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Public Health and Sport Sciences

 Michele Zanini

Michele Zanini

Associate Lecturer

 Haighton 32


University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Michele is an exercise physiologist and applied sport scientist, interested in understanding and enhancing endurance performance.

He is finalizing a PhD at Loughborough University (UK), in the area of physiological fatigue in runners, investigating strategies to delay fatigue during prolonged exercise.

Alongside his academic career, Michele has worked with elite athletes in running and triathlon, having worked in Italy, the UK, and Kenya, and supported Olympians and World Championships finalists. 

He is currently supporting the Italian Triathlon national team in the areas of physiology and strength & conditioning. 

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Research interests

Michele's research interest primarily relate to endurance physiology and sport performance, specifically:

- How does the energy cost of running changes during prolonged exercise

- How does fatigue develop during exercise, and what are the physiology underpinning it

- Strength training applied to endurance sports, particularly related to performance improvements

- The physiology and training of elite enduance athletes (runners and triathletes in particular)

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Applied Physiology

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