protocol for estimating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a complex intervention to increase care home staff influenza vaccination rates compared to usual practice (FLUCARE). TRIALS, 23(1).  Author URL.
Notley C, Brown TJ, Bauld L, Boyle EM, Clarke P, Hardeman W, Holland R, Hubbard M, Naughton F, Nichols A, et al (2022). Development of a Smoke-Free Home Intervention for Families of Babies Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 19(6).  Author URL.
Birt L, Wright DJ, Blacklock J, Bond CM, Hughes CM, Alldred DP, Holland R, Scott S (2022). Enhancing deprescribing: a qualitative understanding of the complexities of pharmacist-led deprescribing in care homes. HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY, 30(6), E6521-E6531.  Author URL.
Birt L, Dalgarno L, Bond CM, Holland R, Alldred DP, Hughes C, Blyth A, Watts L, Wright DJ (2022). Evaluation of a training programme for Pharmacist Independent Prescribers in a care home medicine management intervention. BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 22(1).  Author URL.
Howick J, Ahmed A, Dudko M, Feng SN, Nockels K, Alluri N, Winter R, Holland R (2022). Why might medical student empathy change throughout medical school? Protocol for a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. BMJ OPEN, 12(11).  Author URL.
Kouimtsidis C, Houghton B, Gage H, Notley C, Maskrey V, Clark A, Holland R, Lingford-Hughes A, Punukollu B, Touray M, et al (2021). A feasibility trial of an intervention in alcohol dependence for structured preparation before detoxification versus usual care: the SPADe trial results. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 7(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Wright DJ, Blyth A, Maskrey V, Norris N, Bond CM, Hughes CM, Alldred DP, Holland RC (2021). Development and feasibility testing of an evidence-based training programme for pharmacist independent prescribers responsible for the medicines-related activities within care homes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY PRACTICE, 29(4), 376-384.  Author URL.
Naughton F, Ward E, Khondoker M, Belderson P, Minihane AM, Dainty J, Hanson S, Holland R, Brown T, Notley C, et al (2021). Health behaviour change during the UK COVID-19 lockdown: Findings from the first wave of the C-19 health behaviour and well-being daily tracker study. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY, 26(2), 624-643.  Author URL.
Birt L, Dalgarno L, Wright DJ, Alharthi M, Inch J, Spargo M, Blacklock J, Poland F, Holland RC, Alldred DP, et al (2021). Process evaluation for the Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescriber Study (CHIPPS). BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 21(1).  Author URL.
Ward E, Dawkins L, Holland R, Notley C (2021). Responsibility, normalisation and negotiations of harm: E-cigarette users? opinions and experiences of vaping around children. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DRUG POLICY, 88  Author URL.
Notley C, Ward E, Dawkins L, Holland R (2021). User pathways of e-cigarette use to support long term tobacco smoking relapse prevention: a qualitative analysis. ADDICTION, 116(3), 596-605.  Author URL.
Lane K, Bond C, Wright D, Alldred DP, Desborough J, Holland R, Hughes C, Poland F (2020). "Everyone needs to understand each other's systems": Stakeholder views on the acceptability and viability of a Pharmacist Independent Prescriber role in care homes for older people in the UK. HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY, 28(5), 1479-1487.  Author URL.
Ward E, Anholt C, Gentry S, Dawkins L, Holland R, Notley C (2020). A Qualitative Exploration of Consumers' Perceived Impacts, Behavioural Reactions, and Future Reflections of the EU Tobacco Products Directive (2017) as Applied to Electronic Cigarettes. Tob Use Insights, 13 Abstract.  Author URL.
Desborough JA, Clark A, Houghton J, Sach T, Shaw V, Kirthisingha V, Holland RC, Wright DJ (2020). Clinical and cost effectiveness of a multi-professional medication reviews in care homes (CAREMED). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY PRACTICE, 28(6), 626-634.  Author URL.
Soreskog E, Borgstrom F, Shepstone L, Clarke S, Cooper C, Harvey I, Harvey NC, Howe A, Johansson H, Marshall T, et al (2020). Long-term cost-effectiveness of screening for fracture risk in a UK primary care setting: the SCOOP study. OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 31(8), 1499-1506.  Author URL.
Kemm J, Holland R, Rumball D (2020). P01-60 - What factors influence use of dental health services by substance users?. European Psychiatry, 26(S2).
Bond CM, Holland R, Alldred DP, Arthur A, Barton G, Blyth A, Desborough J, Ford J, Handford C, Hill H, et al (2020). Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of independent pharmacist prescribing in care homes: the CHIPPS study. TRIALS, 21(1).  Author URL.
Bond CM, Holland R, Alldred DP, Arthur A, Barton G, Blyth A, Desborough J, Ford J, Handford C, Hill H, et al (2020). Protocol for the process evaluation of a cluster randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of independent pharmacist prescribing in care home: the CHIPPS study. TRIALS, 21(1).  Author URL.
Gentry SV, Ward E, Dawkins L, Holland R, Notley C (2020). Reported patterns of vaping to support long-term abstinence from smoking: a cross-sectional survey of a convenience sample of vapers. HARM REDUCTION JOURNAL, 17(1).  Author URL.
Condurache CI, Chiu S, Chotiyarnwong P, Johansson H, Shepstone L, Lenaghan E, Cooper C, Clarke S, Khioe RFS, Fordham R, et al (2020). Screening for high hip fracture risk does not impact on falls risk: a post hoc analysis from the SCOOP study. Osteoporos Int, 31(3), 457-464. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown TJ, Gentry S, Bauld L, Boyle EM, Clarke P, Hardeman W, Holland R, Naughton F, Orton S, Ussher M, et al (2020). Systematic Review of Behaviour Change Techniques within Interventions to Reduce Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure for Children. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 17(21).  Author URL.
Wright DJ, Maskrey V, Blyth A, Norris N, Alldred DP, Bond CM, Desborough J, Hughes CM, Holland RC (2020). Systematic review and narrative synthesis of pharmacist provided medicines optimisation services in care homes for older people to inform the development of a generic training or accreditation process. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY PRACTICE, 28(3), 207-219.  Author URL.
Parsons CM, Harvey N, Shepstone L, Kanis JA, Lenaghan E, Clarke S, Fordham R, Gittoes N, Harvey I, Holland R, et al (2020). Systematic screening using FRAX® leads to increased use of, and adherence to, anti-osteoporosis medications: an analysis of the UK SCOOP trial. OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 31(1), 67-75.  Author URL.
Kouimtsidis C, Houghton B, Gage H, Notley C, Maskrey V, Clark A, Holland R, Lingford-Hughes A, Punukollu B, Duka T, et al (2019). A feasibility study of an intervention for structured preparation before detoxification in alcohol dependence: the SPADe trial protocol. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 5 Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown TJ, Hardeman W, Bauld L, Holland R, Maskrey V, Naughton F, Orton S, Ussher M, Notley C (2019). A systematic review of behaviour change techniques within interventions to prevent return to smoking postpartum. ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 92, 236-243.  Author URL.
Notley C, Brown TJ, Bauld L, Hardeman W, Holland R, Naughton F, Orton S, Ussher M (2019). Development of a Complex Intervention for the Maintenance of Postpartum Smoking Abstinence: Process for Defining Evidence-Based Intervention. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 16(11).  Author URL.
Kidd AC, Honney K, Bowker LK, Clark AB, Myint PK, Holland R (2019). Doctors are inconsistent in estimating survival after CPR and are not using such predictions consistently in determining DNACPR decisions. Geriatrics (Switzerland), 4(2). Abstract.
Nagraj S, Miles S, Bryant P, Holland R (2019). Medical Students' Views About Having Different Types of Problem-Based Learning Tutors. Med Sci Educ, 29(1), 93-100. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown TJ, Bauld L, Hardeman W, Holland R, Naughton F, Orton S, Ussher M, Notley C (2019). Re-Configuring Identity Postpartum and Sustained Abstinence or Relapse to Tobacco Smoking. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 16(17).  Author URL.
Inch J, Notman F, Bond CM, Alldred DP, Arthur A, Blyth A, Daffu-O'Reilly A, Ford J, Hughes CM, Maskrey V, et al (2019). The Care Home Independent Prescribing Pharmacist Study (CHIPPS)-a non-randomised feasibility study of independent pharmacist prescribing in care homes. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 5 Abstract.  Author URL.
Notley C, Ward E, Dawkins L, Holland R, Jakes S (2019). Vaping as an alternative to smoking relapse following brief lapse. DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 38(1), 68-75.  Author URL.
Ward E, Cox S, Dawkins L, Jakes S, Holland R, Notley C (2018). A Qualitative Exploration of the Role of Vape Shop Environments in Supporting Smoking Abstinence. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 15(2).  Author URL.
McCloskey E, Johansson H, Harvey NC, Shepstone L, Lenaghan E, Fordham R, Harvey I, Howe A, Cooper C, Clarke S, et al (2018). Management of Patients with High Baseline Hip Fracture Risk by FRAX Reduces Hip FracturesA Post Hoc Analysis of the SCOOP Study. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 33(6), 1020-1026.  Author URL.
Song F, Bachmann MO, Aveyard P, Barton GR, Brown TJ, Maskrey V, Blyth A, Notley C, Holland R, Sutton S, et al (2018). Relapse to smoking and health-related quality of life: Secondary analysis of data from a study of smoking relapse prevention. PLOS ONE, 13(11).  Author URL.
Shepstone L, Lenaghan E, Cooper C, Clarke S, Fong-Soe-Khioe R, Fordham R, Gittoes N, Harvey I, Harvey N, Heawood A, et al (2018). Screening in the community to reduce fractures in older women (SCOOP): a randomised controlled trial. LANCET, 391(10122), 741-747.  Author URL.
Notley C, Blyth A, Maskrey V, Karavadra B, Brown T, Holland R, Bachmann MO, Brandon TH, Song F (2018). Self-help materials for smoking relapse prevention: a process evaluation of the SHARPISH randomized controlled trial. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 40(1), 98-105.  Author URL.
Turner DA, Khioe RFS, Shepstone L, Lenaghan E, Cooper C, Gittoes N, Harvey NC, Holland R, Howe A, McCloskey E, et al (2018). The Cost-Effectiveness of Screening in the Community to Reduce Osteoporotic Fractures in Older Women in the UK: Economic Evaluation of the SCOOP Study. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 33(5), 845-851.  Author URL.
Notley C, Ward E, Dawkins L, Holland R (2018). The unique contribution of e-cigarettes for tobacco harm reduction in supporting smoking relapse prevention. HARM REDUCTION JOURNAL, 15  Author URL.
Honney K, Kidd AC, Bowker L, Clark A, Myint PK, Holland R (2017). 144Futility Does Not Influence DNACPR Decisions Made By Clinicians. Age and Ageing, 46(suppl_1), i39-i39.
Millar AN, Daffu-O'Reilly A, Hughes CM, Alldred DP, Barton G, Bond CM, Desborough JA, Myint PK, Holland R, Poland FM, et al (2017). Development of a core outcome set for effectiveness trials aimed at optimising prescribing in older adults in care homes. TRIALS, 18  Author URL.
Elwell-Sutton T, Fok J, Albanese F, Mathie H, Holland R (2017). Factors associated with access to care and healthcare utilization in the homeless population of England. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 39(1), 26-33.  Author URL.
Inch J, Porteous T, Maskrey V, Blyth A, Burr J, Cleland J, Wright DJ, Holland R, Bond CM, Watson MC, et al (2017). It's not what you do it's the way that it's measured: quality assessment of minor ailment management in community pharmacies. Int J Pharm Pract, 25(4), 253-262. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cadman B, Wright D, Bale A, Barton G, Desborough J, Hammad EA, Holland R, Howe H, Nunney I, Irvine L, et al (2017). Pharmacist provided medicines reconciliation within 24 hours of admission and on discharge: a randomised controlled pilot study. BMJ OPEN, 7(3).  Author URL.
Gentry S, Craig J, Holland R, Notley C (2017). Smoking cessation for substance misusers: a systematic review of qualitative studies on participant and provider beliefs and perceptions. DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE, 180, 178-192.  Author URL.
Song F, Maskrey V, Blyth A, Brown TJ, Barton GR, Aveyard P, Notley C, Holland R, Bachmann MO, Sutton S, et al (2016). Differences in Longer-Term Smoking Abstinence After Treatment by Specialist or Nonspecialist Advisors: Secondary Analysis of Data from a Relapse Prevention Trial. NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH, 18(5), 1061-1066.  Author URL.
Bhattacharya D, Aldus CF, Barton G, Bond CM, Boonyaprapa S, Charles IS, Fleetcroft R, Holland R, Jerosch-Herold C, Salter C, et al (2016). The feasibility of determining the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of medication organisation devices compared with usual care for older people in a community setting: systematic review, stakeholder focus groups and feasibility randomised controlled trial. HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, 20(50), 1-+.  Author URL.
Watson MC, Ferguson J, Barton GR, Maskrey V, Blyth A, Paudyal V, Bond CM, Holland R, Porteous T, Sach TH, et al (2015). A cohort study of influences, health outcomes and costs of patients' health-seeking behaviour for minor ailments from primary and emergency care settings. BMJ OPEN, 5(2).  Author URL.
Cate H, Bhattacharya D, Clark A, Holland R, Broadway DC (2015). A comparison of measures used to describe adherence to glaucoma medication in a randomised controlled trial. CLINICAL TRIALS, 12(6), 608-617.  Author URL.
Croxford A, Notley CJ, Maskrey V, Holland R, Kouimtsidis C (2015). An exploratory qualitative study seeking participant views evaluating group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy preparation for alcohol detoxification. JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 20(1), 61-68.  Author URL.
Sach TH, Desborough J, Houghton J, Holland R, CAREMED study team (2015). Applying micro-costing methods to estimate the costs of pharmacy interventions: an illustration using multi-professional clinical medication reviews in care homes for older people. Int J Pharm Pract, 23(4), 237-247. Abstract.  Author URL.
Blyth A, Maskrey V, Notley C, Barton GR, Brown TJ, Aveyard P, Holland R, Bachmann MO, Sutton S, Leonardi-Bee J, et al (2015). Effectiveness and economic evaluation of self-help educational materials for the prevention of smoking relapse: randomised controlled trial. HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, 19(59), 1-+.  Author URL.
Fielding S, Porteous T, ergusonc J, Maskrey V, Blyth A, Paudyal V, Barton G, Holland R, Bond CM, Watson MC, et al (2015). Estimating the burden of minor ailment consultations in general practices and emergency departments through retrospective review of routine data in North East Scotland. FAMILY PRACTICE, 32(2), 165-172.  Author URL.
Notley C, Blyth A, Maskrey V, Pinto H, Holland R (2015). Exploring the Concepts of Abstinence and Recovery Through the Experiences of Long-Term Opiate Substitution Clients. SUBSTANCE ABUSE, 36(2), 232-239.  Author URL.
Neilson AR, Bruhn H, Bond CM, Elliott AM, Smith BH, Hannaford PC, Holland R, Lee AJ, Watson M, Wright D, et al (2015). Pharmacist-led management of chronic pain in primary care: costs and benefits in a pilot randomised controlled trial. BMJ OPEN, 5(4).  Author URL.
Notley C, Blyth A, Craig J, Edwards A, Holland R (2015). Postpartum smoking relapsea thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. ADDICTION, 110(11), 1712-1723.  Author URL.
Wade RG, Crawfurd J, Wade D, Holland R (2015). Radial artery blood gas sampling: a randomized controlled trial of lidocaine local anesthesia. J Evid Based Med, 8(4), 185-191. Abstract.  Author URL.
Maskrey V, Blyth A, Brown TJ, Barton GR, Notley C, Aveyard P, Holland R, Bachmann MO, Sutton S, Leonardi-Bee J, et al (2015). Self-help educational booklets for the prevention of smoking relapse following smoking cessation treatment: a randomized controlled trial. ADDICTION, 110(12), 2006-2014.  Author URL.
Fingleton NA, Matheson CI, Holland RC (2015). Specialist clinicians' practice and views regarding methadone/buprenorphine supervision and contingency management: a national survey. JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 20(1), 6-10.  Author URL.
Adams RP, Barton G, Bhattacharya D, Grassby PF, Holland R, Howe A, Norris N, Shepstone L, Wright DJ (2015). Supervised pharmacy student-led medication review in primary care for patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled pilot study. BMJ OPEN, 5(11).  Author URL.
Hohl CM, Wickham ME, Sobolev B, Perry JJ, Sivilotti MLA, Garrison S, Lang E, Brasher P, Doyle-Waters MM, Brar B, et al (2015). The effect of early in-hospital medication review on health outcomes: a systematic review. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 80(1), 51-61.  Author URL.
Salter C, McDaid L, Bhattacharya D, Holland R, Marshall T, Howe A (2014). Abandoned Acid? Understanding Adherence to Bisphosphonate Medications for the Prevention of Osteoporosis among Older Women: a Qualitative Longitudinal Study. PLOS ONE, 9(1).  Author URL.
Kidd AC, Honney K, Myint PK, Holland R, Bowker LK (2014). Does medical futility matter in 'do not attempt CPR' decision-making?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE, 68(10), 1190-1192.  Author URL.
Cate H, Bhattacharya D, Clark A, Fordham R, Holland R, Broadway DC (2014). Improving adherence to glaucoma medication: a randomised controlled trial of a patient-centred intervention (The Norwich Adherence Glaucoma Study). BMC OPHTHALMOLOGY, 14  Author URL.
Notley C, Holland R, Maskrey V, Nagar J, Kouimtsidis C (2014). Regaining control: the patient experience of supervised compared with unsupervised consumption in opiate substitution treatment. DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 33(1), 64-70.  Author URL.
Holland R, Maskrey V, Swift L, Notley C, Robinson A, Nagar J, Gale T, Kouimtsidis C (2014). Treatment retention, drug use and social functioning outcomes in those receiving 3 months versus 1 month of supervised opioid maintenance treatment. Results from the Super C randomized controlled trial. ADDICTION, 109(4), 596-607.  Author URL.
Paudyal V, Watson MC, Sach T, Porteous T, Bond CM, Wright DJ, Cleland J, Barton G, Holland R (2013). Are pharmacy-based minor ailment schemes a substitute for other service providers? a systematic review. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 63(612), E472-E481.  Author URL.
Rutter CL, Jones C, Dhatariya KK, James J, Irvine L, Wilson ECF, Singh H, Walden E, Holland R, Harvey I, et al (2013). Determining in-patient diabetes treatment satisfaction in the UK--the DIPSat study. Diabet Med, 30(6), 731-738. Abstract.  Author URL.
Maas J, Barton G, Maskrey V, Pinto H, Holland R (2013). Economic evaluation: a comparison of methadone versus buprenorphine for opiate substitution treatment. DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE, 133(2), 494-501.  Author URL.
Xiong T, Parekh-Bhurke S, Loke YK, Abdelhamid A, Sutton AJ, Eastwood AJ, Holland R, Chen Y-F, Walsh T, Glenny A-M, et al (2013). Overall similarity and consistency assessment scores are not sufficiently accurate for predicting discrepancy between direct and indirect comparison estimates. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, 66(2), 184-191.  Author URL.
Cate H, Bhattacharya D, Clark A, Holland R, Broadway DC (2013). Patterns of adherence behaviour for patients with glaucoma. EYE, 27(4), 545-553.  Author URL.
Bruhn H, Bond CM, Elliott AM, Hannaford PC, Lee AJ, McNamee P, Smith BH, Watson MC, Holland R, Wright D, et al (2013). Pharmacist-led management of chronic pain in primary care: results from a randomised controlled exploratory trial. BMJ OPEN, 3(4).  Author URL.
Notley C, Blyth A, Maskrey V, Craig J, Holland R (2013). The Experience of Long-Term Opiate Maintenance Treatment and Reported Barriers to Recovery: a Qualitative Systematic Review. EUROPEAN ADDICTION RESEARCH, 19(6), 287-298.  Author URL.
Holland R, Matheson C, Anthony G, Roberts K, Priyardarshi S, MacRae A, Whitelaw E, Appavoo S, Bond C (2012). A pilot randomised controlled trial of brief versus twice weekly versus standard supervised consumption in patients on opiate maintenance treatment. DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 31(4), 483-491.  Author URL.
Shepstone L, Fordham R, Lenaghan E, Harvey I, Cooper C, Gittoes N, Heawood A, Peters TJ, O'Neill T, Torgerson D, et al (2012). A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening older women for the prevention of fractures: rationale, design and methods for the SCOOP study. OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 23(10), 2507-2515.  Author URL.
Gibbs S, Kwok CS, Holland R (2012). Clear duct tape is not duct tape: reply from authors. BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, 166(1), 233-234.  Author URL.
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Smith JR, Noble MJ, Musgrave S, Murdoch J, Price GM, Barton GR, Windley J, Holland R, Harrison BD, Howe A, et al (2012). The at-risk registers in severe asthma (ARRISA) study: a cluster-randomised controlled trial examining effectiveness and costs in primary care. Thorax, 67(12), 1052-1060. Abstract.  Author URL.
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Holland R, Rechel B, Stepien K, Harvey I, Brooksby I (2010). Patients' Self-Assessed Functional Status in Heart Failure by New York Heart Association Class: a Prognostic Predictor of Hospitalizations, Quality of Life and Death. JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE, 16(2), 150-156.  Author URL.
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Holland R, Desborough J, Goodyer L, Hall S, Wright D, Loke YK (2008). Does pharmacist-led medication review help to reduce hospital admissions and deaths in older people? a systematic review and meta-analysis. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 65(3), 303-316.  Author URL.
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Holland R, Smith R, Harvey I (2006). Where now for pharmacist led medication review?. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH, 60(2), 92-93.  Author URL.
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Holland R, Harvey I (2003). Population needs assessment and knee replacement surgery. RHEUMATOLOGY, 42(4), 503-506.  Author URL.
Holland R, Harvey I (2002). Adult vs childhood susceptibility to melanoma: is there a difference?. ARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGY, 138(9), 1234-1235.  Author URL.
Holland R, Harvey I, Shepstone L (2002). An analysis of predictors of success in Part II MFPHM. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH MEDICINE, 24(1), 58-62.  Author URL.
Holland R, Harvey I, Harrison B (2002). The benefits of providing GPs with the results of a Confidential Enquiry into asthma deaths. Prim Care Respir J, 11(3), 103-104. Abstract.  Author URL.


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Borgstrom F, Jonsson E, Harvey N, Shepstone L, Lenaghan E, Clarke S, Gittoes N, Harvey I, Holland R, Heawood A, et al (2018). Cost-effectiveness Evaluation of a Screening Programme for Fracture Risk in UK.  Author URL.
Borgstrom F, Jonsson E, Harvey N, Shepstone L, Lenaghan E, Clarke S, Gittoes N, Harvey I, Holland R, Heawood A, et al (2018). LONG-TERM COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF SCREENING FOR FRACTURE RISK IN a UK PRIMARY CARE SETTING.  Author URL.
Parsons C, Harvey N, Shepstone L, Kanis JA, Lenaghan E, Clarke S, Fordham R, Gittoes N, Harvey I, Holland R, et al (2018). SYSTEMATIC SCREENING USING FRAX LEADS TO INCREASED USE OF, AND ADHERENCE TO, ANTI-OSTEOPOROSIS MEDICATIONS: THE UK SCOOP TRIAL.  Author URL.
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Adams R, Barton G, Bhattacharya D, Holland R, Howe A, Norris N, Symms C, Wright D (2014). An evaluation of clinical simulated encounters by pharmacy undergraduate students. Proceedings of the Manchester Pharmacy Education Conference.
Watson MC, Holland R, Ferguson J, Porteous T, Sach T, Cleland JA, Bond CM, Wright DA (2014). Managing minor ailments: Patients' health-seeking behaviour and the role of community pharmacy.  Author URL.
Bruhn H, Blyth A, Elliott A, Hannaford P, Holland R, Lee A, MacNamee P, Smith B, Watson M, Wright D, et al (2011). PHARMACIST-LED MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC PAIN IN PRIMARY CARE: THE PIPPC STUDY.  Author URL.
Smith JR, Noble MJ, Musgrave SD, Murdoch J, Price G, Martin A, Windley J, Holland R, Harrison BDW, Price D, et al (2010). THE AT-RISK REGISTERS IN SEVERE ASTHMA (ARRISA) STUDY: a CLUSTER-RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL IN PRIMARY CARE.  Author URL.
Ward S, Houghton J, Murdoch J, Holland R, Rechel B (2010). Urban environmental factors influencing physical activity and dietary choices of young people: qualitative research in Norfolk, England.  Author URL.
Holland R, Brooksby I, Lenaghan E, Ashton K, Hay L, Smith R, Shepstone L, Howe A, Lipp A, Daly C, et al (2006). A randomised controlled trial of home-based medication review and lifestyle advice by community pharmacists for patients with heart failure.  Author URL.
Holland R, Smith RD, Harvey I, Swift L, Lenaghan E (2004). Assessing quality of life in the elderly: a direct comparison of the EQ-5D and AQoL.  Author URL.
Smith JR, Mugford M, Holland R, Noble M, Harrison BDW, Koutantji M (2003). Systematic review to examine the impact of psycho-educational interventions on health outcomes and costs in difficult asthma.  Author URL.
Holland R, Smith R, Harvey I, Lenaghan E (2002). Assessing quality of life in the elderly: a comparison of two utility measures.  Author URL.
Holland R, Harvey I, Harrison B (2000). GP survey for the East Anglia confidential enquiry into asthma deaths.  Author URL.

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