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Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

 Thomas Hubbard

Thomas Hubbard

NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer; Honorary Breast Registrar Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital



Tom went to medical school at the University of Edinburgh where he read medicine and intercalated with an honours degree in Pharmacology. Subsequently he was an Academic Foundation Doctor in Leeds undergoing a period of research in the Leeds LIGHT Institute and underwent Core Surgical Training in London before moving to the South West for higher surgical training in General Surgery. Tom has rotated through GI, Vascular and Endocrine specialties before sub-specialising in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery. He is now ST8.

Throughout his career he has sought opportunities to integrate research with clinical practice, providing training across many disciplines. Earlier examples include in vivo human forearm plesthysmography (Medical School SSC project; University of Edinburgh), in vitro cell culture and assay techniques (BMedSci; University of Edinburgh), micro dissection and proteomics (Elective; University of Auckland) and blood calorimetry, permeation and fluorescent microscopy (Academic Foundation post; University of Leeds). His current research interests lie in the application of Raman Spectroscopy to Breast cancer to assist in intraoperative decision making, which is undertaken in collaboration with Professor Stone’s group in Biophysics.


  • B Med Sci (Hons) Pharmacology
  • MBChB
  • PG Cert (Health Research)
  • PG Cert (Healthcare Management, Leadership and Innovation
  • MD
  • FRCS

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Research interests

In collaboration with Professor Stone’s group, I continue to develop the clinical application of Raman Spectroscopy for achieving intraoperative margin analysis in breast conserving surgery. I want to ensure clinical relevance and rapid translation to the operative arena. As the understanding of the capabilities of our Raman system deepens, I want to consider other relevant clinical applications within Breast Surgery – such as rapid bedside diagnostics.

My translational research is complemented by my ongoing clinical research and evaluation of patient pathways. I have investigated patient outcomes following referral for suspected cancer of the Colorectal cancer pathway and the Breast cancer pathway – which have been published and presented internationally, and these data have informed clinical pathways. I am currently a member of national research (Mammary Fold Academic Committee) and clinical guidance committees (ABS ASPIRE Breast Pain pathway evaluation), allowing me to implement my research findings to improve clinical effectiveness.

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Journal articles

Fairhurst K, McIntosh SA, Cutress RI, Potter S, Abbott N, Abdullah M, Agrawal A, Arthur L, Bouhelal A, Bright-Thomas R, et al (2024). Current axillary management of patients with early breast cancer and low-volume nodal disease undergoing primary surgery: results of a United Kingdom national practice survey. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Abstract.
Fairhurst K, Roberts K, Fairbrother P, Potter S, Abbott N, Achuthan R, Ahmed G, Ainsworth R, Arthur L, Bains S, et al (2024). Current use of drains and management of seroma following mastectomy and axillary surgery: results of a United Kingdom national practice survey. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 203(2), 187-196. Abstract.
Hubbard T, Isaac A, Cui A, Cutress R, Dave R, Ellis K, Fields J, Halliday S, Hu J, Potter S, et al (2024). The association of breast surgery ASPIRE - Breast pain pathway rapid evaluation project: Study update. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 50
Hubbard TJE, Isaac AT, Cui A, Cutress RI, Dave R, Ellis K, Fields J, Halliday S, Hu J, Potter S, et al (2024). The association of breast surgery ASPIRE: breast pain pathway rapid evaluation project - study protocol. Int J Surg Protoc, 28(1), 37-42. Abstract.  Author URL.
Haskell J, Hubbard T, Murray C, Ives C, Olsen S, Tillett R, Knight H, Ferguson D, Stone N (2023). A probe delivering high wavenumber Raman spectroscopy diagnostics for intraoperative margin analysis. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 49(5), e263-e264.
Hubbard T, Liu X, Sulieman M, Drew P, Brown I, English R, Abbas I, Potiszil K, Barta M, Jackson N, et al (2023). Evaluating a novel patient pathway to manage symptomatic breast referrals (the blue flag clinic): a longitudinal observational study. Ann R Coll Surg Engl Abstract.  Author URL.
Hubbard T, Liu X, King P (2023). Evaluating the blue flag clinic - a novel patient pathway to manage symptomatic breast referrals. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 49(5), e247-e248.
Wright G, Hubbard T, Ives C (2023). Evaluating variation in primary endocrine therapy follow up - Informing the national PETROC study. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 49(5).
Haskell J, Hubbard T, Murray C, Gardner B, Ives C, Ferguson D, Stone N (2023). High wavenumber Raman spectroscopy for intraoperative assessment of breast tumour margins. Analyst, 148(18), 4373-4385. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hubbard T, Burton H, Pringle H, Bethune R, McDermott FD (2023). Outcomes of patients with non-lower gastrointestinal cancer diagnosed via the lower gastrointestinal two-week-wait service. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 105(3), 212-217. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fatayer H, O'Connell RL, Bannon F, Coles CE, Copson E, Cutress RI, Dave RV, Gardiner MD, Grayson M, Holcombe C, et al (2022). Current practice and surgical outcomes of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for early breast cancer: UK NeST study. Br J Surg, 109(9), 800-803.  Author URL.
Hubbard T, Walker E, Khan F, Spencer N, Bennett H, Ives C (2022). Outcomes and positive predictive values of symptoms following repeat attendance to symptomatic breast clinic. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 48(5).
Hubbard T, Nugent S, Bethune R, Beaton C (2022). Quality improvement project to improve blood test time to results on the acute surgical unit in North Devon District Hospital. BMJ Open Qual, 11(1).  Author URL.
Hubbard T, Dudgeon A, Ferguson D, Shore A, Stone N (2021). P100. High wavenumber Raman spectroscopy tissue differentiation for intraoperative margin analysis. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 47(5).
Nepogodiev D, Simoes JF, Li E, Picciochi M, Glasbey JC, Baiocchi G, Blanco‐Colino R, Chaudhry D, AlAmeer E, El‐Boghdadly K, et al (2021). SARS‐CoV‐2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia, 77(1), 28-39.
Hubbard TJE, Pringle H, Bethune R, McDermott FD (2021). Survival outcomes of elderly patients referred to the lower gastrointestinal 2-week wait service. Colorectal Dis, 23(6), 1434-1443. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hubbard TJE, Dudgeon AP, Ferguson DJ, Shore AC, Stone N (2021). Utilization of Raman spectroscopy to identify breast cancer from the water content in surgical samples containing blue dye. Translational Biophotonics, 3(2). Abstract.
Hubbard TJE, Sharma A, Ferguson DJ (2020). Breast pain: assessment, management, and referral criteria. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 70(697), 419-420.  Author URL.
Ghita A, Hubbard T, Matousek P, Stone N (2020). Noninvasive Detection of Differential Water Content Inside Biological Samples Using Deep Raman Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 92(14), 9449-9453.
Lee MJ, Drake TM, Sayers AE, Walsh CJ, Davies MM, Fearnhead NS, Abercrombie J, Acheson A, Alderson D, Anderson I, et al (2020). Outcomes of obstructed abdominal wall hernia: results from the UK national small bowel obstruction audit. BJS Open, 4(5), 924-934. Abstract.
Hubbard T, Ferguson D, Shore A, Stone N (2020). P122: Raman spectroscopy for intraoperative margin analysis in breast conserving surgery. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 46(6).
Hubbard T, Ives C (2020). Significance of a positive sentinel lymph node biopsy in staging for distant metastasis in breast cancer: are current guidelines relevant?. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 102(6), 429-436. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lee MJ, Sayers AE, Drake TM, Singh P, Bradburn M, Wilson TR, Murugananthan A, Walsh CJ, Fearnhead NS, Abercrombie J, et al (2019). Malnutrition, nutritional interventions and clinical outcomes of patients with acute small bowel obstruction: results from a national, multicentre, prospective audit. BMJ OPEN, 9(7).  Author URL.
Drake TM, Lee MJ, Sayers AE, Abercrombie J, Acheson A, Alderson D, Anderson I, Bradburn M, Davies M, Hamady Z, et al (2019). Outcomes following small bowel obstruction due to malignancy in the national audit of small bowel obstruction. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 45(12), 2319-2324. Abstract.
Hubbard TJE, Shore A, Stone N (2019). Raman spectroscopy for rapid intra-operative margin analysis of surgically excised tumour specimens. Analyst, 144(22), 6479-6496. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dhariwal R, Hubbard T, Martinou E, Vig S (2018). #TeamSurgery: Need surgical foundation role models. International Journal of Surgery, 55
Ramzi S, Hubbard TJE (2018). A systematic review and meta-analysis of mastectomy versus repeat breast-conserving surgery in the treatment of ipsilateral breast tumour recurrence. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 44(6).
Hubbard T, Ives C (2018). Is the current threshold for staging too high? an audit of radiological staging in patients with a positive sentinel node biopsy against current guidelines. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 44(6).
Hubbard TJE, Butler C, Wright H, Ramsden A, Ramzi S (2018). The post Montgomery era: a new model of consent forms fit for purpose. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 44(6), 873-874.
Hubbard T, Beaton C (2018). Using nylon tape to aid the formation of loop stomas. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 100(4), 346-347.  Author URL.
Hubbard T, Backholer L, Wiltshire M, Cardigan R, Ariëns RAS (2016). Effects of riboflavin and amotosalen photoactivation systems for pathogen inactivation of fresh-frozen plasma on fibrin clot structure. Transfusion, 56(1), 41-48. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fath-Ordoubadi S, Hubbard T, Hyett E, Ramzi S (2016). The impact of raising the margin threshold for repeat surgery on the overall re-operation and conversion-to-mastectomy rates after breast-conserving cancer surgery. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 42(5).
Hubbard T, Thomas R, Vig S (2015). An audit cycle to improve an emergency surgery ambulatory clinic. International Journal of Surgery, 23
Hubbard TJE, Balasubramanian R, Smith JJ (2015). Jejunal diverticulum enterolith causing perforation and upper abdominal peritonitis. BMJ Case Reports, 2015 Abstract.
Hubbard T, Martinou E, Vig S (2015). Representation of surgeons as foundation training programme director’s in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Surgery, 23, s106-s107.
Hubbard T, Thomas R (2014). Improving the surgical hot clinic. BMJ Qual Improv Rep, 3(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Barnes GD, Alam S, Carter G, Pedersen CM, Lee KM, Hubbard TJ, Veitch S, Jeong H, White A, Cruden NL, et al (2013). Sustained cardiovascular actions of APJ agonism during renin-angiotensin system activation and in patients with heart failure. Circ Heart Fail, 6(3), 482-491. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hubbard TJE, Lawson-McLean A, Fearon KC (2011). Nutritional predictors of postoperative outcome in pancreatic cancer (<i>Br J Surg</i> 2011; 98: 268-274). BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 98(7), 1032-1032.  Author URL.


Hubbard T, Goss H, Beaton C (2018). An audit to investigate high usage of Total Parenteral Nutrition.  Author URL.
Hubbard TJ, Thomas R, Vig S (2015). An Audit resulting in Improved Patient Care in an Emergency Surgery Ambulatory Clinic.  Author URL.
Macutkiewicz C, Hubbard T, Toogood GJ, Lodge JPA, Prasad KR (2013). A study of patient satisfaction with the consent procedure for liver resections in a high-volume UK hepatobiliary and transplant unit.  Author URL.
Barnes G, Japp AG, Pedersen CM, Maclay J, Hubbard TJE, Newby DE (2010). Apelin antagonizes angiotensin II mediated vasconstriction in vivo in man interaction between the apelin-APJ and renin-angiotensin systems.  Author URL.

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