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Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Dr Jane Masoli   (nee Foster )

Dr Jane Masoli (nee Foster )

NIHR Senior Clinical Research Fellow & Honorary Consultant Geriatrician

 College House 


College House, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Dr Jane Masoli is an NIHR Senior Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Exeter & Honorary Consultant Geriatrician at the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Trust. She was awarded a PhD by the University of Exeter in June 2021 on blood pressure, co-morbidities and outcomes in older populations. 

Her NIHR Advanced Fellowship aims to understand the causes and implications of blood pressure decline in older age. She has a research interest in cardiovascular ageing in the context of multimorbidity, and is a work package lead for the GEMINI Multiple Long-Term Conditions collaborative and is leading an Medical Research Council funded clinical community of practice in Multiple Long-Term Conditions.

Dr Masoli is the NIHR Clinical Research Network Lead for the South West Peninsula for Ageing and Multiple Long-Term Conditions. She is a member of the UK Young Academy, representing the Academy of Medical Sciences.

She supervises PhD students in cardiovascular frailty and multiple long-term conditions and is open to email enquires from students with their own funding interested in pursing a PhD in these areas. She provides clinical academic training and mentorship for the NIHR Integrated Academic Training pathway, as primary supervisor for two academic clinical fellows.

Dr Masoli is a member of the British Geriatrics Society Geridata group and the European Geriatric Medicine Society Cardiovascular and BigData Special Interest Groups.




PhD Blood Pressure and Co-morbidity in Older Populations

MSc Epidemiology London School of Hygeine and Tropical Medicine


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Research interests

Jane's key research interests are in blood pressure, frailty and cardiovascular ageing. She is supported by an NIHR Advanced Fellowship.

Research projects

Current projects:

  • NIHR Advanced Fellowship:Understanding the causes and clinical implications of blood pressure decline in older age
  • Cardiovascular pharmacogenetics
  • GEMINI Genetic Evaluation of Multimorbidity towards INdividualisation of Interventions (funded by the MRC)
  • UMPH Understanding Measurement of Postural Hypotension in Primary Care (funded by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research)
  • THUD Thresholds Used for Detecting postural hypotension 
  • STANDD STanding blood pressure and its AssociatioN with cardiovascular Disease and aDverse events (Funded by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research)
  • TWIST Extending the Triangulation Within a Study (TWIST) framework (funded by the MRC)
  • Comprehensive geriatric assessment to sustain independence for older people living with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and frailty (funded by NIHR HTA)

Research networks


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Journal articles

Atkins J, Masoli J, Correa-Delgado J, Pilling L, Kuo C-L, Melzer D, Kuchel G (In Press). PREEXISTING COMORBIDITIES PREDICTING COVID-19 AND MORTALITY IN THE UK BIOBANK COMMUNITY COHORT. Journal of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Zirk-Sadowski J, Masoli J, Strain WD, Delgado J, Henley W, Hamilton W, Melzer D, Ble A (In Press). Proton-Pump Inhibitors and Fragility Fractures in Vulnerable Older Patients. The American Journal of Gastroenterology (Elsevier)
Streeter A, Rodgers LR, Hamilton F, Masoli JAH, Ble A, Hamilton WT, Henley W (In Press). Real-world effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in older adults: cohort study using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. PLoS ONE
MASOLI JANEAH, MENSAH EKOW, RAJKUMAR CHAKRAVARTHI (2022). Age and ageing cardiovascular collection: blood pressure, coronary heart disease and heart failure. AGE AND AGEING, 51(8).  Author URL.
Delgado J, Evans PH, Gray DP, Sidaway-Lee K, Allan L, Clare L, Ballard C, Masoli J, Valderas JM, Melzer D, et al (2022). Continuity of GP care for patients with dementia: impact on prescribing and the health of patients. Br J Gen Pract, 72(715), e91-e98. Abstract.  Author URL.
Masoli JAH, Pilling LC, Frayling TM (2022). Genomics and multimorbidity. Age and Ageing, 51(12). Abstract.
Masoli JAH, Sheppard JP, Rajkumar C (2022). Hypertension management in older patients - Are the guideline blood pressure targets appropriate?. Age and Ageing, 51(1).
Streeter AJ, Rodgers LR, Hamilton F, Masoli JAH, Blé A, Hamilton WT, Henley WE (2022). Influenza vaccination reduced myocardial infarctions in United Kingdom older adults: a prior event rate ratio study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 151, 122-131.
Davies M, Bramwell LR, Jeffery N, Bunce B, Lee BP, Knight B, Auckland C, Masoli JA, Harries LW (2022). Persistence of clinically relevant levels of SARS-CoV2 envelope gene subgenomic RNAs in non-immunocompromised individuals. Int J Infect Dis, 116, 418-425. Abstract.  Author URL.
Türkmen D, Masoli JAH, Kuo C, Bowden J, Melzer D, Pilling LC (2022). Statin treatment effectiveness and the <i>SLCO1B1</i>*5 reduced function genotype: Long‐term outcomes in women and men. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 88(7), 3230-3240. Abstract.
Masoli JAH, Down K, Nestor G, Hudson S, O'Brien JT, Williamson JD, Young CA, Carroll C (2021). A report from the NIHR UK working group on remote trial delivery for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. TRIALS, 22(1).  Author URL.
Geriatric Medicine Research Collaborative, Covid Collaborative, Welch C (2021). Age and frailty are independently associated with increased COVID-19 mortality and increased care needs in survivors: results of an international multi-centre study. Age Ageing, 50(3), 617-630. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pilling LC, Turkmen D, Fullalove H, Atkins JL, Delgado J, Kuo C-L, Kuchel GA, Ferrucci L, Bowden J, Masoli JAH, et al (2021). Analysis of <i>CYP2C19</i> genetic variants with ischaemic events in UK patients prescribed clopidogrel in primary care: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ OPEN, 11(12).  Author URL.
Volz E, Mishra S, Chand M, Barrett JC, Johnson R, Geidelberg L, Hinsley WR, Laydon DJ, Dabrera G, Toole AO, et al (2021). Assessing transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England. NATURE, 593(7858), 266-+.  Author URL.
Masoli JAH, Kirkham FA, Rajkumar C (2021). Atrial fibrillation and oral anticoagulation in older adults: an update. Age and Ageing, 50(3), 687-689.
Kuo C-L, Pilling LC, Atkins JL, Masoli JAH, Delgado J, Tignanelli C, Kuchel GA, Melzer D, Beckman KB, Levine ME, et al (2021). Biological Aging Predicts Vulnerability to COVID-19 Severity in UK Biobank Participants. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 76(8), e133-e141. Abstract.
Masoli JAH, Delgado J (2021). Blood pressure, frailty and dementia. Experimental Gerontology, 155 Abstract.
Graham MS, Sudre CH, May A, Antonelli M, Murray B, Varsavsky T, Kläser K, Canas LS, Molteni E, Modat M, et al (2021). Changes in symptomatology, reinfection, and transmissibility associated with the SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.7: an ecological study. The Lancet Public Health, 6(5), e335-e345.
Volz E, Hill V, McCrone JT, Price A, Jorgensen D, O’Toole Á, Southgate J, Johnson R, Jackson B, Nascimento FF, et al (2021). Evaluating the Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Mutation D614G on Transmissibility and Pathogenicity. Cell, 184(1), 64-75.e11.
Pilling LC, Türkmen D, Fullalove H, Atkins JL, Delgado J, Kuo C-L, Kuchel GA, Ferrucci L, Bowden J, Masoli JAH, et al (2021). Genetic variation in activating clopidogrel: longer-term outcomes in a large community cohort. Abstract.
Collier DA, De Marco A, Ferreira IATM, Meng B, Datir RP, Walls AC, Kemp SA, Bassi J, Pinto D, Silacci-Fregni C, et al (2021). Sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 to mRNA vaccine-elicited antibodies. NATURE, 593(7857), 136-+.  Author URL.
Masoli JAH, Todd OM, Clark CE (2021). Systolic blood pressure and outcomes in frail older adults. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 82(5), 1-4. Abstract.
Masoli JAH, Jeffries A, Temperton B, Auckland C, Michelsen M, Warwick-Dugdale J, Manley R, Farbos A, Ellard S, Knight B, et al (2021). Viral genetic sequencing identifies staff transmission of COVID-19 is important in a community hospital outbreak. Abstract.
Kuo C-L, Pilling LC, Atkins JL, Masoli JAH, Delgado J, Kuchel GA, Melzer D (2020). <i>ApoE</i> e4e4 genotype and mortality with COVID-19 in UK Biobank. Abstract.
Kuo C-L, Pilling LC, Atkins JL, Masoli JAH, Delgado J, Kuchel GA, Melzer D (2020). APOE e4 Genotype Predicts Severe COVID-19 in the UK Biobank Community Cohort. J Gerontol a Biol Sci Med Sci, 75(11), 2231-2232.  Author URL.
Kuo C-L, Pilling LC, Atkins JL, Masoli JAH, Delgado J, Kuchel GA, Melzer D (2020). ApoE e4e4 Genotype and Mortality with COVID-19 in UK Biobank. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 75(9), 1801-1803.
Atkins JL, Pilling LC, Masoli JAH, Kuo C-L, Shearman JD, Adams PC, Melzer D (2020). Association of Hemochromatosis <i>HFE</i> p.C282Y Homozygosity with Hepatic Malignancy. JAMA, 324(20), 2048-2048.
Masoli JAH, Delgado J, Pilling L, Strain D, Melzer D (2020). Blood pressure in frail older adults: associations with cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality. Age Ageing, 49(5), 807-813. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kuo C-L, Pilling LC, Atkins JL, Masoli JAH, Delgado J, Tignanelli C, Kuchel GA, Melzer D, Beckman KB, Levine ME, et al (2020). COVID-19 severity is predicted by earlier evidence of accelerated aging. Abstract.
Welch C, McCluskey L, Wilson D, Moorey H, Majid Z, Madden K, McNeela N, Richardson S, Burton J, Taylor J, et al (2020). Growing research in geriatric medicine: a trainee perspective. Age and Ageing, 49(5), 733-737. Abstract.
Pilling LC, Jones LC, Masoli JAH, Delgado J, Atkins JL, Bowden J, Fortinsky RH, Kuchel GA, Melzer D (2020). Low Vitamin D Levels and Risk of Incident Delirium in 351,000 Older <scp>UK</scp> Biobank Participants. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69(2), 365-372. Abstract.
Bowman K, Jones L, Masoli J, Mujica-Mota R, Strain D, Butchart J, Valderas JM, Fortinsky RH, Melzer D, Delgado J, et al (2020). Predicting incident delirium diagnoses using data from primary-care electronic health records. Age Ageing, 49(3), 374-381. Abstract.  Author URL.
Clark CE, Masoli J, Warren FC, Soothill J, Campbell JL (2020). Vitamin D and COVID-19 in older age: evidence versus expectations. British Journal of General Practice, 71(702), 10-11.
Masoli J, Correa Delgado J, Bowman K, Strain W, Henley W, Melzer D (2019). Association of blood pressure with clinical outcomes in older adults with chronic kidney disease. Age and Ageing
Welch C, McCluskey L, Wilson D, Chapman GE, Jackson TA, Treml J, Davis D, Cunningham E, Copeland C, Quinn T, et al (2019). Delirium is prevalent in older hospital inpatients and associated with adverse outcomes: Results of a prospective multi-centre study on World Delirium Awareness Day. BMC Medicine, 17(1). Abstract.
Welsh T, Masoli J (2018). Antihypertensive medications may reduce the risk of dementia in older African–Americans with hypertension. Evidence Based Nursing, 21(4), 104-104.
Delgado J, Bowman K, Ble A, Masoli J, Han Y, Henley W, Welsh S, Kuchel GA, Ferrucci L, Melzer D, et al (2018). Blood Pressure Trajectories in the 20 Years Before Death. JAMA Intern Med, 178(1), 93-99. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pilling LC, Masoli J, Melzer D, Kuchel G (2018). Clinical Outcomes of CADASIL-Associated NOTCH3 Mutations in 451,424 European Ancestry Community Volunteers. Translational Stroke Research
Atkins JL, Delgado J, Pilling L, Bowman K, Masoli J, Kuchel G, Ferrucci L, Melzer D (2018). Impact of Low Cardiovascular Risk Profiles on Geriatric Outcomes: Evidence from 421,000 Participants in Two Cohorts. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences
Zirk-Sadowski J, Masoli JA, Delgado J, Hamilton W, Strain WD, Henley W, Melzer D, Ble A (2018). Proton-Pump Inhibitors and Long-Term Risk of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc, 66(7), 1332-1338. Abstract.  Author URL.
(2018). Using Social Media and Web-Based Networking in Collaborative Research: Protocol for the Geriatric Medicine Research Collaborative. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(10), e179-e179.
Stephenson J, Masoli J, Leitch M, Baines R (2017). P-49 ‘Is home where i want to die?’ – prognostication and preferred place of care at the end of life in older hospital inpatients. Poster Presentations
Ble A, Hughes PM, Delgado J, Masoli JA, Bowman K, Zirk-Sadowski J, Mujica Mota RE, Henley WE, Melzer D (2017). Safety and Effectiveness of Statins for Prevention of Recurrent Myocardial Infarction in 12 156 Typical Older Patients: a Quasi-Experimental Study. J Gerontol a Biol Sci Med Sci, 72(2), 243-250. Abstract.  Author URL.
correa delgado, masoli, Bowman K, strain, Kuchel G, Walters K, Lafortune L, Brayne C, Melzer D, ble, et al (2016). OUTCOMES OF TREATED HYPERTENSION AT AGES 80 YEARS AND OLDER: COHORT ANALYSIS OF 79,376 PATIENTS. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65, 995-1003.
Bowman K, Correa Delgado J, Henley W, Masoli J, Kos K, Brayne C, Thokala P, Lafortune L, Kuchel G, Ble A, et al (2016). Obesity in Older People with and Without Conditions Associated with Weight Loss: Follow-up of 955,000 Primary Care Patients. J Gerontol a Biol Sci Med Sci
Ble A, Masoli JAH, Barry HE, Winder RE, Tavakoly B, Henley WE, Kuchel GA, Valderas JM, Melzer D, Richards SH, et al (2015). Any versus long-term prescribing of high risk medications in older people using 2012 Beers Criteria: results from three cross-sectional samples of primary care records for 2003/4, 2007/8 and 2011/12. BMC Geriatr, 15 Abstract.  Author URL.
Melzer D, Tavakoly B, Winder RE, Masoli JAH, Henley WE, Ble A, Richards SH (2015). Much more medicine for the oldest old: trends in UK electronic clinical records. Age Ageing, 44(1), 46-53. Abstract.  Author URL.
Masoli J, Winder R, Tavakoly B, Henley W, Ble A, Richards S, Melzer D (2014). 63. OVERDIAGNOSING AND MISSING THE POINT?. Age and Ageing, 43(suppl 2), ii19-ii19.
Butt E, Foster JAH, Keedwell E, Bell JEA, Titball RW, Bhangu A, Michell SL, Sheridan R (2013). Derivation and validation of a simple, accurate and robust prediction rule for risk of mortality in patients with Clostridium difficile infection. BMC Infect Dis, 13 Abstract.  Author URL.


Zirk-Sadowski J, Masoli JAH, delgado J, Strain W, Hamilton W, Henley W, Melzer D, Ble A (In Press). Risks of Longer Term Proton Pump Inhibitor Exposure in 228,752 Older Adults. International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Society. Abstract.
Masoli JAH, Correa Delgado J, Bowman K, Ble A, Han Y, Henley W, welsh S, kuchel G, ferrucci L, Melzer D, et al (In Press). Twenty Year Blood Pressure Trajectories in 46,634 Older Patients. International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Society. Abstract.
Turkmen D, Masoli JAH, Delgado J, Kuo C-L, Bowden J, Melzer D, Pilling LC (2022). Calcium Channel Blockers: Clinical Outcome Associations with Reported Pharmacogenetics Variants in 32,000 Patients.  Author URL.

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