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Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

International placements

BMBS students have the exciting opportunity of international placements overseas throughout the programme.

Students can choose to do a placement overseas as part of the 8 week medical elective. We also have links with Wollega Medical School in Ethiopia, with several opportunities throughout the year for year 3 and 4 students to have two week placements there, for both clinical exposure and also to teach their students.

In year 3 students also undertake an International Health special study unit, which can be done either in the UK of overseas. We have links with the University of South Florida, the University of Sydney and the University of Cape Town which can host these special study units. The main emphasis for these placements is on the cultural health beliefs and or the economic aspects of health of patients.

The School has also many overseas research partners, and we are building educational links to give as many students the opportunity to experience research and clinical exposure outside of the UK as possible.

Where will a placement take you?

We offer global opportunities throughout the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of your degree at locations including: