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University of Exeter Medical School

Professor Rob Anderson

Professor Rob Anderson

Professor of Health Services and Implementation Research, Co-Director of Exeter HSDR Evidence Synthesis Centre



 South Cloisters 


South Cloisters, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


I am an applied health services researcher and implementation scientist with a particular interest in the evaluation and synthesis of evidence about health policies and complex health interventions, such as innovations in health and care service organisation and delivery. I have a long-standing interest in the use of theory-driven methods of systematic review and evidence synthesis (in particular ‘realist review’), and have applied and extended these approaches to issues of programme implementation, service changes and evidence about the resource use and cost-effectiveness of interventions and public health programmes.

I have over 25 years' experience as a health services researcher, economic evaluator, and implementation science scholar in both the UK NHS and (from 2002 to 2005) the Australian health system.

I am Director of the ESMI research group (since April 2014). Since 2017 I have also Co-led of the Exeter HS&DR Evidence Synthesis Centre. Within the university I am the Exeter theme lead for the Healthy Living theme within the QUEX Institute - our high-level strategic collaboration with the University of Queensland. Since 2022 I have chaired the university's Responsible Metrics Champions Group, which drives our shared learning and actions towards more equitable, transparent and inclusive assessment of research and researchers.

Broad research specialisms

  • Systematic reviews and evidence synthesis for policy-making (especially theory-driven approaches and responsive/rapid methods for informing policy makers).
  • Health services research and evaluation methodology
  • Implementation Science and Knowledge Mobilisation/Translation

Follow me on Twitter @RobAinHSR:

Recent key publications

Price A, Ahuja L, Bramwell C, Briscoe S, Shaw L, Nunns M, O’Rourke G, Baron S, Anderson R. Research evidence on different strengths-based approaches within adult social work: a systematic review. Southampton: NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Topic Report; 2020. DOI:

Anderson R, Booth, A, Eastwood, A. et al.  (2021) Synthesis for health services and policy : case studies in the scoping of reviews. Health Services and Delivery Research, 2021; 9 (15). pp. 1-84. ISSN 2050-4349

Clarke L, Anderson M, Anderson R, Klausen MB, Forman R, Kerns J, Rabe A, Kristensen SR, Theodorakis P, Valderas J, Kluge H, Mossialos E. Economic Aspects of Delivering Primary Care Services: An Evidence Synthesis to Inform Policy and Research Priorities. Milbank Quarterly. 2021;99(4):974-1023.

Anderson R, Hardwick R, Pearson M, Byng.  2018. Using realist approaches to explain the costs and cost-effectiveness of programmes. Chapter 8 in:  Emmel N, Greenhalgh J, Manzano A, Monaghan M, and Dalkin S, eds. Doing Realist Research. Sage: London.


  • PhD, Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of out-of-hours dental services (Wales, 2002)
  • MSc. Health Policy, Planning and Financing (LSHTM & London School of Economics, 1998)
  • MA(Econ.) Applied Social Research (Manchester, 1995)
  • BA(Hons) Geography (University of Oxford, 1989)


In a varied career before reinventing myself as a health services and implementation science researcher I have been: an information officer in a London local government planning department, an enumeration officer on the UK census and also qualified as a management accountant in the chemical industry.

From 1997 to 2001 I was a researcher in dental public health and an evaluator of emergency dental services (my PhD) based at Cardiff Dental School . From early 2001 to 2005 I was a research officer at the Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), conducting evaluations, economic evaluations and systematic reviews to inform health policy and service organisation in Australia (both for the Federal Government and State governments: NSW, Victoria and Queensland).

For the first six or so years since joining Exeter I worked mainly as a health economist, on health technology assessments (with PenTAG, mainly to inform NICE guidance) or on a range of NIHR-funded trials (especially of complex mental health interventions).  From 2008 to 2011 I directed the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre at Exeter, which produced systematic reviews and economic modelling to inform NICE public health guidance.

Since about 2010, I have increasingly specialised in (i) developing and applying diverse methods of evidence synthesis to inform health policy and practice, including; methods for so-called rapid reviews, realist reviews, and (ii) implementation science and knowledge mobilisation research.

Research group links

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Research interests

In terms of areas of policy and practice, he increasingly specialises in synthesizing research evidence about public health programmes and strategies (e.g. injury prevention, obesity prevention), or alternative models of delivery and organisation of care (intermediate care, shared care, IAPT services). Collectively these all relate to the challenges and opportunities for better evaluating and understanding complex interventions, and also to the emergence of so-called "implementation science" or knowledge mobilisation research.

Methodologically this work spans both systematic review (including strategies for producing high quality rapid or responsive reviews for policy makers and practitioners) and decision modelling. Within systematic review and evidence synthesis he and his colleagues are assessing the value of more theory-driven methods of evidence synthesis, both to better understand how and why particular models of care (e.g. intermediate care, or shared care) or particular approaches to public health (e.g. whole system approaches) produce intended and unintended outcomes. In terms of their use of modelling and simulation methods, they are extending their use to the analysis of public health programmes and screening programmes, including genetic testing.

Research projects

Current projects

  • Implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS) approach in healthcare. Evidence synthesis for the NIHR HSDR programme. Protocol here.
  • Developing Realist Economic Evaluation Methods (REEM) This research will develop realist economic evaluation methods (REEM) and guidance to better understand and evaluate the benefits and costs of complex interventions. (led by Prof. Sonia Dalkin and Prof. Angela Bate at the University of Northumbria)
  • RecoverED - Aims to develop and evaluate a package of activities to help people recover from delirium at home.
  • MIPAC Evaluation (municipal inpatient acute care in Norway) - Do admission avoidance intermediate care schemes contribute to sustainable health care services? (with political scientists health economists and others from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the University of Oslo (UiO), Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), the Health Services Research Group (HØKH) at Akershus University Hospital and the University of Agder (UiA) - role: realist methods advice and PhD supervision.

Recent projects:

  • Evidence Gap Map of Remote Monitoring in long term conditions - HSDR Evidence Synthesis Centre project for Department of Health & Social care -  role: Academic co-lead
  • Evidence review on implementation in education (for Education Endowment Foundation) -  role: realist research and implementation science methods advice
  • Review of the effectiveness and implementation of Strengths-Based Approaches to adult social work (NIHR HS&DR programme) - role: Co-PI and project director
  • Realist evaluation and evidence synthesis to inform diabetes health service redesign in the Australian Indian Ocean Territories (with collaborators at Australian National University and Glasgow Caledonian University) - role: methods adviserICoN - Review of evidence and survey of NHS practice in relation to improving continence in children and young people with neurodisability (PI: Chris Morris, UEMS) - role: methods adviser
  • Economic Aspects of Delivering Primary Care Services - An Umbrella Review (with collaborators in LSE Health, WHO Europe and the Danish Health Authority) - role: methods adviser and third reviewer.
  • ENGAGER II - Identifying and supporting male offenders with common mental health problems (NIHR PgfAR) - with collaborators at University of Plymouth (PI: R Byng), Manchester University, Cardiff University

Past projects:

  • Realist review of the implementation of Health promotion in Schools (NIHR School for Public Health Research) � with Mark Pearson and Roy Chilton
  • Realist review of shared care for long-term conditions (NIHR PenCLAHRC); with Rebecca Hardwick, Richard Byng and Mark Pearson
  • Using pharmacogenetics to improve treatment in young-onset diabetes: cost-effectiveness modeling (UNITED study)
  • Diabetes Intervention for Agenda Trial (DIAT)
  • Using frontline expertise and new models of care to safely reduce avoidable acute admissions (AAA project)

Current Grants/Funding

  • Evidence Syntheses for the Evidence Synthesis Programme, Co-PIs: Prof J Thompson Coon, Prof GJ Melendez Torres, £2.5 million (2023-2028)

  • REEM: Project to develop Realist Economic Evaluation Methods, Co-PIs Prof S Dalkin Prof A Bate, NIHR HSDR programme £803,952 (2022-2024)

  • Exeter HSDR Evidence Synethesis Centre, Co-PIs Prof R Anderson Prof J Thompson Coon, NIHR HSDR programme £600,000 (2020-2024)

  • MiPAC evaluation: Variations in trajectories, utilisation and costs in Norwegian municipal in-patient acute care units. PI: Prof. M Skinner, Reseach Council of Norway (Exeter funding = £54,963 (= Kr742,000)

  • Policy Research Programme - Evidence Review Facility. PI: Prof. J Thompson Coon, NIHR/dept of Health & Social Care, £2.6 million (2020-2024)

  • RecoverED study: Development and testing of an intervention to improve Recovery after an Episode of Delirium, PI: Prof L Allan, NIHR PGfAR, £2,527,719 (2022-2026)

Past Grants/Funding

  • DIAT - Diabetes Intervention for Agenda Trial (NIHR RfPB), PI: Prof N Britten, £118,160 (2012-2014)
  • Realist review and conceptual framework of intermediate care (NIHR HS&DR Programme), PI: R Anderson, £101,079 (2011-12).
  • AAA project: How can frontline expertise and new models of care best contribute to safely reducing avoidable acute admissions?, PI � R Byng, �433,029 (2013-15)
  • *ENGAGER 2 � NIHR Programme Grant, to develop and evaluate a clinical and organisational intervention for prisoners with common mental health problems, PI � R Byng, �1,981,728 (2013-17)
  • UNITED - Using pharmacogenetics to improve treatment in young-onset diabetes, PI � Prof. A Hattersley, �1,643,278 (2011-14)
  • *PACES � Cluster-randomised trial of classroom-based CBT for preventing low mood and anxiety in primary school aged children, PI � Prof. P Stallard, �1,164,000 (2011-2013)
  • *NCS-LSD � National Collaborative Study of Lysosomal Storage Disorders, PI � Prof. S Logan, �1,250,881 (2007-12)

*On these research projects as the lead health economist.

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Somerville K, Kumaran K, Anderson R (2016). Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance. Oxford, WILEY Blackwell.
Somerville M, Kumaran K, Anderson R (2012). Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance., Wiley-Blackwell. Abstract.

Journal articles

Shaw E, Nunns M, Briscoe S, Anderson R, Thompson Coon J (In Press). A ’Rapid Best-Fit’ model for framework synthesis: using research objectives to structure analysis within a rapid review of qualitative evidence. Research Synthesis Methods
Byng R, Kirkpatrick T, Lennox C, Warren FC, Anderson R, Brand SL, Callaghan L, Carroll L, Durcan G, Gill L, et al (In Press). Evaluation of a complex intervention for prisoners with common mental health problems, near to and after release: the Engager randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry Abstract.
De Bell S, Zhelev Z, Bethel A, Thompson Coon J, Anderson R (In Press). Factors influencing effective data sharing between healthcare and social care regarding the care of older people: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Health and Social Care Delivery Research Abstract.
Eke H, Ball S, Allinson A, Anderson R, Hunt H, Hutton E, Lindsay C, Logan S, Madden N, Melluish J, et al (In Press). Interventions to improve continence for children and young people with neurodisability: a national survey of practitioner and family perspectives and experiences. BMJ Paeditatrics Open Abstract.
Moore D, Nunns M, Shaw L, Rogers M, Walker E, Ford T, Garside R, Ukoumunne O, Titman P, Shafran R, et al (In Press). Interventions to improve the mental health of children and young people with long-term physical conditions: Linked evidence syntheses. Health Technology Assessment
De Bell S, Zhelev Z, Shaw N, Bethel A, Anderson R, Thompson Coon J (In Press). Remote monitoring for long-term physical health conditions: an evidence and gap map. NIHR Journals Library Publications
Peters J, Anderson R, Shields B, Hudson M, Shepherd M, McDonald T, Hattersley A, Hyde C (In Press). Strategies to Identify Individuals with Monogenic Diabetes: Results of an Economic Evaluation. BMJ Open
Allan L, O'Connell A, Raghuraman S, Bingham A, Laverick A, Chandler K, Connors J, Jones B, Um J, Morgan-Trimmer S, et al (2023). A rehabilitation intervention to improve recovery after an episode of delirium in adults over 65 years (RecoverED): study protocol for a multi-centre, single-arm feasibility study. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Kinsey D, Orr N, Anderson R, Lang I (2022). A conceptual model of the impact of including carers in museum programmes for people with dementia. Dementia (London), 21(8), 2584-2600. Abstract.  Author URL.
Byng R, Lennox C, Kirkpatrick T, Quinn C, Anderson R, Brand SL, Callaghan L, Carroll L, Durcan G, Gill L, et al (2022). Development and evaluation of a collaborative care intervention for male prison leavers with mental health problems: the Engager research programme. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 10(8), 1-46. Abstract.
Hunter RM, Anderson R, Kirkpatrick T, Lennox C, Warren F, Taylor RS, Shaw J, Haddad M, Stirzaker A, Maguire M, et al (2022). Economic evaluation of a complex intervention (Engager) for prisoners with common mental health problems, near to and after release: a cost-utility and cost-consequences analysis. Eur J Health Econ, 23(2), 193-210. Abstract.  Author URL.
Coehlo H, Price A, Kiff F, Trigg L, Robinson S, Thompson Coon J, Anderson R (2022). Experiences of children and young people from ethnic minorities in accessing mental health care and support: rapid scoping review. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 10 Abstract.
Ahuja L, Price A, Bramwell C, Briscoe S, Shaw L, Nunns M, O'Rourke G, Baron S, Anderson R (2022). Implementation of the Making Safeguarding Personal Approach to Strengths-based Adult Social Care: Systematic Review of Qualitative Research Evidence. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK, 52(8), 4640-4663.  Author URL.
Weston L, Rybczynska-Bunt S, Quinn C, Lennox C, Maguire M, Pearson M, Stirzaker A, Durcan G, Stevenson C, Graham J, et al (2022). Interrogating intervention delivery and participants’ emotional states to improve engagement and implementation: a realist informed multiple case study evaluation of Engager. PLOS ONE, 17(7), e0270691-e0270691. Abstract.
Price A, de Bell S, Shaw N, Bethel A, Anderson R, Coon JT (2022). What is the volume, diversity and nature of recent, robust evidence for the use of peer support in health and social care? an evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(3). Abstract.
Clarke L, Anderson M, Anderson R, Klausen MB, Forman R, Kerns J, Rabe A, Kristensen SR, Theodorakis P, Valderas J, et al (2021). Economic Aspects of Delivering Primary Care Services: an Evidence Synthesis to Inform Policy and Research Priorities. Milbank Q, 99(4), 974-1023. Abstract.  Author URL.
Eke H, Hunt H, Ball S, Rogers M, Whear R, Allinson A, Melluish J, Lindsay C, Richardson D, Rogers J, et al (2021). Improving continence in children and young people with neurodisability: survey of current NHS practice and systematic review of effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and contextual factors that modify implementation of interventions. Health Technology Assessment
Gangannagaripalli J, Porter I, Davey A, Ricci Cabello I, Greenhalgh J, Anderson R, Briscoe S, Hughes C, Payne R, Cockcroft E, et al (2021). STOPP/START interventions to improve medicines management for people aged 65 years and over: a realist synthesis. Health Services and Delivery Research, 9(23), 1-118. Abstract.
Anderson R, Booth A, Eastwood A, Rodgers M, Shaw L, Thompson Coon J, Briscoe S, Cantrell A, Chambers D, Goyder E, et al (2021). Synthesis for health services and policy: case studies in the scoping of reviews. Health Services and Delivery Research, 9(15), 1-84. Abstract.
Nunns M, John JB, McGrath JS, Shaw L, Briscoe S, Thompson Coon J, Hemsley A, Lovegrove CJ, Thomas D, Mythen MG, et al (2020). Evaluating enhanced recovery after surgery: time to cover new ground and discover the missing patient voice. Perioperative Medicine, 9(1). Abstract.
O’Rourke G, Parker D, Anderson R, Morgan-Trimmer S, Allan L (2020). Interventions to support recovery following an episode of delirium: a realist synthesis. Aging & Mental Health, 25(10), 1769-1785.
Price A, Ahuja L, Bramwell C, Briscoe S, Shaw E, Nunns M, O'Rourke G, Baron S, Anderson R (2020). Research evidence on different strengths-based approaches within adult social work: a systematic review. HS&DR Evidence Synthesis Centre Topic Report (peer-reviewed), 1-157. Abstract.
Long H (2020). Understanding why primary care doctors leave direct patient care: a systematic review of qualitative research. BMJ Open, 10
Rycroft-Malone J, Gradinger F, Owen Griffiths H, Anderson R, Crane RS, Gibson A, Mercer SW, Kuyken W (2019). 'Mind the gaps': the accessibility and implementation of an effective depression relapse prevention programme in UK NHS services: Learning from mindfulness-based cognitive therapy through a mixedmethods study. BMJ Open, 9(9). Abstract.
Nunns MPI, Shaw L, Briscoe S, Thompson Coon J, Hemsley A, McGrath JS, Lovegrove CJ, Thomas D, Anderson R (2019). Multicomponent hospital-led interventions to reduce hospital stay for older adults following elective surgery: a systematic review. Health Services and Delivery Research, 7(40), 1-178.
Campbell JL, Fletcher E, Abel G, Anderson R, Chilvers R, Dean SG, Richards SH, Sansom A, Terry R, Aylward A, et al (2019). Policies and strategies to retain and support the return of experienced GPs in direct patient care: the ReGROUP mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 7(14), 1-288. Abstract.
Kinsey D, Lang I, Orr N, Anderson R, Parker D (2019). The impact of including carers in museum programmes for people with dementia: a realist review. Arts & Health, 13(1), 1-19.
Richards SH, Dickens C, Anderson R, Richards DA, Taylor RS, Ukoumunne OC, Turner KM, Gandhi M, Kuyken W, Gibson A, et al (2018). Assessing the effectiveness of Enhanced Psychological Care for patients with depressive symptoms attending cardiac rehabilitation compared with treatment as usual (CADENCE): a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials, 19(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Castro R, Crathorne L, Perazzo H, Silva J, Cooper C, Varley-Campbell J, Marinho DS, Haasova M, Veloso VG, Anderson R, et al (2018). Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for chronic hepatitis C: a systematic review of model-based analyses. BMC Med Res Methodol, 18(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Richards SH, Campbell JL, Dickens C, Anderson R, Gandhi M, Gibson A, Kessler D, Knight L, Kuyken W, Richards DA, et al (2018). Enhanced psychological care in cardiac rehabilitation services for patients with new-onset depression: the CADENCE feasibility study and pilot RCT. Health Technol Assess, 22(30), 1-220. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kirkpatrick T, Lennox C, Taylor R, Anderson R, Maguire M, Haddad M, Michie S, Owens C, Durcan G, Stirzaker A, et al (2018). Evaluation of a complex intervention (Engager) for prisoners with common mental health problems, near to and after release: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ OPEN, 8(2).  Author URL.
Shaw EH, Nunns MP, Briscoe S, Anderson R, Thompson Coon J (2018). Experiences of the ‘Nearest Relative’ provisions in the compulsory detention of people under the Mental Health Act: rapid systematic review. Health Services and Delivery Research
Lennox C, Kirkpatrick T, Taylor RS, Todd R, Greenwood C, Haddad M, Stevenson C, Stewart A, Shenton D, Carroll L, et al (2018). Pilot randomised controlled trial of the ENGAGER collaborative care intervention for prisoners with common mental health problems, near to and after release. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 4 Abstract.  Author URL.
Ukoumunne OC, Vaidya B, Frost J, Anderson R, Argyle C, Daly M, Harris-Golesworthy F, Harris J, Gibson A, Ingram W, et al (2017). A preconsultation web-based tool to generate an agenda for discussion in diabetes outpatient clinics to improve patient outcomes (DIAT): a feasibility study. BMJ Open, 7(3). Abstract.
Rycroft-Malone J, Gradinger F, Griffiths HO, Crane R, Gibson A, Mercer S, Anderson R, Kuyken W (2017). Accessibility and implementation in the UK NHS services of an effective depression relapse prevention programme: learning from mindfulness-based cognitive therapy through a mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 5(14), 1-190. Abstract.
Snowsill TM, Moore J, Mota REM, Peters JL, Jones-Hughes TL, Huxley NJ, Coelho HF, Haasova M, Cooper C, Lowe JA, et al (2017). Immunosuppressive agents in adult kidney transplantation in the National Health Service: a model-based economic evaluation. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 32(7), 1251-1259. Abstract.
Perazzo H, Jorge MJ, Silva JC, Avellar AM, Silva PS, Romero C, Veloso VG, Mujica-Mota R, Anderson R, Hyde C, et al (2017). Micro-costing analysis of guideline-based treatment by direct-acting agents: the real-life case of hepatitis C management in Brazil. BMC Gastroenterol, 17(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Fletcher E, Abel GA, Anderson R, Richards SH, Salisbury C, Dean SG, Sansom A, Warren FC, Campbell JL (2017). Quitting patient care and career break intentions among general practitioners in South West England: Findings of a census survey of general practitioners. BMJ Open, 7(4). Abstract.
Richards SH, Dickens C, Anderson R, Richards DA, Taylor RS, Ukoumunne OC, Kessler D, Turner K, Kuyken W, Gandhi M, et al (2016). Assessing the effectiveness of enhanced psychological care for patients with depressive symptoms attending cardiac rehabilitation compared with treatment as usual (CADENCE): study protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials, 17 Abstract.  Author URL.
Pinkney J, Rance S, Benger J, Brant H, Joel-Edgar S, Swancutt D, Westlake D, Pearson M, Thomas D, Holme I, et al (2016). How can frontline expertise and new models of care best contribute to safely reducing avoidable acute admissions? a mixed-methods study of four acute hospitals. Abstract.
Jones-Hughes T, Snowsill T, Haasova M, Coelho H, Crathorne L, Cooper C, Mujica-Mota R, Peters J, Varley-Campbell J, Huxley N, et al (2016). Immunosuppressive therapy for kidney transplantation in adults: a systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess, 20(62), 1-594. Abstract.  Author URL.
Haasova M, Snowsill T, Jones-Hughes T, Crathorne L, Cooper C, Varley-Campbell J, Mujica-Mota R, Coelho H, Huxley N, Lowe J, et al (2016). Immunosuppressive therapy for kidney transplantation in children and adolescents: systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess, 20(61), 1-324. Abstract.  Author URL.
Anderson R, Hardwick R (2016). Realism and resources: Towards more explanatory economic evaluation. Evaluation
Stallard P, Skryabina E, Taylor G, Anderson R, Ukoumunne OC, Daniels H, Phillips R, Simpson N (2015). A cluster randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a school-based cognitive behavioural therapy programme (FRIENDS)in the reduction of anxiety and improvement in mood in children aged 9/10 years. Public Health Research, 3(14), 1-88.
Chilton R, Pearson M, Anderson R (2015). Health promotion in schools: a scoping review of systematic reviews. Health Education, 115(3-4), 357-376. Abstract.
Hardwick R, Anderson R, Cooper C (2015). How do third sector organisations use research and other knowledge? a systematic scoping review. Implementation Science, 10(1). Abstract.
Pearson M, Chilton R, Wyatt K, Abraham C, Ford T, Woods HB, Anderson R (2015). Implementing health promotion programmes in schools: a realist systematic review of research and experience in the United Kingdom. Implement Sci, 10 Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson M, Hunt HA, Cooper C, Shepperd S, Pawson R, Anderson R (2015). Providing effective and preferred care closer to home: a realist review of intermediate care. Health and Social Care in the Community, 2(23).
Fuller T, Pearson M, Peters J, Anderson R (2015). What affects authors' and editors' use of reporting guidelines? Findings from an online survey and qualitative interviews. PLoS One, 10(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Rycroft-Malone J, Anderson R, Crane RS, Gibson A, Gradinger F, Owen Griffiths H, Mercer S, Kuyken W (2014). Accessibility and implementation in UK services of an effective depression relapse prevention programme - mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT): ASPIRE study protocol. Implementation Science, 9(1). Abstract.
Stallard P, Skryabina E, Taylor G, Phillips R, Daniels H, Anderson R, Simpson N (2014). Classroom-based cognitive behaviour therapy (FRIENDS): a cluster randomised controlled trial to Prevent Anxiety in Children through Education in Schools (PACES). LANCET PSYCHIATRY, 1(3), 185-192.  Author URL.
Anderson R, Ukoumunne OC, Sayal K, Phillips R, Taylor JA, Spears M, Araya R, Lewis G, Millings A, Montgomery AA, et al (2014). Cost-effectiveness of classroom-based cognitive behaviour therapy in reducing symptoms of depression in adolescents: a trial-based analysis. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 55(12), 1390-1397. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fox C, Kay EJ, Anderson R (2014). Evidence-based dentistry--overcoming the challenges for the UK's dental practitioners. Br Dent J, 217(4), 191-194. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fuller T, Peters J, Pearson M, Anderson R (2014). Impact of the transparent reporting of evaluations with nonrandomized designs reporting guideline: ten years on. Am J Public Health, 104(11), e110-e117. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fox C, Kay EJ, Anderson R (2014). Involving dental practitioners in setting the dental research agenda. Br Dent J, 217(6), 307-310. Abstract.  Author URL.
Henley WE, Anderson LJ, Wyatt KM, Nikolaou V, Anderson R, Logan S (2014). The NCS-LSD cohort study: a description of the methods and analyses used to assess the long-term effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy and substrate reduction therapy in patients with lysosomal storage disorders. J Inherit Metab Dis, 37(6), 939-944. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stallard P, Taylor G, Anderson R, Daniels H, Simpson N, Phillips R, Skryabina E (2014). The prevention of anxiety in children through school-based interventions: study protocol for a 24-month follow-up of the PACES project. TRIALS, 15  Author URL.
Bonell C, Humphrey N, Fletcher A, Moore L, Anderson R, Campbell R (2014). Why schools should promote students' health and wellbeing. BMJ (Online), 348
Stallard P, Phillips R, Montgomery AA, Spears M, Anderson R, Taylor J, Araya R, Lewis G, Ukoumunne OC, Millings A, et al (2013). A cluster randomised controlled trial to determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of classroom-based cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) in reducing symptoms of depression in high-risk adolescents Introduction. HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, 17(47), 1-+.  Author URL.
Frost J, Anderson R, Argyle C, Daly M, Harris-Golesworthy F, Harris J, Gibson A, Ingram W, Pinkney J, Ukoumunne OC, et al (2013). A pilot randomised controlled trial of a preconsultation web-based intervention to improve the care quality and clinical outcomes of diabetes outpatients (DIAT). BMJ Open, 3(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Peters JL, Anderson R, Hyde C (2013). Development of an economic evaluation of diagnostic strategies: the case of monogenic diabetes. BMJ Open, 3(5). Abstract.
Peters JL, Anderson R, Hoyle M, Hyde C (2013). Evolution of a cost-utility model of donepezil for Alzheimer's disease. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 29(2), 147-154. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hyde C, Peters J, Bond M, Rogers G, Hoyle M, Anderson R, Jeffreys M, Davis S, Thokala P, Moxham T, et al (2013). Evolution of the evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and memantine for Alzheimer's disease: systematic review and economic model. Age Ageing, 42(1), 14-20. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fuller T, Pearson M, Peters J, Anderson R (2013). Reporting guidelines - improving the evidence base of public health research. European Journal of Public Health, 23(suppl_1).
Peters JL, Anderson R (2013). The cost-effectiveness of mandatory 20 mph zones for the prevention of injuries. J Public Health (Oxf), 35(1), 40-48. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hardwick R, Pearson M, Byng R, Anderson R (2013). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of shared care: protocol for a realist review. Syst Rev, 2 Abstract.  Author URL.
Stallard P, Sayal K, Phillips R, Taylor JA, Spears M, Anderson R, Araya R, Lewis G, Millings A, Montgomery AA, et al (2012). Classroom based cognitive behavioural therapy in reducing symptoms of depression in high risk adolescents: Pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ (Online), 345(7878).
Pavey T, Hoyle M, Ciani O, Crathorne L, Jones-Hughes T, Cooper C, Osipenko L, Venkatachalam M, Rudin C, Ukoumunne O, et al (2012). Dasatinib, nilotinib and standard-dose imatinib for the first-line treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia: Systematic reviews and economic analyses. Health Technology Assessment, 16, 1-278. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fuller T, Pearson M, Peters JL, Anderson R (2012). Evaluating the impact and use of Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomised Designs (TREND) reporting guidelines. BMJ Open, 2(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson M, Chilton R, Woods HB, Wyatt K, Ford T, Abraham C, Anderson R (2012). Implementing health promotion in schools: protocol for a realist systematic review of research and experience in the United Kingdom (UK). Syst Rev, 1 Abstract.  Author URL.
Pearson M, Hunt H, Garside R, Moxham T, Peters J, Anderson R (2012). Preventing unintentional injuries to children under 15 years in the outdoors: a systematic review of the effectiveness of educational programs. Inj Prev, 18(2), 113-123. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stallard P, Taylor G, Anderson R, Daniels H, Simpson N, Phillips R, Skryabina E (2012). School-based intervention to reduce anxiety in children: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (PACES). Trials, 13 Abstract.
Bond M, Rogers G, Peters J, Anderson R, Hoyle M, Miners A, Moxham T, Davis S, Thokala P, Wailoo A, et al (2012). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (review of Technology Appraisal No. 111): a systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess, 16(21), 1-470. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wyatt K, Henley W, Anderson L, Anderson R, Nikolaou V, Stein K, Klinger L, Hughes D, Waldek S, Lachmann R, et al (2012). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of enzyme and substrate replacement therapies: a longitudinal cohort study of people with lysosomal storage disorders. HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, 16(39), V-+.  Author URL.
Pearson M, Garside R, Moxham T, Anderson R (2011). Preventing unintentional injuries to children in the home: a systematic review of the effectiveness of programmes supplying and/or installing home safety equipment. Health Promot Int, 26(3), 376-392. Abstract.  Author URL.
Main C, Moxham T, Wyatt JC, Kay J, Anderson R, Stein K (2010). Computerised decision support systems in order communication for diagnostic, screening or monitoring test ordering: systematic reviews of the effects and cost-effectiveness of systems. Health Technol Assess, 14(48), 1-227. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stallard P, Montgomery AA, Araya R, Anderson R, Lewis G, Sayal K, Buck R, Millings A, Taylor JA (2010). Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a school based cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) intervention to prevent depression in high risk adolescents (PROMISE). Trials, 11 Abstract.
Anderson R (2010). Systematic reviews of economic evaluations: utility or futility?. Health Econ, 19(3), 350-364. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bond M, Elston J, Mealing S, Anderson R, Weiner G, Taylor R, Stein K (2010). Systematic reviews of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of multi-channel unilateral cochlear implants for adults. Clin Otolaryngol, 35(2), 87-96. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hoyle M, Anderson R (2010). Whose costs and benefits? Why economic evaluations should simulate both prevalent and all future incident patient cohorts. Med Decis Making, 30(4), 426-437. Abstract.
Bond M, Elston J, Mealing S, Anderson R, Weiner G, Taylor RS, Liu Z, Stein K (2009). Effectiveness of multi-channel unilateral cochlear implants for profoundly deaf children: a systematic review. Clin Otolaryngol, 34(3), 199-211. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bond M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Dean J, Stein K, Taylor RS (2009). Is combined resynchronisation and implantable defibrillator therapy a cost-effective option for left ventricular dysfunction?. Int J Cardiol, 137(3), 206-215. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bond M, Hoyle M, Moxham T, Napier M, Anderson R (2009). Sunitinib for the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumours: a critique of the submission from Pfizer. Health Technol Assess, 13 Suppl 2, 69-74. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bond M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Elston J, Weiner G, Taylor RS, Hoyle M, Liu Z, Price A, Stein K, et al (2009). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cochlear implants for severe to profound deafness in children and adults: a systematic review and economic model. Health Technology Assessment, 13(44). Abstract.
Bond M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Elston J, Weiner G, Taylor RS, Hoyle M, Liu Z, Price A, Stein K, et al (2009). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cochlear implants for severe to profound deafness in children and adults: a systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess, 13(44), 1-330. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bond M, Pitt M, Akoh J, Moxham T, Hoyle M, Anderson R (2009). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of methods of storing donated kidneys from deceased donors: a systematic review and economic model. Health Technology Assessment, 13(38). Abstract.
Bond M, Pitt M, Akoh J, Moxham T, Hoyle M, Anderson R (2009). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of methods of storing donated kidneys from deceased donors: a systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess, 13(38), iii-156. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pitt M, Stahl-Timmins W, Anderson R, Stein K (2009). Using information graphics in health technology assessment: toward a structured approach. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 25(4), 555-563. Abstract.  Author URL.
Van Gool K, Savage E, Viney R, Haas M, Anderson R (2009). Who's getting caught? an analysis of the Australian medicare safety net. Australian Economic Review, 42(2), 143-154. Abstract.
Rogers G, Garside R, Mealing S, Pitt M, Anderson R, Dyer M, Stein K, Somerville M (2008). Carmustine implants for the treatment of newly diagnosed high-grade gliomas: a cost-utility analysis. Pharmacoeconomics, 26(1), 33-44. Abstract.  Author URL.
Anderson R (2008). New MRC guidance on evaluating complex interventions. BMJ, 337(7676), 944-945.
Thompson Coon J, Rogers G, Hewson P, Wright D, Anderson R, Jackson S, Ryder S, Cramp M, Stein K (2008). Surveillance of cirrhosis for hepatocellular carcinoma: a cost-utility analysis. Br J Cancer, 98(7), 1166-1175. Abstract.  Author URL.
Main C, Shepherd J, Anderson R, Rogers G, Thompson-Coon J, Liu Z, Hartwell D, Loveman E, Green C, Pitt M, et al (2008). Systematic review and economic analysis of the comparative effectiveness of different inhaled corticosteroids and their usage with long-acting beta2 agonists for the treatment of chronic asthma in children under the age of 12 years. Health Technol Assess, 12(20), 1-iv. Abstract.  Author URL.
Anderson R, Haas M, Shanahan M (2008). The cost-effectiveness of cervical screening in Australia: what is the impact of screening at different intervals or over a different age range?. Aust N Z J Public Health, 32(1), 43-52. Abstract.  Author URL.
Garside R, Anderson R, Pitt M, Mealing S, D'Souza R, Stein K (2007). Costutility analysis of cinacalcet in addition to standard of care in the UK - Reply. NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, 22(11), 3357-3358.  Author URL.
Thompson Coon J, Rogers G, Hewson P, Wright D, Anderson R, Cramp M, Jackson S, Ryder S, Price A, Stein K, et al (2007). Surveillance of cirrhosis for hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic review and economic analysis. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 11(34), 1-206. Abstract.
Thompson Coon J, Rogers G, Hewson P, Wright D, Anderson R, Cramp M, Jackson S, Ryder S, Price A, Stein K, et al (2007). Surveillance of cirrhosis for hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic review and economic analysis. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 11(34), 1-206.
Fox M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Dean J, Stein K, Price A, Taylor RS (2007). The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cardiac resynchronisation (biventricular pacing) for heart failure: systematic review and economic model. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 11(47). Abstract.
Fox M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Dean J, Stein K, Price A, Taylor RS (2007). The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cardiac resynchronisation (biventricular pacing) for heart failure: systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess, 11(47), iii-248. Abstract.  Author URL.
Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Mealing S, D'Souza R, Stein K (2007). The cost-utility of cinacalcet in addition to standard care compared to standard care alone for secondary hyperparathyroidism in end-stage renal disease: a UK perspective. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 22(5), 1428-1436. Abstract.  Author URL.
Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Rogers G, Dyer M, Mealing S, Somerville M, Price A, Stein K (2007). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of carmustine implants and temozolomide for the treatment of newly diagnosed high-grade glioma: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess, 11(45), iii-221. Abstract.  Author URL.
Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Rogers G, Dyer M, Mealing S, Somerville M, Price A, Stein K (2007). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of carmustine implants and temozolomide for the treatment of newly diagnosed high-grade glioma: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 11(45). Abstract.
Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Mealing S, Roome C, Snaith A, D'Souza R, Welch K, Stein K (2007). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cinacalcet for secondary hyperparathyroidism in end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 11(18). Abstract.
Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Mealing S, Roome C, Snaith A, D'Souza R, Welch K, Stein K (2007). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cinacalcet for secondary hyperparathyroidism in end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 11(18). Abstract.
Anderson R (2006). The policy impact of population health surveys: an illustration of the measurement challenges using the NSW Health Survey. Evidence & Policy, 2(2), 167-183.
Anderson R, Haywood P, Usherwood T, Haas M, Hall J (2005). Alternatives to for-profit corporatisation: the view from general practice. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 11(2), 78-86. Abstract.
Warren E, Anderson R, Proos AL, Burnett LB, Barlow-Stewart K, Hall J (2005). Cost-effectiveness of a school-based Tay-Sachs and cystic fibrosis genetic carrier screening program. Genet Med, 7(7), 484-494. Abstract.  Author URL.
Birch S, Anderson R (2005). Financing and delivering oral health care: what can we learn from other countries?. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 71, 243a-243d.
RAnderson, Phillips CJ, Thomas DW (2005). The effectiveness of out-of-hours dental services: I. Pain relief and oral health outcome. British Dental Journal, 198(2), 91-97.
Anderson R, Thomas DW, Phillips CJ (2005). The effectiveness of out-of-hours dental services: I. Pain relief and oral health outcome. Br Dent J, 198(2), 91-97. Abstract.  Author URL.
Anderson R, Thomas DW, Phillips CJ (2005). The effectiveness of out-of-hours dental services: II. patient satisfaction. Br Dent J, 198(3), 151-156. Abstract.  Author URL.
Anderson R (2004). Patient expectations of emergency dental services: a qualitative interview study. Br Dent J, 197(6), 331-334. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dewilde S, Anderson R (2004). The cost-effectiveness of screening programs using single and multiple birth cohort simulations: a comparison using a Model of cervical cancer. MEDICAL DECISION MAKING, 24(5), 486-492.  Author URL.
Gunn J, Sulaiman L, Potiriadis M, Anderson R (2004). When is an intervention ready to be tested in a randomised trial?. Australian Family Physician, 33, 563-564.
Anderson R, Thomas DW (2003). 'Toothache stories': a qualitative investigation of why and how people seek emergency dental care. Community Dent Health, 20(2), 106-111. Abstract.  Author URL.
Anderson R (2003). Realistic Evaluation, by Pawson R and Tilley N (book review). Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2(1), 65-67.
Anderson R, Treasure ET, Sprod AJ (2002). Oral health promotion practice: a survey of dental professionals in Wales. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 40(2), 9-14.
Anderson R, Calder L, Thomas DW (2000). Antibiotic prescribing for dental conditions: general medical practitioners and dentists compared. British Dental Journal, 188, 398-400.
Anderson R, Thomas DW (2000). Out-of-hours dental services: a survey of current provision in the United Kingdom. British Dental Journal, 188, 269-274.
Anderson R (1999). NHS Direct and access to dental care (Editoral). British Dental Journal, 187, 634-636.
Anderson R, Richmond S, Thomas DW (1999). Patient presentation at medical practices with dental problems: an analysis of the 1996 General Practice Morbidity Database. British Dental Journal, 187, 297-300.
Anderson R, Treasure ET, Whitehouse NH (1998). Oral health systems in Europe Part I: Finance and entitlement to care. Community Dental Health, 15, 145-149.
Anderson R, Treasure ET, Whitehouse NH (1998). Oral health systems in Europe Part II: the dental workforce. Community Dental Health, 15, 243-247.
Anderson R, Treasure ET, Whitehouse NH (1998). The EU manual of dental practice - a guide for dentists planning to practice abroad. British Dental Journal, 185, 174-175.


Anderson R, Hardwick R, Pearson M, Byng R (2018). Using realist approaches to explain the costs and cost-effectiveness of programmes. In Emmel N, Greenhalgh J, Manzano A, Monaghan M, Dalkin S (Eds.) Doing Realist Research, SAGE Publications Limited. Abstract.
Anderson R, McDaid D, Park A (2015). Road-related injuries. In Sassi F, McDaid D, Merkur S (Eds.) The economic case for public health action, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Walker D, Teerawattananon Y, Anderson R, Richardson G (2010). Generalisability, transferability, complexity & relevance. In Shemilt I, Mugford M, Vale L, Donaldson C, Marsh K (Eds.) Evidence-based Decisions and Economics, Wiley-Blackwell. Abstract.
Anderson R, Shemilt I (2010). The role of economic perspectives and evidence in systematic review. In Shemilt I, Mugford M, Vale L, Donaldson C, Marsh K (Eds.) Evidence-based Decisions and Economics, Wiley-Blackwell. Abstract.


Nunns M, Shaw L, Briscoe S, Thompson-Coon J, Hemsley A, McGrath JS, Lovegrove CJ, Thomas D, Anderson R (2019). REDUCING LENGTH OF HOSPITAL STAY FOR OLDER ELECTIVE SURGICAL INPATIENTS: FINDINGS OF a SYSTEMATIC REVIEW.  Author URL.
Stapley S, Anderson R (2019). The role of Principal Investigators of research studies in the adoption and scaling up of healthcare interventions.  Author URL.


Moore D, Proctor R, Benham-Clarke S, Gains H, Melendez-Torres G, Axford N, Rogers M, Anderson R, Hall D, Hawkins J, et al (2022). Protocol: Review of evidence on implementation in education (Work Package 4).
Moore D, Proctor R, Benham-Clarke S, Gains H, Melendez-Torres G, Axford N, Rogers M, Anderson R, Hall D, Hawkins J, et al (2021). Protocol: Review of evidence on implementation in education (overarching).
Anderson R, Coelho H, Price A, Robinson S, Thompson Coon J (2021). Review Protocol: Rapid review of the scope and nature of qualitative evidence on the experiences of children and young people from ethnic minorities in accessing and engaging with mental health care and support in the UK.
Shaw E, Nunns M, Briscoe S, Anderson R, Thompson Coon J (2020). Evidence for specialist treatment of people with acquired brain injury in secure psychiatric services: systematic review and narrative synthesis., NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Topic Report.
Price A, Ahuja L, Bramwell C, Briscoe S, Shaw L, Nunns M, O'Rourke G, Baron S, Anderson R (2020). Research evidence on different strengths-based approaches within adult social work: a systematic review., NIHR.
Jones-Hughes T, Snowsill T, Haasova M, Coelho H, Crathorne L, Cooper C, Mujica-Mota R, Peters J, Varley-Campbell J, Huxley N, et al (2015). Immunosuppressive therapy for kidney transplantation in adults (review of technology appraisal guidance 85). MTA for NICE.  Author URL.
Haasova M, Snowsill T, Jones-Hughes T, Crathorne L, Cooper C, Varley-Campbell J, Mujica Mota R, Coelho H, Huxley N, Lowe J, et al (2015). Immunosuppressive therapy for kidney transplantation in children and adolescents (review of technology appraisal 99).  Author URL.
Pearson M, Hunt H, Cooper C, Shepperd S, Pawson R, Anderson R (2013). Intermediate care: a realist review and conceptual framework. Final report. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation Programme, NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation Programme.
Hunt HA, Anderson R, Coelho HF, Garside R, Bayliss S, Fry-Smith A (2012). Preventing obesity: the effectiveness of whole system approaches. NICE Programme Development Group, NICE.  Author URL.
Pearson M, Hunt H, Cooper C, Shepperd S, Pawson R, Anderson R (2012). The effective and cost-effective use of intermediate, step-down, hospital at home and other forms of community care as an alternative to acute inpatient care: a realist review., NIHR.  Author URL.
Hunt H, Anderson R (2011). Whole system approaches to obesity prevention case studies: Analysis of documentary evidence from three localities – Sheffield, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Barking & Dagenham.
Bond M, Hoyle M, Moxham T, Napier M, Anderson R (2009). Sunitinib for the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumours: a critique of the submission from Pfizer. Submitted to NICE as STA report.  Author URL.
Bond M, Pitt M, Akoh J, Moxham T, Hoyle M, Anderson R (2008). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of methods of storing donated kidneys from deceased donors: a systematic review and economic model. NIHR HTA, NICE.
Bond M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Elston J, Weiner G, Taylor R, Hoyle M, Liu Z, Price A, Stein K, et al (2007). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cochlear implants for severe to profound deafness in children and adults: a systematic review and economic model. Submitted to NICE as MTA report.  Author URL.
Fox M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Dean J, Stein K, Taylor R (2006). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cardiac resynchronisation (biventricular pacing) for heart failure: a systematic review and economic model. NIHR HTA, NICE.
Mahmic A, Kenny P, Lancsar E, Anderson R, King M, Hall J (2002). Diaries or questionnaires for collecting self-reported healthcare utilisation and patient cost data? a review of the literature. CHERE, University of Technology, Sydney.
Anderson R, Hall J (2002). NSW Health Survey Program: an analysis of the costs and benefits of different survey management options. CHERE, University of Sydney,  Sydney. 25 pages.
Anderson R (2001). Cost-effectiveness of shared care compared with usual hospital-based care for people with Hepatitis C. CHERE, University of Sydney,  Sydney.
Anderson R, Treasure ET, Whitehouse NH (1997). EU manual of dental practice: a practical guide to the oral health systems and current practice of dentistry in eighteen European countries. The Dental Liaison Committee in the EU,  Brussels.
Sprod AJ, Anderson R, Treasure ET (1996). Effective Oral Health Promotion - Literature Review. Health Promotion Wales,  Cardiff.

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External Engagement and Impact

Grant awards panels:

NIHR Health Services & Delivery Research programme, Researcher-led prioritisation committee (2016 - mid-2019)

Editorial roles:

Associate Editor, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy (since June 2020)

Editor, Cochrane Public Health group (since 2012)

Associate Editor, Pilot & Feasibility Studies (2015-16)

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Postgraduate teaching:

I lead or co-lead two MSc modules:

  • Fundamentals of Research Design (with Dr Julia Frost)
  • Implementation Science

I also teach a number of sessions within the MSc module on Evidence Synthesis for Policy and Practice. These modules are key modules within the MSc in Health Research Methods, MSc in Health Data Science and the PGCert and MSc/Degree Apprenticeship in Healthcare Leadership and Management.

Undergraduate teaching:

I also co-lead the BMedSci final year independent research project modules (CSC3028 & CSC3029, see below), and also convene an undergraduate academic tutor group for students on this degree.



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Supervision / Group

Postgraduate researchers

  • Nick Knowles (co-supervised jointly with Public Health & Spots Science and Psychology)
  • Sujan Rijal (based at the Norwegian National University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Gkovik)

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