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Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Eleanor M. Townsend

Dr. Eleanor M. Townsend

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences

 College House 


College House, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Eleanor is a microbiologist by training with a special interest in chronic infections and antimicrobial resistance. Her research has taken her through three major kingdoms of microbiology; bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Eleanor completed her PhD, at University of the West of Scotland and University of Glasgow, in in vitro modeling of polymicrobial biofilms in 2017. Here her work focused on interkingdom interactions (bacteria and fungi) in chronic wound infections. After PhD, her work has included studying aerosol transmission of tuberculosis, bacteriophage therapy, and a little marine microbiology.

Eleanor also has interest in scientific illustration and inclusive education practices.


  • BSc (Hons) Microbiology, University of Bristol
  • MSc Clinical Microbiology, University of Nottingham
  • PhD Microbiology, University of the West of Scotland & University of Glasgow

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Journal articles

Brown JL, Townsend E, Short RD, Williams C, Woodall C, Nile CJ, Ramage G (2022). Assessing the inflammatory response to in vitro polymicrobial wound biofilms in a skin epidermis model. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes, 8(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Townsend EM, Kelly L, Gannon L, Muscatt G, Dunstan R, Michniewski S, Sapkota H, Kiljunen SJ, Kolsi A, Skurnik M, et al (2021). Isolation and Characterization of Klebsiella Phages for Phage Therapy. Phage (New Rochelle), 2(1), 26-42. Abstract.  Author URL.
Quareshy M, Shanmugam M, Townsend E, Jameson E, Bugg TDH, Cameron AD, Chen Y (2021). Structural basis of carnitine monooxygenase CntA substrate specificity, inhibition, and intersubunit electron transfer. J Biol Chem, 296 Abstract.  Author URL.
Townsend EM, Kelly L, Muscatt G, Box JD, Hargraves N, Lilley D, Jameson E (2021). The Human Gut Phageome: Origins and Roles in the Human Gut Microbiome. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Townsend EM, Moat J, Jameson E (2020). CAUTI's next top model - Model dependent Klebsiella biofilm inhibition by bacteriophages and antimicrobials. Biofilm, 2 Abstract.  Author URL.
Williams CM, Abdulwhhab M, Birring SS, De Kock E, Garton NJ, Townsend E, Pareek M, Al-Taie A, Pan J, Ganatra R, et al (2020). Exhaled Mycobacterium tuberculosis output and detection of subclinical disease by face-mask sampling: prospective observational studies. Lancet Infect Dis, 20(5), 607-617. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gilbert RA, Townsend EM, Crew KS, Hitch TCA, Friedersdorff JCA, Creevey CJ, Pope PB, Ouwerkerk D, Jameson E (2020). Rumen Virus Populations: Technological Advances Enhancing Current Understanding. Front Microbiol, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Kean R, Sherry L, Townsend E, McKloud E, Short B, Akinbobola A, Mackay WG, Williams C, Jones BL, Ramage G, et al (2018). Surface disinfection challenges for Candida auris: an in-vitro study. J Hosp Infect, 98(4), 433-436. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kean R, McKloud E, Townsend EM, Sherry L, Delaney C, Jones BL, Williams C, Ramage G (2018). The comparative efficacy of antiseptics against Candida auris biofilms. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 52(5), 673-677. Abstract.  Author URL.
Defraine V, Verstraete L, Van Bambeke F, Anantharajah A, Townsend EM, Ramage G, Corbau R, Marchand A, Chaltin P, Fauvart M, et al (2017). Antibacterial Activity of 1-[(2,4-Dichlorophenethyl)amino]-3-Phenoxypropan-2-ol against Antibiotic-Resistant Strains of Diverse Bacterial Pathogens, Biofilms and in Pre-clinical Infection Models. Front Microbiol, 8 Abstract.  Author URL.
Kean R, Rajendran R, Haggarty J, Townsend EM, Short B, Burgess KE, Lang S, Millington O, Mackay WG, Williams C, et al (2017). Candida albicans Mycofilms Support Staphylococcus aureus Colonization and Enhances Miconazole Resistance in Dual-Species Interactions. Front Microbiol, 8 Abstract.  Author URL.
Townsend EM, Sherry L, Kean R, Hansom D, Mackay WG, Williams C, Butcher J, Ramage G (2017). Implications of Antimicrobial Combinations in Complex Wound Biofilms Containing Fungi. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 61(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Townsend EM, Sherry L, Rajendran R, Hansom D, Butcher J, Mackay WG, Williams C, Ramage G (2016). Development and characterisation of a novel three-dimensional inter-kingdom wound biofilm model. Biofouling, 32(10), 1259-1270. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith K, Collier A, Townsend EM, O'Donnell LE, Bal AM, Butcher J, Mackay WG, Ramage G, Williams C (2016). One step closer to understanding the role of bacteria in diabetic foot ulcers: characterising the microbiome of ulcers. BMC Microbiol, 16 Abstract.  Author URL.
Talfan A, Mounsey O, Charman M, Townsend E, Avison MB (2013). Involvement of mutation in ampD I, mrcA, and at least one additional gene in β-lactamase hyperproduction in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 57(11), 5486-5491. Abstract.  Author URL.


Ramage G, O’Donnell LE, Kean R, Townsend E, Rajendran R (2017). Clinical Implications of Interkingdom Fungal and Bacterial Biofilms. In  (Ed) Microbial Biofilms, Taylor & Francis, 33-68.

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External Engagement and Impact

Editorial responsibilities

  • Associate Editor at Critical Reviews in Microbiology

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Eleanor teaches biomedical sciences on the undergraduate courses of BMBS and Medical Sciences, specialising in microbiology/immunology.



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