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University of Exeter Medical School

Dr Tamsin Newlove-Delgado

Dr Tamsin Newlove-Delgado

Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Public Health


 +44 (0) 1392 726083

 South Cloisters 2.05a


South Cloisters, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Tamsin Newlove-Delgado is an Associate Professor with the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Research Collaboration (ChYMe) and an Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). She is also Lead for the NIHR Integrated Academic Training (IAT) programme at Exeter, with responsibility for overseeing recruitment, training and support for NIHR Academic Clinical Fellows and Clinical Lecturers.

 Influenced by her clinical experience in child and adolescent psychiatry prior to entering public health, Tamsin's research concentrates on public health aspects of the mental health of children and young people, with a particular interest in the transition from child to adult services, and in the application of epidemiological methods for service planning. She has recently completed an NIHR Advanced Fellowship, which studied time trends in child and adolescent mental health and mental health related service contacts (the CHANGES project). Tamsin is also an academic consultant on the NHS Digital Mental Health of Children and Young People in England survey series and co-leads the academic input to the survey consortium. 

Tamsin completed her PhD with the Child Mental Health Group in 2016, which was funded by an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship. Her PhD examined mental health related service contact in school aged children and transition from child to adult services in young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Following her PhD, she was appointed to an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer post, working with the Child Mental Health Group while she completed her Public Health training. Tamsin was a co-investigator on the Children and adolescents with ADHD in transition between children’s services and adult services (CATCh-uS) study and is particularly interested in the roles and perspectives of GPs regarding managing ADHD in young people in primary care. 

Tamsin also has a strong interest in supporting junior clinical and public health academics and in encouraging students and trainees to consider clinical academic careers. She is an accredited academic supervisor, as well as the Specialty Tutor for the University of Exeter for the South West Public Health Training Scheme, and Lead for the NIHR IAT programme at Exeter.

Research specialisms

Tamsin’s main area of specialism is in child psychiatric epidemiology and health services research. Her previous research has involved large dataset analysis using the British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Surveys, and the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, utilising methods such as survival analysis. She also has experience in mixed methods health services research and qualitative research with young people, and has worked as a reviewer and author on large systematic reviews.

Tamsin also has expertise in the use of surveillance systems. She has led the first ever surveillance study of Sydenham's chorea,  conducted through the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Surveillance Service, working with colleagues across the UK and Ireland, funded  by the Paul Polani Prize from the British Academy of Childhood Disability and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and by the Helen H Lawson Award from the BMA Foundation.


  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), 2023
  • Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (FFPH), 2018
  • Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Public Health Medicine, 2018
  • PhD Medical Studies 2016, University of Exeter
  • Member of the Faculty of Public Health (MFPH) 2011
  • Master of Public Health (Distinction) 2010, Cardiff University
  • Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) 2008
  • MBChB (Hons) 2003, Leicester University Medical School

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Research interests

Tamsin’s main research interests are in public health aspects of child mental health, including:

  • Mental health related contact with services
  • Trends over time
  • Transition from child to adult services
  • ADHD in young people
  • Primary care management of ADHD
  • Surveillance methods

Research projects

Selected current projects:

  • Mental Health of Children and Young People in England survey series, including MHCYP 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 (academic co-lead and consultant)  
  • NIHR Advanced Fellowship: Understanding time trends in child and adolescent mental health and the implications for service planning (the CHANGES project) 
  • MAP ADHD: Managing young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in primary care: Mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population. NIHR Three Schools Mental Health Fellowship held by Dr Anna Price (Lead advisor)
  • SPaCE – Support for Parent Carers in England (co-investigator)
  • Modern illness or a thing of the past? Surveillance study of childhood/adolescent Sydenham’s chorea in the UK and the Republic of Ireland: Principal Investigator

Selected previous projects:


  • School for Public Health Research: Supporting educational and youth organisations to deliver self-harm and suicide prevention and postvention: a mixed methods study and co-produced guidance (Co-investigator, approx £186,000, 2023-2024)
  • School for Primary Care Research: Identifying digital healthcare solutions for young people with ADHD (DigitalHealth-ADHD). (Co-investigator, £52,635, 2023-2024)
  • NIHR Three Schools (SPCR, SPHR, SSCR): SPaCE – Support for Parent Carers in England (Co-investigator, £288,836, 2022-2024)
  • MRC/UKRI Covid-19 call 2020-2021 ‘Tracking the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of children, young people and families; follow up of a national longitudinal probability sample (RESHAPE) (Co-investigator, approx. £669,000)
  • NIHR Advanced Fellowship 2020-2024 'Understanding time trends in child and adolescent mental health and the implications for service planning'. (Personal award, £677,000)
  • British Medical Association Helen H Lawson Prize 2019: ‘Understanding the journey of children with Sydenham’s chorea: Surveillance study of Sydenham's chorea presenting to paediatricians and child and adolescent psychiatrists in the UK and the Republic of Ireland’ (Principal Investigator, £18,000)
  • Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) /British Academy of Childhood Disability Paul Polani Prize 2018: ‘Modern illness or a thing of the past? Surveillance study of childhood/adolescent Sydenham’s chorea in the UK and the Republic of Ireland’ (Principal Investigator, £15,000)
  • Academy of Medical Sciences INSPIRE Summer Studentship Award 2018 (as supervisor) ‘Exploring the prevalence and pattern of acute paediatric admissions related to mental health difficulties’ (Supervisor, award value of £1000)
  • NIHR HS&DR project 2015-2019 ‘Young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in transition from children’s services to adult services (Catch-uS): a mixed methods project using national surveillance, qualitative and mapping studies’ (Co-applicant, award total: £802,997.00)
  • NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship 2012-2015: ‘Mental health service use and unmet need in children and young people’ (personal award, total: £294,967)

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Journal articles

Newlove-Delgado T (In Press). Characteristics of children with a psychiatric disorder. in 1999, 2004 and 2017: an analysis of the national. child mental health surveys of England. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Newlove-Delgado TV, Hamilton W, Ford T, Stein K, Ukoumunne O (In Press). Prescribing for young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in UK primary care: analysis of data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders
Gudka R, Becker K, Ward J, Smith J, Mughal F, Melendez-Torres GJ, Newlove-Delgado T, Price A (In Press). Primary care provision for young people with ADHD: a multi-perspective qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Abstract.
Newlove-Delgado TV, Ukoumunne O, Stein K, Ford T, Hamilton W, Janssens A (In Press). Resumption of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder medication in early adulthood: findings from a UK primary care prescribing study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Russell A, Newlove-Delgado T, Russell G (In Press). The challenges and opportunities of mental health data sharing in the UK. The Lancet Digital Health
Newlove-Delgado T, Blake S, Ford T, Janssens A (In Press). Young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in transition: a qualitative study of the experiences of General Practitioners in the UK. BMC Family Practice
Senior M, Pierce M, Taxiarchi VP, Garg S, Edge D, Newlove-Delgado T, Neufeld SAS, Abel KM (2024). 5-year mental health outcomes for children and adolescents presenting with psychiatric symptoms to general practitioners in England: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet Psychiatry, 11(4), 274-284. Abstract.  Author URL.
Newlove-Delgado T, Mathews F, Ukoumunne OC, Ford T, White S (2024). Children and young people’s reported contact with professional services for mental health concerns: a secondary data analysis. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Abstract.
Mathews F, Benham-Clarke S, Ford TJ, Hill S, Sadler K, Newlove-Delgado T (2024). Experiences of help-seeking from professional services for a child or young person’s mental health concerns during the pandemic: a qualitative study. PLOS ONE, 19(4), e0297417-e0297417. Abstract.
Price A, Becker K, Ward J, Ukoumunne O, Coniam-Gudka R, Salimi A, Mughal F, Melendez-Torres GJ, Smith J, Newlove-Delgado T, et al (2024). Support for primary care prescribing for adult ADHD in England: national survey. British Journal of General Practice Abstract.
Eyre M, Thomas T, Ferrarin E, Khamis S, Zuberi SM, Sie A, Newlove-Delgado T, Morton M, Molteni E, Dale RC, et al (2024). Treatments and Outcomes Among Patients with Sydenham Chorea. JAMA Network Open, 7(4).
Panagi L, Newlove-Delgado T, White SR, Bennett S, Heyman I, Shafran R, Ford T (2024). Trends in comorbid physical and mental health conditions in children from 1999 to 2017 in England. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 33(1), 33-38. Abstract.  Author URL.
Holland J, Roe J, Guo B, Dasilva-Ellimah M, Burn A-M, Dubicka B, Ford T, Wagner AP, Nazir S, James A, et al (2023). 'Far Away from Home': adolescent inpatient admissions far from home, out of area or to adult wards: a national surveillance study. BMJ Ment Health, 26(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Wooding EL, Morton MJS, Lim M, Mitrofan O, Mushet N, Sie A, Knight B, Ford T, Newlove-Delgado T (2023). Childhood/adolescent Sydenham’s chorea in the UK and Ireland: a BPSU/CAPSS surveillance study. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 108(9), 736-741. Abstract.
Russell AE, Benham‐Clarke S, Ford T, Eke H, Price A, Mitchell S, Newlove‐Delgado T, Moore D, Janssens A (2023). Educational experiences of young people with <scp>ADHD</scp> in the <scp>UK</scp>: Secondary analysis of qualitative data from the <scp>CATCh‐uS</scp> mixed‐methods study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(4), 941-959. Abstract.
Benham-Clarke S, Roberts G, Janssens A, Newlove-Delgado T (2023). Healthy relationship education programmes for young people: systematic review of outcomes. Pastoral Care in Education, 41(3), 266-288. Abstract.
Benham-Clarke SR, Ewing J, Barlow A, Newlove-Delgado T (2023). Learning how relationships work: a thematic analysis of young people and relationship professionals’ perspectives on relationships and relationship education. European Psychiatry, 66(S1), S369-S369. Abstract.
Newlove-Delgado T, Mathews F, Ford T (2023). Mental health related service contacts in children with ‘sub-threshold/sub-clinical’ psychopathology in the Mental Health of Children and Young People in England national survey. European Psychiatry, 66(Suppl 1), s466-s466.
Price A, Smith JR, Mughal F, Salimi A, Melendez-Torres GJ, Newlove-Delgado T (2023). Protocol for the mixed methods, Managing young people (aged 16–25) with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Primary care (MAP) study: mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population. BMJ Open, 13(7), e068184-e068184. Abstract.
Anderson JK, Newlove-Delgado T, Ford TJ (2022). Annual Research Review: a systematic review of mental health services for emerging adults - moulding a precipice into a smooth passage. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 63(4), 447-462. Abstract.  Author URL.
Newlove‐Delgado T, Russell AE, Mathews F, Cross L, Bryant E, Gudka R, Ukoumunne OC, Ford TJ (2022). Annual Research Review: the impact of Covid‐19 on psychopathology in children and young people worldwide: systematic review of studies with pre‐ and within‐pandemic data. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64(4), 611-640. Abstract.
O'Logbon J, Newlove-Delgado T, McManus S, Mathews F, Hill S, Sadler K, Ford T (2022). How does the increase in eating difficulties according to the Development and Well-Being Assessment screening items relate to the population prevalence of eating disorders? an analysis of the 2017 Mental Health in Children and Young People survey. Int J Eat Disord, 55(12), 1777-1787. Abstract.  Author URL.
Price A, Mitchell S, Janssens A, Eke H, Ford T, Newlove-Delgado T (2022). In transition with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): children's services clinicians' perspectives on the role of information in healthcare transitions for young people with ADHD. BMC Psychiatry, 22(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Asherson P, Leaver L, Adamou M, Arif M, Askey G, Butler M, Cubbin S, Newlove-Delgado T, Kustow J, Lanham-Cook J, et al (2022). Mainstreaming adult ADHD into primary care in the UK: guidance, practice, and best practice recommendations. BMC Psychiatry, 22(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Russell G, Stapley S, Newlove-Delgado T, Salmon A, White R, Warren F, Pearson A, Ford T (2022). Time trends in autism diagnosis over 20 years: a UK population-based cohort study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 63(6), 674-682. Abstract.  Author URL.
May F, Ford T, Janssens A, Newlove-Delgado T, Emma Russell A, Salim J, Ukoumunne OC, Hayes R (2021). Attainment, attendance, and school difficulties in UK primary schoolchildren with probable ADHD. Br J Educ Psychol, 91(1), 442-462. Abstract.  Author URL.
Newlove-Delgado T, McManus S, Sadler K, Thandi S, Vizard T, Cartwright C, Ford T, Mental Health of Children and Young People group (2021). Child mental health in England before and during the COVID-19 lockdown. Lancet Psychiatry, 8(5), 353-354.  Author URL.
Newlove‐Delgado T (2021). Commentary: ‘Levelling down’ or ‘building back fairer’? A commentary/reflection on Wright et al. (2021). JCPP Advances, 1(1).
Young S, Asherson P, Lloyd T, Absoud M, Arif M, Colley WA, Cortese S, Cubbin S, Doyle N, Morua SD, et al (2021). Failure of Healthcare Provision for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the United Kingdom: a Consensus Statement. Front Psychiatry, 12 Abstract.  Author URL.
Ford T, Kusi-Mensah K, Newlove-Delgado T, Ramchandani P, Price-Kuehne F, Rowitch D (2021). Optimising the health-care experiences of babies, children, and young people. Lancet, 398(10307), 1201-1203.  Author URL.
Benham-Clarke S, Ford T, Mitchell SB, Price A, Newlove-Delgado T, Blake S, Eke H, Moore DA, Emma Russell A, Janssens A, et al (2021). Role of education settings in transition from child to adult health services for young people with ADHD. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 26(4), 341-358. Abstract.
Eke H, Janssens A, Newlove-Delgado T, Paul M, Price A, Young S, Ford T (2020). Clinician perspectives on the use of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines for the process of transition in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Child Care Health Dev, 46(1), 111-120. Abstract.  Author URL.
Price A, Janssens A, Newlove-Delgado T, Eke H, Paul M, Sayal K, Hollis C, Ani C, Young S, Dunn-Morua S, et al (2020). Mapping UK mental health services for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: national survey with comparison of reporting between three stakeholder groups. BJPsych Open, 6(4). Abstract.
Price A, Ford T, Janssens A, Williams AJ, Newlove-Delgado T (2020). Regional analysis of UK primary care prescribing and adult service referrals for young people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. BJPsych Open, 6(1). Abstract.
Mathews F, Newlove-Delgado T, Finning K, Boyle C, Hayes R, Johnston P, Ford T (2020). Teachers' concerns about pupil's mental health in a cross-sectional survey of a population sample of British schoolchildren. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, TBC(TBC). Abstract.
Janssens A, Eke H, Price A, Blake S, Newlove-Delgado T, Logan S, Ford T (2020). Young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in transition from children's services to adult services (CATCh-uS): a mixed methods national scoping study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 1-184. Abstract.
Price A, Newlove-Delgado T, Eke H, Paul M, Young S, Ford T, Janssens A (2019). In transition with ADHD: the role of information, in facilitating or impeding young people’s transition into adult services. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1). Abstract.
Newlove-Delgado T, Abbott RA, Martin AE (2019). Probiotics for Children with Recurrent Abdominal Pain. JAMA Pediatr, 173(2), 183-184. Abstract.  Author URL.
Eke HE, Ford T, Newlove-Delgado T, Price A, Young S, Ani C, Sayal K, Paul M, Janssens A (2019). Transition between child and adult services for young people with ADHD:. findings from a British national surveillance study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-7.
Longridge R, Norman S, Henley W, Newlove Delgado T, Ford T (2018). Investigating the agreement between the clinician and research diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and how it changes over time; a clinical cohort study. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 24(2), 133-141. Abstract.
Abbott RA, Martin AE, Newlove-Delgado TV, Bethel A, Whear RS, Thompson Coon J, Logan S (2018). Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children: Summary Evidence from 3 Systematic Reviews of Treatment Effectiveness. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 67(1), 23-33. Abstract.  Author URL.
Newlove-Delgado T, Ford TJ, Stein K, Garside R (2018). ‘You’re 18 now, goodbye’: the experiences of young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder of the transition from child to adult services. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 23(3), 296-309.
Newlove-Delgado TV, Martin AE, Abbott RA, Bethel A, Thompson-Coon J, Whear R, Logan S (2017). Dietary interventions for recurrent abdominal pain in childhood. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 3(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Martin AE, Newlove-Delgado TV, Abbott RA, Bethel A, Thompson-Coon J, Whear R, Logan S (2017). Pharmacological interventions for recurrent abdominal pain in childhood. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017(3). Abstract.
Newlove-Delgado TV, Ford TJ, Ukoumunne OC, Hamilton W, Stein K (2017). Prescribing of medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among young people in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink 2005–2013: analysis of time to cessation. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Abbott RA, Martin AE, Newlove-Delgado TV, Bethel A, Thompson-Coon J, Whear R, Logan S (2017). Psychosocial interventions for recurrent abdominal pain in childhood. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 1(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Newlove-Delgado T, Moore D, Ukoumunne OC, Stein K, Ford T (2015). Mental health related contact with education professionals in the British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Survey 2004. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 10(3), 159-169. Abstract.
Richardson M, Moore D, Gwernan-Jones R, Thompson-Coon J, Ukoumunne O, Rogers M, Whear R, Newlove-Delgado T, Logan S, Morris C, et al (2015). Non pharmacological interventions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) delivered in school settings: Systematic reviews of quantitative and qualitative research. Health Technology Assessment, 19(45)
Newlove-Delgado T, Ukoumunne OC, Stein K, Ford TJ (2015). Trajectories of Psychopathology in Relation to Mental Health Related Service Contacts over Three Years in the British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Survey 2004. EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY, 30  Author URL.
Martin AE, Newlove-Delgado TV, Abbott RA, Bethel A, Thompson-Coon J, Nikolaou V, Logan S (2014). Dietary interventions for recurrent abdominal pain in childhood. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014(2). Abstract.
Martin AE, Newlove-Delgado TV, Abbott RA, Bethel A, Thompson-Coon J, Nikolaou V, Logan S (2014). Pharmacological interventions for recurrent abdominal pain in childhood. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014(2). Abstract.
Martin AE, Newlove-Delgado TV, Abbott RA, Bethel A, Thompson-Coon J, Nikolaou V, Logan S (2014). Psychosocial interventions for recurrent abdominal pain in childhood. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014(2). Abstract.
Newlove-Delgado T, Stein K (2012). Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Public health implications. Perspectives in Public Health, 132(5), 209-210.
Newlove-Delgado T, Murphy E, Ford T (2012). Evaluation of a pilot project for mental health screening for children looked after in an inner London borough. Journal of Children's Services, 7(3), 213-225. Abstract.


Newlove-Delgado T, Mathews F, Cross L, Wooding E, Ford T (2023). Chapter 5 the COVID-19 pandemic and child and adolescent mental health—what has been learned and lessons for the future. In  (Ed) Shaping the Future of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Elsevier, 111-144.
Newlove-Delgado T, Ford TJ (2020). Screening Methods and When to Use Them. In  (Ed) Mental Health and Illness of Children and Adolescents, Springer Nature, 1-22.
Newlove-Delgado T, Ford TJ (2020). Screening Methods and When to Use Them. In  (Ed) Mental Health and Illness of Children and Adolescents, Springer Nature, 17-38.


Trethewey SP, Mathews F, Russell A, Newlove-Delgado T (2023). Mental health of children and young people aged 5-16 in England: socio-demographic and clinical characteristics associated with support and service contact.  Author URL.
Sales K, Newlove-Delgado T, Street K (2022). 1856 Characterising a paediatrician led adolescent eating disorder service. Poster.
Mathews F, Ford T, Newlove-Delgado T (2022). P35 Are children who need help in contact with services?/what do we know about patterns of service contact?. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting.
Wooding E, Morton M, Lim M, Ford T, Mitrofan O, Newlove-Delgado T (2021). 1096 Modern illness or a thing of the past? Surveillance study of childhood/adolescent sydenham’s chorea in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Abstracts.
Bates R, Newlove-Delgado T, Husk K, Berry V (2019). G240 Prevalence and patterns of mental health-related paediatric hospital admissions. PAEDIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION AND CHILDREN’S ETHICS AND LAW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS.

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External Engagement and Impact

External positions

Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

Executive Board member, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Surveillance System (CAPSS) | Royal College of Psychiatrists (

External Examiner to the Public Health Degree Apprenticeship course, University of the West of England

Board member, South West Population and Public Health Academy Board

Academic consultant and consortium member: NHS Digital Mental Health of Children and Young People in England surveys

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I have experience in designing and delivering teaching, in tutoring and in supervising others. I am also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I have been involved in teaching for various audiences including public health professionals, psychiatric and paediatric trainees, and dental and medical students. I al also Clinical Lead for Public Health for the Exeter BMBS course.

Specific teaching responsibilities have included:

  • BMBS Special Study Units on Research in Action and Healthcare: provider for SSUs on “Young People’s Mental Health” and “Children and Young People’s Mental Health: Understanding Population Need and Improving Services” (since 2019). Second provider for SSU on “Health Protection” since 2020.
  • BMBS Making Sense of Evidence: Session tutor (since 2017); previously member of Clinical Decision Making group designing sessions.
  • BMBS lectures: design and delivery of lectures on “Child Health Inequalities” and “Child Mental Health” (since 2019)
  • BMedSci Research Project (CSC3028): Supervisor  narrative review projects (since 2022
  • BMedSci Professional Training Year: Second supervisor (since 2022)

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Supervision / Group

Research Fellows

  • Franki Mathews
  • Simon Benham-Clarke
  • Samuel Trethewey

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Kate Allen
  • Shelley Norman

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