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University of Exeter Medical School

Professor Karen Mattick

Professor Karen Mattick

Professor of Medical Education


 +44 (0) 1392 722918

 South Cloisters South Cloisters 2.06


South Cloisters, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


As Professor of Medical Education, I am committed to high quality health professions education and research and am motivated to impact positively on healthcare processes and outcomes.  I lead the Health Professions Education & Wellbeing research group at Exeter, which provides a forum through which to develop high quality and impactful research, drawing on the expertise and enthusiasm of university staff, clinical academics, students and patient representatives. Alongside my work at the University of Exeter, I am President of the Association for the Study of Medical Education, Deputy Editor for the journal Medical Education, and Member of the NIHR Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) Funding Committee.  My work has been recognised through various awards, such as ASME President's Medal winner 2022, Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators, Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and National Teaching Fellow. 

Research specialisms

  • The work and wellbeing of health professionals in their first five years of practice
  • The potential for workplace-based feedback to change organisational culture
  • Wide ranging methodologies including realist research, scoping reviews, qualitative and mixed methods research studies. 
  • Wide ranging funders e.g. National Institute for Health Research, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, NHS Education for Scotland, General Medical Council.


  • PhD Clinical Microbiology
  • MSc Education Research

Research group links

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Research interests

  • The work and wellbeing of health professionals in their first five years of practice
  • The potential for workplace-based feedback to change organisational culture
  • Wide ranging methodologies including realist research, scoping reviews, qualitative and mixed methods research studies. 
  • Wide ranging funders e.g. National Institute for Health Research, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, NHS Education for Scotland, General Medical Council.
  • Head, Health Professions Education & Wellbeing research group
  • Co-Lead, Centre for Research in Professional Learning
  • Published >100 peer-reviewed research papers
  • Deputy Editor, Medical Education.

Research projects

  • 2023-4. Pearson, Forbes, Noble, Mattick. Internationalising health professions education researcher development: a collective approach in two continents. Medical Education Developing Scholarship Award.

  • 2022-4. Carrieri, Mattick, Wong, Papoutsi, Hancock, Pearson. Care Under Pressure 3: Optimising the delivery and impacts of interventions to reduce hospital doctors’ mental ill-health in the NHS, NIHR HS&DR Project 13/29/31.  See project website.
  • 2022-4. Uys, Carrieri, Mattick. How do shared social spaces impact the wellness and learning of junior doctors? A realist evaluation. ASME Board Award. 

    2022-3. McCulloch, Mattick, Scott, Hancock. Exploring the Attitudes of UK Medical students in Choosing a Career in Psychiatry: A Realist Evaluation. ASME Small Grant. 

  • 2020-2. Maben, Taylor, Mattick, Carrieri, Briscoe. Care Under Pressure 2: Caring for the Carers – a realist review of interventions to minimise the incidence of mental ill-health in nurses, midwives and paramedics, NIHR HS&DR Project 12/95/28.

  • 2020-2. Gale et al. GMC1203 - Preparedness of recent medical graduates to meet anticipated healthcare needs. General Medical Council.

  • 2020-1. Burford et al. An evaluation of Interim Foundation Programme (FiY1) posts: new doctors’ adaptation to practice during the COVID-19 crisis.  General Medical Council.  See project website.

  • 2020. Mattick, Lloyd, Conn, Dornan.Optimising prescribing feedback conversations: enabling and empowering prescribers to enhance prescribing development and patient care. ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Co-Creation Project. See project website.

  • 2017-19. Mattick, Pearson, Briscoe, Carrieri, Jackson, Papoutsi, Wong.  Care Under Pressure: a realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health and its impacts on the clinical workforce and patient care. NIHR HS&DR Project 16/53/12. Leading to a full report, publication, cartoons and videos to summarise the key findings and highlight why doctor's health is important to patients and the public.

  • 2018-19. Proctor, Leeder, Mattick. The case for Faculty Development: how does investment lead to improved education outcomes for learners? ASME-GMC Excellence in Medical Education Scheme award. Leading to a publication in Medical Education.

  • 2016-17. Mattick, Bethune et al.  ePIFFany@Exeter: Developing a pharmacist-led feedback intervention on antibiotic prescribing for doctors in training. Pfizer / SW AHSN. Leading to a short video output describing the project and its impact for a wide audience, and a longer video output for those would like to implement the approach.

  • 2016-17. Leitner, McNeill, Allan, Mattick. Medical Aspirations and Planning Parenthood - The Experiences of Future and Foundation Doctors. ASME Small Grant.

  • 2016-19. Foster-Collins, Mattick, Baumfield, Monrouxe, Rees.  Interprofessional learning, working and support.  ESRC studentship.

  • 2015-16. Baumfield, Mattick.  Cost, Value and Quality in Professional Learning: promoting economic literacy in medical and teacher education. BERA Research Commission.

  • 2015. Monrouxe, Bullock, Gormley, Mattick, Rees.  Emotional regulation in Foundation Programme doctors. General Medical Council.

  • 2015-16. Wong, Mattick, Pearson, Brennan. Interventions to improve antimicrobial prescribing of doctors in training: A realist review. National Institute of Health Research HS&DR Project: 13/97/24.  Leading to a full report, an animation video for use in junior doctor inductions and some practitioner resources such as an infographic.

  • 2013-14. Monrouxe, Gormley, Mattick, Rees. How prepared are medical graduates for practice and what are the implications of this for the 'outcomes' featured in Tomorrow's Doctors 2009? General Medical Council.

  • 2013. Cleland, Rees, Skatun, Watson, Mattick, Johnston. Understanding push-pull factors in medical careers decision making. NHS Education for Scotland.

  • 2012 - 2013. Mattick, Rees, Kelly. By junior doctors, for junior doctors: A project to develop educational interventions to support junior doctors' antimicrobial prescribing. British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.

  • 2013 - 2016. Mattick, Postlethwaite. Studentship: What types of science count? Epistemology and medical students.

  • 2012-2013. Rees, Cleland, Mattick, Monrouxe. A qualitative evaluation of Foundation Programme supervised learning events. Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.

  • 2012. Grant, Rix, Mattick. Identifying good practice among medical schools in the support of students with mental health concerns. General Medical Council.


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Journal articles

Baumfield V, Bethel A, Dowek A, Walshe K, Mattick K (In Press). Characteristics of Research into Professional Learning across Professions: a mapping review. Review of Education Abstract.
Baumfield V, Bethel A, Dowek A, Walshe K, Mattick K (In Press). Characteristics of Research into Professional Learning across Professions: a mapping review. Review of Education Abstract.
Rees CE, Davis C, Nguyen VNB, Proctor D, Mattick KL (2024). A roadmap to realist interviews in health professions education research: Recommendations based on a critical analysis. MEDICAL EDUCATION, 58(6), 697-712.  Author URL.
Taylor C, Maben J, Jagosh J, Carrieri D, Briscoe S, Klepacz N, Mattick K (2024). Care Under Pressure 2: a realist synthesis of causes and interventions to mitigate psychological ill health in nurses, midwives and paramedics. BMJ Qual Saf Abstract.  Author URL.
Maben J, Taylor C, Jagosh J, Carrieri D, Briscoe S, Klepacz N, Mattick K (2024). Causes and solutions to workplace psychological ill-health for nurses, midwives and paramedics: the Care Under Pressure 2 realist review. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 1-171. Abstract.
Pearson A, Carrieri D, Melvin A, Bramwell C, Scott J, Hancock J, Papoutsi C, Pearson M, Wong G, Mattick K, et al (2024). Developing a typology of interventions to support doctors' mental health and wellbeing. BMC Health Serv Res, 24(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Brennan N, Burns L, Mattick K, Mitchell A, Henderson T, Walker K, Gale T (2024). How prepared are newly qualified allied health professionals for practice in the UK? a systematic review. BMJ Open, 14(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
McCulloch E, Proctor DW, Mattick K (2024). Medical Student Intentions to Move Abroad: a UK-Based Realist Evaluation. Perspectives on Medical Education, 13(1). Abstract.
Hancock J, Ukoumunne OC, Mattick K, Gale T, Burford B (2024). Re-evaluating the factor structure of the Tolerance of Ambiguity of Medical Students and Doctors (TAMSAD) scale in newly qualified doctors. MedEdPublish, 14, 16-16. Abstract.
Kajamaa A, Lahtinen P, Mattick K, Bethune R (2024). Repairing disrupted care processes as sources of stability, learning and change in a Finnish hospital: an activity-theoretical study. Med Educ Abstract.  Author URL.
Francis SA, Yardley S, Franklin B, Ogden M, Kajamaa A, Mattick K (2023). A model of intended and ideal prescribing and medication use in symptom control in palliative care: an international scoping review. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 31(Supplement_2), ii20-ii20.
Mattick K, Goulding A, Carrieri D, Brennan N, Burford B, Vance G, Dornan T (2023). Constraints and affordances for UK doctors-in-training to exercise agency: a dialogical analysis. Med Educ, 57(12), 1198-1209. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hancock J, Mattick K (2023). Context Matters: the Impact of Context on Uncertainty Tolerance Scales in Academic Medicine. Acad Med, 98(8).  Author URL.
Mattick K, Noble C (2023). Education and educational interventions: moving beyond information provision. BMJ Quality & Safety, 33(1), 10-12.
Noble C, Mattick K (2023). From health advocacy to collective action. Medical Education, 57(7), 603-605. Abstract.
Brennan N, Langdon N, Keates N, Mattick K, Gale T (2023). Graduates' preparedness for the changing doctor-patient relationship: a qualitative study. Med Educ, 57(8), 712-722. Abstract.  Author URL.
McCormack J, Noble C, Mattick K (2023). Health workforce under pressure—How do we sustain our future?. Medical Education, 58(1), 5-7. Abstract.
Bramwell C, Carrieri D, Melvin A, Pearson A, Scott J, Hancock J, Pearson M, Papoutsi C, Wong G, Mattick K, et al (2023). How can NHS trusts in England optimise strategies to improve the mental health and well-being of hospital doctors? the Care Under Pressure 3 (CUP3) realist evaluation study protocol. BMJ Open, 13(11), e073615-e073615. Abstract.
Burford B, Mattick K, Carrieri D, Goulding A, Gale T, Brennan N, Vance G (2023). How is transition to medical practice shaped by a novel transitional role? a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open, 13(8), e074387-e074387. Abstract.
Uys C, Carrieri D, Mattick K (2023). The impact of shared social spaces on the wellness and learning of junior doctors: a scoping review. Med Educ, 57(4), 315-330. Abstract.  Author URL.
Foster‐Collins H, Mattick K, Baumfield V (2023). Workplace support for newly qualified doctors and secondary school teachers: a comparative analysis. British Educational Research Journal, 49(5), 1005-1043. Abstract.
Rees EL, Mattick K, Harrison D, Rich A, Woolf K (2022). 'I'd have to fight for my life there': a multicentre qualitative interview study of how socioeconomic background influences medical school choice. Med Educ Online, 27(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Yardley S, Francis S-A, Franklin BD, Ogden M, Kajamaa A, Mattick K (2022). Getting palliative medications right across the contexts of homes, hospitals and hospices: protocol to synthesise scoping review and ethnographic methods in an activity theory analysis. BMJ OPEN, 12(3).  Author URL.
Francis SA, Elyan J, Ogden M, Franklin BD, Mattick KL, Kajamaa A, Yardley S (2022). Prescribing and medication use for symptom control in palliative care: stakeholder engagement within an activity theory study. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 30(Supplement_1), i43-i44.
Ajjawi R, Crampton PES, Ginsburg S, Mubuuke GA, Hauer KE, Illing J, Mattick K, Monrouxe L, Nadarajah VD, Vu NV, et al (2022). Promoting inclusivity in health professions education publishing. Med Educ, 56(3), 252-256.  Author URL.
Parker H, Frost J, Day J, Bethune R, Kajamaa A, Hand K, Robinson S, Mattick K (2022). Tipping the balance: a systematic review and meta-ethnography to unfold the complexity of surgical antimicrobial prescribing behavior in hospital settings. PLoS One, 17(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor C, Mattick K, Carrieri D, Cox A, Maben J (2022). ‘The WOW factors’: comparing workforce organization and well-being for doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics in England. British Medical Bulletin, 141(1), 60-79. Abstract.
Hancock J, Mattick K (2021). A Wider Use for the Uncertainty Communication Checklist Reply. ACADEMIC MEDICINE, 96(3), 320-320.  Author URL.
Hancock J, Mattick K (2021). A Wider Use for the Uncertainty Communication Checklist. Acad Med, 96(3), 319-320.  Author URL.
Chumbley SD, Devaraj VS, Mattick K (2021). An Approach to Economic Evaluation in Undergraduate Anatomy Education. Anat Sci Educ, 14(2), 171-183. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dyar N, Mattick K, Bethune R (2021). Exploring two distinct gentamicin prescribing protocols in UK hospitals: a mixed-methods realist evaluation. BMJ OPEN, 11(12).  Author URL.
Foster-Collins H, Conn R, Dornan T, Lloyd M, Mattick K (2021). The problem with feedback. MedEdPublish, 10(1).
Hoang J, Mattick K, Baumfield V (2021). Typologies of education and training pathways for general practitioners: a scoping review. Educ Prim Care, 32(2), 78-84. Abstract.  Author URL.
Murray C, Mountford-Zimdars A, Mattick K (2021). Which disadvantaged students study medicine? Analysis of an English outreach scheme. Health Science Reports
Kajamaa A, Mattick K, de la Croix A (2020). How to … do mixed-methods research. Clin Teach, 17(3), 267-271. Abstract.  Author URL.
Carrieri D, Pearson M, Mattick K, Papoutsi C, Briscoe S, Wong G, Jackson M (2020). Interventions to minimise doctors’ mental ill-health and its impacts on the workforce and patient care: the Care Under Pressure realist review. Health Services and Delivery Research, 8(19), 1-132. Abstract.
Mattick K, Gallen D (2020). Judging competence, providing feedback and changing organisations. Med Educ, 54(6), 497-499.  Author URL.
Hancock J, Mattick K (2020). Mindfulness, complex interventions and conceptual clarity. Med Educ, 54(9), 774-776.  Author URL.
Carrieri D, Mattick K, Pearson M, Papoutsi C, Briscoe S, Wong G, Jackson M (2020). Optimising strategies to address mental ill-health in doctors and medical students: 'Care Under Pressure' realist review and implementation guidance. BMC Med, 18(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bawab N, Moullin JC, Bugnon O, Perraudin C, Morrow A, Chan P, Hogden E, Taylor N, Pearson M, Carrieri D, et al (2020). Proceedings of the Virtual 3rd UK Implementation Science Research Conference. Implementation Science, 15(S4).
Proctor D, Leeder D, Mattick K (2020). The case for faculty development: a realist evaluation. Med Educ, 54(9), 832-842. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hancock J, Mattick K (2020). Tolerance of ambiguity and psychological well-being in medical training: a systematic review. Med Educ, 54(2), 125-137. Abstract.  Author URL.
Parker H, Frost J, Britten N, Robinson S, Mattick K (2020). Understanding surgical antimicrobial prescribing behaviour in the hospital setting: a systematic review and meta-ethnography protocol. Syst Rev, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Macarthur J, Eaton M, Mattick K (2019). Every picture tells a story: Content analysis of medical school website and prospectus images in the United Kingdom. Perspect Med Educ, 8(4), 246-252. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kajamaa A, de la Croix A, Mattick K (2019). How to … use qualitative research to change practice. Clin Teach, 16(5), 437-441. Abstract.  Author URL.
Awad F, Awad M, Mattick K, Dieppe P (2019). Mental health in medical students: time to act. Clin Teach, 16(4), 312-316. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Brennan N, Briscoe S, Papoutsi C, Pearson M (2019). Optimising feedback for early career professionals: a scoping review and new framework. Medical Education, 53(4), 355-368. Abstract.
Parker H, Farrell O, Bethune R, Hodgetts A, Mattick K (2019). Pharmacist-led, video-stimulated feedback to reduce prescribing errors in doctors-in-training: a mixed methods evaluation. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 85(10), 2405-2413. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kajamaa A, Mattick K, Parker H, Hilli A, Rees C (2019). Trainee doctors' experiences of common problems in the antibiotic prescribing process: an activity theory analysis of narrative data from UK hospitals. BMJ Open, 9(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Lundin RM, Bashir K, Bullock A, Kostov CE, Mattick KL, Rees CE, Monrouxe LV (2018). "I'd been like freaking out the whole night": exploring emotion regulation based on junior doctors' narratives. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract, 23(1), 7-28. Abstract.  Author URL.
Neve H, Bull S, Lloyd H, Gilbert K, Mattick K (2018). Evaluation of an innovative, evidence-guided, PBL approach. Clinical Teacher, 15(2), 156-162. Abstract.
Mattick K, Johnston J, de la Croix A (2018). How to…write a good research question. Clinical Teacher, 15(2), 104-108. Abstract.
Papoutsi C, Mattick K, Pearson M, Brennan N, Briscoe S, Wong G (2018). Interventions to improve antimicrobial prescribing of doctors in training (IMPACT): a realist review. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 6(10), 1-136.
Monrouxe LV, Bullock A, Gormley G, Kaufhold K, Kelly N, Roberts CE, Mattick K, Rees C (2018). New graduate doctors' preparedness for practice: a multistakeholder, multicentre narrative study. BMJ Open, 8(8). Abstract.
Helmich E, Mattick K (2018). Taking qualitative research to the next level. Clinical Teacher, 15(2), 91-92.
Carrieri D, Briscoe S, Jackson M, Mattick K, Papoutsi C, Pearson M, Wong G (2018). ‘Care Under Pressure’: a realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health and its impacts on the clinical workforce and patient care. BMJ Open, 8
Hancock J, Hammond JA, Roberts M, Mattick K (2017). Comparing tolerance of ambiguity in veterinary and medical students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 44(3), 523-530. Abstract.
Monrouxe LV, Grundy L, Mann M, John Z, Panagoulas E, Bullock A, Mattick K (2017). How prepared are UK medical graduates for practice? a rapid review of the literature 2009-2014. BMJ Open, 7(1), 1-18. Abstract.
Papoutsi C, Mattick K, Pearson M, Brennan N, Briscoe S, Wong G (2017). Social and professional influences on antimicrobial prescribing for doctors-in-training: a realist review. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 72(9), 2418-2430. Abstract.
Mattick K, Baumfield V (2016). From cost to value in medical education. Med Teach, 38(5).  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Kaufhold K, Kelly N, Cole JA, Scheffler G, Rees CE, Bullock A, Gormley GJ, Monrouxe LV (2016). Implications of aligning full registration of doctors with medical school graduation: a qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives. BMJ Open, 6(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hall E, Cleland J, Mattick K (2016). Partnerships in medical education: looking across disciplinary boundaries to extend knowledge. Perspectives on Medical Education., 2016(1).
Parker HM, Mattick K (2016). The determinants of antimicrobial prescribing among hospital doctors in England: a framework to inform tailored stewardship interventions. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 431-440. Abstract.
Kelly NAA, Brandom KG, Mattick KL (2015). Improving preparedness of medical students and junior doctors to manage patients with diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care, 3(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Gibbons ED, Scallan S, Newton S, Harding A, Leeder D, Lewis AE, Mattick K (2015). Innovations and Developments. Education for Primary Care, 22(5), 339-344.
Wong G, Brennan N, Mattick K, Pearson M, Briscoe S, Papoutsi C (2015). Interventions to improve antimicrobial prescribing of doctors in training: the IMPACT (IMProving Antimicrobial presCribing of doctors in Training) realist review. BMJ Open, 5(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K (2015). Student experiences of multiple flipped courses. Clin Teach, 12(6), 432-435.  Author URL.
Grant A, Rix A, Winter P, Mattick K, Jones D (2015). Support for medical students with mental health problems: a conceptual model. Acad Psychiatry, 39(1), 16-21. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Kelly N, Rees C (2014). A window into the lives of junior doctors: narrative interviews exploring antimicrobial prescribing experiences. J Antimicrob Chemother, 69(8), 2274-2283. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hancock J, Roberts M, Monrouxe L, Mattick K (2014). Medical student and junior doctors' tolerance of ambiguity: development of a new scale. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 20(1), 113-130. Abstract.
Brennan N, Edwards S, Kelly N, Miller A, Harrower L, Mattick K (2014). Qualified doctor and medical students' use of resources for accessing information: What is used and why?. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 31(3), 204-214. Abstract.
Brennan N, Edwards S, Kelly N, Miller A, Harrower L, Mattick K (2014). Qualified doctor and medical students' use of resources for accessing information: what is used and why?. Health Info Libr J, 31(3), 204-214. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rees CE, Cleland JA, Dennis A, Kelly N, Mattick K, Monrouxe LV (2014). Supervised learning events in the foundation programme: a UK-wide narrative interview study. BMJ Open, 4(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Brennan N, Mattick K (2013). A systematic review of educational interventions to change behaviour of prescribers in hospital settings, with a particular emphasis on new prescribers. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 75(2), 359-372. Abstract.  Author URL.
Baxter L, Mattick K, Kuyken W (2013). Assessing health care students' intentions and motivations for learning: the Healthcare Learning and Studying Inventory (HLSI). Advances in Health Sciences Education, 18(3), 451-462. Abstract.
Baxter L, Mattick K, Kuyken W (2013). Assessing health care students' intentions and motivations for learning: the Healthcare Learning and Studying Inventory (HLSI). Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract, 18(3), 451-462. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Barnes R, Dieppe P (2013). Medical education: a particularly complex intervention to research. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 18(4), 769-778. Abstract.
Mattick K, Barnes R, Dieppe P (2013). Medical education: a particularly complex intervention to research. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract, 18(4), 769-778. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bull S, Mattick K, Postlethwaite KC (2013). “Junior doctor decision making: isn’t that an oxymoron?” a qualitative analysis of junior doctors’ ward-based decision making. Journal of Vocational Education and Training
Hancock J, Mattick K (2012). Increasing students' tolerance of ambiguity: the need for caution. Acad Med, 87(7).  Author URL.
Wade L, Harrison C, Hollands J, Mattick K, Ricketts C, Wass V (2012). Student perceptions of the progress test in two settings and the implications for test deployment. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 17(4), 573-583. Abstract.
Wade L, Harrison C, Hollands J, Mattick K, Ricketts C, Wass V (2012). Student perceptions of the progress test in two settings and the implications for test deployment. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract, 17(4), 573-583. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brennan N, Mattick K (2011). Exploring the Map of Medicine's potential in undergraduate medical education. Med Teach, 33(8), e454-e460. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Miller A (2011). Getting closer to the real thing. Med Educ, 45(9), 865-866.  Author URL.
Harding A, Leeder D, Eynon A, Mattick K (2011). Joint undergraduate and postgraduate practice visits: a pilot in southwest England. Educ Prim Care, 22(5), 343-344.  Author URL.
Brennan N, Mattick K, Ellis T (2011). The Map of Medicine: a review of evidence for its impact on healthcare. Health Info Libr J, 28(2), 93-100. Abstract.  Author URL.
Regan de Bere S, Mattick K (2010). From anatomical 'competence' to complex capability. The views and experiences of UK tutors on how we should teach anatomy to medical students. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract, 15(4), 573-585. Abstract.  Author URL.
Snoeckx LHEH, Mattick K, Velkeniers B, Heeneman S, Ringsted C, Peltonen L (2010). Letter to the editor. Acta Physiologica, 198(4), 509-511.
Wang R, Mattick K, Dunne E (2010). Medical students' perceptions of video-linked lectures and video-streaming. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 18(1), 19-27. Abstract.
Snoeckx LHEH, Mattick K, Velkeniers B, Heeneman S, Ringsted C, Peltonen L (2010). Reappraisal of basic sciences in the construction of medical curricula and how to evaluate study progress by portfolio. A summary of an educational workshop held at the joint meeting of the Slovenian and Austrian Physiological Societies and the Federation of European Physiological Societies, Ljubljana, 12-15 November 2009. [Letter]. Acta Physiol (Oxf), 198(4), 509-511.  Author URL.
Bull S, Mattick K (2010). What biomedical science should be included in undergraduate medical courses and how is this decided?. Med Teach, 32(5), 360-367. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Knight L (2009). The importance of vocational and social aspects of approaches to learning for medical students. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract, 14(5), 629-644. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Dennis I, Bradley P, Bligh J (2008). Content specificity: is it the full story? Statistical modelling of a clinical skills examination. Med Educ, 42(6), 589-599. Abstract.  Author URL.
Karatzas KAG, Hocking PM, Jørgensen F, Mattick K, Leach S, Humphrey TJ (2008). Effects of repeated cycles of acid challenge and growth on the phenotype and virulence of Salmonella enterica. J Appl Microbiol, 105(5), 1640-1648. Abstract.  Author URL.
KMattick, Knight L (2007). High quality learning: harder to achieve than we think. Medical Education, 41(7), 638-644.
Mattick K, Knight L (2007). High-quality learning: harder to achieve than we think?. Med Educ, 41(7), 638-644. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Crocker G, Bligh J (2007). Medical student attendance at non-compulsory lectures. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract, 12(2), 201-210. Abstract.  Author URL.
McHarg J, Mattick K, Knight LV (2007). Why people apply to medical school: implications for widening participation activities. Med Educ, 41(8), 815-821. Abstract.  Author URL.
Knight LV, Mattick K (2006). 'When I first came here, I thought medicine was black and white': making sense of medical students' ways of knowing. Soc Sci Med, 63(4), 1084-1096. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Bligh J (2006). Getting the measure of interprofessional learning. Med Educ, 40(5), 399-400.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Bligh J (2006). Teaching and assessing medical ethics: where are we now?. J Med Ethics, 32(3), 181-185. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Bligh J (2006). Undergraduate ethics teaching: revisiting the Consensus Statement. Med Educ, 40(4), 329-332. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Bligh J (2005). An e-resource to coordinate research activity with the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS). J Interprof Care, 19(6), 604-613. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Dennis I, Bligh J (2004). Approaches to learning and studying in medical students: validation of a revised inventory and its relation to student characteristics and performance. Med Educ, 38(5), 535-543. Abstract.  Author URL.
Marshall R, Cartwright N, Mattick K (2004). Teaching and learning pathology: a critical review of the English literature. Med Educ, 38(3), 302-313. Abstract.  Author URL.
Purnell G, Mattick K, Humphrey T (2004). The use of 'hot wash' treatments to reduce the number of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria on raw retail poultry. Journal of Food Engineering, 62(1), 29-36. Abstract.
Mattick K, Marshall R, Bligh J (2004). Tissue pathology in undergraduate medical education: atrophy or evolution?. J Pathol, 203(4), 871-876. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Phillips LE, Jørgensen F, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2003). Filament formation by Salmonella spp. inoculated into liquid food matrices at refrigeration temperatures, and growth patterns when warmed. J Food Prot, 66(2), 215-219. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Bligh J (2003). Interprofessional learning involving medical students or doctors. Med Educ, 37(11), 1008-1011. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Rowbury RJ, Humphrey TJ (2003). Morphological changes to Escherichia coli O157:H7, commensal E. coli and Salmonella spp in response to marginal growth conditions, with special reference to mildly stressing temperatures. Sci Prog, 86(Pt 1-2), 103-113. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Durham K, Hendrix M, Slader J, Griffith C, Sen M, Humphrey T (2003). The microbiological quality of washing-up water and the environment in domestic and commercial kitchens. J Appl Microbiol, 94(5), 842-848. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick K, Durham K, Domingue G, Jørgensen F, Sen M, Schaffner DW, Humphrey T (2003). The survival of foodborne pathogens during domestic washing-up and subsequent transfer onto washing-up sponges, kitchen surfaces and food. Int J Food Microbiol, 85(3), 213-226. Abstract.  Author URL.
Martin KW, Mattick KL, Harrison M, Humphrey TJ (2002). Evaluation of selective media for Campylobacter isolation when cycloheximide is replaced with amphotericin B. Lett Appl Microbiol, 34(2), 124-129. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Bailey RA, Jørgensen F, Humphrey TJ (2002). The prevalence and number of Salmonella in sausages and their destruction by frying, grilling or barbecuing. J Appl Microbiol, 93(4), 541-547. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Legan JD, Humphrey TJ, Peleg M (2001). Calculating Salmonella inactivation in nonisothermal heat treatments from isothermal nonlinear survival curves. J Food Prot, 64(5), 606-613. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Jørgensen F, Wang P, Pound J, Vandeven MH, Ward LR, Legan JD, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2001). Effect of challenge temperature and solute type on heat tolerance of Salmonella serovars at low water activity. Appl Environ Microbiol, 67(9), 4128-4136. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Jørgensen F, Legan JD, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2001). Improving recovery of Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium DT104 cells injured by heating at different water activity values. J Food Prot, 64(10), 1472-1476. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hale A, Mattick K, Lewis D, Estes M, Jiang X, Green J, Eglin R, Brown D (2000). Distinct epidemiological patterns of Norwalk-like virus infection. J Med Virol, 62(1), 99-103. Abstract.  Author URL.
Humphrey TJ, Mattick KL, Jorgensen F (2000). Fit to eat? Food scares and safe food production. Microbiology Today, 27, 10-12.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Legan JD, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2000). Habituation of Salmonella spp. at reduced water activity and its effect on heat tolerance. Appl Environ Microbiol, 66(11), 4921-4925. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hale A, Mattick K, Lewis D, Estes M, Jiang X, Green J, Eglin R, Brown D (2000). Prevalence and phylogenetic characterisation of TT-virus in the blood donor population of Auckland, New Zealand. Journal of Medical Virology, 62(1), 109-114. Abstract.
Mattick KL, Jørgensen F, Legan JD, Cole MB, Porter J, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2000). Survival and filamentation of Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis PT4 and Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium DT104 at low water activity. Appl Environ Microbiol, 66(4), 1274-1279. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Green J, Punia P, Belda FJ, Gallimore CI, Brown DW (2000). The heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) as a pre-sequencing screen for Norwalk-like viruses. J Virol Methods, 87(1-2), 161-169. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Humphrey TJ (2000). The responses of Salmonella to potentially stressful conditions associated with food production. Recent Research Developments in Microbiology, 4, 171-178.
Mattick KL, Donovan TJ (1998). Optimisation of the protocol for detection of Aeromonas species in ready-to-eat salads, and its use to speciate isolates and establish their prevalence. Commun Dis Public Health, 1(4), 263-266. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Donovan TJ (1998). The risk to public health of aeromonas in ready-to-eat salad products. Commun Dis Public Health, 1(4), 267-270. Abstract.  Author URL.


Yardley S, Mattick K, Dornan T (2019). Close-to-Practice Qualitative Research Methods. In  (Ed) The Oxford Handbook of Expertise, Oxford University Press (OUP), 408-428.
To J, Carless D, Ho Chan KK, Lo M, Barrett E (2018). Developing students’ capacities for evaluative judgement through analysing exemplars. In  (Ed) Developing Evaluative Judgement in Higher Education: Assessment for Knowing and Producing Quality Work, 108-116. Abstract.
Rees CE, Bullock A, Mattick KL, Monrouxe LV (2018). Using workplace-learning narratives to explore evaluative judgement in action. In  (Ed) Developing Evaluative Judgement in Higher Education, Taylor & Francis, 176-185.
Mattick K, Bligh J (2009). Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale. In  (Ed) Interprofessional Education, Bloomsbury Academic, 125-142.


Yardley S, Francis S-A, Franklin BD, Ogden M, Elyan J, Mattick K, Kajamaa A (2022). 33 Getting palliative medications right: intended processes for home, hospital and hospice. Changing policy and practice.
Pearson M, Carrieri D, Mattick K, Papoutsi C, Briscoe S, Wong G, Jackson M (2020). How can strategies to address mental ill-health in doctors and medical students be optimised? the interplay of intervention and implementation identified in the 'Care Under Pressure' realist review.  Author URL.
Rees E, Harrison D, Mattick K, Woolf K (2019). Does applicant specialty ambition influence medical school choice?.  Author URL.
Farrell O, Mattick K, Parker H, Hodgetts A, Bethune R (2018). ePIFFany@EXETER-Pharmacist-led, video-based feedback for junior doctors.  Author URL.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Legan D, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2001). Describing the effect of water activity on the heat resitance of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104. IFT Conference.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Legan D, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2001). Describing the effet of water activity on heat resistance of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104. PJLS Conference.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Humphrey TJ (2001). The response of foodborne pathogens to chill conditions. Chilled Foods Association Meeting.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Legan D, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2000). Describing the effect of water activity on heat resistance of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104. IAFP Conference.
Martin K, Mattick KL, Harrison M, Humphrey TJ (2000). Evaluation of selective supplements for Campylobacter isolation with cycloheximide replaced with amphotericin B. SfAM Conference.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Legan D, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2000). Filamentation of Salmonella: a common response to hostile conditions. SGM/SfAM Conference.
Pound J, Mattick KL, Moore GF, Lappin-Scott HM, Jorgensen F, Humphrey TJ (2000). Survival of Salmonella strains at high temperature and low water activity. SGM Conference.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Legan D, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2000). The filamentation of Salmonella: a common response to hostile conditions. PHLS Conference.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Legan D, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2000). The filamentation of Salmonella: a common response to hostile conditions. SGM Conference.
Hodson PM, Mattick KL, Moore GF, Lappin-Scott HM, Jorgensen F, Humphrey TJ (2000). The heat and acid tolerance of filamentous Salmonella formed at low temperature and/or low water activity. SGM Conference.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Legan D, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (2000). The response of Salmonella to high temperature and low water activity. Divison of Gastrointestinal Infections.
Green J, Mattick KL, Punia P, Belda FJ, Gallimore CI, Brown DWG (1999). The heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) as a pre-sequencing screen for Norwalk-like viruses. PHLS Conference.
Mattick KL, Legan D, Cole M, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (1999). The recovery of Salmonella following heat challenge at low water activity. SGM Conference.
Mattick KL, Legan D, Cole M, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (1999). The survival and filamentation of Salmonella eneritidis PT4 and Salmonella typhimurium DT104 at low water activity. PHLS Conference.
Mattick KL, Legan D, Cole M, Lappin-Scott HM, Humphrey TJ (1999). The survival and filamentation of Salmonella enteritidis PT4 and Salmonella typhimurium DT104 at low water activity. ASM Conference.
Mattick KL, Dononvan TJ (1997). The risk to public health of Aeromonas in salad products. PHLS Conference.


Monrouxe L, Bullock A, Rees C, Mattick K, Webb K, Lall K, Lundin R (2015). Foundation doctors, transitions and emotions. General Medical Council website: Abstract.
Monrouxe L, Bullock A, Cole J, Gormley G, Kaufhold K, Kelly N, Mattick K, Rees C, Scheffler G (2014). How Prepared are UK Medical Graduates for Practice?. Final report from a programme of research commissioned by the General Medical Council. General Medical Council, General Medical Council. Abstract.
Mattick KL, Rees CE, Kelly N (2013). By junior doctors, for junior doctors: a project to develop educational interventions to support junior doctors’ antimicrobial prescribing.
Mattick K, Regan de Bere S (2008). Is anatomy different? a survey of views of UK anatomy tutors. Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine, MEDEV.
Mattick KL, Jorgensen F, Humphrey TJ (2002). The effect of water activity on heat resistance of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104. Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Addlestone.

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External Engagement and Impact


National Teaching Fellow, 2005

Principal Fellow, Higher Education Academy, 2012

Honorary Fellow, Academy of Medical Educators, 2021

President's Medal winner, Association for the Study of Medical Education, 2022

Editorial responsibilities

Deputy Editor, Medical Education

External positions

President, Association for the Study of Medical Education

Visiting Professor, Queen's University Belfast

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  • Module lead, MSc Clinical Education.
  • Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2012
  • National Teaching Fellowship, 2005.



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